  • 7/31/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue _38


  • 7/31/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue _38


  • 7/31/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue _38


    The Vocab Weekly

    1 July 8-July 15 | Issue 38



    Tortoise is believed to be quite slow in movement and so is the snail. Of course, it is said tat slow and steadywins the race, but sometimes it is better to be quick on feet and quick on thinking to and that is when agility

    comes into play. Agile is an Adjective.

    Pronunciation: aj-uh l, -ahyl

    The dictionary definitions for agile are as follows:

    1) Quick in movement

    2) An active person

    3) An ability to think quickly

    Master tip to learn agile:

    Agile can be easily learnt by picturing a runner, running in a hurdle race. The runner is quick and wellcoordinated in his movements. Also, he quickly finishes the race and actively builds strategies to pass the


    Agile can be used in following ways:

    1) She is an agile girl, as she is a gold medal winner in 500 meters race. (Adjective)

    2) She agilely sprinted her way to the other end of the town. (Adverb)

    3) Her agileness has won her many accolades in the field of running. (Noun)

    4) Her agileness of mind has made her what she is today. (Noun)

    5) She is mentally agile. (Adjective)
  • 7/31/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue _38


    The Vocab Weekly

    2 July 8-July 15 | Issue 38



    The dictionary definitions for Anorexia are as follows:

    1. A prolonged disorder of eating due to loss of appetite

    Usage examples for Anorexia:

    1. Super-models are generally anorexic, and it seems to be a demand of their professions.

    2. Young girls often fall in trap of appearing slimmer and slimmer and in turn, become anorexic.
  • 7/31/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue _38


    The Vocab Weekly

    3 July 8-July 15 | Issue 38



    When you walk in an entourage, the question is why: are you peripatetic (A person who walks from place toplace) or influenced by the leader of the pack?

    In general, an entourage is a group of people travelling along with an important person for the purpose of

    facilitating the work he/she is going to do there.

    Pronunciation: ahn-too-rahzh

    Dictionary definitions of Entourage:

    1. A group of attendants or associates; a retinue

    2. One's environment or surroundings.


    Master Tip to learn Entourage:

    Think of a person who is so affluent and famous, and is followed and accompanied by a group who is always

    there to help him out with his work, and also the followers have a sense of security by being with him.

    Usage Examples:

    1. His students smirk at his arriving for classes with an entourage offlunkies.

    2. Later, he and his entourage are still buzzing about the experience.

    3. Some billionaire and his entourage were stranded when their jet broke down.
  • 7/31/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue _38


    The Vocab Weekly

    4 July 8-July 15 | Issue 38



    Ilk is used when referring to similar kind of people. Way back in school, when we also used to study, there was

    a gang of girls that was known as the plastic girls because they used to put on a lot of make- up (yeah, make-

    up in school!) and they even used to take an off from school when they had a bad hair-day or a pimple. Well,

    my response to that situation was: I used to hate them and I just could not tolerate people of that ilk. Now you

    know why I built that whole story, so that we could learn the meaning of the word from a practical every day


    Pronunciation :ee-lk

    Meaning of Ilk

    1. Type or kind

    2.a group of entities that have common characteristics such that they may be grouped together

    Masters tip to learn ilk :

    Ilk can be rearranged as lik, a short-hand form of like. Ilk, as we know from above refers to the same kinds or

    class and or we can say, like classes.

    Usage examples of ilk:

    1. I think what I dislike most about that ilk is their smug assumption of superiority.

    2. The static thinking of John Avlon and other of his ilk is wrong in the [21st] Century.

    3. I can't tolerate people of his ilk and can't trust people of that ilk.
  • 7/31/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue _38


    The Vocab Weekly

    5 July 8-July 15 | Issue 38



    Premonition is the type of word that we have should a premonition about? What did that mean?

    Well, premonition is an intuition about the future.

    Word origin : 142575; late Middle English premunicioun ( compare praemunire)

  • 7/31/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue _38


    The Vocab Weekly

    6 July 8-July 15 | Issue 38



    Pronunciation: tim-er-uhs

    Meanings of Timorous

    1. Full of fear, timid

    2. Subject of fear

    3. Characterized by or indicating fear

    Masters tip to learn Timorous

    Timorous sounds like the word tumorous. We all know about brain tumor, infection in the brain which could

    even lead to death. The thought of having brain tumor instills fear in our minds. Timorous can also be related

    to the word timid which also means fear.

    Sentences examples for Timorous

    1. The sound of a lions roar at night in the jungle made them timorous (adjective).

    2. One could see the timorousness in his eyes before going for war (noun).

    3. The society is too timorous to raise their voice against the authorities (adjective).

    4. He timorously asked his fathers permission to go out of station with his friends (adverb).

    5. If we want change then timorousness should not be instilled in the youth of the nation (noun).
  • 7/31/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue _38


    The Vocab Weekly

    7 July 8-July 15 | Issue 38



    Unwieldy is an object that is slow moving, because it is difficult to handle because of its size. It is also used inthe context of systems that are slow and inefficient. In many organizations, decision making system is too slow

    because it has to go through various hierarchies. It is often delayed and is less efficient as we compare it with

    the centralized organizations where decisions are quick and more efficient, and therefore communication is

    clear. Well, in these organizations, we can refer to the process as unwieldy.

    Pronunciation: uhn-weel-dee

    Meanings of Unwieldy

    1. Difficult to use or handle or manage because of size or weight or shape

    2. Difficult to work or manipulate

    3. Lacking grace in movement or posture

    Masters Tip to learn Unwieldy

    Thinks of all the things you have to carry/wield that you never wished to carry. Well, as the picture shows

    above, all of them were unwieldy.

    Sentence Examples for Unwieldy

    1. Now the agency has decided that things were a bit unwieldy and it is reorganizing the seven departments into

    three divisions.

    2. Scholars who are familiar with such citations agree that the current formats remain unwieldy.
  • 7/31/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue _38


    The Vocab Weekly

    8 July 8-July 15 | Issue 38

    Work Out Zone

    Work Out 1: Match the following words with their respective meanings or synonyms.

    Word Meaning or Synonym

    1 Agile A forewarning

    2 Pesky B lot3 Entourage C unassertive

    4 ilk D annoying

    5 Premonition E companions

    6 Timorous F cumbersome

    7 Unwieldy G swift

    Work Out 2: Did you really understand the word?

    1. Old people are agile. yes no

    2. Some children are really pesky. yes no3. An adjusting entourage is always helpful. yes no

    4. One should always beware of ilk of goons. yes no

    5. I had a premonition of some misfortune. yes no

    6. Timorous people make great leaders. yes no

    7. Unwieldy objects are helpful while travelling. yes no

  • 7/31/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue _38


    The Vocab Weekly

    9 July 8-July 15 | Issue 38

    Answers: Work Out Zone

    Work Out 1

    1-G, 2-D, 3-E, 4-B, 5-A, 6-C, 7-F

    Work Out 2

    1-no, 2-yes, 3-yes, 4-yes, 5-yes, 6-no, 7-no

  • 7/31/2019 The Vocab Weekly_Issue _38


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