  • 1. Geoffrey Favaloro Psychologist - Reiki Teacher

2. Todays Topics 1. The mind-body connection & weight loss 2. Habits, emotions, sabotage and the subconscious 3. Top ways to work with the mind & emotions 4. How mindfulness and meditation assist 5. Guided process to use with your clients 2 3. Your clients have the knowledge but dont necessarily act on it.. Why? 3 4. Carol Shively, PhD, professor of pathology-comparative medicine at Wake Forest School of Medicine:- 4 Steps for Beating Belly Fat:- There are four keys to controlling belly fat: exercise, diet, sleep & stress management. 4 5. Mindhealth (Australian Government, 2013):- What is stress? Stress is a natural human response to pressure.. 1. acute Stress 2. episodic Stress 3. chronic Stress, cant switch off & have difficulty eating or sleeping 5 6. Neuroscientist Frances Champagne :- repeated activation of the stress response can result in physical changes, caused by too many inflammatory proteins being pumped into the bloodstream Stress hormones, particularly the adrenals affect our limbic system (emotional brain) So we become more anxious/nervy/agitated and then want to comfort ourselves - to calm down! 6 7. 7Dr Oz & Paul McKenna hypnotist 2012 8. Food comforts us by changing our mood e.g. dopamine (no brainer!) and changes our body chemistry e.g. increases the insulin & other hormones So, we learn that 1. food works 2. And from our parents and so our habit grows! 8 9. Caryl Ehrlich (overeater) - on food addiction:- you get in the habit of eating not when you are physically hungry, but when you are emotionally hungry or frustrated, bored, angry, sleepy and grumpy, or possibly when you need distraction from stress.. Addiction(habits) = stuck on same thing Expecting different results 9 10. If we are overeating then:- we need to ask: Whats eating us? i.e.: what emotions are we eating on? 10 11. how people sabotage themselves Its not intentional - its often unconscious! Why? - because its hard to change 11 12. 12 Conscious mind: logical thoughts 12 - 22% _______________ Subconscious mind: limbic (emotions) 88 - 78% e.g.:- blushing, sexual feelings, food & other habits! 13. 13 14. 14 We are Powerless until we change! 15. First thing, be kind to ourselves!! 15 16. Then, 5 ways to overcome over eating habits: 1. Eat with, not on feelings 2. What do I really want/need/feel? 3. Its o.k. to comfort myself - seek new ways 4. Take a deep breath and wait a bit 5. Become conscious - emotional mastery with stress - e.g. use mindfulness 16 17. from the AGE news paper 12 June 13 Mindfulness is credited for alleviating a whole variety of mental and physical conditions - from weight loss to anxiety to stress. According to the American Psychological Association, it's been shown to reduce stress, boost memory, improve focus, decrease emotional reactivity. 17 18. 18 it's about engaging with your life, moment by moment 19. 19 Gentle relaxation music from CD Relax & Unwind 20. Video clips for your clients 1. Empower Yourself - Inner child/emotion focus (DVD) 36:15 2. Subconscious Habits (Talk) 5:47 3. Lose weight Positive tips (Talk) 10:14 4. Meditate easily - tips (Talk) 8:26 5. Guided Relaxation Meditation (voice, scenery + music 5:47 6. Relaxing Healing Music (scenery & music) 8:30 20 21. 21 22. 22 Questions.. Copyright all rights reserved. Not to be re-produced without written permission Geoffrey Favaloro Psychologist

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