Page 1: We wish all our readers a very Happy New Year!€¦ · the Elizabethan Suite, Bury Town Hall 2019 We wish all our readers a very Happy New Year! Christmas Lunch - Rochdale Town Hall

Issue 56 January 2019

Next Meeting

Our next meeting will be at 1 pm on Monday 14 January 2019.

As usual as this is the AGM we provide a sandwich lunch. The AGM is an opportunity to help decide the programme for next year (see below). After the business part of the meeting there will be a fun team quiz.

Committee Members

Chair - Stephanie Skinner 01706 662388 Secretary - Joan Smith 0161 766 4669 Treasurer - Mel Smith 0161 766 4669

Committee Members - Ann Urmston 0161 653 6174 Chris Hodgson 0161 654 8963 Ian Hodgson 0161 654 8963

Future Items

If you have any items for future newsletters please contact Joan Smith 0161 766 4669 or [email protected]

Dates and Programme for 2019

The dates have been booked for next year (see below). We are working on the programme and will take any further suggestions at the AGM in January.

Mon 14th January – AGM and Quiz Tues 26th February – Clinical Trials – Simon Ridley, Head of Research, Myeloma UK Mon 8th April – Reflexology – Linda Holt Tues 21st May – Workhouses and Asylums – Elizabeth Sibbering, Manchester Tour Guide Mon 1st July - tbc Tues 13th August - tbc Mon 23rd September - tbc Tues 5th November - The Galapagos Islands - Russ Hedley Mon 9th December – Christmas lunch

All meetings, except the Christmas Lunch, will be held in the Elizabethan Suite, Bury Town Hall


We wish all our readers a very Happy New Year!

Christmas Lunch - Rochdale Town Hall

What a lovely surprise when arriving at the Town Hall to find a room set out for Christmas with round tables dotted around. Immediately it made one feel that Christmas had come early and we wondered what would come next. The second surprise was the excellent food that followed. The starters, mains and desserts were superb, in fact the chocolate fondant I had was to die for! Many new and old faces attended the lunch and it was good to catch up with everyone. Many thanks to Joan and Mel for organising this event and may there be more occasions in the future. Hope everyone has had a happy Christmas. Chris Hodgson

Page 2: We wish all our readers a very Happy New Year!€¦ · the Elizabethan Suite, Bury Town Hall 2019 We wish all our readers a very Happy New Year! Christmas Lunch - Rochdale Town Hall

Mini Trips

As some of you will know we have started to go on mini trips rather than hire a coach. Attached is a list of suggested trips. We will decide which two we wish to do at the AGM. If you are unable to come then please let Joan have your top two choices and she will include this in the voting. We will go to the two most popular choices.

Sad News

We are sorry to tell you that Ed Eastwood sadly passed away on 28 November. His wife Marilyn and Ed had only recently joined the group so may not be known to some of you. We send Marilyn and the family our sincere condolences at this difficult time.

Photos from Christmas Meal

Election of the Committee

Each AGM we need to elect the committee for the following year. I hope some of you might be interested in becoming a committee member. If you want to know what is involved here is a brief ‘job description’ of each role.

All committee members – attend committee meetings (2 per year), help to plan topics for meetings, welcome new members

In addition:

Chair – chairs all the meetings and committee meetings too

Secretary – organises agendas, books speakers, arranges trips, applies for grants, deals with any correspondence

Treasurer – keeps records of all income and expenditure and pays any bills, e.g. room hire and also helps with grant applications. (Currently also prepares this Newsletter but this could be another committee member!)

If you would like to be nominated or would like to nominate someone (with their permission) let Joan know.

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