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Page 1: Tourism Report

Table of Contents

1. Introduction.........................................................................................................................................2

2. Product................................................................................................................................................3

2.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................3

2.2 Logo of the company...................................................................................................................4

2.3 Partnership...................................................................................................................................5

2.4 Target Market..............................................................................................................................5

3. Marketing Plan....................................................................................................................................6

3.1 Business Objectives.....................................................................................................................6

3.2 Situation Analysis........................................................................................................................7

3.3 Market Analysis...........................................................................................................................7

3.4 Competitive Analysis...................................................................................................................8

3.5 Product Market Match.................................................................................................................8

3.6 Marketing Objectives...................................................................................................................8

3.7 Positioning...................................................................................................................................9

3.8 Marketing Strategies....................................................................................................................9

3.9 Marketing Activities..................................................................................................................10

3.10 Advertising................................................................................................................................10

4. General Concerns of Ecotourism Business........................................................................................12

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1. Introduction

Hector Ceballos Lascurain a Mexican architect, environmentalist ,and international ecotourism

consultant provided the first definition of ecotourism in 1987 at a forum on the “Conservation of

the Americas ”His definition is that ecotourism is “ travel to relatively undisturbed or

uncontaminated natural areas with the specific objective of studying, admiring, and enjoying the

scenery and its wild plants and animal, as well as any exciting cultural manifestations (both past

and present) found in these areas.”

Over time the definition of eco tourism has overlapped with nature-based tourism, nature tourism

and sustainable tourism. As per the Michigan State University’s Center for Community and

Economic development report nature - based tourism provides the broadest definition as it

describes the segment in the tourism market in which people travel with the primary purpose of

visiting a natural destination.

Nature tourism refers to traveling to unspoiled places to experience and enjoy nature. Sustainable

tourism considers both social and environmental issues; community involvement is fundamental

to sustainable tourism.

Eco -Tourism

Nature Based Tourism

Nature Tourism

Sustainable Tourism

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2. Product

2.1 Introduction

Based on the concept of eco-tourism provided above in the figure 1.1, the product which we have

come up with that best constitutes all this aspect of eco-tourism is a self sustainable hotel based

on an art theme located in Kritipur which probably is present day Kathmandu valley’s most

nature friendly destination. The hotel will be named as Hotel Canvas. Basically, Kritipur is least

encroached upon by unplanned urbanization and has plenty of potential to flourish as a eco

tourism destination within the valley and to further add it is the last potential destination left

within the valley’s vicinities which our policy makers still can plan about. Hence Kritipur was

chosen to launch as our product location.

Just like any other eco-tourism company, our product is a combination of service, activities and


As per our product, the hotel which will constitute of 10 rooms based on art themes which again

based on natural themes associated with Nepal and its restaurant based purely on traditional

Eco-Toursim Product

Eco-Tourism Resources

Eco-Toursim Service

Eco-Tourism Activites

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Newari food will cover the eco-tourism service aspect. Each and every room will have some sort

of significance as for example one room can be decorated with the painting of the various

mountains and the room theme can be based on it while the other can be on traditional Newari

style living (Swathaa). Basically the idea is that all the rooms will have its own theme featuring

eco friendly room. While, eco-tourism activities will be a combination of various hiking tours

and bicycle tours around the valley (example; Shivapuri Conservation Area) organized by the

hotel itself. As for the eco-tourism based on resources, the hotel will use food products grown in

its own organic farmland to serve the customers while locals will be employed to do the job. The

total land size will be around 5 ropanies so the hotel can create its own local sewage system and

ensure it meets the eco-friendly requirement set by objectives of the company. Since the

restaurant is going to be traditional Newari style, we can serve the food and beverage items on

the locally made utensils. In doing so we promote the Newari craftsmanship as well which we

believe is highly undervalued and estimated. However, there may be people wanting modern

drinks so for them too the hotel’s restaurant has a way out, for example draft beer and cask wine

to serve in the restaurant which is a way of minimizing the cost of shipping and the disposal of

excess packaging. Moreover, just like many conservation groups use the 4 R’s (reduce, reuse,

recycle and buy recycled), our hotel use this concept in its operation to further cement its place

as an eco friendly hotel.

2.2 Logo of the company

The hotel will come up with its logo to portray values and goals of its existence. The logo will

clearly deliver our message and will also show what our hotel signifies.

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2.3 PartnershipThe partnership of the hotel will be a private one. The local people of Kirtipur can also be

involved in the operation. They can be a source providing raw materials for the operation of the

hotel. Since we will be promoting the hotel as a eco-tourism product, partnering with some major

organic farmers will be an added benefit as it will further highlight the environment friendliness

policy of the hotel. Even though the hotel will be a privately owned operation it can link up with

other eco-tourism products and any opportunity to link with the eco-tourism industry will be

carefully studied and analyzed so that we do not miss out on anything.

2.4 Target Market

Travelers nowadays expect more than simply comfort and convenience. An increasing number of

travelers prefer to be "surprised". When planning trips, they seek properties that are noticeably

different in look and feel from branded hotels. This art themed hotel will be marketed in a

manner that is similar to many other goods, where the experience and the image are sold, rather

than the product itself.

An art themed hotel can be equally appropriate for business, a honeymoon, or a vacation. The

target market for the hotel is guests in their early 20s to mid 50’s age range, most within the

middle to upper income level. The recent demand for such hotels can be credited to the growing

interest of consumers in learning about the fine arts and culture. In comparison to other lodging

subsectors, art themed hotels are able to deliver both aspects of design and local culture to

guests; hence, successfully attracting more guests and charging higher room rates.

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3. Marketing Plan

Any business whether it is eco friendly or not will require some sort of marketing plan to stay in

the race. Moreover, if one has a set marketing plan in place one can easily sell its product. The

marketing plan allows you to budget for the marketing activities and to evaluate the effectiveness

of those activities. Any good marketing plan will have the following elements:

Business Objectives

Situation Analysis

Market Analysis

Competitive Analysis

Product-Market Match

Marketing Objectives


Marketing Strategies

Marketing Activities

Just to give an overview of the process, once the business objective is formed, the next step is to

do the situational analysis which leads us to understanding the product. Next market analysis is

done to know about the possible markets. After that competitive analysis is done to form possible

strategies to distinguish oneself in the market place. All three analysis than leads to product and

market definition, marketing objectives/strategies and marketing activities which again

concludes with monitoring and evaluation which makes us review the objectives.

3.1 Business Objectives

With any marketing plan you need to know what you are trying to accomplish. With our eco

friendly Hotel Canvas, our objective will be to provide visitors with a lifetime memories through

experience of eco friendly living. This sort of objectives will give the company a added

direction. Time and again one will face difficult times and sometimes with many alternatives so

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one needs to refer back to its objectives in such times and maintain your commitment to the

environment and host communities.

3.2 Situation Analysis

Situation Analysis constitutes of many elements. One such element is the SWOT analysis. One

needs to consider various strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats associated with the


Strengths: access to location, culturally rich community around you and theme of the hotel.

Weakness: capital involved and trained human resource.

Opportunities: branch expansion to other locations and tie ups with eco friendly brands

Threats: political uncertainty and climatic changes.

3.3 Market Analysis

Markets change rapidly. For example, we can see how technology has completely changed the

whole way we look into doing modern day business. Basically, one needs to upgrade every year

and with our product too Hotel Canvas it’s no different. Market research has to be done to learn

about the prospective of the new customer. In addition to knowing what type of activities guests

are looking for it is important to know their motivation and trip decision’s. What time of the year

your target market like to travel around, guests like to travel in a group or family etc. Are people

looking for short term escapes? This sort of things should be continually monitored. During the

process one will be able to identify the best medium to advertise your product and in our case

social media is the in thing. And more importantly if one can get into the good books of trip

advisor word of mouth tend to spread fast. Once the market analysis is done, one needs to

identify market segments. Market segment selected should be cohesive in nature.

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3.4 Competitive Analysis

One the market segments are identified, one needs to look over at the competitors selling eco-

tourism products and what are they selling. This analysis will help to determine:

If the market is too crowded

Your Competitor’s strength and weakness

How to distinguish your product

Where you can best compete

As for the market being overcrowded, in our case it’s not as the market can have many more

layers. Regarding completion, for us direct completion will be camps in riverside area outside the

valley which may target the same potential guests. However, inside the valley, home stay organic

farms might be competition. But indirect completion in our case is even more challenging.

Gambling, mall visits are potential things that the tourists might choose over our eco-friendly

activities. Our unique theme aspect is the best way to compete.

3.5 Product Market Match

One of the foundations of your marketing plan is the products you sell. One the situational

analysis is done, one is in a better position to offer your products. Since our potential target

market is being lured by the eco-friendly concept with sustainable development, we need to put

that in to practice and in some way promote it as well. In simple words, one needs to deliver on

the promise. One way to spread that we are being able to do it is by having blogs or guest books

which will give potential customers a feedback.

3.6 Marketing Objectives

Like with all business activities, setting objectives provides direction and measures success.

Marketing is no different. Marketing goals tend to be broad based with high level of expectation.

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Basically, we like to increase sales of our hiking actives by 25% every year. Also, increase

winter package sales by 10% every year (offseason), trying to control the roommates as much as

possible to stay super competitive. Increase newari restaurant food sales by 25% every year as

well. Basically, by doing this canvas is setting up the expectation levels.

3.7 Positioning

Service for many eco-tourism businesses is the easiest way to position their product. All our

staffs including guides, waiters, housekeepers, organic farmers, will be consistently courteous,

friendly and attentive to the eco-tourists needs. The main idea is to deliver great customer

service. The next area of positioning is the location and with Kritipur as our location, it is unique

amongst other destination within the valley. The ability to customize your trip is another way to

position our business and to accomplish that providing variety (Newari organic food), unique

experience (room experience) and flexibility (activities timings).

3.8 Marketing Strategies

Once the objectives are in place, one needs to formulate strategies to achieve the target. The best

way is to make strategies based on the four Ps of marketing- product, price, placement and

promotion. Hotel Canvas too will develop strategies based on it.

Product: Will have various handicrafts crafted by the locals, all over the hotel premises. As for

the service side, it will be based purely on eco friendly ideologies from the way we serve in

restaurants to way we keep up the rooms to the way we dispatch the garbage.

Price: It will be priced quite well as we plan to give our guests a unique experience which they

have never experience. Tradtional Swatha Homes in Patan are charging $75 per night so we too

will be charging around that range. However, for that experience it will be worth it.

Placement: It’s all about getting the right product to the right target market. We are fixed on our

target market and we will not comprise on our ideologies if the guests happen to be slightly

different from our regular target. Nature’s rules have to be followed.

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Promotion: Promotion is all about telling the target market about your product. Having blogs,

social networks, trip advisors are the best way to promote and maybe promote yourself in an

eco friendly application on phones. Print media and trade shows can also be used.

3.9 Marketing Activities

Marketing activities in Hotel Canvas’s case will revolve around brochures, social media, video’s,

trade shows, conferences, television radio and the print media. The logic behind this is being able

to spread the message in every way possible. We don’t want to be limiting ourselves with one or

two mediums only.

3.10 Advertising

The promotion of Hotel Canvas will be done with advertisements in local newspapers, Yellow

Pages, television media, well known web-portals, flyers and ‘word of mouth’ would be more


Being aware of current trends, the hotel will also focus on marketing through social networking

sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. We will create a Facebook page and constantly

tweet on the recent updates of the café including any new events, post event comments and other

useful information.

With the advent of mobile advertising, we can send bulk SMS to regular customers. Via SMS we

can inform customers of the new events or share information with our customers. Also, the hotel

will have its own short number such as 4441 where customer can send specific text and get

information as mentioned above.

We will also introduce the ‘Canvas’ membership and award points based on the number visits of

a customer. The customer with the highest earned points will be rewarded.

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For maintaining a good public relation we can involve in numerous Corporate Social

Responsibility (CSR) activities. Being an art hotel, we can show our responsibility towards

preserving the art and history of Nepal and contribute to such causes.

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4. General Concerns of Ecotourism Business

• Government regulations and taxes.

• River quality/health.

• Invasive species.

• Ever increasing fees, paperwork, and licenses (plus taxes).

• Bank interest rates for startups

• Government budget spending.

• Failure of government agencies and policy makers.

• Water quality/pollution and climate change.

• Ability to maintain business.

• Growth of economy and marketing by the nation.

• Current economic issues -if unprofitable, business will close and move.

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