Page 1: The mastermind principle for huge success

The "Mastermind Principle" for "HUGE" Success

By Dan Robey

Page 2: The mastermind principle for huge success

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Page 3: The mastermind principle for huge success

Ok, this is A life changing principle

So please pay close attention to everything I am about to say.

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I am going to start by telling you about the "mastermind principle habit," this is a powerful strategy that successful people use to become "super" successful, and was first written about in the great book "think and grow rich“ by napoleon hill

This is a "secret" that the "super successful"And "super rich" people all know about....And now you will know their secret to success!

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What is the mastermind principle?

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It is actually very simple.

Surround yourself with intelligent people (via books and the Internet) that you can make a part of a virtual mastermind team. Do you have to be a CEO to use this principle for success? Of course not....Anyone can use this powerful tool to be super Successful. You just have to want the success bad enough..It is there for the taking.

Let me explain

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Let's suppose that you wanted to start a new real estate Business by becoming self-employed in the real estate market. If you think Real estate is dead, think again. Smart people are taking advantage of this down recession market to make a fortune. We will just use this as an example. …It could be any business or even career advancement and higher salaries at your job  Remember, this secret technique applies to "ANY" business or any Career goal you have...I am just using real estate as an "example."

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Here are some ways to build your mastermind group with almost no money required

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Every city has real estate investing clubs. Do a google searchAnd find one in your area...Go to their meetings. You will now beMeeting people who have more experience than you do and you willNow be surrounded by these like minded people. Their experiencesAnd ideas will propel you forward much faster then if you were toGo it alone.


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You don't have to physically be with a member of your mastermindGroup, a member of your mastermind group could be an author who has achieved great success in real estate. You buy his books, get into his mind and gain from his years of experience. Think of him/her as a real person in your mastermind group..Your mentor , remember...Some day you may actually meet him or her.

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I want you to remember something very important here, it makes no difference what your dreams are. You can bet that there are other people in the world that share your dream and have alreadySucceeded at achieving it. They have done ALL of the work for youAnd most of them are happy to tell you exactly how they did it inBooks, internet blog sites etc. These are the people that you want toSeek out and make a part of your mastermind team.

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Think about this next question

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" What is the only thing better then living your dream?"

What do you think the answer to that question is?

I will say it again and tell you the answer. 

The only thing better then living your dream is...Sharing it.

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Yes, it is wonderful to reach your dreams....And you will.But, nothing beats the warm feeling you get from others whenyou share your dream. Why, because they want to share their dreams with you, it is likely that no one has asked them about their dreams but you.

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Want Proof ?

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Try this experiment. The next time you are talking withA friend or business associate at a social gathering, ask themThis question: "so, what are your dreams...What are the big goalsIn your life that will make you happy?" Watch their eyes light up as they tell you their dreams! You will ask this same question when you talk to potentialMembers of your mastermind group. People love to share their dreams, just as you willWhen you achieve your dreams. That is why it is easy to find peopleWho will be happy to become members of your mastermind group. Make a list of all the places where you can find new members ofYour mastermind group.

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Here are a few to get you started

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1. Internet user groups...Do a google search for "forums".

2. Local clubs (chamber of commerce, elks club, business clubs, Gyms)

3. Bookstores, and libraries

4. Author signings

5. Join author newsletters (just like this newsletter)

I cannot overemphasize how important the mastermind group principle will be in helping you become super successful.

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Let me explain further the power of this principle inForever changing your life. Your goal is to surround yourself with people that have alreadyBecome successful at what you dream of. When i say surround yourself, i mean in a virtual way. Read their books, Subscribe to their newsletters, if possible, go see them speak. You want to acquire the mindset of these people that are already super Successful at exactly what you want to do. You want to eat, sleep and think the same thoughts that they have! Have you ever heard the saying "don't re-invent the wheel?"

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You want to model your life and career after the careers of theSuper successful .....You see, they have already done all the hardWork for you. Now you can learn from their mistakes and you can learn what worked for them...You can jump months and even years ahead in reaching your goals, by acquiring information that took them years to acquire...That is powerful.

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If you take the advice above and run with it, I believe your lifeWill change in ways you have never imagined.

If you just read it, and take no action you will be a dreamer only.

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Live it!

Commit to it!

Become a knowledge maniac!

Help others always!

Believe in yourself!

Invest in yourself!

Make it happen!

Dan Robey

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