
10 November 2010

Volume 4 Issue 19

Editor: Tara Handal

“Vision without Action Is a Dream. Action without Vision Is Marking Time. Vision with Action Can Change the World.”

The Rotary Sun The weekly newsletter of

The Rotary Club of Grand Cayman Sunrise

Rotary Club of Grand Cayman Sunrise — Chartered April 18th, 2002

Meeting Place: Grand Old House Wednesdays at 6:45am for 7am start


Future Vision

Sunrise Donates $2500 to NCVO

Sunrise at Play

Past Sunriser Boosts Polio Fight


Michael S. Levitt


Andrea Bryan


Tony Catalanotto


Ciara Aspinall


James Chiweshe

Immediate Past President:

Winston C. Connolly


“Team Sergeant”

Club Service Director:

J.D. Mosley-Matchett

Community Services Director:

Kim Remizowski

Fundraising Directors:

Shannon Sylvestre &

Glen Trenouth

International Service Director:

Patricia Steward

Literacy Director:

Maree Martin

Membership Director :

Bruce John

Youth Director :

Frank Balderamos


DUTY ROSTER 10 November 2010

“Tacky Tourists”

Invade Casa Cabana Thoroughly outrageous, totally fun, and utterly delicious aptly describe the “cheap and cheerful” dinner that was splendidly arranged by the Sunrise Fellowship Committee. With Committee Chair Rosie resplendent in red (looking perfectly elegant among the mad tourists surrounding her) and Location Host Glen resplendent in a bikini t-shirt and hanky-headdress, the evening offered endless entertainment and loads of laughs.

Director Glen’s Casa Cabana was the perfect gathering site, with plenty of space for the outlandish party. When commended for providing his stunningly beautiful home for the evening, he quipped, “It’s great! I get to stay home while all these people bring food and drinks. I don’t even have to drive anywhere!” Although high winds stymied the “Guy Fawkes” fireworks planned by Rotarian Geoff, the happy revelers barely noticed their absence as the “Cayman champagne” and premium wines flowed freely.

The food was equally perfect and featured VP Tony’s delectable pulled pork served with cole slaw on split rolls from Foster’s. President Michael’s famous Argentinean beef and curried chicken drew moans of delight from the discerning diners. Numerous tasty side dishes, including salads by Rotarians Barbara and Tara, rounded out the meal which was then topped off by Rotarian Christine’s richly rewarding brownies and Rotarian Dawn’s unique “banoffee” shots. Rotarian Tara also supplied caramel chocolate candy apples for raffle prizes and a lovely floral arrangement for Director Glen’s wife, Jane Cebo, for her gracious hospitality.

It was a fabulous evening and the entire Fellowship Committee deserves high praise for a job well done and an event well attended. Go to for more photos of the evening.

If you missed it, you REALLY missed it—so DON’T miss the next one!

Greeter: PP Gordon Hewitt

4-way Test: Rotarian Debbie Strassburg

Grace: Rotarian Bruce Blake

Raffle: Rotarian Romesh Mirpuri

Rotary Minute: Rotarian Frans Vandendries

Sergeant’s Assistant: Rotarian Bruce Blake

Sun Gets a New Look The format of The Rotary Sun newsletter will change next week, to streamline the production process and to tap the eBulletin capabilities offered through the club’s website. The new format will be easily accessible online and will provide unlimited space for informative and timely articles.

Anyone interested in writing stories or contributing photos for publication in the club’s newsletter is heartily encouraged to contact Director JD for more information.

Page 2 The Rotary Sun

Future Vision … a “Rotary Foundation”Month message ...

Written by President Michael Levitt

As PAG Jeremy Hurst will be presenting to the Club this week on Future Vision, I do not want to pre-empt his presentation and will limit this article to some of the back ground to the Future Vision plan of The Rotary Foundation (TRF).

Any Rotarian, who has been involved in the Grant process of the Foundation, will tell you that it is incredibly cumbersome and not easy to understand, making it very difficult to access these Grants. Whilst doing a strategic review of TRF in 2007/8, it was accepted by the Board of Trustees that the Foundation needed to focus on its core mission and develop diverse projects that have greater impact and sustainable outcomes. The aim is to have this in place by The Rotary Foundation’s Centenary in 2017.

With this in mind, The Foundation's new mission, along with its new motto – “Doing Good in the World” – were approved by the Foundation Trustees and the RI Board and endorsed by the Council on Legislation in 2007.

The Future Vision Plan is designed to

• Simplify Foundation programs and processes consistent with the mission.

• Focus Rotarian service efforts where they will have the greatest impact by addressing priority world needs that are relevant to Rotarians.

• Offer program options to help achieve both global and local goals.

• Increase the sense of ownership at the district and club levels by transferring more decisions to the districts.

• Gain greater understanding of The Rotary Foundation’s work and enhance Rotary’s public image.

Over the next 3 years, the Future Vision pilot project is being rolled out in 100 Districts with the intention of the full rollout being commenced in 2013-14 and completed by 2017.

2010-2011 Leadership RI President:

Ray Klinginsmith District 7020 Leadership

District Governor: Diana White

Past District Governor: Errol Alberga

Asst. Governor - Cayman: J. Rosalie Jamieson


The Four-Way Test Of the things we think, say or do:

Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned?

Will it build goodwill and better friend-ships?

Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

* The Rotary Grace

O God and giver of all good, We thank thee for our daily food.

May Rotary friends and Rotary ways,

Help us to serve thee all our days.



Charter President

Alastair Paterson 2002—2003

J. Gordon Hewitt 2003 - 2004

Christopher Bowring 2004 - 2005

Stuart N. Diamond 2005 - 2006

Hendrik Jan van Genderen 2006 - 2007

J. Rosalie Jamieson 2007 - 2008

Woodrow Foster 2008 - 2009

Winston Connolly, Jr. 2009-2010

Rotary Club of Grand Cayman Sunrise

P.O. Box 1950

Grand Cayman KY1-1110

Cayman Islands

Fellowship, Sunrise Style! … Photos courtesy of Director Bruce ...

Page 3 Volume 4, Issue 19

Sunrise Donates $2500 to NVCO At the November 3rd club meeting, Director Kim presented a check for $2500 on behalf of the Rotary Club of Grand Cayman Sunrise to Alta Solomon of the National Council of Voluntary Organizations (NVCO). Projects funded by this organization include the Richard Arch Children's Centre and the Nadine Andreas Residential Foster Home.

Here’s a synopsis of the Rotary Sunrise effort:

• The Rotarian canvassers were at Kirk's Home Centre on the 25th of October and collected CI $527.21.

• Director Kim canvassed the Sunrise club on Wednesday morning, the 27th of October, and collected CI $116.

• The Rotarian canvassers were at Kirk's Supermarket on the 30th of October and collected CI $457.10.

Therefore, the total collected by canvassing was CI $1,107.51.

The Rotary Club of Grand Cayman Sunrise had committed to make a full CI $2,500 donation so the club more than doubled the total amount collected through canvassing for a club-level donation of CI $1,392.49.

Rotary Sunrise

Calendar of Events *********************

Coming up…

November 10th, Jeremy Hurst,

Future Vision

November 10th, Membership

Committee meeting, 8:00 a.m.

November 17th, Club

Administration and

Communication Team meeting,

8 a.m. after the club meeting

November 24th, Commissioner

Baines, Crime in Cayman

December 1st, Rotaractors

Andrea Balderamos and

Stephanie Rattan, RYLA

Do you have a committee meeting or event scheduled that you wish to place on the calendar? Email the

information to [email protected]

for inclusion.

Sunrise Birthdays & Anniversaries

November Birthdays

Rex Crighton, Nov. 6

Perry Rombough, Nov. 11

Barbara Anley, Nov. 16

Steven Sokohl, Nov. 18

November Anniversaries (None this month!)

November Club

Anniversaries Gareth Pulman, Nov. 8 (4 yrs) Barbara Oosterwyk, Nov. 19 (7 yrs) Tony Catalanotto, Nov. 21 (3 yrs) Omar Chambers, Nov. 21 (3 yrs)

David Reid, Nov. 22 (4 yrs) James Chiweshe, Nov. 26 (2 yrs) Woody Foster, Nov. 30 (8 yrs) Raquel Solomon, Nov. 30 (8 yrs)

Reminder to Red Badgers

Red Badgers are reminded to

submit their bio / job talk to

Secretary Ciara for publication

in the Sun. Please include

interesting facts like the

reasons you joined Rotary,

hobbies, most embarrassing

moment, etc!

Sunrise at Play! By Rotarian Geoff Mathews

60 members and guests enjoy home cooked food and premium wines at the spectacular, waterside residence owned by Glen Trenouth and Jane Cebo. The Sparkling Wine we enjoy is called Concha y Toro from Chile - produced and fermented in the bottle very similar to the method used by the French to produce Champagne but the name 'Champagne' is reserved by the French, for wine produced in the Champagne district of France and the name is protected by law. Concha y Toro used to call their product 'Champagne' and that was on their bottle. Now we notice they call it 'Concha y Toro Brut'. It is served by several of the hotels in Cayman with their all you can eat - all you can drink Sunday brunches and is sometimes called Cayman Champagne.

The White wine we served is a 2009 Nobilo Marleborough Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand. It is an excellent premium wine perfect to compliment either fish or meat - forget the old ruling about white wine with fish, red wine with meat. Wine experts exorcised that mistake some time ago. The Sommelier at the Ritz Carlton has told us that the 'nose' of a good white wine is most important. Good wines should smell of apples and our Nobilo Marlborough certainly does.

The Red wine we served was the pick of the bunch. It was a 2007 Trivento Golden Reserve Malbec from Argentina. It is a superb wine, premium quality and delightful to taste. All of these wines are available locally, at moderate prices, from Cayman Distributors.

A word about cost. Rotary Sunrise strives with its Fellowship events to give the best value in Cayman. Last night's event was $25 per head for all you could eat and all you could drink. Our talented chefs were Michael, Christine, Barbara, Tony, Dawn, Tara and Debbie Strassburg. Our chief barman Rickie Handal, Tara's husband. We had food and wine left over, some of which will be used for our next event. We still managed to (just) break even.

We missed the fireworks - it was too windy and would have been dangerous - they are bought and paid for and we will keep them for another SUNRISE occasion.

For all those who came, thank you for your company. For those who missed it, you missed one of our best events ever. Christine was the organizer, Rosie the ringmaster—they did a great job!















13-Oct-10 20-Oct-10 27-Oct-10 3-Nov-10

Guests Visitors


Rotary Sunrise

District 7020

Zone 34

Rotary International

Rotary Cayman Islands



Rotary Central

meets on Tuesdays at

7:00 pm for 7:30pm at

Grand Old House

Rotary Grand Cayman

meets on Thursdays at

12:15 pm at The Westin


Rotary Cayman Brac

meets on Mondays at

7:00 pm at Brac Reef


Grand Cayman

meets on Thursdays at

6:45 am for 7 am at Icoa

Rotaract Blue

meets on Wednesdays at

6:00 pm

in the GT Library

Conference Room

“I believe the way for Rotary to remain viable and vibrant in the next century is to help our clubs to be bigger, better, and bolder.”

Ray Klinginsmith 2010 RI Convention

Past Sunriser Boosts New Kingston Polio Fight

Rotarian Claudette Saint Reid, past member of the Grand Cayman Sunrise club and now with the New Kingston club in Jamaica, sent a brief message to President Michael outlining that club's latest effort to combat polio.

Her message reads:

I have been working hard to change the image of my club from being delinquent to the polio challenge to that of being a contributor.

I am leading the charge for a Fund-raiser this Saturday at Liguanea. Club. (See attached).

Will share our success after the event.

Take care,


Thanks for Visiting the Sunrise Club! Guests of Rotarians (as signed in):

Chris Anco, guest of Rotarian Simon A. Finley Josephs, guest of IPP Winston Connolly Bob Rees, guest of Rotarian Tara Alta Solomon, guest of Director Kim Andy Scott, guest of Honorary Rotarian Margaret Alistair MacDonald, guest of PP Chris Lauren Hale, guest of Honorary Rotarian Margaret Pavlov Rameau, guest of Director JD Wesley Emanuel, guest of Rotarian Colleen

Visiting Rotarians (as signed in):

Niko Whittaker, Rotary Club GC

Bob Rees Guest of

Rotarian Tara

Alta Solomon Guest of

Director Kim

Guests and Visitors...

Lauren Amor Hale Guest of

Honorary Rotarian Margaret

Remember Remember Remember Remember to have all new guests get their photo taken on the patio immediately after they sign in. Their picture will appear in the following week’s newsletter to help our members get to know them!

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