  • 7/28/2019 WEB Israel2012Calendar UNITED


  • 7/28/2019 WEB Israel2012Calendar UNITED

    2/28 by Vladi Alon

    And I will bless those who bless

    you and curse those who curse

    you and all the families of the

    world will be blessed through you.

    GENESIS (12:3)

    va-ah-var-KHA me-var-khe-KHA

    oo-me-ka-lel-KHA ah-OR ve-neev-

    re-KHU ve-KHA kol meesh-pe-

    KHOT ha-ah-da-MA.

  • 7/28/2019 WEB Israel2012Calendar UNITED



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    New Years Day

    Martin Luther King Day

    February 2012

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    December 2011

    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

    Rosh Chodesh Shevat

  • 7/28/2019 WEB Israel2012Calendar UNITED


    You shall inherit the Land, and

    I will give it to you to inherit it,

    a Land owing with milk and


    LEVITICUS (20:24)

    va-o-MAR la-KHEM ah-TEM teer-

    SHOO et ad-mah-TAM va-ah-NEE

    et-ne-NAH la-KHEM la-RESH-et

    o-TAH eh-RETZ za-VAT kha-LAV

    oo-di-VASH. by Vladi Alon

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    January 2012 March 2012

    Presidents Day

    Valentines Day

    Groundhog Day




    Mardi Gras Ash Wednesday

    Leap Day

    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

    Tu BShevat

    Rosh Chodesh Adar Rosh Chodesh Adar

  • 7/28/2019 WEB Israel2012Calendar UNITED

    6/28 by Shay Levy

    You will eat and you will be

    satised, and bless the Lord,

    your God, for the good Land that

    He gave you.

    DEUTERONOMY (8:10)

    ve-ah-khal-TA ve-sa-va-TA u-ve-

    RAKH-ta et ah-do-NOI eh-lo-he-

    KHA al ha-ah-RETZ ha-TO-va

    ah-SHARE na-TAN lokh.

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    St. Patricks Day

    First Day of Spring

    Daylight Saving TimeBegins






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    April 2012February 2012

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    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


    Shabbat Zachor

    Rosh Chodesh Nisan

  • 7/28/2019 WEB Israel2012Calendar UNITED

    8/28 by Tomi Junger

    For Zions sake I will not be silent

    and for Jerusalems sake I will not

    be still, until her righteousness

    emanates like bright light, and her

    salvation blazes like a torch.ISAIAH (62:1)

    li-MON tzee-OWN lo eh-khe-SHE

    u-li-MON ye-roo-sha-LA-yeem lo

    esh-KOTE ad ye-TZE kah-NO-ga

    tzeed-KA vee-shoo-ah-TAH ki-la-

    PEED yeev-AR.

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    Palm SundayApril Fools Day Good Friday

    EasterPassover 2

    Passover 1





    May 2012

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    March 2012

    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

    Yom HaShoahHolocaust Memorial Day

    Yom HaZikaronIsraels Memorial Day

    Yom HaAtzmautIsraels Independence Day

    Earth DayRosh Chodesh Iyar

    Passover 8

    Rosh Chodesh Iyar

    PesachPassover 3 Passover 4 Passover 5 Passover 6 Passover 7

  • 7/28/2019 WEB Israel2012Calendar UNITED

    10/28 by Danny Yanai

    Upon your walls, O Jerusalem,

    have I posted guardians all day

    and all night, continuously, they

    will never be silent.

    ISAIAH (62:6)

    al kho-mo-ta-YEEKH ye-roo-sha-

    la-YEEM heef-ka-de-TEE shom-

    REEM kol ha-YOME ve-KHOL ha-

    lai-LA ta-MEED lo ye-khe-SHOO

    ha-maz-kee-REEM et ah-do-NOIal da-MEE la-KHEM.

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    National Day of PrayerMay Day

    Mothers Day Armed Forces Day




    June 2012

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    April 2012

    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

    ShavuotMemorial Day


    Lag BOmer

    Yom YerushalayimJerusalem Day Rosh Chodesh Sivan

  • 7/28/2019 WEB Israel2012Calendar UNITED

    12/28 by Shay Levy

    He will make her wilderness like

    Eden and her wasteland like a

    garden of the Lord; joy and

    gladness will be found there,

    thanksgiving and the sound ofmusic.

    ISAIAH (51:3)

    kee nee-KHAM ah-do-NOI tzee-

    OWN nee-KHAM kol khar-vo-

    te-HA va-ya-SEM meed-ba-RA

    ke-ay-DEN ve-ar-va-TA ke-GAN

    ah-do-NOI sa-SONE ve-seem-KHA ye-ma-TZE va to-DAH ve-

    KOL zeem-RA.

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    Flag Day

    Fathers Day





    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

    Rosh Chodesh Tamuz

    First Day of Summer Rosh Chodesh Tamuz

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    July 2012

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    May 2012

  • 7/28/2019 WEB Israel2012Calendar UNITED

    14/28 by Eli Nagar

    For the Lord your God is bringing

    you to a good Land; a Land with

    streams of water, of springs

    coming forth in valley and

    mountain.DEUTERONOMY (8:7)

    kee ah-do-NOI eh-lo-he-kha me-

    vee-ah-KHA el eh-RETZ to-VAH

    eh-RETZ na-kha-LAY ma-YEEM

    ah-ya-NOTE oo-ti-ho-MOTE yo-

    TZEEM ba-bee-KAH oo-va-HAR.

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    Independence Day





    August 2012

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    June 2012

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    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

    Tisha BAv Fast Day

    Rosh Chodesh Av

  • 7/28/2019 WEB Israel2012Calendar UNITED

    16/28 by Hagai Nativ

    I will turn the desert into a pond

    of water and a parched Land into

    sources of water.

    ISAIAH (41:18)

    ef-TOKH al she-fai-EEM ne-HA-

    rote u-be-TOKH bi-ka-OT ma-

    ya-NOTE ah-SEEM meed-BAR

    la-ah-GAM ma-YEEM ve-eh-RETZ

    tzee-YA le-mo-tza-AY ma-YEEM.

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    September 2012July 2012

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    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

    Rosh Chodesh Elul

    Rosh Chodesh Elul

  • 7/28/2019 WEB Israel2012Calendar UNITED

    18/28 by Shay Levy

    Pray for the peace of Jerusalem;

    those who love you will be serene.

    PSALMS (122:6)

    sha-ah-LOO she-LOME Ye-roo-

    sha-la-YEEM yish-la-YOO o-ha-


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    Labor Day

    Grandparents Day

    First Day of Autumn

    Patriot Day




    October 2012August 2012

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    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

    Rosh Hashana Rosh Hashana

    Yom Kippur

  • 7/28/2019 WEB Israel2012Calendar UNITED

    20/28 by Alon Meir

    I will make your people, the entire

    family of Israel numerous, the

    cities will be inhabited and the

    ruins will be rebuilt.

    EZEKIEL (36:10)

    ve-heer-BAY-tee ah-LAY-khem ah-

    dom kol beit Yees-ra-EL koo-LAH

    vi-nosh-VOO he-ah-REEM ve-he-

    kha-ra-VOTE tee-ba-ne-NAH.

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    November 2012September 2012

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    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


    Columbus DayShmini Atzeret Simchat Torah

    Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan

  • 7/28/2019 WEB Israel2012Calendar UNITED

    22/28 by Nir Ben Yosef

    It is a Land that the Lord your

    God seeks out; the eyes of the Lord

    your God, are always upon it,

    from the beginning of the year to

    the end of the year.DEUTERONOMY (11:12)

    er-ETZ ah-SHER ah-do-NOI el-

    o-he-KHA do-RAYSH o-TAH

    ta-MEED ay-NAY ah-do-NOI el-

    o-he-KHA bah me-re-SHEET ha-

    sha-NA ve-AD akh-ah-REET sha-NAH.

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    Daylight Saving Time Ends

    Veterans Day

    Election Day

    All Saints Day

    Thanksgiving Day





    S M T W T F S


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    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

    October 2012 December 2012

    Rosh Chodesh Kislev

  • 7/28/2019 WEB Israel2012Calendar UNITED

    24/28 by Amos Gal

    For from Zion shall come forth the

    Torah, and the word of God from


    MICAH (4:2)

    kee me-tzee-OWN tay-tzay to-

    RAH u-de-VAR ah-do-NOI me-ye-


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    Christmas Day

    First Day of Winter

    Chanuka 1

    New Years Eve

    Pearl HarborRemembrance Day





    January 2013

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    November 2012

    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

    Chanuka 2 Chanuka 3 Chanuka 4 Chanuka 5 Chanuka 7

    Chanuka 8

    Rosh Chodesh TevetChanuka 6

  • 7/28/2019 WEB Israel2012Calendar UNITED

    26/28 by Hagai Nativ

    All the nations will praise you, for

    you will be a Land of delight, says

    the Lord of Hosts.

    MALACHI (3:12)

    vi-eesh-ROO et-KHEM kol ha-

    goy-EEM kee tee-he-YOO ah-TEM

    eh-RETZ khe-FETZ ah-MAR ah-

    do-NOI tze-va-OT.


  • 7/28/2019 WEB Israel2012Calendar UNITED


    For more beautiful photographs of Israel,

    please visit

    Toll FREE: (888) ZION-613International: (704) 313-4400


    Online LIVE BIBLIcaL HEBrEw ousesith qulied tehes fom Isel!

    Toll fee numbe fom USa nd cnd 1-888-477-6551woldide: 1-646-200-5822


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    LASTDecember 2012

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    February 2013

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    New Years Day

    Martin Luther King Day

    Rosh Chodesh Shevat

    Tu BShevat


  • 7/28/2019 WEB Israel2012Calendar UNITED


    For from Zion shall come forth theTorah, and the word of God fromJerusalem.MICAH (4:2)

    It is a Land that the Lord your Godseeks out; the eyes of the Lord yourGod, are always upon it, from thebeginning of the year to the end ofthe year. DEUTERONOMY (11:12)

    I will make your people, the entirefamily of Israel numerous, thecities will be inhabited and theruins will be rebuilt.EZEKIEL (36:10)

    Pray for the peace of Jerusalem;those who love you will be serene.PSALMS (122:6)

    I will turn the desert into a pondof water and a parched Land intosources of water. ISAIAH (41:18)

    For the Lord your God is bringingyou to a good Land; a Land withstreams of water, of springscoming forth in valley andmountain. DEUTERONOMY (8:7)

    He will make her wilderness likeEden and her wasteland like agarden of the Lord; joy andgladness will be found there, thanks-giving and the sound of music.ISAIAH (51:3)

    Upon your walls, O Jerusalem, haveI posted guardians all day and allnight, continuously, they will neverbe silent. ISAIAH (62:6)

    For Zions sake I will not be silentand for Jerusalems sake I will notbe still, until her righteousnessemanates like bright light, and hersalvation blazes like a torch.ISAIAH (62:1)

    You will eat and you will besatised, and bless the Lord,your God, for the good Land that Hegave you. DEUTERONOMY (8:10)

    You shall inherit the Land, and I willgive it to you to inherit it, a Landowing with milk and honey.LEVITICUS (20:24)

    And I will bless those who bless youand curse those who curse you andall the families of the world will beblessed through you.GENESIS (12:3)

    All the nations will praise you, foryou will be a Land of delight, saysthe Lord of Hosts. MALACHI (3:12)

    For more beautiful photographs of Israel,

    please visit

    Toll FREE: (888) ZION-613International: (704) 313-4400


    Online LIVE BIBLIcaL HEBrEwouses ith quliedtehes fom Isel!

    Toll fee numbe fom USa nd cnd1-888-477-6551

    woldide: 1-646-200-5822


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    PalmSundayAprilFools Day GoodFriday







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    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


    YomHaShoahHolocaust MemorialDay

    YomHaZikaronIsraels MemorialDay

    YomHaAtzmautIsraels IndependenceDay



    RoshChodeshIyar by Tomi Junger

    For Zions sake I will not be silent

    and for Jerusalems sake I will not

    be still, until her righteousness

    emanates like bright light, and her

    salvation blazes like a torch.

    ISAIAH (62:1)

    li-MON tzee-OWN lo eh-khe-SHE

    u-li-MON ye-roo-sha-LA-yeem lo

    esh-KOTE ad ye-TZE kah-NO-ga

    tzeed-KA vee-shoo-ah-TAH ki-la-

    PEED yeev-AR.

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