Page 1: Walpole Weekly · Walpole Weekly Temperatures and rainfall recorded in North Walpole Sunday 22 April to Saturday 28 April, 2018 ... Pruning, Mulching. Stump Grinding, Bobcat Clearing,

Commemorating the ANZAC spirit

2 May, 2018

Community newspaper

proudly published by the

Walpole CRC in litter-free Walpole.

Made possible by our advertisers and donations.

Walpole Weekly

Dawn Service at Peaceful Bay (Pictures courtesy Helen Webster)

After several days of much needed rain, threatening clouds on the morning of ANZAC Day did not pose a problem to the organisers. What an event it was in Walpole. We were again privileged to receive a salute from the RAAF prior to our commemoration and the sight of the four PC9s approaching from the south-east and then flying overhead was thoroughly enjoyed by

the many people who had gathered at the Memorial. This year’s march was possibly the best attended so far in Walpole, with Ex-Service personnel, representatives of volunteer organisations and members of the public, including quite a few youngsters. How fantastic this year for our march participants to walk in time to the

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Page 2: Walpole Weekly · Walpole Weekly Temperatures and rainfall recorded in North Walpole Sunday 22 April to Saturday 28 April, 2018 ... Pruning, Mulching. Stump Grinding, Bobcat Clearing,

2 - 2 May, 2018

Walpole Weekly

Temperatures and rainfall recorded in North Walpole Sunday 22 April to Saturday 28 April, 2018

Temperatures Rainfall

Min Max mm

Sunday 16.5 21.1 1.8

Monday 13.8 19.8 .4

Tuesday 12.2 19.1 .2

Wednesday 10.9 20.3 0

Thursday 11.7 NR 0

Friday NR NR NR

Saturday NR 22.6 NR

N/A as fault Total rainfall for the week

Walpole forecast for the next five days:


Walpole Weather Published by Walpole Community Resource Centre (Inc)

Latham Ave. (PO Box 197), Walpole, WA 6398

Phone (08) 9840 1395 Fax (08) 9840 1394 Email: [email protected]


DISTRIBUTION: Up to 500 print copies + electronic downloads in PDF format from + social media promotion.


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applicable; and exclude one-off design fee of $36 if required.)

Full page (190mm wide x 270mm deep) $ 95 If right hand page nominated $105 Full colour (back page, inside front/back) $195

Half (190mm x 132mm OR 93mm x 270mm) $ 50 If right hand page nominated $ 55

Half colour $100 Quarter (93mm x 132mm OR 190mm x 63mm) $ 28

If page 3 or 5 nominated $ 35 Quarter colour $ 50 Eighth (93mm x 63mm OR 190mm x 30mm) $ 15

If page 3 or 5 nominated $ 18 Eighth colour $ 25

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DISCLAIMER: The Management Committee takes no responsibility for the content of contributions and any views expressed are those of the contributor.

Walpole Weekly

Page 3: Walpole Weekly · Walpole Weekly Temperatures and rainfall recorded in North Walpole Sunday 22 April to Saturday 28 April, 2018 ... Pruning, Mulching. Stump Grinding, Bobcat Clearing,

2 May, 2018 - 3

Walpole Weekly

55 Strickland Street Denmark

Date Details

4 (on or


before) Comments on the Draft Management

Plan for Pioneer Park may be submitted

in writing to the Shire of Manjimup

5 May Busy Bee Day at Ficifolia Community Garden, 9am

11 May Social Morning Tea at St George’s Anglican Church, 10am-12pm

13 May Mother’s Day

19 May Walpole Nornalup National Parks

Association AGM at the Nornalup Community Hall, 6pm

3 Jun Picnic at Nornalup, Art Competition and Exhibition

Weekly events

Coalmine Beach Caravan Park

Walpole Hardware

Silver Chain

Walpole Visitors Centre

Walpole Pharmacy

Walpole Library

Walpole CRC

Distribution locations

Peaceful Bay Caravan Park

BP / 4 Sisters Café

Walpole IGA

Walpole Post Office

Bow Bridge Roadhouse

The Nornabar

Tingles Bakehouse (in season)

St George’s Anglican Church

Walpole Corner Vista and Pier Streets

Holy Communion Sunday 10am.

Contact: Rev Sue Lodge-Calvert Telephone: 9848 2173 Website:

Social morning tea will be held at

St George’s Anglican Church

on Friday, 11th May


10am - 12 noon. Bargain and

produce stall.

Entry by gold

coin donation.



We are a fully-insured company with very experienced & qualified staff to handle your job

professionally. Any size Tree Removal or Lopping, Pruning, Mulching. Stump Grinding, Bobcat

Clearing, Fire Breaks or Parkland Clearing

Please call Paul for a free quote Mobile 0428 481 280

Office 08 9848 1113

Walpole Quality Meats Lamb Shanks


Page 4: Walpole Weekly · Walpole Weekly Temperatures and rainfall recorded in North Walpole Sunday 22 April to Saturday 28 April, 2018 ... Pruning, Mulching. Stump Grinding, Bobcat Clearing,

4 - 2 May, 2018

Walpole Weekly

The Walpole Weekly values freedom of expression and

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2) If the writer wishes to remain anonymous, the words “Name withheld by request” will be used in the byline.

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4) Should content be deemed by the Editor to be too long, incomprehensible, libelous, illegal, or incite a sensitive issue, then it will not be published.

5) In the case of content being rejected, the writer/s will be notified of the decision by the Editor.

6) Should the writer dispute the Editor’s decision they should take it up in writing with the Management Committee of Walpole CRC.

7) The Management Committee will make the final decision on whether or not to publish the content in the next available edition of the Weekly.

Email [email protected].

We welcome your opinion


3 Simone Barrow 7 Linda Beard, Ella-Jewel Cooper,

Ian Napier

Submit your friends’ and family members’

birthdays to the editor at

[email protected]

Walpole CRC

Tuesday to Friday 9am - 4pm Bendigo Agency 10.30am - 3pm

Walpole Waste Transfer Station

Tuesday and Thursday 1pm - 5pm; Sunday 9am - 5pm Peaceful Bay Tip

Wednesday 9am - 1pm; Sunday 1pm - 4.30pm Library 9840 1108

Wednesday 9am - 12pm and 1pm - 3.30pm Friday 9am - 12pm and 1pm - 3.30pm,

Saturday 9am -12pm Walpole Op Shop

Monday - Friday 9.30am - 11.30am

Saturday 10am -1pm

Times to Remember

Page 5: Walpole Weekly · Walpole Weekly Temperatures and rainfall recorded in North Walpole Sunday 22 April to Saturday 28 April, 2018 ... Pruning, Mulching. Stump Grinding, Bobcat Clearing,

2 May, 2018 - 5

Walpole Weekly

beat of drums by Doug Simpson and his youngest daughter, Anabelle. New to proceedings too was our local Senior Constable, Aaron Mathews as a flagbearer, alongside Walpole Sub Branch RSL member, Alan Barrington.

President of the Walpole Sub Branch RSL, Kevin Pierce, welcomed the large crowd gathered and spoke of the significance of the ANZAC and Gallipoli campaign, the profound impact it had and the powerful legacy it left us. Master of Ceremony, Harold Luxton, delivered the Prayer of Remembrance which highlighted the sacrifices of generations of service men and women and the qualities of mateship, courage and compassion of war service and all those who provide support in the quest for liberty and peace.

Wreaths and floral tributes were laid by Melva Lumb (Walpole Sub Branch RSL and on behalf of family members), Dave Tapley (Shire of Manjimup), Cheree Kirkwood and Denise Hunter (Walpole P and C),

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Page 6: Walpole Weekly · Walpole Weekly Temperatures and rainfall recorded in North Walpole Sunday 22 April to Saturday 28 April, 2018 ... Pruning, Mulching. Stump Grinding, Bobcat Clearing,

6 - 2 May, 2018

Walpole Weekly

‘Trees’ Book worth waiting for They say good things always come to those who wait. Well that old saying is so true when it comes to the recent publication and launch of the book ‘The Trees You Could Drive Your Car Into’.

The book was the brain child of Mike Murphy when he was a member of the Walpole Nornalup and District Historical Society some ten years ago. The committee of the day embarked on this ambitious project by placing advertisements in newspapers calling for copies

of photos taken over the years at the Valley of the Giants and, in particular, with cars in the Giant Tingle Tree that was most famous for decades as a tourism drawcard to the district.

Quite a few people had a hand in compiling information, photos, drafting and setting up, but it was left dormant for several years there being no-one with the time or skills to pull it together.

Recently, the current committee of the Historical Society decided to dust it off and finish production of

the book, which was then printed at the Walpole CRC.

Mike Murphy was invited to launch the book at the recent Annual General Meeting of the Walpole Nornalup and District Historical Society. Mike said he was delighted with the finished product.

The first sales last Saturday were brisk to say the least and if that is an indication of the book’s popularity, then they will be selling like hotcakes for a while yet. The books were sold alongside tickets

in the raffle of a trailer load of firewood, donated by Don and Neil Burton.

The winning ticket, Blue No A045 was drawn by IGA Owner/Manager, James Griffiths, purchased by Lena Hopwood.

The ‘Trees’ book is now on sale at various outlets throughout the district, including Walpole CRC, Tree Top Walk Motel, Walpole Nornalup Visitors Centre,

Valley of the Giants Tree Top Walk, Bow Bridge Roadhouse and Denmark Visitors Centre. At only $20 per book, it makes for a great gift or memento of visits to the famous trees. The Society is hoping for a good take-up to support the fundraising program for the current calendar year. This is a limited edition, of unique local value.

Jennifer Willcox

Above: Close-up of the cover

Left: Mike Murphy

launching the book

(Pictures courtesy Don Burton)

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2 May, 2018 - 7

Walpole Weekly

Madeleine Gamblin (Walpole Primary School), Glenda Grigg (Walpole-Nornalup St John Ambulance Sub Centre) and Pat Burton (on behalf of her family).

I hope that people were able to have a closer look at these afterwards, as they were a beautiful collection of creative, fragrant and colourful tributes.

The silent contemplation during the core components of The Ode, Last Post, One Minute Silence, Reveille and reciting of ‘Lest We Forget’ allowed everyone present the time for personal reflection and a show of respect.

As is always the case with our Walpole ANZAC Day commemorations, music was a very significant part of

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Page 8: Walpole Weekly · Walpole Weekly Temperatures and rainfall recorded in North Walpole Sunday 22 April to Saturday 28 April, 2018 ... Pruning, Mulching. Stump Grinding, Bobcat Clearing,

8 - 2 May, 2018

Walpole Weekly

Shane Johnstone, who set out to break a record of WA’s Bibbulmun Track, finished the gruelling run well ahead of schedule.

The Perth ultra-endurance runner crossed the finish line at Kalamunda this afternoon, completing the 1000km journey in 11 days, seven hours and eight minutes.

Johnstone, an exercise physiologist, smashed his goal of 12 days and defeated the record for the fastest known time of the Bibbulmun Track of 15 days, nine hours and 48 minutes.

Reflecting on his adventure at the Kalamunda Hotel today, he said it was more enjoyable than he had imagined.

“It was the hardest thing I have ever done, but what I liked was I could still enjoy it,” Johnstone said.

“I thought it was going to be pure pain and suffering - it was more enjoyable than I thought.”

“The Bibbulmun Track is so beautiful we are so lucky to have it, but it throws everything at you,” Johnstone said.

Walpole’s Gary Muir completed the full track in 17 days in September 2002, raising funds and awareness for Nuyts Wilderness Research and Management Community Project. WW

“If it’s not sand, it’s hills - you just have to keep pushing through mentally.”

Johnstone averaged 80km a day, running for up to 14-and-a-half hours and 100km each day.

Though he ran the entire track solo, Johnstone had a dozen-strong support crew and a slew of runners joining him for different legs of his journey.

“The whole team experience took the stress out of it for me and made it a bit more relaxing than I would have envisaged,” he said.

“I would not have been able to do this on my own.”

Johnstone embarked on the challenge to fully experience the Bibbulmun Track and to raise money for Be Inspired - a charity Johnstone set up in 2014 to support disadvantaged youth affected by illness or disability.

He said he was “stoked” to pull off the fastest known time, but that was only part of why he did the run.

“The main thing is we raised $15,000 for the charity, raised awareness of the Bibbulmun and the foundation,” he said.

To support the runners visit

WA runner Shane Johnstone breaks Bibbulmun Track record with 1000km in under 12 days

Page 9: Walpole Weekly · Walpole Weekly Temperatures and rainfall recorded in North Walpole Sunday 22 April to Saturday 28 April, 2018 ... Pruning, Mulching. Stump Grinding, Bobcat Clearing,

2 May, 2018 - 9

Walpole Weekly

the program. Students from the Walpole Primary School Choir, under Trish Crossley’s direction, beautifully sang “Hands Across The Ocean” and “Seize The Day” and also provided the reading “Sir”. The students also joined in with extremely popular local band “Dig The Dust” who presented “When The War Is Over” and “Lanterns” which were very well received. All present were able to participate in the national anthem which concluded the Service.

It was particularly unusual to have three medical incidents occurring almost simultaneously during the Service. Thank goodness we had our local nurse, Sue Youngman, and several St John Ambulance volunteers in attendance who provided immediate care and assistance.

The social gathering in the Community Hall was a relaxed and friendly get-together and it was very enjoyable to be able to welcome and chat to some of the visitors to town. The fact that we had so many visitors highlights that ANZAC Day is able to be commemorated wherever you happen to be.

As I have written in my articles in previous years, the success of the ANZAC Day event is due to the commitment and contribution of many people. Our Walpole Sub Branch RSL has a small membership and it is with the help and enthusiasm of many others that we are able to organise a function which recognises the importance of the day. A most sincere thank you to everyone already mentioned and to Monty Edmonds, and Norm Hawkins who was there early to set up the technical equipment. The help received from the Walpole Work Camp men was fantastic with all the lifting and moving of furniture, and also in the kitchen; the latter applies to Helen Webster. The area around the Memorial and hall was very tidy due to the ongoing maintenance by the Work Camp men. We are very grateful for the funding received from the Shire of Manjimup and the Walpole Op Shop who always make a contribution towards Walpole’s ANZAC Day commemoration and to everyone who made donations on the day.

- Margot Pierce Secretary/Treasurer, Walpole Sub Branch RSL

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10 - 2 May, 2018

Walpole Weekly

Sandra Knight T: (08) 9848 1301

M: 0409 376 366

[email protected]

Unit 7 Palm Court, 63 Strickland St

Denmark WA 6333

Income Tax , BAS & FBT Returns

Financial Statements

Tax Planning & Advice

Bookkeeping set up & training

Mobile Service available Sandra Knight

T: (08) 9848 1301

M: 0409 376 366

[email protected]

Unit 7 Palm Court, 63 Strickland St

Denmark WA 6333

Income tax, BAS & FBT returns

Financial statements

Tax planning & advice

Reseller of MYOB & Reckon

Mobile service available

Kerry Halse 0427 482 437

Email: [email protected]

0439 692 555

Where will school children go on camp? Shire representatives attended a march in Bunbury on Friday, 20th April 2018 to protest the imminent closure of camp schools around the State. Over 100 concerned residents and business owners marched from the Blair Street foreshore car park to Hon Adele Farina’s Office in Victoria Street Bunbury.

The State Government’s Minister for Education and Training, Sue Ellery, made the announcement in December that six camp schools around the state including the Pemberton and Bridgetown Camp Schools were to close at the end of 2018, as part of sweeping education spending cuts estimated at saving $64 million, claiming the camp schools are not part of core business.

Shire President Paul Omodei is dismayed at the decision “The Shire will do everything within its power to reverse this decision. These camp schools provide a valuable hands-on experience to our children and foster good student/teacher relationships.”

The closure of the camp school in Pemberton will also have a negative impact economically on the town of Pemberton and other local service providers and cause direct job losses.

“In times of screen based study and sedentary lifestyles, now more than ever children need to experience the unique personal and social growth opportunities provided at camp schools”, Cr Omodei added.

The Hon Terry Redman MLA, fronted the march and spoke to the Hon Adele Farina MLC and the assembly about the importance of camp schools, “This is about enriching the education of our greatest asset, our kids,” Mr Redman said.

Since the announcement was made in December camp schools across the state have been hosting rallies and gaining signatures in an attempt to change the Government’s decision.

To find out how you can show your support for our camp schools please visit the Save WA Camps facebook page at

Page 11: Walpole Weekly · Walpole Weekly Temperatures and rainfall recorded in North Walpole Sunday 22 April to Saturday 28 April, 2018 ... Pruning, Mulching. Stump Grinding, Bobcat Clearing,

2 May, 2018 - 11

Walpole Weekly

Business of the Month

By C Smith, CRC Communications

The Tree Top Walk Motel was established around the time of the opening in 1995 of its namesake, the Tree Top Walk, in the Valley of the Giants.

Pauline Parkinson and her late husband, Laurie, purchased the motel 12 years ago and are the third owners. Soon after they relocated from their previous business interests in the West

Kimberley, Pauline and Laurie severed ties with the corporate hotel chain, Comfort Inn, and returned the Motel to a truly independent and locally owned and managed business.

Over the years they worked hard to adopt modern methods of motel management and strived to earn and maintain the four star rating through AAA Ratings and Trip Advisor.

Laurie passed away in 2013 and since that time Pauline has worked tirelessly to maintain the Motel and is proud to offer guests a high standard in both the restaurant and accommodation.

A chance meeting last year put Pauline in touch with modern computer software that manages one central calendar and payment system from bookings through third party online booking

facilities. Installation of the software together with forming new on-line partnerships made the job of managing bookings much easier than previously, and has seen an increase in bookings of around forty percent. This allowed Pauline to concentrate on a complete overhaul of in-house services and facilities.

In recent times the Tree Top Walk Motel has

developed new branding, website with built-in

instant booking facilities; updated facilities provided in each suite; staff uniforms, keyless card entry system for all suites; updated Compendiums promoting the new Menu as well as information for tourists; free WiFi throughout the complex, to mention just a few. Pauline has engaged several local professionals to add support to these initiatives, and has always

employed local staff, retaining a full team even during the quieter winter months.

The restaurant is open for dinner six nights a week and the décor and menu is delicious to the eye and tongue as many locals are discovering due to the increased patronage, especially for family special occasions. So come down to the Tree Top Walk Motel and delight all the senses.

Tree Top Walk Motel ‘Ownager’ Pauline Parkinson (centre)

with two staff members - Booker Wall and Peta Thomas.

Business of the Month...Shop local!

Dawn Service at Peaceful Bay Information from and Helen Webster

(Continued from page 9)

There was a good turnout of people this year at the Dawn Service held at the War Memorial in Peaceful Bay and later at the Gunfire Breakfast in the RSL Shed.

Dave Guthrie welcomed everyone, Graham Boyce gave the ANZAC Day address and the Ode was read by Joe Urquhart.

Page 12: Walpole Weekly · Walpole Weekly Temperatures and rainfall recorded in North Walpole Sunday 22 April to Saturday 28 April, 2018 ... Pruning, Mulching. Stump Grinding, Bobcat Clearing,

12 - 2 May, 2018

Walpole Weekly

Email us your social photos [email protected]

Post your photos on the web or social media


Weekly social

Walpole CRC’s School Holiday Program (Pictures courtesy Helen Webster and Melody Bird-Harding)

Musical instrument workshop

Mother’s Day Ideas

Page 13: Walpole Weekly · Walpole Weekly Temperatures and rainfall recorded in North Walpole Sunday 22 April to Saturday 28 April, 2018 ... Pruning, Mulching. Stump Grinding, Bobcat Clearing,

2 May, 2018 - 13

Walpole Weekly

Walpole Quality Meats Business for Sale

Phone: 9840 1800

Home is where the hollow is

Many native creatures depend on tree hollows for shelter and for breeding. The importance of these hollows in eucalypts cannot be underestimated.

Of the six species of microbats found in our south-west, all choose to shelter during the daylight hours in tree hollows, or sometimes caves if they are available.

Small hollows also suit the striated pardalote, and the purple crowned lorikeet. Medium-sized hollows are used by western rosellas, other parrots and the sacred kingfisher while the larger hollows attract owls, cockatoos, galahs and so on.

Rufous treecreepers, frequently seen at Mt Frankland,

usually breed in old tree stumps, and dusky woodswallows also choose these.

It is a birding highlight to see a tiny owlet nightjar peering from its regular hollow to catch a bit of late afternoon sun.

Some success in WA has been achieved by erecting nest-boxes for birds, possums and phascogales, but nothing beats the real thing.

- Diane Beckingham

Owlet nightjar

(Picture courtesy Simon Nevill)



Pre-mix concrete Sand, gravel carting Site works, house & shed pads, driveways Back hoe, bobcat, loader and grader hire Blue metal and metal dust available.

Contact Nigel Fry

Phone 9840 1626 - Mobile 0419 948 072

Page 14: Walpole Weekly · Walpole Weekly Temperatures and rainfall recorded in North Walpole Sunday 22 April to Saturday 28 April, 2018 ... Pruning, Mulching. Stump Grinding, Bobcat Clearing,

14 - 2 May, 2018

Walpole Weekly

Your suppliers for Timber Roof Trusses & Wall Frames

17-21 Cockburn Rd

PO Box 5628

Albany WA 6332

Ph: 9842 1533

Fax: 9842 1833


For Sale

Beautiful 6mth old Ancona x Drakes - $15 each. Phone: 9840 1219

For Sale

Karri Sawlogs Phone: 9840 1155

For Sale

Office Desk (White) $10, China Cabinet (White) $20,

2 Corner Units to suit $5 each Black Cane Cabinet $5.

All in good order. Phone: 0427 192 382

For Sale

Pianola, lots of rolls, excel cond. - $2,000 ONO. Dinghy, Stacer, registered, length 3.5m - $750

Phone: 0413 318 293

For Sale

Firewood, dry jarrah. $150 per cubic metre. Larger loads also possible.

Phone: Wayne 0427 071 361

For Sale

Split, dry, firewood. $200 per cubic metre delivered.

Phone: Marty 0427 647 403

For Hire

For all your scaffolding needs. Phone: Wayne 0427 071 361

Can deliver and erect.


Ride-on Mower. Reliable, nothing fancy, to suit lady driver!

Nornalup 9840 1625


Personal/household classifieds, this size and format $5. If not sold the first week, get one week

free! No accounts. Cash upfront only.

Walpole Quality Meats 50% Off Frozen Meat

(excludes chicken and pet food)

Page 15: Walpole Weekly · Walpole Weekly Temperatures and rainfall recorded in North Walpole Sunday 22 April to Saturday 28 April, 2018 ... Pruning, Mulching. Stump Grinding, Bobcat Clearing,

2 May, 2018 - 15

Walpole Weekly


Walpole v Denmark Individual Stableford

Tuesday 24/4/18

Winner Colin Burton 41 points

Second Marty Anning 40 points

Best Visitor Mark Anderson 37 points

NTP # 7 Danny Hillin

#13 Les Wolf

#17 Mark Anderson

Long Putt #18 Shane Goulding

Long Drive 0-18 Handicap Kerry Halse

Long Drive 19-40 Handicap Kevin Williams

Birdies # 7 D Hillin

#14 S Mirco

# 4 J Norton

Walpole were the overall winners on 31.25 points,

Denmark 26.93 points


Walpole Country Club Bowls

No bowls were played last week. However this coming week on Wednesday, 2nd May at 12.30pm we will be playing Mixed Scroungers, all members welcome.

On the 12th May the men’s finals will be replayed in Albany.

Don’t forget the Bowls AGM on Wednesday, 16th May at 7.00pm at the club.

The Windup Cocktail Lunch, with presentation before hand is also at the club on Saturday, 19th May starting at 11am.

RSVP Ann 9840 1138, as we need numbers to arrange the catering.

- Ann Armstrong

Kids Olympics

(Pictures courtesy Jessica Spencer)

Sheep Dog Trials “Yallambee” Novice and Open Field Trial


Novice Final

1st Tony Boyle ‘Boylee Midget’ 70+53=123

3rd Jenny Whitelock ‘Boylee Talent’ 56+42=98

Open Final

2nd Tony Boyle ‘Boylee Midget’ 70+53=123

4th Jenny Whitelock ‘Boylee Talent’ 56+42=98

The dog that won the Open Final, ‘Chidlow Floss’, although not bred by Tony, was from Tony’s dogs’ bloodline.

Weekly sport

Page 16: Walpole Weekly · Walpole Weekly Temperatures and rainfall recorded in North Walpole Sunday 22 April to Saturday 28 April, 2018 ... Pruning, Mulching. Stump Grinding, Bobcat Clearing,

16 - 2 May, 2018

Walpole Weekly

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