Page 1: v.' L>f < * · 2019. 7. 17. · a contestant lets slip a line that car- ries double entendre and Miss Fran- cis has to think fast to cover up . . . like the lad who was asked


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Page 2: v.' L>f < * · 2019. 7. 17. · a contestant lets slip a line that car- ries double entendre and Miss Fran- cis has to think fast to cover up . . . like the lad who was asked

Zhe Bar hs vires the Pen

Mrt. Garland Brcsitcr. 10326 South faloma Avenue, Lot Angeles 2, Calif. Sirs: Would you please send me

information as to which radio broad- casts welcome children as guests? Our children are eight and under, and have expressed a desire to visit some of our programs.

Also, are there any tours through the radio- stations at the present time?

S'Try, bul none of the ne!work brauil- rasls ii'ltnil rhiltlren nnilrr fioc/ue. nl- though CltS rrporlx fhtil jjounustvr* xlif/hllu under llxil tigr are somellines ailnillleil when iivfontinniiett by their /m rents.

At present there are tin lours briny ronilnrleil Hirmiyh major nethork slu- d ios.

Tony Wood, 1503 West Sepulvcda Blvd.. Terrance, Calif. Sirsiln your issue of June 17. you

had an article on Boh Jellison. Is he on any radio programs at pres- ent?

Here are some more questions I'd like some help on: Is there any sign

-of Fred Allen coming back? Who was the man who advertised Sym-







pathy Soothing Syrup on the Jack Benny show?

Here's what I think about radio: I think "The Great Gildersleeve" is more the average American family than any other radio program. Jack Benny is also a great favorite of mine. I like James Melton better than Lawrence Tibbelt. I can't stand Law- rence Tlbbett singing " Sentimental Journey." "Suspense" isn't quite as good as it used to be.

The shows on which ftob Jettison was heard ure now viiealioniny, Fred Alien Is due buek on the airlanes oner SBC this fall. It wits Frank Set son who ititl those comic "Symfmihy Soolhiny Syrup" rontniercials on the Jack Itenay show.

Dorli Lhorine, 1453 Ninth Avsnuc, San Oicgo I, Calif. , • - Sirs: I am writing you for some

information on some of my favorite stars. Have you any news of Donald No vis? i would like to know it, and when he is returning to the air.

Some time soon please put some pictures in Radio Life of "Counter- spy" and Ellery Queen. I would ap- preciate this very much. Many thanks for your help. I enjoy Radio Life so very much.

Alt our inquiries bring no definite word of Donultl Soaix' rnrrenl where- ahnttls, but the last time wr heard he wax doing night rlnb dales and the like in the Sorthwexl^

Four Hits for You in



BROADWAY NEWS ... hot off the wire . . . KHJ, every day. at 12 noon and the night edition 10:15 p.m. Monday thru Friday. KK1PC, every day at 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

SEWING SCHOOL OF THE AIR . . . commentary on fashion news by Sally Spinner. KHJ, 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays.

HOME CHATS ... for the homemaker by Miriam Lane. KMPC, 10:45 a.m., Monday thru Saturday.

FELIX DE COLA and His Musi- cal Notebook. KHJ, 1:15 p.m., Saturday.


Brojdwjy, 4th jnd Hill M I a ij> Anc»lf» Sh-u.s n ith «"nMfirtvu«i


Hold It Homer, use your heod-Try this surer way instead

STANDARD FLY SPRAY wont just stun when it hits, the

bugs are done

exciting on salads

The Extra Energy

Breakfast Food!




r Use it often, mom wont fuss, It wont stain or leave a muss




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the scouring powder

that contains soap!


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Delle Hunter



Sunday. i;30 p. in. Monday. 9:30 p. m.

Mulual-KllJ _ SKED TO NAME each

># other's worst faults, // the Lyttle sisters

i f chimed in eagerly. M "Dotty's always argu-

1" • ing," claimed Darlene, "Darlene is always making embar-

rassing remarks about us in front of people," put in Dotty.

"Sally has a bad temper," re- marked Sue. "So has Darlene."

"Sue's lazy," countered Sally and Darlene.

"Sue's flighty and sloppy," added Dotty.

"I'm young," grinned Sue, defen- sively.

"Dotty Is the laziest," agreed Sally, Sue and Darlene, "she loves to stay in bed." Looking at the studio clock which registered five p.m., they ad- monished, "It's a wonder she's up now!"

The sisters-don't dress alike—"only when we have to!" Neither do they wear each- other's clothes. "I wear Dorothy's," confessed Sue. "On ■ her they .look good!" grinned Dorothy.

Unanimously, they declared Dar- lene to be the "dressiest" sister. Sue to be the "sloppiest." "I'm also the biggest eater'," Darlene admitted.

"Sally's the cook—she loves it," added Dotty.

"Who does the dishes?" was our next query.

"Sally's the cook," repeated the girls.

Sue immediately complained that it was she who was always asked

THE GOURLY GIRLS. pro*(e»»ionally tagged "The Lyttle Sisten, are a

harmonious loorsome ofl the air as well as on, although they willingly told tales on each other when asked. Leh to right, they are Sue, Darlene, Sally and Dotty.

0«o Rolhtchild Photo—LyUU Si.sler*

to do things. "Because I'm the baby," she grimaced. Sue's likes are sports, and particularly swimming.

Hove One Brother Pet of the entire household is

"Kitty," a blue Persian cat which runs out to the driveway to meet the girls whenever they come home. Their house is in North Hollywood, where they live with their "Vnother who is also musical. They have one brother who isrf't musical.

"Ask us what we want most in our home," sisters chorused then, answering their own question: "a telephone!"

About three years ago, when Hal Mclntyre's band acquired a new vocal quartet in the four Gourly girls, baton-wielder Hal took one look at the petite foursome—brunette Darlene and brown-haired Sally, both five feet one. Dotty with the reddish brown hair and Sue, a brownette, both just five feet, two—and prompt- ly properly dubbed them "The Lyttle Sisters."

As such, this rhythm foursome has covered the country's service camps and hospitals on a Victory Enter- tainment tour, worked in the electri- cal department of a Brooklyn war plant, where they made gun parts for ships and did switchboard wiring;

(Pltase Turn lo Page St)

If Darlene, Dotty, Sally and Sue Had Their Way,

They Would Be Mrs. Lew Ayres, Mrs, Gregory Peck,

Mrs. Tyrone Power and Mrs. Cornel Wtide -or Mrs.

John Gar field {Sue Hasn't Made up Her Mind Yet)

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The Girl, But It All Adds up to a

Very Lively Time on Arlene Francis*

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✓ HERE S WAY THE STAGE IS SET Uf (or "Btind Date, with servicemen contestants sitting to right ot partition, m Iront ol orchestra, and lovelies to the left. Miss Francis presides at mike near servicemen, leads winners through partition

door to meet girls

SCREEN ACTRESS JANE WITHERS. one ol the dates for whom two

contestants vied, is given gardenia corsage by her man. Seaman Wallace Jeffrey of

Mondau, # :30 p. m. ABC-KECA

Chester, Vt. Miss Francis here quizxes the winner.

"M FIVE FEET FIVE and a half, have brown eyes and brown hair," laughed Arlene Francis, imitating the date- seeking servicemen on her "Your Blind Date" program. "I'm not knock-kneed, I'm

medium well-done, and I LOVE THE FELLAS!"

"What about your ancestry," in- quired Radio Life, expecting the an- swer to Miss Francis* raven beauty.

"My ancestry," she rippled mis- chievously. "LOVED THE FELLAS, TOO!"

Which probably explains as well as anything else, why Arlene is "queen of the blind date routine," the radio program on which six picked servicemen compete, via tel- ephone, for dates with three lovelies on the other side of a partition. Miss Francis, who always dresses to the hilt to stress the glamorous intent of the show, stands at the dividing line of the wall—a pivot of the pro- gram—interviewing the men in that most difficult of all styles, ad lib, and generally^seeing to it that boy meets girl,, while several million people listen in.

Athough Arlene is an established Broadway actress (she left the cast of the Broadway play, "The Over- tons," to bring her show West for a Hollywood stay) she confesses that

she's always quaking when the "Blind Date" curtain rises. After viewing the broadcast, one becomes convinced that the boys try as hard to put HER on the spot conversation- ally as they do to win their dates socially.

Clever Miss Francis seldom en- counters any trouble. "When the boys know the program can be heard by millions (if you'll pardon ray Cros- ley) they try to keep their remarks clean," she told Radio Life. Some- times, however, without meaning to, a contestant lets slip a line that car- ries double entendre and Miss Fran- cis has to think fast to cover up . . . like the lad who was asked if he'd ever made a blind date before. "I've been called a blind date but never MADE one," he answered. Arlene, without batting either of her lus- ciously long black eyelashes said, "How long were you overseas?" and the show went on.

Is Part Armenian To cope with emergency situations

like this, a femcee must have a solid background, and that's where Miss Francis qualifies. Briefly, she's the daughter of an English mother whose father played Shakespeare, and an Armenian father, who is an extreme- ly successful portrait photographer. Arlene's parents wanted her to be- come an artist rather than an actress, and to encourage the art and dis- courage the "ham." did everything

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LOSERS AREN'T LOSERS AFTER ait when ihey get to kits Arlenc. queen ol "Blind Date" routine. Thete three who failed to get datefwon $15 apiece,

tickets to the "BUckouts," .to a movie, and a tour of a picture studio.

from placing her in a convent to shipping her off to Europe when her acting urge became too persistent.

Still stage-struck when she re- turned to New York, Arlene was again diverted by a doting father who bought and gave her a gift shop at T3rd and Madison Avenue. Arlene still laughs about this interlude In her life, for it was a montage of cashing bad checks, ill-advised shelf- stocking, and letting her friends walk out of the store without pay- ing for what they "bought." "Studio d'Arlene" closed up in eight months flat, but for years after, Its ex-pro- prietress was giving her friends wed- ding presents from left-over stock.

Convinced that nothing could keep his dark-haired daughter from the stage. Arlene's father, by real name

Aram Kazanjian, finally heaved a resigned sigh and let her go her way into stock at Provincetown. She had her fill of acting for the next several years—she played in several flops and became so discouraged that she started collecting trinkets for a "flop bracelet." Finally, the eighth try was a charm, for Arlene was a hit as the Russian sniper in "The Doughgirls."

On "What's My Name?" Her radio career, which began

about nine years ago, was much more acceptable to her father, who felt that this type of acting was more dignified. Arlene did strip (five times a week) shows and worked as a supporting actress on programs star- ring Bea Lillie, Benny, Helen Hayes, and Fred Allen. A few years ago, she became co-emcee of an ad lib show

THE PROSfECTIVE CONTESTANTS ni«rcli on stage and take their places in a neat row. Their names are inscribed on red and white hearts hong around their

necks. Left to right. Aviation Radioman Rosenstein, Sgt. Hal Worley of Kingston, N, C., George Kennelly, U.S.N., of Indianapolis, Sgt. Ven Inwcgcn,. Staff Sgt. George Ferrell ol Adamsvillc, Ala., and Seaman Jelfrev.

aviation radioman ray ROS- ENSTEIN of Patterson. N. J., won

charming radio actress Barbara Fuller as hit date. Ray was so anxious to appear on program that he met Miss Francis' train at Pasadena .to put in his request.

called "What's My Name?" and be- cause of her experience in dealing with extemporaneous talk on this ji^>gram, she rated the nod when "Your Blind Date" made its bow three years ago.4 •

Arlene, obvioifsly, loves her role as queen of the-'blind date routine. Possessed of a trim tigure and a high style in clothes, she sparkles like a bright gem against the set- ting of eagerly boyish servicemen contestants and poisedly lovely la- dies. She finds men who've been overseas more colorful to talk with than those who haven't been over

(Please Tarn In Page 3t)

OLQA SAN JUAN. Paramount tt^r. receives her corsege from contest-

ant Sgt- Don Van Inwegen of Spring Lake, N. J. Don, back from the Marianas only five days, told Otga: "'No matter how hard it is to torn the other fellow down, I want you to be brave about it."


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Ri tdio Salutes Its

Fighting Medics

By Betty Mills

Authentic IVar Stories of Brave

Doctors Are Brought to You Each

lEeek under the Guiding Hand of

Dynamic Producer, Dee En gel bach

THE GUiDIHO HAND behind the 3uidlng hand of producer Engef-

bach it that of tecreta/y Maggi Fowier. Maggi hat been with Dee several yeart and ktddingly dubbed him "fat Boy.'*

TumihiU, i> :'Mi p. hi, r.ns-KW

HEN YOUNG, boyish producer • director Dee En gel bach ("Fat boy" to his associates) throws the "on the air"

cue to the "Doctor Fights" cast, he crosses his fingers and knocks on wood. If there happens to be no wood handy, he'll knock on anything and Is once reported to have used his secretary's head. This is, of course,

for luck. By now his good fortune is well established in radio circles, yet Engelbaoh, himself, is eternally grateful for it and regards himself as the original "good luck" boy.

lie doesn't attribute his meteoric rise (which he'd rather not dwell upon) to his astute mind and love of hard work, but dismisses it with an airy, "oh, it was a lucky break." But radio is cognizant of the fao^that it has something in Dee and his "lucky breaks." He is the man who success- fully brought "Hall of Fame" to the air along with a great many soap operas and musical shows. One of his more subdued efforts which caused a big splash on the ether waves was a dignified program en- title "The Doctor Fights.".

A RECENT GUEST STAR of the "Doctor Fights" was Robert Montgomery, who ehecVed his script with Engelbach for last minute corrections. The "Doctor

Fights" series has boasted such well-known names as Ronald Colman, Robert Young and Cary Grant.


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Sponsored by the makers of peni- cillin, the series first appeared last summer as a tribute to war doctors and to acquaint the public with the miracles of the wonder drug. Based on authentic war stories, the "Doctor Fights" starred Raymond Massey each week in the dramatization of an actual doctor's experience on a fight-

• ing front. Audience response was im- mediate and overwhelming.

On Again This summer it is again on the

airlanes, emanating from Hollywood with a guest star policy. As an added highlight to each half-hour show, the doctor, himself, now appears for a brief chat. Portraying the heroic medics have been some of Holly- wood's biggest names, .Gary Grant. Robert Cummings, Robert Montgom- ery, Robert Young, and Ronald Col- man.

Working with Engelbach, who pos- sesses a shrewd sense of showman- ship, is more than a worthwhile experience to the actors. It's a pleas- ure. He has unloosened the most re- served by his air of informality and soon has them rehearsing minus coats and ties. He never fits the star to the story, but the story to the star. His actors display no temperament while working with him because they know he won't stand for it.

Started As Page Boy Seven years ago, Dee (who was

christened Devere) was an aspiring page boy for New York's NBC. (He almost didn't get tne job because he wa5 too big for the uniform's collar.) In his spam time he studied music and art and planned bigger things. One day N'3C found itself in a predicament. Its producer for the Metropolitan Opera program was un- able to show up. "I can do it," an- nounced Engelbach.

He did, of course, and this was only the beginning. Joining, NBC'S producer staff, he cut his 'radio teeth' on soap operas, dramas, va- riety shows c.nd long-haired and

(I'lease J'urn to I'oge 3t}

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RADIO: West ★ National

and International

Change Made

Last minute change affects KECA's musical treat, "Musical Bouquet" (as noted on page six) which has a new mistress-of-ceremonies who will han- dle the narration and announcing on the show, replacing Brett Morrison. She is Bess Johnson, one of the befter known feminine emcees around New York town.

Replacing singer Lois Marlowe is new addition Jean Carlton, soprano of note, Paul Frenet, French-Canadian baritone, continues as male singer, and Earl Sheldon's orchestra still fur- nishes the music.

Overseas Communique The latest bufietir* from abroad

brings us the news that NBC funsters, Bob Hope, Jack Benny and Ed "Archie" Gardner# are now working on three different fronts in what used to be the European war theater. .• Hope Is In France, where at Mar- seilles about a week ago, he did his show for • the biggest audience of G.I.s he has ever entertained.. More than 30,000 men were in the natural amphitheater .to see the ski-nosed comic and his troupe, before shoving off the next day for the Pacific.

Jack Benny and l^Is USO gang are in Germany, and put on the first show for the American troops at Berchtes- gaden, Hitler's bombed-out hideaway in the Bavarian Alps. "I used to think playing the Palace in New York was my biggest thrill," writes Jack, "but this beats it!"

Ed Gardner has set up the overseas version of his "Duffy's Tavern" in Italy. In addition to enthusiastic G.I. audiences, he and his overseas co-star, Jinx Faikenberg, recently had an au- dience with the Pope.

FSC Week

"Radio Is playing an important role in acquainting the public In the Los Angeles area with.the facilities avail- returning veterans at the Vet- erans Service Center," according to John F. Whitehead,, former Radio Life editor now. serving as director of pub- lic relations for the VSC at 306 West .Third St

"Veterans Service Center Week from July 29-August 4," Whitehead -told Radio Life, "has focused the spotlight

on the ex-service men and women now being discharged from the armed forces in steadily increasing numbers, and the radio industry and Its per- sonalities have been very generous in helping to put the VSC message across." .

John (formerly Joy) Storm, popular NBC announcer-commentator, was loaned to the VSC by Sidney N. Strotz, NBC vice-president, to be the Official "Voice of the Veteran" during the special week. Storm, voicing the sen- timents of returning veterans who have been provided with a practical "welcome home" through the many services given at the Veterans Service Center, is being heard from one end of the radio dial to the other during VSC Week. He has also narrated a film short subject which is being shown in Fox West Coast theaters.

• Hundreds of radio shows'. Including Art Baker. A1 Jarvis, Don Otis, are telling how the VSC's 14 agencies and organizations offer the returning veteran complete, authentic service and information under one roof at 306 West Third St., Los Angeles.

One of the most enlightening pro- grams dealing ^with the Veterans Service Center is now being heard over KFI each Saturday at 5:45 p.m. It is the regular program, "This Is My Country," and for eight successive weeks Writer David Nowinson's dra- mas are being devoted to the read- justment of the. homecoming veteran.

Where s Welles? . When geniuses get together, any- thing is liable to happen, but getting them together proved to, be the crisis of last Tuesday's "Columbia Presents Corwin" broadcast when the Norman

NEXT WEEK Names that are radio news will

fill the pages of your forthcom- ing issue of' Radio Life.' which contains Intimate word-profiles, and accompanying pictures, of such top ether personalities as Elsa Maxwell, Wendy Barrie, Spike Jones, Brian Aherne, Con- rad Nagel, Wendell Niles and Don Prindle. All this in addi- tion to the latest news and items of Interest about radio row. Get your copy early I

Corwin script, "New York—A Tapestry for Radio," was given a repeat airing with Orson Welles as its narrator.

Trouble reared its obnoxious head when Welles failed to arrive in Co- lumbia Square's Studio One, where Corwin and his cast and crew \vere all set to do final rehearsals—Corwin, ill with the flu, bundled in an over- coat, a thermometer gripped in his mouth.

Finally, at 4:55 p.m., little more than an hour before airtime, Welles arrived, breathlessly indignant after having fervently tried for an hour to gain admittance to Columbia's Vine Street Theater where the Corwin shows have previously been staged!

Summertime .

/ To most youngsters, the coming of the summer months means a respite from schoolbooks and study, and lazy, carefree days of play beneath the simmering sun, But to radio row's younger set, summer seldom brings a vacation away from scripts and micro- phones. That's why we found pretty Louise Erickson, youthful heroine of NBC's "A Date with Judy," so excited one day last week. She was all set to leave on her first real vacation in five years—a six-day excursion to Lake Gregory in the San Bernardino moun- tains.

Mrs. Mussolini Says ■ Clete Roberts, American Broadcast-

ing Company correspondent in Italy, quoted Signora Mussolini in an.amaz- ingly frank and exclusive radio inter- view as saying that her husband 'was one of the most intelligent men who ever lived.'

Roberts, who secured the interview at an internment camp about sixty mDes from Rome, said Signora Mus- solini claimed that her husband had been treated unjustly.

Indicating that she would write the story of the late 11, Signora Mus- solini" claimed that only she could write the book, that she alone knew and understood the man.

She further revealed to Roberts that Mussolini had told her to try to es-

. cape-to Switzerland, but that if she had any trouble, to give herself up to the American Military authorities. She was, however, found by British author- ities and taken to a British Internment camp, where,. Roberts added, she is not considered- a very important en- emy. She is being held in protective custody with her two children.

My Mike Penny (Blondie) Singleton, revealed

a superstition last week when she turned to the producer before airtime and said: "This isn't my microphone. For goodness sake find it quick be- fore we go on the air!" .

The producer and engineer located another mike and set it in front of Penny, for a close inspection by the actress. She nodded, "That's the one. I've used It for six years and It's al- ways brought me good luck."

"But they all look alike," said the (Pleait rurn to Page $)

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RADIO WEST (Continued from Page 1)

engineer. "How do you know it's the same one?" -• \

"Easy," smiled Penny. "I was nerv- ous on the first broadcast and absent- mindedly scratched my initials on the under side." . . , ^

It's a shame 'this isn't television! That's what we thought when we LatlgJl By LaUghtOU slipped into a "Hollywood Mystery Time" show the other Sunday. There was Dennis O'Keefe, handsome young leading man of the screen, doing a swell Job in the role of "Jim Lawton." movie producer and amateur sleuth, and Con- stance Moore, blonde beauty, who is equally af home before the microphone and the movie cameras. They turn in a bang-up performance in light fast mov- ing mystery drama, every Sunday over AMERICAN and KECA at 6:20 p. m.

... A Best Bet All Day—KECA . . . Pert and purdy is a good way to describe Beryl Vaughan. pictured here.

She's leading lady In AMERICAN'S "Curtain Time," and a veteran actress at 24. Beryl says she could hardly have been anything but an actress, since one of her forebears was Ann Hathaway, better known as Mrs. William Shakespeare! So, at the age of 8, she made her first professional appearance, in a church play, for which she receiveQ the sum of 25 cents! Listen Wednesday night at G on KECA, when "Curtain Time" will bring you a gay comedy, "Doctor's Orders."

Beryl Vaughan

... A Best Bet All Day—KECA . . . DID YOU KNOW .... that Guy Lombardo

and his tronp of musicians and soloists are wrapping up their sweet music and head- ing Calif or niaward ? Their first Hollywood "broadcast will be Tuesday, August 7, KECA at 6 p.m that William Gargan, two-- fisted screen actor, is now appearing in the- role of Inspector Burke on that popular "whodunit" series, "Murder Will Out," on Tuesday nights, KECA at 9:30 ... . that

"America's Town Meeting" will be broadcast from California during August and September .... George V. Denny, Jr., takes the helm again after Ins vacation (KECA at 8:30 p.m. Thursdays; .... that the western dance fans like Spade Cooley and his gang so well that he's been signed m ins present spot for another year. You can hear him on Friday nights at 9 over KECA .... that on the Breakfast Club recently Don McNeill and the gang hei twenty-five vjar vets from overseas celebrate Christmas m July. Little un- usual and thoughtful things like that are always happening on KECA every morning between 8 and 9 .... i/ you don't have the Breakfast Club habit, you should get it I

... A Best Bet All Day—KECA ...

In spite of a heavy movie schedule and her fxve-day-a-week broadcasts over AMERICAN, Constance Bennett finds time to keep a very ^nusdal baby book" for her daughter, Gyl. Instead of the first-tooth, k gd i

0/t record, Miss Bennett is filling In a beautiful hand-tooled leather book (agHt from Rosalind Russell) with notices of world happenings sl"c® b1^" two-days after Pearl Harbor! Constance Bennett is a weekday feature on KECA at 12:15 p. m. -

... A Best Bet All Day—KECA . . . SOMETHING NEW . . . KECA Inaugurated something new in tbe field oj

program promotion this past week . . . "Sightseeing American wUb Aunt Sarie," Mondays and Wednesdays at 6:30 p. m., will be. a reviews by Aunt Sarie (who in real life is Sarah Wilson, long-time headliner on "Grand Ole Opry," and now a San Fernando Valley resident) . . . She sim- ply loves American radio programs and sees them all . . . but who does the Interviewing, has a terrible time keeping her on the subject. Give it an ear—we believe you'll like Aunt Sarie's slant on the shows.

... A Best Bet All Day—KECA ... AMERICAN Is trying out the week-long serialized dramas. So far they

have.proved good listening. Two examples we'd like you to try are Best Sellers" on KECA at 2:30, and the adventures of that wlley oriental gentle- man, Charlie Chan, whose uncanny deductions will amaze you every week night at 10:15 on KECA. We predict, incidentally, that- Best Sellers will boost book sales across the country, for we are continually checking titles and authors for members of our own staff who have had an opportunity to near only one or two of a week's series, and were so interested they wanted to buy the book. ... A Best Bet All Day-KECA . . , _iiv,r,UtmtnU

Radioactor David Ellis tells this story on himself:

Once, when he was appearing on an airshow with Charles Laughton, the distinguished thesplan looked the towering young Mr. Ellis up and down in an idle moment during rehearsal and queried, "How tall are you, my boy?"

"Six feet," three," replied Ellis. "Hmmmm," mused Laughton, then

asked, "Yes, and what size shoes do you wear?" - , . .

* "Fourteen," grinned David, who has to order his shoes from Marshall Field's, Chicago, the only firm who has them large enough.

"You know," muttered Mr. Laugh- ton, appraising Ellis' feet again, "sometimes you give the impression that you're lying down!"

Reunion' Janet Waldo, known to ether-dialers

as CBS' "Corliss Archer," Is eagerly anticipating the arrival'of her sister, Elizabeth, who is expected in Holly- wood this week for a short vacation. As famous in her own right as her younger sister, Elizabeth is a skilled violinist, broadcasts regularly on Mex- ico's station XEW, and bears the im- pressive title of United States Musi- cal Ambassador to South America.

Another Journalist Billle Burke, charming star of her

own CBS and NBC alrshows, is con- sidering taking on still another as-

• signment—that of newspaper colum- nist, Miss. Burke is considering start- ing her own syndicated..column on items of Interest to every woman.

Brushwood Philosopher Cottonseed Clark, wlde-grinnlng, ■

friendly host of CBS' "Hollywood Bam Dance," is beaming with justifiable pride these days over the popularity of his "Brushwood Poems," a book he

" sells by request .to listeners. It contains a wide assortment of

poems and homespun philosophy, and a short story bearing the rib-tickling

-title, "You Can't Fool Me; I Know Which Shell the Pea Is Under."

* . ★ Birmingham In Review Dedicated to servicemen at Birming-

ham, KWKW's popular feature "Re- view for Birmingham^. Hospital is aired every Friday morning from 8:35 to 9:00. The program features popular numbers requested by the patients at the hospital.

Page 9: v.' L>f < * · 2019. 7. 17. · a contestant lets slip a line that car- ries double entendre and Miss Fran- cis has to think fast to cover up . . . like the lad who was asked


Gags of She Week tor the be*l fiafli of the Week, heara oner Radio and sent Radio Life. Hckels

' ivtll be tent winners for admission to radio brnadcasl.s Send your best gito $e- Irclion to 1023 Wesl Washmpion 8"»l«- vard. Los Angrlts.

Mist Beverly Luff, 4123 Le Beurgct Ave- nue, Culver City, Calif. Heard on "Breakfest in Hollywood"; Tom Breneman: Have you any hob-

bles, Mrs. Ackerman? Mrs. Ackerman 190 years old): Yes.

I listen to the riidio. Tom: What else do you do? Mrs. Ackerman: I sit on the bench

and flirt with the bus drivers.

Mrs. Arthur J. Bergerson, 4918 Hub Street, Los Anjeles 42, Calif. Heard on "Meet the Missus": Jack Bailey (examining contents of

a lady's purse): Myl What kind of paper do you have around that coffee pot lid you're carrying?


Bud Banner, 4220 Hvoll Avenue, Venke, Calif. Heard on Breneman's "Breakfast in

Hollywood": Bobby: Do you know what the Amer-

ican soldier found inside of the cap- tured Japanese pillbox?

Tom: No, what did he find? Bobby: A bunch of pills.

★ Bob Go'dbzof, 1701 Kenneth Road, Glen-

dale I, Calif. Heard on "It Pays to Be Ignorant": George Shelton: Ya know, I heard

Chicago was sick. Tom Howard: Chicago was sick? Shelton: Yeah, I read It on an en-

velope: Chicago, 111.

Mrs. Kenneth G. fhilllps, 933 South Bui- Mnjton Avenue, Los Anseles 6, Calif. Heard on "Mon^y On the Line"; Contestant: When I get out of the

service, I want to get into radio as a sound effects man.

Jack Bailey: You wouldn't want to be an announcer or master of cere- monies?

Contestant: No. I want to eat



Real good music ... 18 hours a day, from 6 a.m. until midnight . , , No long commercials ... no long and ugly "plugs" ... no announcer talking minutes on end to sell you something that could be told in about one minute! . . . NEWS FLASHES by ASSOCIATED PRESS for the first time in Mexico radio history . . . THAT'S OUR POLICYl To please the listener , » . to keep programs in good taste, • • •

THAT'S WHT TUNING IN ON 1090 ON YOUR dial and leaving it there ... is a GOOD WAY TO ENJOY YOUR RADIO DAYJ

E.rcliisuie CaUfornla nepresentatives



X F R SIC 50,000 WATTS ,


000 R N I* • AH AJA CA ro

Andy Potter

ac/loM^/lcruncliip l /r*'*

^4 ~ i ' One of the most important individ-

uals in radio is one who seldom gets a hearing or a seeing and that's the producer. Among these publicly neg- lected persons Is ANDY POTTER, staff producer at KFI. Andy's chief

assignment the^e days is the "Every- oody's Favorite" rrogram, heard Sat- urdays at 8:00 and featuring songstress Yyola Vonn . .. a show, Incidentally, that takes many waking hours to whip into shape be- cause it's a major production featuring a full orchestra and a famous guest each week. But Andy is used to plenty of work as anyone

from the O. W. 1. will tell you. Before the Armed Forces Radio Service was organized, he was responsible for most of the programs shortwaved to our troops in the Pacific region. And what's more, he handled this assign- ment along with planning the bulk of the propaganda features to be transmitted to Japanese occupied ter- ritory! One year and-a half ago Andy left this organization to join the KFI staff as producer of both commercial and public service, programs. When you listen this Saturday to "Every: body's Favorite" and hear Vyola's guest, Steve Cochran, (the new Sam Goldwyn find, dubbed a second Clark Gable) just keep in mind that Andy is the behind-the-seene guy deserv- ing one big round of applause!

» * • And, by the way, we hope you are a

regular listener on KFI Thursdays at 10:15 p. m. when the mayor of Los Angeles, Fletcher Bowron, delivers an informal address on the current prob- lems and issues confronting your local government. During these past, few weeks the Mayor has discussed some of the major post-war problems to face Lqs Angeles, and you can readily see how important this * topic is to every resident. If you haven't heard Mayor Bowron in the past, don't miss his program this Thursday and the weeks following because this feature is definitely worth your while.

» ♦ » Fast-talking J. C. Fllppen, heard on

' Correction Please" Fridays at 8:30. made his debut on the air by produc- ing and emceeing the first amateur hour in radio. Starting at the age of sixteen J. C. (ho has only initials for a name) played a blackface boy in a minstrel show in his home town of Little Rock, Arkansas. Within a year he progressed to end man and had become an entertainer of such calibre that the famed vaudeviiUan Ai Fields took him to New York to star in his ShOVVS, —Adarrtisernenl.

Page 10: v.' L>f < * · 2019. 7. 17. · a contestant lets slip a line that car- ries double entendre and Miss Fran- cis has to think fast to cover up . . . like the lad who was asked

SUNDAY, AUGUST 5 ie Indicates Xenn (trnndcnsts.


Worship a inn K W WILBUR NELSON


KPAS—Slavic Pi-oeram. KWKW—Hollywood Lutheran. 10:15—Kfl, KFSD—ChutU Collins.

8—KF1—The Elernal Light. ★K.W, KPAS, ECEf!.—News. ★KKt'A—News.

KH.I, KGB, KFNM, KVOE>- Weslle* Jtndio League.

£EMI'C—News. JK>1VB—Funnies.

ytKftfl'R—News, Meditation^ KFACV—Country Church. KKKD—Ranch Program, , K >V K w—Pa n-Ame rk-an

Revival. KGFJ—Ann Chair Concert, KFVD—Tempo Tunes. KFSD—Call to IVorshlp. KFOX—Rev. Dean Reed,

J :B5—KNX—Blue Jacket Choir. KOER—Kiagdam IVlthio.

S;1>—KECA—Music of the Amerleai KM PC—Institute for the

Blind. KMTR—Rev. K, O. Egrrlsoo. KFXM—Sunday Serenade.

1:30—KFI—Successful Gardcuiug. KNX—Invitation to Learning. KIIJ. KGB, KFXM. KVOE—

Voice r.f Propberr, KECA—Hour of Faith. KMPC—Wesley Radio League. Kt'VvB—Union' Rescue Mission. KMTR—W". B. Record. KPAS—Tmroaniiel Baptist

Church. KWKW—Bueuas Nueves. Kr'At:—StluUlo' Tout. KF>'D—Church of Christ. KFOX—Rev. B. E. Keld. KOEE—Light of Truth.

- B:43*Kn. KKKD—News. itiEJ—((uiet Moments, KGF.R—Ilonso of Don.

9—KFI—Chicago KouodtBble. KNX—Salt Lake Tabernacle.

*KECA—ABC World Correspondents. KHJ, KGB. KFXM. KYOE—

Pilgrim Hour. TlfKMPC—News, Rhythmic

Roundup. *KHTK—News, Chapel Time.

KKKU—Sunday Serenade. KFAC—Liberal Catholic Hour.

• KFVW—WnlU Time. KGFJ—Mid-SIornlng Melodies. KPAS—Pop. Swine Times KWKW—Little Italo. KPPC—Prelude to Worship. JtKGER—News, Dr. Springer. •JtKFSD—Carveth Wells.

»:15*KECA—News. KMTR—Swedeitharg Hour. K1 'A C—Co ucer t. KGER—Rev. .1. A. l-ovell. KTSIJ—America I'niled,

8 ;30—KFI—Echoes Encores. ytKNX—Transatlantic Call. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE—

Lulheran Hour, KECA—Voice of the Army. KFWB—Peter Potter.

* KMTR—The World Tomorrow.


The Ramancc oF the Hlghwayt

"Unreal Realities" KHJ-KVOE

I0:t5 A. M, Sundays-


BOO 710 8?0 830 1070 MIO 1230 1280 1360 143014SO

Complete Gilbert & Sullivan

Works KFAC—9:30 - It A. M. Sun.

Sponsored fey. Marshall & Clampett '

KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE— Commander Scott. ■j^KKCA—Arthur Feldman,

KFWB—Peter Potter. KKUX—'Rev. Russell,

10:3ll—KIT—Musical Mllestonea, ★ KNX—News. KECA—Sammy Kitye's

Serenade. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE—

Sweetheart Time. KFWB—Peter Potter KPAS—Czech Polkas. KPPC—Church News. KWKW—Huogarinn Baptist. KFSD—Chicago Koundtable.

16:43AKNX—Edward R. Marrow, KPPC—Tower Chimes. KFOX—Cumberland Church.

10:55^KECA—I.eland Stowe, News Extra.

U—KFI, KFSD—Ford Show. KNX—Stradivari's Orch. KECA—Reserve. KH.I, KGB—Sunday Concert. ★KMPC—News, Off,the Record ★ KFWB—News. ★KMTR—News, Church of

Christ. KPAS—Church of Open Door, KFAC—1st Methodist Church. KWKW—Llnroln Av. Presh, KGFJ—Especially for You. KFXM—First CuDsTegational

Church. KPPC—Church Service,

Rev Stowers Clements KVOE—Concert Miniature, KFOX—Presbyterian Ciun-l'tl. KCElt—Ktungellsls' Hour,

11:15—KFWB—Peter Potter. KVOE—Concert Miniature.

11:20—KFI, KFSD—Westlughouse, Richard Tucker. ★ KNX—World News Today, K EC A—Remember Hour. ★KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE—

Bill Cunningham, KFWB—Peter Potter,

KGFJ—Song of Islands. KWKW—All Saints Episcopal. KFOX—First Christian ■ Church.

11:45—KHJ, KGB, KFXM. KVOE— Mysteries of Crooked S<|.

KMTR—Frank and Ernest. 11:53—KNX—Olin Downes. ★KECA—Hollywood Spotlight,

George Fisher. ★KHJ. KGB. KFXM. KVOE— Fulton Lewis Jr. ★KMlit—News. Dauce Parade.

<* ^★KFI, KFSD—World Parade. M.Sm KNX—N. V. Phllliarmooic. ★KHJ—Broadway News.

KECA—Musical Bouquet, ★KMPC—News, Frank

Hemingway. ★KFWB, KVOE, KGER—News. ★ KMTR—News. Boys' Choir. KGFJ—Say It With Music. KWKW—Service Finance

Musicale. KGB—Strange As It Seerai. KFXM—Hasten the Day.

13:1J—EJIJ—-Home Town Parade, KM PC—Off the Record. KFWB—Peter Potter.

★ KFAC. KFXM—News. KPPC—Music of Masters. KGB—Voice of the Army. KVOE—Boys' Choir.

13:30—KFI. KFSD—One Man's Family. KECA—Washington Story.

KHJ—Memory Music, Ted Bacon.

KFWB—-Jean Leonard. KWKW—American Jewish Hour. ★KRKD—News.

KGB. KFXM, KVOE—Hookey Hall.

KGER—Sacred Harmonies. 13:4fr*KECA. KPAS—News.

1—KFI—The Army Hour. KNX—N. V. PhUharmontc. KECA—Darts for Dough. KHJ, KGB. KFXM. KVOE—

Crime My Pastime. ★KMPC—News, Manhattan Highlights. ★KFWB—Henry Charles. ★KMTR—News, Pianos.

KRKD—Sunday on Ranch. KFAC—Liberty ITayeri. KPPC—Chamber Music, KFOX—Dick Boss. ★ KFVD—News, MeKee Piuao. KGFJ—Romany. Time ★KGER—News, Rev. Charles


KFAC—Gilbert A Sulllvau. KPPC—Bible Class, KFVD—Victory Parade "til I

p.m. KGER—Radio Revival, KFSD—Sunday Concert,

8:15—KECA—Canary Pet Shop. * ft ★KIT, KFSD—Layman's Views AV of News.

KNX—Church of the Air. ★KECA—John Kennedy, News, ★KHJ. KGB, KFXM. KVOE— News, Glenn Hardy.

★KMPC—News, Western Federal Music Hour. ★KFWB, KGER, KFOX—News. ★KMTR—News, Fannie Reinliart

SUNDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In LtgMfnce Type: Afternoon and Evening Programs In Boldface,

Variety 1:30—Bruce-.Massey, KECA. 2:30—Charlotte Greenwood,

KECA. 3:00—Silver Theater. KNX. 3:30—Sunday Eve. Party. KECA. 4:00—Wayne King, KFI. fl;0U—Langford-Jones, KPT. 5:30—Tommy Dorsey, KPT. 0:00—Radio Readers' Digest,

KNX. 6:30—Tevaeo Theater, KNX. 0:43—Jimrme Udlrr. KECA. ■j-Sa—Meet Me at Parky's KFI.

Evelyn Blgtthy, KECA. 9:30—Romance of the llanchos,

KNX. War

1:00—Army Hour. KFI. 1:00—Your America, KIIJ. 11 ;15—Pacifio Story, KIT.

Quiz Programs 1:00—Darts for Dough, KECA, 4:00—Belter Half, KHJ. 6:30—Double or Nothing. KHJ. 7:00—Trans-Atlantie Quiz, KECA 7:0O—Take It or Leave It. KNX, 7:30—Name That Song, KHJ, 8:30—Quiz Kids. KECA.

Drama 10:15—Command A- Scott, KHJ. 11:43—Crooked Square, KHJ. 12:30—One Mun's Family, KFI. 2:30—Nick Carter. KHJ. 4:30—Rogue's Gallery, KFI. 4:30—That's Mv Pop, KNX. 6:20—Hollywood Mystery Time,


7:30—1 Was There. KNX. 8:110—Crime Doctor. KNX. 8:30—Murder, My Hobby, KHJ. 6 ;30—Blondie, KNX. 9:00—Bill Lance, KNX. 9:30—Boston Blackie, KHJ. 8:30—Haunting Hour, KPT.

Outstanding Music 9:00—Salt Lake Tabernacle, KNX. _ „ 9:30—Gilbert & Sullivan, KFAC.

II :00—SiTBdlvarl's Orch., KNX. 11:30—Richard Tucker. KFI. 12:00—N. Y. PhHhnrmooic, KNX. 1:36—Nelson Eddy, KNX. 2:00—NBC Symphony. KIT. 2:04)—Family Hour, KNX. 3:00—Summer Hour. KECA. StUO—Ingle wood Park Concert,

KNX. 6;00—Manhattan Merry-Co- 'Round, KFI.

0:30—Alhmn of Familiar Music, KFI.

7:00—Hour of Charm, KFI, 8:30—Standard Hmir, KFi.

ID :06—Newslcal, KFVD. 10:00—Lucky Lager Time, KFAC. 11:36—Bridge to Dreamland,


Public Affairs S :20—Invitation to Learning.

KNX, 9:00—Chicago Roundtable. KFI. 6:30—Speaking of Books, KPPC. C:45—Mayor Bowran, KMPC, 9:45—Washincton inside Out,


1:15—KFWB—Help Wanted. KMTR—For Mom & Dad. * ★KFAC—News. KGFJ—Console Encore*. KPAS—Church in Barn. KFVD—Musical Revue.

1:30*KFI—These Make History. i KNX—Nelson Eddy. KECA—N-K Kancho. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE—

Time tor Crime KM PC—Baseball 'til 6 p.m. ★KFWB—Peter d« lima. KMTR, KFOX—Voung People*'

Churcu. KGFJ—Intermission. KWKW—Iloyos Hour. KFAC—Good Neighbor Salute. KFVD—Hawaiian. KGER—light and Life. KFSD—With Tommy Dorsey.

1:45^KF1—Edward Jorgeasnn. KHJ—Harvey Harding, Songs. KFWB—Musical Sweets. KFVD—Vocal Varletle*. KPAS—Church of Christ,

—KFI, KFSD—Symphony Hour. KNX—Family Hour. KECA—Mary Small Revue. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE—

Father Brown. KMPC—Baseball. ★KFWB—News. ★KMTR—News, Trinity M. K.

Church. KGFJ—Easy Rhythm KFVD—Informed Democracy. KPAS—Lamplighter Jazz

Session. KPPC—Hour of Song, KFOX—Good News. KGER—Long Beach Band.

2:15—KFWB—Strollln' Tom. KFOX—Civorn Group.

2:3CI—KECA—Charlotte Greenwood. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE—

Nick Carter. KFWB—Youth Demands

Answer. KMTR—Wings of Healing. KPAS—Challenge to Youth. KWKW—Italian Melodies. KFOX—Rev. Billy Adam*. KFVD—Timely Tunes. ★KGER—War New*.

X;45—KNX—William L. Shlrer. . KFVD—Militant Democracy.

3—KFI—Catholic Hour. K>i\—silver Theater, Conrad


Abbott Mysteries, KECA—Summer Hoar. KMPC—Baseball. KFWB—Charles GranvUle. ★KMTR—New*, This Rhythmic

Age, i KFAC—Famons Musical

Favorites. KPAS—California Council Table.

KPPC—Mnsieal Varieties. K GFJ—R emera brance. KFVD—Popnlar Favorite*. KFSU—Convnir Entertain*. ★KGER—News, Gnslavcson. KFOX—Rev. Earl I vie.

3:15—KMTR—Holiywood Trend* KFVD—Colored Revue.

3;30^KFt. KFSD—News. KNX—Report to the Nation. KECA—Happy Moments.

Interetted in Radio Broadcasting?


HAL STYLES' "So You'd Lilcc To Be

in Radio?" KFWB

Sunday 3:30 - 4:00 P.M. Sponsored bp

Radio Player* of America 8800 Wll«hir« Blvd.

Btverly Hlila BRadshaw 2-2546

KFWB—Want To Be la Radio? , „

KHJ. KGB, KFXM. KVOE— Cedrlc Foster.

KMTR—Bible Treasury Hour. KFVD—Hank, Sight


Page 11: v.' L>f < * · 2019. 7. 17. · a contestant lets slip a line that car- ries double entendre and Miss Fran- cis has to think fast to cover up . . . like the lad who was asked

AUGUST 5, 1945

KWKW—Rev. Cagnon. KG E Ft—Bark ti» God. KBAS—Lulheran Gospel Hour.

3:45—EFI—Melody Parade. KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KTOE—

Postcard Serenade, Judy jLaog KPSD—Maslc Masquerade.

4*—KIT, KFSII—Wayne King. KNX—Men of Vision.

•*KECA—Drew Pearson. KHJ, KGB. KVOE^-Better

Half. KM PC—Baseball. KFM B—Civic Concert. KOFJ—Curtain Calls. ★KMTK—News, Old Fashioned

Ret Iral. m


REVIVAL Charles E.

PnlTer, Director.

P. O. ROT 123. I-«« Aniccle*,

Calif. KMT8—t:0d-5:0a P. M. KPAS—l;0n-3:00 P. M. KGER—4 :00-5:00 P. Jf.

REBROADCAST KPAS—S:00 P. M. KPRO—fi:13 l». M. KFOX—10:M P. M. KVOE—10:00 P. M. KFXM—10:041 P. M. KMPC—10:05 P. M.

KPAS. KPEO—Old Fashioned Revival.

KPPC—Alhambra Pres. Ch. s KWKW—Suusliirte Mission. -j^KGER—Xews. Old Fastuoned

Revival. KFOX—Sunshine Pastor.

' KGB—Leonidav WltheraU, • KFXM—Sacred Harmonies.

4:lS->tKFCA—Don Gardiner, Xewa. 4:30—Kit, KFSD—Uandwiigun Mysteries.

K>'X—Ttiat's Sly Pop. KHJ, KGB, KVOE—Ken

Carson Show,



KECA Sunday 4:30 P.M.

Sponsored by Edwards Brothers Colonial Mortuary

KECA—Songs of the Xatlons. ■j^KFWB—»w«. ' KFVD—M-3U Club.

KPPC—Classics. * KGER—Colonial Tabernacle. KFXM—ABC-King's

Amba ■ vadors. 4:4^—KFWli—Stuart Hnmhten.

KFTD—Carter Wright. —KFT, KVSD—Da agfard-Jones

Show. KECA—Gen. Juntas Pierce, - • KMPC—Baseball.


male- quartet ,- KNX—Sunday. SjOO P. M. Inglewood Park Cemetery Ass'n

RADIO LIFE KHJ, KGB—Mediation Board.

y^KMTK—News, Music. KWKW—Italian Novelties. KFAC—Bowling News, KGFJ—Wave Recrnlilng. KRKD—Anchor of Hope. KFVD—Barleni Holiday, KFOX—Rev. DJlbeck, KFXM—E. D. B. S. Hymns. KVOE—Bethel Tabernacle. KGER—News,' Rev. Draper.

3:15—KECA—Foofllght Favorites. KGFJ—Today's Hits. KFOX—Rev. Lyle lialc. ,

5:30—KIT, KFSD—Tommy Dorsey and Company.

KNX—Art Baker. KMTK—Reformed Witness

Hour. KECA—Fighting AAF. KFAC—Christian Science. KKKD—Hour of Cheer. KPAS—Christian Memory Ilr. KPPC—T.igac Classics. KFOX—Calvary Echoes. KFXM—Made In Ajnerica, KVOE—Clvio Interest. KGER—Colonial Vespers.

5:45^KHJ. KGB. KFXM. KVOE— GubrleJ Hcutter.

KWK W—Va rlet y. SiSStItK-NX—Ned Calmer.

—KIT, KFSD—Manliattan Merry-Go-'Kound.

KNX—Radio Readers Digest. -j^-KECA—Jergens Snmmer Edition.

KHJ, KGB—Steel Horizons, ★KMPC. KFWB, KBKD,

KFOX—News. ★KMTK—News, Bethel Chapel. KFAC—Mnslc for Everyone, KGFJ—House Party.

★KPAS—News. KWKW—Young People's Hour.



auman M KGER

KNX—Inglewood Park I Concert,

"WORD • of

PROPHECY (enrrenf eventtt In the light of the Scripture)

L«uis S. Bauman Sundays, 6:05 P.

★ KCEE—News, Word of Prophecy, i.ouis S. Bauman. KFXM—Ave Maria Hour. KVOE—Minister's Hour.

G :13—KECA—Louellw Parsons, Hollywood Mystery Time.

KMPC—Cost of 1.1% log. ★ KFWB—Henry Charles. KPAS—Cnlvereity Explorers.

6:30—KFI, KFSD—Album of Familiar Music.

KNX—Texaco Star Theater. ★KHJ, KGB, KFXM—Double

or Nothing. KMPC—Washington Insldfl Out. KFWB—Gospel £ Song, KMTE—Radio Blblo Class. KRKD—Rev. Matthews. KFVD—Evening Serenade, KPAS—Beyond Tomorrow. KWKW—Union Rescue

Mission. KPPC—Speaking of Books. KFOX—Hal's Memory Room. KVOE—Erwia Cunliam. KGER—l.ultierau Layman's

League. 6:45—KECA—Jimmy Fldler. KHJ. KtU. KFXM—Concert.

KMPC—Mayor Buwron. ★ KKKD—News, Browning. KPPC—Leora roller. (Story

Hour) KVOK—Orace and Trath.

7—KFI, KFSD—Hoar of Charm. KNX—Take It or re It. ■

KECA—Trans-Atlantic Quiz. KHil—Brownstono Theater. ★KMPC—News, Adobr Golden Hour. ^

KFWB—Vets Talk It Over, ★KMTR—News, Eventide

Echoes KPPC—Sacred Song Recital. KPAS—Ethel Hubler, KWKW—James Townsend, KGFJ—Overture to Evening. KFOX—Olga Graves.

7:15—KMTE—Baha-I Peace Hoar. KPAS—Life and Health. KPPC—Organ Recital. KGB—Hamona's Minstrels.

7:30—KFI, KFSD—Meet Me at Purity's.

KNX—I Was There, KECA—Freddie Martin Music. KHJ—Name That Song. KFWB—Rabbi Magnln. HMTR—Southwest Church of

Christ. KPAS—Church of Open Door. KPPC—Biblical Drama. KFXM—High School ullites,

7 545—KFWB—Catholic Answers. KPPC—Mast er works. KWKW—Songs at Twilight, KfJB—Columbus Boys' Choir. KVOE—Christian Youth.

f—KFI—Musical Memarlea. K NX—Crime Doctor. KECA—Pan American

Rhythms, KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE—

Leave It to Mike. ^ ★KMPC—News. Frank Hemingway.



•fOHNSON and

King's Ambasiador Quartet KMTR—8:05-9:00 P. M. Also 1(1:3(1-10:45 A. M,

. Monday through IVIday

★ KMTR—News, Floyd B. Johnson.

KFWB—Hollywood ITesbyferlan Church,

KFAC—First Methodist Church. i

KFOX—Christian Science. KGFJ—Walt* Invitation. KPPC—Great Sermons. KVOE—Christian Youth.

5:15—KFI—Xavler Cugat. ★ KGER—News, Chatauqua. KECA—Song Time. KMPC—Mother's Album,

8:25—KNX—The Todds. 8:30—KFI, KFSD—Standard Hour.

, KNX—Btundie. KECA—Quiz Kids. KHJ, KGB. KFXM—Murder

Is My Hobby. ** KMPC—Everybody's Hoar. KGFJ—Dancing Kbythm. KPI-C—Religious News. K5 OE—Grace & Truth,

8:45—KPPC—Word of Life, KFAC—U, N. Navy.

—KNX—Ad yen tares of BUI Lance,

★KECA—Sara Hayes, News. ★ KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE— News, Glenn Hardy.

★ KMPC—News, Open Forum. KFWB—Union Rescue Mission, ★KMTR—News, Figueroa

Christian Church. KGFJ—Are Maria Time. KPAS—Old Fashioned Revtral. KFAC—Sunday Evening Club. ★KGER—News. Bethel Church. KFOX—County Barn Dance.

9:13-* KHJ, KGB, KVOE—Rez Miller.

KECA—Evelyn Blgsby. KFXM—Letters From


listen to Bodio's Newest Oiiller-tKnllert THE

mMNC HOW fvery Sunday Night S/" F I

ol 9i30 P M PV 1 I Span tared by yoor neighborhood THRIFTY DRUG STORE

9:38—KFI, KFSD—The Haunting Hour,

KNX—Romance of thp Kanchos.

KHJ. KGB, KFXM—Boston Blackle. ★KECA—News. KFWB—Angelica Lutberaa

Hour. KMTR—Voice of Prophecr. KFAC—Gateway to Muslo. KGFJ—Sbow Time, KFOX—Rev. Eddie Driver, KGER—Tuckin' In Hour,

9:43^K£CA—Washington Insids Oat. v

tf A*KF7, . KFSD—Richfield AV Reporter.

★KNX-t-Chet Hnnlley. KHJ, KGB—20th Air Force. KECA—Soldiers of the Press, ★KMPC—News, Old Fashlonsd

Revival. ★KFWB—Henry Charles. ★KMXH—News, Texas Jim Lewis. KPAS—Voice of Calvary. KGFJ—Western. ★KFVD—Newslcal, 3 Hours. KFOX—Rev, Ftdler. KFXM, KVOE—Old Fashioned

Revival. ■ ★KGER—News, Delia Collins.

10:15—KFI—Chapel Quartet. KNX—Dlscusslou. KHJ—Hawaii Calls. KECA—Allen Roth's Orch. KFWB—Good News Hour. ★KFAC—News,

Inside the News

□ with

a ■

Mr. CarYeth Wells


10:3fl*KFI—Carveth Wells. Inside the News.

KNX—Tommy Tucker. ★KECA—News. KHJ, KGB—Chet Stewart's

Orch. KMTK—Boh Brooks. KFAC—Muslo fur Listening. KPAS—Bright Corner Church. ★ KFVD—Newslcal. KGER—Tooth Center.

I0:45*KFI, KFSD—News. KECA—Week-end Feature, KFWB—Musicale. KMTR—Denny Beckner Orch.

—KFI—America talced. ★ KNX—News, Les Browa. KECA—Tunes, Tidings, KHJ. KGB—Slnfonietta. ★KMPC—News, Masters' Hour. KFWB—Gospel and Song. ★KMTR—News, Autioch Church. KFAC—Lucky Lager Dance

Time. KGFJ—Blue of Evenlag. ★KFVD—Newslcal, 'til 2 a.m. KFOX—Merl Lindsay's Band.

11:15—KIT—Pacific story. 11:3tt—KNXr-George Auld.

KHJ—Carlos Molina Orch. KECA—Bridge to Dreamland. KPAS—Shrp's Playhouse.

11 s45—KFI—I.awrenre Welk Orrfi. ★KHJ, KGB, KFSD—News. J1;55^KFI, KNX, KFWB—News.

Maxwell, the Minx I

Elsa Maxwell - of Mutual's "Party Line," once sat in the front row at a symphony concert sucking on a lemon, because she had heard that such a sight drove horn players to distrac- tion. And did it? It certainly did— the horn player broke up completely.

KGFJ Staff'Enlarged New; additions to the KGFJ an-

nouncing staff include Ray Bohannan, formerly of KQW, San Francisco] and Roger Patrick from WGN, Chicago, according to Thelma Kirchner, - man- ager. Margaret Molloy of Philadelphia is an addition to the musical depart- ment.

Destination Unknown Edgar Bergen-, after he completed

his tour of army and navy hospitals, departed on a "mystery" vacation. He refused to say where he was going or when he would return, beyond the fact that he would be back for his fall show»

Page 12: v.' L>f < * · 2019. 7. 17. · a contestant lets slip a line that car- ries double entendre and Miss Fran- cis has to think fast to cover up . . . like the lad who was asked

MONDAY, AUGUST 6 ig Indicates New# Broadcasts.

THE jfflanting'

JlibU licur


Wilbui Kslson ( ■UM»b 30 miaute* with th® Hymn Book

end Ihs Bible

7:30-8 A. M Mon. thru Sst.

8—KKt, Kt^n—Fred Waring'* Henusylvaulans.

KN'X—Johnny Murray, KECA—Uun McNeill s

ISreukfa«t KGB. KKXM. KVOE—

Arthur tinelti. *KMI>r—News, Nurnmn Nesbltt ♦Ki'WB—BenucJl Keports. *KiITR—Neivs. Western Stars.

KGFJ-—Concert I'astelle. ■*KrAS, KG ICR—News.

KRKI>. KFOX—Dr. I.oula T. -v r Talhrit, KWKW—Mornlns Devotions, KFVD—Covered Wagon

Jubilee. ' I 1:10—SFWB—Baodi In KevJew.

KGER-tSoul I'aliol. «;19—KNX—VniUtot I-ady,

★KHJ. KGB—Frailer Hunt. K>1 PC—Market Reports.

Sports,* . KWKW—Hasten tire Day. BFXir—Momiuz Melodies. KVOE—War Casualty KGEK—Ml/paii. . 5 8:30—KF1—Mlrandy KN'X—Light of the World. KH.I. KGB. KFXM, KVOE—

Tnke II Easy, KMPC—Don Otis. KFWB—Help Wanted. KMTK—Christ Church Cnlty.

^rEFAC. KFSD—News.

KPAS, 8:30 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Mon., Wed., Frl.

First Mate Bob «nd'tK« Good Ship Griec

KKAS—Haven of Rest. ★KRKn—New* Headlinea. ★ KtVKW—News. Ui'A. K FOX—Rev. R. E. Keld.

8:15—KFl, KF-S»—Davtd Harnm. KXX—Anot Jenny's Real Life

stories. *KFWlt—News. 1

KFAC—Show Time. RFVD—Toca! Favorites. KWKW—Keveilla Kevue. K\OE*—Eiag Crushy. KGKR—New Tribes Mission.

8:55—KGH, KFVM, KVOE—Cliff Edwards. 9*KF1, KOF.I—News.

KNX—Xnta J^mltli. *KH.I. KGB, KFXM. KVOE—

WUilam f.anE, News. KECA—Glamor Manor.

*EMPC—News, Hollywood Melodies.

KFWB—Dr. Reynolds. KMTK—News, Scriptural Gems.

KRKD—Sagebrush Serenade. KPAS—Yesterday's lliis. KWKW—Messase of Life. KFOX—Firebrands for Jesus.

+KOKU—News. S:05—KFl—K(!ward Jorgenson. 8:1S*KFT. KINiD—Larry Smith.

KNX—Big Sister. • KH.J, KGB. KFXM, KVOE—

Mortuu Dowuey-


KMPC flS A. t-t MORDaY Hn FRIDAY Calitornii s 'fwnte 'Hnmf' IcinoniisT

Arden Fdrms Co.

KMPC—Polly Patterson. KFWIJ—-South of the Border. KFAC—Voice of Health. KGFJ—Medical. KPAS—Waltz Time. KWKW—Treaanry Salute. KGEE—Dr. .1. A. Lovell.


KNX—Romance of Helen Trent.

KMJ—Time Out. KECA—Brenenmn's Breakfast

In Hollywood. KMPC—Hits for the Mlssua.

' *EF\VH. KFAC, KWKW— News,

KMTR—Bible Treasury Hour. KPAS—Harmony Homeateail. KGFJ—Open Album. KG FK—Radio Revival.

. KFVl)—Show Tunes, KGB—Sereaadlng Von. KFXM—Future ITnlimlted. KVOE—Prayer, Service Band. Kl^iD—Ana tiibsoo,

9:35—KFXM—Old Family Almanac. 9:43—KFI—Roony Mansfield, Songs.

KNX—Our Gal Suod?*. KIM—Mystery Chef. +KFWB—Henry Charlea. - KMTK—Just Relav.

KFAC—Musical Comedy. -^■K UKD—News.

HFVU—Here Comes Parade. KWKW—Rev. Graves. KGB—Molly Morse. KFXM—Design for Listening. KFSu—Voice of a Nation,

« A—KNX—Life Can Be Beauilfui. AW*RKCA—Gil Martyn,

^rKIIJ, KGB. KFX.M, KVOE— News, Glenn nardj. *KMP0—News, llils for the Missus.

KFWB—Kitchen KoUrge, Chef Milan].

drKMTR—-News, Marching to Victory. KFAC—51 Idmornlng Serenade. KGFJ—Raring News. KFVI>—Momlug Serenade. KWKW—Metroimlitan Scratch

.■sheet. *KPAS. KFOX—News. ■A-KGER—News, Pan-American

Fellowship. 10:13—KFl—Hollywood Fan Magazine KNX—.Ma Perkins.

KECA—Ted Mai one. KHJ,, KFXM. KVOE—

Soinellnng to Talk Ahotit. KMTK—King's .Men. KG F.I—Blag Crosby Sings. KKKD—Dr. O. M- Klchordsua.

+KPAS—Scott Newhull. KWKW—Slamlng Meludles. KtiEU—Kingdom Wilhin. KFOX—Kev. Fnima Taylor.

I0;3h-^KFI. KFSD—Albers Hour. TtKNX—Margaret MarDonald,

News. KECA—My True Story. KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KVOE—

The' .Mountaineers. KMPC—Pan Americana. KFWB—.Mid-Morning Melodies KiMTK—Floyd B. John son.

•JkKFAC—News and Kutioas, KGFJ—Cpheal Session. ★KWKW—N>WH. Symphonic



10:30-11:00 a.m.

KPAS Mondoy thru Friday

KPAS—Woman** World. KFVD—Fniun Rescuo Mission. KGLTt—Sonstiiae Pastor.

10:43ikKFI. KFSD'—Art Baker, News. KNX—Young Dr.. Malone. KU.J—John J. Anthony. KMPC—Home Chats. KFWB—Science of Mind. KMTR—Care of the Body. KFAC—Between the Lines. KKKD—Midnight Mission. KWKW—Gancho Serenade. KGB, KVOE—John J.

Anthony. KFXM—Voice of the Araiy, KFOX—Dr. A. C, Michelson.

10 ;55—KECA—T.lvlng iu Hollywood. UKFI, KFSD—Cuildlng Light.

KNX—Two on a Clue, ★KHJ, KGB—Cedrlc Foster. ★ KEOA—Baukhage Talking. ★ KMPC—News, Mail Bag

Renuests. KFWB—AI Jnrvls.

★KMTK—News, Dr. Lonl* Talbnt. KFAC—Pan Americana. KGFJ—Sty hngs In Bine. KPAS—J. New Inn lates. ★KWKW—Base ball. Fighting

Americans. ★KFVD. KGER—News.

KFXM—Voice of Evperlence, KVOE—Lester Srallh.

11:15—KFl. KFSD—'today'* Children. KNX—Rosemary. . ... KECA—Ethel *01! Albert KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVUE— Julia Cowl. KFAC—Music for You. KFOX—Spotlight Bands.

11:3d—KKI. KFSD—Woman In White. «

KNX—Perry Mason. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE—

Queen for Today. KECA—Reserve. KMPC—Boulevard Quiz. KMTR—Song* to Remember.

★ KKKD. KPAS. KFOX—News. ★ KWKW—News, InatrumeltKlles KGER—Rev. Greenameyer,

11:45—KFl—Hyroms of All Churches. KNX—Teua and Tim. ★ KECA—ABC World

Correspondent*. KMPC—Garden Hints. KFAC—llano Briefs, KPAS—Painted Post. KFVD—Violet Schram. KFOX—Varieties.

If KFl—Farm Reporter. KNX—Neighbors, '■ Irene Beasiey.

MONDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Afipear In Llghtface lVp*t Afternoon and Evening Programs In Boldface.

Variety S :0a—Fred Waring. KFl. 8:00—Johnny Murray, KNX. 8 :00—Breakfast Club. KECA. 9:00—Kate Smith, KXX. 9:30—Tom Breneman Breakfast.

KECA. 11 :15—Jane Cowl, KHJ. 12•.15—Constance Bennett, KECA. 8:00—Hoagy Cannlchael, KFl. fl :00—"Beulah," KNX. 0:30—iSpotlight Band*, KH.I. 6:30—Rise sleveus Show, KFl 7:0lt—Guy Lomhardo. KECA, 8:00—Supper Club, KFl. 8:15—Hcdda Hopper, KNX.

—Vo« Pop. KNX. 10:30—Hollywood Open House, KNX,

War 7:00—Tokyo Calling. KECA. 8:00—Renter's New* Dispatch,

KFWB. _ 10:15—P«i lf i1 War Analysis, KNX.

Outstanding Music 4:00—Muslcnl Masterpieces,

KFAC. 5-30—Voles of Firestone, KFl. 8:00—Musical Digest, KGFJ. 7:110—Miniature Conrert, KFAC. 7:00—Contented Hour, KFl. 8:00—Kveolog Concert, KFAO. 9:00—Telephone Hour, KFl.

10:00—Lucky Lager Dance Time, • KFAO.

10:00—New steal, KFVD, 10:00—Eaatslde Club, KFWB.

Drama 5:30—Tom MI*. KHJ. 6:15—Real Life Stories, KHJ. 7:lMH-ScreeD Guild Players, KNX- g:00—Michael Shame, KHJ. 8:30—Hawthorne House, KECA. 9:08—The Whistler, KNX.

10:15—Charlie Chap. KECA.

Quiz Programs 7:30—Thanks to the Tanks. KNX. 7:30—Dr. 1. Q.. KFl. 8:30—Pay Day Qoil, KMPC. 8:30—Money on the Line, KNX.

Public /iffairs 8:00—O. W. Ideas. KRKD.

11:20—It. Happened Today. KFl.

Sports—Comment 10:00—Met. Scratch Sheet,

KWKW. - 10:00—Racing. KGFJ KRKD. 5:4,1—Race Result*, KGFJ, 6:45—American Sport*. ivt-CA. 7:85—Sports Heeuine, KWKW.

10:30—Sam Baiter, KECA.

★KHJ—Broad way News. ★KECA—John B, Kennedy, ★KMPC—News, Frank

Hemingway. ★KMTR—News, Trading Post, KFAC—Luncheon Coucert. KPAS—UhI Hurt. KWKW—Blue Room. KGFJ—Calling All Zones. ★ KFVD—Editor of Air.

★ KGER—News, Dr. Curtis H. Springer. ★KGB. KVOE—News. KFSD—Woman of America.

12:15—KFl, KFSD—Ma Perkins. ★ KNX—Howard Petrle News. KH.I—Johnson Family. KEOA—Constance Bennett, KM PC—Norman Nesbltt. KGFJ—Keybunrd .Magic. KFVD—Lunrheon Musical. ★ KFOX, KFXM—News. KVOE—Tummy Tucker.

12:30—KFl, KFSD—Pepper Young's Family.

KNX—A Woman's Life. KHJ—Mild and Mellow. KKCA—l-adies. Re Seated. KMPC—Rfidge Club, Robert

Lee Johnson. ★ KFWB—News. KGFJ—Note* for Yon. ★KWKW—News, Variety. KGB—Club Reporter. KFXM—-Farm Front. KVOE—A Boy aad a GlrL KGKK—Juke Box,

12:45—KIT, KFSD—Right to Happiness.

KNX—Bitrbelor'ii Children. KHJ, KGB. KFXM. KVOE—

This Is Music, j KMPC—Jack Sherman. KFWB—AI Jar vis. ★ KFAC—News. KFVD—Violet Schrnm. KPAS—Tex Tyler. KFUX—Lucky Ijidy. KGER—Gardening School.

1—KIT. KFSD—Backstag* Wife. KNX—G. E. House Party. KHJ—Think Hard Now.

★ KECA—Time View* the New*. ★KMPC—News. Symphonettes. ★ KMTK—News. Piano*. KFAC—Dr. Helen Collier. KGr.I—Easy Rhythm. ★ KFVD, KGER—News. KGB—Walter C'.mpton. KFXM—Songs of irawaiL

1:15—KFl, KPND—StHIa Dallas. KECA—Radio Parade. KHJ. KGB. KFXM—

Bill Hay Reads the Bible. KMTR—Meet the Buad. KFAO—Melody Matinee. KFVl)—Mood* In Music. EVOE—Johusna Family. 1:23*KNX—News.

1:30—KFJ, KFSD—Lorenzo Jones. KNX—Feature Stury. KHJ. KGB, KFXM. KVOE—

Summertime Melodies. ★KECA—This Moving World, till Martyn.

KMPC—Lady of Charm. KMTR—Danee Time. KG FJ—Internilssion, ★KKKD—News, Music.,

★KPAS—Listeners' Digest. ★KWKW—News, Memories. 1:45—KFl, KFSD—Young Wldder

Brown. KNX—Gene Baker. KECA—Hymns of All

Churches. KMPC—Blng Crosby. KKKD—Singing Walters. ■ KFVD—Music City. KPAS—Gardening. KFOX—Concert Master.

2—KFl. KFSD—When n Glrl Marries,

KNX—Evelyn Winter. ★KHJ, KVOE—This Changhig

World. KF.OA—What's Doln.' Ladle#? ★ KMPC—News. Don Ott*. ★KMTR—News, It Pay# to

Know. , KFAC—Memory Muslcala. KRKD—O. W. Idea*. KGFJ—Town Crier, KFVD—Timely Times. KPAS—Melodious Moment a. KWKW—Club 80. KGEK—Security Conference. KFX5I—Our Town, Social

Security. ★ KGB—New*. 2:15—KPT. KFSD—Portia Face*

Life. KNX—Service Time. KHJ—Music Moderne. KMTK—Matinee Melodic#. KFUX—Pablic Bulletin. 2:30—KFl. KFSD—Just Plain BUI. KNX—Meet the Missus. KHJ—Organ Melodies. KECA—Bert Seller*. KFWB—Three Men on a Juke KRKD—Baseball Score#. ★KWKW—New*.

Page 13: v.' L>f < * · 2019. 7. 17. · a contestant lets slip a line that car- ries double entendre and Miss Fran- cis has to think fast to cover up . . . like the lad who was asked

RADIO LIFE KFO.V—■IVeatera Snnsct*.

8:45—KFI. RFSU—Front rat® FerfelJ. KH.I, KOB—Kara Robblrrs. KECA—Memories in Mtlodj. ★KIVI>—»ns.

—Meet a Friend, 3—KTI—Boad ot Ule.

KSX—Hougewlves protective l<eaeue.

» +KECA—Three O'clock News. ★KHJ, KfiCH. KFSD—News. KFAC—Farooos Musical

Favorites. KMIT—Nrvvs. l>on Oils,

KFWB—Jlelody Matinee. ^KXXK—News, Dial and Win.

KOFI—Jack Pot. KBKD—Matinee Melodies. ■jtKPAS—News. KWKW—Studio Cenler. K(iR. K5 0E—Griffin Reporting. KFXM—Prayer, News, Brevities. KFOX—Buddy Cole.

JslS—Kn—Joyce Jordan, M.D. KECA—Walkie Talkie. RM.J—Happy Homes, Norms

Ynune. SBKIl—Matinee Melodies. SPAS—.lake Box Matinee 'til 5:15 p.m. KWRW—Reflection 1« Music. KPOX—Mr & Mrs. America. KGB—John Kirby's Mrrh. KVOE—Of Civic Interest. KFSIl—Road of Life.

3:30—KIT—Woman of America. K>"X—Jimmy Carroll Sings.

• KKCA—Frances Scully. KM PC—Request Time. KFWI5—Tempo Americana.

y^KKKII—News, Music. BJF\T>—Popular Favorilcs.

-A-KWKU—off the Press. KGB—Art Baker. KVOE—Newsplx Melodies. KFOX—Hollywood Salon. KG ER—Cheerful Chat.

3:45—RFI. KFSt)—Aunt Mary. KNX—The World Today.

• KHI, KGB. KFXM, KVUB- Elsa Maxwell's Party. KECA—Fnotligtit Favorites.

KMPC—Peter Potter. KFWB—.la«.

.KWKW—Swing Session. 3:55*KNX—Bob Trout. 4—KFt, KIND—This Woman's

Seeret. - KNX—Pollock Party. ★KECA—Headline Edition.

★ KHJ, KOB, KFXM, KVOE— News. Fulton Lewis jr. ★KMPC—News. Music. " KFWB—Woman's I'nBc. ★KMTK—News, Win Motto.


Gems of Meloefy 4-5 P. M., KFAC.133Q

Ask for free program at Slavick Jewelry Co.

KFAC—Musical Masterpieces. KGF.J—Swing Serenade. ★KGER—News, Hpieoe SmitN. BUFVU—Piano Selections.

«:15*Kn. KFSD—New# of the World.

★KECA—Raymond Grain Swing.

★KliJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE— Bex Miller.

KM PC—Garrett's Varieties. ★KFWB—Vocal Varieties, News. _

KWKW—Theater Guide. Music. ★KFvn—News.

KBKD—Movleland Quiz. 4:39—KFT—Art Baker's Notebook.

KNX—Open House. KECA—Gen. Juulns Pierce, - Comisent. ■ ■ KHJ—Sk-flcli Book. KM PC—Lit Parade Tun^s. KRKH—Tunes of the Bay. KGFJ—Air-o-torials, Orcncs-

tre tin Jour. KWKW—C-lUtena Committee. KGB—Songs of Praise. KFXM—Dr. Philip M. Lovell. KVOE—Treasury Salute. KFSD—Black & White.

4:45—KECA—Louise Massey and Westerners.

>■ KHJ—Frolics. KM PC—.Modern Romances. KFW'B—Stuart Hemblen. ★KEKD—News.

KWKW—Piano Moods. KFOX—Art Birkinson. ★RFSH—H. V. RaUenbom.

4:55—KNX—Organ Interlude. 5*KFI—H. V. Kaltenhom. ★ KNX—Major Knox Manning.

KECA—Terry and the Pirates. ★KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE—

Sam Hayes. ★KM PC—News, Teen and Twenty. ★KMTR—News, Sunset Rhythms.

KGFJ—Jhe at (5. KRKH—Songs of the Saddle. KWKW—Speaking of Sports. ★KGER—News. KFSD—Ok for Release.

S:I5*KF1. KFSD—News. KNX—Through a Woman"#

, Eyes. KECA—Dick Tracy, KHJ. KOB. KFXM, KVOE—

Superman. . , KMTR—Show Tunes. ★ RKAC. KFVI), KFSD—News.

KWKW—Today's -Hits. ★ K PAS—Sidney Roger. 5:55—KFl, KFSD—Voice of

Firest one. ★KNX—Nelson Prinsle. KECA—Jack Armstrong. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE—

Adventures of Tom Mix, - KMTR—Irwln Allen. KFAC—Whoa BUI Club. KGFJ—Race Recap. KFVD—Bil-Sft Club. KRKD—Race Results. KPAS—Service Men. KWKW—American-Jewish Hr. KGER—Security Conference,

6:45*KNX—News, Truman Bradley. ★REfiA—News. ★KH.I. KGB. KFXM, KVOE— Night New# Wire.

KMPC—Help Wanted. ★KMTR—K. Louis FJatau, News.

KGFJ—Show Time. KPAS—Bing Crosby. KFVI)—Evening Concert.

5;5V*KNX—Bill Henry. —BFI, KFSD—Hoagy

Carmirhael. KNX—"Beulah." ★KHJ. KGB. KFXM. KVOE—

News,- Gabriel Keatter. . KECA—Meet Yonr N"\T.

★KMPC—News, Nomtsn Nesbltt ★KFWR, KFOX, KGER—News. ★KMTR—News, Tnmasso En- semhle.

KFAC—Music for Everyone. KGFJ—Musical Digest 'til

8 p.m. KWKW—Italian Melodies.

9:15—KH.I. KGB, KFXM—Real Life Stories.

KMPC—tHie Waters. ★KFWB—John B. Hughes. KFOX—Miracles of Science. KGER—Victorious Living. KVOE—Hasten fh# Day.

8:30—KFI, KFSD—Rise Steven# Show. KNX—Store of the Sea - K EC A—Sightseeing Amenrau- KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE—

Spotlight Bands, KMPC—Floyd A. Allen. KFWB—America Dances. KMTR—Concert Moderne. KG RK—Victorious Living. KFVD—Vaudeville. KPAS—Chnrch of Christ. • KWKW—Better Vision, KFOX—Hill's Memory Room. KGER—Prophecy Speaks,

8:45—KECA—American Sports. KMPC—Coast Guard. KRKD—Hoi ly wood

Tunesmlths. KPAS—Inside Fart*. KWKW—Evening Serenade." KGB—Ships of War.

8:55—KECA—Coronet Story Teller. —KFI, KFSD—Carnation

. Contented Hour. KNX—Screen Guild Players. KECA—Toklo Calling. KH.I, KVOE—Now It Can

Be Told. ★ KMPC—News, Dinner Dance. ★KMTR—News, Help Wanted.

KFAC—Concert in Miniature. ★KRKD. KGER—News. • KWKW—Maurice Johnson. KPAS—Ilelu Wanted. KGB—Eddy flreutt.

7:I5*KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE— Jim Uoyie. News.

KMTR—W. B. Record. KRKD—Three Quarter Time. KWKW—Evening Musical.

7:30—KFI, KFSD—Dr. I. Q. KNX—Thanks to the Vonks. KECA—Reonioa C, S. A.


KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KVOE— lx>ne Ranger. ★KFWB—News. KMTR—Dr. Clem Dnvles.

KFAC—Floret(n's Jewel Box. KPAS—Treasury Star Salute, ★ KWKW —Dr. ciem Dnvles. KGER—Gospel H««v.

7:43+KFWB, KFOX—Major .Hubert Turner, Comment. ★KFAC—News,

—KFI, KFSD—Supper Club. KNX—Man Named Jordan. KECA—Pick and Pat. ★KMPC—Mews. Frank

Hemincway. ★ KFHH—Reuters News I) lnpfttcUcs.


union on PRESENTS



Private Detective" Adventure • Intrigue

KHI 8:00 P- u' A


mo#** A/e*> f S^s

8:15—KECA—Hobby Hours. ★KFWB—Hesry Crmrles.

KMTR—Modern Mood#. KHJ, KGB, KM) E—Feeling

Is Mutasl. • , ' ★KFVVB—Sara Baiter.

£0 ★KFI, KFSD—Biohlield

Reporter. ★KNX—Chet Huntley.

KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE— Michael Shayne. ★KMTK—News, Floyd B. Johnson.

KFAC—Evening Concert. KGFJ—Of Words and Verse- K I*AS—Taylor Tunes.

8:15*KFI. Kf^D—Fleet wood Lawtoo.

KNX—fledda Hopper. ★KECA—Peter dp Lima. KMPC—Treasury Salute.

. KFWB—Warner Bros. Orch. KQFJ—Serenade for You.

8:30—KFI. KIND—RCA & Tommy Dorsry.

laugh with JACK IAIUY


ON THE UHr' Monday, 8:30 p.m.


KNX—Mnoey on the Line. KECA—Hawthorne House.

THE THE ETAGE enM puruTom MMMMwr num.

K.MPC—Pay Day Quiz. ★ KFWB—News. KGFJ—Dancing Rhythm. KPAS—Texas jlm Lewis. KGER—Church of Nasnrene. KVOE—Prof. Broadway Si

Boil ram. 8:45—KFW R—Paa-A-Must-Cana. 8 :S5*KNX—New s. 9—KFI, KFSD—Telephone Hour.

KNX—The Whistler. KECA—BUnd Date. ★ KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KVOE— News, Glenn Hardy.

★ KMPC—News, Music. ★KFWB—Peter de Lima. ★KMTR—News. Concert Master KPAS—Music Bo*. KGFJ—Palurios Amigos.

8:15*KHJP KGB. KFXM. KVOE— Cecil Brown, »««: ★KMPC—Dean DichaBon, —

K F\V B—Man pow er. 3:30—KFI—Hollywood Bowl

Auditions, KNX—Vox Pop. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE—

Jimmy Fidler. ★KECA—News. KMPC—Preview Time.

Spotlisht with George Flthec

10:00 P. M. —K^CA

Inside the News with

Mr. Caryeth Wells 10:30 P. M —KFI


★KECA—Hullywood Spotlight, George Fisher.

★ KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE— Fulfim l^wis Jr. ★KMPC—News, Music-


Club 10 to 12 P. M. Ixry HI*. I'C.p) S.nd.y

Am.rrt.', ffp.i) B.ajB KFWB—East side Club. ★KMTR—News. Merle Lindsay.

' KFAC—Lucky Lager Dane# Time.

' KGFJ—Western. KPAS—Bert Phillips. > - KFVD—Newslcal, 3 Hours.

10 ;IS—KFt—Reserve, • KNX—Pacific .War Analysis. KECA—Adventures of .Charlie

Chan. ★KHJ, KOB, KFXM—News. KMPC—Samuel B. McSee.

10:30—★KTI—Carveth Wells, loslde the News.

KNX—Hollywood Open House. ★KECA—News. KHJ—Johnson Family. KMPC—Dance Parade. KGER—El Monte Church.

10:45—KFI—OIo Corral. ' KHJ—NrWest's "So the Story

Goes," KECA—Radio, The American

Way. KMTB—Denny Iteekner Orch.

4 4 ★KFI. KHJ—News. AA ★KNX—Jim Wynit.

KECA—Tunes, Tidings, ★KMPC—News. Headline Bands. . . KFWB—East side Club. ★KMTR—News. Win Moryo. KGFJ—Tintypes,

^ KPAS—Ishep's playhoase. -KFTD—Newsical.

11:15—KM—Hollywood Bowl . Reporter. • KHJ, KGB, KVOE—Carlo#

. Motlria's Orch. KMPC—Rhythm 'til Midnight. KGFJ—Blue of- Evening. KFAC—Lncky Eager Dance

Time. . ll:tt>—KFI—It iliippened 'Tbday,

KNX—•Jne Venutl. . 11:30—KFT. KFSD—Digest, Dance

wish I'eluso. KECA—Vllen Roth Orch. KHJ. KGB, KVOE—King Cole

Trto. . *KFVi;—Nexvsica!, 'til 1 a.m.

11:45—A-KHI, KGB, KFSD—»wb. ECFJ—What's Cp?

U'.SS^-KFI, KNX. KFWB—News. .

Page 14: v.' L>f < * · 2019. 7. 17. · a contestant lets slip a line that car- ries double entendre and Miss Fran- cis has to think fast to cover up . . . like the lad who was asked

TUESDAY, AUGUST 7 lodicates yew« BroadcastB.

''IT ll II'''!■ Mi


KHJ Scttch 7rip!9 Action Cttanser

8 -KFI. KTSD—Frfd Waring. KNX—Johnny Murray. KECA—Don MrNelU's Breakfast Clnb.

+KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KVOE— Arthur Gaelh. JrKMI'C—News. Norman Nesbltt.

★KFtTH—PrnneLI Reports- ■jpKMTK—News. Western Stars. KFAC—Country Churci ol Hollywood. KGF.f—Concert TaeteUe.

-»HPAS. KGER—News.

KRKD 8:00 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Tues., Thurs., Sat.

Fint Male Bob and the Good Ship Grace

KRKD, KFOX—Haven of Best- KMT5W—Momlai Devotions. KTVD—Covered Wacon Juhilee.

8:15—KNX—Valiant Lady. -+KHJ. KGB—JtYaeier Hunl. KM PC—Market Report, Sports. KFWB—Banda In Bertew. KWKW—Bev. Patterson. KJTXM—Mornlnp Melodies, KVOE—War Casualty list. KGER—Mirpah.

8:30—KEI—Mlrandy. KNX—Light of the World. KHJ. KGB, KVOE—Take It Easy. KM PC—Don Oi ls. KFWB—Help Wanted. KMTR—Christ Church rnlly. 4-KFAC, KRKD. KFSD—News. KPAS—Baptist Brothers. KWKW—News. BeveUle. KFXM—Sunshine Service. KFOX—Bev. R. B. Reid.

8:45—KFI. KFSD—David Harnm. KNX—Aunt Jenny's Stories. *KFW B—News.

KFAC—Show Time. KFYD—Vocal Favorites, KVOE—Bloc Crosby. KGER—New Trihc* Mission.

8:55—KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE— Cliff Edwards.

g 4rKFI. KGFJ—News. . KNX—Kate Smith. *KH.). KGB. KFXM. KVOE—

Wiliiam Lane. KECA—Glamor Manor, ★8LMFC—News, Hollywood Melodies. KFWB—Health Talk. ■*KMTB—News. Christian Fundamentals. KBKD—Reflections In Music. KPAS—Yesterday's Hits. KWKW—Rhapsody la Rhythm KFVD—Walts Time. KFOX—Firebrand# for Jesus. *KCKn—News,

8:05-A-Kn—Edward Jorgenson, Comment. KGEB—Dr. Curtis H. Sprlncer. »:lJi*KFI, KFSD—Larry Smith, Commentator. KNX—Big Sister. KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE—

Morton Downey. KM PC—Polly Patterson. KPVt B—Rhumba Time. KFAC—Voice of Health. KGFJ—Medical. KPAS—Waltr TUne. KWKW—Mornlns Song Parade. KGER—Rev. J. A. Lovell,

• :3<HrKFI—News. KNX—Romance of Helen Trent. KECA—Breneman's Breakfast

In Hollywood. KHJ—Time Out. KM PC—Hits lor Missus.


KMTB—Bibla Xreasory Hour. KF\T>—Show Tunes. KGFJ—Opea Album.

KPAS—Uarmonv Homestead. KGEB—Radio Revival. KGB—U. S- Marine Baud. KFXM—Future rolimlted. KVOE—Prayer, Service Band. KFSD—Ann Gibson. 8:35—KFXM—Old Family Almanac.

8:45—KFI—Bonny Slanafleld, Songs, KNX—Our Gal Sunday. KHJ. KFXM, KVOE—

Mystery Chef. +RFVVB—Henry Charles. KMT R—Just Relax. KFAC—Musical Comedy. •*-KRKD—News, Clifton. KKVD—Here Comes Parade. KGB—Molly Morse. KWKW—Rev. Graves. KGER—Colonial Tabernacle. KFSD—Voice of A Notion.

<9 ft—KNX—Life Cau He Beautiful. Xv*KHJf KGB. KFXM. KVOE— News, Glenn Hardy. ★ KECA—Gil Martyn. ★ KMPC—News, lilts for the Missus.

KFWB—Kitchen KoIIege. Chef Milan!. ★ K.MTR—News, Marching to Victory.

KGFJ—Racing News. KFAC—•Mldmornine Serenade. KWKW—31et. Scratch Sheet. ★KGER—News, ran-Amcrlcan Fellowship. ★KPAS KFOX—News.

10:15—KFI—Hollywood Fan Magazine KNX—Ma Perkins. KECA—Ted Malone. KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KVOE— Luncheon with Lopez. KMTR—King's Men. KGFJ—Bing Croshy Sings. ★ KPAS—News. Scott Newhail. KB KW—Morning Melodies. KRKD—Dr. O. M. Hlrhardson. KFOX—Rer. Emma Taylor. KGER—Kingdom Within. KFSD—Heaven on Earth Club.

10:35—KFI. KFSD—Albers Hour, ★KNX—Margaret Mac Donald, News. KECA—My Truo Story.

KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KVOE— Paula Stone, John Brlto. KM PC—Pan Americana. KFWB—Mid-Morning Melodies. KPAS—Woman's World. KMTR—Floyd B. Johnson, ★ KFAC—Sews, Rations. ★ KWKW—News, Symphonic Strings. KGFJ—Cpbeat Session. KFVD—tninn Rescue Mission. KGER—Sunshine Paster.

10:I5*KFI. KFSD—Art Baker, News. KNX—Vnung Or. Malone. KHJ. KGB. KVOE—John J.

, Anthony. KM PC—Home Chats. KFWB—Science of Mind. KMTR—Soldiers of the Press.

KFAC—Between the Lines. KWKW—Western Serenade. KRKD—Midnight Mission. KFXM—'American Mercury Theater. KFOX—Dr. A- V, Mlchelson,

10:35—KECA—Living In Hollywood, •f « —KFI, KFSD—Guiding Light. XX KNX—Two on a Clue. ★ KECA—Baukhnge Talking. •kRHJ. KGB—Cedric Foster.

★ KMPG—News, Mall Bag Request*. KFWB—A1 Jarvle. ★ KMTR—News, Dr. Louis

Talbot. KFAC—Pan Americana. KPAS—J. Newton Vates. KWKW—Baseball, Fighting Americans. KGFJ—Styling# In Blue. ★KFVD. KGEB—News, KVOE—Lester Smith. KFXM—Voice of Experlenre.

11:13—KFI, KFSD—Today's Children KN X—Rosexnary. KECA—EUiel and Albert. KHJ. KGB, KFXM. KVOE—

Jane Cowl. * KFAC—Music for Y'ou. KFVD—Musical Kevue. KFOX—Spot Itch t Bands.

11:30—KFI, KFSD—Woman In White KNX—Perry Mason. KECA—Listening Post. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE—

Queen for Today. KM PC—Boulevard Quiz. KMTR—Songs to Kemembcr. ★KRKD—News, Douglas. ★KPAS KFOX—News. ★KWKW—News. Inatrumelodles KGER—Rev, Chas. Greenn-

rnejer, 11:45—KFI—Hymns of All Churches. KNX—Tena A- Tim.

★KECA—ABC World Correspondents. KMPC—Garden Hints. KFAC—Piano Briefs. KFVD—Violet Scbram. KPAS—Painted Post. KFOX—Varieties. KGER—Bible Treasory Hoar. 11; 55 ★KWKW—News.

4 KFI—Farm Reporter. X& KNX—Neighbors, Irene Beasley. ★ KHJ—Broadway News. ★ KECA—John B. Kennedy. ★ KMPC—News, Frank Henilngway. ★K.MTR—New*. Trading Post.

KPAS—Hal Hart. KWKW—Blue Room. KFAC—Luncheon Concert. KGFJ—Calling All Zones. KRKD—Pralrio Schooner. KFVD—Editor of Air. KFXM—Diagnostic Group. KFSD—Woman of America. ★ KGB. KVOE, KGER—News.

12:15—KFI, KFSD—51 a Perkija*. ★ KNX—Howard Petrle, News. Rtf.l—Jolmson -Family.

KECA—Constance Bennett. KMPC—Norman Nesbitt,

TUESDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In Lightfsce Type; Afternoon and ' Evening Programs in Boldface.

Variety 8:00—Fred Waring, KFI. 8:00—Johnny Murray, .KNX. 8:00—Breakfast Ciub, KECA. 8;0O—Kate Smith. KNX. 9:50—Breneman's Breakfast Party, KECA.

10:00—Chef-Milaai, KFWB. 10:30—Paula Stone. KHJ. 4 :3o—Art Baker's Notebook, KFI.

5 :3ft—Date with Judy, KFI. fi;30—Victor Jtorge, KFI. 7:30—County Fair, KECA. 8 ;0IF—Supper Club, KFI. 8:3n—tjinny Simms, KFI. 8:30—'Alan Vonojf Show, KECA. 8:00—For the Boys, KFI.

War 10:15—Parifin War Analysis,


Drama 8:00—Norman Corwln. KNX. " !00—Man Called X. KFI. 7:30-i—Holly wood Preview, KNX. 8:1)0—Connt of Monte Crlsto,

KHJ. 8:30—The Falcon. KHJ. 9:W>—Big Town, KNX. 9:30—Fnlvenie on Parade, KPT. 9:30—Murder Will Out, KECA. 9:30—Nero Wolfe. KHJ.

Quiz Programs 12:00—Calling All Zones. KGFJ. 1:00—Think Hard Now, KHJ,

Outstanding Music 4:05—Musical Masterpieces,

KFAC. 4:39—American Melody Hour, KNX. 6:05—Musical Dlcrgi, KGFJ. 7:0b—Miniature Concert, K FAC. 7:30—Sigmnnd Romberg, KFI. R:on—Eienlng Concert, KFAC.

10:50—Lucky Lager Dance Tune, KFAC. in:D0—Newsical, KFVD.

10:05—East side Club, KFWB.

Public Affairs 12:45—Book*, KVDF.. 6:30—American Forum, KHJ. 10:35—Congress Speaks, KNX.

Sports—Comment 10:00—Met. Scratch Sheet,

KWKW. 10:00—Racing, KGFJ, KBKD. 5:15—Belle Marlrll, KMTR. S;4S—Race Results. KGFJ, 6:35;—Del Mar. KMPC. 6:45—Americau Sports, KECA.

10:00—Olympic Fights. KMTR. 10:30—Sam Baiter Sports, KECA.

KGFJ—Keyboard Magic. KFVD—Luncheon Musical. KGB. KVOE—Tommy Tucker.

12:30—KFI, KFSD—Pepper Young's Family. KNX—A Woman's Life. EHJ, KVOE—SI lid and Mellow. • KKCA—Ladies, Be Seated. KMPC—Bridge Club. ★KFWB—News. KFVD—Violet Schratn. KGFJ—Notes For Y'nU. ★KWKW—News, Variety. KGB. KFXM, KVOE—A Boy ^ and n Girl.

12:45—KFI. KFSD—Right to Hap- ptnees. KNX—Bachelor's Children. KHJ. KGB, KFXM—This Is

M nslu, KMPC—Mack Sherman. KFWB—A! Jo r vis. ★ KFAC—News. K PAS—Texas Tyler. KWKW—Singing Sweepstakes, KVOE—Books. KFOX—Lucky Lady. KGER—Cnrdett School.

1—KFI, KFSD—Backstage Wife. . KNX—G. E. Horse Party. ★KECA—Time Views the News. KHJ—Think Hard Now. KMPC—News. Symphonettes, ★KMTR—News. Pianos. KGFJ—Easy Rhythm. ★KGER, KFVD—News. KPAS—Popular Melodies. KGB—Walter Compton. KFXM—Songs of Hawaii,

1:15—KFI, KFSD—StrUa Dallas'.' KECA—Radio Parade- KHJ. KGB. KFXM. KVOE—

BUI Hay Reads the Bible. KMTR—Meet Ihe Band. KFAC—Melody Matinee. KFVD—Moods la Music, i:25*KNX—News.

1;3D—KFI. KFSD—Lorenzo Jones. KNX—Fealure Story. KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE—

Summertime Melodies. ★KECA, KBKD—News. KMPC—Lady of Charm. KMTR—Dance Music. K GFJ—Intermission.

★KPAS—Listeners' Digest. ★ KWKW—News, Musical Memories. KFVD—Hawaiian. KFOX—Concert Master. KGER—Captains of Industry.

1:45—KFI, KTSD—Young Wldder Brown. KNX—Gene Baker." KECA—Hymns of AU

Churches. .




OF THE AIR" Tuesday afternoon 1:45

KMPC—Sewing School. KRKD—Singing Walters. 2—KFI. KFSD—When A Girl

- - Marries. KNX—Evelyn Winter. ★KHJ—This ChatiglnK World. KECA—What's Doing. Ladles.' ★KMPC—News, Don Otis. ★KMTR—News, It Pays to

Know. KPAS—Melodion# Moments. KWKW—Club 60. KFAC—Memory Muslcale.

, KGFJ—Town Crier. KFOX—Organ Treasures. KFVD—Timely Tunes. KGER—Kolfe's Band.

2:15—KFI. KFSD—Portia Faces Life. KNX—Service Time. KHJ—Muslo Mod erne. KMTR—Matinee Melodies. KFOX—Public Bulletin. KVOE—Radio Tour.

2:30^—KFI, KFSD—Just Plain Bill. KNX—Meet the Missus. KECA—Best Sellers. KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE— Organ Melodies. • KFWB—Three Men on a Mike KRKD—Baseball Scores.

★ KWKW—News. KlOX—Songs of the West.

2:45—KFI, KFSD—Front Pago Farreil. . KECA—Metuorir# !n Melody. KHJ. KGB, KVOE—Korn Kobblem. ★KFVD—News.

Page 15: v.' L>f < * · 2019. 7. 17. · a contestant lets slip a line that car- ries double entendre and Miss Fran- cis has to think fast to cover up . . . like the lad who was asked


—KITI—Koad of T.ile- K>"X—HouBuvlrrs rrotectlve

Ceague- ■Jt-ISEC A—Thrre n'Clock "News. ★KH,!. KFSO. KfiER—Xews. ■A-K.HPC—News, Don OHs.

KFV\B—Melody Matinee. ■*KMTJl—News, Dial and Win, *KPAS—-»ws.

KWKW—Hoiljwood Melody. 3:15—-KFI-—Joyce Jordan, M.D.

KHJ^-Happy Homes, Norm a Voang.

. KECA—IVnlkie Talkie*. KFAC—Famous Musical • Favorites- KGFJ—Jack Pot. RFVP—Fopuiae Tunes. KRKP—Matinee Melodies. KWKW—Reflections in Music, KPAS—Juke Box Matinee 'til

S:1S p.m. +KFXM—News, Devotions.

KFOX—FUwdU Calls. KVOE—title Interest. KFSD—Road of Life,

3:3A—BF1—•Woman of America. ★KNX—News, The Todds. RFC A—Frances Scully. Kmc—Tempo Americana.

-A-KRKD—News Headlines. +K1N-KW—Off the Press, KFO.X—Hollywood Salon.

KGft, KVO&—Musical Matinee KG ER—Cheerful Chat.

3{<5—KF1. KFSD—Aunt Mary. -fcKNX—World Today. Joseph

Hartch. KH.I, KGB. KFXM, KVOE—

Elsa Maxwell. KECA—Foot light Favorites. KFwC—Janz, KWKW—Swing Session.

4—KFl. KFSD—This Woman's 1 Secret. KNX—Potluck Party.

-jkKECA-—Headline Edition. ★KHJ. KGB. KFXM. KlOE— Fulton Eewis, Jr. ■*KM HC—Neos. Music,

KFWB—Bert ElSke. *KMTR—News, Win Morro. KGFJ—Swing Serenade. KFVD—Piano Selections.

+KCEn. KFOX—News.


. Gems oi Melody 4-5 P.M., KFAC- 1330 . Aek for Ire* program at

SUvick Jewelry Co.

KFAC—Musical Masterpieces. * rlS-tKFI. KFSD—World News.

-AKN.V—News, Music. ★KITJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE— Rex Milter. ■AKECA—Raymond Gram Swing.

KMpr—Garretfs Varieties, -kKFWB—Gospel and Song, News. ★KFVD—News.

KRKD—Movielaufl Quiz. K1VKW—Theater Guide, Music

4:3d—KFT—Art Baker's Notebook. KNX—American Melody Hour. KECA—Gen. Pierce, Comment.' SHJ—San Francisco Sketches. KMPC—Our Fighting Heroes. KRKD—Tunes of the Day. KGFJ—Alr-o-lorials, Orrhestre

dtt Jour . KFVD—Tea Time Music. KWKW —Cill?en« Committee.

* KFXM—Dr. 1'hUHp I^rell. KFSD—Black 'n' White.

4:45—KHJ—Frolics. . KEOA—Allen Roth Orch. K>1 PC—Twilight Tales. KFWB—Stuart Hamblen. KWKW—Piano Moods. KVOE—Treasory Salute. KFXM—Musical Cocktail. KFOX—Art Dickinson.

5★KIT, KFSD—Edward Jorgea- son.

★KNX—Major Kaos Manrvinx. ★KHJ. KGB. KFXM. KVOE— Sam Hayes, News.

KECA—Terry and the Pirates. ★BLMPC—News, Teen and Twenty. ★KMTR—News. Sunset Rhythms

KGFJ—Jhe at Fire. KINT>—Evening Serenade, KRKD—Songs of the Saddle. KWKW—Speaking of Snorts. KFOX—Sunshine Pastor. ★KGER—News.

3:15*KFI, KFSD—News. KNX—Through A Woman's



Superman. KMTK—Belle Mart ell, Sports. ★KFAC. KFVD—News.

★KPAS—Sidney Rogers, News, KWKW—Today's Hits. 3:30—BFI, KFSD—A Date With

Judy. ★KNX—Nelson Prlngle. « KECA—Jack Armstrong.

KHJ. KGB, KFXM. KVOE— Adventures of Tom Ml*. KMTS—Irwin Allen.

' KFAC—Whoa Bin Club. KGFJ—Race Recap. KFVD—90-9(1 Club. • KRKD—Race Results. KWKW—American Jewish

Hour 5:45^KN'X—Tnimnn Bradley, News. ★KECA—New#.

★KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE— Night News Wire.

KM PC—Help Wanted. ★BMTtl—K, Fouls Flatan. KGFJ—Show Time. Ki*VD—Evening Serenade. KPAS—Ring Crosby.

5j55*BNV—BUI Henry. 6—KFI, KFSD—Na>7 Hour.

KNX—Norman Corwin. ★KHJ, KGB. KFXM.- KVOE— Gabriel Rcattrr,

KECA—Guy Lombardo Show. ★KMPC—New*, Norman Nesbitt ★KMTR—News, Tomasso En-

semble. ★KFOX, KGER—News. KFAC—Music for . Everyone. KGFJ—Musical Digest, 'till 8

p.m. KRKD—Early Dancelfe. KWKW—Italian Melodies. KPAS—Future Pianists.

8:15—KHJ. KGB, KFXM—Real Ufe Stories.

KMPC—Ozla. Wafers. ★KFWB—John B. Hngliea. ★EFV D-—News.

KPAS—Mary Burke King. KFOX—Dick Rofs. KVOE—Dinner Dance. EGEB—Scv, Burpo.

6:30—KFI, KFSD—Victor Gorge. KNX—The Doctor Fights, KECA.—Radio ITarri*. KHJ. KFXM, KVOE—Ameri-

can Forum. KMPC—Del Mar. KFWB—"America Dances.'' KMTR—Concert Moderne. KFAC—Erwin Feo, Organ. KFVD—V a ii devi lie. K PAS—Cltnrch of Christ. KWKW—Theater Itlchlights. KFOX—Hal's Memory Room. KGF.R—Prophery Speaks. KOB—Arch Oboler.

8:15—KECA—-Amrrfcan Sports. KRKD.—Hollywood Toncsmlth. . KPAS—Inside Facts. KWKW—Evening Serenade.

6:55—KECA—Coronet Story Teller. 7—KFI. KFSD—Man Colled X.

KNX—Service to the Front. KECA—Waldorf-Astoria Oreh. ★KMPC—News, Dinner Dance. ★KMTR—News, Help Wanted. KFAC—Concert In Miniature. ★KRKD, KGER—News. Music, KPAS—Help Wanted. KWKW—Maurice Johnson.

7;I5*KRJ, KGB. KFXM. KVOE— •Km IloyU. News. KNX—Or.le Waters.

KECA—.lanet Flanner. KMTR—W. B. Record. • ★KFVD. KPAS—News. KKKTl—Three-Quarter Time. KGER—Dr. Fagan.

7:30—KFl, KFSD—Sfgmuod Rom- herg.

KNX—Boilywnnd Pre* lew, KECA—Country Fyir, KIT,!, KGB. SVOE—

Red Ry4rc. ★KIWB—News KMTR—Dr. Clenl Dalies. KFAC—Florefta's Jewel : Box. KRKD—Do Vou Know. KPAS—Cnefus Carl. KWKW—Dr. Clem navies. KGER—Kingdom Within.

7:45*KFW«. KFOX—Major Hubert Turner. Comment. ★KFAC—News.

—KFI. KFSD—Supper Club. KNX—Man Named Jordan. KECA—Pick and Pat. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOK—

Count of Monte Crlsto. ★KMPC—News, Frank Hemlng- war

★KFWB—Dispatch from Reuters'.

Hear rr



OTTO KRUGER and Guest Stars

In motion pictures of the future



KNX 1070


KFAC—Evening Concert. KGFJ—Of Word* and Verse. KPAS—Taylor Tunes.




FI.©YB> B.


King's Ambassador Quartet KMTR—6:05-9:00 P. M."

Also 10:30-10:45 A. "HI, Monday through- Friday

★KM Tit—News, Floyd B. Johnson.

8:J5*Kn. KFSD—Fleet wood I.awton.

KNX—Uanay O'Nell. ★ KECA—Peter de Lima. KMPC—Baseball. KFWB—Warner Bcos. Orch. KGFJ—Serenade for . Yon.

8:30—KIT, SFSD—Johtuiy Presenfa Ginny Simms,

KNX—Theater of Romance. K EC A—Alan Young Show. KHJ, KGB, KFXM. KVOE—

The Falcon. ★KFWB—News. KMTK—Central Church of

Christ. KGFJ—DatlClQg Rhythm. KPAS—Texas Jim Lewla. KFOX—P. E. Gardner. KGER—Slelvin Mornnjean.

8:43—KFWB—Pan-AMuvl-Caaa, KFX3I—Ships of War. 8:S5JrKNX—New*. 9—KFI, KFS1>—Ereryt hlog for

the Boya. KNX—Big Town. KHJ, KGB. KFXM. . KVOE—

New*, Glenn Hards. ★KEOA—News. ★KMJC—New*. Baseball. ★KFWB—Peter de Lima. ★KMTK—News, Concert Master.

KGFJ—Saludos Amlgos. KPAS—Muelo Box.

KGB. KFXM, KVOE— Rex Miller. KECA—Favorite Melodies.

KMPC—King Cole Trio. KFWB—StrolUn* Tom.

9:30*KNX—Edwin C. Hill.

^" i nC^



OTIC A—Murder Will Out. KMPC—Fronkie Masters. ★KFWB—Henry Charles. KMTK—Modern Moods. KGER—Sparkle Time.-

9:45—KNX—TapesCrie* of Life; KHJ—Unscheduled. KFXM—Music for Night. K\ OE—Smooth Performanc*.

4 A^KFI. KFSD—Richfield v . A V Reportser. '

★KNX—Chet Buntley. . KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KVOE—

Fulton Lewis, jr. ★KMPC—News, Dance Parade.

Hollywood Spotlight with Geome FisKzr

10:00 P: M KECA

Inside iht News

D with

Mr. Carveth.WeU* ★ 10:30 KFI


KFI—Fniversc on Parade. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE—

Nero Wolfe. •

KECA—Hollywood Spotlight, ' George Fislier.


Club 10 to 12 P. M- Ii£ry klf# Kl**p« Stf>a«y

KFW3? )u»Hcs'i Msut KFAVB—EaStslde Club. ★KMTK—News, Olympic Fight*. KFAC—Lucky Lager Dance

Time. KGFJ—Western Music. ★KFVD—News leal. 3 Hours.' KPAS—Bert rliiliips. ★KOER—News, Victory

Mission. 10:15—KFI—Two In Love. ★KNX—Pacific War Analysis.

KECA—Charlie Cliau. ★KB-I, KGB, KFX3I, KVOK—

News- 18:30—KFI—Carveth Wells'. Inside

the News, KN X—Congress Speaks. KHJ—Johnson Family. ★KECA—News. KGB—Eddie Or cuff. , KFXM—Mystery Theater. KGER—Pan-American - Fellow-

ship. W;l5—KFI—Ole- Corral.

KNX—Behind the Scenes. KECA—Freddy Martin Orch. KHJ, KFXM—Johnny Neblctt. KGB—American Forum.

4 4 ★KIT—Eleventh Hour News. .2 A ★KNX—Jim Wyatt. ★KHJ, KFXM—News.

KECA—Tunes, Tidings, ★KMPC—News, Jod Conloa, KITVB—Eaatslde Clob. ★KMTR—News, Win Morro. KGFJ—Tintypes. KPAS—Carter Wright. KFOX—Merl Unrtsay Nile

Riders. ■ 11:13—KFI—Sing for the 7th.

KHJ, KVOE—Chet Stewart's Orchestra.

KGFJ—Blue of Evening. 1I;S0—KFI—It HaFpencd Today.

KNX—Les Brown. ★KFVD—Ncwslcn! 'till 1 a.m. 11:30—KFI. KFSD—Digest, Lawrence

WetU Orch. KECA—Harcraffers, Roth Orch. . t

KHJ—Dance Orchestra. KMPC—Rhythm 'till Mldnlte. U :15—KNX—George Auld. *

★KHJ, KGB. KFSD—News. KGFJ—What's TJp? H:65*KFT, KNX, KFWB—New*.

Page 16: v.' L>f < * · 2019. 7. 17. · a contestant lets slip a line that car- ries double entendre and Miss Fran- cis has to think fast to cover up . . . like the lad who was asked

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8 tkladicBte* N«»» Bmatli-nBts. —KFI, KFSI)—Frfa Wnrlne.

KXX—Jotinn.v Murnij-. KWA—l>on McNflll-*

Bre«kfn«t Cluh. KH.T. K<iR, KKXM, KA OK—

Arthur (jnetli. • ★KMl'C—»ws, Xnrman Xcshitt KFWB—L.A. Brrakfnst Club. ■^KMTR—Xews, VVestprn Stars. Rt.FJ—Concert I'aBlrlle.

^KI'AS, RCiKH—»ns. ^ KRKI>, KFO.X—Dr. lx>uis T.

Tulbot. KFAC—Country Church. KIVKW—Morning Jievotiom. KFAT)—CorcrerJ VVngnn

Jobilce. • ;1S—KNX—Valiant Lndy. ■JCKH.I. ROB—rrar-ler Hunt.

KWKW—Childrro of Ugllt. KfiKK—Mirpnli. KFXM—Morning Melodies. KVOK—Wnr Casunlty List. i

8:30—KKI—Mlrnndr. KNX—Mght of the World. KHJ. HOB, KFXM, KVOE— .

Tukn It Kasy. KM PC—Songs For Yott, Oils. ] KMTR—Christ Clnircli Cnily. , ★ KFAC, KFSI I—Nr«v«.

KPAS, 8:30 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Mon.t Wed.. Fri.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

KPAS—Haven of Rest, ★ KWKW—News, Reveille Revue ★KRKI)—News Headlines. KFOX—Rev. R. K. Reid.

8:45—KFI, KFSU—David Marnm. RNX—Annt Jenny's Real Xafe

Stories. KFAC—Show Time. KWKW—Reveille Kevue. KOB—C-eo Huff Trio. KFVD—Vocal Favorites. KFXM—Sunshine Service. KVOE—Blng Crosby. KGER—New Tribes Mission.

8:55—KHd, KOB. KFXM, KVOE— Cliff Edwards.

9 ★KIT. Ktarj. KGER—News. KNX—Kate Smith. KKCA—Tilamor Manor. ★ KHJ. KOB. KFXM, KVOE—

William l.ane. ★KMPC—News, Hollywood Melodies. ■★KMTR—News. Church Looks at Life.

KPAS—Yesterdny's Hits. KWKW—Rev. ThotnuH Beard. KRKD—Sacebrush Serenade.

- KFVD—Walls Time. K FOX—ITrelirands for .lesns.

• tbS^KFI—Edward Jorgenson, Cranmenl.

KGKR—Curtis II. Springer. »:I9*KFI. KFSD—Larry Nmith,

Commentator, KNX—Big Sister.

■ Kri.|. KGB. KFXM, KVOE— Morton Downey.

KMPC—Polly Palterw.n.

KVOE—National Prayer, Your Army Service Forces.

KFXM—Future Vnlimlted. 9:.V>—KFXM—Old Family Alnmunc. 9: I.j—K FI—Honny Mnnsrietd, tSongs.

KNX—tlnr (inl Sunday. KH.I—Mystery Chef. ★ KFWB—Henry Charles. KMTR—Just Kelav. KFAC—Musical Comedy. KFVD—Here Comes Parade. KCER—Colonial Tahorunde. KWKW—Rev. Graves. KGB—Army Service Band. KFXM—Design for Ustening.

4 A^KNX—Life Can Be Beautiful. XU KHJ, KGB, KFXM. KVOE—

News, Glenn Hardy. ★ KECA—Gil Martyn. ★ KMPC—News, Post Parade. KFWB—Kitchen Kollege,

Chef Milani. ★ KMTR—News, Marching to

Victory. KGFJ—Racing News. KFAC—Midmorning Serenade. KFVD—Morning Srrenade. KWKW—Met. Scratch Sheet. ★ KFOX, KPAS, KGER—News.

10:15—KFT—Holly wood Fan Maguiioe.

KNX—Ma PerUins. KIICA—Ted Malone. KHJ. KG It. KFXM, KVOi;—

Sonietliiiig to Talk Ahout, KM PC—Hits for the Missus. KMTR—King's Men. KGFJ—Ring Sings.

★ KPAS—News, Scott Ncwhall. KWKW—Hawaiian Echoes. KRKD—Dr. tl. M. Richardson KGElt—.Kingdom Within. KFOX—Key. Fimma Taylor,

10:3b—KFI. KFSD—Albers Flmir. ★KNX—Margaret MftcDooald, News.

KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE— The Mountaineers.

KECA—-My True Story. KMPC'—Pun Americana. KFWB—Mid-Morning Melodies KMTR—Floyd B. Jolmson. KGFJ—Fpbeat Session. ★KFAC—News, Ration*. ★ KWKW—News, Symphonic


now PIERRE Maestro of the Chafing Dish With Marion Lcc WOMAN'S WORLD

on KPAS—10:30 A. M.

K PAS—Worn tin's World.

HRKH—Snmoiloff. KFVD—I'alon Rescue Mission. RGFIR—Sunshine Pastor.

10:15—KFI. KFSU—Art Baker. News KNX-—Voung Dr. Malone. KHJ. KGR, KVOE—John .1.

Anthony. KMPC—Home Chat*. KFWB—Science of Mind. KMTR—Care of the Body. KRKD—Midolght Mission. KF^AC—Between the Lines. KWKAV—Gaucho Serenader*. KFXM—Treasury Salute. KF'tlX—Dr. A. F. Mlehelson.

lOt.Vi—KECA—Living Jo Hollywood, •f 4 —KFI, KFSI)—Guiding Light. XX KNX—Two on a Clue.

KECA—Bnnkhnge Talking. KHJ, KGB—Cedric Foster. ★ KM PC—News, Mall Bag Ke-

iinests. KFWB—A1 Jarvls, ★ KMTR—News, Dr. Louis

Talbot. KF'At."—Pan Aniericana. KGFJ—Styling* In Blue.

★KFVD, KGER—News. - KPAS—J. Newton Vale*. KWKW—Baseball, Fighting

American*. KFXM—Voice of F.vperlence. RVOF;—lister Smith.

11:15—KFI, KFSD—Today's Children KNX—Rosemary. KECA—Fithel nod Albert, KH.J. KGB. KFXM, KVOE—

June Cowl. K F'VD—Musical Kevne. KF'OX—Spotlight Baiids.

ll:3fl—KFI. KFSD—Woman in White KNX—Perry Mason. KHJ. KGB. KFXM. KVOK— tpieea for Today.

. KFJ'A—Fastening Posl. KMPC—Boulevard OoD. KMTR—Songs to Remember. ★ KRKD. KPAS, KFOX—News, ★KWKW—News, Instnimelodlrs KGER—Rev. Cbnrles Greenamyer.

11:45—KFI—llymn* of All Churches. KNX—Tena -and Tim. ★ KECA—ABC World. '

<'o rr e» pa mien I s. KM PC—Garden Hints. KFAC—Piano Brief*. KPAS—Painted Post. KFOX—Varieties. KFVD—Violet Schram. KGER—Bible Treasury Hoar.

4 ^—KFT—Farm Reporter. Xfc KNX—Neighbor*, Irene Reasley. ★KHJ—Broadway News.

★KECA—John B. Kennedy. ★ KMPC—News. Prank Hem- ingway. ^

★ KMTR—News. Trading l'o*t. KGFJ—l ulling All T-ones. KFAC—tuineheon Concert. KFVD—Editor of the Air. KPAS—Hal Hart, KWKW—Blue Room. KRKD—Prairie Schooner.


R. L. MCMASTER, D.C., Ph.G. Ph.D., F.R.S.A. (London)


Erery morning—M«n. thru Fri. KFAC nt 9:15

KF"AC—VoWas of Health. KPAS—Walt* Time. KWKW—Treasury Salute, KGFJ—Medical. KGER—Rev. J. A. l.ovell.

9:30^KFT—News. KNX—Romaucp of Helen Trent KH.I—Time Out. KECA—Breneman'a Breakfast • * In lloIlywotHl. KMPC—Hit* for Missus. ★ KFWB. KI-'AC, KWKW—News KMTR—Bible Treasury Hour, KFVIF—Sltuve Tunes. KtiPJ—Open Aihum. KPAS—Harmony llomestcncl. KGRK—Radio RevivnI, KGB—Serenading Von.

WEDNESDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In Light face Type; Afternoon and

Evening rrograms In Boldface.. Variety

S:nrt—Fred Waring. KFI. S:<»)—Johnny Murray. KNX. 8:00—Breakfast Club, KKCA. 8:00-7-1,. A. Breakfast Club,

KIXVD. PJ*)—Kate Smith, KNX. 8 :30—Bronnernan's- Breakfast,

" KECA. 10:00—Chef Milani. KFWB. 12:13—Conalanca Bennett. KECA.

Wednesday for V«m. KFI. 6:3tl—Spotlight Bands, ' K HJ. ■ :0II—Kyser—Phil Hum's, KFI. 7::w—G.I. Laff*. RNX. 8:181—Supper Club, KFI.

War 7:30—.In?,* for Gl'a. KECA. 8:011—Keuters' News Dispatrh,

KFWB. Drama

15:3(1—Mr. District Attorney, KFI. 7:iio—C uniterspy, KECA. 7 ;3(l—Ixme Ranger, KHJ. 8:30—Dr. Chrisllun. Jean

Ilershnlt. KNX. 8:30—Gay Mrs. Fentherslime,

KIT. 8:00—Dark Venture, KECA. 9 :U0—.Mr. and Mr*. North, KFT. 3:30—Ettery Guren. KNX. 8:30—llnliyvvAod Theater, KFI. 3:30—Arch Ohoicr Play, KHJ.

Quiz Programs 6;3A—Delect. Collect, KNX,

Outstanding Music 4:00—Musical Masterpieces,

KFAC. filtXI—Musical Digest. KGFJ. 7;no—Miniature Concert, KF'AC. 7;00—Great Moments In Mit«lc,

KNX. 8:o0-r-F:venlng Concert. KFAC.

10;00—I.ncky Lager Dance Tbne. . KFAC.

10:00—News!cal, KFVD. 10:00—Enstsido C'lwb, KFWB,.

•. ■ Public Affairs 11 .'45—Garden Hints. KMFC- 6:30—Render*. Writer*. KWKW. BiO^—Television. Test Pall era,

W6XY7. 8:30—Television, Trlelravel,

WSXYZ. 8:45—Television. Scanning the Globe, W6XVZ. 9:00—Television, Variety,

wqxvz. Spo r/j—-Com 7/i eni

18:00—Mel. .Scratch Sheet, KWKW- 10:00—Uacinc. KOFJ. KRKD.

12:30—Bridge Clnb. KMPC. 5:45—Race Resultk, KGF'J, 0:30—Del Mar. KMPC. 6:4.7—American Sports, KECA, 8:17—Kani-bBll, KMPC. 8:30—.Sp<irtsnian** Club. KECA.

1U;3()—Sam Bailer, Sports. KKCA.

★ KGICR—News, Dr. Springer. KFXM—Dingnostlc Group. ★ KGB, KVOE—New*. KFSI)—Womnn of America.

12:17—KFI. KFSD—Ma Perktn*. ★ KNX—Howard Petrie, News. KECA—Constance Bennett. KIIJ—Johnstm Family, ★ KMPC—Nortaad Xeshllt. KGFJ—Keyboard Magic. KWKW—Hawaiian Echoes. KFVD—Lnncheoiv Music. ★ KFOX, KF.X1I—News. KGB, KVOE—Tommy Tucker.

12:30—KFI. KFSD—Pepper Young's Family. KNX—A W<im:m'« Life. KFJ'A—l-ndies. Be Seated. KHJ—Mild and Mellow. KMPC—Bridge Club, Robert

Johnson. ★ KFWB—New*. KGFJ—Note* for Toil. KFVD—Violet. Schram.


RESULTS All Traclts — All Day

KWKW — 1430 KC

★KWKW—New*. Variety. KGER—Juke B«\. KFXM—Farm Front. KGB, KVOE—A Boy and A

Girl, 12:45—KFI, KFSD—Right to Happi- ness.

KNX—Baclietor's Children. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE—

This 1« Music. KMPC—Jack Sherman, KFWB—Al Jar vis. ★ KFAC—News. KPAS—Tex Tyler. F FO X—Lucky Lady KGER—Garden School.

1—KFI, KFSD—Kack*tage Wife. KNX—<>. K, House Party. ★ KICCA—Time Views the News. KHJ—Think Hard Now.

★KMPC—News, SymphonettcB. ★KMTR—News. Wnnos. KFAC—Dr. Helen Collier. KGFJ—Easy Rhythm.

★ KFVD, KGER—New*. KPAS—Popular Melodies. KFOX—Dance Time, ★ KGB—Walter Compton. KF'XM—Song* of Hawaii.

1:15—KFI, KFSD—Stella Dallas. KKCA—Radio Parnde. - KHJ. KGB, KFXM—

Kill liny Reads the Bible. KMTK—Meet Ibe Band. KFAC—Melodj' Mntinee. KFVD—Mnods In Mn*ic. KVOE—Tho Johnson Family.

1:25*KN.X, KWKW—News. 1:311—KFI, KFSD—Corenro Jones.

KNX—Feature Story. KECA—This Moving World. KHJ, KGB. KFXM. KVOE—

Summertime Melodies. , KMPC—Baseball. KMTK—Dance Time. ★KRKD—New*. Music.* ★ KPAS—Listeners' Digest. ★KWKW—New*. Memories. KG FJ—Intcnoteslon. KFVD—Hawaiian Music.

1:45—KFI. KFSD—Young Widder Brown.

KNX—Gene Baker. KKCA—Hymns of All

ChurcheSi KMPC—Ring Crosby, KRKD—Singing Walters. KFOX—Concert. Master.

—KFI, KFSD—When a Glr! . Marries,

KNX—Evelyn Winter. ★ KHJ, KVOE—This Changing World. •- •

KKCA—What's Doing, Ladles? ★ KMPC—New*, Don Otis. ★KMTK—News. It Pays to Know.

KFAC—Memory Moslcale. KGFJ—Town Crier. KPAS—Mrlodlmi* Moments. KWKW"—Club fin. KGElt—Ixing Beach Band. KFVD—Timely • Tune*. KFXM—Safety First,

2 :I5—KFi. KFSD—Portia Faces Life.

KNX—Service Time. KHJ—Music Modern*. KMTR—Matinee Melodies. KGB. KFXM—Melody Time. KVOE—Radio Tour. KFSD—Classic Hour. 2:25*KNX—News.

2;30—KFI, KPND—.lost Plain -<"11. KNX—Meet the Missus. ★ KHJ, K^'OK—Orgnu Melodies.

Page 17: v.' L>f < * · 2019. 7. 17. · a contestant lets slip a line that car- ries double entendre and Miss Fran- cis has to think fast to cover up . . . like the lad who was asked


RADIO LIFE KECA—Best 6H!«s. KFIVB—Tlirfe Men nn a Mike KRKn—Baseball Scores. ★KVTKW. RGKB—News. KFOX—Songs of the SVest.

t :<5~Kn. BTFSD—Front Tagft Farrell-

KECA—Memories In Melody. KH.I. priB—Kom Kobblers. —News.

, RV OK—Meet a Friend. 3—KFI—Boad of Life.

K>"X—Housenires Frofectire League. •JrKECA—Three O'rlock' Kews. ■•Jk-KHJ. KGER. KFSD—»w». ■ikKMrc—>.'ews. Don Otis.

KFWB—Melody Matinee. ♦KMTR—Neirs, Dial and VTin. KFAC—Famous Musical

Farorites. K tla c k pot a

" KRKD—Matinee Melodies. KFVD—ropulnr Favorites. *KPAS—Xews. KWKW—Studio Center. KFOX—Buddy Cole. KGB, KYOE—Griffin HepoH-

Ing. ■^KFXM—»n-s, Kellgious Xetvs, Brevities. i

3:15—KFf—Jojre Jordan, M.D. •KJIJ—Happy Homes, Norm a Young.

KECA—VValkie Talkies. KRKD—Matinee Melodies. KPAS—Juke Box Matinee 'til 5:l.i p.m. KtYKTv—Reflections In Music. KFOX—Hawaii Calls. KGER—Food Makes Differ-

ence. , KGB—-Casa l.oma Time. KVOE—Of civic Interest. KFSD—Road of Life.

3:30—KFI—Woman of America. KSX—Jimmy Carroll Sings. KECA—Frances Senlly. -irKFWR—Tempo Americana. ■*KRKn—News Headlines.

★KUKW—Off the Press. KGB—Musical Matinee. KVOE—Xe« epix Melodies. KFOX—Hollywood Salon. KGER—Cheerful Chat.

3:45—KFI. KFSD—Aunt Mary, ■AKNTX—The World Today. . KHJ, KGB, KKXM, KVOE—

Elsa .Maxwell. KECA—Fool light Favorites.

, KM PC—Peter Potter, KFWR—Health Talk. KWKW—Swing Session.

. KFVD—Rhumba. 3:55+KN'X—Joseph Harseli, 4—KFI, KFSD—This Woman's

Secret. < ; - KN'X—Pntlack Party. ★KHI, KGB. KFXM, KVOE— - Fulton l-ewi« jr. ★KECA—Headline Edition, KM PC—.News, Mostr. • K FWB—Woman's Page. ★KMTIt—News, Win Mono.


Gems of Melody 4-5 P. M., KFAC-1330

Ask-for Ire* program at SlaVick Jewelry Co.

KFAC—Musical Masterpieces KGFJ—Swing Serenade. KFVD—Piano Selections. ★KGER, KFOX—News.

4:15^KFf. KFSD—News ! of the World. ★KNX—News, Mu-Ic. • ★KHJ, KGB. KFXM. KVOE— Rev Miller. <

KMPC—Garrett's Varieties. ★KFWB—Gospel and Song, ' News. '• ★ K FV D—News; '• •• - -

KBED—Movtcland1 Quiz. K 55'KW—Theater Guide, Melody.

4 :30—KFI—Art Maker's Notebook, KNX—Sunset Ranch. KHJ. KVOE—Snt» Francisco

Sketches. KECA—Gen. Pierre, Comment. KMpC—Hit Pamdn Tnnes. KGFJ—Air-o-torials, Orchesfre

du Jour. K F\"D—Tea Time Melody. KWKW—Citizens Committee. KGB—Songs of Praise. KFXM—Dr. Philip M. Lowell. KFSD—Black 'n' White.

4:45—KHJ—Frolics, - KNX—The Todds. - KECA—Louise Massey nnd

Westerners. KMPC—Modern Eomances.

KFWB—Slnart Hamhlen. KWKW—Piano Reveries. KGB—Tommy Harris Time. KFXM—Musical Cocktail. KVOE—Service Salute. ★KFSD—H. V. Knltenborn.

S+KFl—H. V. Kaltcnborn. ★KNX—Major Knox Manning. ★KH.I, KGB. KFXM, KVOE—

News, Snm Hayes. , KECA—Terry and the Pirates. ★KMPC—News, Teen and

Twenty. ★KMTR—News, Sunset Rhythms. KKKD—Songs of the Saddle. KWKW—Speaking of Sports. KGFJ—Jlre at 5. KFVD—Evening Serenade. ★ KGER. KFSD—News.

5:15*KFI, KFSD, KFAC. KFVD— News. KNX—Through a Woman's


Superman. KECA—Dirk Tracy. KMTR—Show Tunes. ★K PAS—News, Sidney Roger. KWKW—Today's Hits.

5i30+KFI—Voice of a Nation. ★KNX—Nelson pringle. KECA—Jack Armstrong. KHJ. KGB. KFXM. KVOE—

Adventures of Tom Mix. KMTR—Irwin Allen, KGFJ—Race Recap. KFAC—Whoa Bill Club.

. KRKD—Race Results. K PA S—Servi ce Men. KWKW—American Jewish

Hour. ★ KGER—News. 5;45*KFI, KFSD—Elmer Peterson. ★KNX, KECA—News. ★KHJ, KOB, KFXM. KVOE—

Night News Wire. KMPC—Help Wanted. ★KMTR—K. Louis Flatau,

News. KGFJ—Show Time. KFVD—Evening Serenade. KPAS—Bing Crosby. 5:55*KNX—Bill Henry.

6—KFI. KFSD—Wednesday with You.

KNX—Crime Photographer. KECA—Curtain Time. ★ KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE—

Gabriel fTenltcr. ★ KMPC—News, N'ormao NesliUt. ★KMTR—News, Toirtnsso

.Ensemble. ★KFWB, KFVD, KGER, K FO X—News. «

KFAC—Music for Everyone. KGFJ—Musical Digest 'till 8

P.m. KPA>—-Posadenn riayhnnse. KWKW—Italian Melodies.

6:15—KHJ, KFXM—Real Lifs Stories.

EM PC—Ozle Waters. ★KFVN I!—John B. Hughes.

KFt>X—Miracles of Science. KVOE—Voice of the Army.

6:31)—KIT, KFSD—Mr. District Attorney.

KNX—Detect "nnd Collect. KECA—Sfcblseelni.* Amerlcsn. KHJ. KGB, EVCE—Spotlight

Bands. KMPC—Del Mar Races. KFIVB—America Dances. KMTR—Concert Mod erne. KFAC—Edwin Yeo. KFVD—Va ad e vill e. KPAS—Church of Christy KWKW—Readers, Writers. KFOX—Hal's Memory Room.

6:45—KECA—American Snort*. KMPC—Rhumba Time. KRKD—Hollywood Tune- smiths. KPAS—Inside Facts. KWKW—Evening Serenade.

6:53—KECA—Coronet Story Teller. 7—KFI. KFS|>—Kay Kyser's . -

Musical College, Phil Harris. KNX—Great Moments in Music, KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE— Htnnan Adventure. KEC A—Con n f er s py. ★KMPC—News, Dinner Dance. ★ KMTR—News, Help Wanted. KFAC—Concert in Miniature.

★KRKD. KGER—News. KPPC—Pasadena Clrle Music. KPA«—Help Wanted. KWKW—Maurice Johnson. 7:15*RHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE—

Jim Doyle, News. KECA—Reserve. KMTR—W. B. Record. KPPC—Organ Recital. KGER—Dr. Fagan.

7:30—KNX—G.I. Laffs. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE—

Lone Ranger. KECA—Jobs for G.l.s. "


★ KFWB—News. KMTR—Dr. Clem Daries. KFAC—Florettn's Jewel Box. ★KWKW—News, Voriety.

7:45*KFWB. KFOX—Major Hubert Turner, Comment, ★KFAC—News.

—KFI, KFSD—Supper Club. KNX—Man Named Jordan. KECA—Pick and Pat. KHJ—The Main Line. ★ KM PC—News, Frank

Hemingway. ★KFWB—Re liter's New* Dispatch. ★KMTR, KGER—News.

KFAC—Evening Concert. KGFJ—Of Words and Verse. R PAS—Taylor Tunes. KPPC—Midweek Devotional. KFXM—Soldiers of Press. WfiXVT—Television, Test




KIds's Ambhuadof Quartet KMTtt—a:0S-y:00 P. M. Also 10:30-10:45 A. M. Monday throogk Friday

8:0,5—KMTR—Floyd B. Johnson. 8;lS^Kn. KFSD—Fleet wood Law-

ton, Comment. KNX—Danny O'NelL ' KECA—Peter de Lima. KMPC—Baseball. KFWB—Warner Bros. Orch. KGFJ—Serenade for You.

8:30—KFT, KFSP—Cay Mrs. Featherstnne.

KNX—Dr. Christian, Jean • Herahnlt.

KECA—Sportsman's Club. KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE—

Fresh I'o Time. ★KFWB—News. KGFJ—Dancing Rhythm. KPAS—Texas Jim Lewis. KPPC—Comments on Classics. WGX VZ—Television TeletraveL

8:45—KFW B—Pa n - A-3I u si - C a na. KGER—Garden School. W8XVZ—Television, Scanning

Ihs Globe. 8:55^KNX—News. 9—KFI, KFSD—Mr. and Mrs.

North. KNX—The Saint. KECA—Dark Venture. ★KHJ. KGB. KFXM. KVOB—

News, Glenn Hardy. KM PC—Baseball.

★ KFWB—Peter de Lima. ★ KMTR—News. Concert Master. KGFJ—Snlndos Amlgos. W6.\YZ—Television, Variety.

Washlnjton Motors


9:00 to 10:00 P.M. Every Week Night

KPAS—Music But. 0:13*KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KVOE—

Cecil Brown. News. KFWB—StroUln" Tom.

3:30—KFT—Hollywood Theater, KNX—Ellery Queen. ★ KECA—News.

KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KVOB— Arch Oboler's Plajg. ★ KFWB,—'Henry Charles.

RMTB—Modern Moods. KFOX—Midweek .Meeting. KGER—Songs of Calvary. KFSD—-For Adventure.

0 US—KECA—Hobby Honrs. KHJ, KGB, KVOE—The

Feeling Is Mutual. KFWB—Henry Charles. KMTR—Mndern Moods. KFXM—Music for Night,

•f A ★KFI. KFSD—Richfield JLU Reporter. ★KNX—Chet Hunt ley. ★KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KVOB—

Fnlton I^wls. Jr. ★KMPC—News. Dance Parade.

KFWB—Eastsiile Club. ★ KMTR—News, Texas Jim ■ Lewis. KFAC—Lucky Lager Dance

Time. ★KFVD—Newslcal, 3 hour*. KGFJ—Western Music. KPAS—Bert Phillipd.

Hollywood Spotlight with George Fliher

10:00 P/M. —KECA

Inside the Hews


KECA—Hollywood SpotUght," Georga Tlsher. 10:13—KFT—Reserve. ★KNX—Pacific War Report.

KECA—Charlie Chan, . ★KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KTQB— News, ' • =

10:30—KFI—Carreth1 Wells, inside the News. J

★KECA—News. KNX—Merry Llf* of Mary. KHJ—Johnson Family.


Club 10 «o 12 P, M. (rary 'NUt lictp* Itndvy

KFWB Aa*ctt«T B»«it *m4* KFW'B—Eastside Club. KMTR—Bob Brooks. KGB, KVOE—Wings for

Tomorrow. KFXM—Mystery Theater. KGER—Blue Stars and Gold.

10:45—KFI—Ole Corral. KECA—Freddie Martin Orch. KHJ—"So the Slorr Goes," KMTR—Danny Beeaner Orch. KFXM—Ships of War.

4 4 ★KFI—News. A A ★KNX—Jim Wyatt.

KF,OA—Tunes. Tidings. KHJ—Ted Straefer's Orch. ★ KMPC—News, Jud Conjon. KFIVB—Eastside Clob. ★KMTR—News. Win Morro. KGFJ—Tintypes. KFAC—Lucky Larger Dance

Time. KPAS—Carter Wright.'

11:15—KFI—Post Parade. KNX—Lea BrowD/t KHJ. KGB. KVOE—Joe

Reichmnn Orch. 11:20—KFI—It Happened Today.

KGFJ—Blue of Evening. 11:30—KFf, KFSD—Digest, London

Column. KNX—George Atild, KECA—Hnrcrafters, Allen

Knth Orch. KHJ, KGB, KVOE—Carlo*

Jtollna's Orchestra. KMPC—Rhythm 'till Midnight. ★KFVD—Newslcal 'till 1 a.m.

11:45—KHI—Ray Herbeck Orch. ★KHJ. KGB, KFSD—New*. KGFJ—What's Hp?

11:55*KNX, KFWB—News. KFI—Mnsical Interlude.

PlaV Time Clifford Goldsmith, creator

of the popular "Aldrich Fam- ily," heard- Friday's over CBS, has • written another play. It's a comedy called "Mr. Cooper's Left Hand," and it's due to reacli Broad- way in the fall.

• ★ Interviewer

Interviewing guest - stars on Mutual's "What's Your Idea?" is not new to Jack Stanley. He's brought more than 500 celebrities to the microphone in his 18 years of radio work.

Page 18: v.' L>f < * · 2019. 7. 17. · a contestant lets slip a line that car- ries double entendre and Miss Fran- cis has to think fast to cover up . . . like the lad who was asked

THURSDAY, AUGUST 9 ^Indiratej New* Krnarlcasls.




Scotch Triple fiction Cleanser

i—KFI, KFSD—Fred Vlarios. KNX—Johnny Mnrrny. KECA—Don McNeill'# Breakfast Fltib.

K(.B, KFXaM, KAOE— Arlhue (raeth. ■*RMPC—New*. Nonnnn Nesbltl

tItKI W B—"I'ennell Kepnrts. +K MX ft—New*, Western Stars.

KtiF.I—fnnrert I'aKtelle. TtKPAS, KtiKit—News.

KWKW—Mornine Devotions.

KRKD 8:00 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Tucs., Thurs., Sat.

Ffrsf Mate Sob and the Good Ship Grac*

KRKI>, KFOX—Baven of Rest.

KFAC—Country Church. KFVD—Covered Wagon

Jubilee. 8;0.V—K(iEll—Soul Falrol. 8:15—KN.V—Vnliont Lady.

*KH.r. ROB—Frarler Hunt, KMPC—Market Reports.

Sports. KFWB—Bands In Ret lew. KWKW—Kev. ratterson. KCEK—MUpah. KFXM—Morning Melodies. KVOE—War Casualty List,

8:30—KFI—M irandj. KNX—Light nf the World. KH J, KGB, KVOE—Take It

Easy, KMPC—Bon? for You. KFWB—Help Wanted. KMTR—Christ Churrb Cully. KPAS—Baptist Bros. +KRKr>. KFSD, KFAC—News.

■i-KWKW—News, Reieilie. KF.W1—Stmshine Service. KFOX—Rev, R. E. Reld.

8:45—KFX, KTSD—David Ilariim, KNX—Aunt Jenny # Stories.

*KFWB—News. KFAC—Show Time. KFVD—Vocal Fa« orites. KVOE—Bing Crosby. KGER—New Tribes Jlisslon.

8:55—KGB, KVOB—CIHt Edwards. 9*-KFT. KCrF.l, KGER—News.

KNX—Knte Smith. KGB, KFXM, KVOE—

Will jam Lang. KECA—Glamor Manor,

dt-KMPC—News, Hollywood Melodies.

KFWB—Dr. Reynolds. ★KMTR—News, Moment# with God.

KRKD—SaRebrush Serennde. KPAS—Yesterdny's nits. KWKW—Rhapsody In Rhythm. KFVD—WBite Time. KFOX—Firebrands for Jesus.

8:05—KGER—Curtis H. Springer, ★ KFI—Edward Jorgenson. l:l5*Kn, SFSD—Larry Smith.


Morton Downey. KMPC—Folly Patterson. KFWB—Rhumb# Time. KFAC—Voice of Health. KPAS—Walt# Time. KWKW—Morning Song

Parade. KGFJ—Medical. KVV KW—Variety. KGER—Rev. J. A. Lovell.

8:30*KF1—News. KNX—Eomaace of Helen Trent. KHJ—Time Out.

' KECA—Breneman's Breakfast in Hollywood.

KMPC—Hits for Missus. ★KFWB. KFAC—News. KMTR—Bible Treasury Hour. K fJtt—VfAmiorty ftuincwiettu ★KWKW—Off the Press.

KGFJ—Open Album. KGER—Hartin Revival. KFVD—Show Tunes. KGB—Milt Herth's Orch. KFXM—Future Cnlimited. KFHD—Ann Gibson.

9:35—KFXM—Old Family Almanac. 9l45—KFI—Rnnny Mansfield, Songs. KN'X-—Our Gal Sunday. KHJ—Mystery Chef. ★KFWB—Henry (liarlev. KMTR—Just Relax.- KFAC—Musical Comedy. KFVD—Here Comes Parade. ★ KRKD—New#. KWKW—Gospel Friends. KGB—Molly Morse. KFXM—Design for Listening. KGER—Colunlul Tabernaele. KFSI)—Voice of a Nation.

»9 —-KNX—Life Can He Beautiful. Xw★KECA—Gil Martyn, ★KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE—

Glenn Hardy, New#. ★ KM PC—News, Post Parade, KFW'B—"Chef Milnni. ★ KMTR—News, Marching to

Victory. KGFJ—Racine News. KFAC—-Mirimornlng Serenade. KFVD—Morning Serenade, KWKW—Met. Sera I eh Sheet. ★KGER—News, Pan-Amerlran

Fellowship. ★ KFOX—News. 10:15—KM—Hollywood Fan

Maga/.lne. KN'X—Ma Perkins, KHJ. KGB. KFXM. KVOK—

Luneheon with Loner. KECA—Ted Ma lone, KMPC—Hits for Hie Missus. KMTR—King's Men. KGFJ—Bing Sings. KRKD—Dr. O. M. Richardson. KWKW—Morning Melodies. ★KPAS—New#. Scott Newhah, KGER—Kingdom Within. KFOX—Rev, Emma Taylor,

10:30—K FT, KFSD—Albers Hour. ★KNX—Margaret MacDonald,

New#, KECA—My True Story. KHJ, KGB, KFXM. KVOE—

Paula Slone. John Rrito, KMPC—Pan AmericHnn. KPAS—Woman'# World. KFWB—Mid-Morning Melodies KMTR—Floyd B. Johnson. KGFJ—Upbeat Session. ★ KFAC—News, Rations.

★ KWKW—News, Symphonic Strings.

KFVD—T'niun Rcscun Mission KGER—Sunshine Pastor.

10:45*Krt. KFSD—Art Baker. News. KNX—Vming Dr. Malnne. KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KVOE—

John J. Anthony. KM IT—Home Chats. KFWB—Science of Mind. KMTR—Voice of the Army.

KFAC—Between the Lines. KWKW—Western Serenade. KRKD—Midnight Mission. KFOX—Dr. A. IT. Mlehel#nn.

10:55—KECA—Living in Hollywood. n—-KFI. KFSD—Guiding Light.

KNX—Two on » Clue. ★ KECA—Baukhage Talking. ★ KHJ, KGB—Cedrle Foster. ★KMPC—News, Mall Bag

Requests. KFWB—A1 Jarvis. ★KMTR—News, Dr. Louis

Tatbot. KFAC—Pan Americana. KGFJ—Sty lings In Blue.

★KFVD, KGER—News. KPAS—J. Newton Yates. KWKW—Baseball, Fighting

Americans. ★ KFXM—Vole# of Evperlence. KVOE—lister Smith.

11:15—KFI. KFSD—Today'# Children KN X— Ro semary. KECA—Ethel and Albert. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE—

Jan# Cowl. KFAC—Music for You. KFVT.V—Musical Bevue. KFOX—Spotlight Bands.

11:30—KFI. KFSD—Woman in White.

KN'X—Peery Mason, KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE—

Queen for Today. KECA—Listening Post. KM IT—Boulevard Qulr. KMTR—Songs to Remember.

★ KRKD. KPAS. KFOX—New#. ★ KWKW—News, Instru- melodles.

KGER—Kev. Greenamyer. II :45—KFI—Hymns of all Churches.

KNX—Ten# S Tim. ★KECA—ABO W orld Correspondents.

KMPC—Garden Hints, KFAC—Piano Briefs. KPAS—Painted Post. KFVD—Violet Sob ram. KGER—Bible Treasury Hour-

4 ^—KFI—Farm Reporter. KNX—Neighbors, Irene

Beasley. ★KECA—John B. Kennedy. ★ KHJ—Broadway News. ★ KMPC—News, Frank Hem-

ingway. ★ KMTR—News. Trading Post.

KWKW—Blue Room. KPAS—Hal Hart. KGFJ—Calling All Zones. KRKD—Prairie- Schooner. RFAC—Luncheon Concert. KFVD—Editor of Air. KFXM—Diagnostic Group, KFSD—Woman of America. ★RGB. KVOE. KGER—News.

I«:13*KFr. KFSD—Ma Perkins. ★KNX—Howard Petrle, News.

KECA—Constance Bennett, KHJ—.Johnson Family. KMPC—Norman Neshitt. KGFJ—Keyboard Magic. KFVD—Luncheon Musical, ★KFOX, KFXM—News.

THURSDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear in Llghtface Type; Afternoon end

Evening Programs In Boldface, 10:15—Pacific War Analysis,

KNX. Variety 8:0—Fred Waring. KFI. 8:011—Breakfast Olub. KECA. 9:0(v—Kate Smith. KNX. 9:3IJ—Breneman's Breakfast.

KECA, 10:30—Paula Stone. KHJ. IS;15—Constance. Bennett, KECA. 4:30—Art Baker's Notebook,

KFI. 8:09—Edward Eteretl Uorton,

KIT. 7:110—The First Line. KNX. 8:00—.Supper Club. KFI. 8:30—Phonocord Family Party,

KIT. Quiz Programs

1:00—Think Hard Now. KHJ. 9:30—Noah Webster Says, KFI.

Drama 30—Tom Mis, KilJ. 30—PhiJo Vance, KFI. 30—Corliss Archer, KNX. Oil—Doe Font In Heaven,

KECA. ilia—Mystery in Air, KFI, ; 00—Bulldog Druinmond, KHJ. ;30—Hercule Polrof. KHJ. ;00—Suspense, KNX. :00—Adventure of Topper, KFI

IV nr ;30—Dispatch from" Beuler#*,


Outstanding Music 4;e<>—Musical Masterpieces,

KFAC. 8:0d—Musical Digest, KGFJ. 7:0(k—Miniature Concert; KFAC. 8:0fl—Evening Concert, KFAC.

10:00—l.urky Lager Dance Time, KFAC.

10:00—Newsieal, KFVD. 10:00—E»Rfside Club, KFWB.

Public Affairs 8:30—Town Meeting, KECA. 9:30—Citirens Fomm, KNX.

10:13—Mayor Fletcher Bnwron, KFI.

10:15—Chester Bowles, O.P.A., KECA.

Sports—Comment 10:00—Met Scratch Sheet.

KWKW. 10:00—Rncins:. KGFJ. KRKD. 5:1.5—Belle Martell, KMTR. 5:45—Race Results, KGFJ. 6:31—Del Mar. KMPC. fi; 1-5—American Sports, KECA. 8:15—Baseball. KMPC.

10:30—Pam Baiter. KECA. 10:45—Tom Hanlon, KNX.

KGB. KVflE—Tommy Tncker. 12:30—KFI, KFSD—Pepper Young's

Family, KNX—A Woman's Life. KECA—Indies. Be Seated, K1U—Mild and Mellow. EMIT—Bridge Club.

★ KFVV U—New# ★KVVUVV—News, Variety. KFVD—Violet Skhram.

KGFJ—Notes for You. , KGER—Juke Box. KFOX—March Time. KGB. KFXM. KVOE—A Boy

and a Girl. KGER—1300 Club. 12:45—KFI, KFSD—Right to Happi- ness.

KNX—Bachelor's Children. KHJ—Th's Is Music. KM IT—Jack Sherman. KFWB—A1 Jarvis. KPAS—Te\ Tyler. ★ KFAC—News.

' KGER. KFXM, KVOE—TbU Day of War,

KGER—Garden School. KFOX—Lucky Lady.

1—KIT. KFSD—Bnckstage Wife. KN'X—G. E. House Party. KECA—Time Views the News. KHJ—Think Hard Now.

★ KMPC—News, Symphonettes. ★ KMTR—News. ITnnos. KFAC—FIRST. KGFJ—Easy Rhythm. ★ KFVD, KGER—New#, KPAS—Popular Melodies. KFOX—Dance Time.

★KGK—Waller Compton. KFXM—Songs of Hawaii. |:I5—KFI, KFSD—Stella Dallas. KECA—Radio Parade.

KHJ. KGB. KFXM—Bill Hay Rends the Bible. KMTR—Meet the Band. KFAC—Melody Matinee. KFVD—Mood# In Music. KPAS—A.C.A. Reporter. KVDB—Johnson Family.

1:23*KNX—News, 1:30—KFI, KFSD—Lorenzo Jones. KNX—Feature Story. ★KECA—News.

KHJ. KGB, KFXM. KVOB- Sumraertime Melodies.

KMPC—Lady of Charm. KMTR—Dance Time, ★KPAS—Listeners' Digest. ★KWKW—News, Musical

Memories. ★ KRKD—News. Music. KGFJ—Intermission. KFOX—Concert Master. KGER—American Challenge.

1:45—KFI, KFSD—Young Bidder Brnwn. KNX—Gene Raker. KECA—Hymn# of AH




now Thursday afternoon 1:45

KMPC—Fashion Forum. • KPAS—Federated Women'#

Clubs. KFVD—Vocal Varieties. ;

2—KF!, KFSD—When a Girl Marries.

KNX—Evelyn Winter. ★KHJ. KVOE—This Changing World.

KECA—What'« Doing, Ladies. ★KMPC—News, Don OM#- ★ KMTR—News, It Pay# to Know.

KFAC—Memory Muslcale. KGFJ—Town CHer. KRKD—Concert Melodies. KPAS—Melodious Moment#. KWKW—Club 6(1. KFVD—Timely Tune#. KGER—Irfmg Beach Band,

*•15—KFI, KFSD—Portia Faces Life. KNX—Sen ice Time.

KHJ—Mimic Moderne. KMTR—Matinee Melodies. KFXM—Melody Time. KVOE—Radio Tour. KFOX—Public Bulletin.

2t?(5*KNX—News. 2:30—KFI, KFSD—Just Plain BSJl.

KNX—Meet the Missus. KECA—Best Sellers. KHJ. KVOE—Organ Melodies. KFWB—Three Men on a

Mike. KRKD—Baseball Scores.

Page 19: v.' L>f < * · 2019. 7. 17. · a contestant lets slip a line that car- ries double entendre and Miss Fran- cis has to think fast to cover up . . . like the lad who was asked

*KWK\V—-»WB. KFOX—Sones of the Meft.

t :45—KFI, KFSD—Trnnt PaKe Farrfll.

KWA—Memories in Melody. KH.J. KfiB—Korn KobWfrs. KVOE—Meet n Friend.

3—KFf—Koad of Life. ItNX—-House wives Proleelivo

LeaKue. +KJBCA—Ihree o'C'lock News. +EH-f. KGKR, KFSD—»ws. ■*K>irC—»*tb, Don Otis.

KF^VB—Melody Matinee, •jk-KMTR—»ws. Dial nn<1 Win.

KFAC—FammiB Musical Favorite a.

KGFJ—.laekjod. KFAT)—Popular Favorites. KRKI)—Matinee Melodic*. JLK PAS—News, KWKU—HoilyTrood Melody.

Time. KOB, KVOK—Orlffln Report-

int. KFX3T—News, Devotions,

Brevities. 8sl£—-KFF—Joyce Jordan, M.D.

KKCA—Watkle Talkies. KH.J—Happy nomes. Norms



MATINEE 3:1 5-5i15 p.m.

KPAS Monday thru Saturday

KPAS—Juke Box Matinee ■fil 5!l3 p.m.

RWKW—Kef lections In Music. KFOX—Hawaii Calls. KCKB—Ships of War. KFSD—Road of l-lfe. ■ 5:30—KFI—Woman of America. KNX—The Todds. KF.C A—Frances Scully. KF3VB—Tempo Americana. ■jFKRKD—News Headlines.

■g^KWKW—Off the Press. KFOX—HoUywood Salon. KGB. K3 OK—Musical Matinee KGER—Cheerful Chat.

8:45—KFI, KFSD—Aunt Mnry. KNX—The World Today. Kfl-J. KGB, KFXM, KVOE—

Klsa Maxwell. KKCA—Footiiglit Fnrnritrs, KFWB—Jazz. KWKW—Swinjr Session. KGB, KFXM. KVOF.—Johnson

Family. JjMttKNX—Joseph Harach, 4—KIT, KFSD—This Wcman's

Secret. KNX—Pofluck Parly. ♦KJEC A—Headline Edition.

' *EHJ. KOB. KFXM. KVOE— Fulton Lewis, jr.

JeKMPC—News, Music.' KFWB—Bert Flske.

+KMTR—News, Win Morro.


Gems of Melody 4-5 P.M., KFAC —1330

Ask for free program at SLAVICK JEWELRY CO.

KFAC—Musical Masterpieces. RGFJ—Swing Serenade. KFVD—Piano Selections. KWKW—-Speaking of Sports.

*KFOX. KGER—News. 4:1&*KFI, KFSD—World News.

iKNX—News, Music. JrKHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE—

Rex Miller. •jhKT.CA—Raymond Gram Swing

KM PC—Gnrreft's Varieties. KFWB—Gospel nnd Song.

+KFVD—New*. KWKW—Theater Guide,

Melodies. KRKD—Moiieland Quiz.

4:30—KFI—Art Baker's Notebook. KNX—Mr. Keene. KECA—Gen. Fierce, Comment KHJ, KVOE—San Francisco

Sketches. KMPC—Our Fighting Heroes. KFVD—Tea Time Tunes. KGFJ—ALr-o-torials, Or-

chestro du Jour. KRKD—Tunes of the Day. KWKW—Citizens' Committee. KGB—Songs of Praise. :■ KFXM—Dr. Philip LovelL


KFSD—Black 'n* White. t: 15—KHJ—Frolics.

KECA—Allen Ruth Orch. KIM PC—Twilight Tales. KFWB—Stunrt Ilnmblen.

^rRKKI). KFSD—News. KWKW—Plnno Reveries. KFXM—Musical Cocktail. KFOX—Art Dickinson.

5—KFI—Edward Jorgenson. ^KX\—Major Knox Manning.

KECA—Terry nnd the Pirates ★KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE— Sam Hayes. ★KMPC—News, Teen and

- Twenty.

STO-KC ^ ^ puCfi&r* „


★KMTR—News. Sunset Rhythms KGF.T—Jive nt 5. KFVD—Evening Serenade. KRKI)—Songs of the .Saddle. KWKW—Speaking of Sports. ★KGER—New h. KFOX—Sunshine Pusfor. KFSD—O.K. for Kelcuue.


KNX—Through a Woman's Eyes,


Superman. KMTK—Belle Martell, Sports, ★KPAS—News. Sidney Roger. KWKW—Today's Hit*. KGER—Tho Whisperer.

5;30^KFI—Voice of n Nation. ★KNX—Nelson Princle. KECA—.lack Armstrong. KHJ. KGB. KFXM. KVOE—

Adventure* of Tom Mix. KMTK—Irwin Allen. KGFJ—Race Recap. KFAC—Who a Bill Clnb. KRKD—Raco Results. KFVD—ofl-oa Club. KWKW—Americnn-Jewlsh Hr,

KjiS^KFI. KFSD—Elmer Peterson. ★KNX—Xrumaa Bradley. ★ KECA—News. ★KHJ. KGB. KFXM. KVOE— ' News Night Wire.

KMPC—Help Wanted. ★KMTR—K. Louis Flat a u,

New s. KGFJ—Show Time. KFVD—Evening Serenade. KPAS—Bing Crosby.

6:55*KNX—Bill Henry. 6—KIT, KFSD—Edward Everett

ITorton. KNX—Morton Gould's Orch. ★KKCA—-Peter de Lima. ★KHJ, KGB. KFXM. KVOE—

Gabriel nealfer. ★KMPC—News, Norman Nesbltt ★KFWB, KFOX—News. ★KMTR—News, Tomnsso

Ensemble. KFAC—Music For Eieryone. KGFJ—Musicoi Digest, till 8

p. m. KRKD—Karly Dancette. KPAS—Future Pianists. . KWKW—Italian Melodies. ★KGER—News, Victorious

Living. 6:ljl—KECA—Dinner Dunce.

. KHJ, KGB—Real l.He Stories. KMPC—Ozie Waters, ★KFWB—.John B. Hughe*. ★ KFVD—News, KPAS—Techniocrncy. KFOX—Dick Ross. KFXM—IlunrtemiBsfer CorpB, KVOE—Destination—I'ncle

Sugar. KGER—Rev. Burpo.

6:30—KIT. KFSD—PtiHo Vance. KNX—Corliss Archer. KHJ, KGB, KVOE—Starlight . Serenade. KECA—•Resene. KMPC—Del Mar Races. KFWB—America Donees.

* KMTR—Concert Moderne. KFAC—Erwin Veo, Orgnn. KFVD—Vaudeville. KPAS—Church of Christ. KWKW—-Kiening Serenade. KFXM—OPA. KFOX—Hal's Memory Room.

"6:15—KECA—American Sports. KM PC—Rhnmba Time. KRKD—Hollywood Xune-

smiths. KPAS—Inside Facts.

I 6:55—KECA—Coronet Story Teller.

■r—KFI. KFSD—Mystery in the / Air.

KN X—The Fi rst Line. KECA—One Foot In Heaven. KHJ. KGB. KFXM. KVOF—

Now If Can Re Told. ★KMPC—New*. Dinner Dance. ★KMTR—News. Help Wanted. ★ ERRD. KGER—News. KFAC—Concert in Miniature. KFOX—.lane Arden. KPAS—Help Wanted. KWKW—Maurice Johnson.

"jlS+KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE— Jim Doyle. News.

KMTK—W. B. Record. KRKD—Three Quarter Tiri«. KGER—Dr. Fagan.

1:30—KFI. KFSD—March to Victory.

KNX—Romance, Rhythm. Riplej.


Red Ryder. ★ K FWB—New a. KMTK—Dr. Clem Da vies. KFAC—Floretta'a Jewel Box. KPAS—Cactus Cnrl. KWKW—Or. Clem Denies. KRKD—Do Vou Know. KGER—Mrs. Spencer.

1;35—KECA—Jones A L 1:4S*KFI—KyewilneNs News. ★KFWB, KFOX—Major Hubert

Turner, Comment, KMPC—Khumba Time. ★ KFAC—New*. KGER—Kev. Thornbtiry.

8—KFI. KFSD—Supper Clilh. KNX—Man Named Jordan. KECA—Pick nnd Pat. KHJ, KGB. KFXM. KVOE— Bulldog Dmmmond. ★KMPC—New*, Frnnk Hrm-

Ingway. ' 1 ★ KFWB—Reuters' News Dl«pntch. ★KMTR—New*. Gospel Herald. KFAC—Evening Concert.

KGFJ—Of Words & Verse. KPAS—Taylor Tunes.

8:I5*KFI, KFSD—Heel wood Lawlon. KNX—Danny O'Nell. ★KECA—Earl Godwin. KMPC—Baseball. KFWB—Wftrncr Bros. Orch. KGFJ—Serenade for You. KFXM—Ship* of War.

THURSDAYS- *:30:p;-M. KNX—Citizens Forum. KIM—The Shadow. ★KFWB—Henry Charles.

, KMTR—Modem Moods. ★KECA—News. KFXM—Soldiers of the Press KVOE—Wings Over Nation. KGER—Rev. A. N. Goodson.

5:45—KECA—Music of Manhattan. ★KFWB—Henry Charles. KFXM—Music for the Night. •3 |\*KFf. KFSD—Richfield i&V Reporter. ★KNX—diet Hunt ley. ★KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE—

Fulton I^wis. jr. ★KMPC—News, Dance Parade. KFWB—Ehstside Clnb.

', KMTR—News. Tex Tyler. KGFJ—Western Music. KFAC—Lucky Lager Dance

Time. ★KFVD—Nrwslent, for 3 hr*.

KPAS—Bert Phillips.

Hollywood Spotlight with George Ftther


Wlt.l Mr. CfirvctH Welli






Art Baker Waster of Ceremonies

8:30—KFI. KFSiU—Phonocord Family Party.

KNX—Mamie. Ann So them. KHJ. KGB, KFX51, KVOE—

A Cbriatie's Hprcule Poirot. KKCA—Town Meeting of the Air. ★KFWB. KGFJ—New*.

KMTR—What America Is Playing.

KGFJ—Dancing Rhythm. KPAS—Tesn* Jim Lewis. 8:45—KFWB—Pan-A-Musi-Cana. KMTR—Hnflen the Day. KGKK—L. B. Vouth Center.

SiS.HrKNX—Wallace Sterling. 9—KFI, KFSD—Adventures of

Topper. KNX—Suspense. ★KIM. KGB. KFXM. KVOE—

New** Glenn Hardy. KMPC—Bnse ball. ★ KFWB—Peter de Lima. ★KMTR—New*, Concert Master KGFJ—Saludoa Amlgo*. KPAS—Music Bos.

★KGER—News, Porter Bar- rlngton. 9:15—KHJ, KGB, KFXM. KVOE—

Rex Stiller. KFWB—St roll In' Tom.

0:30—KFI. KFSD—Noah Webster Says.

10:30 P.H^—KFI THRIFTY DRUG STORES KECA—Hollywood Spotlight,

George Fisher, 10:15—KFI—Mayor Bovvron. ★ KNX—Pacific War Keporl.

KECA—Chnrlle Chan. ★ KIM, KGB, KFXM. KVOE—

News. 10:30^KFI—Carvelh Wells, Inside

the News. KNX—Sports. KFU—Johnson Family. ★KECA—News. KMTK—Boh Brooks. KPAS—Western Music. KGB—Eddie Orcutt. KFXM—Mystery Theater.

.10:45—KFI—Die Corral. KNX—Gayle anil Charles. KECA—Chester Bowles, KH.I—Johnny Ncbleft. KMTR—Denny Reckner Orch.

KHJ—News. ★KNX—Jim Wyntt.

KECA—Tnne*. Tidings. ★KMPC—News, Jud Conton.


Clssb 10 lo 12 P. M. I.ery Nile tifpt

KF WE Anwrks'v ft**I» land! KFWB—Eastslde Club. ★ KMTR—News, Wla Morro. KGFJ—Tintypes. KFAC—Lucky Lager Dance

Time. KPAS—Shepp's Playhouse. KFOX—Merl Lindsay Band. 11:15—KFI—Post Parade. KHJ, KOB, KVOE—Chest

6tew*r(-*a OrcheWrn. KGFJ—Blue of Evening.

11:20—KFI—It Happened Today. KNX—Les Brown.

U:;t0—KFI. KFSD—Digest. Law- rfneo Welli Orchestra. KNX—George Weld. KF.CA—Harcraflers, Alan

Roth Orchestra. KHJ. KGB. KVOE—Carlos

Molina's Orchestra. KMPC—Rhythm 'fill Midnight ★KFVD—Newsiral, 'tiil 1 a.m. U:45*KRJ. KGB, KFSD—News. KGFJ—What's Pp? IMM^KFl, KNX—News.

Page 20: v.' L>f < * · 2019. 7. 17. · a contestant lets slip a line that car- ries double entendre and Miss Fran- cis has to think fast to cover up . . . like the lad who was asked

FRIDAY, AUGUST 10 -A-Indicatra News nroadcaat*.

7:30 A.M. moh, ftirw iki ^ KMPC

"Start Me Day Staying1

W;*> JACK SHf«M«N. . ^V'

—KF1, KFSO—Free! Wnririk, KXX—Johnny -Morrny. KECA—Don McXeill Broakfa»t

aub. +Kn.|, KGB. KFXM. KVOE— Arthur Gaelh. ■jtKMPC—»W8, Xorman Nesb'ft,

B—Frnnell Reports. ■irKMTR—New*. Wo*tern Stam. EGfM—Concert t'astelle.

•i-KPAS, KGER—News. EKED, KFOX—Dr. Louis X. Talbot. KFAO—founlrr Church. KAVHAV—Mominp Demotions. Kt'A'l)—Corered Wngon

Jubilee. 8:05—KGER—Saul Patrol. 8:15—KKX—Valiant Lady. *KHJ, KGB—I>ar.ler Hunt.

KMPC—Market Report, Sports, KFWB—Beview. K5VKW—Reveille Rerme. KCEK—Mirpah.

' KJFX.H—Morning Melodies. KVOE—War Casunlly List. 8:25—KPAS—MInnfe Prayer.

KMTC—Hal tie Sports. 8:30—K-Ft—Mlranfly. K>X—Light of the World. KHJ. KGB. KFXM. KVOE— Take It Easy. KMPC—Don Otis. "KFWB—Help Wanted. KMTR—Christ Church Cnitr.

•4-KFAC. KTSD—Xews.

' KPAS, 8:30 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Men., Wed., Frl.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

KPAS—Hal en of Rest. ■fcKWKTV—»iv9, Reveille. KKKD—Nevrs Heedlnes, KFOX—Rev. R. E. Keid.

8:45—KF1. KFSI)—David narum. KNX—Aunt Jenny's Stories. ★KFWB—Xeivn. KFAt:—Show Time, KFVD—Vocal Favorites. KMKW—Birminj-ham Review. KFXM—Stinshine Service. KVOK—Blnjr Croibr. Kf.F.R—New Trlljes Mission.

8:55—KHJ, KGB. KFXM. KVOE— Cliff Edwards, X.

Qi-KFI, KCFJ—News. KNX—Kate Smith. ★KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE—

MUliam Lang. EF.OA—Olaenor Manor, ★KMPC-—News, Bollywood

Melodies. KFWK—Health Talk KMTR—News, Church Views

News. KRKD—Sage brush Serenade. KPAS—Vpstcrday'b Bits. K WKW—Message of Life. KFVD—Walt* Time. KFOX—-Mrrbrands for Jesus. ★KGEB—News.

8:05—KF1—Edward Jorgcnson, Comment.

8;13*KF"I. KFSt»—Larry Smith. Comment.



Ph.D., F.R.S.A. (London) for the

McCOY HEALTH SYSTEM Every momtnii—Mon. thru FrL

KFAC at 9:15

KGFJ—Medical. ★KFVD—News. KPAS—Waltz Time. KWKW—Treasury Salute. KGEB—Rev. J. A. Lovell. KGB—Serenndine You. 8:30*KFI—News. KNX—Romanes of Helen Trent. KHJ—Tims Out. KLCA—Breaetuaa's Breakfast In Hollywood. KMPC—nils for Missus. ★KFWB, KFAC, KWKW—News. KMTR—Bible Treasury Hour. KGFJ—Open Album. KFVD—Show Tune*. KPAS—Harmony Homestead, KGB—Sereondlng Vou'. KFXM—Future Cnlimlted. KGER—Radio Revival. KFSD—Ann Gibson.

8 ;35t-KFXM—Old Family Almanac. D:13—KFI—Boiiny Mansfield, Songs.

KNX—Our Gal Sunday. KHJ. KVOE—Mystery. Chef.

★KFWB—Henry Charles. KMTR—Just Relax. KFAC—Musical Comedy. ★KRKD—News. KFVD—Hers Comes Parade. KWKW—Rev. Graves. KGKR—Colonial Tabernacle. RGB—Mollln Morse. KFXM—Design for Listening. KPND—Voice of a Nation.

4 A—KFI—Tlllamook Kitchen. XU KNX—Life Can Be Beautiful. ★KHJ, KGB. KFXM. KVOE—

News, Glenn Hardy. ★KECA—Gil Martyn. ★KMPC—News, Post Parade.

KFWB—Chief Mllanl. ★KMTR—News, Marching to Victory,

KGFJ—Racing News. KFAC—Midmornlng Serenade. KWKW—Met, Scratch Sheet, KFVD—Moming Serenade. ★KFOX, KPAS. KGKR—News.

10:15—KFI—Hollywood Fan Magatlne- KNX—Ma Perkins.

KECA—Ted Mnlone. KHJ. KGB, KVOE—Something To Talk About, KMPC—Hits for the Missus.

KMTR—King's Men. KGFJ—Ring Crosby Sings. ★ KPAS—News, Scott Nrwhall. KWKW—Morning Melodies. KKKD—Dr. 0. M. Rirhnrdson. KFXM—Seven Last Word* of Jesus. KFOX—Rev. Emma Tasior, KGEU—Kugdora Within.

Id:30—KFI, KFSO—Alber*' Hour. ★KNX—Margaret MacDonald, News.

KECA—My True Story. KHJ, KGB. KVOE—Tho

Mnimtain'eers. KMPC—Pan Americana. KFWB—Mid-Morning Melodies KMTR—Floyd B. Johnson. KGFJ—Gpbent Session.

★KFAC—News. Batlone. KFVD—Fnlon Rescue Mission. KPAS—Woman's World. KWKW—News, Symphonic Strings, KFXM—Meet the People. KGER—Nuusbine Pastor. 10:C5*KFI, KFSD—Art Baker, News. KNX—Young Dr. Malone. KHJ, KGB, KVOFi—John J.

Anthony. KMPC—Home Chats. KFWB—Science of Mind. KMTR—Caro of the Body. " KFAC—Between the Lines. KRKD—SHdolcht Mission. KWKW—Gancho Serenade. KFOX—Dr. A. F. Mtohelson.

10:55—KECA—Living In Hallywood. U—KFI. KFSD—Guiding Light.

KNX—Two on n Clue. ★ KECA—Haukhagn Talking. ★ KHJ. KGB—Cedrlc Foster. ★KMPC—News, MaU Bag Reqnest.

KFWB—Al Jarvis. ★KMTR—News, Dr. Louis Talbot. RFAC—Inn Americana. KGFJ—Styllngs In Blue. ★KF\n, KGER—News. KPAS—J, Newton Yates. KWKW—Baseball. Fighting Americans. KFXM—1'olra of Ftperlence. KVOE—Lester Smith.

li:15—KFI, KFSD—Today's Children. KNX—Rosemary. KF.rA—F.thcl and Albert. ★KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE—

Jane CowL KFVD—Musical RevTli*- KFOX—Sootllgbt Banns.

11:30—KFI, KFSD—Woman in White KNX—Perry ★ KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE— : itueen for Today. KECA—Listening Post. KMPC—Bonlevord QuU. KMTR—Songs to Remember. ★KRKD. KPAS—News.

★KWKW—News, Instni- melndics. KGER—Rev. Charles Greenamyer,

11:45—KJl—Betty Crocker. KNX—Xenn and Tim. ★KECA—ABC World Corre- spondents.

KMPC—Garden Hints. KFAC—Mono Briefs. KPAS—Painted Post. KFVD—Violet Scliram. KGER—Bible Treasury Hour.

4 KFI—Farm Reporter. Aft* KNX—Neighbors, Irene Reasley. ★ KECA—Joliu R. Kennedy. ★KH-J—Broadway News. ★ KMPC—News.. Frank -

Hemingway. ★KMTR—News, Trading Post. KFAC—Luncheon Concert. KFVD—Editor of Air. KPAS—Bid Hart. KWKW—Blue Boom. KRKD—Prairie Schooner. KGFJ—Calling All Zoors. K FXM—Group DiernoOtlf. ★KGB. KVOE, KGER—News. KFSD—Woman of America.

KFAC—Voice of Health. KNX—Big Sister.

KHJ. KGB. KFXM. KVOE— Morton Downey.

KMPC—Polly Patlerson. KFWB—Rhumbo. Time.

FRIDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In Llghtface Type; Afternoon aJjd

Evening Programs in Boldface. Drama . Variety

8:0C>-.Fred Waring. KFT, 8:00—Breakfast Club, ♦KECA. 9:00—Kate Smith. KNX. 8:30—Breneman a Brea k fast,

KECA. 10lOO—Chef Slilanl, KFWBi

3:45—EUa Mas well. KHJ. 4:30—Art Baker's Notebook,

KM. <1:00—Jerry Wayoe Show, KNX. 0:30—People Are Funny. KFI. ":00—Ray Bolger. KNX. 1:00—Am on ft Andy, KIT. I :iuj—Smnmy Kaye, KECA. 7:30—Harry James Show, KNX. 8:0d—Supper Club, KFI. 9:30—Jack Haley. KFI.

War 8:00—Beiitera' News Dispatch,

KFWB. 8:00—Television, Test Pattern

woxvz. * 8130—Television, Events of

Week, W6XYZ. 8:16—Television, Telecomlcs,

W6XYZ. 9:00—Television, Sports. W6XYZ.

Quiz Programs 8:30—Correction Pleas*. KFI 8:30—Ignorance Pays, KNX.

8:30—Death Valley Sheriff. KECA.

7:00—Man from G-2, KECA. 7:SO—Lone Ranger, KHJ. •• - 7:30—Orern Ilnrnet, KECA. 8:30—Weird Circle, KECA. » 8:15—Sfrang Dr. Weird, ■ KFWB, 9:00—Aldrich Family, KNX.

.8:30—The Thin Man, KNX. Outstanding Music

4:00—M listen I Mnsterplfce*. KFAC.

8:00—Musical Digest, KGFJ, 7:00—Mininfnro Concert, KFAC. «:on—Evening Concert, KFAC.

10:00—Lucky I.oger Time, KFAC. 10:00—NewsicaL KFVU- 10:00—Eastside Club, KFWB,

Public Affairs 8:00—Your F.B.L, KECA,

Sports—Comment 10:00—Met. Scratch Sheet. KWKW. 10:0")—Racing. KGFJ. KRKD. 5:45—Race Results. KGFJ, 6:30—Del Mar. KMPC. 7:30—Bill Stern, KFI. 8:00—Boxing Routs, KHJ. 8:15—Baseball, KMPC."

10:00—Legion Fights. KMPC.

12:15—KFI. KFSD—Ma Perkins. ★KNX—Howard Petrls. >'•*». KECA—Constance Bennett, KHJ—Johnson Family. ★KMPC—Norman Nesbltt. KFVD—Luncheon Musical. KGFJ—Keyhnard Magic.

★KFOX, KFXM—News. KGB, KVOK—Tommy Tucker. 13:30—KFI, KFSD—Pepper Vounr* Family.

KNX—A Wnmnn's Life. KECA—Ladies. Be Seated, KHJ—Mild and Mellow. KMPC—Bridge Club, Johnson. ★ KFWB—News. KGF'J—Notes for Von. ★KWKW—News. Variety. KFOX—March Time. KGKR—Juke Bo*. KGB, KVOE—A Boy and a

Girl. KFXM—Fnrtn Front.

12:45—KFI. KFSD—Right to Happiness. KNX—Bachelor's Children.

KHJ, KGB. KFXM. KVOE— This Is Music.

KMPC—Jack Shrmnan, KFWB—At Jarvis. KFVD—Violet Schram. ★KFAC—News. KPAS—Te*a» Tyler. KFOX—Lucky Lady. KGEB—Garden School.

1—KFI. KFSD—Backstage Wife. KNX—G. E. Houss Party. ★KECA—Time Views the News. KHJ—Think Hard Now. ★KMPC—News. Symphonettes. ★ KMTR—News. Pianos, KGFJ—Easy Rhythm. ★ KFVD—News. KPAS—Popular Melodies. KFXM—Songs of Hawaii. ★ KGER—News, Mnsic.

1:15—KFL KFSD—Stella Dallas. KECA—Radio Parade. KHJ, KGB. KFXM—Bill Hay Reads tho Bible. KMTR—Meet the Band. KFAO—Melody Matinee.

. KVOE—Johnson Family. KFVD—Moods In Music. I:25*KNX—News.

1:30—KFI. KTSD—Lorenro Jones. KNX—Feature Story. KECA—This Moving World. ★KHJ, KGB. KFXM. KVOE— Summerilme Melodies. KMPC—Lady of Charm. ★ K.MTB—Dance Time. ★KRKD—News. Music. ★KPAS—Listeners Digest. ★ KWKW—News, Musical

Memories. KGFJ—Intermission. KFVD—Hawaiian Music, KGER—I-est We Forget.

1:45—KFI, KFSD—Young Wldder Brown. KNX—Gene Baker. KECA—Betly Crocker. KMPC—Ring Crosby, KRKD—Singing Walters. KPAS—Beyond Victory. KFOX—Concert Blaster.

2—KFI, KFSD—When a Ctrl Marries.

- KNX—Evelyn Winter. ★KHJ, KVOE—This Changlni World. KECA—What's Doln.' Ladles? ★KMPC—News, Don Otis. ★KMTR—News, It Pays to

Know, KFAC—Memory Moalcale. KGFJ—Town Crier. KRKD—Concert Matinee. KPAS—Melodious Momenta. KWKW—Club 60. KFOX—Organ Treasures, KFVD—Timely Tunes. KGER—Rolf's Band. KFXM—Redlands Natareae.

2:15—KFI, KFSD—Portia Faces Life. KNX—Service Time. KHJ—Music Moderne. KMTR—Matinee Melodies. KVOE—Kl Toso Marines. KFOX—Fublio Bulletin. ' 2:25*KNX—News.

2:3b—KFI, KFSD—lust Plain BUI. KNX—Meet the Missus. KECA—Best Sellers, KHJ. KGB, KFXM—Organ

Melodies. KFWB—Three Men on a Mike. KRKD—Bflseball Scores. ★ KWKW. KGER—News. KFOX—Songs of the West. KGEB—World Security

Conference. KVOE—Radio Tour.

2;43—KIT, KFSD—Front Page Fa rrell.

KECA—Memories in Melody. KHJ, KGB—Horn Kobblers.

★KFVD—News. KVOE—Meet A Friend.

3—KFI—Road of Life. KNX—Housewives Protective

League. ★KECA—Three O'clock News.

Page 21: v.' L>f < * · 2019. 7. 17. · a contestant lets slip a line that car- ries double entendre and Miss Fran- cis has to think fast to cover up . . . like the lad who was asked


*KH.I. HftEB. KFSD—NMVS. *KMC<!—NVxv.s, Don 0»N.

KPWII—Melotiy Matins. K.MTK—News, Dial and Win. KFAC—Famous .Mum ml • Fn vorircf. KliFJ—.Jnck I'ot.

•ft K I'AS—KI-wb. KKtvi>—Mulium Mcloilies. KWICVf—studio OnJar. KKVI>—Popular Favor:ICS. KF(>\—Uailtl.v Coif. KC.B, KVOFV—firiffin

Repnrllng. KPXJI—Xevvs, Devotions, Brevities.

■3:15—Hit—.Tn.vrf Jordan. M.D. HIT J—ITftppy Homes, Nortntt

Vouns. KfX'A—Walkie Talkies. . KKKD—Matinee Melodies. Kl'AS—Juke Box Ma'inee ■»!!

5:15 p.m. KWKW—Reflectlrin* in ,Music. KFOX—Ilnnnii (.'nils. KDKK—Merchant -Marine. KVOLi—Of Civlo Interest. KFSD—Kuart of Life.

3:30—Fr-'—(V-mnn of Ampe'en. KNX—.fiminy Carroll Sings, .ii'it A—rrui.res Snillj.

•" ' KFWB—Tempit AmiTirnna. *HWKW—Off tlio Press. ^KKKD—»«* liendlUies.

KFOX—liolljHuml Salon. - KOFil—Cheerful Chat.

KGB—Art Rnker. 3:15—KIT,. KFSD—Aunt Mary.

•^KN.V—The World Todni, Jiise|>Ii Harseh.

O KH.I, KOB. KFXM, KVOE— Klsa Maxwell.

K KCA—Foot light Favorites. KMPC—Peter Potter. KFWB—Jnr.x. KWKW—Swine Session.

—KF1, KFSD—This Woman's Secret- KXX—Polluek Party.

•fc-KECA—Uendine Edition, , K(iH. KFXM, KVOE—

Fnllon la-wls, Jr. , >KMPC—Newa, Music, t KFWB—Woman's Page.

KMTK—News, Win Mnrro. KUFJ—Swing Serenade. RKKU—TobkI to the Town.


' Gems of Melody 4-5 P. M.. KFAC-1330

Ask for free program at Slavick Jewelry Co.

KFAC—Musical Masterpieces, K Ft IX—X ens. KFVD—Piano Releetlons. ★KOKK—Xews, Helena Smith.

4:13*KIT. KFSD—News of the World.

+KI1J. KOB. KFXM, KVOE— Hex Miller.

S^KFCA—Raymond Dram Swing. KMPC—Cinrreft's Varieties. KFWB—(iospel and Song. ■j^KFVD—Xews. KWKW—Theater Gnlfle. Musle.

KRKD—Mnvlefnnd Qulx. 4:30—KFI—Art Baker's Xotelxiok.

KXX—Gene Krunn Orch. KHil—San Francisco

Sketches, it K EC A—Gen. Pierre, Fooinienf. KMPC—Hit Parade Times. KGFJ—Alr-n-torials, Orchestra du .four. KWKW—CltUens' Committee. KGB—Songs of Praise.

- KFXM—Dr. Phillip M. Lovell. KVOE—Treasury Salute.

4:45—KECA—lamiee Massey tt Westerners.

.. — ■ KNX—The Todds. KH,T—Frolics. KMPC—Modefn Romanees.

;<■ KFWB—Stuart Hamhlen. ^rKHKD—News. KWKW—Piano Reterles. KFXM—Musical Cocktail. KVOE—Service Salute.

'•fcKFSD—H. V. KultenlMjrn. KGEK—ColoriuI X'esaerit.

5★KIT—Richard Harknrss. ★KXX—Sliijup Knox Manning. KI'ICA—Terry nnrt the Pirates. ★KH.I, Ktitt. KFXM, KVOE—

Sam Hayes. ★KMPC—News. Teen Si Twenty. ★ KMTR—News, Sunset. Rhythms KGFJ—Jlvn nt 5. KWKW—Speaking of Sports. ★ KliRR—News, KFSD—<tK for Release. 5:t5*KKl. KTSU, KFVD, KFAC— - News.

KNX—Through a Woman's Eyes. EEC A—Dirk Tracy. Kll-J, KGB, KFXM. Kt OK— Sunernitm. KMTK—Show Times.

★ KPAS—News. Sidney Roger. KWKW—Today's Hit*. KG ICR—I.aunt Kny Sings.

5:3#—KFI—Voice of a Nation. ★ KNX—Nelson Pringle, KECA—lack Armstrong. KH.T. KGR. KFXM. KVOG—

Adventures of Tom Ml*. KMTR—Trade Wind*. KFAC—Whoa Bill Club. KRKD—Kaclnc New#. KFVD—00-00 C'hih. K PAS—Serv lea Men. KWKW—American Jewish He. KGFJ—Race Recap. KFOX—Varieties. ' KGER—World Security

Conference. StFWtKFl. KFSD—Elmer Peterson. ★ KNX—News. Truman Bradley. ★ K ICC A—X ews. ★ KM J, KGB. KFXM, K5UR— Night News Wire.

KMPC—Help Wanted. ★ KMTK—R. I.ou's ITiVtau. New#. Kf.P.I—Show Time, KFtll—Evening Serenade. KPAS—Bing Croxliy. KFOX—Bat Taherin.

5:35*KXX—Bill Henry. G—KIT, KFSD—Wall* Time.

KNX—Jerry Wayne Show. ★ KHJ. KC.B. KFXM, KVOE— (•abriel lleatler. ★KECA-—Famous Jury Trials.

★KFWB, KGEK. KFOX—News. -★KMPC—News, Norman Nesbift. ★KMTK—News, Tomaaso

Ensemble. KGFJ—Musical IMgewt Mil 8

p.m. KFAC—Music for Everyone. KRKD—Early Dancellc. KPAS—Pilgrim Inspirational

Hour, KWKW—Italian Melodies.

6i 15—KECA—Dinner Dance. KHJ, KGB—Real Life Stories. KMPC—Olio Waters. ★KFWB—.John B, HuEhes. KPAS—W.O.T.C. Kt.B—Inside Story. KFXM—.Meet (he Horse. KVOE—Smooth Performance.

Miracles of Science Dr. Arthur I. Brown

6:15 - KFOX, 1280 kc. Men, Wed. Fri.

KFOX—Miracles of Science. 8:30—KIT. KFSD—People are

Funny, KNX—Those Webslrrs,


Don't miss this entertomino half hour wifh" Sheriff Mark Chase end

comical Cousin Cattle

KECfl-6:30 P.M. FRI

★ KECA—Death Valley Sheriff. KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE—

Spotlight Bands. KMPC—Del Mac Races. KFWB—"America Dances."

. KMTK—Concert Modeme, KPAS—Church of Christ. ★ KWKW—Music with Appeal. KFVD—Vaudeville. KFOX—Hal's Memory Room. KGEK—Church of Xararene.

6:45—KECA—American Sports. KRKD—Hollywood Time- KUllths. KPAS—Insldo Facts. KWKW—Evening Serenade.

6:53—KECA—Coronet Story Teller. —KFl, KFSD—IMmnlnger, Men-

lollst. KNX—Kny Bolger. KECA—Man from G-3. KHJ, K VOH—Now It Can

Be Told. ★ KMPC—News, Dinner Dance. ★KMTR—News, Help Wanted.

KFAC—Concert In Miniature. ★ KRKD—NewM, KPAS—Help Wanted. KWKW—Maurice Johnson. KFDX—Jnno Arrten. ' KGB—Eddie (Ircntt. KGER—jN'ev'vs. Music.

T;I5*KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KTOli— Jim Doyle, News.

KMTK—W. B. Record. KRKD—Three tpKirler Time. KFtIX—Salute to Services. KGER—Dr. Fagan.

7:30*KIi, KFSD—It'll Stern, Sports. KNX—Harry Jiiniew, KECA—Green Hornet. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE— Hunger. KM IT—Dinner Dance. ★ KFWB—News. KMTR—Dr. (Tern Dhvles. KFAC—Floretta's Jewel Box. KRKD-—Do Yon Know. KPAS—Concert. KWKW—Dr. Clem Da vies. KGER—Ft. Wayne Gospel.

7:45—KFl—Cabbages and Kings. ★KFWB, KFOX—Major Hubert Turner, Curnmenl. ★ KFAC—News.

KRKD—Father Vaughum. 8—KIT. KFSD—Supper Cluh.

KNX—M.m Xnmed Jordnn. KECA—This Is Vour F.B.I. KH.I, KGB, KFXM. KVOE—

Roving Bouts. ★ KMPC—News, Frank Hemingway, ★ KFWB—Dispntcll from Reuters. ★KMTR—New*.

KFAC—Evening Concert. KGFJ—Of Words and Verse. KPAS—Taylor Music. KRKD—Smitli Seas Serenade. WfiX VZ—Television, Test

Pattern. ★ KPAS,, KGER—News. 8:05—KGER—Auhrey



King's Ambassador Quartet KMTR—8:05-9:00 P. M.

Also 111:30-1(1:4.-, A. M. Monday through Friduy

KilTH—IToyil B, Johnson. 8;15*KFI, KFSD—Fleet wood l.awtnn, Comment.

KNX—Uunny O'Neil. KMPC—Baseball. KFWB—Warner Bros.* Orcbt. KGFJ—Serenade for Von.

8:30—KFl. KFSD—C arrest I on Please.

KNX—It Pays to Re Ignorant. KECA—Weird Circle.

★ KFWB—News. KGFJ—Dancing Rhythm. KPAS—Texas Jim l.ewls. KFOX—P. E. Gardner. K RKD—M rrry-Go-' Round. , Wfi.VYZ—Television, . T. B. Blnklston. News.



!i—KFWB—Strange Dr. Weird, WfiXVZ—Television, Tele-

rmiiics. I—KFl, KFSD—Night Editor.

KNX—Atdrleh Family. KECA—Spude Couiey Jt Bund. ★ KHJ. KGB, KFXM. K\«E— News. Glenn ilanly. KMPC—Baseball. ★ KFWB—Peter do Lima. ftKM I It—News, Concert Master. KGFJ—Slillldcm Ainigos. - KRK'»—Western Hit Parade. KPAS—Music Bo*. WG\VX—Television, Ama-

teur Sports.

FRIDAY. LOGS KFGX—Sumtiel M. Polin, ★KGER—News. Aubrey Lee.

9:1.5—KFl—Serenade In Song'and S(ory. ★ KHJ. KGB, KFXVI. KVOE— Cecil Brown. News. KFWB—Slrollin' Tom.

★KFOX—News. KFSD—Cited for'Valor.

8:38—.K*-f—Jack Unley. Village • 8tare.

KNX—Thin Mnn. ★ K EC A—News. ★ KHJ, KGB, KFXM. KVOE— Freedom of Opportunity,- ★ KFWB—Henry Charles,

K.MTii—Modern Moods. 8: t3—-KECA—Hobby flours, ★ KFWB—Henry Charles.

KNX—Tohe Reed. 4 AAKfT, KFSD—Richfield Av Reporter.

★ KNX—Chet Huntley, ★ KMPC—News. I-eg too Fights. ★ KMTK—News, Texas Jim Lewis. , KFAC—Lucky Lager Dance Time,

★ KFVD—New steal, 3 Hrs. KGFJ—Western Muslp. KPAS—Western Hit Purnde.


C3ub 10 ♦«> 12 P. M. (*«r|r HU> Eic«pt IsaJey

KFWB Anarlce'i Ffo«»t Isisl, KFWB—Enstside Club. ★ KHJ. KGR. KFXM. KVOK-

Fulton I-ewis, jr.

Hollywood Spotlight with Ger.roc Fishe?

10:00 P.M. —KECA 7,

Inside the News

10:30 T. M KFl THRIFTY DRUG STORES KECA—Hnllywnnd Spolllghf,

George Fi slier. 10:13—HFI—Reserve. ★KNX—Pacific War Analysis.

KECA—Charlie Chan. ★ KH.I. KVOE—News. KFXM—Music : for Night.

10:30—KFl—Cnrveth Well#, Inside News. KNX—World's 31ast Honored „

Music. ★KECA—News. KHJ—Johnson Family. KMTK—Bob Hronbs. KFXM—My slery Theater. «

10:45—KFl—Oln Corrnl. KECA—Doctor Talks It Oxer. KHJ. KGB—Johnny Neblett. KMTR—Denny Bevkoer Orch.

n ★KFl—News. ★KNX—News, Jim Wyntt.

KECA—Tunes. Tidings. KHJ—Ted Straeter's Orch- ★KMI*C—News. Jud Coolon. KFWB'—East side Club. ★ KMTR—News, Win Morro. KFAC—T.ueky Lager Dance Time. KGFJ—Tintypes. KPAS—Sltep'a Playhouse. KFOX—Merl Lindsay Uklabomans,

Jl;15—KFl—Post Parade. KHJ, KGB, KVOE—Jos

Refchmnii Orelies! ra. KGFJ—Blue of Evening.

11:20—KIT—It Happened Today. KNX—Jimmy Horsey.

11:30—KFl, KFSD—Digest. I-nw- rciue Welk Orchestrn. KNX—George Aald. KECA—llarcrnfters. Roth

Orch. KILL KGB. KVOE—Carlos Molina's Orch. KMPC—Rhythm '111 Midnight. KFVD—Newsirnl, 'til I a.m.

U;45*KTI.I. KGB, KFSD—News. KGFJ—What's I p? 11:53*HFI. KNX. KFWB—News.

Page 22: v.' L>f < * · 2019. 7. 17. · a contestant lets slip a line that car- ries double entendre and Miss Fran- cis has to think fast to cover up . . . like the lad who was asked

SATURDAY, AUGUST 11 Il>dira(f» News Broadrasts.

It "1 m—— w «

>WlM PASS 114 A>1S^


KH Jriftla Act hp Cleanser ^

—KKI. KFSD—First Piano fjtmriet.

-j^KNX—>'ewfl, Ensy Does It. KECA—Don McNeill Brenk-

fast Club. *KH.I. RCi H, KFXM. K VOE—

ncnrj Gladstone. ★ KMPCI—News CommentaiT.

RTFWB—Be nils In He view. ★IOITR—News, Western Stars. KFAC—Country Church. KtlFJ—Concert Pastelle. KWKW—Reveille Kevne. KPAS—tjuartermnsler's Corp. K FXT)—Covered Wa gon

.lilhilee. ★KCER—News.

KRKD 8:00 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Tues., Thors., Sat.

First Mate Bob and the Good SKip Grace

KKKD, KFOX—Ifnveo of Rest. 8:15—KHJ, KGB. E\ OE—K. C. Jamboree. KMIT—Market Report. Sports.

KRKD—Cn^ecn Enemy. KHKW—Rev. Patterson. KGER—Mi/pah.

_ KFXM—Morning Melodic* 8:30—KF1, KFSIS—Smiila" Ed McConnell.

KNX—BilLie Uarke. KII-I—Navy Program. KM PC—Wave Rerrultlne,

. fturth Cnlfy. ★KFAC, KEKIJ—News. ★KPAS—News. Music. ★KWKW—News, Azusn Mission. ★KKKD—News Headlinea.

KFtJX—Children's Bible Hour. KF.XM—Sunshine Service. 8:45—KH.I—Wav Shop.

KM PC—Jr. Army on March. ★KFWB—News. KFAC—Show Time. R FI D—Vocal Varieties.

KWKM —Retellle. KliER—House of Don.


KNX—Theater of Today. KECA—What's Cookln"."

-• KHJ, KGB, KFXM. KVOE— Hello Mom. ★K^lPC—News, Peter Potter.

★KFWB—Denry Charles. ★KMTR—News. Children's lleligtoiis llour,

KFOX—Firebrands for Jesus. KRKJ>—Sagebrush Serenade. KPAS—Rod Delanry. KWKm—Rhapsody on

— Rhythm. KFVD—Waltz Time.

• :15—KF1. KFSD—Cnnsimicr Time. KFIVB—Diet and Health. KGFJ—Melody Interlude, KPAS—Waltz Time. KMRW—Kettles and Calico.

+KFVD—News. • ;30+KFT—Aie* Drier.

KNX—Stars Over HoUywood. KECA—Farm & Home Makers KHJ. KGB, KFXM. KVOE—

Vlrplnia Spencer. ★KFAC. KWKW—News. KGFJ—Open Album. KFVD—Show Tnnes. KPAS—Popular Oldsters. KGER—Radio nerlral. KFSD—Atlantic Spotlight.

8:45—KFI—Bonny Mansfield. KECA—The Vagabonds. KFWB—Midmorntng Melodies. KFAC—Musical Comedy. ★ KRKD—News. Clifton. KWRW—■Gospel Friends. KFVD—Here Comes Parade. KGB—Bed Cross Reporter.

4 A—KNX—tlrand Cemr.n! Station. AU^KHJ, KGB, KFXM. KVOE— News, Glenn Hardy.


★KMPC—News, Peter Potter. KJ'WB—Salvation Army. ★KMT R-—News, Marching to

Victory. KFAC—Midmnming Matinee. KGFJ—Racing News. ★KPAS—News. Music. KWRW—Met, Scratch Sheet. KFVD—Morning Serenade. KFSD—House of Make Believe. ★ KFOX, KGKU—News.

10:13—KF1—Treasury Salute. KECA—Popular Profiles. KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KVOE—

AI Williams. KFWB—I SO Grams. JvMTR—Kings Men. KGFJ—Ring Crosby Sings. KFAC—E. A. Medical Ass'n. KWKW—Morning Melodies. KFOX—Rev. Emma Taylor. KGER—Graca Testimony.

lOt.Vt—KFl. KFSD—G.l.a Abroad. ★KNX—News. KHJ. KGB—Clinic Forum, KECA—Mi randy. ★KFWB—Henry Charles, News. KMTR—American Story Book. ★KWKW—New*, Symphonic Strings. KFAC—News, Rations, KGFJ—Fpbeat Sfssion. KPAS—Help Wanlea. KFXM—Barbara Brent Presents. KVOE—Voles of the Arroy. KGER—Sunshine Pastor.

10:45*RFI. KECA—News, KM PC—Home Chats. KFWB—Better Speech. KMTR—Tabernacle Choir. KPAS—MaHnes. KFAC—Between the Lines. KFOX—Firebrands" Children's

Hon.-. KFXM—American Mercury

Theater. Kl'Sli—War Telescope,

4 4 —KF1. KFSU—Musirana. AX KNX—Mary Leo Taylor,

KECA—Musical Toast. KHJ—.Hal Aloma'a Orch, ★KMPC—News, Hollywood

Melodies. KFWB—AI Jan Is. ★KMTR—News. Music KFAC—Pan Americana. KGFJ—Stylioes In Blue. KFVD—Musical Revue. KPAS—J. Newton Talcs. KWKW—BasebaU, Variety. KFXM—Rancho Roundup, KGER—Gospel Story Hour.

11:15—KMPC—Samuel It. McKce. KFAC—Music for Vou. KWKW—W.P.B.

11:30—KFl—Sky High. KNX—Let's Pretend. ★KECA—News. KHJ, KFXM—Doorway to

Music. KMPC—Naomi Reynolds. KMTR—Song Showcase.


" GOO 710 870 930 1070 >110 t230 1280 1360 I4T01490

★KFAC, KPAS—News. ★ KKKD—News, Music. ★KWKW—News, Instru-

melodies. KGB—Fairy Talcs. KJOE—Voice of the Army.

Ili45—KECA—Allen Prescoft, ★KNX—News. KMPC—This Day of War. KFAC—Piano Brlefg. KFVD—Violet Schrnm. KGER—Calvary Tabernacle.

4 ^—KF1—Noon Farm Reporter. X& KNX—Tour Marine Corn.

KHJ—Harry James" Orch. KECA—Tailor-Ma dc Melodies. ★KMPC—News. Frank

Hemingway, KFWB—Mcke-Kciieve Ball-

room Quartet. ★ KMTR—News. Trading Post. KFAC, KFVD—Luncheon

Concert. KGFJ—Calling All Zones. KKKD—Prairie Schooner. ★KPAS—Western. KWKW—Blue Room. ★KtiB, KVOE. RGEK—News. KFSD—Orrheslra of Nation.

12:15—'KFI—War Telescope. ★ KMPC—Automotive News. KGFJ—Keyboard Magic, KGB—Ryan Swing Club. ★KFOX. KFXM—News. KGEK—Police Broadcast,

12:30—KFI—Home What You Make It.

KNX—Pohllc AffHirs. KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE—

loiuis Prim a Oreli. KMPC—Bridge Club.

i-KFWU—News. KWKW—News, Hawaiian

Echoes. KGFJ—Notes For Voc. KF5'D—Violet Spbram.

12:45—KNX—Ten from Tokyo. KMPC—Jack Sherman. KFWB—AI Jarvls. ★ KFAC—News. KPAS—Te\ Tyler. KFOX—Meet the Band.

1—KIT, KFSD—Massachusetts Hnndimp,

KNX—Report from Washiogton. ★KECA—News, Roth String Quartet.

KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE— Memo for Tomorrow. ★ KMPC—News. Flying Feet.

KFWB—Can You Tie That? ★KMTR—News, Pianos. KGFJ—Easy Rhylhm. ★ KF\D. KGER—News. KPAS—Popular Melodies, KWKW—Western Roundup. KFOX—Dance Time.

LIS—KET—Blues in Afternoon.

SATURDAY Program Highlights Morning rrograma Appear In Ughtface Type; Afternoon and

Evening Programa In Boldface. Variety

8:15—KC Jamboree, KFI. 8:00—Breakfast Club. KECA. 9:00—"HeUo. Mom," KHJ.

10:00—Grand Central Station, KNX.

6:00—Natinnnl Barn Dance, KIT. 6:00—Tour Hit Parade, KNX, 1:30—Grand Ole Onry. KIT.

10:13—llollywrwd Barn Dance. KNX.


9:00—Theater of Today. KNX. 9:30—Stars Over Hollywood. KNX.

2:00—Grand Hotel. KFI. 8:30—12 Players, KNX. 9:00—This t« My Story. KNX. 0:30—Miracle of Words. KMTR.

10:30—Midnight Mysteries, KMPC

Quiz Programs 7:00—QuU nf Two Cities. KHJ.

War 3:00—Welcrme IJ.mjc, KNX. ?;00—1 Sustain Wings, GEI. *:30—In Peace and War, .CNX.

Outstanding Music 4:00—Musical Mnstcrplecea,

KFAC. 5:30—Boston Pods Orch.,. KECA. 5:30—Detroit Symphony. KHJ, 6:00—Musical Digest. KGFJ. 8:00—Evening Concert, KFAC.

10:00—Lucky Lager Dance Time, KFAC.

10:00—Eastfiide Cluh, KFWB.

Public Affairs 12:43—Ten from Tokvo. KNX. 1;J3—Book of the Mnnth, KGER.

3:15—People's Platform. KNX. 4:0o—tlnr Foreign Policy. KIT. 8:00—Words, Verse, KGFJ. 9:00—American Way Forum,


Sports—Comment 10:00—Met Scratch Sheet,

KWKW. 10:0o—Racing. KGFJ. KRKD. 1:00—Massachusetts Handicap,

KFI. 2:00—Sports Parade, KBJ. 5:00—Sports, KNX. 3:00—Sports. KFI. 5;|5_Belle Martelt. KMTR, fi:45—Rare Brsuhs. KGFJ, 6:311—Del Mar. KMPC. 8:13—Baseball. KMPC.

KHJ—Felix da Cola. KMTR—Music With Appeal. KFAC—Melody Matinee. KWKW—Symposium of Swing. KFVD—Mouds in Music. KGER—Book of the Month.

1:30—KFI. KFSD—Jack Kerr. KNX—Assignment Home. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE—

Music for n Half Hour. KMPC—Crisis in War Time. KMTR—Dick Ross. KGFJ—Intermission. KFVD—Hawaiian Music, ★KPAS—Listeners' Digest. KWRW—Symposlurn of Swing. KFOX—Concert Master. KKKD—Singing Waiters.

1:45—KNX—Racing. KMPC—Jour Traffic Cop. ★KRKD—News. KFVD—Vocnl Varieties. KGEB—Veterans Employment.

2—KFI. KFSD—Grand Hotel. KNX—Wa Drlher the Goods. ★KECA—News. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE—

Sports Parade. ★KMPC—News. Ham James. ★KMTR—News, Piano Style. KFAC—Memory MuSlcale. KGFJ—Town Crier Presents. KRKD—Concert Melodies. KFVD—Timely Tunes. KGER—Long Beach Band. - KFOX—Organ Treasures.

2:15—KECA—Date with the Duke. KMPC—Every Man a King.

2:30—KFI. KFSD—John W. Vandercook. KNX—Tommy Tucker. KH-I—Coke Sesh. KMPC—Dinah Shore. KFWB—Betlcr Speech, KMTR—Sang B«\. KRKD—Baseball Scores. ★KWKW—News, Oil Brother! KGR. KFXM—Louis Prima's

Orch. ★KVOE—News, Newgplx Melodies. ★KGER—News, Music.

2:43—KIT—Tin Pan Alley. KMPC—Milt Herth Trio. ★ KFVD—News. KFSD—Songs by Zorova.

—KFI—Saturday Session. KNX—Welcome llour, KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE—

Hails of Moatcrums. KECA—Music Room. ★KMPC—News, Jimmy Dorsey.

KFWB—"Ezra." ■ ★KMTR—News, Dial and Win. KFAC—Famous Musical

FuvorltcB. ★KPAS—News. KRKD—Matinee Melodies. KFOX—Varieties. KGFJ—jack Jot. KFVD—Popular Favorite*., ★KFSD KGER—News.

3:1.V—KH—Rhapsody of the Rockies.

•KNX—People's Platform. KFWB—Vocal Varieties. KPAS—Juke Box Matinee. KFOX—Hawaii Cafis.

3:3ft—KFI. KFSD—Unseen Enemy. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE—

Hawaii Colls. KECA—Canary Pet Shop. KMPC—Dick rfoyracs.

★KRKD—News. ★KWKW—Off the Press. KGER—Life's Highway. KFOX—llollywnaii Salon.

3:45—KFI. KFSD—Art of Living. KNX—The World Today. KECA—tTO Labor Show. KMPC—Sunny Days. KFWB—Varieties. KFVD—Rhiimha Music. KWKW—Swing Session. 3:55JtKNX—Bnh Trout.

4—KFI. KFSD—Our Forelga Policy.

KNX—Afternoon Dance. KHJ. KGB, KFXM. KVOE— Music for Remembrance.


Gems of Melody 4-5 P. M.. KFAC-1330

Ask for free program at Slavick Jewelry Co,

KFAC—Mu*lent Masterpieces. KECA—Jobs After Victory.

Page 23: v.' L>f < * · 2019. 7. 17. · a contestant lets slip a line that car- ries double entendre and Miss Fran- cis has to think fast to cover up . . . like the lad who was asked

RADIO LIFE page 23 SATURDAY LOGS -fc-KMIT—News, Charlie SplvaU.

KFWB—Gospel and Soag. ■JtKMTR—News. Win Mourn. KGFJ-—Swing Serenade. ' -*KGKH. KFOX—News.

B FVI>—Piano. 4:15—KCCA—Kndio, Amerk-an Way.

*KFVD—>ews. KKKD—ilmlelaml Qnli. KWKW—Theakr Guide,

Melody. KFOX-—Christian Science. 4:30—Kil—Tratfie Tribunal. K XX—The Todds. KECA—I.and of (he Lost. KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KVUB—

Opinion Hcqnested. KM PC—Jo Stafford. KFWB—Blind Artists* Guild. KGFJ—Orchestre du Jour. KRSD—Tones of the nay. KFVD—Tea Time Times. *KXVTtXV—News, Piano Moods.

*KFSD—Person to Parson. 4:4!t—KFI—Keserve.

HXX—Onn Munson. KFWB—Stuart tlamblen.

*KRKI>—News, 5—KF1, EFS1>—Rube Sam-

(nelsun. KXX—The I^nd Is Bright.

*K£CA. KGB. KVOE, KGEK— News, *KFIJ—News.

■*KMPC—News, American Music.

*KMTR—Xewg, Sunset Rhythms KKKD—Hongs of the Saddle. KFAC—Musical Comedy. KFXU—Evening Serenade. KGFJ—Jive at Five. KWKW—Speaking of Sports. KFXM—Word of Life. KFOX—Sunshine Pastor.

S !l5*KFl, KFSU—»ws. KHJ, KGB. KFXM. KXOE—

Canary Pet Shop. KECA—Freddie Martin's Orch. KMPC—San Fernando News. KMTR—Belle Murtell. Sports. KFAC, KFVD—News. KWKW'—Todays* Hdn.

3:30—KFI Sophisticated Swing. ■jpKXX—Nelson Prlgle. KECA—Boston Pops Urch. KHJ. KGB, KVOE—

Detroit Symphony. KMPC—Louisa Vallun. KMTR—Irwln Allen. KGFJ—Race Recap. KKKD—Race KesoUs, KWKW—Unity, KGER—Sister Despalae, KFOX—On the Band Wagon. KFVD—90-90 Club.

5!45*Kn, KFSD—Elmer Peterson. -*KXX—Truman Bradley, News.

KMPC—Bishop Stereni. KMTR—Treasury Salute. KGFJ—Show Time. KRKD—Hollywood Tunesmltbs KPAS—Blng Crosby. KWKW—Jazi Concert. KFtlX—Bal Trtberin. KGER—Light for Today.

6:35-»KXX—Ned fglmer.

e—KFI, KFSD—National Bam Dunce.

KNX—Hit Pnrade. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE— Elman's Auction Gallery.

*KMPC—News. ♦KFWB, KGER, KFOX—News. ♦KMTR—News, Petite Mnsicale.

KFAC—Music for Everyone. KKKD—Early Dancetfe. KGFJ—Musical Digest "til 8

p. m. KPAS—Sunset Hour, C :15—KM PC—Pblllpp! ue Chamber

of Coirimerce. ♦KFWlt—Henry Cliarlea. KKKD—South Sea Serenade. ♦KFVD—News.

0:30—KFI, KFSD—Can Vou Top This?

K EC A—Flight to the Pacific. KHJ. KFXM. KVOE—Un-

scheduled. KMPC—Del Mar Races, KFWB—American Dances. KFVD—Vaudeyilie. KPAS—Sweet Chariot Hour. KFOX—Hal's Memory Room.

6:45—KNX—Saturday Night Serenade. KECA—American Sports.

KKKD—Hollywood Tune- amUhs.

0:55—KECA—Coronet Quick Quiz. 7—KFI, KFSD—1 Sustain Wings.

KECA—Hoosler Hop. KHJ—Quiz of Two Cities.

♦KMPC—News, Arnerlcan l.eglun. ♦KMTR—News. Organ Reveries.

KFAC—Dr. James Flfield, Jr. KPAS—Namrene Church. KWKW—Mission Convenaat

Church. ♦KRKD, KVOE—News, KFXM—Trading Post. KFOX—Leroy Anderson. ♦KGER—News, O. L. O'Brien,

?:15—KNX—Assignment Home. KMTR—W. B. Record. KRKD—nirce-Quarter Time. 7:30—KFI. KFSD—Grand Die Opry. KECA—Saturday Senior Swing. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE—

Red Ryder. KMPC—Challenge to Youth. ♦ KFWB—News. KMTR—Dr. Clem Da vies. KFAC—Dr. F. B. Faeerbarg, KRKD—Do You Know? KPAS—Church of Cod. KWKW—Dr. Clem Duvles. KGER—Wings of Healing.

7:43—KNX—The Story Teller. ♦KFWB—Henry Charles, ♦ KFAC—News, 8—KFI, KFSD—Everybody's

Favorite, KNX—America In Air. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE—

Chicago Theater of Air. KFX'A—Symposium of Swoon. ♦ KMPC—News, Frank

Hemingway. KFWB—Amerlenn Sketches.

♦KMTR—News, Porter Barrlngton.

KF'AC—Evening Concert. KGFJ—Of Words and Verse, KPAS—Taylor Music. ♦KGER—News, Sister Sylvia.

8:15—KMPC—Baseball, KFWB—Story of Israel. KGFJ—Serenade for Yoo.

8:30—KFI, KFSD—The Younger Generation.

KNX—Twelve Players. KECA—Chez Paree Orch. KM PC—Life Speaks. ♦ KFWB—News,

•KMTR—Word of Life, KGFJ—Dancing Rhythm, KFOX—County Barn Dance. KPAS—Texas Jim Lewis. KGER—Sunshine Pastor,

8 ;45—KFWB—Henry Field. ♦KECA—News. 8:S5^KNX-News.

—KFI—American Way Forum. KNX—This Is My Story.

LU KECA—Radio, American Way. ★ KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE—

News. , ♦KMPC—News, Dance Parade.

KFWB—Victory Service Clnb. ♦KMTR—News, Concert Master. KGFJ—Salndos Amlgos, KPAS—Muslo Box. KFOX—Rev. C. T. James. ♦KGER—News, Locy West.

9:15^KHJ—Normna Nesbltt. 9:30—KNX—That's a Good Idea. KECA—Casa Mauaau Orch.

KHJ—Eddie Oliver's Orch. ♦KFWB—Henry Charles, KMTR—.Miracle of Words. KPAS—County Barn Dance. KGER—Voice of Calvary.

8:45—KFI—This Is My Country. KNX—Don't You Believe It. KHJ—Songs of Good Cheer. ♦KFWB—David Karr. KFXM—Mn-dc for Night. KFSD—Of Legal Aid.

♦KFI, KFSD—News. ♦KNX—Chet Uunlley. KHJ, KFXM—Wings Over

the Nation. KFAC—Lucky Lager Dance

Time. KECA—American Showcase. ♦KMPC—News, Dance Parade. KFW B—Eastslde Clnb. ♦KMTR—News, Texas Jim



KFOX—County Barn Dance. ★KFVD—Newslcsl, 3 Honrs. KGFJ—Western Music.

10:15—KFI—Cited for Valor. KECA—Case Maoana Orch. KNX—Hollywood Burn Dance.

10:30^KFI—From London. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE—

Joe Keichmao. Orch. KECA—Freddy Martin's Orch-

LUfen Every Sal. Site to Fredetick H, Speare's


KMPC — 10:30 P. M.

KMPC—Frederick" H. Speare, Midnight Mysteries.

KMTR—Bob Brooks, ★KFVD—Newsicol. KPAS—Pasadena Civic. KGEK—Rev. Larson.

lD:45*Kn—News. ★ KNX—Public Affairs.

KHJ. KVOE—Chet Stewart's Orch.

KMTR—Denny Beckner's - Orch.

if if —KFI—Joe Kelclunan Orch. A A ★KNX—Jim Wyatt.

KHJ, KGB, KVOE—Chuy Penslta's Orch. .

KECA—JUS Jamboree. ★KMPC—News, Jud Conlon.


Club 10 to 12 P. M. (••ry Nlf» licvpl SuiSoy

KFWB AiMi-kv'v Pluvrt KFWB—Eastslde Clnb. ★KMTR—News, Win Morro. KGFJ—Tintypes. KFAC—Lncky Lager Danes

Time. KPAS—Sbcpp's Playhous.

11:13—KFI—Treasury Salute. KNX—Les Brown. KGEJ—Blue of Evening. <

11 ;30—KFI—Lawrence Wdk. Orch, KNX—George Auld. KECA—llarcraftera. Roth

Orch. KHJ, KGB, KVOE—Benny. Carter's Orch. KMPC—Howard HlU Orch, ♦KFVD—Newskul, 'til 1 a.m.

11:35—KFI, KFSD—Ray Herheck. 11 •Ma-KV-T. K^V- '' vvvtt—

Jazz Classics on KWKW Fans of jazz music will want to

hear KWKW's new show "Jazz Con- cert'' which features seldom-heard-on. the-aix jazz numbers. Many record col- Lectors take their disks to the station to be played during the program, thus sharing these out-of•circulation favor- ites with-other fans. The show is aired Saturday nights from 5:43 to 7:00.

★ ★ Congratulations

Penny Singleton and Arthur Lake, stars of the CBS "Blondie" series, re- cently chalked up their sixth consecu- tive year as Blondie and Da^wood.

★ ★ Letters from Home

Ted Malone, whose human-interest program is heard weekday mornings over the American Network, has made some interesting computations regard- ing overseas mail. He says that Americans at home and absoad have posted about four billion letters to be sent overseas, enough to reach fifteen

and a half times around the world. P. S. The postscripts alone would reach half-way to the moon.

' ★ ★ Canine Connoisseur

Gil Martyn, ABC newscaster' whoS? show Is sponsored by Gro-Pup Dog Food and who frequently relates ca- nine tales on his popular morning news program, knows whereof he speaks when he does so. Martyn has written many articles on the care and feeding of dogs, and once owned the world's champion high-jumping dog.

"Dogs," grins Gil, "are my hobby!" ★ ★

Good Will Ambassador Vance Graham, news supervisor at

KMPC, has served as master-of-cere- mohies for Pan-American night in the Hollywood Bowl, and also at the Pan- American ball held by the Los Ange- les Latin-American Consular Associa- tion. In 1943, Graham was sent on an organizing mission by the'U. S. Junior Chamber of Commerce through several Latin-American countries.

Love is Blind? The American Network's "Blind

Date" airshow, femceed by Arlene Francis, doesn't stop with just a date. During the show's year, and a half on the air, "Blind Date" has chalked up eighteen engagements and four mar- riages as a direct result of dates ar- ranged between glamor girls and servicemen.

-k k: Greeks Like Parky

Greeks are the most avid fans of Parkyakarkus, whose Greek dialect pervades NBC's "Meet Me at Parky's." They like him because he has never ridiculed them, and many think he Is a Greek himself.

k k Team Work

The team of Newscaster Jim Doyle, Announcer Wally Ramsey and Writer Bud Rutherford who write and air^the daily Standard of California newscasts over Mutual, has been working to- gether for ten years on many of the network's top shows.

Page 24: v.' L>f < * · 2019. 7. 17. · a contestant lets slip a line that car- ries double entendre and Miss Fran- cis has to think fast to cover up . . . like the lad who was asked


AXPHASETICiU. PROGRAM FINDER Sole; Provramx warked with

^•A.B.C, World CorrrbiuinilrnlH.. .... , ——KICCA, (1:43 n.iu. M-l Altlxiii .Vjittrn- kll.J. :{::«! |,.m. kii

Advitul iirrs <•( Kill I .a nee ..KVV, li :(Hi, Mi AdventurrN of Tom MK . Kll.J, fl;:* M-l- Adventiirrn of Tuimer KKI. n p.m. Til A'lM-DIuri'M of the Thin Man KNX, Odlo I Allieri Hoar — KH. a.m. M-t Album of k'aniilijtr Music.. KJ1. «:34i p.m. Sn Alilricli Family KN\, U p.m. F Allen. Irwln KMTU. Srilll n.iu. M-Sa AniBrien in Hie Air. KN.\, 8 p.m. Sa AmerUa I!niled „_ ... KFI, n p.m. Sn Amrrk-nn to ruin KHJ, tl;3« p.m. Tu Amcricon Melody Hour ..K>X, J::!» p.m. Tu Ainirlcnii .Sports Kuundnp

. ,KKCA. i!:13 p.m. M-Sa American Story Book ... KMTIi, a.m. Ha American Sports Konndnp KtCA, li:to, .11-I-' *-Aiiarrsrn. Kol»..._._ KNX, Ttoii a.m. M-l- Art Baker KM IT, »;io M-l'

— —— -—_— KN X, 5 :;{o p.m. Sn ★Art Baker. Ne>v» _Kn, 10:15 a.m. M-F Art Baker's Notebook... KM, 1:30 p.m. M-F Al-illafroute. .Ju<-k.„. „.KIX A, p.m. M-F Army Hoar — KFI. 1 p.m. Su Assignment Hume— KNX. 7:15 p.m. Sa Aunt Jeruir__.„ KNX. 8:13 a.m. M-F •Aunt Mary KFI. :!:4.1 p.m. M-F Ave Maria lloiir.._ KC.FJ. 3 p.m. Su A Wuman's Fife...' KNX. 17:30 p.m. M-F Hli-niiiigtiam Uet leiv.. KWKVV. H:35 p.m. F Buvlielor's Cllit(lieii._„.„KN X. 17:13 p.m. .M-F Back-alage Wife™ ... ..KFI, I p.m. M-F Baker, tieue KNX, 1:45 p.m. .M-F ★ Batter. Saiii._ KECA. lii:3o p.m. M-F Kandn-agou Mysteries KFI, 4:3(1 p.m. Su Baptist Brothers Kl'AS. 8;,'HI a.Di. T, Til Barn Bance.™ ... KFI, b p.m. Sa Baseball KMl'C, 8;15 p.m. T-F

1:30 p.m. Su ; i :3u j.b Sa —KM KVV, 11 a.m. M-Sa

Baseball .SeoreB Klrltli, 2:3-1 p.m. M-F ★ BttnkliHge Tslkin; Renortt, Cullstancv. •Better Uuif. Belt

...KECA, 11 a.m. .M-F KFC'A, 12:15 p.m. M-F - KHJ, 4 Su Speeek,...KIAVB. Ill :45 a.m.. 2:3n p.m. Sn

Heuluh (MarlIn Hurt) KNX. 6 p.m. M Bible Treasury tlonr. KMTIt, 3i3o p.m.Su; 9:30 a.m. M-F — K11FK. 11:45 a.m. M-F •Big sister kxx, oils p.m. M-F

Big Town— KNX, a p.m. Tu Bigsby, Evelyn KECA, 0:15 p.m. Su Bill Kay Beads the Bible KHJ. 1:15 p.m. M-F Bishop Stevens. KM IT, 5:43 p.m. S» ★ Btuklstnn, T.B— WtiXVZ. 8:3(1 p.m. F Blind Date KECA, 9 pan. M Blind Artists Guild... KFWB. 4:30 p.m. Sn Itlotnlie KNX. 8:30 p.m. Su Blue. Jacket (.'lioir JKNX, «,0"i a.m. Su Book of the Month., KGER, 1:1ft p.m. Sa Books.. KVDK, J7:45 p.m. Tu Barge, Victor ; «.KFl, 0:30 p.m. Tu Boston Bluckle KII.I. 9:3(1 p.m. Su botilai Fops Urch. KECA, 5:3o p.m. Sn •Boulevard Quiz ,K311T, 11:30 a.m. M-F Bowlers Sports Cast KFAC, 5 p.m. Su Bowron, Fie truer. KFI, 1(1:15 p.m. Til ,KSIPC. «:45 p.m. Su

Boxing KHJ, 8 p.m. F ★Bradley, Truman „.KNX, 2:30 p.m. M-Tb

— ; 5:13 p.m. M-F Breakfast Club KFWB, 8 a.m. W Ureaeimtn'» Urea k fast ... „.KECA. 9:3U nan. M-Sa

Bridge Club.. KM PC, 12:3(1 p.m. M-F Bridge to Oresunlaiid. .„.Kl-ICA, 11:3(1 p.m. Su ★ Broadway News KHJ, 17 N, M-F; 5 p.m. M-F ★ Brown. Cecil __KHJ, 9:15 p.m. .11, W, F llrownRtono Theater ....KIIJ, 7 p.m. Sn Jlrore-Massey Electric KECA, I s3(l p.m. Su Builders of Victory KNX. 12:15 p.m. Sa Bulldog I trimuuond KHJ, UX-US, 8 p.m. Tb Burke, Billle. KFI, 8:30 p.m. W —KNX, 8:30 a.m. S»

•Calllne All Zones-* KG F.I. is p.m, M-F ★ Calmer, Ned KNX, 5:35 p.m. Su. Sa Canary Fct Shop.™. KIIJ, 3:13 p.m. Sa

—— KECA. Care of the Body.

9:45 a.m, Sn.- 3:30 p.m. Sa KMTK. 10:15 a.m. M. W.F.

p.m. p.m. p.m.


Su Sit Su Su

Cariiiicbuel, liongy KFI. ft p.m Carnation Hour. KFI, 7 p.m. Carnegie. Dale KII.I, 11:43 a.m. Carter, Sick

Kill. KGB, KFXM, KVGE. 2:30 Calliolfu Answers... KFM'B, 7:4.3 Catholic Hnnr KFI, 3 Clialleiige to Vontb KM IT, 7:30 p.m. Sa

•— KFAS. 2:3(1 Su KFI, 1:311 a.m. Su

Cliao, ChurHe..Ki:CA, 10:13 M. Ta, TU, F Chapel Umirtef K Fl. 10:1ft Su Cldiago Konnittnlde —* KIT. 9 a.m. Su Chicago Theater KIIJ. KGB. KFXM. 8 p.m. Sa Children's Bible Hour ...KFOX, 8:30 a.m. Sa (*) are of the contest, q /m/icufej proprunif of news ajid coiniiirnfufkm. fthrUtlan Srlrnrr .. .. KFAC, 8:30 p.m. Su KF'dX. 8 n.m. Int. 3il, ftlh Su: — KFOX. 4tU p.m. Sa ★ ChnrieH, llniry— 9:15 p.m. M-F 1(1:30 n.m. Su

Cliurclt of the Air.. ..KNX. 7 a.m.. |fl a.m. Su Cliiirrhmint Vlewa...—..—KMl'C, 5:45 p.m. Sit f' I.abor Slmw KNX. 3:15 p.m. Sn Cilizens' ConiriWller KWKW, 4:3(1 p.m. M-l Citl/enN* Forum KNX, 9:30 n.m. TU Civorii tlriiup Coffee Club ColKna (hilling Commotider Send Coo fen I i-d Iluur...

KFDX, 2:15 p.m. Sn KNX. 5:30 a.m. M-F

. KFI, 10:15 a.m. Su

...KHJ. 10:15 n.m. Su KFI, 7 p.m. M

•Cor red ion rinuxe KFI. 8:30 p.m. F Corlien Archer— —..KNX, B;30 p.m. Tli Convin. Norman - _„KNX, f! p.m. Tu Coronet Story Teller —KECA, 6:55 p.m. M-F' Country of H o! I ywooil —.— ^ KFAC, 8 n.m. Tu-Su

Country Fair. . KECA. 7:30 p.m, Tu County .Medical \tsa ..KFAC, 10:15 a.m. Sa Count of Monte Cristn ——KIIJ, 8 p.ra, Tu Cowl, Jane — —KHJ, 11:15 a,m. M-F Doctor —KNX, 8 p.m, Su Crime, My I'ustltnr KIIJ, 1 p.m. Su Crime Pliotoitrupher KNX. G p.m. W ★ Ciinninghiini, Bill -.—.KHJ. HclUI a.m. Su Dunce Time finicky l-agen - —

—... KFAC. 1(1 p.m. M-Sa; 10:30 p.m. Su Dance Tonlte (Easfslde Beer) - KFWB. 10 p.m. M-Sa

Dark Venlure — „ KECA, 9 p.m. W Hurl a for Doasb KECA. I p.m. Su Date With Jndy KFI, 5:30 p.m. Tu David Hnrum —KFI, 8:13 a.m. M-F Daiies, Dr. Clem ..— KMTU. 7:30 p.m. M-Sa

— KWKW, 7:30 p.m. M-F — KFWB, 6 a.m. M-Sa

Death Valley Sheriff KECA, 6:30 p.m. F •Delect and Colled —KNX, B:3o a.m. W Detroit Symphony. KIIJ. 5:30 p.m, Sa Dbk Tracy KECA, 5:13 p.m. M-F Dinner Dance..,— KMl'C. 7:(lft p.m. M-F Don't You Believe lit——.KNX, 9:45 p.m. S* Horsey A Co—. _.KFf. 5:311 Su •Double or N'olhing...—...KH.I, 6:36 p.m. Su Downey, Morton .... ... KHJ. 9:15 a.m. M-F Doivnes, (IH» .KNX, 11:55 a.m. Su Dr. ( hrlsllan— KNX. 8:30 p.m. W Dr. A. It. Mkbelson— KMTIt, 9 p.m. M-Sa ... , KFuV. Hi;l3 p.m. M-F

•Dr. I. <1. KFI, 7:30 p.n». M fir. Stewart Macl.ennnn, KFWB. 4:1ft p.m. S" Dnnaincer. MentHiist KFT. 7 p.m. F' Eddy. Nelson 1:3(1 p.m. Su Editor of the Air KFVD, 12 N, M-F Ellery Hneen , , KN v, 9:30 p.m. IV Elsa Mux well KIIJ. 3:45 p.m. M-F Elernat Eight ...KFI, 8 p.m. So Ftliel and Albert KECA, 11:13 a.m. M-F Evening Concert —KFAC. 8 p.m. M-Sa Everybody'* Favorite— — KFl, 8 p.m. Sn Everything for the«llnyo—. KFI. 9 p.m. Tu ★ Eyeivilness News.—KFI, 7:45 p.m. Til Funiily Circle. Family Hour., Famous Jury Trie Fu nn Be pu rte r— Fashion I'ornm

11* JKl'VVB, 7:3(1 a.m. Su —KNX. 2 p.m, Su KECA. « p.m. F —..KIT. 12 N, M-Sa

KHJ, 1:1ft Th Father Hrow-n—— KHJ, ! p.m. Su Feature Story——KNX, 1:30 p.m. M-P ★Fldler, Jimmy KECA. 6:45 p.m. So. * — 9:30 p.m. M

Fifleld, J. \V. KFAC, 7 p.m. Sa First Fine — JKNX, 7 p.m. TTi Fi*lier. George —KECA 10 p.m. M-F Flfih Bn ml wagon..— KFT, 4:30 p.m. Su ★ Flntuu, K. Eouis.. KMTK, 5:45 p.m. M-F Ford Sbovv,_ , KFl. 11 Su Foreman ITiillip*' Conory Barn Unnce... . KFOX, 9 p.m. Su: 8:30 p.ra. Su Kl'AS, »:3» p.m. Sa

★Flatter. Cedric. —KIIJ. A:30 .Sn ..—.KHJ, DEBS, It a.m. M-F

Frank and Ernent KMTK. 11:45 a.m. Su ★Frnzlep Hunt — ..KII.I, 8:15 a.m. M-F Fred Waring KIT, 8 a.m. M-F Fresh I'D Time .....KIIJ, 8:30 p.m. W Fnml Cage Furreil ..KFI. 2:45 p.m. M-F Knnniea , .... ,, . —..KFWB, 8 a.m. Sll Funny Caper Eand. KFAC, 7:30 a.m. Su ★Gaelli, Arthur KHJ, 8 a.m. .M-F Garden IllntH K.MPC, 11:43 a.m. M-F Gay Mr*. Feutlierstone KFI, 8:30 p.m. W General Electric ilouae I'urly. KNX, 1 p.m. M-F Gilbert & Sullivan KFAC. 9:80 a.m. Su (J.l. Inffs KNX. 7:30 p.m. W Glniuor Manor — „—.KK("A, 9 M-F Golden Hour™.. KMl'C, 7:0-3 p.m. Su Grand Centml Stutiou „KNX. 10 n.m. Su Grand Hotel — KFI, 2 p.m. Sa Gruad tile Opry KFI, 7:30 p.m. Sa Great Moments in Music — KS'\. 7, W Green Hornet . KECA, 7:30 p.m. F Greenwood, Charlotte— KECA, 2:3o p.m. Su

KNX, 3:33 p.m. M-F .—.KIT, :l;30 p.m. Su

..Kl'AS, «:;«( a.m. Su

ait, or offer type. Gulldinu Eight — KM. 11 a.m. M-F Hal'* Memory Boom KFOX. fis30 p.m. M-Su Itamhleii, Stuart ..——.KFWB, 4:13 p.m. D

-KFVD, 7:43 a.m. M-F '★Hurdy. Glenn- — - -...KHJ, (iGll.

——KFXM. KVOE. 10 n.m: » p.m. D llnpiiy Huuira — KHJ, 3:13 p.m. M-F Happy Moments KECA. :i;:io St ★ ilnrsi'li, Joseph — Mil nsi ting Hour Havens, Dev. A. V ... I El i en of Best Kl'AS. 8:30 n.m. M, IV, F

KFOX. KUKD. 8 n.m. Tu, Th, Sa Hawaii Calls KHJ. DEBS. 3:30 p.m. Sn •Hawk, Ouh KNX. 7:30 p.m. M ■ iitwtlioriie 11 on so KECA. 8:30 p.m. M Ha*. Bill. KHJ. 1:15 p.m. M-F ★Huyes. Sam, KIT, 7:45 a.m. M-Sa, 9 p.m. So KHJ, 5 p.m. M-F ★Ileutherlngloti, Kcilh WCXVZ, 8:30 F

★ Heatter Gubriel KHJ, DEBS, (j p.m. W-F , ... , J5:4ft p.m. Su

Hello. Mom — KHJ. 9 a.m.- Sa ★ Hemingway, Frn nk.-,. - - KMl'C. 12 N, and 8 Sn-Sa I KHJ. 7 a.m. M-F

★ Henry. Bill— KNX, 3:35 p.m, M-F Hercule I'oirot ——.KIIJ, 8:30 p.m. Tb llighlights of Bible— ...KFI. 1 Su ★ Hill, EdivId C. _KNX, 9:3(1 p.m. To

•Hit I'arnde KNX, 9 p.m. Sa Hobby Hour* —. KECA, 9:43 p.m. M, W. F llnllywoiMl Barn Dance ..KNX, 10:15 p.m. Sa Holly wood Fan Maeazbie — —KFI. 10:13 n.m. If. To. W. F. Sn

Hollywood Melodies —KMl'C, 9:13 n.m. M-F Hollywood Mystery Time—KECA. «;2(l p.m. Su Hotlyivuod Spollight— KECA. 10 p.m. M-F Hollywood Open House—_——— — KNv, ni;3(i M

Hollywood Freview— -KNX. 7:30 p.m. Tu llullyivood Bad in Eife KECA, 0:13 p.m. Su Hollywood Story — KFWB. 8:1(1 a.m. M-F Hollywood Thealer KFI, 9:30 p.m. VV lliane Chat* KMl'C, 10:15 a.m. M-F Home What Yon Make It ...KFT, 12:30 p.m. Sa Hookey Hall.....— ...DEBS, 12:30 p.m. Su Hopper, Medda———KNX. 8:15 p.m. M Hurlon. Fdwurd Everett..—. KIT. (t p.m. Til Hour of Charm - —KFI, 7 p.m. Su Hour of Faith ...KECA, 8:3t» a.m. Su "llouseivlies" I'roteiTlve——KNX, 3 p.m. M-F" House of Seven Gable* —KNX, 12:15 a.m. M-F" Hughe*. John K KFWB. 6:15 p.m. 12 N, M-F Human Adventure — KHJ, 7 p.m.' W ★ Hunt ley, Che*. KNX, 3:5ft p.m. F, Sa 7:45 a.m. Sa in p.m. M-F

Hymns of All Churclies—KT'T, 11:13 n.m. M-Th KECA, 1:13 p.m. M-F

Informed Democracy.- KFVD, 8 p.m. Su Inglcwood I'ark Concert KNX. ft p.m. Su institute for Blind KMPC, 8:15 p.m.-Sit Inlernatlonal Sunday School — - — —KMTK, 8:45 a.m. Sa

In vital Ion to Eenrnlng. —KNX, 8:30 u.iu. So •It I'ay* To Be Ignorant—KNX, 8:30 p.m. F" I Was There.— KNX. 7:30 p.m. Su I SiiHlnin Wing* ...KFI, 7 p.m. Sa Jnme* Ahbe Observe* KECA. 7 i3o u.oi. M-F Jnrvis, At KFWB, II a.m. M-Sa Jergen* Summer ICdltlon KECA, 6 p.m. Su Jobs for G.l.'s — KE('A, 7:30 p.m. W Jobs After Victory——— KECA, 4 p.m. Su Jobnny ITesent* KIT, 8:.'MI Tu JohDNon Family .— KHJ, 12:15 p.m. M-F Johnson, Floyd B. KMTK, 8:05 p.m. Sn, M, W, F"

— - 10:38 a.m. M-F ★Jorgemton. Edward— —KFI, 9 a.m. M-F —,..5 p.ra, Tu, Th KECA, 1:30 Tu. Th

Joyce Jordan. 51.D —KFT, 3:1ft p.m. M-F Just rlain Bill —KFI. 2:30 p.m. M-F ★ Kaileaborn, H. V KIT. 3 p.m. M, W. F - ,.KFSD, 4:45 p.m. M, W, F

Knye, Sammy—-—.KECA, 10:30 a.m. Su ..KHJ, K p.m. TU

Ken Carbon Show..,, ★Kennrdy, John.— KII J, 4:30 p.m. Su ——.KECA, 10 n.m. So, 12 Nm.ll. M-F

KFT-Hollywood Bowl Audi!ion. KFI. 8:30 p.m. JH Kyser's Kollege (I'hil Harris)——.KFI, 7 IV ladles, B« Seated KECA. 12:30 p.m.. M-F Enmplighfero Kl'AS. 2 p.m. .Su Enoe. Have— KNX, 7:35 n.m. M-Sa Enng, Jndy KHJ, 3:43 p.m. Su ★Eang, Witlinm — —1—.KIIJ, 9 a.m. M-F Cungford. Frames — KIT. ft p.m., Su ★Lawtun. Fleet wood KECA. 6:43 a.m. M-Sa,

— KFI. 7:13 a M-Sa and 8:13 p.m. M-F ★ Eiiynmn'N vIpwn of New* KIT, 10 a.m. Su Feme It. Ui Mike KHJ-DEBS, 8 p.m. Su I-eg Ion Fig lit* KMl'C, 10 p.m. I laoit »> Fm-get. KFWB. 3:1ft p.m. Su U>C» I'refend KNX. 11:30 a.m. Sa ★ l-ewin, Fulton, Jr KIIJ. KGB,

KFXM, KVOE, 4 p.m. M-F; 10 p.m. M-F Ellieral Catliolic Hour - KFAC. 9 a.m. Su Elfe Cau Be BeauLllul KNX. 10 a.m. M-F"

Page 25: v.' L>f < * · 2019. 7. 17. · a contestant lets slip a line that car- ries double entendre and Miss Fran- cis has to think fast to cover up . . . like the lad who was asked


■drUstener'# Digest _..KPAS, 1:30 o-Jn. M-Sa UstenloK P05t.„ K£CA, 11:30 a.m. ,Xn-F

Listea Washington HLFWB. 6:30 p.m., ,11:30 p.m. Sn

XJvfng In Hollywood KECA. 10:55 a.m. il-i Lomburdo, Qay KECA, 6 Tn Lone Kitnger KHJ, ™..KGB. KKXM, KVOE, 7:30 p.m. M-K

Lorenzo Jones KFI, 1:30 p.m. M-F Lnekr T^dy KFOX. 12:43 p.m. M-F Lucky Ijjger Uanca Tlrae. KF.AC, lo p.m. D Lum and Aimer. KECA, 8 D.nj, M-Th Luncheon with Lopez KHJ. KGB,

.KF.VM. KVOE. 1U:15 a.m. M-F Lutheran 9:30 a.m. Su Lutheran Gospel Dour— KPAS. 3:30 p.m. S" -A-MaeDonald, Margaret KNX, 10:30 a.m. M-K Main Line , KHJ, 8 p.m. W Malslo ; KNX. 8:30 Tli ★Major Knox Manning™ KNX, 3 p.m.- M-F Make Believe J5allroom„KFAVB. II a.m. M-Sa Ma Ferklas ™-RFI. 12:13 p.m. M-F KNX. 10:15 a.m. M-F

★Malone, Ted.™. ...KECA, 10:15 a.m. M-F Manhattan Merry-Oo-Ruund JKII. fl •p.Hl. Sn Man Cnlied X KFI, 7 p.m. Tn Man Named Jordan KNX. 8 p.m. M-F Mao from G-S__ KFX'A, T p.m. F Market Report KM PC. 8:15 a.m. M-Sa ★ Martyn. Gil . KECA. 10 a.m. M-F

, ■■ - ■ p.m. M-W-F Mary Small Bevue — KECA. 2 p.m. Sn Mason, Ferry —KNX, 11:30 a.m. M-F Master Radio CaoaHes.—.KECA, 0:13 a.m. Sa; .3:30 p.m. Sn

Mayor of the Town_ McNeill's Breakfast Club

—KNX, 7:15 p.m. Sn

Mediation Board.. Meet the MIssun

...KECA, 8 a.m. M-Sa KHJ. DLBS. 5 p.m. Sn —KNX. 2:30 p.m. M-F

Meet Me at Party's KFI, 7:36 p.m. Sn Memory Music. {Ted Bacon! .KHJ. 12:30 p.m. 8u

Men of Vision — —KNX, 4 p.m. Su Met. Scratch Sheet——KWKW. 10 a.m. M-Sa Mensage of Israel ,, KECA 7 a.m. So Michael Shayne KUj. g p.m. M Midnight Slysterle*.. MUd and Mellow— MUani „

—KMPC, 10:30, Su KHJ, 12:30 p.m. M-F

KlIVB, 10 a.m. M-F ★Miller, Rex KHJ, KGB. 9:13 p.m. Su, T. Tli — KHJ. 4:13 p.m. M-F

Mlrandy.— —KECA, 10:30 a.m. So — KIT, 8:30 a.m. M-F

Miracles of Science—KFOX, 6:15 p.m. M, IV. F Miracle of Words „KMTR. 3:30 p.m. Si» •Money on the Line —KNX. 8:30 p.m. M Mother's Allmm ' —KMl'f, 8:15 p.m. Ml Mr. and Mrs. North—— .KFI, 9 p.m. Su Mr. District Attorney KFI, 6:30 p.m. W Mr. Keene KNX. 4:30 p.m. lit Mno son, ona KNX. 4:45 p.m. Sa Murder Is My Hobby. Murder Will Out— Slurray, Johnny. ★Murrow, Edward— Musical Masterpieces— Musical Milestones Musical Digest.

KHJ. 8:30 p.m. Su KECA. 9:3« p.m. Tu

KNX, 8 a.m. , M-F KNX. 10:45 a.m. Su KFAC. 4 p.m. M-F KFI. lu :30 a.m. Su

..-KCtFJ. n p.m. M-Sn „KHJ-DLBS. 0:43 a.m. M-F ■■ TCFI 7 p.m. Tli KFI, B p.m. Tu

Mystery Chef Mystery in Air,_. Mystery Theater- Mysteries of Crooked Siiuure,—

— KlIJ, 11:43 a.m. Su .My True Story- .KECA, 10:30 a.m. M-F •Name That Song..—., 7:30 p.m. Su National Barn Dance. —KFI, « p.m. Sa Navy In Review .KFWB, 8 p.m. Sa NBC Symphony KIT, 3 p.m. Su Nebiett. Johnny....™ Neighbors ★Xesbitt, Norfnan..

-KHJ, 10:43 a.m. M-F KNX. 12 N., M-F

KECA, S p.m. M-F —KFI, 6;3(1 p.m. Th

Plct 4 Pat— Philo Vance _ ★Pierce, Gen. KECa, 4:30 p.m. M-F; 6 p.m

Piigriros Hour. KHJ. 9 a.m. Junlus—— — Su

Su Polly Patterson Popular Profiles Portia Faces Life Potlnck Party

KMPC, 9:15 a.m. M-F JKECA. 10:15 a.m. Sa KFI. 2:15 p.m. M-F —KNX, 4 p.m. M-F

Fotter, Peler. KFWB 9;3« a.m.-IS N. Su KMPC, 3:15 p.m. M-W-F: 9:05 a.m. Sa

Prayer DLBS, 3 p.m. II ★ Prlugle, Nelson. JKNX, 5:30 p.m. M-»« Prophetic Word _KGKH, 6:03 p.m. Su Property Owners™———KMTB. Kid p.m. Tli Queen for Today KH.I, 11:30 u.m. M-F •Quiz Kids... KECA. 8:30 p.m. Su *Quiz of Two CltJes KHJ. 7 p.m. Sa RCA with Tommy Horsey KFI, 8:30 p.m. Su Races.., KGFJ, 10 a.m. to fl p.m. U ,, KFI, i p.m. Sa Race Results KKKD, 5:30 p.m. M-Sa Radio Parade.—. .KECA. 1:15 p-m. M-F Radio Readers' Digest .-KNX. 6 p.m. Su Rainbow Uouse KILL 8:15 a.m. Sa Ranchu Roundup —KECA. 9 p.m. P Readers & Writers KWKW. 6:30 p.m. W Real Lira Stories KHJ, 8:13 p.m. 1I-F Record Room KMPC. 2:03 p.m. M-F Red Ryder— KHJ, 7:30 p.m. Tu, Sa Kemenibec Hour . KECA, 11:30 a.m. Su ★ Reports from the Bat Uef root—— _—-

KFI. 3:43 p.m. Su Report From Wusiiingtun —KNX. 1 p.m. Sa ★ Reuters' News Dispatches. KFWB. 8 p.m. M-F Rev. K. 0. Egertson ™KMTR. 8:13 n.ui. Su Rennlod, U.S.A KECA, 7:30 p.m. M Keviewins Stand DLBS, 12:30 p.m. Su Reynolds. Quentin . . ■ KWr g p.m. Su ★Richfield Beporler,— KFL, 10 p.m, Su-F Right to Happiness—KFI, 12:45 p.m. M-F Rise 4 Shine-——.... ——KHJ, 8 a.m. M-t Rise Stevens Show KFI. 6:30 p.m. M Road of Life " KFI. 3 p.m. M-F ★Roger. Sidney KPAS. 5:15 p.m. M-F Rogue's Gallery - KFI. 4:30 p.m. Su Romance- — —KNX, 8:30 p.m. Tu Kuniante of Helen Trent.—KNX, 9:30 a.m. M-4 Romance of Highways..— ——KHJ,

... KGB, KEXM. KVOE. 10iI3 a.m. Su Romanes of (he KanchoS—KNX, 9:30 p.m. Su Kim i a nee. Rhythm, Itipley—KNX, 7:30 p.m, TU Romberg. Slgmund KFI. 7:3(1 p.m. Tu Rosemary KXV. 11:13 a.m. M-F Halt Lake Tnhernucle- -.KNX, 0 a.m. Su .Salute to Services—— KMTK, 3:15 P.m. M-F Haludos Anijgos— -KGFJ. 9 p.m. M-F Saltation Army KFWB. 9:15 a.m. Ha Saturday Night Serenade...—KNX. 8:43 p.m. Ha Saturday Evening Farty—KECA, 3:30 p.m. Su Say It With Mu*lc. KGFJ. 12 N.. Su Science of Mind .KFWB, 10:43 a.m. M-F Screen Guild Flayers.————KNX, 7 p.m. M Scully. Frances KECA. 3:30 p.m. M-F Service to the Front —KNX, 7 p.m. Tu Hewing School— .... KHJ. 19:30 a.m. W KMFC, 1:43-p.m. Tu ★Sheldon Shepard. — KFAC, 1 p.m •jltSTib'er, WUHnm.., silver Thrater... Sliums, Glnnj— Suspense— Hmllin' Ed McConnell.. Smile Time Smith. Kate,.— — ★smith, Larry

.KNX, 2:45 KNX, 3 KFI, 8:30 KNX, 9 KFI, 8:30

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. u.m.

Tli Hit sn Tu Th Sa

.....—KMFC, 6 p.m. M-F Song For Vou ....

.KHJ, 7:15 a.m. M-F KNX. 9 a.m. M-F ..KFI, 9:13 a.m. M-F

So the Story Goea.. KHJ, 10:43 p.m. M-F Soldlera of (he Freaa.—....KECA. 10 p.m. Su Soldiers With Wings—KECA. fl;3U p.m. Sa Sumethhtg New. —KFI. U p.m. M Songs of F&lth... - —..KFAC■ (I M

.2 a.m. M-F: 12:13 p.m. M-F KHJ, DLBS. 9:15 p.m. Sa

New Adventures of Perry Mason.. — ■ ..KNX, 11:30 a.m. M-F

★NewhaU, Scott—.—KPAS, 10:13 a.m. M-F New York Pblllmrmunie ...KNX. 12 N.. Su ★Nrwdcal _KFVD, 111 p.m.-l a.m. Su-Su MchoU, Bah KECA, 1:15 p.m. M-F ★Night New# Wire. KIIJ. 5:45 p.m. M-F •Noah Web«ter Says KFI, 9:30 p.m. Th Now It Can Be Told KHJ. 7 P.m. M. W-F Oboier IMay#.., KHJ. fl:3fl W Olympic Fighta KMTB, 10. p.m. Tu One Man*# Fandly ._™.KFI, 12:30 p.m. Su. One Woman'# Opinion KECA, 7:45 a.m. M One Foot In Heaven KECA. 7 p.m. Tli O'Neill, Danny KNX, 8:03 a.m, Su Open Forum m KVtPC, 9 p.m, Su Our Gal Sunday. Owen#. Tom.

..KMPC. 8:30 a.m. M-F KHJ, 9:43 p.m. Sa

™ KNX. 9:45 u.m. M-F KFI, 6:13 M-F

Pacific Lmberan Uour__KFW'H, 9:30 p.m. Su Pacific stare K»--| J] :]S p.m. Su Pasadena Piavhnuve kpas, 0 p.m. W Pay Day Quiz. ★ Pearson. Dr««™_ -ftPennell, BlU

KMPC, 8:3(1 p.m, M KECA, 4 p.m. Su LZKFWB. 8 a.m. M-F

People Are FWnne . KFI, 6:30 p.m. F Pepper Vuung'# Family KFI, 12:30 p.m, M-F ★ Peter de IJma— KF.CA, 8:13 D.m. Tu. W; fi p.m. Th, F

— K FW. t 9 p.m. M-F ★Peterson, Elroer KFi. p.m. W-Ha Phonocord Family Party—KIT, 8:30 p.m. Th

Songs of Good Cheer™ Hongs of the Nations KECA. 4:3(1 p.m. Su Hpeaking of Sports KWKW, 5 p.m. M-Sa Spearo Showcase.— -..-KMPC. 10:30 p.m. Sit Sports, Belle MartelL.UMTR, 5:15 p.m. M, Th.Sa Sports NewsteeL KIT. 7:30 p.m. F Sporm Parade._ —KHJ. 2 p.m. Sa Sports Review KNX, 10:30 p.m. Tu Sporikmun'a Clnb T — ... KECA, 8:30 p.m. AV Spotlight Bands.^.KHJ, DLBS. 6:30 p.m. 31. W, 1" Htnge Door Caateen. KNX, 7:30 p.m. F Standard Hour.. .. , , KFI, 8:30 p.m. Su Stars Over Hollywood.. KNX, 9:30 a.m. Stt Stars of Future—. KFI, 11 a.m. Su Start Day Singing KMFC. 7:30 a.m. H-Sa St. Brendan's Boys' Cholr—KMTK, 12:05 p.m. Su Sterk .KHJ. 6 p.m, Su Stella Dallas . ..KFI, 1:13 p.m. M-F Story of Israel ..KFWB, 8:13 p.m. Sa Story of the Sea.™ ™.KNX, 0:30 p.m. M ★ Stowe. 1-eland KECA. io:55 a.m., 8;i5 p.m. Su 8:30 p.m. Sa

Stradivari Orchehtra .KNX, 11 a.m. Su Strange A# It Seems —KECA, 0:30 a.m. Su Strange Dr. Weird KFWB. 8:45 p.m. F Stroltln' Tom KFWB, 9 p.m., T-F, 4 p.m. Su KFAC, 8:30 aju. 811

Styles. Ual._ KFWB, 2:30 p.m. M-F Summer Hour—, Sunday Vcsperg.. Sunrlvo Salute Supper Club—v

Sweet Chariot Hour™ Sweetheart Time..

._i.KHJ. 5:15 p.m. M-F

....KFAS, 6:30". p.m. Sn KHJ, 10:30 a.m. Sa

★Swing, Raymond Gram, KECA, 4:13-p.m. M-F Symphony.__._™.™JtHJl KGB, 10:30 p.m. M-F •Take It «r Leave It KNX, 7 p.m. Su Take It Easy™ — KHJ. 8:30 a.m. M-F

KNX. 8:05 a.m., Sa Tapestries of Life -—,, KNX, 9:45 p.m. X Taylor. Mary Lee —.— KNX, 11 a.m. Sa Telephnne Hour.,..,,... — KFI, fl p.m. H Television W6XVZ, 8, 8:30. 9 p.m. W 8. 8 *.30, 9 p.m. F Ten from Tokyo KNX, 12:45 p.m. Sa Tena X Tim KNX. 11:45 a.m. M-F Terry and the Pirates ..KECA, 5 p.m. M-F Texaco Theater KNX. 6:30 p.m. Su •Thanks to the Yanks,™ KNX, 7:30 p.m. M Thut'a a Good ldea.~~ ™KNX, 9:30 p.m. Sa Theater "f the Air KECA, 9:30 p.m, Th Theater of Today KNX. 9 a.m. Sa The Doctor lights,™—.KNX, 6:3o p.m.. Tu The Falcon KHJ 8:30 p.m. Tu The I .and Is Bright, —KNX. 5 p.m. Ha The Saint ,,,, . KNX. 9 p.m. W The Shadow Kill, 9;3<i p.m.' Th The Story Teller KNX. 7:45 p.m. Sa Think Hard Now KUJ. 1 p.m. M-l ★Tills Changing World KHJ, 2 p.m. M-F 1 : 7 p.m. So. ThhTMoving World,.-.KECA, 1:30 p.m. M, W. F This 1# My Country — KFI. 9:43 p.m. Hu This Is My Story — -KNX. 0 p.m. sa This I« the Army Hour KFI, 1 p.m.- Sn Till# Woman's Secret —™4 D.m, M-t Those Webster# KNX. 6:30 p.m. F Three Men on a Mike.™ KFW B. 2:30 p.m. M-t Through a Woman's Eyes,..KNX. 5:15 p.m, M-r Tlllamook Ktt-ctien —i.KKl. 10 a.m. F Time for Crime KHJ, 1(30 p.m. S»l ★Time View# the News KECA, 1 p.m. 31-fc Tin Fan Alley KFI. 2:45 p.m. Sa Today'# Children, KFI. 11:13 a.m. M-F Town Meeting KFCA. 8:30 p.m. TU Trading I'ost-- - KMTR. 12 noon. M-F Transatlantic Cull _„KNX, 9:30 a.m. Sn •Transatlantic tiuig— KECA. 7 p.m. Sn ★Trout, Boh ™,.,KNX. 3:55 p.m. Sn Tunes, Tltlines.—■ KECA, 11 p.m. M-F ★Turner, Major II. 8.— ———■ KFWB. KFOX. 7:43 p.m. M-F

Twelve Flayers KNX. 8:30 p.m. Sa Twilight Talcs.- KMPC, 4s«5 p.m. Tu, Th Two on a Clue —_.....KNX, ll a.m. M-i Union Rescue Mission™- ———— —■ KFWB, 8:30,: M p.m. Su Unseen Enemy..™ KI-T, 3:30 p.m. Sa Universe On Parade-™.- —KFI, 9:311 p.m. Tu Valiant l.udy KNX. 8:15 a.m. M-F ★ Vandercuok, John W..™_—.KIT. 4:13 p.m, Sa Vets Talk It Over- „KFWR. 7 p.m. Sa Victory Flavera —KFAC, 1 p.m. Su Village Store.. KFI, 9:30 p.m. F Voice of Calvary Kl'AH, 10 P.m. Su. Th Volvo of Firestone— K.IT, 5:30 p.m. SI Voice of Health KFAC. 9:15 a.m. Sn-F .Voice of Prophecy KMTK. 9:30 p.m. Su

, , , Spanish version KMTK, 7:30 a.m. Sn — KHJ, KGB, KVOE, 8:30 a.m. Hu

Vox Poo- — KNX, 9:3(1 P.m. M Walkle Talkie,, KECA, 3:13 p.m. M-F Walt* Time -...-.KFI, R p.m.- F Want to Be in Radio?.™...KFWB, 3:30 p.m. Su War Casualty List# KVOE, 8:13 a.m. M-F Waring. Fred —KFI, 8 a.m. M-F WnshlnKlou Insido Out——KECA. 9:45 p.m. Sn KMPC. rt:3ll p.m. Sn Washington Story KECA. 12:3(1 p.m. Su Wayue King — ™JaT, 4 p.m. Su -KNX, fl p.m. F

KFAS, t>:15 p.m. F —KNX. 2 p.m. Sa

Wednesday With Yon —KFI, fl D-m. \V Weird Circle KECA, 8:30 p.m. F Welcome llome —KNX, 3 p.nt. Sa

Wayne, Jerry W. C. T. U We Deliver the Goods..

★ Wells, Carveth— KFI, 10:30 p.m. M-F l—JSFSD. 9 a.m. Su

Welles, Simmer KECA, 7 p.m. Tu Wesley Radio Leagiie KMFC, 8:30 a.m. Su KIIJ, KCR. KVOE. 8 a.m. Su

Western Hit Parade™. KFAS, 10 p.m, M-F Westinshouse Hour— KFI. 11:30 8u What's Doing. l^dleS—.KEOA.' 2 p.m. M-l- What'# Cookln' KKCA, 9 a.m. Sa What'# Up? ——KGIM, 11:43 p.m. M-Sa When A Girl Marries KFI. 2 p.m. M-l Whistler —KNX, 9 p.m. M Whoa BUI Club -KFAC, 5:30 p.m. M-F ★Wilder, Alyin™™. Willlnm#, Al.

KFI, 10 u.m. Su —KHJ 10:15 a.m. Sa KKCA. H p.m. Su KMPC, 7:35 a.m. Su — —KNX. 9 p.m. M-F

★ Winchell. Walter—. Wlugs Over Jordan., Winter, Evelyn. Wolfe. Nero —_— . Woman of America JSl-T, 3:45 p.m. .M-i1 KHJ. 9:30 p.m .Til

..3:15 p.m, M-F; 3:30 p.m. Sn KECA, 3 p.m. Sn KECA. 12:30 p.m. SU

knx. 6:15 a.m. M-Sa KFI, 8:00 p.m. M-F

Woman in White.. Women'# Page — Women's World Words S Verse.. ★ World Today

... KFI, 11:30 M-F KFWB. 4 p.m. M, W. F. —KFAS, IB:3a a.m. M-F KGFJ. 8 p.m. M-Sa KNV, 3:45 P-m. M-Sa

★ Wyatt, Jnm-a , KN'V, H H.m. M-Sd Your Home. Garden——KECA, 5:30 a.m. M Yonp Hit Parade.™—.™™ KNX, 6 p.m. Sa Young, Ainu Young, Or. Malone-

KECA. 8:30 p.m. Tu _KNX, 10:45 a.m. M-F

Page 26: v.' L>f < * · 2019. 7. 17. · a contestant lets slip a line that car- ries double entendre and Miss Fran- cis has to think fast to cover up . . . like the lad who was asked


7nroTTTrTnnr5Tnr?nnnra"8"a'c"B_B s s c s oo'ooo o s ■8"s~8Tf ^ a s'b^b ff bts,

I'm ash & Previews i r O



Sunday, A u g u s t 5 •—"Washington Story," KECA, 12:30 p. m. (30 rain.) Formerly KECA, 11:00 a. m. Sunday.

Sunday, August 5 —"Washington In- side and Out," KMPC, 6:30 p. m. (15 rain.) Formerly KMPC, 8:15 p. ra. Sunday.

Sunday, August 5—"Mother's Album," KMPC, 8:15 p. in. (15 mln.) Former- ly KMPC, 6:15 p. m. Sunday.

Tuesday, August 7 —"The Listening Post," KECA, 11:30 a. m. (30 min.) Tuesday through-Friday. Formerly KECA, 7:45 a. m. Tuesday through Friday.

Thursday, August 9—"One Foot in ■ Heaven," KECA, 7:00 p. m. (30 mln.) Formerly KECA, 7:00 p. m. Sunday,

Saturday, August 11—"Saturday Senior Swing," KECA, .7:30 p. m. (30 mln.) Formerly KECA, 7:00 p. m. Saturday.

Saturday, August II—"Symposium of Swoon," KECA, 8:00 p. ra. (30 min.) Formerly KECA, 7:30 p. m. Saturday.


Drama Friday, August 10 —"Famous Jury

Trials." KECA, 6:00' p. m. (30 min.) Dramatizations of famous trials of the past now available to coast listeners.

A1 a sic Sunday, August 5—"Sunday Evening

Party With Hire's," KECA, 3:30 p. m. (30 min.) Formerly titled "Happy Moments," KECA, 3:30 p. m. Sun- days. '

Monday. August &—Eddie Hey wood's Orchestra, KMPC, 11:30 p. m. (30 min.) Monday, Wednesday, Thurs- day, Friday. Popular recording band.

Tuesday, August 7—Eddie Cletro and Orchestra, KMPC, 11:00 p. m. Tues- day through Saturday. Popular music. .

Wednesday, August 8—Joe Relchman's Orchestra, KHJ, 11:15 p. m. (15 min.) Wednesday and Friday. Also Sat- urday 10:30 p. m. (30 min.)

Saturday, August 11—"Saturday Ses- sion," KFI, 3:00 p. m, (30 min.) Hot jazz on record, including collector's items and- recordings not available to the public. Mel Hunt Is emcee.

Saturday, August 11 — Detroit Sym- phony, KHJ, 5:30 p. m. (1 hour.) Takes the place of "Symphony of the Amexicas."

Public Welfare Saturday, August 11—"Jobs After Vic-

tory," KECA, 4:00 p. m. (15 min.) The industrial business ■ manage- ment side of post-war labor prob- lems.

Women's Programs Tuesday, August 7—The Sewing School

of the Air, KMPC, 1:45 p. m. (30 mln.) Sally Spinner . conducts les- sons and discussions of fashion creation.

Thursday, August 9—Fashion Forum, KMPC, 1:45 p. m. (15 min.) Mary O'Brien forecasts fashion trends and each week profiles a prominent fig- ure in the field of fashion.

Quiz Show Sunday, August S — "Trans • Atlantic

Quiz," KECA, 7:00 p. m. (30 min.) Return to the air of unusual quiz show.

★ News

Sunday, August 5.—Jergen's* Summer Edition, KECA, 6:00 p. m. (30 min,) Commentators Ray Henley from Washington and : Frank Kingdon from New York take over while Wal- ter Winchell vacations.


Fariety Sunday, August 5 — Evelyn Bigsby,

KECA, 9:15 p. m. (15 min.) Louise Erlckson and Dix Davis of "A Date With Judy," will guest.

Friday, August 10—The Ray Bolger


Members of the Radio Life fam- ily will be Interested in the fact that Editor Evelyn may now be heard with an air edition of the magazine. She broadcasts every Sunday night at 9:15-9:30 over the Blue Network and is heard in the Los Angeles area over station KECA. Evelyn gives the latest radio news, a feature on a star or show, and Interv'ews some' well- known radio personality. Confined strictly to radio, her program like the magazine, stresses behind- scenes reporting, appealing to all kilocycle fans. Her guests on Aug- ust 5 are Louise Erickson and Dix Davis.

Show, KNX, 7:00 p. m. (30 min.) Comedienne Cass Daley Is guest.

Saturdoy, August 11 — "Everybody's Favorite," KFI, 8:00 p. m, (30 min.) Steve Cochran will be guest.

M usic. Sunday, August 5—"Sunday Evening

Party With Hire's," KECA, 3:30 p. m. f (30 ,mln.) Milt Herth Trio In guest spot."


S par is Saturday, August 11 — Massachusetts

Handicap, KECA, 2:15 ; p. m. (30 min.). Description of racing classic.

M usic Saturday, August 11 — Roth String

Quartet, KECA, 1:00 p. m. (30 min.) Famous quartet will be heard from the American Composers Congress M u s i c Festival from Colorado Springs in place of the regular Sat- urday symphony.

Radio Salutes It's

Fighting Medics

(Conllnued from Page 6) short-haired musical hours. When conductor Serge Koussevltzky of the. Boston "Pops" (one of his earlier shows) once asked him what he did with the other six days of the week,- Dee wondered how he would explain "Chamber Music Society of Lower Basin Street" to him. < . With the launching of "Hall of Fame," Engelbach established him- self as a definite personality. On this, his first trip to California with the "Doctor Fights" series, he is favor- ably impressed by the state but looks forward to returning to his home In the heart • of Greenwich Village. He achieved another r "luck break" by finding a home for his .wife, dog, and himself within three weeks after his arrival here. He is seriously considering a fall New York stage play to .round out his varied- career. •

Putting to use every bit of knowl- edge gleaned during his staff days, he now isolates his musicians from the dramatic cast, which he, in turn, places close to his perch in the con- trol room. This Is an unusual pro- cedure but provides a feeling of intimacy between the actors and producer.

Although Ertglebach becomes nerv- ous preceding air time, only the technicians in the control room are aware of it. He never fails to go through the ritual of knocking on wood and crossing his fingers. The closing signature on the show Is a title credit acknowledging Dee as producer-director. When this is over he breathes a big sigh of relief and mutters "Nuts to Dee Engel- bach."

Page 27: v.' L>f < * · 2019. 7. 17. · a contestant lets slip a line that car- ries double entendre and Miss Fran- cis has to think fast to cover up . . . like the lad who was asked






% Kdgar Bergen

"SCHOOL!" EXCLAIMS MASTER M«C. You Uvcn't-got a chance. There's one principal, 68 teachers, and 23 substitute teachers, all out to Hunk you. And

when you do aifd you're tossed out, there's the truant ollicer waiting to toss yov right back in again."

t CHARLIE has his way, the vacation situation would re- solve itself very simply. He'd just mark It off at 52 weeks a year, and let it go at that.

I've tried to tell him that there's something. In life be-

sides fun, but I think I've failed. Considerable thought goes into my private talks with Charlie. I work them out beforehand and study them carefully to be sure they make good sense -— are constructive, encourag- ing and inspirational.

But every time he seems either to miss the point entirely, or squirm around the point in such a way that I always seem to end up against a blank wall. It can be very discour- aging.

Truant at Heart The truth of the matter is, Charlie

hates school. He'd rather play tru- ant and spend his time with Skinny Dugan. I remember having a long talk with him about school some month st back.

"School!" he exclaimed by way of giving the matter a sweeping dis- missal. "You haven't got a chance. There's one principal, 68 teachers and 23 substitute teachers, all out to flunk you. And when they do and you're tossed out. there's the truant officer waiting to toss you right back in again."

I tried round-about ways to get him interested. I don't say he'd out- wit me each time the subject would come up. It's just that I was always left with the feeling that I didn't quite get my point across in the way I'd planned it beforehand.

I remember one time expressing pleasure that he liked geography well enough to bring his book home with him pvenfngs.

"I bring it home because I don't like it," he replied a trifle testily.

"Do you have lectures in school, too?" I inquired.

"Three a week," he replied, "not counting the one I get from the prin- cipal."

"Then you're having difficulty?" I asked, trying to be helpful. "What seems to be the main one?"

"Showing up for class is the main •one," he replied,"and finally admit- ted he'd got zero in a test that day. He dismissed this with the remark, "That's nothing."

"Nothing?" I suggested in mild astonishment,

"Yep." he retorted. "Zero's nothing. I learned that much In arithmetic."

All the Same And he actually seemed proud of

himself! His theory seems to be that it doesn't matter whether you're at the head of the class or the foot, as they teach the same thing at both ends.

I've tried other things too, by way of cultural and educational effort. One time when we had a few days off during spring vacation, I took Charlie to Grand Canyon. That too was a disappointment, not the Can- yon, mind you, but Charlie's atti- tude.

"The biggest washout I've ever seen," he said and let it go at that. On the return journey back to Hol- lywood I remarked that we've seen a good many wonderful sights, which would leave a lasting impression.

He agreed. "Now," I said, "can you name

one?" "Yes," he said quickly, looking

alive again, "Helen." "Charlie," I remonstrated, "is that

all you got out of our wonderful trip?" .

"Nope, i got her 'phone number, too." he replied.

"I'm afraid," I said sadly, "you've missed the real purpose of our trip."

"Well," he came back, "you told me to embrace every opportunity.".

I asked him why then, he spent all his time with Helen.

"Bergen," he replied, "you don't know an opportunity when you see one."

Real Problem So you can see what I'm up

against. When we arrived back, hop- ing to stimulate some interest in his going back to school, so that i wouldn't be continually harassed by the visits from the truant officer, I remarked that of all the sights we'd seen none couid be more pleasant than the little red school house.

His reaction wasn't quite what i expected, or perhaps il was what 1 feared. He said nothing. I repeated the remark.

"Personally, I'll take the Brown Derby," he replied.

Of course, I tell myself consolingly, there's one good point in his attitude, one ray of hope and light coming through it all. What he's for he's for with every fibre of his being. And he's for vacations!

Page Tw«nty-»even

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A NOViL UNDERTAKING it that ai»umcd by the group pictured above who have formed the "twelve Playen" orgamza- tion to bring to the microphone weekly a cooperatively-produced radio program of outstanding merit. Nine of the oien

performers are pictured above (Cathy Lewis, Bea Bernaderet and David Ellis are not present). Others in the photo are writer John Michael Hayes (standing at extreme left); producer Ray Buffum (seated, second man from left); and engineer Herman Michels (third from right)

Stitunluu. H :fHt p. m. CHS-KSX

ADIO's supporting per- formers, long-unsung con- tributors of the cream of air entertainment, have

finally been given the opportunity

to bring to the airlanes the full worth of their incomparable talent and years of experience in the ether in- dustry. An idea given birth by Ray Buffum, Jack Moyles and Edmund MacDonald has culminated in the formation of the "Twelve Players."

an organization of a dozen of Hol- lywood radio's top supporting dram- atists who bring to the microphone each week; on a.CBS program (un- sponsored at this writing) scripts of their own selection with casts as- sembled from their own midst by

JACK MOYLES is veteran of ten years

in radio, mostly in San Francisco. Has been heard on "Man Named Jordan,' "Pacific Story," "I Was There" and "The Whistler."

phone wood, done hea rd "Cava Smith

IDMOND MacDONALD has been at the micro- {or eight years in Holly- two in New York, has also movie work. Dialers have him on "Murder Will Out, Icade of America," the Kate show and "March of Time.

MARY JANE CROFT has been on the airlanes eight

years. Was played "Ida" on the Ed- die Cantor show, "Harriet Wood- ley" on "Blondie," a variety of parts on "Oitie and Harriet,' Jack Benny, and "Silver Theater,' title role on "Sandra Martin."

JAY NOVELL© has been in radio for a

decade; appearing on "Lux T h e a t e r," "Cavalcade," "Screen Guild," "Suspense, "The Whistler." "Mayor oj the Town,""SilverTheater," "Stars Over Hollywood.'

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HOWARD McNEAR re- ^ cordt eight ye^rt. two of

them in the Bay City; made debut on the stage when very young. Wat "Profettor" on "Bill Lance," and with "Mayoi of the Town," "Orion Wellet' Almanac," flillie Burke show. Bob Burns.

JOHN LAKE, in radio for the past twelve years, has

been heard on "Lux Radio The- ater," "Screen Guild Players," Burns and Allen, "We, the Peo- ple," and "Mayor of the Town." "One Man's Family" dialers know him as "Tony."

HERBERT RAWLINSON, veteran of thirty years on

the stage, screen and radio, ap- pears on "Everything for the Boys," the Girmy Simms show. "Hollywood Preview," "Screen Guild Players, "Silver Theater" and the Bullock's program.

LURENE TOTTLEhai taken ^ an active part in major

Hollywood radio productions for the past eight years. Dialers are familiar with her work on "Blon- die," "Suspense," "This Is My Story;" "The Great Gildersleevc' and "The Whistler."

the means of cooperative auditions. The "Twelve Players" are a gifted

group of actors and actresses whose names may be unfamiliar to you, but whose voices (each of them possesses several) emanate from your loud- speaker every day. They are; Lurene Tut tie, Bea Benaderet, Mary Jane Croft, Cathy Lewis. Jack Moyles, Da- vid Ellis, John Lake, Charley Lung, Edmund MacDonald, Howard Mc- Near, Jay Novello and Herbert Raw- linson.

The program is produced by Ray Buffum, announced by Jimmy Mat- thews, with music by Wilbur Hatch.

Scripts Ployed The group accepts free-lance

scripts for their perusal, although

to date just two writers have con- tributed all but one script. The dramatizations presented by the "Twelve Players" have included such exceptional stories as "The Lady and the Letters" by Roy Buffum, a tale of blackmail; "Concerto for Hatred" by John Michael Hayes, the story of a talented pianist who intends to kill his wife; "Who Sent for You?" by Hayes, a comedy satire on aristocrats in Tzarist Russia; "The Island" by Dennis Murray, a psychological sus- pense thriller; and "The Brush Off" by Hayes, a farce comedy about a wallpaper painter.

The "Twelve Players" make no claim to being the best actors in radio, but each of them has many

years ' of microphone experience to his credit, and together, they form a congenial, cooperative team of real troupers.

Get Name Credit Upon occasion, one or mcxre of the

players is called upon to take two roles on the same broadcast. They are given the privilege of juggling their dual roles among themselves to their best advantage. A player may be excused from the broadcast if he has a favorable commercial assignment at a conflicting time. All twelve of the performers are sched- uled to speak their names at the opening of the program; if one play- er is absent, one of his co-workers

(f'Uaae Turn to Puye St)

CATHY LEWIS. witK three ftart ol intcntivc r^dio

activity, is known to ether judi- encei for kcr performs nets on "Star PLyhouie." "I Love * Mys- tery," "St^rs Over Hollywood," the Norman Corwin program, Eddie 8r«cken show, "M>chect Sh*yn«."^

CHARLIE LUNG has been in radio nineteen years,

in Chicago and Hollywood, made appearances on "Cavalcade," "Lux Theater," "Red Ryder,"

Michael Shayne," "Suspense, "Uncle Walter's Doghouse," in addition to many movie roles.

BEA BENADERET has spent sixteen years at the

microphone. Listeners know her latterly as "Eve Goodwin" on "The Great Gildersleeve,' "Glo- ria, the Maid" on "Oxzie and Harriet," "Mrs. Carstairs on "Fib- bee McGct and Molly."

DAVID ELLIS has been in radio for three years, in

Chicago and Hollywood, doing roles in "One Man's Family," "Guiding Light," and in "First NigKter." "Star P I a y h o u s "This Is My Best," "Doctor Chris- tian" and "Author's Playhouse."

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l\ fARKY'S REAL HAME is Harry Einstein. Before radio, he was a successful advertising writer. His new airshow, "Meet Me at Parky s, brings him back to

the microphone alter an absence ol lour years. Featured on the program are songsters 'Betty Rhodes and David Street (with Parky, above). —Fron k Worth f'liolox.

Stindajf. 7:30 p. in. SHC-KI'I

DON'T WANT to be rude," Parkyakarkus declared sol- emnly as soon as our initial

a / "how-do-you-dos" had been spoken, "but before we do another thing—let's eat!" .

Eating seemed to be an apropos thing to be doing as we sat at a table in Lyman's and talked with the popular NBC funnyman about his new comedy show called "Meet Mo At Parky's," which has a restaurant as its setting.

"Parky" (his name is really Harry Einstein) told us that this nev. series was very similar to his first a^rshow in Boston in 1932, when he iUUally introduced the character of arkya- karkus" to ether audiences.

Looking more like a worried busi- nessman than successful comedian, Mr. Einstein admitted that he found it a difficult thing to relax. "A co- median never has any such thing as spare time," he pointed out. "I went to the ball game last night and I don't think I can remember a single play. My mind was on next week's script."

Writes Show The comic pens his own show, con-

By Richard Baker

"Parkyakarkus'* Looks More Like a Worried

Businessiunn Thau a Successful Comic; Says a

Tuunyman Mas No Such Thing as Spare 1 ime

"PASS THE BUTTER, PARKY," plead Parkyakarkus' steady customers. Opie Cates, Betty Rhodes and Dave Street, as they make themselves at home in Parky s

ythical restaurant. Of(-m!ke, the comedian is happily married and has two young sons ho like to listen to his radio show.

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siders his program the kind that needs good laughs in rapid succes- sion in contrast to the slower-moving tvpe of comedy of some shows.

In addition to its .star, "Meet Mc At Parky's" features the songs of Betty Rhodes and David Street, and the music of Opie Gates. The program brings "Parkyakarkus" back to the microphone after an absence of four years.

Born in Boston on Ma'y 6. 1904, Harry Einstein started out to be an advertising writer. "There's an old ioke about that, you know," he laughed. "I was an old newspaper man—until I found out there was no money in old newspapers."

In actuality, he had become one of the top men in the advertising field, winning a medal from Harvard University for "the best ad of the year" the same year that he made his radio debut as "Parky."

"Parkyakarkus" was originally born when young Harry spent his boyhood days around his father's importing warehouse and learned to speak with a Greek accent. By the time he was in grammar school, he was known as "the little Greek phi-

(I'leaxe Turn I" Ptiyf 31J

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A Comedian Can't

Have Fun

(Conlimifri frow fagf 3<i) losopher" and was doing his imita- tions at school entertainments.

This extemporaneous linguistic activity notwithstanding, Harry was graduated from high school with honors in English.

"Parkyakarkus" joined the Eddie Cantor show in 1932, came to Holly- wood with the cast, appeared in many movies, and married singer Thelma Leeds in February of 1937.

The Einsteins have two children— 2H-year-old Bobby and 6V6-year-old Clifford. The comedian proudly dis- played their pictures in a gold locket on his watch chain. It also contained photos of his wife and mother, which left one other partition in it empty. Grinned "Parky": "We can have one more child."

Collects Coins The radio star and his family live

in an 11-room Georgian Colonial house in Beverly Hills which contains prominent evidence of "Parky's'* prime off-mike interest—his collec- tion of old coins and early American silver.

Away from the microphone, the comic seldom listens to the radio; doesn't-want to be influenced by the material of other entertafners.

Asked if his sons listened to his show, he answered, "Yes, they do— they're too young to be critical."

r Four Little Sisters

tCwiOminf Ir'-in i'tiyr •''> returned to the musical stage on a USO tour of service hospitals; an- swered musical arranger Harry Zim- merman's call to come to Hollywood for a feature spot on a top Mutual ajrshow.

Currently, MBS dialers hear the Lyltle Sisters twice weekly—Sundays on "Music with the Accent on Ro- mance" and Mondays on "The Feel- ing Is Mutual."

Imitcte Andrews Sictexa While attending College View

High in Lincoln, Nebraska, their birthplace. Darlene, Dotty and Sally Gourly used to wow their school chums with imftatjons of the An- drew sisters. They used to singjat the Country Club, at charity shows, and walked away with prizes at Lincoln's amateur theater contests.

In October of IfMl, the trio joined Orrin Tucker's orchestra and sang arrangements whipped up by the aforementioned Harry' Zimmerman, who was Tucker's arranger at the time. A few months later, when the Tucker aggregation was disintegrat- ed by the Army draft, the sisters signed to a feature billing with the orchestra of Boh Allen.

About this time, one afternoon

when the girls were rehearsing in a studio at the Leed's Music Corpor- ation in New York, they blended their voices in one of their old imitations of the Andrews Sisters. The familiar three-part harmony wafted put into the hall and struck a responsive note in the ear of a girl who happened to be strolling down the corridor. The girl was Maxene, one of the Andrews Sisters, and it was she who then, introduced the new rhythm group to Hal Mclntyre, he who chris- tened them the Lyttle Sisters.

By then, sister Sue, "baby" of the family (she's now eighteen with the others ranging in age just a year or so apart), had been initiated into the group, making it a quartet and switching the girls' singing aspir- ations from the three-part harmony of the Andrews Sisters trio to the four-part blending of the King Sis- ters quartet.

"Darlene has a voice like Alyco King," smiled Darlene's sisters, when Radio Life met the friendly foursome during one of their recent rehearsal sessions.

"Dotty," put in Darlene, "has a nose like Jean "Harlow."

Enthusiastic movie-goers (except for Darlene who, more often, would rather stay home), the girls immed- iately launched into a discussion of whom they would like to be; Darlene chose Maureen O'Hara Dotty, Kath- erine Hepburn; Sally, Susan Hay- ward; and Sue, Linda Darnell ("or Salome," she winked). All unmarried, the quartet named their screen idols as Lew Ayres, Gregory Peck; Tyrone Power, Cornel Wilde ("or John Gar- field," added Sue, who couldn't make up her mind which of the latter two she'd like to marry).

Besides movies, the Lyttle girls like to dance, go to nightclubs, listen (o records. "Mostly our own," they assured us with a merry wink.

"Your Blind Date"

(Conrlnitnt frmii /'ipr 5j and she's made it a point to Know every ribbon and bit of insignia a serviceman might wear.

"About one boy in ten is shy, but she's found that with a little under- standing, they come along wonderful- ly well. It's no secret, she says, that the men are hand-picked a week ahead of the program, owner of the program, Tom Wallace, and an aide scouring service centers for refined chaps who'll make acceptable pro- gram material. Arlene still shudders about the time when they played the Capitol as a stage unit and she had to interview men off the streets— one of whom hadn't imbibed too ju- dicially.

Apparently it's no secret, too. that those cute remarks the fellows make are not their own cleverly thought-up ad libs. They're all written down for them beforehand and when one sees how fussed the boys are. one realizes that without some conversational

landmarks to guide the going, the show would be a fizzle as commer- cial radio entertainment.

As to the lovely ladies for whose company the gentlemen vie, they're hand-picked too, from the ranks of stage and * radio actresses, models, and other professions. All of them are beautiful, refined, and receive fifty dollars for "working the show."

* In New York, the lucky lad gets to take his date to the Stork Club, with Miss Francis and another equally glamorous star chaperoning the group. While in Los Angeles, the dates are entertalnved at the Bilt- more Bowl. The first night the show was in Hollywood, the three losers were given fifteen dollars apiece, lickets for Ken Murray's "Blackouts," tickets to a movie, and a tour of a motion picture studio.

Permanent Dates Although the blind date girls are

always chaperoned home, several of the show's meetings have resulted in lively correspondences and so far, there have been six marriages.

Perhaps the most touching episode concerns one young fellow who fell in Jove with his blind date before he went overseas. He was fatally wounded at the front, but before he died, he called for his buddy and asked him to see to it that his blind date girl received his identification bracelet.

Own Radio Ticket

They Write Their

from 1'agt ?fq speaks his name for him, "giving him the advantage of our most dul- cet speaking tones," the actors smil- ingly maintain.

Whether or not a player has a part in the current script, if he has no other conflicting assignment, he shows up for the broadcast to help with the presentation behind-the- scenes. in whatever capacity he can.

One Saturday when Bea Benaderet had to be at the microphone for a "Twelve Players" production, she couldn't find anyone to take care of her little boy, so she brought him to the studio with her. In the true cooperative spirit of the organization, Lurene Tuttle played nursemaid backstage while Bea emoted at the

• mike. 'k -k

Hou.vwood Chatter George Fisher, whose Hollywood

chatter show Is hoard over KECA Monday through Friday nights, was formerly io the marine corps.

kr ★ Rhythm and Rhyme Unlike most bandleader-composers,

Ray Noble of Columbia's "By Re- quest" writes his own lyrics. Ray explains that (he talent is a throw- back to his.early ambitions to become a Journalist.

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