Page 1: The Superfrog ISBI: Chapter Nine

The Superfrog ISBI

Chapter Nine: But It's Trendy!

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Welcome back to the Superfrog ISBI!

Last time, Sketch embarked on her compulsory matchmaker date and landed Goopy Gilscarbo, much to my approval. More elders were adopted, in the form of Leo Wilkie and Vyn Scott. They turned out to be very interfering, but kind of nice, so we kept them. Grey pyjamas were all the rage, lots of music was played, people were haunted, and a baby was born – Goblin Super! She immediately began living up to her namesake, and grew into a toddler who looks a lot like Goopy.

Anyway, that was last time, this is this time! Let's roll →

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The family is just as strange as ever. Vyn takes care of the real baby, while Leo finds himself a flour baby.

“You don't cry much, Goblin. You're a good baby.” Leo cooed.

Hmm. I don't see anything wrong with this situation.

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Leo's aspiration failure lead to some interesting times, such as Sketch being trapped in a bathroom with Vyn.

“Looks like we're going to be stuck in here for a while,” Vyn decided, “I'll sleep in the tub, you can have the rug. As for food, we can ration the shampoo. It has to contain strawberries if it smells like them!”

Luckily, Leo moved before things got to that point.

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Once she had escaped the bathroom, Sketch was on ghost-watch.

“Goopy, I thought I saw ghost-Vamsi!”

“If you did, we should probably go to bed right away. She can't scare you if you're asleep, you know.”

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Vyn and Leo are still rather interfering. Awesome, but hanging out at the wrong times.

“Who's a good girl?”

Goopy seems to be fairly cool with his adopted family spending a lot of time in his bedroom, though.

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Goblin looks completely angelic when asleep.

I also checked her stats in SimPE, to avoid clicking on her, and while I don't remember most of the stats, I do remember she has seven nice points. Seven!

So she has no excuse for mean goblin faces. Other than her namesake, of course.

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Meanwhile, things go from bad to worse for Leo. He doesn't make it to the toilet in time – damn Goopy for his sense of hygiene and need to bathe often.

Someone fetch this sim a clean set of fashionable grey pyjamas!

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Goopy seemed to notice the new puddle on his floor, “Leo, I've been out of the bath for a sim hour. How could you not make it to a toilet in time?”

“You were just hanging around in the bathroom! I didn't want to rush you!”

“I was slouching! You could have interrupted at any time!”

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“I don't have to listen to this. I'm elderly and I want to go make hot dogs.”

“Well, I'm Goopy, and my nails could do with a manicure...”

After that, the issue of the puddle on the bedroom floor was ignored, until Sketch woke up and mopped it up. The life of a Torch Holder, hey? Cleaning, cooking, and crying when the Reaper shows up uninvited.

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Later that day, Sketch shows signs of a second pregnancy. Leo stands by smugly, clutching his flour-sack baby. All of the fun with none of the mess, I guess. Unless the sack splits.

Anyway, this shot was difficult. All of the fun stuff seems to happen in the house's smallest bathroom.

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“Who's an adorable sack of flour? Is it you? I think it's you!”

“Leo, I'm thinking you're insane.”

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Look! Something that's not happening in the bathroom or the Haunted Room.

Goopy is an awesome father. Just another reason why I love Goopy.

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Leo started to clean the kitchen autonomously. Sketch has been meaning to tackle the mess in here, but...other things happen. Like rapid mood drops, caused by pregnancy.

Though you can totally see why Star would haunt her family until they clean up the kitchen, right?

Not pictured: The used dishes on the dining table.

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As night falls, Sketch finally starts showing the pregnancy. She's not so great at pregnancy, her moods drop a lot quicker, but she is definitely not the worst I've ever played.

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Goopy, meanwhile, decided he would spend his evening reading to Goblin. In his underwear, because he's Goopy, and he can get away with that. Apparently.

“Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Gooperella, and-”

“No Goop! Goblin!”

“Princess Goblin? I don't know, Goblin. I'm thinking the goblins should be called Goblin. Unless you want to be the Princess of the goblins.”

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You know what I said about Goopy having a good sense of hygiene earlier? Bathing is obviously no longer fashionable, as Goopy has stopped bothering.

“Ew! Sketch, your lack of green stink disgusts me! It's not fashionable to be without a green cloud.”

“I'd rather smell nice and be out of style. I'm not going along with this trend.”

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See? Stink is now fashionable!

“I never thought being trendy would smell quite so bad!”

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Vamsi comes out that night for some more hauntings. She mostly haunts her favourite target, Vyn.

Goopy does look vaguely surprised, though.

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The next morning, Goblin takes a stand against fashion and following trends.

“I don't wanna smell! Someone change me!”

Leo eventually did. Whilst changing his flour sack baby, I assume.

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The first thing Sketch sees that morning after her morning bath (unlike her family, Sketch likes to be clean) is Goopy sponge-bathing.

“Quickly, wife! Stink is out of style and I need help cleaning!”

Sketch is obviously horrified, “Goopy, as much as I approve of hygiene, don't you think you're taking this stylish thing too seriously?”

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Vogue wanders past at some point during the morning, and it seemed like she was avoiding the nut house her relatives live in.

“I'm glad I don't live here, it stinks.”

Did I ever mention I wasn't playing spares? It's not been too bad, as I've only got two spares – Vogue and Story – but still. I just didn't feel like it. Too much chaos in the main house as it is.

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I thought Goblin dancing to her Mum's music was sweet. It's a like a performance for her number one fan or something.

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This picture was either supposed to be Leo dreaming of snow, Vyn's creepy snoring face, or the fact that the elders stole the double bed from Sketch and Goopy.

They had to sleep in the single beds in the kid's room.

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Later on, a secret (and fashionable) meeting took place in everyone's favourite room – the smallest bathroom.

I think Goopy might be the only one without grey pyjamas.

I'm pretty sure they're plotting their next trend in that bathroom.

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I swear the elders and Goopy are in sync. All three of them have yellow-y thumbnails now.

Damn trends.

I swear Goopy and the elders are in sync – all three of them revealed yellow-y thumbnails at the same time.

Damn trends.

Also, the milk carton. I rarely have sims do that!

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Vyn mostly takes care of Goblin these days, what with Sketch going through a pregnancy and all. Occasionally Leo and Goopy will help out.

Although, Vyn is not perfect.


“I don't know what you're trying to tell me, Goblin! But I can tell you something, stink was the last trend!”

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You know what hasn't become a trend yet? Aspiration failure. Though Leo's constant caring of sack baby has become quite amusing to watch in game.

“Do you want to sleep in a crib, sack baby? Are you sleepy, sack baby?”

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“I know what you're thinking, Goblin, and no, I don't have time for gardening in my busy schedule.”

Yeah, most of our garden died and turned into weeds. I should really get it sorted but Sketch never has enough time, being the only sane one.

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“This one goes out to all my friends in grey pyjamas!”

“Leo? Are you feeling alright?”

Leo then put the microphone down, quite suddenly.

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The next time I checked on him, he was pulling the face. I'm assuming it means he's being visited by the invisible therapist.

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Okay, the chicken dance confirms it. The therapist is paying Leo a visit. I guess that means Leo is finally too crazy to care for flour sack baby.

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For Goblin's birthday, everyone in the family wore something that wasn't their pyjamas or their underwear, which seem to be a favourite of the trendsetters.

Goopy even wore a suit!

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Hmm. Goblin grew up with quite a quite Goopy genes. And a very mischievous look about her.

Also, Goopy is proving you can take the formality out of a suit by slouching in it, of course.

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Goblin pulls some great expressions, it's like she's trying to live up to her namesake sometimes!

Instead, she's just complaining that Goopy smells.

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Goblin decides to celebrate her birthday with a song before bed. She may look like her father, but Goblin behaves a lot like her mother, sometimes.

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This room was Sketch's when she was a child/teenager. Leo and Vyn claimed the Haunted Room, while Goblin slept in the bed in the Quarantine room. Anyway!

“Goopy! Wake up! The baby's coming!”


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“Goopy! The baby is going to be here in seconds!”

“Eeeh? Go back to sleep, we can talk about it in the morning.”

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“Goopy, look! It's a baby boy!”

“Okay, okay, I'm up.”

Yep, you read that right – a baby boy! The first we've had in the challenge, and he's generation four! He is named Duck, after the rubber duck on my desk.

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“Look, Vyn, I'm holding Goblin!”

“Goopy, that's Duck. Goblin's too big too hold now.”

At first glance, Duck looks very similar to Goblin, but all babies look the same, right?

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The night continued to pass in a hilarious fashion that's pretty similar to the rest of this chapter, really.

“Oh man, I smell again. How does this keep happening to me!”

Vyn just gave Goopy a knowing smile.

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Pretty soon, the whole family is awake, and hanging out in the Haunted Room. Minus Sketch, but we'll check in with her in a moment.

The dance-hobby man seems a little unhappy and disgusted by the smell of the family.

“I'm so out of here, fashionable or not!”

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Sketch, meanwhile, got some much appreciated violin time.

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I know it's a well-known fact now that ghosts hate Vyn, but look! Makoto-ghost!

Moments later, he spooked Vyn. But still. At least we know he sometimes pops out at night, now.

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“But Leo, that's not a baby. That's an ingredient.”

“No, it's a very well-behaved baby flour sack.”

I think I'll leave things here, this time.

Join me for more craziness next time!

Thanks for reading!

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