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TweetSpice User Guide

TweetSpice User Guide

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TweetSpice User Guide

Table of Contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................... 2

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 3

INSTALLING TWEETSPICE .............................................................................................. 4

Installation Process..................................................................................................................... 4 Registration & Activation Process .............................................................................................. 4 OAuth Account Creation.............................................................................................................. 5

FOLLOWING .................................................................................................................. 7

UNFOLLOWING ........................................................................................................... 10

TWEETS AND SCHEDULED TWEETS ............................................................................. 11

DIRECT MESSAGES ...................................................................................................... 13

SCHEDULED FOLLOWING ............................................................................................ 16

TARGET FOLLOWING .................................................................................................. 17

FIND AND REPLY ......................................................................................................... 18

AUTOMATION ............................................................................................................ 20

TASK QUEUE ............................................................................................................... 21

FAQS ........................................................................................................................... 23

FINAL WORDS ............................................................................................................. 25

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"The beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something we do not

understand." - Frank Herbert

TweetSpice is a powerful Social Marketing tool to assist you in managing your

micro blogging Twitter account(s). To achieve this it consists of several smart

modules and lots of features & benefits. For example assuming you have your

own feed or want to Tweet RSS content from your favorite sources.

Our smart RSS module will help you manage feeds. This helps to keep your

Twitter timeline updates with fresh and current content for your followers and


This is a huge benefit as you do not have to be there tweeting 100% to get your

message across.

TweetSpice does not just stop there it has an entire suite of modules that help you

automate the entire process.

Very soon we will be adding another smart module that helps you post to

Facebook as well as your twitter account, but under your complete control.

To successfully install and register the software, refer to the section in the manual

labeled Installing TweetSpice.

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Installing TweetSpice

Installation Process

After downloading TweetSpice.exe (this is a self-extracting file), doubleclick the

file, and follow the installation instructions to completion.

This version of TweetSpice require the .NET Framework v3.51. It should be

installed on your computer by default, if not the software prompts for a download

and installs it before TweetSpice installation can commence.

On the same download page there is another file with a *.msi extention. This is

only for users on some variation of Windows 7 machines who have had difficulty

in installing whiles using the *.exe file. In this case download the *.msi file double-

click, and follow the installation intructions.

Registration & Activation Process

Follow the instructions below carefully to register your TweetSpice software after

a successful installation.

If your current trial version has expired then the "License acquisition center" form

should be displayed automatically on starting the software.

We say this because some users may have downloaded trial versions of the


Alternatively follow the instructions below:

Go to Help -> About menu of the software then press the Register button. You will

then be presented with the "License acquisition center" form.

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Step 1. Use the details below to Request a Key. Type exactly as shown below:

The details below will be sent to your email address after a successful purchase.

These will be the same details you used during your purchase.

* = Required Field

First name: *[Your First name]

Last name: *[Your Surname name]

Email: *[Your exact email address you used during


Step 2. Your Registration Key & details will be sent to the above email address.

Check your email address for the registration key. If you cannot find it for any

reason check your other email folders, like you SPAM folder. NOTE: Give the

email a little time to be delivered to you. Failing the above please email support

for help. Support details can be found in the contact section of this manual.

OAuth Account Creation

There is a New Login Method for Twitter. Find more information below.

Twitter will not be supporting basic authentication from 16th August, 2010.

Hence if you have an older version of TweetSpice you should complete a step-

by-step process to allow TweetSpice to be able to log into your account using

OAuth, which is a more secure way of logging into your Twitter account. This is

only a one time process.

A PDF guide of how to login or migrate to your Twitter account using

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OAuth has been included on the download page, find the link below.

A find below video demonstrating link of how to create OAuth account using

TweetSpice. OAuth Account Creation.

There is more information regarding installation, activation and oAuth

Account Creation process on the TweetSpice Software Download

Registration & Activation Details page. Please visit that page for more


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This feature allows the user to follow interested users on Twitter. It is to be used

only as a management tool and not for spamming under any circumstance.

When you follow someone what it means is that you are requesting to receive

their updates or tweets from their public timeline. Twitter encourages you to

follow people you are interested in but they will surely enforce a suspension if it

is done aggressively. They do monitor all accounts for aggressive following and

follow churn (repeatedly following and unfollowing large numbers of people).

Fig. 2.1

Twitter suggests users can follow about a thousand people per day, but from

experience that is far from the truth. See their follow policy from this

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link. They do have spam filters all over the place, and your account activities can

be accidentally caught in one of their spam filter fiasco’s.

They have had to apologize to many users for accidentally shutting down their

accounts and then bringing it back to live after they recognized their

transgressions and misgivings.

One other concept you may want to watch ot for is the follower-t-following ratio.

What is simply means is make sure more people are following you than you are

following people. That puts your account some-what is a stronger position.

When you open a new account it has all the trimmings of potential spam trigger, so

follow very cautiously between 1 to 50 people to start with, and as your account

grows in number of followers and popularity you can gradually increase this

number using the "Follow Users" section referred to in Fig 2.1.

The “Following Settings” section controls the maximum number of people you can

follow per day i.e. "Maximum Follows Per Day" field on the above form controls

this feature

There is also a random time delay which makes the application behave like a

human is actually submitting the follow requests and this is controlled by the "Time

Delay Between Follows" fields. Will like suggest that you set this figure high

enough. What this means is that the application will follow slowly rather that

rapidly. Set the configuration slowly so that you do not follow aggressively.

Once this is all set the application will do this all for you automatically

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quietly in the background.

One very important point is that the the Following screen has a field called

“Maximum Follow per Day”, this field is actually a master field and controls both

the Following & Scheduled Following features. In order words the value the user

enters in this field is the maximum number of followers the application will allow

in one day of following.

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You may follow users but then you change your mind and decided to

unfollow. That is ok, so far as it is not seen by Twitter as aggressively

unfollowing people. This according to Twitter spoils the user-experience.

Generally the advice will be to unfollow people after 3 days if they have not

reciprocated and followed you back. The applications automation feature can

easily handle this step for you.

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Tweets and Scheduled Tweets

You can post updates (some users call this tweets) to your timeline as and when

you feel you have something of value you need to communicate to your readers

about. This can be fun when you have an attentive audience and you know the


that they will like to be provided with. You can find this out by carrying out surveys

on your audience (that’s a little tip). If however you decide you want to step it up a

notch and will not be around your Twitter account 100% of the time, but yet would

like to send them tweets, then you are in luck because TweetSpice makes this

very easy for you.

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You can either send one-off tweets as I mentioned above or schedule timeless

content for up to a year if you want. This is a fantastic opportunity as your timeline

will always have update content streaming to it does not look to your audience that

the account has been abandoned, not to mention the added benefit of scheduling

updates even when you are away on holiday, brilliant!.

Fig. 4.2

This is what the Schedule Tweets screen looks like. You can add tweets to be

scheduled one at a time or can import tweets into the system.

After getting you scheduled tweets in to the application you can schedule the

times that they needs to go out whether two or three per day and at what

intervals etc.

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Direct Messages

The Direct Messages Tab or Screen is designed for managing messages that

people you have followed sent you. When someone follows you on Twitter you

are allowed to send them message(s), although there is a limit to the number of

messages you can send per day, this I believe is one of Twitter’s spam control


Fig. 5.1

This should not be misconstrued as email, as there are major differences as well

as a few similarities.

Sometimes message that you receive can be over whelming and at times

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some, if not all could be spam. The DM feature is made available so that the user

can manage their Direct Messages by cleaning out unwanted messages.

Described below are the various ways by which you can manage you DMs.

=> Delete Incoming Direct Messages From the first dropdown box you have:

=> Delete All Incoming Direct Messages => Delete Incoming Messages That

Contain URLs This in fact will delete all messages that contain URLs, except if

you have selected to leave the last 15 or 20 messages intact, the variable is


=> Don't Delete Last [15] Direct Messages This means delete everything but

leave the latest or current 15 messages behind.

=> Delete Button.

When user presses this button, it will go ahead and carry out the above

chosen options by deleting the messages with regards to the options the user

has chosen.

=> Send Direct Messages

You Need To Select Follower To Send Direct Message To: Select user... This is

to send a DM to only a single person at a time. Select a user who is following you

from the list box (press, Select user...), then type your message in the textbox

provided, a maximum of 140 character, then press the

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Send button.

=> Direct Messages Campaign

This feature allows a user to send bulk messages to their followers. As

mentioned above Twitter has a limit to the amount of messages you can send

per day, which is 250 followers per day. So for instance if you have 750

followers this will take you three days to send a message to all of them, i.e. 250

users per day will receive the message, so if you have 10,000 users you image

how long this can take.

In addition this messages are sent to a random selection of your users until the

number you specified in the "Limit to" textbox is reached.

=> Campaign Name

This is just a name to identify the Campaign in the Activity Log, it is optional

so you can leave this blank.

You type the message you want sent to your list in the textbox

provided and press the Start button

=> Other Functionality

There are other buttons on this form or Tab that allow you to shorten your long

URL using the or other services.

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Scheduled Following

This feature affords you the opportunity to follow a target audience hands free

and also to stay with Twitter terms and conditions. You can find more tips in the

Following people chapter which has the fundamentals of how to follow people


Fig. 6.1

Trust me, even if you follow people manually by hand which Twitter encourages

they can still shut you down if they have reason to believe that you are

aggressively following people.

On this screen you can set the fields that allow you to automate this

process and more.

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Target Following

This type of following allows you to follow using keywords in your market or niche.

You can set the days you want the following to happen and also set

Fig. 7.1

the delay parameters so the application picks up a random figure and mimics

human activity.

You can ask it to follow within a specific time period when you know your target

audience are most attentive. You can also apply language specific filters on this


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Find and Reply

The Find and Reply (FR) Feature is very easy to use. It gives the user the ability

to reply to certain questions & events that your followers post in your time-line

automatically. This automates replies you would have otherwise give in person

and could have been time consuming. But with FR set on auto-pilot the user who

requested for information and help in the first place gets a more timely and hence

more accurate response. Think how powerful this is.

Lets say you are an Affiliate Marketer and you are familiar with a particular Niche

Market. You will then create a Twitter account for that particular niche in order to

be in touch and to communication with your audience.

You will come up or research phrases (keywords) common to the market or

audience you are targeting on Twitter.

Armed with these set of keyword phrases you can use TweetSpice (TS) to send

timely messages to your audience.

TweetSpice (TS) does this by using a keyword phrase matched to the reply you

want the user to receive when a search is found live on Twitter. This means

someone may have asked the question and needs a timely answer. This happens

automatically even if you are not physically behind your laptop or PC.

As an example, in the Search Keywords section of the software a user can type

iphone or "i want iphone4" (without the quotes) in the Keyphrase field and the

Reply Text can be "I came across this fantastic iphone deal, check it out

here -> Your short URL". You can prepare a number of these then enter

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them into the software.

With Search/Reply Parameters, language filters can be applied i.e. set it to

English only, for example.

In the Search/Reply Parameters section you can adjust parameters like the

Maximum Searches Per day, Delay Between Searches, Perform AutoReplies

Between certain times of the day, and also to apply Additional Filters like English

Language and to filter out replies with links, Hashtags, @REPLY per a particular

Twitter account.

Fig. 8.1

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The Automation tab allows the user to turn on/off the various features they do not

want operating. So we are talking about features like Target Following, scheduled

Following, Unfollowing users who did not follow you back, Scheduled Tweets,

Refresh Bitly Service Statistics, Enable Find and Reply tec. And the list goes on.

Fig. 9.1

The user can tell that a particular feature is turn on when the title of the tab

indicates that it is [Active] or off otherwise. Further configuration can be carried

out from this screen.

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Task Queue

This is termed the Spy Window as you can obviously see it lets you look under

the hood of what TweetSpice is doing at some point in time. These could be

tasks such as Following or Unfollowing users. Posting Scheduled updates to

your accounts timeline, Posting RSS feed updates and a


myriad of other activities. We also have the Activity Log which displays what

the application is doing as per a particular task.

All this data gives you a wealth of information that you can act on, one being

whether to terminate a particular task that you don’t want to be executing at

a particular time for one reason or the other and it makes

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managing your account all the more flexible and fun.

There is a right-click context sensitive menu that you can use to control the

application as well.

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Q - How do I request for a registration key?

A - Follow the instructions below carefully to register your TweetSpice software.

If your current trial version has expired then the "License acquisition center" form

should be displayed automatically on starting the software.

Alternatively follow the instructions below:

Go to Help -> About menu of the software then press the Register button. You

will then be presented with the "License acquisition center" form.

Step 1. Use the details below to Request a Key. Type exactly as shown below:

First name: *[Your First name]

Last name: *[Your Surname name]

Email: *[Your exact email address you used during Purchase/Registration]

Step 2. Your Registration Key & details will be sent to the above email address.

Check your email address for the registration key. Give the email a little while to

be delivered.

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Final Words

TweetSpice Manages everything in your Twitter accounts period.

It has been the result of getting over 100,000 Twitter followers and making lots of

money from them in short period of time. It is a "Set It And Forget It" piece of

machine. This Tool is Lethal period! It will help you build your List, It will Drip feed

and Tweet your RSS Feed Automatically, Greet New Users (optionally), Tweet for

you automatically, Get Followers for you, remove unfollowers, Set an Affiliate

Campaign, Block Spam, Manage Your Mentions, the features are endless. Use it


Watch the demo Video Here:

Warmest Regards,

Fitz Adom

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