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Week 2 – Group 2Please remember, you are not writing things for your child, they need to write it using their phonics and key word knowledge. They will not learn anything from copying yours or from being told how to spell something. You can help them by supporting them with stretching words out to hear the sounds and by reminding them of the tricky word song for remembering how to spell a tricky word (or you can have a piece of paper with the tricky words on for them to find which one they think it is that they are trying to write.) If they get something wrong, you can show them where they went wrong and the right way to spell it but please let them try first! Thank you for your continued support and I hope you are finding these lessons helpful!

PhonicsDay 1 (it may seem repetitive but phonics needs to be for them to learn it ) Recap digraphs learned already –qu, ch, sh, soft th, hard th, ng, ck – write them on pieces of paper, go through saying each one together then place them down in front of you and ask your child to ‘splat’ particular ones, mix them up, can you find…? Write more of these sounds on to pieces of paper and play snap, take it in turns to place one down saying what the sound is each time then once 2 match shout snap!Play the reading game ‘Help a Hedgehog’ on , read words containing ch, sh, th, ng

Play the making words game ‘consonant digraphs’ on with ch, sh and th – the words are broken into two and you need to match them together to make the correct word

Day 2Play the reading game ‘Letter Planet ch, sh th’ on – they have to find and read the word with the correct digraph, play all 3 ch, sh, th

Now ask your child to write sentences for ch, sh, th and ng. See if they can think of their own or use these to help you;We had fish and chips.I can sing a song.This ship is long.The drum went bang.She has a thin chin.

Day 3Play roll and read (you don’t need to print this off they can just roll and point to the word on the screen and read it, play it a few times to get good coverage of the words)

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Watch alphablocks video on qu and ck

Write the qu and ck words you hear, such as quick, quit, quack, quiz, kick, tick, lock, clock, rock

Can you put any of those into sentences now? Such as; I can kick quick. The clock went tick tock.A duck can quack.

Day 4On Youtube play ‘tricky word song phase 2’ and ‘tricky word song phase 3’ – they will need to start to become familiar with the new tricky words – you, are, all, they, wasPlay on phonics play ‘Tricky word trucks’ where the children have to recognise the words as quick as they can – see if they can beat their score last week! this link doesn’t work go on phonics play website log in with details above and select tricky word trucks game and then select ‘pick individual words’ and select all of phase 2 and in phase 3 – he, she, me, be, was, my, youDay 5Watch tricky word video – see if you can say them before the man does!

Play ‘Penalty shootout spelling game’ on, children have to select the correct spelling for the tricky word

Then do a spelling test based on these words – I, to, go, no, the, he, she, we, me, be, was, my, you

MathsDay 1

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Introduce the concept of time – discuss how long it may take to do certain things in their daily routine such as brush their teeth/take a bath/eat tea. Which takes longer? See if you can time yourself doing those things and discuss what is happening on the clock. These videos on BBC Bitesize may help to explain. a clock face, if you do not have one at home use this link the 3 hands and explain that the long thin one is the second hand and that moves each second – watch it go around for a minute and explain that is one minute (count along with it as it moves), that one moves quickly as a second is quick. The shortest hand is the minute hand and that one moves each minute, so once the second hand has been around the whole clock then the minute hand moves and it moves slowly because a minute takes longer. The long thicker hand is the hour hand and that moves very slowly as it has to wait for the minute hand to go all the way around the clock for an hour to go by. For concept of this, time yourself doing something such as jumping for one second, then a minute so they can see the difference. Now let them get on with their day and tell them when an hour is up. Ask them what they did in that hour and discuss how much more they did explaining that is one hour.Allow them to play around with that concept on a clock how there are 2 times for everything, one is in the day and one is at night, so 12 o clock in the day would be lunch time but 12 o clock at night you would be in bed. Discuss various times in this way.

Day 2For now, only focus on o clock. Explain that when the long thick hand – the minute hand is on 12 that means o clock and the short hand stays on a number to say what o clock it is – demonstrate this with their routine – e.g. when you wake up it is 8 o clock so the long hand is on 12 for o clock and the short hand is on 8 for 8 o clock. At school you did phonics at 9 o clock so the long hand would be on 12 and the short hand would be on 9 for 9 o clock etc. Continue this for other times and then see if they can make this time on the clock.

Play ‘What time is it Mr Wolf’ activity if you have a clock that the children can move the hands on play Mr wolf at home and each time they ask you ‘what time is it Mr Wolf?’ you give them a time, and they have to make that time on their clock before they can step forward.Day 3Go through each of these flash cards and ask your child what time it is hand how do they know?

Play education city o clock game called ‘wakey wakey’

Can they draw the hands on the clock to show the correct time? If you cannot print, try to draw your own clock face.

Complete the matching activity

Day 4 - powerpoint to help explain.

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Introduce half past – discuss routine times that are half past e.g. bed time is half past 7 or tea time is half past 5, fruit and milk time in school is was half past 10. Show these on a clock explaining that the long hand is on 6 and the short hand goes half way past the hour (the number of the time it is) so half past 5 would be the long minute hand on 6 and the short hour hand half way PAST the number 5 as its half past 5. Discuss different times they do things at half past and ask them to make that time on the clock below.

Play education city game ‘Clocking in’

Play What time is it Mr Wolf? Half past.

Day 5

Complete the o clock and half past worksheets

Play education city game ‘Stig and the bus’

Extra activity throughout the week if you wish – create a time capsule, so when someone finds it in years to come they will see what was happening during this time in your life!Examples of what could go inside

A moment of history – record some of the details occurring now, About me page, How I’m feeling, What are you doing to stay busy at home, Record your handprints, Special occasions while in Lockdown, A letter to yourself, Interview your parents

Literacy/topicDay 1

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Go on a minibeast hunt and complete the tick sheet.


Discuss and write about each one you find – does it have wings/legs/spots/stripes/feelers/shell and how many? Why do you think it has/doesn’t have those? How do they move? Some information fact cards

Pick some different minibeasts and research online/in a book about their habitats/what they eat and complete this habitats sheet

Day 2Can you write what you have learned about these minibeasts? Write a sentence for each.

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Day 3Read and discuss this ebook together about The Cautious Caterpillar

Discuss the lifecycle of a butterfly use these powerpoints to help you

Or if you can’t access the powerpoints use these fact files

Watch the youtube video of a real life butterfly lifecycle

Then write the order of the lifecycle that you have learned about

Day 4

If you have The Hungry Caterpillar book at home read that or if not there is an animated youtube video of it here

Then write a food diary for the hungry caterpillar and what he ate each day in full sentences please.

Day 5

Discuss the story you read yesterday, can you discuss whether it is fiction or non-fiction and why? Then compare it to the real life video you watched on youtube.Write a book review answering the questions below.

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