Page 1: Unit%4 Lesson3%% Sexual’and’Asexual’ a sex cell to the new organism. • Half the genes

Unit  4 Lesson  3    Sexual  and  Asexual  Reproduction

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Page 2: Unit%4 Lesson3%% Sexual’and’Asexual’ a sex cell to the new organism. • Half the genes

One Becomes Two

Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

What is asexual reproduction?

• Reproduction involves various kinds of cell division.

• Most single-celled organisms and some multicellular organisms reproduce asexually.

• In asexual reproduction, one organism produces one or more new organisms that are identical to itself.

Unit 4 Lesson 3 Sexual and Asexual Reproduction

Page 3: Unit%4 Lesson3%% Sexual’and’Asexual’ a sex cell to the new organism. • Half the genes

What is asexual reproduction?

• The organism that produces the new organism or organisms is called a parent.

• Each new organism is called an offspring.

• The offspring produced by asexual reproduction are genetically identical to their parents.

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Unit 4 Lesson 3 Sexual and Asexual Reproduction

Page 4: Unit%4 Lesson3%% Sexual’and’Asexual’ a sex cell to the new organism. • Half the genes

How do organisms reproduce asexually?• Organisms reproduce asexually in many ways.

• Prokaryotes, including bacteria, reproduce asexually by cell division.

• Some eukaryotes, including many multicellular organisms, reproduce asexually by more complex processes—types of cell division called mitosis.

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Unit 4 Lesson 3 Sexual and Asexual Reproduction

Page 5: Unit%4 Lesson3%% Sexual’and’Asexual’ a sex cell to the new organism. • Half the genes

How do organisms reproduce asexually?• Binary fission is the form of asexual reproduction

in prokaryotes.

• Budding occurs when a bud grows on an organism and develops into a full-sized organism.

• Budding is the result of mitosis.

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Unit 4 Lesson 3 Sexual and Asexual Reproduction

Page 6: Unit%4 Lesson3%% Sexual’and’Asexual’ a sex cell to the new organism. • Half the genes

How do organisms reproduce asexually?• A spore is a specialized cell that can survive harsh


• Spores, produced asexually by one parent, are light and can be carried by the wind.

• Some plants can reproduce asexually by vegetative reproduction.

• Vegetative reproduction happens through mitosis.

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Unit 4 Lesson 3 Sexual and Asexual Reproduction

Page 7: Unit%4 Lesson3%% Sexual’and’Asexual’ a sex cell to the new organism. • Half the genes

Two Make One

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What is sexual reproduction?

• Most multicellular organisms can reproduce sexually.

• In sexual reproduction, two parents each contribute a sex cell to the new organism.

• Half the genes in the offspring come from each parent.

Unit 4 Lesson 3 Sexual and Asexual Reproduction

Page 8: Unit%4 Lesson3%% Sexual’and’Asexual’ a sex cell to the new organism. • Half the genes

What is sexual reproduction?

• Males produce sex cells called sperm cells.

• Females produce sex cells called eggs.

• Sex cells are produced by meiosis.

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Unit 4 Lesson 3 Sexual and Asexual Reproduction

Page 9: Unit%4 Lesson3%% Sexual’and’Asexual’ a sex cell to the new organism. • Half the genes

What is sexual reproduction?

• Sex cells have half of the set of genetic material found in body cells.

• A sperm and an egg join together in a process called fertilization.

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Unit 4 Lesson 3 Sexual and Asexual Reproduction

Page 10: Unit%4 Lesson3%% Sexual’and’Asexual’ a sex cell to the new organism. • Half the genes

What is sexual reproduction?

• When an egg is fertilized by a sperm cell, a new cell, called a zygote, is formed. It has a full set of genetic material.

• The zygote develops into a new organism. It grows through mitosis.

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Unit 4 Lesson 3 Sexual and Asexual Reproduction

Page 11: Unit%4 Lesson3%% Sexual’and’Asexual’ a sex cell to the new organism. • Half the genes

Unit 4 Lesson 3 Sexual and Asexual Reproduction

Odd Reproduction

Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

• Multicellular organisms can reproduce asexually.

• Some do this by parthenogenesis, in which the female produces young without fertilization.

• Other organisms reproduce asexually by regeneration.

• Other organisms reproduce asexually by fragmentation, in which segments fall off and become new organisms.

Page 12: Unit%4 Lesson3%% Sexual’and’Asexual’ a sex cell to the new organism. • Half the genes

Added Advantage

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What are the advantages of each type of reproduction?• Asexual reproduction has its advantages.

• It allows an organism to reproduce very quickly, and ensures that any favorable traits the parent has are passed on to the offspring.

• Reproduction can occur without a partner, and all offspring can reproduce.

Unit 4 Lesson 3 Sexual and Asexual Reproduction

Page 13: Unit%4 Lesson3%% Sexual’and’Asexual’ a sex cell to the new organism. • Half the genes

What are the advantages of each type of reproduction?• Sexual reproduction has its advantages.

• It increases genetic variation. Offspring have different traits, which improves the chance that at least some will survive.

• Some organisms can use both types of reproduction. This allows them to spread quickly, and adapt to changes in the environment as well.

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Unit 4 Lesson 3 Sexual and Asexual Reproduction

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