Page 1: The organization of urban space

Unit 14 The organization of urban


Tania Hidalgo ReyesMaria Bonilla LorenteAnna Garcia Rasero

Page 2: The organization of urban space

The process of urbanization.The phenomenon of urbanization is due to the growth of cities,

both because it has increased the number of inhabitants and the new economic activities conducted there.

The growth of the town and surrounding areas has been alternating with the morphology over time, so that in the historical evolution of European cities recognize three stages:

The pre-industrial cityThe industrial citypost-industrial city

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Characteristics of the first Greek cities: They haven’t a regular layout, and the streets were narrow and winding.Later on it was used a layout of streets cutting off perpendicularly, with spaces and public buildings (Agora)Characteristics of Roman cities:They had a regular form, with two principals streets.They had water pipes, bridges, buildings for shows, roads…


Commercial port






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THE CITY IN THE MIDDLE AGESThe cities in the middle ages were step up as centers economics. Was a safe place for people, because protect the walls from the outside in case of attack.


The streets were narrow and winding.

They formed authentic mazes.

In the centers there used to be a place voted importance of buildings.

CITIES IN THE MODERN AGEThe cities in the modern age changed a lot of. The old outside city was incorporated at the cities, and outside the wall, without throw out them, they was building news districts. The cities was incorporated squares, gardens, monumental fountain and sewage system and they was pave the streets.




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The industrial cities•The industrial cities appear with the industrial revolution.

•The installation of factory and railway did grow the workforce and the number of inhabitants.

•The workes lived in wet habitatges with bad sanitary conditions.

•The news means of transport modified the stretches of roads and helped in the connection between the diferents areas and nearby villages.

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THE POST-INDUSTRIAL CITY The postindustrial city arises from the seventies of

the century XX, especially in developed countries.

The center loses residential functions and tends to greater specialization in tertiary activities.

The trend towards more flexible production process has enabled the factories move some to other areas.

Ease of transport and communications allows the movement of the population to ever more distant areas, as what matters is the availability (time) not distance.

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Program 11.1-Globalization and urban space.

• Since the late 20th century, the globalitzation the economy has transformed the urban space and has favored the emergence of new types of cities: global cities for example: New York.

Aleix Gallego Antonio CaballeroDavid Barrera

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1.2 Transformations in large cities.

• To adapt to the new global functions, large cities have experienced significant socio-economic changes. As a result of this increase in building large cities have experienced strong prices rose land and buildings.

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1.3 Urban networks

• Populations are not isolated only means interconnected through trade.

• These trade flows or linking cities and urban networks are.

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Program 2:Territorial and social inequalities

Daniel LopezJudith BlanchAmanda MedinaPaula Vizcarra

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2.1 Social and territorial differences

• The Globalization is not just economic or financial, is a process that also includes social, cultural, occupational, and environmental. Number of advantages, accentuating poverty and social inequalities.

• The phenomen on of globalization favors a few other cities on favors industrial zones.

• The urban housings are distributed in the territory according to the purchasing power of the population who lives every place.

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2.2 New areas for a rich people

• People with a lot of money, want privileged areas of the city with comfortably and luxuriously homes.

• This emerging private estates, gardens, green areas, restricted access to residents, golf courses, etc ...

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2.3 Marginal areas

• In the prefer of the cities form the developing countries, and a many cities in developed countries, there are areas of settlement precarious.

• In these areas, there is a part of the population who lives badly with a minimal conditions and, illegally.

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2.3 The central city

• Recover parts of the historic center through the transformation of some buildings in luxury hotels and restaurants or design shops. This process is known as gentrification.

• New exclusive services influence a rise of land prices, and attract residents with a high standard of living.

• The usual residents tend to leave these areas of the city and seek economically affordable neighborhoods.

• There are neighborhoods that are deteriorating from the center to the lack of investment in infrastructure and the part of the public or the private sector.

• The town has few resources remains in these degraded areas of the city center.

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Program 3The urban landscape in the world today

Yasmina VazquezAida Ibañez

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3.1 A world of cities

• During the last decades the urban population now exceeds the population rural. The characteristics of this improvement are:* Big cities the millions of people.* Cities have a high technology but with environmental problems.* Cities compete worldwide* Multicultural cities.

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3.2 Cities in developed countries

• Cities in developed countries have experienced a loss of density, because the population moved to live outside the city or medium-sized cities. So there has been a remarkable growth of metropolitan areas.

• Compact city has spent a continuous urban area where it is very difficult to determine where it begins and ends in the city.

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3.3 Cities in developing countries

• Largest cities are called the third world megacities and megalopolises.• What are large urban concentrations exceding ten million inhabitants.• The urban conurbations play a dominant role• Examples of the megacity have in Rio de Janeiro and developed

countries there are in Tokyo or Yokohama-Boston-Washington.

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Oscar osá EdjangErich Gárate

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• The boundaries between the rural and the urban:

• In metropolitan areas , the boundary betweenthe city and countryside is not a line defined. City moves on the

countryside and this created an area were mixed it has activities mixed urban and rural. It’s a very dynamic and changind, we can call in severals ways:

Diffuse cityPeri-urban areaStrip rururbano

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Uses and functions to urban sprawl:

• The activities in the territory of the urban sprawl organized according to the needs of the metropolis could hardly be placed into the strict city:

Urbanization, industrial parks, sports facilities and urban farmland recipients market etc ...

• It’s a kind of diffusions of the functions and activities of the tradicional city, but developed a more extensive and

variebles limits, which for this reason is called urban sprawl.

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Causes of diffuse city

• Causes of diffuse city:The growth of diffuse city is mainly due to higher pre-ground from the big city and it is possible, in large part thanks to the development of private transport (cars, trucks, etc.) and the increase in road infrastructure (roads, etc.) to facilitate bringing some rural areas in the city.

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Impact of urban sprawlIf not carried out a proper planning, the repercussion of the growth model

of urban sprawl can be very negative for these reasons:

• Very high consumptions of the sun• Services increased• Constant mobility• Development of a more individualistic social model

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Model of diffuse city: metropolitanic area of Barcelona

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5. The new urban spaces

Andrea Barril

Andrea Iglesias

Nerea Navarro

Andrea Ponce

Nerea NavarroAndrea PonceAndrea BarrilAndrea Iglesias

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5.1 The new spaces The city has organized a diffuse redistribution for space. This has

meant that industrial activities have been away from the city, while the emergence of new economic activities has created new land intended for the installation of technology parks and major shopping areas.

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5.3 The functions of the central town or big city

The relocation of industries in the city was assumed that large cities would lose economic importance. But that has not happened. Big cities are the place chosen by the multinationals.

This situation changes in the use of the city.

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5.4 Technology parks The location of high-tech industries has driven sites innovació the

existence of the so-called technological parks. Work in close collaboration with universities, research centers and other institutions of higher education.

It is located near the cities.

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5.5 Shopping centers These large consumption centers are also spaces of sociability and

ralació interpersonal.

Their characteristics:

• indoors

• controlled areas

• safe spaces

• (Miami)

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- Alters the natural- Constructs a humanized landscape- Operation and modification of resources

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• Lack of vegetation:- deforestation- Lack of grenery.

• EFECTS- Reduction of water from rivers and wells- Climate change

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• Scarcity and water pollution:- ¼ people affected by the shortage- Developed countries consume too much water- Contamination of groundwater due to lack of separation between the potable water networks and sewage pipes

• Efects: infectious diseases (hepatitis)

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• Fiorella Villanueva Gárate• Mireia Florejachs Costa• Laia Agudo Utrero

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•In the cities there are other sources of contamination very difficult to control and cause a considerable air pollution, such as sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide, smoke from vehicles and factories.

•The urban population also has to bear the noise pollution, noise from vehicles, industries of public works and neighbors and citizens who behave antisocial.

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• The big consumption that exist in cities cause a great accumulation of solid waste which are difficult to collect, classify, recycle or eliminate.

• The hygienic and health problems more serious happen in cities less developed by budget or by infrastructure, are frequent landfills outdoors

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• The consequences of that there are dumps:odors, the danger of contamination of groundwater and the proliferation of rodents, animals that have many diseases which are transmitted to the population.Currently the "modern city" does a great consumption of non-renewable energy (oil, natural gas ..).

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