Page 1: Vladimir Korenchevsky. 30th January 1880—9th July 1959


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Ranasey and Xuwratt, Oxford

Page 2: Vladimir Korenchevsky. 30th January 1880—9th July 1959


U)lnDintIr koreircheve'fip 30th January 1880-9th July 1959


DR VLADIMIR KORENCHEVSKY, who died suddenly on July 9th 1959, will be best remembered for his pioneer work in promoting and stimulating world-wide interest in gerontological research.

Dr Korenchevsky was born in Lida, Russia, and graduated from the Imperial Military Medical Academy, St Petersburg, in 1903. His research training was interrupted by military service during the Russo- Japanese war; from 1904 to 1907 he was in charge of a chemico-bacterio- logical laboratory, attached to a movable railway car, in Manchuria. Here he and his team helped to fight dysentery, typhus and influenza in the army, and were able to localise and finally stamp out a malignant epidemic in the Manchurian desert, suspected of being the " plague ", but which he succeeded in diagnosing as anthrax.

Dr Korenchevsky obtained his M.D. a t the University of Moscow in 1909, and for a time worked on gastro-intestinal auto-intoxication with Metchnikoff a t the Basteur Institute in Paris. He never lost his belief in Metchnikoff's theory and in several recent publications he stressed the importance of auto-intoxication as an ageing factor.

It was Pavlov, however, who had the greatest influence on him. Korenchevsky worked under him both as undergraduate and research assistant and later, when appointed to the chair of experimental pathology, became his colleague a t St Petersburg. Throughout his life he acknowledged the debt he owed to Pavlov's teaching and example, and would tell many stories of him.

After the Revolution in 1917 Korenchevsky, who knew little about communism, tried for a time to keep an open mind. But his disagree- ment with the policies of the newly formed Soviet government, and his outspoken attempts to retain freedom for universities and scientific institutes compelled him to flee from Petrograd. This he was able to do only by means of a ruse, convincing the soldiers who came to arrest him that he had typhus when in fact it was merely influenza. He went to South Russia, served for a year as a Medical Officer in the White Army until its defeat, then after many adventures came to this country, where he settled and later became a British citizen.

From 1929-1945 he was a member of the staff a t the Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine where he continued the endocrinological studies which he had started in Russia. He was concerned mainly with investigations into the effects of thyroid and adrenal sex

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hormones on the reproductive and somatic organs of animals of all ages. This he regarded as a necessary basis for what had been his goal from the beginning-research into the problems of ageing. one aspect of which, he considered, might be the use of horiiioiies in mitigating some of the degenerations that accompany old age. His work was always characterised by meticulous regard for detail, close supervision of and emphasis on high standards of health in his animal colony, and the use of the best possible histological material and tpchniques.

Korenchevsky’s interest in the problems of ageing derived from early visits to Russian infirmaries for old people. By the late 1930’s he decided that the time was now ripe for an all-out attack 011 the problem which, he felt, needed to be tackled on a world-wide scale and froin all conceivable aspects. He thought that this could best be done by the foundation of an International Association of Gerontologists which would include investigators in all branches of the subject. With this aim, he began a vigorous correspondence with workers in many countries, visited the U.S.A. and Switzerland, and was beginning to feel that he had laid a real foundation when his hopes were shattered by the outbreak of war in 1939. His laboratory, while still remaining part of the Lister Institute, was moved to Oxford, and he enjoyed the hospitality of Professor Goodrich in the Department of Zoology. Here he continued his work and, after a time, his efforts to found an Inter- national Association of Gerontologists. He was able to interest Lord Nuffield in the problem, and the latter not only made a very generous gift, which made it possible in 1945 (after Dr Korenchevsky’s rctirement from the Lister Institute) to establish the Oxford Geront- ological Unit, but supported it by grants. Dr. Korenchevsky took charge of this Unit, which was housed first in the Departnieiit of Zoology and later in the Department of Physiology.

In 1952 he retired from active laboratory work, but continued to write and to take an active interest in gerontological problems. At the time of his death he had completed the writing of a book summar- ising his views on the physiology and pathology of ageing, but died before he was able to arrange for its publication. It is due to appear early in 1961.

Korenchevsky was dedicated to the solution of the problems of gerontology and was outspoken in his advocacy of its importance. He was sincerely convinced of the value of his own small part in this vast programme, and was therefore sometimes misjudged and his missionary zeal regarded as intolerance or even a desire for personal advancement. Those who knew him best, however, understood that this was not so, and that he wanted recognition only if it would further the cause Tvhich was so dear t o him.

A man of few hobbies, he was nevertheless a great lover of the open air and the country-side. Even when no longer young he enjoyed a swim, winter or summer, if it was possible, and on a sunny summer

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day would sometimes close his laboratory, take his bicycle and ride into the country, never less than a hundred miles. He was devoted to his family ; he leaves a widow and two daughters.

Korenchevsky’s endocrinological researches were recorded in a long series of careful papers. His real memorial, however, lies in the new importance attached to gerontological research, largely as the result of his stimulation, in the International Association of Gerontology, and in the national societies which have been founded in many countries for studying the problems of old age. It was a gratification to Dr Korenchevsky that, after being cut off from his own country for nearly 40 years, he was able during his last years to estab:ish contact and exchange ideas with Soviet gerontologists.



1903 Vergleicliende pharmakologische Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung von Giften

auf einzellige Organismen. Arch. exp. Path. Pharm., 1903, 49, 7-30.

1905 Sanitar-hygienische Untersuchungen des chinesichen Bohnenoles.

1905, 29, 777-778. Zur Pseudoinfluenzafrage. Dtsch. med. Wschr., 1905, 31, 1678-1679. The plague in the Far East. Russk. .Vrach., 1905, 4, 1497-1499. Very acute anthrax-pneumonia. Vruch. Gaz., 1905, 12, 813-815.

Chem. Z . ,

1906 Zur Frage der mandschurischen Dysenterie. Cbl. Bakt., 1906, 37, 193. (Orig.

Russk. Vrach., 1904, 3, 1545 ; 1581.)

1909 Contribution A 1’ biologique du “ b. perfringens ” et du “ b. putrificus ”. Ann.

Inst. Pasteur, 1909, 23, 91-95. Gastro-intestinal autointoxication. Dissertation in Russian, 1909, Moscow.

1910 Les kchanges azotks et gazeux chez les animaux dkratks. Russk. Vrach., 1910,

p. 1441 (in Russian). (Abstr. J . Physiol. Path. gdn., 1911, 13, 271.)

1911 Experimentelle Beitrage sur Lehre von der gastrointestinalen Autointoxikation.

Cbl. Bakt., Abt. I, Orig., 1911, 59, 526-549. Influence des sels biliaires et de leurs combinaisons avec l’entkrokinase sup les

fermentes du pancrkas. Arch. Sci. biol. St Petersbourg, 1911, 16, 271-278 (in Russian).

Influence de I’anbinie experimentale sur la skcrktion et la composition de la bile. Arch. Sci. biol. S t Petersbourg, 1911, 16, 253-270. (Abstr. J . Physiol. Path. gdn., 1912, 14, 388.)

Influence de l’anbmie expkrimentale sur la skcrktion et la composition du suc pancrkatique. Arch. Sci. biol. S t Petersbourg, 1911, 16, 490-508. (Abstr. J . Physiol. Path. gkn., 1912, 14, 377.)

(Abstr. J . Physiol. Path. gkn . , 1912, 14, 163.)

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V. KORENCHEVSKY and E. KARTACHEVSKY. Sur le mdtabolisme aprk la strumectomie. Russlc. Vrach., 1912, pp. 1210-1211. (Abstr. J. Physiol. Path. g h . , 1913, 15, 178.)


Die Boziehungen zwischen Schild-und Keimdriisen in Verbindung mit deren Einfluss auf den Stoffweehsel. 2. exp. Path. Therap., 1914, 16, 68-89.


V. KORENCHEVKSY and DR. LEVBARC. L’influence des sels de l’jode sur les tumeurs des rat>s. J . Russe Physiol., 1918.


G. BOGOSLOVSKY and V. KORENCHEVSKY. La sdcrhtion interne de la prostate et ses rapports avec les testicules. C.R. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1920, 83, 718-719.


Experimental rickets in rats. Brit. Med. J., 1921, 2, 547-550.


The influence of parathyroidectomy on the skeleton of animals normally nourished, This Journal,

The aetiology and pathology of rickets from an experimental point of view,


The influence of removal of sexual glands on the skeleton of animals kept on

Spontaneous rickets in rats. This Journal, 1923, 26, 222-223. Glands of internal secretion in experimental avian beri-beri. This Journal,

V. KORENCHEVSKY and MARJORIE CARR. The influence of the mother’s diet during pregnancy and lactation upon the growth, general nourishment and skeleton of young rats.

V. KORENCHEVSKY and MARJORIE CARR. Influence of a milk diet on the skeleton. Biochem. J. , 1923, 17, 187-203.

V. KORENCHEVSKY and MARJORIE CARR. The influence of the antenatal feeding of parent, rats upon the number, weight and composition of the young at, birth. Biochem. J., 1923, 17, 597-599.

and on rickets and osteomalacia produced by deficient diet. 1922, 25, 366-391.

Loisdon, 1922.

normal or rickets-producing diets. This Journal, 1923, 26, 207-221.

1923, 26, 382-387.

This Journal, 1923, 26, 389-398.

Effects of excess of calcium on the skeleton. Brit. Med. J., 1923,1, 802-804. The influence of the parent’s diet before conception and during pregnancy and

11th Intcrnat. Physiol. Congr., Edin- lactation upon the young of the rat. burgh. 160.

In Quart. J. Ercp. Physiol., 1923, supplementary volume, pp. 159-


S. S. ZILVA, J. GOLDING, J. C. DRUMMOND and V. KORENCHEVSKY. The relation of the fat-soluble factor to rickets and growth in pigs, with a report on the pathological histology of the bones by V. Korenchevsky. Ciochern. J., 1924, 18, 873-880.

V. KOREXCHEVSKY and MARJORIE CARE. Further experiments on the influence of the parents’ diet upon the young. I. The influence of the father’s diet. Biochem. J., 1924, 18, 1308-1312.

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V. KORENCHEVSKY and MARJORIE CARR. Further experiments on the influence of the parents’ diet upon the young. 11. The influence upon the young of an excessive amount of fat-soluble factor and calcium in the mother’s diet during pregnancy. Biochem. J., 1924,18, 1313-1318.

A comparison of the values of yeast and of orange juice with those of Marmite and of decitrated lemon juice, respectively, in the calcification of the skeleton. Biochem. J . , 1924,18, 1319- 1321.


1925 The sexual glands and metabolism. I. Influence of castration on nitrogen and

gaseous metabolism. Brit. J . Exp. Path., 1925, 6, 21-35. V. KORENCHEVSKY and MARJORIE CARR. The sexual glands and metabolism. 11.

Influence of emulsions of testis and prostate upon the nitrogen metabolism of rabbits. Brit. J . Exp. Path., 1925, 6, 74-83.

The sexual glands and metabolism. 111. The influence of injections of testicular or ovarian emulsions upon the nitrogen and gaseous metabolism of dogs and rabbits. Brit. J . Exp. Path., 1925, 6, 158-172.

V. KORENCREVSKY and MARJORIE CABR. The effects of calcium glycerophosphate, sodium glycerophosphate and sodium dihydrogen phosphate upon the skeleton of rats kept on a diet deficient only in fat-soluble factor. Biochem. J., 1925, 19, 101-111.

V. KORENCHEVSKY and ~ ~ A R J O R X E CARR. Further experiments on the influence of the parents’ diet upon the young. 111. The influence upon the young of an excessive amount of calcium in the mother’s diet during pregnancy. Biochem. J., 1925, 19, 112-116.

V. KORENCIFEVSKY and MARJORIE CARR. The sexual glands and metabolism. IV. The influence of injections of emulsions of testes and prostate and of insulin-like testicular extracts upon the nitrogen metabolism of normal castrated and thyroidectomised rabbits. Biochem. J., 1925, 19, 773-782.

Observations upon the inhence of a glycerine emulsion of testes and adrenals on tuberculous and senile patients. Lancet, 1925, 2, 1056-1060.

Some technical points important for the study of the metabolism of rabbits. Quart. J . Exp. Physiol., 1925, 15, 259-261.

v. KORENCHEVSKY and MARJORIE CARR. The influence of injections of emulsions of testes and prostate and of testicular extracts upon the nitrogen meta- bolism of normal and thyroidectomised rabbits. J . Physiol., 1925, 60, xl-xli.

1926 The influence of the removal of the thyroid, parathyroid and sexual glands and

of thyroid feeding upon the regulation of the body temperature of rabbits. This Journal, 1926, 29, 461-472.

HARRIETTE CHICK, V. KORENCHEVSKY and MARGARET H. ROSCOE. The difference in chemical composition of the skeletons of young rats fed (1) on diets deprived of fat-soluble vitamins and (2) on a low phosphorus rachitic diet, compared with those of normally nourished animals of the same age. Biochem. J., 1926. 20, 622-631.

1928 V. The influence of lipoid extracts of the

testes and progtate on the nitrogen metabolism of rabbits and on the development of the genital organs of rats. Biochem. J., 1928, 22, 482-490.

V. KORENCHEVSKY and MARJORIE SCHULTESS-YOUNG. The sexual glands and metabolism. VI. The influence of water-soluble testicular and prostatic extracts fractionated at various isoelectric points upon the nitrogen meta- bolism ofrabbits and the development of the genital organs of rats. Biochem. J., 1928, 22, 491-503.

The sexual glands and metabolism.

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V. KORENCHEVSKY and MARJORIE DENNISON. The influence of the hypophysis on metabolism, growth and sexual organs of male rats and rabbits. 1. Influence of extra& o f hypophysis on nkrogen metabolism. Biochem. J . , 1929, 23, 868-875.


The influence of cryptorchidism and of castration on body-weiglit, fat deposition, This Journal, 1930, 33, the sexual and endocrine organs of male rats.

607-636. Experimental cryptorchidism of pigs. This Journal, 1930, 33, 683-687. The influence of the hypophysis on inet.abolism, growth and sexual organs of

male rats and rabbits. 11. Influence of extracts of hypophysis on the body weight, weight of fat of sexual organs and of endocrine organs of rats. Biochens. J . , 1930, 24, 383-393.

The effect of cryptorchidism and of castration on the chemical composition of rats. Riockem. J., 1930, 24, 954-960.



V. KOEENCHEVSKY and MYRA M. SAMPSOS. Changes in the tesLes of rats kept on

V. KOXENCIXEVSKY and MARJORIE DEXNISOX. A technique for studying the Riochem. J . , 1932, 26, 147-150.

The assay of testicular hormone preparations. Biochem.. J., 1932, 26, 413-422. V. KORENCHEVSKY, ROSA SCHALIT and DORIS GRAETZ.

a diet deficient in vit,amin A. This Journal, 1932, 35, 875-887.

met'abolism of rats.

The influence of the freshness of the testes and of desiccation of t'he testicular tissue on the yield of test,icular hormone.

The influence of cryptorchidism on the gaseous and nitrogenous met,abolism of rats. Biochem. J. , 1932, 26, 429-434.

Castrat'ed rats for t,he assay of testicular hormone. Biochem. J . , 1932, 26, 1300- 1305.

V. KORENCIIEWKY, MARJORIE DENNISON and ROSA SCHALIT. The response of castrated male rats to the inject'ion of testicular hormone. Biochem. J.,

MYRA M. SAMPSON, MARJORIE DENNISON and V. KORENCHEVSKY. The absorp- tion of nitrogen and of fat from t,he alimentary canal of rats kept on a vitamin A-deficient diet. Biochem. J., 1932, 26, 1315-1321.

M Y ~ A M. SAMPSON and V. KORENCHEVSKY. The influence of vitamin A deficiency on male rat,s in paired feeding expcriments. Biochem. J., 1932, 26, 1322- 1339.

Vit'amin A deficiency in castrated male rats. Biochcrn. J., 1932, 26, 1642-1546.

Biochewa. J . , 1932, 26, 423-428. V. KORENCHEVSKY and MARJORIE DENNISON.

1932, 26, 1306-1314.



V. KORENCHEVSKY, MARJORIE DENNIRON and ALICE KOHN-SPEYER. Changes produced by testicular hormone in normal and in castrated rats. Biochem.

V. KORENCHEVSKY, MARJORIE DENNISON and ALICE KOHN-SPEYER. On the assay and the absorption of testicular hormone dissolved in oil. Biochem. J . ,


J., 1933, 27, 557-579.

1933, 27, 778-782.

influence of testicular hormone on cryptorchid rats. 27, 783-785.

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V. KORENCHEVSKY, MARJORIE DENNISON and ALICE KOHN-SPEYER. The effect of testicular hormone on normal sexually mature rats. A method of bio- logical assay. Biochem. J., 1933, 27, 1506-1512.

V. KORENCHEVSKY, MARJORIE DENNISON and ALICE KOHN-SPEYER. Simul- taneous administration of testicular hormone with Antuitrin and Prolan or with desiccated thyroid. Biochern. J . , 1933, 27, 1513-1516.

Sterility in males, on diets deficient in vitamin A or vitamin E. Proc. Roy. SOC. Med., 1933, 26, 1187-1192.

S. L. SIMPSON, ALICE KOHN-SPEYER and V. KORENCHEVSKY. The adrenal cortex and sex. The influence of cortical extract on normal and castrated rats. Lancet, 1933, 2, 1194-1196.


V. KORENCHEVSKY and MARJORIE DENNISON. The manifold effects of castration in male rats. This Journal, 1934, 38, 231-246.

S. LEVY-SIMPSON, MARJORIE DENNISON and V. KORENCHEVSKY. Some effects of adrenalectoiny in male rats. This Journal, 1934, 39, 569-590.

V. KORENCHEVSKY and MARJORIE DENNISON. The effect of oestrone on normal and castrated male rats. Biochem. J . , 1934, 28, 1474-1485.

V. KORENCHEVSKY and MARJORIE DENNISON. The effect on male rats of the simultaneous administration of male and female sexual hormones and the relation t o the assay of the hormones. Biochem. J., 1934, 28, 1486-1499.


S. LEVY-SIMPSON and V. KORENCHEVSKY. Histological changes in the kidneys of adrenalectomised rats. This Journal, 1935, 40, 483-488.

V. KORENCHEVSKY and MARJORIE DENNISON. Histological changes in the organs of rats injected with oestrone alone or simultaneously with oestrone and testicular hormone. This Journal, 1935, 41, 323-337.

V. KORENCHEVSKY and MARJORIE DENNISON. The assay of crystalline male sexual hormone (androsterone). Biochem. J., 1935, 29, 1720-1731.

V. KORENCHEVSKY and MARJORIE DENNISON. The assay of fat-soluble andros- terone-diol. Biochem. J. , 1935, 29, 2122-2130.

V. KORENCHEVSKY, MARJORIE DENNISON and S. L. SIMPSON. The effect,s of water-soluble preparations of androsterone and androsterone-diol on castrated rats. Biochem. J . , 1935, 29, 2131-2142.

V. KORENCHEVSKY, MARJORIE DENNISON and S. L. SIMPSON. Assay of the gonadotropic hormone of pregnancy urine on male rats. Biochem. J., 1935, 29, 2522-2533.

V. KORENCHEVSKY, MARJORIE DENNISON and S. L. SIMPSON. The prolonged treatment of male and female rats with androsterone and its derivatives, alone or together with oestrone. Biochem. J., 1935, 29, 2534-2552.

V. KORENCHEVSKY and MARJORIE DENNISON. The manifold effects of testicular hormones (as extracted from human urine or synthetically prepared) and of oestrone on the male, as judged by experiments on rats. Proc. Roy. SOC. Med., 1935, 28, 1265-1266.

A. C. CROOKE and V. KORENCREVSKY. Microscopic demonstration of hypophyses of rats, normal, castrated and after injection of oestrone or synthetic testicular hormone. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., 1935, 28, 1266-1267.

Effects produced on rats by synthetic androsterone (male sex hormone). Nature , Lond., 1935, 135, 434.

Homology of the female periurethral glands and the prostate. Nature, Lond., 1935, 136, 185.

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V. KORENCHEVSKY and MARJORIE DENNISON. The histology of the sex organs of ovariectomised rats treated with male or female sex hormone alone or with both simultaneously.

The histological changes in the sex organs of spayed rats induced by testosterone and oestrone. This Journal,

The assay and the effect of testosterone on rats compared with those of other sexual hormones. Biochem. J . , 1936, 30, 558-575.

The assay of transdehydro- androsterone and its effects on male and female gonadectomized rats. Biochem. J . , 1936, 30, 1514-1522.

This Journal, 1936, 42, 91-104. V. KORENCHEVSKY and MARJORIE DENNISON.



Biological properties of testosterone. A-afure, Lond., 1936, 137, 494.


V. KORENCHETSKY and KATHLEEN HALL. The bisexual and co-operative properties of the sex hormones as shown by the histological investigation of the sex organs of female rats treated with these hormones. This Journal, 1937, 45, 681-708.

J . Physiol., 1937, 90, 371-376.

Effects on ovariectomized rats of progesterone alone and in combination with other sexual hormones. Nature, Lond., 1937, 140, 154.

Histological change produced by castration and by sex hormones in the adrenals of normal and of castrated male rats. Nature, Lond., 1937, 140, 318.

The bisexual properties and co-operative activity of sexual hormones and their effects on females. Brit. Med. J. , 1937, 2, 896-899.

V. KORENCHEVSKY, MARJORIE DENNISON and MARGARET ELDRIDGE. The effects of A4 androstenedione and A5-androstenediol on castrated and ovari- ectomized rats. Biochem. J., 1937, 31, 467-474.

V. KORENCHEVSKY, MARJORIE DENNISON and MARGARET ELDRIDGE. The prolonged treatment of castrated and ovariectomized rats with testosterone propionate. Biochem. J . , 1937, 31, 475-485.

V. KORENCHEVSKY, MARJORIE DENNISON and KATHLEEN HALL. The action of testosterone propionate on normal adult female rats. Biochem. J., 1937, 31, 780-785.

The' co-operative activity of testosterone propionate with A5 -androstenediol and with oestradiol in male rats. Biochem. J., 1937, 31, 862-864.

V. KORENCHEVSKY, MARJORIE DENNISON and KATHLEEN HALL. The effects of testosterone and testosterone propionate on adult male rats (compared with those on female rats). Biochem. J . , 1937, 31, 1434-1437.

The female prostatic gland and its reaction to male sexual compounds.





KATHLEEN HALL and V. KORENCHEVSKY. Effects of castration and of sexual hormones on the adrenals of male rats. J . Physiol., 1937-38, 91, 365-373.


V. KORENCHEVSKY and KATHLEEN HALL. The effect of progesterone on the metaplasia of the uterine epithelium of rats injected with oestrogens. J . Obstet. Gynec. Brit. Emp., 1938. 45, 22-29.

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KATHLEEN HALL and V. KORENCHEVSKY. Changes in the liver of male rats after Brit. Med. J., 1938, 1 ,

V. KORENCHEVSKY and KATHLEEN HALL. Manifold effects of male and female

castration and injections of sexual hormones. 438-440.

sex hormones in both sexes. Nature, Lond., 1938, 142, 998.

1939 E. M. HUME, R. BURBANK and V. KORENCHEVSKY. Some effects of the adminis-

tration of oestrogens on the organs of castrated and non-castrated male rats partially deprived of vitamin A. This Journal, 1939,49, 291-298.

The bisexual and other effects of pure male sexual hormones on females. Ergebrt. Vitamin-u. Hormonforsch., 1939, 2, 418-468.

V. KORENCHEVSEY and KATHLEEN HALL. Prolonged injections of male sex hormones into normal and senile male rats. Brit. Med. J., 1939, 1 , 4-8.

V. KORENCHEVSKY and KATHLEEN HALL. Metaplasia and adenoma-like changes in the uterus of rats injected with sex hormones. Nature, Lond., 1939, 144, 1048.

The manifold activity of testosterone dipropionate as compared with that of testosterone propionate in gonadectomized rats. Biochem. J . , 1939, 33,

V. KORENCHEVSKY, KATHLEEN HALL and M. A. Ross. Prolonged administration of sex hormones to castrated rats. Biochem. J. , 1939, 33, 213-222.

V. KORENCHEVSKY, R. BURBANK and KATHLEEN HALL. The action of the dipropionate and benzoate-butyrate of oestradiol on ovariectomized rats. Biochem. J., 1939, 33, 366-371.

V. KORENCHEVSKY, KATHLEEN HALL and R. BURBANK. The manifold effects of prolonged administration of sex hormones to female rats. Biochem. J.,



1939, 33, 372-380.

1940 V. KORENCHEVSKY and KATHLEEN HALL. Pathological changes in the sex

organs after prolonged administration of sex hormones to female rats. This Journal, 1940, 50, 295-315.

V. KoRENCHEVsKY and M. A. Ross. Kidneys and sex hormones. Brit. X e d . J., 1940, 1, 645-648.

1941 Some effects of sex hormones on the secondary sex organs of castrated male rats.

This Journal, 1941, 52, 268-272. Sex hormones and the basophilic granulation of the liver cells in the rat. This

Journal, 1941, 52, 341-347. M. A. Ross and V. KORENCHEVSKY. The thymus of the rat and sex hormones.

This Journal, 1941, 52, 349-360. V. KORENCHEVSKY, KATHLEEN HALL, R. C. BURBANK and J. COHEN. Hepato-

trophic and cardiotrophic properties of sex hormones. Brit. Med. J., 1941, 1, 396-399.

Some effects of vitamins B and C on senile patients. Brit. Med. J., 1941. 2, 839-844.


1942 Natural relative hypoplasia of organs and the process of ageing. This Journal,

The war and the problem of ageing. Ann. Eugen., 1942, 11, 314-332. The war and the problem of aging. J . A m y . Med. Assoc., 1942, 119, 624-630.

1942, 54, 13-24.

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V. KORENCHEVSKY, KATHLEEN HALL and BRENDA CLAPHAM. Effects of vitamins on experimental hyperthyroidism. Brit. Med . J., 1943, 1 , 245-247.


V. KORENCHEVSKY and KATHLEEN HALL. Histological changes in the liver and kidneys of the rat after administration of thyroid hormone and vitamins. This ,Journal, 1944, 56, 543-553.


V. KORENCHEVSKY and KATHLEEN HALL. The interrelationship between vitamins B and C and the female sex hormones in their action on the sex organs of the ovariectomised rat. This Journal, 1945, 57, 141-143.

V. KOREXCHEVSKY and KATHLEEN HALL. Efferts of sex hormones on the blood in rats. d. Endocrinol., 1945, 4, 103-108.


Conditions desirable for the rapid progress of gerontological research.


Brit. Med. J . , 1946, 2, 468.

The effects of androsterone, oestradiol and thyroid hormone on the artificial premature “ climacteric ” of pure gonadal origin produced by ovariectomy in rats. I. Effects on weights of organs. J . Gerontol., 1946, 1 , 319-335.

VERA E. JONES and V. KORENCHEVSEY. The effects of androsterone, oestradiol and thyroid hormone on the artificial premature “ climacteric ” of pure gonadal origin produced by ovariectomy in rats. 11. Effects on histologic structure of liver and kidneys. J . Gerontol., 1946, 1 , 336-344.


Conditions desirable for the rapid progress of gerontological research. J . Gerontol., 1947, 2, 54-56.

V. KORENCHEVSKY and VERA E. JONES. The effects of androsterone, oestradiol and thyroid hormone on the artificial premature “ climacteric ” of pure gonadal origin produced by ovariectomy in rats. 111. Effects on histologic structure of vagina, uterus, adrenals, and thyroid. J . Gerontol., 1947, 2, 116-136.

The longest span of life based on the records of centenarians in England and Wales. Brit. Med. J. , 1947, 2, 14-16.


V. KORENCHEVSKY and VERA E. JONES. The effects of progesterone, oestradiol, thyroid hormone, and androsterone on the artificial premature “climacteric ” of pure gonadal origin produced by ovariectomy in rats. J . Gerontol..

Effects of sex and thyroid hormones on the process of ageing in female rats. 1948, 3 , 21-39.

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Co-operative effects of endocrinological factors and processes of ageing in pro- ducing adenoma-like structures in rats. Tex. Rep. Biol. M c d . , 1950, 8, 498-503.

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V. KORENCHEVSKY, SHEILA K. PARIS and B. BENJAMIN. Effects of castration and the processes of aging in male rats and man. J . Gerontol., 1953, 8, 6-32.

V. KORENCHEVSKY, SHEILA K. PARIS and B. BENJAMIN. Treatment of senescence in male rats with sex and thyroid hormones and desoxycorticosterone acetate. J . Gerontol., 1953, 8 , 415-434.


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R. V. COXON, V. KORENCHEVSKY and A. LAWRENCE. Chemical changes in the heart, liver and kidneys of rats after administration of sex hormones. This Journal, 1956, 72, 613-621.

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J. PATH. BhCT,-VOL. Yo (1960) 2 G

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