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    3/24/13 "Vegetarian Christ, Vegetarian God"

    Page 4 of 4 pages

    It was not until an E-mail acquaintance of mine, an American tourist

    and researcher from New Jersey and Florida, visiting in Pakistan

    and Kashmir, sent me a copy of the book KINGS OF KASHMIRA, that

    I began to "see the light" about Jesus' vegetarianism, and the

    reason for it!

    Jesus, ruling Kashmir under the name Meghavahana, had become both a

    Zealot and a "Controversial Christ" in that country also. The "protector of

    animals" both "small and reat".

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    The respected and official

    "History of the Kashmir

    Kings"by Kahlana

    Sent to me all the way from India

    by Suzanna Olsson, whose picture I

    have shown above.

    The story of Jesus Christ in Kashmir starts in 25 AD, when he was appointed or elected King

    of that small Himalayan nation. But he was apparently living a while before that in Pakistan, in the

    city of Taxila. Where he was chosen to be the husband of a princess, the princess Amritaprabha,

    the daughter of King Gopadditya.. The story begins on page 33. His name in those days and in

    that location was Prince Meghavahana.

    "Gopaditya, the king of Gandhara, in the hope of conquering Kashmira,

    had given shelter to the great grand-son of Yudishthira. This exiled prince had

    a son named Meghavahana, whom his father had sent to the country of east

    Yotisha to be present at the Sayamvara marriage of the daughter of its king

    who was a Vishnuvite; and he had the fortune of being selected as the

    husband of the princess.

    "He (Prince Meghavahana) was also presented with an umbrella, which

    was got from Varuna (an ancient Indian god of the sea) by king Naraka and

    which cast its shade on none but a paramount king (in short, a magical

    umbrella that originally belonged to an Indian god)."

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    A picture of the ancient Indian god Varuna shows him under an umbrella.

    He is sitting in a chariot pulled by swans, and has a conch shell in one hand.

    By the first century AD, Lord Shiva of Kashmir had taken over his identity.

    "This connection (with the umbrella) gave him some importance in the eyes

    of the people who believed that he would one day rise to power. And after his

    return with his wife to his father, the ministers of Kashmira invited him to

    accept the septre of their country, he being the descendent of their ancient


    (In spite of the obscure writing style of Kahlana, who wrote in Sandskrit, and the lack

    of a really obvious connection here, this whole passage only makes sense to me if one

    assumes that Meghavahana's father lived in Kashmir, and sent his son there on purpose

    to marry the princess, perhaps with a secret agreement with Gopaditya to make this

    happen. Now one wonders who this father really was, and the next sentence seems to be

    the clue to hidden relationship being covered up for some reason or other.)

    "Sandhimati, otherwise called Aryyaraja (the "white" or Aryan king), found

    his kingdom weakened by internal disagreement, but took no steps to mend

    matters. On the contrary, he was anxious to resign his office, believing that

    his tutelary god had given him a fitting opportunity to relieve himself of his

    kingdom, and to engage himself in devotion."

    (From other stories both inKings of Kashmira and in the "Gospel Pesher" history of

    Joseph the Essene, Jesus' father, I have reconstructed this assumed history. Joseph

    was crucified by the Romans about 23 AD, rescued by Lord Shiva and resuscitated in this

    god's spacecraft, and carried back to Kashmir, where he continued his 47 year reign. Buthe was in poor mental condition after his near-death experience and looking for a chance

    to retire. He hid from the people his father-son relationship to Jesus, who was studying

    by then in Taxila at a Buddhist monastery. And Joseph arranged the marriage of Jesus

    to the princess by working behind the scenes. Sandhimati, the "white" king of Kashmir

    was in reality, Joseph the Essene, the father of Jesus. Who had now assumed the name

    of Meghavahana. (One of the many names of the ancient Indian god Indra, the "Rider of

    the Clouds")

    Page 36: "After the resignation and retirement of the late king (Sandhimati-

    Joseph), the ministers who presided over the council of the people, went toGandhara, and brought with them the renowned Meghavahana (with his

    magical umbrella that once belonged to the god Varuna), whom they crowned

    king; and who afterwards proved to be a good and kind-hearted sovereign;

    and the expectations that were entertained of him were fully realized."

    "His tenderness for animal life was even greater than that of a Buddhist

    high priest. He forbade the slaughter of animals in his kingdom, and as

    compensation to the hunters who lived by killing animals, he paid them

    money. He performed two yajugas (religious pilgrimages). He built a village

    named Meghavana and peopled it with Brahamanas (Hndu monks) and set up


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    (There follows a list of a number of wives for Meghavahana, the first-named as his

    queen being Amritaprabha, which I assume to be the princess from Taxila which marriage

    made it possible for him to be King of Kashmir. The others seem to have been mostly

    Buddhist nuns who ran Buddhist monasteries. Except perhaps Indradevi, who Ipresume was Hindu, like Amritaprabha. Then comes a very interesting story of

    Meghavahana as a militant missionary of vegetarianism traveling throughout India

    convincing other kings to enforce vegetarianism in their countries also!)

    Rider of a White Horse

    (Meghavahana, "Rider of the Clouds")

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    Kings of Kashmira page 36-37 "This prince led an expedition to compel

    other kings to desist from killing animals; and carried his arms to the sea(the realm of the ancient Indian god Varuna), and even to Ceylon, making the

    subdued kings promise not to kill animals. When he reached the hill ofRohana in Ceylon, his army rested under the shadows of palm trees.

    Vibushana, the king of the country, met him on friendly terms with songs and

    loud chantings. Then the king of Langka led the king of Kashmira to Langka

    and entertained him.He forbade the use of flesh among his subjectswho, as Rakshasas, largely consumed it. Vibishana then gave the king

    of Kashmira several flags in which the Rakashas were represented in a

    bowing posture. Even to this day on every occasion that the king of

    Kashmira goes out, these flags which are called Paraadhvajas, are borne

    before him. Thus he forbade the use of animal food even in the

    kingdom of the Rakshasas and then he returned to his own. From

    that time none violated the king's order against the destruction of animals,neither in water, nor in the skies, nor in forests did animals kill one another."

    "We are ashamed to relate the history of this good king to vulgar men, but

    those who write according to the Rishis do not care for the taste of their

    hearers. The king died after a reign of thirty four years." (25 AD - 59 AD)

    Found in the Bible the Identical Stor :

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    Revelation chapter 195 "And a voice came out of the throne (of Kashmir), saying , Praise our

    God ("Hosanna", part of the name Meghava HANA), all ye his servants, and ye

    that fear him (including the animals), both small and great.

    6 "And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude (what greater

    multitude than the teeming millions of India?), and as the voice of many waters

    (the Ganges river, deemed sacred by this multitude), and as the voice of many

    thunderings, (these thunderings are interpreted as "the voice of God" in one

    of the Dead Sea Scrolls), saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent (Lord

    Shiva in India, the "Protector of the Animals") reigneth."

    Lord Shiva, crowned by 5 Cobras,

    has power over life and death in Hinduism.

    7 "Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of

    the Lamb is come (Jesus is pictured in Kashmir on a throne with a lamb on his

    lap), and his wife (Amritaprabha the Visnuvite) hath made herself ready."

    8 "And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen(standing symbolically for both the Essenes and the Christians), clean and

    white, for the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints (Can also stand for

    vegetarianism as defined by Nazarites and Zealots as "avoiding defilement")

    11 "And I saw heaven (the gates of Kashmir) opened, and behold a white

    horse (the horse of Meghavahana, the militant promoter of vegetarianism) -

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    ---and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in

    righteousness he doth judge and make war. (This is a translation of

    Jesus' second name as a king of Kashmir, Pravarasena I, under which heruled from 59 AD to 89 AD, another 30 years -- 64 years altogether.)"

    12 "His eyes were as a flame of fire (as is the "third eye" of Lord Shiva, the

    "Destroyer of Ages"), and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name

    written, that no man knew, but he himself."

    Neither I, nor anyone I know except Suzanna Olsson, knew about these two "hidden" names of

    Jesus prior to my making this connection by subjectingKings of Kasmirato "Bible Codes"interpretive techniques.

    13 "And he was clothed in a vesture dipped in blood (thought to be areference to Jesus' crucifixion at Qumran in 33 AD), and his name is called the

    Word of God (Jesus "Gospel Pesher" name throughout the Book of Acts, --

    another "hidden" name)."

    14 "And the armies which were in heaven (again Kashmir, where by law, no

    animal could be killed) followed him upon white horses, clothed in white linen,

    white and clean (IE, an army of Essenes)."

    15 "And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite

    the nations: --(in all three pictures I have of Jesus in Kashmir, he has a sword,

    and it is prominent in his description as Pravarasena I in Kings of Kashmira):

    and he shall rule them with a rod of iron; (part of the description of a David

    "Messiah" given in Psalms 2:9); and he treadeth the winepress of the

    fierceness and wrath of Almi ht God a ain Lord Shiva the "Destro er of

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    Ages", not YHWH, the relatively powerless God of Jews and only Jews)."

    16 "And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh (sexual prowess) a name

    written, KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS (another name credited to

    Jesus as Pravarasena I in Kings of Kashmira on page 38)."

    "Varuna's Umbrella"found by Suzanna Olsson

    on a carved stone "Obelisk"

    beside a Shiva-linga in Phalgam, Kashmir.

    Sue's photo of the "obelisk" on the left above, behind the linga.

    Sue E-mailed me the picture, soon after she took it. About 1998-1999.

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    Rather dark photo of the Phalgam

    "Obelisk" showing Jesus as king

    Meghavahana on the throne of

    Kashmir. Sue was startled by the

    Christian cross on the left armrest of the

    Kashmir throne, and so was I. On the

    right armrest is a Christian bishop.

    Since the photo is so dark, and also because Suzanna

    Olsson would not let me publish the picture on the

    Internet until she had published her first book on Jesus in

    Kashmir, I drew out the features visible to me, and

    labeled them as above. To me it is certain that this is

    Meghavahana, the protector of animals in "Kashmir

    Heaven" and militant promoter ofvegetarianism in

    India and the world.

    To me, but apparently not to Suzanna Olsson, who likes Buddhism more

    than Hinduism, the identity of the princely clean-shaven figure over the throne

    is Lord Shiva, with his elephant-faced son Ganesh in the foreground, and one

    of his several goddess wives in the background.. The triangle shape over the

    god's head represents both "Varuna's Umbrella" and a spacecraft, called a

    "Vimana" in Indian art.

    The little figures by the king's throne below in the background I am

    interpreting as representing the Garden of Eden, with a "tree of life" and

    several an els. I count three of these an els a connection with Seventh-da

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    Adventists as the "Three Angel's Message" of their earliest teachings.

    "Varuna's Umbrella" and

    "Walking on Water" as a

    symbolic depiction of


    in the History of Kashmir titled

    "Kings of Kashmira"

    Kings of Kashmira Appendix D, page vi -- " The stories that are related of

    King Meghavahana, are as follows: "It is related that in an expedition which

    this king led against others, he meditated when his soldiers were sleeping at

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    ease under the Palm trees, how he could conguer the island before him

    (Ceylon in the previous story I have already related). Here Kalana interjects

    another story only marginally related to this one.

    "A divine personage introduced himself to the king as Varuna. He said that

    the umbrella which stood over the king's head was captured by the king's

    father-in-law named Rauma (does not agree with previous stories, but that's

    routine in these Indian stories) from his city in former times. "Without the

    umbrella," said Varuna, "our subjects are subjected to endless dangers.Therefore, before taking back this umbrella, I have tested your kindness, and

    this magical show was my own creation." The king then delivered the umbrella

    to Varuna, and also offered prayers to him---"

    Varuna, ancient god of the sea, with his umbrella returned

    "(Said Jesus as Meghavahana) 'Urged by my dependents I ask for somefavor. With your favor I have conquered the whole earth, now advise me how I

    can cross the ocean to the island.' [Close attention to detail here should alert a

    puzzle-solver such as myself that if he had already conquered the present earth, then the

    island must represent the earth in the future, IE: time/space travel].

    "Then replied Varuna that 'if you wish to cross the sea I will make the water

    hard." [As a god who owned a Vimana capable of time/space travel, "Varuna's

    Umbrella", Jesus having returned his "Umbrella-Vimana" to him, the god was now able to

    grant the request].

    "The king acknowledged the favor when the god disappeared.(Disappearing is easy when you have a space-ship). On the next day (actually

    over 1000 years later, real time), the king crossed the hardened sea with his

    astonished army."

    What army? Why the Essene army riding white horses, clothed in linen

    garments, white and clean promoting vegetarianism for everyone, of course!

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    I'm here going to have the arrogance to suggest that now all the puzzle

    pieces that show Jesus and Lord Shiva as the "Controversial Christ of a

    Controversial God," which I can also call the "Vegetarian Christ of a Vegetarian

    God" did indeed already make the TIME/SPACE expedition across the

    "hardened sea" of TIME/SPACE, and they did this between October 22, 1844

    and 1900. One division of this white-robed army of Essenes lodged itself at Dr.

    John Harvey Kellogg's Battle Creek Sanitarium, and another later set up

    operations at Loma Linda University, where I, Dr. Robert Holt, md got intothe picture and joined this 2000 year-old Essene army.

    As for those who have been presenting a symbolic representation of this

    "Army of Christ" of Revelation 19 (and Kings of Kashmira) as instead

    representing a Heaven and New Earth in which killing animals and eating their

    flesh will still be an option, you've been mislead. And will continue to be

    mislead until you get your 4-vessel heart bypass or some type of cancer, even

    though you fervently bless you sausage biscuits and hamburgers every meal.

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    3/24/13 "Vegetarian Christ, Vegetarian God"

    My answer to George Carlin's question is:


    Other web pages in this same series (5 web pages in all)

    1) Jesus, the Christ of Peace and Conformity

    2) The Price of Conformity

    3) How did Jesus escape Adam's Original Sin?

    4) Bible Creation Story Conformity

    now required at Southern Adventist University

    5) Controversial Christ, Controversial God

    INDEX to

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