






FALL 2014 H






Unstoppable Gospel

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Nothing stops our God. Nothing stops His gospel.

Don’t write off the church.

Some people already have. They say they like Jesus, but there’s no point to the church. As far as they’re concerned, the church is a failed institution.

I disagree.

The church is far from a lost cause! In reality, the church is unstoppable because the followers of Christ have been given an unstoppable power—the very Spirit of God. Even more, they’ve been given an unstoppable mission and message.

Come with me on a journey through the exciting early days of the church. We’ll discover what made the early church so powerful—so unstoppable. As the Book of Acts opens, we’ll see a room full of huddled, scared disciples who were completely powerless and uncertain of the future. But we’ll also see these same followers become empowered and effective men and women advancing throughout the world, proclaiming the unstoppable gospel that turned the world upside down.

The story of the unstoppable gospel continues today. It is our story as members of the church.

In Christ, we are unstoppable.

Gregg Matte

Gregg Matte is the senior pastor of Houston’s First Baptist Church, a multisite

church with five campuses. Before coming to Houston’s First in 2004, Gregg

founded Breakaway Ministries at Texas A&M University, a weekly gathering

that grew to more than 4,000 students. Gregg is the author of Unstoppable Gospel (Baker Books,

2015), the book that is the basis for this study.

B I B L E S T U D I E S F O R L I F E 81


The PointThe Holy Spirit empowers us to spread the gospel.

The PassageActs 1:4-8,12-14

The Bible Meets Life The early believers passionately embraced the mission Christ gave to the church. Do Christ-followers display this same level of passion today? Fear of offending and being rejected can become more important than love for God and our neighbor; it’s tempting to leave to others the mission of making disciples. Still, we’re called to turn from our own priorities and return to the mission Jesus gave His followers in Acts 1.

The SettingAfter Jesus rose from the dead, for 40 days He appeared to His disciples, showing Himself to be alive

and instructing them on the kingdom of God (see Acts 1:3). Although He was preparing to return to

God the Father, as He had promised, the disciples would not be left alone. They would receive “the

Father’s promise,” the Holy Spirit, who would be with them to teach them and empower them. As the

time arrived for Jesus to leave His disciples, He spoke with them one last time.



B I B L E S T U D I E S F O R L I F E 83


Acts 1:4-8,12-14 4 While He was together with them, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for the Father’s promise. “This,” He said, “is what you heard from Me;

5 for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.”

6 So when they had come together, they asked Him, “Lord, are You restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?”

7 He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or periods that the Father has set by His own authority.

8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

12 Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called the Mount of Olives, which is near Jerusalem—a Sabbath day’s journey away.

13 When they arrived, they went to the room upstairs where they were staying: Peter, John, James, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas the son of James.

14 All these were continually united in prayer, along with the women, including Mary the mother of Jesus, and His brothers.

Witnesses (v. 8)—A witness gives a testimony of something he or she has experienced. Our English word “martyr” comes from the same Greek root.

What does the Bible say?

8 4 S e S S i o n 1



GET INTO THE STUDYDISCUSS: Invite your group members

to discuss Question #1 on page 67 of

the PSG (Personal Study Guide): “When

has something definitely been worth

the wait?” Allow time for each person to



We don’t like to wait. Chalk it up to

impatience or maybe it’s because we live

in a world of instant gratification, but we

want what we want when we want it.

Two minutes waiting behind another customer at the fast-food drive-thru? Too long.

Sixty seconds to heat up food in a microwave? Too long. Fifteen seconds waiting for a

movie to stream to your TV? Way too long!

At the end of His earthly ministry, Jesus told His disciples to wait. He was going to give

them—and us—an incredible gift: the presence and power of His Holy Spirit. The dis-

ciples couldn’t have fully appreciated what all that meant, but they waited nonetheless.

ACTIVITY (OPTIONAL): In advance, download the theme song to Mission: Impossible.

Invite your group members to gather into subgroups of 2-4 people, then play the first

0:30 of audio. Ask: “What comes to mind when you hear this music?” Invite groups to

share their responses. Discuss how the early Christians were about to receive an impor-

tant mission in Acts 1—one that took the gospel across the world and continues today.

SAY: “When the Holy Spirit came, He empowered Jesus’ followers for a mission that

was unstoppable. ”

GUIDE: Call attention to The Point on page 68 of the PSG: “The Holy Spirit

empowers us to spread the gospel.”

PRAY: Transition into the discussion with prayer. Ask God for a deeper understanding

of the Holy Spirit and how He empowers Christ-followers to live on mission.

10 minutes

The Holy Spirit empowers us to spread the gospel.

TIP: Encourage everyone to answer Question #1. A response to an icebreaker question like this one encourages attendees to respond to other questions later in the study.

Post Pack Item #1 to invite others to your study. Display Pack Item #2 to communicate the

study topic. PLAYLIST PICK: “Breathe on Us”

by Kari Jobe

B I B L E S T U D I E S F O R L I F E 85




Acts 1:4-5

4 While He was together with them, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for the Father’s promise. “This,” He said, “is what you heard from Me; 5 for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.”

READ: Ask a group member to read aloud Acts 1:4-5.

SUMMARIZE THE PSG (PAGE 69): The life of a Christian isn’t hard—it’s

impossible. Jesus, the One who called us to this impossible life, never sugarcoated

how difficult it would be. He also never expected us to live this life in our own


» Jesus Himself lived His life on earth in union with and empowered by God’s

Holy Spirit. That same Spirit is the secret to the power we need to live and

follow Jesus.

» In Acts 1:4-5, Jesus reminded His followers they soon would receive the gift He

had promised earlier: the Holy Spirit.

» Through the power provided by the Holy Spirit, believers would be able to

accomplish God’s purposes.

DISCUSS: Question #2 on page 69 of the PSG: “What do you find difficult

about waiting on the Lord?” (Note: When appropriate, use follow-up questions to

encourage group members to share the stories of those times when they were required

to wait on the Lord.)

TRANSITION: These verses carried an important message for these early

Christians: something big was about to happen.


ALTERNATE QUESTION:When have you anticipated God working in a specific way?

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Acts 1:4-5 Commentary

Jesus has promised to empower us with the Holy Spirit. Verse 4: After His resurrection, Jesus

appeared to His disciples on multiple occasions. In one such instance, all of the disciples (except Judas

Iscariot, who had committed suicide on the day of Jesus’ death) were in Jerusalem. Jesus met with them

to prepare them for what was coming; He also commanded them not to leave Jerusalem. Something

Jesus had previously taught His disciples was soon to happen in Jerusalem. Thus the disciples were to

wait in the holy city for the Father’s promise to be fulfilled.

Verse 5: The focus of this promise was the Holy Spirit. Though God’s people had known about God’s

Spirit for centuries, their knowledge was more of a distant awareness rather than a personal experience.

In their minds this mysterious Spirit probably seemed to operate unpredictably. Throughout the Old

Testament we read accounts of how the Holy Spirit powerfully came upon a specific person for a specific

time for a specific purpose. Still, these times were the exception rather than the norm. A special filling

from the Spirit was reserved for certain people at certain times but not for all of God’s people all of the

time. Even so, God had planned for a change. Centuries before Jesus was born, God decreed that one

day His Spirit would not be limited to select persons (Isaiah 32:15; 44:3; Joel 2:28‑32).

During His earthly ministry Jesus had also told His disciples about God’s promise. On the night before His

crucifixion Jesus taught the disciples about the coming of the Holy Spirit (John 14–16). Jesus noted that

the Spirit’s ministry in the world and among believers would include convicting of sin, revealing truth,

counseling and guiding, teaching, and testifying about Jesus. Jesus also emphasized that He would

have to go away in order for the Spirit to come. Soon, both events would happen—Jesus’ departure

and the Spirit’s arrival.

During His post‑resurrection meeting with them, Jesus helped His disciples understand more about

their coming encounter with the Holy Spirit. Jesus related it to a baptism, which many of them probably

experienced from John the Baptist. But in contrast to John’s baptism with water, the disciples would

soon be baptized with the Holy Spirit. Most likely the reference to John the Baptist was a reminder of

what the prophet had proclaimed about Jesus—that He would “baptize … with the Holy Spirit and

fire” (Luke 3:16). While future believers would continue to follow Jesus’ example of physical baptism to

identify them as His disciples, they would also experience this spiritual baptism to enable them to live

lives of obedience to God’s commands. Jesus assured the disciple that “not many days from now” this

promise would be fulfilled. Soon all believers would be baptized with God’s Spirit. And though Jesus

would leave to return to His Father in heaven, the Holy Spirit would remain with believers—living in

them—to enable them to accomplish God’s purposes.

The Holy Spirit empowers us to spread the gospel.

B I B L E S T U D I E S F O R L I F E 87




Acts 1:6-8

6 So when they had come together, they asked Him, “Lord, are You restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?” 7 He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or periods that the Father has set by His own authority. 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

READ: Ask a group member to read aloud Acts 1:6-8.

SUMMARIZE THE COMMENTARY (VERSES 6-7): When the disciples met

with Jesus, they had questions.

» The disciples asked if Jesus was restoring the kingdom of Israel. They were

expecting Jesus to establish a political kingdom in which Israel would hold

great power, as it once did under the reign of King David and Solomon.

» Jesus didn’t fully answer their question; instead, He explained that they’d be

empowered by the Holy Spirit to take the gospel to the ends of the earth.

SAY: ”In verse 8, Jesus laid out God’s agenda succinctly. This mandate laid the

foundation for the rest of the Book of Acts, which recounts how the early believers

carried out this mission.”

DISCUSS: Question #3 on page 70 of the PSG: “What do these verses teach

us about God’s mission?”

DO: Instruct group members to complete the activity on page 72 of the PSG on

their own. If time permits, encourage volunteers to share their responses.


» Describe the mission Jesus gave to the disciples and to us in your own words.

» What’s your initial reaction to this assignment? Check one.

___ I’m in! Where do we start?

___ I’m interested but unsure of where and how God could use me.

___ I don’t know many people who aren’t believers.

___ I’m still new to following Christ; Someone else could do a better job.

___ Other: ___________________________


ALTERNATE QUESTION:What circumstances can cause us to doubt we have God’s power within us?

8 8 S e S S i o n 1


Acts 1:6-8 Commentary

The Spirit empowers us to be His witnesses locally and globally. Verse 6: When the disciples

met with Jesus they once again asked about the kingdom they anticipated. Like most Jews, they looked

forward to a political kingdom where they would be free from the foreign rule they had known for

centuries. But the disciples especially anticipated a future where everyone would again know the power

and glory Israel had once experienced under David and Solomon. This was what they expected with

Jesus the Messiah on the throne. Now as the disciples met with Jesus after His resurrection, they hoped

it was the right time for their dream to become reality.

Verse 7: Jesus didn’t reply to the primary focus of their question—their hope for Israel’s worldwide

prominence. Instead, He emphasized that “times” and “periods“ were none of their concern. That was

not what was important for the disciples. Jesus noted that the dates God the Father has set are His

alone to know. Previously Jesus noted that even He didn’t know the specific “day” or “hour” of the end

(Mark 13:32).

Verse 8: It was important, however, for the disciples to understand the kingdom that was coming and

how it impacted them and others. Unlike what the disciples imagined, God’s kingdom was different

from all earthly kingdoms where powerful human kings sit on thrones in specific places for a limited

time. Instead, God’s kingdom is about the eternal, immortal, invisible God ruling in human lives. It is

about God’s Spirit living in those who trust Jesus as Savior and Lord.

The kingdom of God is about the power of God enabling the people of God to fulfill the mission of

God. This power is unlike anything Rome or any other nation has ever possessed. It is the supernatural

capability and potential that was experienced in the miracles of Jesus, including His resurrection from

the dead. Jesus promised this same power to His followers.

Note the certainty of Jesus’ promise: “you will receive power” and “you will be My witnesses.” Jesus’

promise was not a statement of wishful thinking but rather one of fact; it would happen. The Greek

word for “power” is the same root from which we get our English words “dynamic” and “dynamite.”

This power is a gift God would give to His people through His Spirit. His power was not given for their

benefit—so they could be prominent or dominant—but so they could be His witnesses. This was also a

certainty. Jesus promised to empower His followers to enable them to share a testimony with others of

their experiences with Him. With these brief words Jesus didn’t explain everything the disciples wanted

to know about the kingdom, but He did tell them all they needed to know about the kingdom and their

role in it.

The Holy Spirit empowers us to spread the gospel.

B I B L E S T U D I E S F O R L I F E 8 9




Acts 1:12-14

12 Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called the Mount of Olives, which is near Jerusalem—a Sabbath day’s journey away. 13 When they arrived, they went to the room upstairs where they were staying: Peter, John, James, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas the son of James. 14 All these were continually united in prayer, along with the women, including Mary the mother of Jesus, and His brothers.

READ: Ask a group member to read aloud Acts 1:12-14.

SUMMARIZE THE PSG (PAGE 73): What do you do when you find yourself

waiting on the next thing God has for you? So many of us just try to stay busy. We

fill the waiting with activity. Not these disciples. They went to a single upstairs

room and prayed. And they didn’t just pray for an hour or two. They “were

continually united in prayer” (v. 14). They waited and prayed for 10 days, until the

day of Pentecost when the promised gift of the Holy Spirit finally arrived.

DISCUSS: Question #4 on page 72 of the PSG: “What are some of the

benefits of praying together as a group?”

SAY: ”When we pray and seek God’s will together, He will unify us and keep us

focused on our common center: Jesus.“

DISCUSS: Question #5 on page 73 of the PSG: “What common mission can

our group pray for together?” (Note: Encourage group members to identify a

mission that is specific to your church and your community. Explain how sharing

the gospel in your community ties into God’s overall mission of the gospel

message being taken to “Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of

the earth” (v. 8).)

TRANSITION: Praying together with a unified mind and purpose says, in effect,

“Lord, we want Your power. We want Your plan. We want You to do Your work

through us.”


ALTERNATE QUESTION:How is praying with others for a common mission different from your personal prayers?

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Acts 1:12-14 Commentary

Prayer unites believers in our focus on Christ and His mission. Verses 12-13: The disciples’

meeting with Jesus and His subsequent ascension to heaven had taken place on the Mount of Olives,

which was just east of Jerusalem (Acts 1:9‑11). Luke noted it was a Sabbath day’s journey away, or about

three‑fourths of a mile. This was simply a Jewish reference of distance and doesn’t imply the meeting

was on the Sabbath. Once in the city, the eleven disciples went to the upstairs room where they were

staying. It was likely a large room on the top floor of a large house. The fact that the disciples were

staying there suggests it was where they slept and met with other believers.

Verse 14: One thing that became constant for the disciples following the ascension was prayer. They

“continually” prayed together. The word “continually” suggests more than just occasional or brief

prayers. It pictures them as being devoted to it—they were intense and persistent in their praying. This

was an example they had seen in Jesus’ life and was obviously important for them as well.

Exactly what the disciples prayed is unknown, but whatever the content of their prayers, the disciples

were “united.” This means they had the same heart and commitment, which was to glorify God and

fulfill His purpose. They may have prayed for unity (just as Jesus prayed for them on the night before

His death—John 17:20‑23). But certainly they experienced unity as a result of their ongoing praying


There were more than just the eleven disciples in that upper room, however. Luke mentioned the

women, likely a reference to those who had followed Jesus, had been there at His crucifixion, and

had even prepared Jesus for His proper burial. The women could have also included any wives of the

disciples. Luke also noted that Mary the mother of Jesus and His brothers also joined the disciples during

that time. Mark 6:3 notes that Jesus had four brothers and at least two sisters. These were the natural

children of Mary and Joseph, so technically Jesus was their half‑brother.

Our priority is to be witnesses for Jesus—sharing the truth about God, sin, and salvation, and our

testimony of what we have experienced (forgiveness of sins and eternal life) through faith in Christ. This

is what we have been empowered by the Holy Spirit to do. But we don’t do this alone—prayer keeps us

connected with God so we can receive and walk in His wisdom, strength, and guidance for the mission.

And unity with other believers—in fellowship and in prayer—gives us the family we need for support

and the encouragement we need to keep moving forward as we work together to spread the gospel.

The Holy Spirit empowers us to spread the gospel.

B I B L E S T U D I E S F O R L I F E 91




LIVE IT OUTSAY: “Acts 1:8 is our mandate. It’s mine, and

it’s yours. ”

GUIDE: Lead group members to consider the

responses to the Bible study listed on page 74

of the PSG.

» Accept the mission. Recognize Jesus

has commanded you to be His witness

wherever you go and wherever He sends

you. It may sound simple, but this acknowledgement shifts how you view your

purpose and your circumstances.

» Get equipped. The Holy Spirit is the source of your strength to be the

witness God has called you to be. Use a concordance or Bible dictionary to

learn more about what Scripture teaches us of the third Person of the Trinity.

» Be a friend who will pray. We’re not meant to live out Acts 1:8 on our own;

we need friends who will be faithful to pray with and for us. Identify two or

three dependable friends and commit to be steadfast in praying for each


Wrap It Up

SAY: “God’s mission is unstoppable—and so is the Spirit He’s placed within you. So,

where do you begin? Prayer.”

5 minutes

92 S e S S i o n 1


The PointJesus died for our sins, rose again, and reigns as Lord.

The PassageActs 2:22-24,32-33,36-38

The Bible Meets Life There are many good groups and organizations in our communities seeking to benefit society in

some way. The church, however, is unique. Many organizations are short-lived or diminish as the need

they seek to meet is realized. Or they change when the leadership changes. The church is different.

Christ gave His church one unchanging message to proclaim: the message of salvation in Christ.

The SettingAfter Jesus’ ascension, the disciples followed His command to return to Jerusalem and await the

coming of the Holy Spirit. Gathered together on the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended upon

them with the sound of a violent rushing wind and the appearance of flames like tongues of fire. The

disciples began to speak in different languages. The Jews, who had gathered from various nations,

miraculously understood what was being said in their own language (Acts 2:1-6). The crowd was

amazed, and Peter took the opportunity to tell them about Jesus and the good news of the gospel.



B I B L E S T U D I E S F O R L I F E 93


Acts 2:22-24,32-33,36-38 22 “Men of Israel, listen to these words: This Jesus the Nazarene was a man pointed out to you by God with miracles, wonders, and signs that God did among you through Him, just as you yourselves know.

23 Though He was delivered up according to God’s determined plan and foreknowledge, you used lawless people to nail Him to a cross and kill Him.

24 God raised Him up, ending the pains of death, because it was not possible for Him to be held by it.”

32 “God has resurrected this Jesus. We are all witnesses of this.

33 Therefore, since He has been exalted to the right hand of God and has received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit, He has poured out what you both see and hear.”

36 “Therefore let all the house of Israel know with certainty that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah!”

37 When they heard this, they came under deep conviction and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles: “Brothers, what must we do?”

38 “Repent,” Peter said to them, “and be baptized, each of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

Miracles, wonders, and signs (v. 22)—Miracles show the power of God. Wonders emphasize the response of the people who witness those miracles. Signs are intended to point attention back to God.

Repent (v. 38)—In the New Testament, “repent” means to change one’s mind in the sense of turning away from sin and self, and turning toward God (Jesus) in a way that makes God (Jesus) the center of one’s life.

What does the Bible say?

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GET INTO THE STUDYDISCUSS: Invite your group members to

discuss Question #1 on page 75 of the

PSG (Personal Study Guide): “What often

gets you sidetracked during the day?”

Allow time for each person to respond.


76): Do you know the original mission

statement of Harvard University? “Let

every student be plainly instructed, and

earnestly pressed to consider well, the

main end of his life and studies is, to

know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal life (John 17:3) and … seeing the Lord only

giveth wisdom, let every one seriously set himself by prayer in secret to seek it of him

(Proverbs 2:3).”

Surprised? When the school was founded in 1636, the administration hired only Chris-

tian professors. The formation of Christian character was a top priority for students, and

ministers were trained and equipped to share the gospel. Today, the university main-

tains a legacy of academic excellence but has lost its original mission. Harvard Univer-

sity has experienced “mission drift”; it lost sight of its original purpose. 1

SAY: “Mission drift happens in the church as well, but it doesn’t have to. God has given

us a clear unstoppable message that drives our mission.”

GUIDE: Call attention to The Point on page 76 of the PSG: “Jesus died for our sins,

rose again, and reigns as Lord.”

PRAY: Transition into the discussion with prayer. Thank God for sending His Son, Jesus,

to die for our sins and for entrusting us to share this powerful message with others.

Jesus died for our sins, rose again, and reigns as Lord.

TIP: Always be on the lookout for an apprentice in your group who always comes prepared, adds thoughtful discussion, and seems to help the study move along. Help them prepare, then allow them to lead a portion of your study.

10 minutes


“Jesus, Only Jesus” by Matt Redman

B I B L E S T U D I E S F O R L I F E 95




Acts 2:22-24

22 “Men of Israel, listen to these words: This Jesus the Nazarene was a man pointed out to you by God with miracles, wonders, and signs that God did among you through Him, just as you yourselves know. 23 Though He was delivered up according to God’s determined plan and foreknowledge, you used lawless people to nail Him to a cross and kill Him. 24 God raised Him up, ending the pains of death, because it was not possible for Him to be held by it.”

ACTIVITY (OPTIONAL): In advance, post newspaper or magazine articles with

recent significant world events, sports news, or pop culture headlines around your

meeting space. Ask: “In your opinion, which is the largest news story?” Instruct

your group to rate the stories from “most significant” to “least significant.” Discuss

how when we use Twitter®, Instagram®, Periscope®, and other media to share news,

our messages quickly become old news as new posts replace older ones. Today’s

study examines how the early Christ-followers took on the task of sharing the

most important message in history: the gospel. Unlike messages that fill our social

media feeds, the gospel will never be outdated news. It is unstoppable.

READ: Ask a group member to read aloud Acts 2:22-24.

SUMMARIZE THE PSG (PAGE 77): In his message, Peter aimed for the heart of

the crowd. He stated simply: Jesus was crucified, but God raised Him back to life.

» We can never grasp the meaning of the cross until we understand the depth

of our sin and how it separates us from God.

» Jesus didn’t merely die; He rose again. Because of this, Jesus is unique in all of

history; He is the only person who ever lived, died, and returned to life never

to die again.

» Jesus’ death and resurrection are the heartbeat of the gospel message.

DISCUSS: Question #2 on page 77 of the PSG: “What can we learn from

Peter’s approach to sharing the gospel?”

TRANSITION: Peter’s message was clear: Jesus died and rose again to bring

salvation. The next verses reveal another important truth: Jesus is Lord.


ALTERNATE QUESTION:What are the essentials of the gospel message?

10 minutes

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Acts 2:22-24

Jesus died and rose again to bring salvation. Verse 22: On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit

came in power. The believers in Jerusalem who were empowered by the Spirit spoke in many other

languages and drew the attention of a crowd. Peter spoke to the crowd to help them correctly interpret

the events (Acts 2:1-21). Peter initially quoted words from the prophet Joel that explained and confirmed

what they had seen and heard (Joel 2:28-32). He boldly directed the men to listen to him. Peter started

by calling attention to Jesus. Peter clarified who Jesus was by calling Him ”the Nazarene,” that is, He was

from the town of Nazareth. Jesus was sometimes identified as the Nazarene during His earthly ministry.

Rather than immediately jumping to the reality that Jesus is the Messiah, Peter emphasized that Jesus

was a man. Thousands of people had encountered Him in Judea, Galilee, and Samaria during the

previous three years. Skeptics could’ve questioned Jesus’ deity; there was no question of His humanity.

Peter noted Jesus was “pointed out … by God.” God chose Him for a unique position—a role that

no one else could fill. God worked in and through Jesus’ humanity to prove who He really was. Peter

reminded the people of the miracles, wonders, and signs done by Jesus. Miracles show the power of

God. Wonders emphasize the response of people who witness miracles. Signs are intended to point

back to God.

Verse 23: Peter emphasized that the Jews played a role in Jesus’ death. The Jewish religious leaders

arrested Jesus and delivered up Jesus to those who could carry out their ultimate desire. The Jews

used “lawless people” (the Romans) to kill Jesus. While the Jewish leaders plotted to put Jesus to death

and the Romans carried out the sentence, the Jewish people also bore the responsibility for what had

happened. They should have recognized who Jesus was: God’s Messiah.

Though most people who knew Jesus did not anticipate His death, God was not caught off guard. The

sacrificial death of Jesus was part of God’s determined plan for His creation. God had not only decreed

that Jesus would die (1 Peter 1:20) but also set the appointed time for it to happen (Galatians 4:4-5).

God planned for the death of His Son because there was no other way for sinful people to be in a right

relationship with Him.

Verse 24: Peter stressed that “God raised Him up.” God restored Jesus to life again. This was also part

of God’s plan for the salvation of humanity. Why was it not possible for death to hold Jesus in its grip?

Because His death and resurrection were a part of God’s unstoppable plan. God had chosen Jesus for

His unique position as Messiah to make salvation possible for all humanity—a truth Peter would clarify

soon enough. Nothing, not even death itself, could hinder God’s purpose.

Jesus died for our sins, rose again, and reigns as Lord.

B I B L E S T U D I E S F O R L I F E 97




Acts 2:32-33,36

32 “God has resurrected this Jesus. We are all witnesses of this. 33 Therefore, since He has been exalted to the right hand of God and has received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit, He has poured out what you both see and hear.”

36 “Therefore let all the house of Israel know with certainty that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah!”

READ: Ask a group member to read aloud Acts 2:32-33,36.

SUMMARIZE THE PSG (PAGES 78-79): Peter’s message centered on the

power and sovereignty of Jesus.

» Jesus “has been exalted to the right hand of God” (v. 33.) With the Father, Jesus

sits in the most authoritative, sovereign position in the universe.

» Early Romans often used the term kurios when they referred to Caesar to

signify his divinity and authority.

» In verse 36, Peter used the term ”Lord” as a majestic title to describe Jesus’

sovereignty and divine power. The word points to the Deity of Jesus; Peter was

declaring Jesus is God.

DISCUSS: Question #3 on page 78 of the PSG: “What are the personal

implications of recognizing Jesus as Lord?” (Note: Help your group to consider

what it means to acknowledge Jesus as God’s Son and to follow Him in our daily lives.

How do we live this out?)

SAY: “Because Jesus is Lord and Messiah, He is worthy of our worship and our


DISCUSS: Question #4 on page 79 of the PSG: “What are the worldwide

implications of Jesus’ role as Lord?”

TRANSITION: The next verses focus on our response when we recognize Jesus

as Lord—we’re called to turn from our sin.


ALTERNATE QUESTION:When is it a struggle to know with certainty that Jesus is Lord?

10 minutes

9 8 S e S S i o n 2


Acts 2:32-33,36

Jesus is exalted as Lord. Verse 32: After citing David’s prophecy in Psalm  16:10 proclaiming

God’s plan, Peter again noted that God resurrected Jesus from the dead just as He had planned. The

resurrection of Jesus was the primary focus of the apostles’ preaching after Pentecost. That’s because

the resurrection is the foundational truth of the Christian faith. It provides assurance that Jesus’ sacrificial

death brought victory over sin and death for all who believe. Paul later noted that if the resurrection did

not happen then our faith is “worthless” (1 Corinthians 15:17) and all humanity is still held captive by the

guilt and power of sin.

Peter added that he and the other apostles were witnesses of it. They had not only seen Jesus die and

be buried; they also saw Him restored to life after being dead for three days. While the other eleven

apostles were standing with Peter in front of the crowd (Acts 2:14), the witnesses could have included

many of the 120 who were gathered together when the Holy Spirit came upon them (1:15). Scripture

confirms that Jesus appeared to over 500 people after His resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:6), so many

others could have testified as well to the truth of the resurrection.

Verse 33: Jesus ascended into heaven where He is living still and where He has been “exalted to the

right hand of God.” The person seated at the right hand of a king was in a position associated with great

power and authority. On the morning of His crucifixion, as He endured the pretense of a trial before the

Jewish religious leaders, Jesus prophesied that He would soon sit in this exalted position “at the right

hand of the Power of God” (Luke 22:69). This is the place Jesus now occupies in heaven as He reigns with

His Father over God’s kingdom and over all creation.

In this powerful position Jesus received the Holy Spirit and the authority to distribute the Spirit to others

in accordance with God’s promise. Thus like water is poured out from above and floods whatever is

below, God’s Spirit was poured out from heaven and engulfed the believers who had gathered in the

room in Jerusalem. Peter went on to emphasize that what the people of Israel had seen and heard

that day—the Spirit’s powerful activity that enabled the believers “to speak in different languages”

(Acts 2:4)—was further evidence of Jesus’ identity and authority.

Verse 36: In a powerful summation Peter emphasized a point he did not want the Israelites to miss.

All of them needed to know “with certainty” the truth about Jesus. In referring to Jesus as “Lord,” Peter

reached the climax of his message. More than simply a designation of respect (as it was sometimes used

in the Bible), the word “Lord” here indicated the divine nature of Jesus.

Jesus died for our sins, rose again, and reigns as Lord.

B I B L E S T U D I E S F O R L I F E 9 9




Acts 2:37-38

37 When they heard this, they came under deep conviction and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles: “Brothers, what must we do?” 38 “Repent,” Peter said to them, “and be baptized, each of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

READ: Ask a group member to read aloud Acts 2:37-38.

SUMMARIZE THE PSG (PAGE 81): Peter’s sermon had a devastating impact

on his hearers.

» In the original Greek, Luke’s words in verse 37 mean his hearers were “cut to

the heart.” These people were suffering and sorrowing over the sin of having

rejected and crucified the Messiah.

» When the people asked, “What must we do?” (v. 37), Peter was poised and

ready with a call to action: “Repent … and be baptized” (v. 38).

» The word “repent” in the Greek language means to change the way you think

about your life and your behavior. It is agreeing that God is right and we were

wrong. Peter told his listeners to repent and reverse the course of their lives.

DISCUSS: Question #5 on page 80 of the PSG: “Why is it important that we

repent when we follow Christ?” (Note: Point out that following Christ involves an

initial repentance when we come to Him and ongoing repentance as we turn from sin

and seek Him daily.)

DO: In advance, download from iTunes® the song “Jesus, Only Jesus” by Matt

Redman. Instruct group members to complete the activity on page 80 of the PSG

on their own as the song plays. If time permits, allow volunteers to share their



» What phrases or images most stand out to you from this song?

» How have you seen a display of Jesus’ power recently? In the space below,

write out a brief prayer in response.


ALTERNATE QUESTION:How did you initially respond when you heard the gospel?

10 minutes

10 0 S e S S i o n 2


Acts 2:37-38

The message of Christ calls for a response. Verse 37: While the Jews had earlier seen evidence of

the Spirit at work in the lives of believers, now they experienced Him at work in their own lives. On the

night before His death, Jesus told His disciples about the Holy Spirit’s ministry. Jesus promised that the

Spirit would “convict the world about sin, righteousness, and judgment” (John 16:8). Now on the day

of Pentecost, with thousands of Jews from around the world gathered in Jerusalem, the Spirit carried

out His assignment as He brought a “deep conviction” on the people who had heard Peter’s message. A

more literal translation of “deep conviction” would be “cut to the heart.” Peter’s words brought intense

emotional pain as the Jewish people realized the enormity of their sin. It was natural that they wanted

a solution to their problem. So they asked Peter and the other apostles: “Brothers, what must we do?”

Verse 38: The solution to their problem was to repent. They needed to change their thinking, especially

about Jesus, sin, and salvation. To repent in their thinking about Jesus they needed to acknowledge

Him as Lord and Messiah. To repent in their thinking about sin they needed to understand sin separates

us from God and Jesus provided the perfect, final sacrifice for our sin. To repent in their thinking about

salvation they needed to know that faith in Jesus is the only way to come into right relationship with the

Father and experience eternal life.

The biblical usage of “repent” also refers to a change of action—not only thinking differently but also

acting on this new belief. Thus Peter added that each of them needed to be baptized. Baptism is an

outward picture of an inward change that has happened to a person. Thus after the people changed

their thinking about Jesus, sin, and salvation they were to give evidence of that change by being

baptized. Being baptized “in the name of Jesus Christ” means acknowledging His identity and accepting

His authority. This baptism would reflect their newfound commitment to Christ.

This is the only place in the Book of Acts where there is any question about the relationship of baptism,

repentance, and forgiveness of sins. Some have incorrectly interpreted this verse to teach that baptism

is necessary for the forgiveness of sins. But this is not taught anywhere else in Scripture. Not long after

Pentecost on a different occasion, Peter specifically charged people to “repent … so that your sins may

be wiped out” (Acts 3:19) without a mention of baptism. At other times belief (10:43) or faith (26:18)

are mentioned as the basis for forgiveness of sins. Thus the phrase in 2:38 should be understood as

forgiveness of sins as a result of repentance, and baptism is the outward demonstration of the changed

mind and life. To those who experienced salvation, Peter noted they would “receive the gift of the Holy

Spirit.” This gift does not refer to special manifestations of the Spirit (which are His gifts), but instead to

His indwelling presence in believers’ lives.

Jesus died for our sins, rose again, and reigns as Lord.

B I B L E S T U D I E S F O R L I F E 101




LIVE IT OUTSAY: “Today’s study points to the unstoppable

message that salvation is found in Jesus.”

GUIDE: Lead group members to consider the

responses to the Bible study listed on page 82

of the PSG.

» Evaluate the focus of your spiritual

life. Is it focused on Jesus or on programs,

activities, or your own interests? If your

faith isn’t centered on Jesus, ask God to change your heart and attentions so

that they are firmly fixed on Him.

» Dive deep into Scripture. Over the next few weeks, read through the

Book of Acts. You’ll learn about the challenges and joys the early church

experienced and gain a fresh appreciation for the message of the gospel.

» Be prepared to share the gospel. Then, pray for opportunities to share

the message of Jesus in your everyday conversations. In a genuine way, share

about what Jesus has done for you.

Wrap It Up

SAY: “Let’s avoid ‘mission drift’ in our lives and in our churches. The message of

Jesus Christ and salvation found only in Him is the reason for all we do.”

5 minutes

102 S e S S i o n 2


The PointLoving people is a powerful expression of loving God.

The PassageActs 2:41-47

The Bible Meets Life The United States is well known for its humanitarian aid to other countries, and its citizens give to

a host of organizations seeking to alleviate various forms of suffering. While the motives for giving

to these groups may vary, giving within the church is motivated by love: a love for Christ expressed

in love for the person. Out of their common love for Jesus, the early church expressed love for each


The SettingOn the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples of Jesus. These disciples were

empowered by the Spirit to speak to the Jews present in Jerusalem for Pentecost, and to speak to

them in their own languages. As the people became more and more amazed, Peter preached to

them, telling them about Jesus and the good news of the gospel. Acts 2:41-47 reveals that about

3,000 people believed after Peter’s sermon; the passage describes the growth of the early church.



B I B L E S T U D I E S F O R L I F E 103


Acts 2:41-47

41 So those who accepted his message were baptized, and that

day about 3,000 people were added to them.

42 And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the

fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to the prayers.

43 Then fear came over everyone, and many wonders and signs

were being performed through the apostles.

44 Now all the believers were together and held all things

in common.

45 They sold their possessions and property and distributed the

proceeds to all, as anyone had a need.

46 Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the

temple complex, and broke bread from house to house. They ate

their food with a joyful and humble attitude,

47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And every

day the Lord added to them those who were being saved.

The fellowship (v. 42)—The Greek word koinonia comes from a root word meaning “common.” In this context, koinonia expressed shared interests and concerns, along with full engagement in a community of believers.

Breaking of bread (v. 42)—Most likely this refers to a regular meal, which could have concluded with an observance of the Lord’s Supper.

What does the Bible say?

10 4 S e S S i o n 3



GET INTO THE STUDYDISCUSS: Invite your group members to

discuss Question #1 on page 83 of the

PSG (Personal Study Guide): “What are

some employee benefits that would

get you excited?” Allow time for each

person to respond.


Businesses are not just known for their

products or services. They’re known for

their work environment and culture.

An Internet-related company offers its employees on-site vehicle maintenance, a laun-

dromat, hair salon, and nap pods where employees can power nap during work hours.

A healthcare company gives month-long vacations after only five years and will pay

most of the cost if you choose a country you’ve never visited. One pet food company

allows employees to bring their dogs to work.3

SAY: “The church is also known for its culture that is far deeper than corporate perks.

The early church’s culture overflowed with love—love that reflected Jesus Christ and

drew people to Him.”

GUIDE: Call attention to The Point on page 84 of the PSG: ”Loving people is a

powerful expression of loving God.”

ACTIVITY (OPTIONAL): In advance, enlist three or four volunteers to complete the

sentence: “As God’s people, we’re called to _________________ and we’re to do

that by _____________.” Take a few minutes to interview your volunteers in a panel-

discussion style. Enlist young adults from your Bible study group, mature Christian

leaders in your church, or even your church staff.

PRAY: Transition into the discussion with prayer. Thank God for His generous expres-

sions of love given to us in Christ and His church.

Loving people is a powerful expression of loving God.

TIP: Be prepared well enough to be able to adjust the focus of your group as needed. Solid preparation allows you not to be bound to your notes, so that as you listen you can adjust the discussion to respond to comments and questions.

10 minutes

PLAYLIST PICK: “Build Your Kingdom Here”

by Rend Collective

B I B L E S T U D I E S F O R L I F E 10 5




Acts 2:41-42

41 So those who accepted his message were baptized, and that day about 3,000 people were added to them. 42 And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to the prayers.

READ: Ask a group member to read aloud Acts 2:41-42.

SUMMARIZE THE PSG (PAGE 85): God did an incredible work in and through

the believers on the day of Pentecost.

» The Holy Spirit came upon the believers, Peter proclaimed the gospel, and

3,000 people responded and were added to their number.

» Out of their common love for the Lord Jesus, the believers came together

and shared meals, worshiped and praised God together, and enjoyed one

another’s company. They continued to grow by learning under the apostles’

teaching, fellowshiping together, and praying.

DISCUSS: Question #2 on page 85 of the PSG: “What aspects of church life

have been especially meaningful to you?”

SUMMARIZE THE PSG (PAGES 85-86): The early church experienced

significant growth and prayer was key. It’s no different for us today.

» Prayer allows God to change me—the one praying. As I pray in the love of

Christ for others who don’t know God, I become more burdened for them.

» As I pray for their broken relationships, health concerns, financial worries, or

problems at work, I grow in concern and love for them.

DISCUSS: Question #3 on page 86 of the PSG: “When have you seen the

transformational power of prayer?” (Note: This is a great opportunity to share

one of your own personal experiences. Your transparency will deepen discussion and

encourage your group members to share.)

TRANSITION: In the next verses we’ll see that the early believers didn’t just pray

for one another, they actively worked to help those in need.


ALTERNATE QUESTION:What do we learn about the practices of the early church in this passage?

10 minutes

10 6 S e S S i o n 3


Acts 2:41-42

Unstoppable love meets spiritual needs. Verse 41: On the day of Pentecost, the people heard a

clear and powerful message from Peter explaining the events. The Holy Spirit empowered Peter’s words

and brought conviction to the people. This led to Peter’s call for them to accept God’s offer of salvation

and be baptized (Acts 2:1‑40). As a result, many Jews “accepted his message.” Luke noted that about

3,000 people became followers of Christ.

Verse 42: The events noted in verses 42‑47 cover an extended period of time. During this time the new

community of believers was developing and growing. Their fellowship was characterized by several

distinctive activities. In fact, Luke wrote that they were devoted to these things.

A disciple is first a learner, which is why the apostles’ teaching was an essential element in the new

community. On a daily basis the apostles taught the new believers what they had learned from Jesus, as

their goal was to help believers become more like Jesus. This apostolic instruction could have included

Old Testament prophecies that were fulfilled in Christ; Jesus’ resurrection; as well as what Jesus taught

about God and His kingdom including faith, prayer, giving, relationships, and priorities. The apostles

most certainly shared personal stories about Jesus’ life and ministry.

The new community of believers was also devoted to “the fellowship.” The Greek word points to

believers’ unity with Christ or with each other. Believers have a common relationship with God through

faith in Christ and we share His Spirit who lives within each of us. The unity of the believers in Jerusalem

was expressed in their actions—which could have included worshiping God together, eating meals

together, being physically present and emotionally supportive in times of distress, and even giving

material possessions to help meet others’ needs.

Another common action the disciples carried out consistently was the “breaking of bread.” Beyond

a regular meal, this was most likely a celebration of the Lord’s Supper, which represents God’s new

covenant that was initiated by Christ’s sacrifice (Luke  22:14‑20). It also symbolizes the believer’s

communion (relationship) with Christ and with others in His body. A fourth activity that characterized

the new community was “the prayers.” Acts 3:1 notes how Peter and John “were going up together to

the temple complex at the hour of prayer at three in the afternoon,” so it is entirely possible that the

believers, who were Jews, continued to participate in these Jewish prayer services. But most certainly

the believers also prayed with and for each other as they met together in homes.

Loving people is a powerful expression of loving God.

B I B L E S T U D I E S F O R L I F E 107




Acts 2:43-45

43 Then fear came over everyone, and many wonders and signs were being performed through the apostles. 44 Now all the believers were together and held all things in common. 45 They sold their possessions and property and distributed the proceeds to all, as anyone had a need.

READ: Ask a group member to read aloud Acts 2:43-45.

SUMMARIZE THE PSG (PAGE 86): The believers in the early church didn’t just

meet together to pray and worship. Verses 43-45 show how they provided for the

needs of one another. Three characteristics are prominent:

1. Unity. They “were together and held all things in common” (v. 44).

2. Selflessness. “They sold their possessions and property” (v. 45).

3. Mutual care. They “distributed the proceeds to all, as anyone had a

need” (v. 45).

DISCUSS: Question #4 on page 87 of the PSG: “What would it look like for

our group to practice the extravagant love we see in this passage?”

SUMMARIZE THE PSG (PAGE 87): These early believers gave from the

overflow of their generosity. In this passage, Luke was describing what happened

in the early church, not giving us a mandate. Nevertheless, their example of caring

and extravagant love should motivate us to consider how we can imitate it.

TRANSITION: These early believers were committed to one another. In verses

46-47, we’ll see that they were also committed to sharing the gospel.


ALTERNATE QUESTION:How would you describe a healthy balance between giving and keeping in today’s world?

10 minutes

10 8 S e S S i o n 3


Acts 2:43-45

Unstoppable love meets physical needs. Verse 43: Because of what was happening in and

through the believers, Luke noted that a sense of “fear came over everyone.” This was not the feeling of

dread or panic people experience when they are afraid. Instead, it refers to a deep respect, admiration,

or reverence. It was not just a one-time occurrence either. The verb suggests an ongoing action—

everyone continued to experience this reverent awe. Surely the believers were amazed and probably

even overwhelmed by what God was doing in and through them. But likely the response refers more

to those who were not believers, especially Jews in Jerusalem who witnessed the work of God in ways

they might never have seen before.

Part of what they witnessed or heard about was the many wonders and signs that God did through

the apostles. These were miraculous actions similar to those done by Jesus that met physical needs,

demonstrated the power of God, and pointed people to God. These wonders and signs were a reminder

of Joel’s prophecy of the last days that Peter proclaimed on Pentecost (Acts 2:19).

Verse 44: This summary verse from Luke was another reminder of the close fellowship of “all the

believers” in the fledgling community of Christ. The word “together” emphasizes the unity of the

Christian community. The believers also “held all things in common.” This was a completely voluntary

action they engaged in because of their love and concern for one another.

Verse 45: Poverty was a reality throughout Judea and Galilee during the first century. It is likely that at

least some of those who became believers during that time were already living in poverty before they

trusted in Jesus. They were dependent on the generosity of others. And those who had come from

other towns or countries but remained in Jerusalem, perhaps anticipating the Lord’s imminent return,

may have found only marginal work after Pentecost, which would have added to the number of people

who did not have adequate provisions.

Because of their love for each other, the disciples determined to take care of anyone who had a need.

Thus “they sold their possessions and property” to help meet one another’s physical needs. Again,

this was not a required action for any disciple, as seen in the tragic story of Ananias and Sapphira that

happened sometime later (Acts 5:1-11). The believers obviously held a loose grip on their belongings

and allowed God to use whatever they had when there was a need to be met.

Loving people is a powerful expression of loving God.

B I B L E S T U D I E S F O R L I F E 10 9




Acts 2:46-47

46 Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple complex, and broke bread from house to house. They ate their food with a joyful and humble attitude, 47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And every day the Lord added to them those who were being saved.

READ: Ask a group member to read aloud Acts 2:46-47.

SUMMARIZE THE PSG (PAGE 89): The early church certainly prayed and

cared for others. But they didn’t stop there. The early believers shared the gospel.

In most situations today, the opportunity to share Christ is built on the foundation

of friendship. In the course of praying and caring, the Lord will give you an

opportunity to share how Jesus is the answer to whatever he or she is going


DISCUSS: Question #5 on page 88 of the PSG: “Loving others involves

praying, caring, and sharing. In which of these areas would you like to

grow?” (Note: Since this question requires some vulnerability, avoid placing people on

the spot to answer aloud.)

DO: Divide group members into subgroups of three or four people. Instruct

subgroups to complete the activity on page 88 of the PSG together.

START WHERE YOU ARE: Consider your community and the people in it. Who

is God calling your Bible study group to minister to? This might be an individual,

family, or group of people.

» What needs can your group pray for?

» What practical needs can your group meet?

» What steps can you take to be prepared to share about Christ when an

opportunity arises?

ACTIVITY (OPTIONAL): Gather your members and take a group picture. Discuss

how your group’s task is no different than that of the early believers and God has

placed you together to accomplish it. Text this picture to your group as a reminder

to pray for one another and for opportunities to minister together as a group.


ALTERNATE QUESTION:Why is it so important that we make the move from caring to sharing?

10 minutes

110 S e S S i o n 3


Acts 2:46-47

Unstoppable love creates opportunities to share the gospel. Verse 46: On a daily basis the

believers continued to meet with each other in the temple complex. The mention of the temple is

a reminder that the believers at this time still saw themselves as Jews. They had accepted Jesus of

Nazareth as the Messiah but they still held to many of the tenets of Judaism and continued to observe

many of the Jewish practices. Later this became a problem, however, as controversies arose between

Jewish and Gentile believers about clean and unclean foods (ch. 10), as well as circumcision and other

elements of the Mosaic Law (ch. 15).

While public, larger group gatherings in the temple were important, it was just as important for the

believers to spend time together outside the temple. Thus they also gathered from house to house,

that is, in many different homes throughout the city. It was in these intimate small groups where they

“broke bread.” This probably refers to a regular meal, which could have concluded with an observance

of the Lord’s Supper.

Verse 47: One other notable characteristic of the believers was their time spent praising God. Their

worship undoubtedly included words of thanks to God for all He had done for them—not only for the

eternal life they experienced because of Jesus but also for the abundant life they enjoyed because of

the Spirit’s presence within them.

The believers did not live their lives in isolation. The community of Christ was well-known throughout

the city. Luke noted that they enjoyed the favor of all the people, that is, the unbelieving Jews in

Jerusalem. The believers’ lives and their fellowship were characterized by great love, and likely this was

the key to the goodwill they received from outsiders. Their love was noteworthy and became a witness

to others, just as Jesus had promised: “By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have

love for one another” (John 13:35).

The results of their sacrificial love and ongoing witness were astounding. The Holy Spirit empowered

their witness, just as Jesus had promised in Acts 1:8, and “every day” people were being saved. As a

result, the Lord added these new believers to the community of faith.

Out of their common love for Jesus, believers in the early church expressed love for each other. And this

love spread throughout Jerusalem as the believers loved their fellow Jews enough to share the good

news of the gospel with them. As a result, the church continued to grow and was held in high regard

even by those who were not part of it.

Loving people is a powerful expression of loving God.

B I B L E S T U D I E S F O R L I F E 111




LIVE IT OUTSAY: “How can God use you this week to love


GUIDE: Lead group members to consider the

responses to the Bible study listed on page 90

of the PSG.

» Take a walk around your

community. Pray for the people who

live in each home. Pray for their spiritual,

emotional, and financial needs—and especially for their salvation. Ask God to

work in their lives and to use you as His chosen instrument to tell them about


» Look for someone in need this week, then meet that need. Give

with no expectation of receiving anything in return. Ask God to fan into flame

a deeper understanding of what it means to love others as an expression of

loving Him.

» Share Jesus with someone you know. Who have you prayed for or

helped in practical ways but never talked to about Jesus? Bring Jesus into your

conversation with that person. Let them know that your motivation is Christ.

Wrap It Up

SAY: “The early church was known for its culture of praying, caring, and sharing. It’s a

powerful trio that continues to change the world.”

5 minutes

112 S e S S i o n 3


The PointWe intersect daily with people who need Christ.

The PassageActs 3:1-10

The Bible Meets Life Whenever you drive any distance at all, you pass intersection after intersection. Many times we just

pass through those intersections without noticing what’s around. These intersections are like our

lives. Every day we intersect with people, but we should take the time to notice them without simply

passing by. God put us on this pathway to impact and influence lives along our journey. Intersections

become opportunities.

The SettingThe early Christian church in Jerusalem was comprised of Jews. Most of them continued to participate

in the Jewish rituals and worship. One day, as Peter and John were going up to the temple complex to

take part in the afternoon hour of prayer, they encountered a lame man begging at the temple gate.

They used this opportunity to demonstrate the power of Jesus Christ to this lame man and all those

present at the temple.



B I B L E S T U D I E S F O R L I F E 115


Acts 3:1-10 (HCSB)

1 Now Peter and John were going up together to the temple

complex at the hour of prayer at three in the afternoon.

2 And a man who was lame from birth was carried there and

placed every day at the temple gate called Beautiful, so he could

beg from those entering the temple complex.

3 When he saw Peter and John about to enter the temple

complex, he asked for help.

4 Peter, along with John, looked at him intently and said, “Look

at us.”

5 So he turned to them, expecting to get something from them.

6 But Peter said, “I don’t have silver or gold, but what I have, I give

you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, get up and walk!”

7 Then, taking him by the right hand he raised him up, and at

once his feet and ankles became strong.

8 So he jumped up, stood, and started to walk, and he entered the

temple complex with them—walking, leaping, and praising God.

9 All the people saw him walking and praising God,

10 and they recognized that he was the one who used to sit and

beg at the Beautiful Gate of the temple complex. So they were

filled with awe and astonishment at what had happened to him.

What does the Bible say?

116 S e S S i o n 4




idea of brief exchanges with the follow-

ing activity. Instruct each person to think

of one interesting fact about themselves

others may not know. Instruct group

members to learn as many facts from as

many people as they can in 60 seconds.

Afterward, find out who can recall the

most facts. Today’s session looks at how

small encounters can become significant

opportunities. (Have less than 10 in your

group? Instruct group members to collect

several facts per person.)

DISCUSS: Invite your group members to discuss Question #1 on page 91 of the PSG

(Personal Study Guide): “When has a ‘chance’ encounter changed your life?” Allow

time for each person to respond.

SUMMARIZE THE PSG (PAGE 92): In the early 70s, Bill Fernandez had two friends,

both named Steve. Out walking around the neighborhood one afternoon with one of

them, Bill saw the other Steve washing his car. It seemed like the perfect opportunity

to introduce his two friends. And that’s how Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak met. They

hit it off immediately. They both had an interest in technology and eventually they co-

founded a little company called Apple®.

SAY: “Our daily interruptions and intersections with people may be unplanned on our

part—they may even feel random—but from God’s perspective they are not. In Acts 3,

Peter and John took advantage of a chance meeting that led to amazing results.”

GUIDE: Call attention to The Point on page 92 of the PSG: ”We intersect daily with

people who need Christ.”

PRAY: Transition into the discussion with prayer. Ask God for awareness to recognize

daily opportunities we have to share Christ with others.

We intersect daily with people who need Christ.

10 minutes

PLAYLIST PICK: “One and Only”

by Rend Collective

TIP: Pay attention to the pace of your lesson. Do you typically run short on time? Or do you often finish early? Evaluate your teaching and identify ways to keep within your scheduled time.

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Acts 3:1-4 (HCSB)

1 Now Peter and John were going up together to the temple complex at the hour of prayer at three in the afternoon. 2 And a man who was lame from birth was carried there and placed every day at the temple gate called Beautiful, so he could beg from those entering the temple complex. 3 When he saw Peter and John about to enter the temple complex, he asked for help. 4 Peter, along with John, looked at him intently and said, “Look at us.”

READ: Ask a group member to read aloud Acts 3:1-4.

SUMMARIZE THE PSG (PAGE 93): Peter and John chose to pause at a busy

intersection on their way to the temple in Jerusalem.

» Three o’clock in the afternoon was one of the times designated daily for

prayer, and it was the time for one of the two daily sacrifices.

» Large crowds would be coming to pray and offer sacrifices at the temple.

» Peter and John likely chose this crowded time and place as a forum to share

the gospel. As they approached the temple gate, they saw a disabled man

begging from those who passed.

» Instead of hurrying past him, Peter and John stopped, looked at the man, and

directed him to look at them. Most likely, the man had already turned to ask

another person for a donation.

DISCUSS: Question #2 on page 93 of the PSG: “How can we get better at

noticing the opportunities God gives us to love others?”

TRANSITION: A divine interruption became an unstoppable opportunity. This

man’s life was about to change. Forever.


ALTERNATE QUESTION:What emotions do you experience when God interrupts your day?

5 minutes

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Acts 3:1-4 Commentary

See the opportunity your intersections with people provide. Verse 1: One day Peter and John

were on their way to the temple, apparently to participate in the hour of prayer that happened each

day “at three in the afternoon.” This was the time of the evening sacrifice. Jewish worship at the temple

included a time of prayer as well as the priestly blessing of the people.

Verse 2: One gate in the temple was known by the name ”Beautiful.” While there are no references to a

gate by this name in either the Old Testament or in Jewish writings from the period, this may have been

what was known as the Nicanor Gate in rabbinic literature. Outside the gate a man was strategically

placed where he could beg for alms from generous worshipers entering the temple complex. One

essential practice of Judaism taught by the rabbis was almsgiving. By the New Testament period, alms

could take the form of either charitable monetary giving or good deeds. To practice almsgiving was to

be righteous. Since there was no governmental assistance, financial support for the needy was essential.

The man was lame from birth; family or friends carried him daily to the temple where he would sit to

beg. It was most likely the only way he could get any money to help provide for his needs. The time

of the evening services at the temple would have been one of the best times for begging, as people

coming to and from the temple would have been more inclined to practice piety by giving alms to the

needy. The reason the man was placed there was because it was the most advantageous position from

which to gain alms from those coming and going from the temple.

Verses 3-4: Peter and John were on their way into the temple complex when the lame man saw them.

As he probably did countless times every day, the man cried out as people passed by. He asked “for

help” from Peter and John as they approached him. Possibly the beggar would look at and call out to

one person or group then immediately turn and make the same request of someone else lest he miss

a potential benefactor. Then he would repeat this again and again. The man’s hope was for someone

to give him a donation in response to his plea for help. Probably most people who gave to him did this

almost mindlessly as they went to and from the temple.

The apostles’ response on that day, however, must have been quite unexpected. Rather than hurrying

past him, they gave focused attention to him and saw his need. Because they were concerned about

him, they directed him to “Look at us.” The man evidently had turned away from them so they had to

get his attention before they proceeded to talk with him.

We intersect daily with people who need Christ.

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Acts 3:5-8 (HCSB)

5 So he turned to them, expecting to get something from them. 6 But Peter said, “I don’t have silver or gold, but what I have, I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, get up and walk!” 7 Then, taking him by the right hand he raised him up, and at once his feet and ankles became strong. 8 So he jumped up, stood, and started to walk, and he entered the temple complex with them—walking, leaping, and praising God.

READ: Ask a group member to read aloud Acts 3:5-8.

SUMMARIZE THE PSG (PAGE 94): It’s important to note that Peter and John

didn’t rationalize a way out of helping the man in need.

» “Peter said, ‘I don’t have silver or gold, but what I have, I give you: In the name

of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, get up and walk!’” (v. 6). Peter then took the

disabled man by the right hand and pulled him to his feet.

» The man, who had been “lame from birth” (v. 2), may have expected to topple

to the ground immediately; yet his feet and ankles supported him perfectly. It

was surely an emotional experience.

DISCUSS: Question #3 on page 95 of the PSG: “When have you seen Jesus

make a dramatic change in someone’s life?”

SUMMARIZE THE PSG (PAGE 95): What can we learn from this passage?

» Peter and John gave what they had. God always supplies what we need

to do His work; otherwise, He wouldn’t have brought us to that intersection.

Even when we feel ill-equipped, we can take a step of faith.

» Peter and John relied on Jesus. The apostles didn’t have the power to

heal; Jesus did. When they said, “In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene,

get up and walk,” (v. 6) they were acknowledging the power and authority of

Jesus Christ to heal.

TRANSITION: Peter, John, and the lame man weren’t the only ones impacted by

this encounter. The next verses reveal how God used this incident for His purposes.


ALTERNATE QUESTION:What do young adults have to offer those who don’t know Christ?

10 minutes

12 0 S e S S i o n 4


Acts 3:5-8 Commentary

Share the love of Christ through those encounters. Verses 5-6: The lame man “turned to them.”

He probably did not know them by sight, so he simply expected to get something from them. But

his expectation was quickly disappointed. Immediately Peter spoke and said, “I don’t have silver or

gold.” But Peter wasn’t finished—he had something else to say. “But what I have, I give you.” Then

Peter invoked “the name of Jesus Christ.” A person’s name represented everything about the person,

especially the person’s attributes and characteristics. Thus the name of Jesus Christ represented His

divine identity, authority, and power. Calling on the name of Jesus Christ was not a magical formula

that forced Jesus to act (as the story in Acts 19:13‑17 confirms). Rather, it was a declaration of the power

and authority of the Lord to heal the man and the means by which Christ’s power was released to work

through Peter.

To clarify the identity of Jesus Christ, Peter added that He was “the Nazarene.” Peter was stating that

this was the same Jesus from the town of Nazareth who had ministered throughout Judea, Galilee, and

Samaria. This was the same Jesus who had done miraculous things people had talked about. This was

the same Jesus who was crucified by the Romans. This was the same Jesus who a large group of Jews

believed was raised from the dead and was still the subject of conversation in Jerusalem. This was the

same Jesus who Peter called on as he commanded the man to “get up and walk!”

Verse 7: Peter then reached out and grabbed the man’s right hand and raised him up. This sentence

appears to indicate the lame man’s initial reluctance to act on Peter’s command; after all, he knew his

legs were useless. Similar to some of Jesus’ healing miracles, Peter’s touch was the conduit through

which God’s power flowed to bring healing and enable the lame man to stand up. Complete healing

happened at once for the formerly lame man. As Peter pulled him up the man discovered his feet and

ankles had instantly become strong.

Verse 8: The man wasted no time getting familiar with his new legs. He jumped up and started to walk.

The tense of the Greek verb indicates that he continued to walk. The first place the formerly lame man

went was into the temple complex with Peter and John. The man who had formerly sat outside the

temple at its entrance now entered into the temple on his own two feet. While in the temple the man

was walking and leaping. The Greek word for “leaping” is the same word used by Jesus to describe the

living water He offers, which is “springing up within” those who drink it (John 4:14).

Inside the temple the man went beyond simply exercising his new legs. He was also praising God. He

knew he had received a great gift—actually a miracle—and he joyfully acknowledged God as its source.

We intersect daily with people who need Christ.

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Acts 3:9-10 (HCSB)

9 All the people saw him walking and praising God, 10 and they recognized that he was the one who used to sit and beg at the Beautiful Gate of the temple complex. So they were filled with awe and astonishment at what had happened to him.

READ: Ask a group member to read aloud Acts 3:9-10.

DISCUSS: Question #4 on page 96 of the PSG: “How have you been affected

personally by others’ obedience to Christ?”

DISCUSS: Question #5 on page 97 of the PSG: “How can we make room now

so we can say yes to future opportunities to serve?”

ACTIVITY (OPTIONAL): In advance, have dominoes set up in a row so that

when one falls over, it sets into motion a chain reaction knocking all others down.

Explain that our obedience creates a chain reaction in our lives and in others’ lives.

Others will come to know Christ as Savior and our faith will deepen as we say yes

to the opportunities God gives us.

SUMMARIZE THE PSG (PAGE 96): If you read the rest of Acts 3, you’ll see

Peter grabbed this opportunity to talk about Jesus to all those who had come

to the temple to worship. One opportunity to talk about Jesus led to another

opportunity. As a result, about 5,000 men accepted Christ (see Acts 4:4).

DO: Divide group members into subgroups of three or four people. Instruct

subgroups to complete the activity on page 97 of the PSG together.


» Use the space below to make a sketch or map of your community. Place an

X on the main locations where different types of people gather on a regular


» How can your group use one or more of the locations above to create

intersections with other people in your community?


ALTERNATE QUESTION:What is our role in creating opportunities to meet needs and share the gospel?

15 minutes

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Acts 3:9-10 Commentary

One encounter often leads to more opportunities to share Christ. Verses 9-10: The man’s

actions created quite a commotion. Evidently it was very unusual for a worshiper to leap about and

shout praises to God in the temple complex. Thus it’s no wonder that all the people took notice of him

and his conduct. While Isaiah had prophesied that in the messianic age, “Then the lame will leap like a

deer” (Isaiah 35:6), apparently no one expected it to happen in that place at that time.

The people recognized the man. They had seen him for years as they walked to the temple. He was in

fact the same man “who used to sit and beg at the Beautiful Gate.” The people knew the man and his

previous condition of being lame. But undeniably something miraculous had happened to the lame

man, because now they saw him walking around praising God.

Thus their response was to be expected: “they were filled with awe and astonishment.” Only Luke used

these words in the New Testament. The Greek term for awe (thambos) describes a reaction to a sudden

event that can be a response of either awe or fear. The Greek word for astonishment (ekstasis, from

which we get our English word “ecstasy”) is sometimes translated “visionary state” (Acts 10:10; 11:5;

22:17). This was what the people in the temple experienced—the formerly lame man walking, jumping,

and praising God right before their very eyes. This was not normal! What they saw stopped them in their

tracks. They were overwhelmed with a sense of reverent fear at the miracle they witnessed.

However, awe and astonishment are not the same as repentance and faith. A person can be astonished

by someone or something without realizing the true meaning and purpose behind the event. In

Acts 3:11‑26, Peter would seize the opportunity to preach to the people in the temple, proclaiming that

the miracle the crowd had observed of the man formerly lame healed and walking bore witness to the

reality of the power of God and the salvation now available from God through His Messiah, Jesus Christ.

Read the article “Alms and Almsgiving” in the Fall 2016 issue of Biblical Illustrator. Previous Biblical Illustrator articles “Simon Peter: His Years of Ministry” (Fall 2012), “John, Follower of Jesus” (Winter 2006-2007), “Begging in Jerusalem” (Fall 2003), “Peter’s Messages” (Fall 2000), and “Peter’s Miracles” (Fall 2000) relate to this lesson and can be purchased, along with other articles for this quarter, at Look for Bundles: Bible Studies for Life.

We intersect daily with people who need Christ.

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LIVE IT OUTSAY: “We’re called to notice those around us

and respond as Christ would. This mandate is

hardly easy.”

GUIDE: Lead group members to consider the

responses to the Bible study listed on page 98

of the PSG.

» Take stock. When it comes to others,

what’s the condition of your heart and

mind? Identify any prejudices or thoughts that make it difficult for you to love

someone else. Ask God to change your attitude so that you can see others as

He does.

» Take notice. Make a point to see every intersection in your life as an

opportunity to be used by God. When you’re making decisions, meeting

people, stuck in traffic, or getting coffee, ask God to make you sensitive to

needs around you.

» Take action. Pinpoint a local ministry that serves people who you feel go

largely unnoticed in society. This might be individuals in retirement homes,

special needs individuals, or another group. Grab your group members and

volunteer a Saturday to share Christ’s love with them.

Wrap It Up

SAY: “Peter and John had a decision to make: they could just keep walking and carry

on with their plans, or stop to see what God would do. We face this same decision at

times. What will your choice be?”

5 minutes

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