
Unit 1Physical and Human Geography

RMS IB Middle School 2012-2013


• OBJ:• 1. Warm Up- CNN Student News• 2. Notes- Geography, Humankind, and Migration• 3. Push/ Pull Scenarios• 4. Map of the World• 5. Reflection time- last 10 minutes of class• HW: Have interactive notebook next class and

information sheet complete by next class!

Difference between geography and environment.

• Geography- the study of people, places, and environment

• Environment- the physical surroundings of a location

Tectonic Plates

• Pangaea- all continents connected together• 4 Types of Tectonic Movement– Divergent– Subduction– Convergent– Transform


Most earthquakes and tsunamis are caused by subduction.

Earth’s Reaction to Movement

• Earthquake• Volcanic

Eruptions• Creation of

mountains and valleys

Beginning of Humans• Out of Africa theory– People centered in Africa and migrated “out of Africa”

to other continents• Australopithecines- Discovery of “Lucy” (4 million

years ago)• Homo Habilis- tool using humans • Homo Erectus- “Turkana Boy”, stand up• Homo Sapiens- people identical to humans

Lucy, an Australopithecus, the Early Transition Between Man and Ape

Homo Habilis – Handy Man, because he was of the earliest to use stone tools. Homo Habilis lives about 2.4 to 1.4 million years ago.

Homo Erectus• Lived 1.89 million to 143,000

years ago.• Body is proportioned like

humans with shorter arms and longer legs.

• Physically adapted for living on the ground, walking, and running long distances.

• Turkana Boy, Java Man, Peking Man are all examples

• Homo Erectus may have not spread into Europe

Homo Sapiens

• Identical to modern humans

• Originated in Africa about 200,000 years ago

• Now lives worldwide• Lighter skeletons and

heavier brains than ancestors

Human Movement

• Push- reasons why people wish to leave an area– Lack of resources (land,

education, medical)– Change of climate– Escape persecution– Dangerous environment– Forced removal

• Pull Factors- reasons why people wish to come to a new area– Availability of resources– Job/ education

opportunities– Return to family/ culture/

homeland– Be closer to holy land of


Types of Movement

• Migration- moving from one region to another– Internal migration

• Immigration- moving from one country to another– External migration- moving across a continent

(Quickly or slowly)• Example- Bantu Migrations

Effects of Migrations• Cultural– Creates diversity, new culture– Discrimination

• Economic– Improve economy with specialized workers– Harm economy because of limited resources to sustain

new people (Example- Refugees)• Political– Removal of Immigrants (Example- Arizona)– Immigrants viewed as asset to government and society

Population Movement Scenario #1

My name is Sonya and I am from Mexico City. I have lived here all of my life but my family and I have decided to move to San Antonio, Texas. Mexico City is very dangerous and does not provide my siblings and I with the education we need in order to succeed. In the United States, my family would be able to work and live in a safe environment and receive the education we want.

*What reasons did Sonya give for moving?

Population Movement Scenario #2

My name is William and I currently live in the United Kingdom. I moved here 5 years ago in order to get a job with a large European bank. I had to leave my family and homeland behind but now I have decided to return. Although I enjoyed living in the UK I am excited to go back home to Israel to be closer to the holy land and my culture.

*What reasons did William give for moving?

Map of the World

• Send one buddy in your group to collect a cup of markers and crayons.• Follow the directions listed on the back

of your map to complete your map of the World.• You will have ______ minutes to finish

your map.


• Use the last 10 minutes of class to reflect on what you learned during this class period.

• Complete your reflection on the left side of your interactive notebook, across from your notes.

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