  • 8/7/2019 VerseryRhymes: The Gospel of Mark in Rhyme



    The GOSPEL of MARK

    ByDr. Reece B. Sherman, Sr.

    [email protected]

    This book is dedicated to my wife, Anne and my sons, Ben and Alex, who are a constant source of encouragement

    ISBN 978-1-257-01358-6

    Standard Copyright License


    This is the beginningOf the good news of Gods SonThe gospel of Jesus ChristBegins with his messenger, John

    Isaiah the prophet wroteBehold, one will prepare the wayA voice calling out in the desertHere is what he had to say

    Prepare the way of the Lord,Make his paths straight

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    John the Baptist preached to the peopleIn order to change their fate

    He baptized the repentantAnd spoke of forgiveness for sinWhen they came to the River JordanHe would dunk them in

    John wore camels hair clothesWith a leather belt around his waistHe ate locusts and wild honeyWhich was an acquired taste

    And this is what he proclaimedThere is one mightier than IWho is coming and I am not worthyHis sandals to untie

    I baptize you with water

    But with the Holy Spirit hell baptizeAnd when Jesus came from GalileeGod spoke to him from the skies

    It was after John baptized JesusHe saw the heavens open wideAnd the Spirit descend like a doveAnd God expressed his pride

    You are my beloved Son;With you I am well pleased.After Jesus heard God speakBy the Spirit he was seized

    The Spirit drove him into the desertAnd he stayed there forty daysTempted by the devilWho tried to change his ways

    He was among the wild animalsAnd the angels watched him with careThen after John had been arrestedJesus came to Galilee to declare

    This is the time of fulfillmentThe Kingdom of God is at handRepent, and believe in the gospelThis is Gods command.

    As he passed by Galilees SeaHe saw two fishermen casting their netsThey were Simon Peter and AndrewThey worked as fishermen to pay their debts

    Jesus said, Come after meAnd I will help you catch menSo they dropped their nets and followedAnd they walked a little farther and then

    They saw James, Zebedees sonAnd they saw his brother John

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    They were mending their netsFor they were also fishermen

    They left their father in the boatAlong with the fish they

    d caughtThen in Capernaum on the SabbathJesus entered the synagogue and taught

    The people couldn

    t believe their earsHe spoke with authorityThere was power in his wordsHe was not like the scribes they agreed

    A man with an unclean spiritWas one of those who congregatedHe cried "What have you to do with us?"He was noticeably aggravated

    "I know who you are, Jesus!

    I know what you

    re about.You are the Son of God."Then Jesus drove the demon out.

    The unclean spirit started shakingAnd it had a terrible fitThe people said, "Even the demons obey him."They didn

    t understand him one bit.

    His popularity spread everywhereThroughout all of GalileeThen Simon took him to his houseAlong with the other three


    s mother-in-law was illThey told Jesus about her conditionJesus took her by the hand and healed herFor he was the Great Physician

    When the sun had set for the eveningThey brought the ill and possessedHe healed them and drove out their demonsWho knew Jesus but werent allowed to confess

    Rising up very earlyAt the beginning of the dayJesus left and went off aloneAnd then he began to pray

    But Simon and the other disciplesHunted him down and saidEveryone is looking for youBecause the stories about Jesus had spread

    Jesus said, Let us go to the nearby villages.I feel that I need to preach there.It is for this purpose that I have come.So he went in the synagogues to share

    A leper came and knelt before himHe begged If you wish, you can make me well.

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    Moved with pity Jesus touched him and healed himThen he warned the man not to tell

    Jesus said, First, show yourself to the priestAnd offer your sacrifice there.But the man told everyone what happenedAnd made it hard for Jesus to go anywhere

    So Jesus stayed out in the desertSince he could no longer enter a cityYet the people kept coming to hear himAnd on them Jesus had pity


    A few days later

    To Capernaum Jesus returnedHe had come homeThe people of the city learned

    So many came to see himThat they filled up the placeThe line went out the doorThey filled up every space

    As Jesus preached the word to themFour men carrying their friendWho was a paralyticAnd they brought their friend to him

    They wanted to get him to JesusBut the crowd was too large to go aroundSo they dug a hole in the roofAnd they lowered their friend down

    Jesus looked at the paralyticAnd spoke of the faith of his friendsHe said these words to himSon, I have forgiven your sins.

    Now some teachers of the lawHeard Jesus and said Thats just wrong!Why does he talk like that?Who can forgive but God alone?

    Jesus could read their heartsThey didn

    t need to talkHe asked them "Which is easier,To say


    re forgiven, or get up and walk?


    But so that you will knowThe Son of man has authority to forgiveHe said, Get up! Take up your mat,Go home and really live.

    He got up and picked up his matAnd walked around in full view

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    This amazed them all and they praised GodSaying, Ive never seen anything like thishave you?

    Once again Jesus walked to the lakeAnd there he began to teachThen he saw Levi, Alphaeus sonAnd Jesus engaged in some outreach

    Follow me Jesus said to LeviAs he sat at his booth doing his workThen Levi got up and followed himWhich for some caused a knee-jerk

    While Jesus was sharing a mealWith disciples, tax-collectors and sinnersThe teachers of the law and Pharisees askedIs this how he usually spends his dinners?

    They questioned Jesus disciples

    Are these Jesus usual clientele?Jesus replied, Ive come for such as these.The sick need a doctor, not the well.

    Now Johns disciples were fastingAlong with the PhariseesSome came to Jesus and askedWhy dont your disciples fast, like these?

    Jesus answered, How can the bridegrooms guestsFast while he is around?They cant as long as hes with themBut one day this will all turn around.

    No one uses new clothTo patch a garment that is oldIf he does the new piece will pull awayAnd what is sewn will not hold

    No one puts new wine in old wineskinsIf he does the skins will breakAnd both wine and wineskin will ruinUse a new wineskin, dont make a mistake

    One day Jesus and his disciplesWere walking in a field picking grainThe Pharisees asked, Why do you break the law?We want you to explain.

    Jesus said, Let me remind you about DavidIm sure you can recall what youve read.When David and his companions were hungryThey feasted on consecrated bread.

    Then he said, Man wasnt made for the SabbathBut the Sabbath was made for manAnd the Son of Man is Lord of the SabbathKeep this in mind, if you can.


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    One day when Jesus entered the synagogueHe saw a man with a shriveled handSome were watching Jesus closelyTo see if he would break the Sabbath command

    Jesus then said to the man

    "Stand in front of everyone"Then he asked the people a questionBefore the healing had begun

    "Which is lawful on the SabbathTo do good or to do ill?Is it better to save a lifeOr is it better to kill?"

    But they remained silent.No one said a wordThe hardness of their hearts

    Really angered the Lord

    Jesus then said to the man"Sir, stretch out your hand"Then Jesus healed himWhen the man obeyed his command

    Then the Pharisees and HerodiansPlotted Jesus

    demiseWhile Jesus and his disciples withdrew to the lakeFollowed by a crowd of great size

    When they heard what he was doing

    They came from Jerusalem and JudeaAnd the regions across the JordanTyre, Sidon, and Idumea

    Because of the great crowdAnd the miracles he was doingJesus got in a small boatBecause of the commotion that was brewing

    Even the evil spiritsWere causing a lot of fussJesus ordered them to be silentWhen they told the people who he was

    Then Jesus went on the mountainsideAnd there the twelve were appointedHe chose them to be with himAnd to preach they were anointed

    He gave them the authorityTo help the demon-possessedThese are the twelve who were chosenFrom among all of the rest

    There was Simon whom he named Peter

    Also James and his brother JohnThey were called Sons of ThunderBut they were actually Zebedee

    s sons

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    He also called Andrew and PhilipThomas, Thaddaeus, and BartholomewSimon the Zealot, Judas IscariotAnd the tax-collector Matthew

    He then entered a house

    He sought a quiet place to meetBut the place became so crowdedThat he and his disciples were unable to eat

    When Jesus

    family heard where he wasThey came to take him away"Jesus is out of his mind"Was what he heard them say.

    And the teachers of the lawWho came from Jerusalem said,"He is possessed by Beelzebub!

    His power is demon-led

    "How can Satan drive out Satan? Jesus askedA kingdom divided cannot standIf a house is divided against itselfIt

    s destruction is at hand

    If Satan opposes himselfAnd his own enemy he has becomeHe can no longer standFor then his end has come

    You cannot enter a strong man

    s house

    And steal what he

    s attainedNo, you cannot rob his houseUnless he

    s been restrained

    I tell you the truthAll sins will be forgiven menBut whoever blasphemes the Holy SpiritIs guilty of an eternal sin.

    He spoke these words because they saidHe has an evil spiritWhen Jesus

    mother and brothers called for himJesus spoke so all could hear it.

    "Who are my mother and brothers?" He asked.Then he looked at those seated nearby"My mothers, brothers, and sisters,Are those who do the will of Him on high."


    Again Jesus began to teachBy the side of the lakeBut the crowd was so large

    Therefore for safety

    s sake

    He climbed in a boat

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    And the crowd stood on the shoreThen Jesus taught by parablesAnd the crowd wanted to hear more

    He taught them from everyday lessonsFrom things that they would knowHe said, Listen! Let me tell you of a farmer

    Who had some seed to sow.

    As he scattered the seed some fell on the pathAnd the birds came in hungry pursuitOther seed fell on rocky groundBut it withered because it had no root

    Other seed fell among the thornsAnd its sowing was in vainBecause the thorns choked the plantsSo that they did not bear grain

    And yet other seed fell on good soilAnd it grew and produced a cropThat multiplied thirty, sixty, a hundred timesIts yield would never stop

    Jesus said, Listen, if you have ears.But even the twelve were confusedSo when they were alone with JesusThey asked him about the parables he used.

    He said, You have been given the secretOf Gods kingdom, yes its trueI speak in parables to the others

    But I speak plainly to you

    You see if they would perceiveAnd understand what they hearPerhaps they will turn and be forgivenBut let me make things perfectly clear

    If you cant understand this parableHow will you understand any?The farmer sows the wordAnd the results, they can be many

    Some people are like the pathway seedsThey hear, but Satan eats them for dinnerOthers are like seed on rocky groundThey dont make it past beginner.

    Some are like seeds among the thornsThey hear the word and seem to growBut eventually the worries and cares of lifeWill choke the word and no fruit will show

    Others are like seed sown on good soilThe word they hear and receiveAnd they produce a great crop

    Now do you perceive?

    He continued to teach them

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    This is what he said"Do you bring in a lampAnd put it under a bowl or bed?

    Whatever is hidden should be disclosedAnd that which is concealed, made knownIf you have ears then listen

    To what I say about seed that is sewn

    Listen With the measure you useIt will be measured to you - and moreI will give to those who already haveThose who have nothing will have less than before

    This is what the kingdom is likeA man scatters seed on the groundNight and day without his assistanceThe harvest will abound

    All by itself grain will appearFirst the stalk, and then the headThen the full kernel will comeAnd it will be cut down and made into bread

    Gods kingdom is like a mustard seedWhich is the smallest God has madeBut it will grow to become a large treeAnd birds will perch in its shade

    Jesus always taught with parablesAs much as the people could understandHe would explain their meaning to his disciples

    When no one else was around

    That day when evening arrivedTo his disciples he said, and I quoteLet us go over to the other side.And so they all got in a boat.

    Then it became windy and stormyAnd waves broke over the boatWhile Jesus slept the disciples were worriedIf their vessel would stay afloat

    They woke Jesus up and cried outTeacher, dont you care if we drown?He got up and rebuked the stormThen it was calm and the wind died down

    He said to them, Where is your faith?Why are you afraid and in dismay?Terrified, they asked one anotherWho is this? Even the wind and waves obey!


    They went across the lakeTo the Gerasene RegionThis is where Jesus would encounter

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    The spirit whose name was Legion

    When Jesus stepped out of the boatA man from the tombs ran to himThe man had an evil spiritHis prospects looked very dim

    The people had tried to control himThey chained his hands and feetBut he broke the chains that bound himThe tombs were his retreat

    Day and night he would cut himselfAnd cry out for all to hearWhen he saw Jesus he ran to himAnd fell on his knees in fear

    He shouted, "What do you want with meJesus, Son of God Most High?

    Swear to God that you won

    t bring me torment"He cried as loud as he could cry.

    Jesus had said to him"Come out of this man, evil spirit"Then Jesus asked him his nameHe answered so Jesus could hear it

    My name is Legion, he answeredThere are many of us in this manDon

    t send us out of this areaThey begged Jesus again and again

    There was a large herd of pigsWho were feeding on the hillSend us into the pigsThe demons begged loud and shrill

    Jesus gave them permissionThe spirits entered the pigs on the bankThen the pigs jumped in the lakeAnd immediately they sank

    Those tending the pigs told the ownersAnd the people from the town came to seeAnd they saw Jesus and the once-possessed manSitting there so calmly

    The ones who saw it described itBut it was hard for the hearers to believeAnd the crowd was afraid of JesusAnd so they pled for him to leave

    As Jesus was beginning to leaveThe man who had been demon-possessedBegged Jesus to let him followBut Jesus said "Let me tell you what

    s best

    Go to your home and your familyTell them what the Lord has doneSo the man spread the news in the Ten Cities

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    And his story amazed everyone

    When Jesus had once againCrossed to the other side of the lakeA crowd had already gathered thereA man named Jairus came for his daughter

    s sake

    When he saw Jesus, he fell at his feetAnd he said "My daughter is dyingPlease touch her with your healing handsSo Jesus walked to where the girl was lying.

    But the crowd pressed against JesusAnd a certain woman followed him tooShe had been bleeding for twelve yearsAnd heres what she decided to do

    She thought, If I could just touch his clothesThen I would surely be healed.

    So she reached out and touched his cloakBut her action wasnt concealed

    Jesus stopped and asked Who touched me?The disciples said, What do you mean?People are crowding against youBut Jesus knew so he surveyed the scene

    The woman came and fell at his feetShe trembled as she told what shed doneJesus said, Your faith has healed you,Go in peace with the freedom youve won.

    Then some men came from Jairus house sayingYour daughter has died it is time to grieveBut Jesus ignored their report and saidDont be afraid; just believe.

    He did not let anyone followExcept Peter, James and JohnAnd when they came to Jairus houseJesus saw a great commotion

    Jesus said, Why are you wailing?Why do you worry and weep?Then he told them, The child isnt dead,Noshe is only asleep.

    They laughed at Jesus and he put them outAnd he took the childs father and motherHe also took his disciplesBut he allowed no other.

    He took the child by the hand and said,Little girl, I want you to stand!Immediately she stood up and walkedThey were astonished, then he gave this command

    Tell no one what youve seenWhat I tell you, do not repeat.Then he told them to care for the girl

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    And give her something to eat.


    Then Jesus went to his hometownAnd his disciples accompanied him there

    On the Sabbath he went to the SynagogueWhen he taught them the people declared:

    Where did this man learn these things ?How did he get so wise?He even works miraclesThen they began to recognize

    Wait, isnt this the carpenter?Isnt this the son of Mary?We know his brothers and sistersThen they became quite contrary

    Jesus said, Only in his hometown,Is a prophet not acceptedHe healed some but could do nothing elseTheir faithlessness was unexpected

    Jesus taught from village to villageThen calling the twelve to draw nearHe sent them out two by twoAnd over evil spirits they would persevere

    These were his instructionsTake only a staff with you,

    No bread, no bag, no money,No extra tunic, only your shoes

    Whenever you enter a houseStay there until you leave that townAnd if anyplace does not welcome or listenThere is no need to stay around

    As a testimony against the peopleShake off the dust from your feetSo they went out and preached repentanceTown after town and street after street

    They drove out many demonsAnd anointed the sick with oilWord about Jesus reached King HerodAnd his blood began to boil

    Some were saying, Hes John the Baptist,He has been raised from the dead!This didnt sit well with HerodIt was John that he gave the order to behead

    You see, Herod had John arrestedHe had him bound and locked away

    Because Herod married his brothers wifeAnd John said it was wrong to live that way

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    Herodias did not like JohnShe wanted to see him deadSo when her daughter danced for HerodHere is what King Herod said:

    You have pleased me with your danceAsk me, I give you whatever you say.

    When she asked her mom what to ask forShe said, John the Baptists head on a tray.

    This deeply distressed the kingBut he had promised to do as she saidSo he had John beheadedAnd then took Herodias Johns head

    After the disciples had finished their preachingThey told Jesus all they had doneBut there were so many people around themThat they were beginning to feel undone

    Jesus said, Come with me and rest,Well go to a quiet place.So they got in a boat and traveledTo find some quiet space

    But when they got to the other sideA large crowd was already thereJesus saw them with eyes of compassionThey were like sheep with no one to care


    s getting late and the crowd needs to eat"The disciples told Jesus that day

    "They need to go to town to find some food.We need to send them away."

    Jesus said, "You give them food."They replied, That we cannot afford.We would have to spend eight months of wages.We

    re sure you

    re kidding Lord."

    "How many loaves do you have?" Jesus asked"Go and see and bring back a report."When they returned they said, "Five loaves and two fish,We think we

    re a little short."

    Then Jesus told them to go to the crowdAnd have them sit in groups on the groundThen he gave thanks for the foodAnd told the disciples to pass it around.

    Everyone ate and were satisfiedThere was more food at the end than the startAt least five thousand men were fedThen Jesus said "It

    s time to depart."

    Jesus dismissed the crowdAnd told his disciples to get in the boat

    Then Jesus left them and went to prayOn the mountain in a place remote.

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    When evening came, the vesselWas in the middle of the lakeThe wind was very strongAnd the boat began to shake

    Jesus saw them struggleAnd at about the fourth watch of the night

    Jesus walked on the lake toward themWhen they saw him they were filled with fright.

    Immediately Jesus said"Don

    t be afraid. It is I."Then he climbed in the boat with themAnd the wind began to die.

    They were completely amazedThey had not understood yetSo their hearts were still hardAs they landed at Gennesaret

    The people recognized JesusAs soon as he stepped on the landAnd wherever he went the sickWanted to be touched by his healing hand

    The sick were placed in his pathIf they could touch his robe theyd be thrilledAnd all who touched the edge of his cloakWere miraculously healed


    From Jerusalem came PhariseesAnd some of the teachers of the lawThey complained to JesusAbout the things they saw

    The disciples were eating foodWith hands that were uncleanThe Pharisees practiced ceremonial washingIn fact they washed everything

    So the Pharisees and lawyers asked"Why don

    t your disciples do what tradition demands?How can they eat their foodWith unclean, unwashed hands?"

    Isaiah was talking about you hypocritesWhen he prophesied in his day

    These people honor me with their lips,But their hearts are far away.

    They follow man-made rulesAnd worship me in vain.You hang on to the traditions of menBut following God

    s commands you refrain

    You have set aside what God wantsTo follow your own traditions

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    When it comes to doing what Moses saidYou have set up certain conditions

    Moses said to honor your parentsAnd if you curse them you should dieBut you say I promised it to GodAnd mistreat your parents then God

    s word you nullify

    Again Jesus taught the crowd"Listen, and understandNothing from the outside can make you uncleanRather it is what comes out of a man

    Afterwards in the houseThe disciples asked him to explainJesus said "don

    t you see?What I said was very plain"

    Nothing that enters a man

    Can make him uncleanBecause it doesn

    t enter his heartBut his stomach, do you see what I mean?"


    t worry about what you eatInstead watch what comes from withinOut of men

    s hearts come evil thoughtsImmorality and all kinds of sin

    Murder, theft, greed and deceitAll these evils come from insideThen Jesus left and went to TyreTo be alone, but he couldn

    t hide

    In fact as soon as she heard he was thereA woman whose daughter was possessedCame and fell at his feetAnd she cried out her request

    The woman was Greek, from Syro-PhoeniciaShe begged Jesus and then he said"First let the children eat all they wantIt isn

    t right to give dogs their bread

    The woman said "Yes, I knowYou don

    t give children

    s bread to a houndBut even the dogs under the tableEat the crumbs that fall to the ground."

    "For such a reply, you may goThe demon is gone, Jesus saidShe went home and found her daughterIn her right mind lying on her bed

    Then Jesus left there and went through SidonDown to the Galilee SeaAnd into the Decapolis regionThere some people came with a plea

    They brought a man to be healedWho was deaf and could hardly speak

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    In his present conditionHis future was awfully bleak

    Jesus took him asideAway from his pals and his peersHe spit and touched the man

    s tongueAnd put his fingers in his ears

    Then Jesus looked up to heaven and sighed"Ephphatha!", a wonderful wordAt once the man could speakAnd every sound he heard

    Jesus commanded the people"Be silent", but they didn

    t obeyThey were so amazed with JesusThey had never seen such a miraculous display


    A great crowd followed once againAnd they brought no food for the dayJesus called his disciples to himAnd here

    s what he had to say:

    These people have nothing to eatMy compassion for them is greatWe cannot send them awayBecause the hour is late

    The disciples said, "How can we feed them?

    Where will we find enough bread?"Jesus asked, "How many loaves do you have?""Seven", the disciples said.

    Jesus took the seven loavesAnd he told the people to have a seatHe then gave thanks and broke the loavesAnd he gave it to them to eat.

    They also had a few fishJesus blessed them as he did the breadThere were seven baskets left overAfter every person was fed

    Jesus then sent them awayAfter the four thousand were satisfiedThen Jesus met the disciplesDown by the riverside

    To the district of DalmanuthaHe and his disciples sailedThere the Pharisees sought to test himBut they never prevailed

    The Pharisees asked for a sign

    Jesus shook his head and sighed"They want me to give them a sign but I won

    t."Then they sailed to the other side

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    "Beware of the leaven of the PhariseesAnd the leaven of Herod," Jesus saidBut the disciples didn

    t hear himBecause they didn

    t have any bread

    They only had one loaf between them

    This was all they had on their mindsJesus said, "Why do you worry about bread?Don

    t you understand? Are you blind?"

    "You have ears but do not hear!You have eyes but do not see!When I fed the hungry crowdsWeren

    t you there? Weren

    t you with me?"

    "How many baskets did you take upWhen the five thousand were fed?And after the four thousand?"

    "Twelve and seven" the disciples said

    "You are worried about being hungryYet you held the leftovers in your handThink about what you are doingThink about it and understand."

    From there they went to BethsaidaAnd some brought a man who was blindThey begged Jesus to touch himAnd to help this man out of his bind.

    Jesus took the man by the hand

    And led him out of the townHe spit on his eyes and touched himBut the man saw trees walking around.

    So Jesus touched him againThis time the healing was completeJesus sent him to his home"Don

    t enter the city, be discreet."

    Jesus then went with his disciplesTo the area of Caesarea PhilippiHe asked, "Who do people say that I am."This was the disciple

    s reply:

    "Some say John the BaptistRisen from the deadBut others say Elijah, or a prophet,This was what the disciples said.

    Then he asked, "But what about you?Who do you say that I am?"Peter knew what to sayHe was ready for this exam.

    He said, "You are the Christ

    You are God

    s only Son."Then Jesus strictly charged them to be silentAnd he forbade them to tell anyone

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    And he taught them that the Son of ManWould suffer and be rejectedThat he would be killed and rise againBut this wasn

    t what Peter expected

    Peter took Jesus aside and rebuked him

    He said, "Lord, these things cannot be!"But Jesus turned and rebuked PeterSaying "Satan, get behind me!"

    "Your mind is filled with earthly things,It isn

    t set on things from above."And he called to him the crowd and his disciplesSaying, "Let me tell you what I

    m speaking of."

    "If you want to come after meThere must first be self-denialThen you must pick up your cross and follow

    A selfless attitude must be your style"

    "For to save your life you must lose itThere are greater things at stakeYou will save it if you lose itFor the gospel and for my sake."

    If a man wants to gain the whole worldIf that is his life

    s goalWhat profit will he enjoyIf in the process he loses his soul?

    For whoever is ashamed of me

    Or ashamed of the teachings I shareIn this adulterous and sinful generationLet those people beware

    For the Son of Man will be ashamedOf those who are ashamed of meWhen with the holy angelsHe comes in his Father

    s glory."


    Jesus said to them "I tell you the truthSome who are here this very hourWill not taste death before they seeGods kingdom come with power."

    After six days, Jesus took with himPeter, James, and JohnAnd he led them up a high mountainAway from everyone.

    There he was transfiguredAnd his clothes became dazzling whiteWhiter than anyone could bleach them

    Then Elijah and Moses came in sight

    They were talking with Jesus

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    But Peter just couldn

    t keep quiteHe did not know what to sayBecause he was filled with fright

    But that never stopped him beforeSo he said, "Rabbi, I

    m glad we are here.Let us put up three shelters


    ll be the first to volunteer."


    ll build one for you and for MosesAnd we

    ll build one for Elijah too."Then a voice from the cloud said, "This is my beloved Son,Listen to what he says to you!"

    Suddenly when they looked aroundElijah and Moses were goneThey no longer saw anyone with themThey saw only Jesus alone

    Then they came down the mountain"Don

    t tell anyone," Jesus said."Until the Son of ManHas risen from the dead."

    They kept the matter to themselves"What does he mean?" they conversedThen they turned to Jesus and asked"Why do the teachers say Elijah must come first?"

    Jesus replied, "Elijah does come first,And restores all things, as expected.Why then must the Son of Man

    Suffer much and be rejected?"

    "But I tell you, Elijah has comeAnd by their hands he was smittenThey have done everything to him they wishedJust as it is written."

    When they came to the other disciplesThey saw the teachers of the law arguing with themAs the crowd of people saw JesusThey were in awe and ran to greet him

    Jesus turned to his disciples and asked,"What are you arguing with them about?"A man in the crowd said, "My son has a demon,But your disciples could not drive it out."

    The spirit has robbed him of his speechWhen it seizes him he cannot make a soundHe foams at the mouth and gnashes his teethHe becomes rigid, and is thrown to the ground.

    "Unbelieving generation," Jesus said,"How long shall I put up with you?Bring the boy to me."

    Then they did what he told them to do.

    As soon as the spirit saw Jesus

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    And he held him tenderlyHe said, "Whoever welcomes one of these little onesIn my name also welcomes me."

    "And whoever welcomes me does not welcome meBut welcomes the one who sent me," he taughtThe disciples listened intently

    And felt guilty over how they had fought.

    "Teacher," John said, "we saw a manWho was driving out demons in your name,But we told him to stopHe wasn

    t one of us, he had no claim."

    "Do not stop him," Jesus told him"No one who works miracles in my nameCan turn right around the next momentAnd bad things about me proclaim."

    "Whoever is not against us is for usI say to you truthfullyThat person will not lose his rewardIf they help you because you belong to me."

    "And if anyone causes one of these childrenWho believe to sin and fall downIt would be better if a large stone was tied to his neckAnd he was thrown in the sea to drown."

    "If your hand causes you to sinCut it off. It is better to be maimedThan to have two hands to go into hell

    Where you cannot run from the flames."

    "And if your foot leads you to sinCut it off. Better to be incompleteThan to be thrown into hellHaving two good feet."

    "And if your eye makes you sinPluck it out, it is just as wellIt is better to enter God

    s kingdom with one eyeThan to have two eyes and be thrown into hell."

    "In hell,

    their worm does not dieAnd the fire no one can quench.The flames will continue to burnAnd there is a horrible stench."

    "Everyone will be salted with fire.If salt is no longer salty, why bother?You must have salt in yourselves,And be at peace with one another."


    Then Jesus went across the JordanAnd the crowds followed him againAs Jesus started to teach them

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    But this is impossible for man."

    Then Peter said "We have left allIn order to follow you."Jesus replied "Listen to meWhat I tell you is true."

    No one who has left home or familyOr fields for the gospel or meWill fail to receive a hundred timesThese things now and eternally"

    But many who are first will be lastAnd the last will be in first place"While they traveled toward JerusalemJesus told them what they would face.

    "The Son of Man will be betrayedAnd turned over to lawyers and priests

    They will condemn him to deathThen to the Gentiles he

    ll be released

    They will mock him and spit on himAnd flog him and take his life awayBut that will not be the endHe will rise again on the third day

    Then James and John, Zebedee

    s sonsSaid "Teacher, give us our request"Jesus replied "What do you want me to do?""In your kingdom, we want the seats that are best."

    You do not know what you

    re askingJesus tried to make them awareCan you drink from my cup?And my baptism can you share?

    Yes we can, they repliedAnd you will Jesus declaredBut who will sit on my right and my leftIs for those for whom it is prepared

    When the others heard what was said,They became angry with Zebedee

    s sonsJesus said, You know the leaders of the GentilesConsider themselves great ones

    They lord it over their subjectsBut it shall not be so among youTo be great in God

    s kingdomYou must have a different view

    If you want to be greatThen a servant you must beAnd if you want to be firstYou must serve everybody

    For even the Son of ManCame not to be served but to serveAnd to give his life for others

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    And take the penalty they deserve

    As he was leaving JerichoWith his disciples and a great crowdBartimaeus, a blind beggar heard JesusAnd he cried out to him very loud

    "Jesus, son of David, have mercy"He cried out again and againThe people told him to be silentBut Jesus stopped and said, "Call him."

    The people said, "Take heart,Get up he is calling youSo he sprang up and came to JesusJesus asked, "What do you want me to do?"

    He said, "Teacher, let me recover my sight."Jesus said, "Your faith has healed you, go your way."

    And suddenly he received his sightAnd he began to follow Jesus that day.


    As they approached JerusalemJesus called two of his disciples nearAnd said "Go to the village and you

    ll find a coltUntie it and bring it here."

    If anyone sees what you

    re doingAnd they don

    t think it

    s apropos

    Tell them "the Lord needs it, but it will be returned"So they did, and the people let them go.

    They brought the colt to JesusOn its back they threw their cloaksJesus sat on it and as he rodeHe was worshipped by the folks

    The people covered the roadWith branches and with clothesFrom those who went ahead and followedShouts of worship arose

    Hosanna! Blessed is he who comesIn the Lord

    s holy nameBlessed is David

    s coming kingdomHosanna in the highest, they proclaimed

    When Jesus entered JerusalemHe entered the temple and looked aroundBut since it was already lateHe joined the twelve in Bethany town

    The next day as they were leavingJesus was hungry and looked around

    In the distance he saw a fig treeWhen he reached it he didn

    t like what he found

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    All he found were leavesIt was not the season for fruitHe said, "May no one ever eat from you again."And he was resolute

    When they reached JerusalemJesus entered the temple and frowned

    People were buying and sellingLike merchants all around

    He drove out all the merchantsTheir tables he overturnedThrowing out the money changers and sellers of dovesTheir temple actions he spurned

    He taught them "Is it not writtenMy house is a house of prayer?But you have made it a den of thievesLike doing business in the market square

    The chief priests feared himBecause the crowd was amazed at what he saidSo they began lookingFor a way to see him dead

    In the evening they went out of townAnd in the morning when they walked aroundThey saw the withered fig treePeter said, "Look, it has withered to the ground

    Jesus said, "Have faith in GodI speak the truth, listen to me

    If you don

    t doubt you can tell this mountainGo, throw yourself into the sea

    Therefore I tell youWhatever you ask in prayerIt will be yoursIf you believe and don

    t despair

    And when you stand prayingAnd you want God to forgive your sinsRemember if you hold anything against anyoneYou must go and make amends

    Jesus walked in the temple courtsWhen they had arrived in Jerusalem againThe chief priests, elders and teachers of the lawSaw Jesus and started weighing-in

    By what authority are you doing these things?Jesus said, First you must answer meWas John

    s baptism from heaven?Or was it the everyday variety?

    They said, "If we say

    From heaven,He

    ll ask, why didnt you believe?

    But if we say

    From men

    ...Well you know how John is perceived

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    So they answered "We don

    t know."Jesus said, "Then I won

    t tell you,By what authorityI do the things I do."


    Jesus taught: "A man planted a vineyardAnd he protected it with a wallHe dug a pit for the winepressAnd built a watchtower above it all

    He rented the vineyard to some farmersAnd left them to run the farmAt harvest time he sent a servant to get some fruitBut they seized him and did him harm

    They sent him away empty-handed

    So he sent another servant to collectBut they treated this man shamefullyAnd struck him above the neck

    He sent still anotherAnd this one they even killedHe sent many othersAlthough each one

    s doom was sealed

    He had only one left to sendA son whom he loved with all his mightHe sent him last of all, sayingThey will surely treat him right

    But the tenants said to each otherCome, let

    s kill him since he

    s the heirThen the inheritance will be oursThey took him outside the vineyard, and killed him there

    What then will the owner of the vineyard do?He will avenge his sonThose tenants will be killedAnd hell give the farm to others to run


    t you read the ScripturesFor this story it sets the toneThe stone the builders rejectedHas become the capstone

    The Lord has done thisAnd it is marvelous in our sight"When he had said this they tried to arrest himBut the size of the crowd gave them fright

    Later they sent some PhariseesAnd Herodians to trick the LordThey said, "Teacher, we know you have integrityYou are a man of your word

    You aren

    t swayed by menYou teach the truth of God

    s way

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    So tell us, is it right to pay taxes to Caesar?We are anxious to hear what you say

    Jesus knew they were hypocrites"Why are you trying to trap me?Bring me a coin" Then he held it up"Whose portrait do you see?"


    s," they answeredThen Jesus said, "Give to Caesar what he is dueAnd give to God that which belongs to him"They were amazed at what he knew

    Then some Sadducees came to JesusThese don

    t believe one can rise from the deadThey also had a question"Teacher, explain what Moses said"

    "He wrote that if a man

    s brother dies

    And he leaves a wife but no daughter or sonThe man must marry the widowAnd have children on behalf of the deceased one

    Now let

    s say there were seven brothersThe first married and died with no heirThe second one married the widowBut no child was born to that pair

    He died and so did the thirdIn fact the same thing happened to all sevenThen the woman finally diedNow, who will be her husband in heaven?"


    t you know anything?" Jesus asked."You should know the Scriptures" he saidThere will be no marriage in heavenThey

    ll be like angels when they rise from the dead."

    Now about the resurrectionDon

    t you remember? To Moses, God said"I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob."He is not the God of the dead.

    A teacher of the lawOverheard their conversationHe saw that Jesus answered them wellSo he sought Jesus


    He asked, "Of all the commandmentsWhich one would you put at the top?Which one is the most important?Which one is the cream of the crop?"

    "The most important, Jesus answeredIs written in DeuteronomyHear, O Israel, God is oneAnd He must be loved, you see."

    You must Love the Lord your GodWith all your heart and soul

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    Love him with all your mind and strengthThis must be your Goal

    Jesus didn

    t stop there"This one is second bestLove your neighbor as you love yourself"The lawyer knew Jesus passed the test

    "You are right to sayThat God is one and there

    s no otherAnd you must love himAnd also love your brother"

    When Jesus saw how he had answeredHe said: "God

    s kingdom is close to you"From that time on no one questioned JesusThat was something they knew not to do

    In the temple courts Jesus was teaching

    He asked, "Why do the lawyers teach everyoneYou must believe that the ChristHe is David

    s son."

    Speaking by the Spirit, David saidThe Lord said to my Lord, sit at my right handUntil your enemies are underfootListen and understand

    If David calls him LordThen how can he be his son?The crowd listened with delightBut Jesus wasn

    t done

    "Watch out for the teachers of the lawThey are filled with conceitThey sashay around in flowing robesAnd demand the most important seat

    They devour the houses of widowsAnd for show their prayers are longSuch men will be severely punishedAnd pay for every wrong

    Jesus sat down near the areaWhere the offerings were placedHe watched the crowd pass byHe studied every face

    The rich threw in lots of cashBut a widow who was very poorPut in only 2 small copper coinsJesus said out of everyone she has given more

    They all gave out of their wealthBut she, out of her povertyPut in everything she hadShe gave the most you see!


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    But in those days after tribulationThere

    ll be no light from the sun or the moonStars will fall from the heavensYes, even the heavens will not be immune

    Then the Son of Man will come


    ll see his glory and powerHis angels will gather the electHeaven and earth they will scour

    Learn the lesson of the fig treesWhen they blossom summer is nearSo when you see these things happenTake heart and do not fear.


    ll be at the very gatesTruly, I say to youThis generation will not pass

    Until these things I do

    Heaven and earth will passBut my words, they will endureNow concerning that day and hourNo one knows for sure

    Not the angels, nor the SonOnly the Father knowsBe on guard, and stay awakeThe time may come while you doze


    s like a man on a journey

    His estate he charges his servant to keepEach one is given a job to doAnd the doorkeeper mustn

    t fall asleep

    Therefore you know not the hourStay alert, don

    t make a mistakeThe master could come at any hourTherefore I say: Stay awake!


    It was two days before the PassoverAnd the Feast of Unleavened BreadThe chief priests and scribesWanted to see Jesus dead

    "We can

    t arrest him during the feast,Or we

    ll stir up the peopleAt the time Jesus was in BethanyAt the home of Simon the leper

    As he was reclining at the tableA woman with ointment in an expensive flaskPoured the ointment on his head

    Some who saw this grumbled and asked

    "Why was this ointment wasted?

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    We could have sold it to help the poorThis ointment could have brought inThree-hundred denarii or more."

    And they scolded the womanBut Jesus said, "Leave her alone.She has done something beautiful for me

    Because one day I will be gone."

    The poor will always be with youYou can help them any time you seeDon

    t speak badly of this womanBecause you will not always have me."

    "This woman has done what she couldAnointing me before I dieWherever the gospel is proclaimedOf this woman it will testify."

    Then Judas Iscariot one of the twelveWent to the priests to betray himThey promised to give him moneyFor what he was doing for them.

    He sought an opportunity to betray ChristAnd on the first day of Unleavened BreadWhen they sacrifice the Passover lambThe disciples turned to Jesus and said,

    "When will you have us prepareTo eat the Passover meal with you?"And he sent two disciples and told them

    "Here is what I want you to do."

    You will find a man carrying a jarFollow him and go where he goesWhen you see the master of the houseHere is what you need to propose

    Tell him to show you the roomWhere I

    ll eat the Passover with youHe will take you to a large room upstairsThen prepare the meal," he said to the two

    The disciples did as he saidAnd as they sat at the tableJesus said, "One of you will betray me.I tell you the truth, not a fable."

    They became sorrowful and troubled"Lord, tell me. Is it I?" they saidJesus replied, "Look, and you will see,He and I are both dipping our bread."

    The Son of Man does what is written of himBut woe to the one who betraysIt would be better if he was not born

    If he had lived none of his days."

    As they ate he took the loaf

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    He blessed it and broke it and said,"Take it, this is my body."And they took and ate the bread.

    Then he held up the cupHe blessed it and then he said"This is my blood of the covenant

    Which for many will be shed."

    I will not drink it againUntil I drink it anewIn the Kingdom of God."After singing a hymn, they withdrew.

    They went out to the Mount of OlivesJesus said, "You will all fall away.For it is written


    ll strike the shepherd,And the sheep will scatter and stray.


    "But after I am raised upI will meet you in Galilee"Peter said, "The others may fallBut what you say can

    t apply to me!"

    Jesus said, "Truly I tell youThis night, before the cock crows twiceYou will deny me not onceBut you will deny me thrice."

    Peter said, "I want to die with you,I will not deny you, you

    ll see."And all the others said the same

    Then they went out to Gesthemene.

    And he said to his disciples"Sit here while I pray."And he took Peter, James and JohnAnd said, "This is where you must stay."

    He became disturbed and troubledHe said, "I am sorrowful to my soulEven to the point of death."He knew the clock would soon toll

    He went a little fartherAnd he fell to the ground to prayHe prayed that if it was possibleGod would take his cup away.

    "Abba, Father, you can do all thingsTake this cup from meBut if you want me to drink it,Then I will go obediently."

    Then he came and found them sleepingHe gave Peter a shake"Couldn

    t you watch one hour?


    t you stay awake?"

    "Watch and pray lest you fall

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    Your spirit may be strongBut your flesh is very weakWatch and don

    t give occasion to wrong."

    He again went awayAnd prayed as he did beforeHe went back to his disciples

    And found them asleep once more

    The he found them asleep againAfter the third time he had prayedHe said, "It

    s enough, the hour is here,For the Son of Man to be betrayed."

    "I will be given over to sinnersMy betrayer is at hand.Rise, let us be goingHe motioned for them to stand.

    And just as he was speakingJudas, one of his menLed an angry mobAnd he walked right up to him.

    Judas had given them a sign"The one I kiss is the manSeize him and lead him away."He directed the angry band.

    So he went up to Jesus at onceAnd said, "Rabbi," and gave him a kiss.What an awful thing to do

    To betray the Lord like this.

    Then they laid their hands on JesusAnd they arrested him with a sneerOne of the bystanders drew his swordAnd cut off the priests servant

    s ear

    Jesus said, "Did you come to me as a criminalDid you bring weapons to take me away to be killed?Day after day I taught in the temple areaBut you didn

    t arrest me so that scriptures are fulfilled

    And they all left him and they fledA young man followed wearing very little clothesThey seized him but he escapedRunning away fully exposed

    They led Jesus to the high priestThe chief priests, elders and scribesPeter followed far behindIn order to pick up on the vibes

    He was in the courtyardWarming himself by the fireHe was about to fulfill Jesus


    Of him becoming a denier

    The chief priests and the Sanhedrin

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    Tried to obtain testimony in order to take Jesus

    lifeBut there was conflicting testimonyAlthough the false witnesses were rife

    Some took the stand and said"He said he

    d destroy the temple made with handsAnd in three days he said he

    d build another

    Within three days...those were his plans."

    They heard from many witnessesBut their testimony did not agreeSo the high priest asked Jesus, "Have you no answer?What these men are testifying against thee?"

    But Jesus answered nothingThe high priest asked, Are you the Blessed One?"Then Jesus answered, "Yes, I am he.And one day you

    ll see the Son"

    "The Son of Man will be seatedAt the right hand of pure powerComing from the clouds of heavenJust like a powerful, mighty shower

    At that the high priest tore his robe"Why on these witnesses do we rely?You have heard his blasphemy. What do you think?"And they all agreed he deserved to die

    Some began to spit on himThey blindfolded and struck him and said"Prophesy! If you are a prophet

    And the guards gave him blows to the head

    While Peter was in the courtyardOne of the high priests maids came byShe saw Peter and said, "You were with the Jesus"But Peter told her a lie

    "I don

    t know or understandWhat you are talking about."Then the cock crowed onceAs Peter looked for a way out

    But the maid saw him againAnd she said to the bystanders, "See this man?He was one of Jesus followers."But Peter denied it again.

    He even began to curse"Lady, I don

    t know what you are talking about!I do not know that man."Peter continued to shout

    And immediately the cock crowed againAfter the third time Peter deniedHe remembered what Jesus had told him

    Then Peter broke down and cried.

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    As soon as it was morningThe chief priests with their cohorts alongsideTied Jesus up and led him to PilateThey wanted the governor to decide

    Pilate asked Jesus a question"Are you the king of the Jews?"Jesus replied by saying,"You say so, if you choose."

    The chief priests continued to accuse himSo Pilate questioned him again"See how many things they accuse you of.You had better give me an answer then."

    But Jesus said nothing furtherAnd to this Pilate was stupefied

    Now Pilate would release a prisoner during the feastAnd he would let the people decide

    A man called Barabbas was in prisonAlong with the rebels he had committed murder withThe crowd came to Pilate to do as he was accustomedAnd release a prisoner forthwith

    Pilate asked the determined crowd"Should I release the king of the Jews?"He knew they had handed him over out of envyBut he gave them the power to choose

    The chief priests stirred up the crowdTo call for Barabbas

    release insteadThen Pilate asked "What do I do with Jesus?"They shouted "Crucify him! We want him dead!"

    Pilate said to them, "Why?What evil has he done?"They only shouted the louder "Crucify him!Pilate knew he was outdone

    He wanted to satisfy the crowdHe released Barabbas to themHe handed Jesus over to be crucifiedAfter he took Jesus and scourged him

    The soldiers led him to the palaceThe praetorium was the name of the placeThen they clothed him in purple and crowned him with thornsAnd they struck him and spit on his face

    They taunted "Hail, King of the Jews"As they gave him a mock saluteThey knelt to him in homageAnd they continued to persecute

    Then they stripped him of his purple robeAnd they put his own clothes on him againThen they set out to crucify him

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    The trip to Golgotha would now begin

    They pressured Simon of CyreneAlexander and Rufus

    dadTo carry the cross for JesusTo carry it in his stead

    They brought Jesus to GolgothaThe Skull

    s Place is the translationThey gave him wine drugged with myrrhJesus refused the pain-numbing application

    They cast lots for his garmentsTo see what each one would getIt was nine in the morning when they crucified him"King of the Jews" was his inscribed epithet

    With him they crucified two robbersThey were on his left and his right

    Those passing by reviled himThey said, "Come now, show us your might."

    "You who would destroy the templeAnd build it back in three daysSave yourself and come down from the cross.Show us your miraculous ways."

    The chief priests and the scribes also mocked him"He saved others; but himself he cannot.Let the Messiah, the King of Israel come downShow us what you

    ve got."

    Those crucified with himJoined the others in their impugn.At noon darkness came over the whole landUntil three in the afternoon.

    And at three Jesus cried out loudly"Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?"Which is translated, "My God, my God,Why have you forsaken me?"

    Some of those standing nearSaid, he

    s calling Elijah, look."One gave him a wine-soaked sponge to drink, saying,"Let us see if Elijah gets him off the hook."

    Then Jesus cried out loudAnd he took his very last breathThen in the temple something strange happenedAt the moment of Jesus


    The curtain was torn in twoThe curtain that guarded the holiest placeAt the cross a centurion stoodLooking into Jesus


    He said these words of JesusAfter seeing him breathe his last"Truly this man was the Son of God.

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    He will never be surpassed."

    There were also womenLooking on from a distanceIn Galilee they had followed ChristAnd given him assistance

    Mary Magdalene and Salome were thereAs was Joses

    and James

    mother, MaryWhen evening had comeA man came to Pilate with a query

    He was Joseph of ArimatheaA Council member and highly respectedHe himself was looking for the kingdomA man Jesus had affected

    He showed courage when he asked PilateFor the body of Jesus, the Lord

    To hear that Jesus was already deadHad Pilate completely floored

    He summoned the centurionAnd learned that Jesus was dead indeedSo he turned to JosephAnd allowed him to proceed

    When Jesus

    body was loweredHe took the linen shroud he

    d boughtAnd wrapped Jesus corpseWith the linen shroud he

    d brought

    Then he laid him in a tombThat had been cut out of the rockHe then rolled a stone against itSo the entrance would be blocked

    Mary, mother of JosesAnd Mary MagdaleneWere present when Jesus was buriedThey had witnessed the whole scene.


    When the Sabbath was overThe women walked toward the tombThey were going to anoint Jesus

    bodyWith spices and sweet perfume

    It was just after sunriseOn the first day of the weekThey turned to one anotherAnd opened their mouths to speak

    "When we arrive at the tomb

    Who will roll away the stone?"But they discovered the stone had been movedAnd they realized they weren

    t alone

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    They saw a young man dressed in whiteAnd they became alarmedThen the man spoke to them"Do not fear, you will not be harmed."

    "You are looking for Jesus

    The Nazarene who was crucifiedBut he isn

    t here, he has risenSee the place that he occupied."

    "Go and tell the disciples and PeterHe will meet you in Galilee.It is just as he has promisedGo and you will see."

    Trembling and afraidThe women went out and fledBut since they were terrified

    They did not do as he said.

    (The most reliable manuscriptsAnd witnesses from the earliest dateDo not include verses nine through twentyThey end Mark

    s Gospel at verse eight.)

    Jesus first appeared to Mary MagdaleneWhen he arose that first EastertideShe was the one out of whom he had drivenSeven demons that she had inside

    She went and told the disciples

    Who could only weep and greiveBut when she said shed seen JesusThey did not believe

    Then Jesus appeared in a different formTo two of them on a country roadBut the others did not believe themWhen they reported their episode

    Then Jesus appeared to the elevenAs together they ate their foodHe rebuked their lack of faithAnd their stubborn attitude

    Then he said, "Go into all the worldAnd preach good news to all creationWhoever doesn

    t believe is condemnedBut baptized believers will find salvation

    And these signs will accompany the believers:They will pick up snakes with their hands;They will speak in new tongues;And deadly poison they will withstand

    In my name they will drive out demons;

    And people who are sick will be healedThese things can be done by the faithfulBy these signs true believers are revealed

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    After the Lord Jesus had spokenInto heaven they saw him riseAnd he sat at the right hand of GodThen the disciples went out to evangelize

    The Lord worked in them and through them

    Their work he did under-girdAnd by the accompanying signsThe Lord Jesus confirmed his word.

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