  • 7/23/2019 The Lost Sciences of Africa an Overview


    Van Sertima, Ivan. Blacks in Science: Ancient and Modern. Transaction Book, 1990


    T!e "ost Sciences o# A#rica: An $vervie%

    Ivan Van Sertima

    $ne o# t!e marvels o# A#rica, %!ic! m&ste'ed man& earl& travellers, %as t!e %a& in

    %!ic! some o# its (eo(les comm)nicated in#ormation almost instantl& over vast

    distances. *)ro(eans o#ten told stories o# arrivin+ in a (lace man& da&s -o)rne& to

    'nd t!at t!e (eo(le t!ere alread& kne% t!e details o# an event a /attle or a /irt!,

    a deat! or a disaster %!ic! !ad occ)rred in a #ar (art o# t!e t!e co)nt& #rom

    %!ence t!e& !ad -)st come. T!is %as /e#ore t!e tele+ra(!ic morse code or t!e

    radio. e toda&, o# co)rce, o# t!e 'nel& t)ned instr)ments A#ricans devised to rela&

    messa+es over t!ese distances, sometimes %it! dr)mscri(ts so in+enio)s t!e&

    came close to a r&t!mic mimickin+ o# t!e !)man voice. Some o# t!eircomm)nication devices still /ae )s.

    2!arles Breasted, son o# ames 4enr& Breasted, t!e most cele/rated o# American

    *+&(tolo+ists, details a met!od t!e 5)/ians )sed to transmit t!e !)man voice #or a

    distance o# nearl& t%o miles across t!e 5ile. 6e never ceased marvellin+,6 !e

    %rote, in a /io+ra(a(!& o# !is #at!er,6 at t!eir a/ilit& to converse %it! one anot!er

    across +reat stretc!es o# %ater. A+ain and a+ain in (laces %!ere t!e 5ile !ad

    s)ddenl& %idened to a /readt! o# almost t%o miled so t!at %e %o)ld !ave to in7)ire

    locall& re+ardin+ (ossi/le inscri(tions or r)ins alon+ t!e #art!er s!ore %e %o)ld

    %atc! a man address a #riend so #ar a%a& on t!e o((osite /ank as to /e a mere

    s(eck %!oll& o)t o# ears!ot. 4e %o)ld stand at t!e ver& ed+es o# t!e river, (er!(asten #eet a/ove its s)r#ace, and c)((in+ !is !ands some #o)r inc!es in #ront o# !is

    li(s, %o)ld talk into t!e %ater at an an+le o# a/o)t de+rees, in a lo)d voice /)t

    %it!o)t s!o)tin+. At intervals !e %o)ld sto( and listen t!e distant man evidentl&

    re(lied in kind. B)t %e %!o stood close /& !eard no so)nd. resentl& t!e e;c!an+e

    %o)ld end, and !e %o)ld tell )s in a matter o# #act %a& %!at !e !ad learned...6

    T!is a/ilit& to comm)nicate in#ormation s%i#tl& across considera/le distances m)st

    !avee /e /een a +reat /oon to est A#ricans %!o, /et%een t!e 13t! and 1t!

    cent)ries, !ad to administer em(ires as lar+e as all t!e states o# estern *)ro(e

    ()t to+et!er. It did not make t!em an& di

  • 7/23/2019 The Lost Sciences of Africa an Overview


    >villa+e or desert o)t(ost or #orest? %as t!e same t!e %orld over, at least /e#ore t!e

    ind)strial revol)tion. Instanc& o# comm)nication toda& t!e #act t!at %e live in

    6+lo/al villa+e6 connected /& radio, tele(!one, and television makes it less so.

    T!)s almost ever&one on t!e (lanet no% can /e in instant to)c!, t!eoreticall& %it!

    ever&one else. B)t somet!in+ ver& #)ndamental !as remained )nc!an+ed. 4i+!

    tec!nolo+ies >%it! t!eir com(le; in#ormation net%orks? are still concentrated in

    certain (rimar& centers and still relativel& a/sent or dis(ro(ortionatel& dis(ersed at

    t!e ed+es. Al t!at !as c!an+ed is t!at t!e centers o# !i+!tec!nolo+& no% lie in

    (o%er#)l ind)strial /locs >cities o# t!e s)(er(o%ers? %!ile %!ole co)ntries or

    continents, %it! mere scra(s o# t!at tec!nolo+&, (erc! on t!e (eri(!er&.

    It is im(ortant to )nderstand t!is i# %e are )nderstand !o% a science or tec!nolo+&

    ma& rise and #all %it! a civil=iation, %!e& t!e destr)ction o# a center co)ld lead to

    t!e almost instant eva(oration o# disa((earance o# cent)ries o# kno%led+e and

    tec!nical skills. T!)s a n)lear %ar co)ld s!atter t!e (rimar& centers o# @0t! cent)r&

    tec!nolo+& in a matter o# da&s. T!e s)rvivors on t!e (eri(!er&, alt!o)+! t!e& %o)ld

    remem/er t!e aero(lanes and t!e television sets, t!e ro/ots and t!e com()tors,

    t!e& s(ace mac!ines no% circlin+ o)r solar s&stem, %o)ld not /e a/le #or cent)riesto re(rod)ce t!at tec!nolo+&. A(art #rom t!e almost %!olesale sla)+!ter o# t!e

    tec!nocratic class, t!e interconnection /et%een t!ose s!attered centers and t!e

    e7)all& critical interde(endec& /et%een t!ose s!attered centers and t!eir

    (eri(!eries, %o)ld /e +one #orever. It %o)ld /e like t!e strands o# a %e/ %!ic! once

    stretc!ed across t!e %orld, le#t torn and dan+lin+ in a void.

    A dark a+e %o)ld certainl& #ollo%. 2ent)ries a#ter%ards, t!e tec!nolo+ical /rilliance

    o# t!e @0t! cent)r& %o)ld seem dreamlike and )nreal. ntil arc!eolo+& /e+an to

    (ick )( t!e (ieces, t!ose o# )s to #ollo% in t!e cent)ries to come %illl o/vio)sl&

    do)/t %!at !ad /een ac!ieved in t!e cent)ries (receedin+ t!e disaster. T!is !as

    !a((ened /e#ore in t!e %orld. 5ot in t!e same %a&, o# co)rse, /)t %it! t!e same

    catastro(ic ei# t!at /i/lical le+end is tr)e?

    can e7)al in dimension o# destr)ctiveness t!e catacl&sm t!at str)ck A#rica. e are

    all #amiliar %it! t!e slave trade and t!e tra)matic e

  • 7/23/2019 The Lost Sciences of Africa an Overview


    In 19C8 ant!ro(olo+& (ro#essor, eter Sc!midt, and (ro#essor o# en+ineerin+,

    Donald Aver&, /ot! o# Bro%n niversit&, anno)nced to t!e %orld t!at, /et%een

    1,00@,00 &ears a+o, A#ricans livin+ on t!e %estern s!ores o# "ake Victoria, in

    Tan=ania, !ad (rod)ced car/on steel.

    T!e A#ricans !ad done t!is in (re!eated #orceddra#t #)rnaces, a met!od t!at %as

    tec!nolo+icall& more so(!isticated t!n an& develo(ed in *)ro(e )ntil t!e mid19t!cent)r&. 6e !ave #o)nd,6 said ro#essor Sc!midt, 6a tec!nolo+ical (rocess in t!e

    A#rican Iron A+e %!ic! is e;ceedin+l& com(le;....To /e a/le to sa& t!at

    tec!nolo+icall& s)(rior c)lt)re develo(ed in A#rica more t!at 1,00 &ears a+o

    overt)rns (o()lar and sc!olarl& ideas t!at tec!nolo+ical so(!istication develo(ed in

    *)ro(e and in A#rica.6

    T!ere %ere A#ricans still livin+ >t!e 4a&a (eo(le, #or e;am(le? %!o, alt!o)+! t!e&

    no lon+er (rod)ced steel, remem/ered, do%n to t!e last identit& o# detail, t!e

    mac!ine and t!e (rocess t!eir ancestors )sed and %ere a/le to reconstr)ct t!e

    #)rnace and carr& o)t a s)ccess#)l smelt. !en Sc!midt and Aver& /e+an

    e;cavatin+ near "ake Victoria and d)+ )( 13 Iron A+e #)rnaces, t!e& #o)nd t!at 6t!e

    constr)ction o# #)rnaces and t!e com(osition o# t!e steel %as essentiall& t!e same.6

    T!e tem(erat)re ac!ieved in t!e /last #)rnaceo# t!e A#rican steelsmeltin+ mac!in+

    %as !i+!er t!an an& ac!ieved in a *)ro(ean mac!ine )ntil modern times. It %as

    ro)+!l& 1,800 de+rees 2elci)s, some @00 to 00 d+rees !i+!er t!at! t!e reac!ed in

    *)ro(ean /loomeries. t!e record #or *)ro(e %as in an e;(erimental @nd cent)r&

    Eoman s!a#t #)rnace %!ere scientists recorded a tem(erat)re in t!e com/)stion

    =one o# 1,F00 de+rees 2elci)s.

    T!e A#rican s)(eriorit& %as d)e to t!e #act t!at t!e& (re!eated t!e air /last /&

    insertin+ /lo% (i(es into t!e /ase o# t!e #)rnace. T!is not onl& led t!e

    e;traordinaril& !i+! tem(erat)res /)t also to +reater #)el econom&. T!is %as

    im(ortant since, in t!e areas t!ere t!e A#ricans (rod)ced steel, t!ere is evidence o#

    a severe de(letion o# #orest reso)rces, demandin+ a #)el savin+ tec!nolo+&.

    T!e mac!ine t!e& devised and t!e reso)rce#)l %a& t!e& made )se o# availa/le

    materials, is in itsel# #ascinatin+. or e;am(le, t!e (it t!e& d)+ /eneat! t!e #)rance

    %as lined %it! m)d made #orm a termite mo)nd. T!e termite mo)nd %as an

    e;cellent c!oice since termites make t!eir !ills o# material t!at %ont a/sor/ %ater,

    /its o# al)mina and silica (iled )( +rain /& +rain. T!e A#rican also introd)ced a

    (rocess in t!eir smeltin+ t!at %as ver& ori+inal and in advance o# t!eir time, makin+

    steel t!ro)+! t!e #ormation o# iron cr&stals rat!er t!an /& 6t!e sinterin+ o# solid

    (articles6 as in *)ro(ean smeltin+. T!is led ro#essor Aver& to comment: 6Its a ver&

    )ni7)e (rocess t!at )ses a lar+e n)m/er o# so!(isticated tec!ni7)es. T!is is reall&semicond)ctor tec!nolo+& t!e +ro%in+ o# cr&stals not ironsmeltin+


    T!is tec!nolo+& %as not con'end to "ake Victoria. )rt!er investi+ations s!o%ed

    t!at t!ere %as a %ides(read distri/)tion o# *arl& Iron A+e ind)strial sites in est

    "ake and nei+!/orin+ areas, s)c! a E%anda in +anda. T!e nat)re o# t!e ind)str&

    also indicates t!at t!ese A#ricans lived in densel& (o()lated centers, %it! an

    or+ani=aed, !i+!l& coo(erative la/or #orce.

  • 7/23/2019 The Lost Sciences of Africa an Overview


    Astronom& Gen&a

    In t!e same &ear t!at t!e A#rican steelsmeltin+ mac!ine %as discovered, anot!er

    team o# American scientists "&nc! and Eo//ins o# Mic!i+an State )ncovered an

    astrnomical o/servator& in Gen&a. It %as dated 300 &ears /e#ore 2!rist and %as#o)nd on t!e ed+e o# "ake T)rkana. It %as t!e r)ins o# an A#rican Stone!en+e, %it!

    !)+e (illars o# /asalt like t!e st)m(s o# (etri'ed trees l&iin+ at ri+!t an+les in t!e

    +ro)nd. T!e (lace !ad an a%esomeso)ndin+ name, 5amorat)n+a, %!ic!, in t!e

    T)rkana lan+)a+e, means 6t!e stone (eo(le.6

    5ot #ar a%a& t!e scientists !ad #o)nd stones like t!ese /)t t!e& %ere merel&

    standin+ in circles aro)nd +raves. T!e& %ere (ro/a/l& -)st ceremonial sla/s o# stone

    markin+ t!e sites o# ancestors. B)t t!e !)+e stone (illars at 5amorat)n+a II %ere


  • 7/23/2019 The Lost Sciences of Africa an Overview


    4)nter Adams III, a scientist at t!e Ar+onne 5ational "a/orator&, in an article,

    6A#rican $/servers o# t!e niverse: T!e Siri)s H)estion,6 !as t!ro%n t!e most

    recent li+!t on t!e scienti'c /reakt!ro)+! o# t!ese A#ricans. 4e not onl&

    s)mmeri=es t!e %ork done /& ant!ro(olo+ists on t!e Do+on /)t !e e;(oses t!e

    +ross (re-)dices o# *)rocentric scientists %!o tr& to e;(lain a%a& %!at t!e Do+on

    !ave done, %!o sim(l& %o)ld not acce(t t!at na& A#rican astronomer(riest co)ld

    &ield t!e kno%led+e %!ic!, )ntil t!e @0t! cent)r&, esca(ed *)ro(ean o/servation.

    T!e Do+on %ere st)died ver& closel& and over a considera/le (eriod o# time /& t%o

    renc! antr!o(olo+ists, Marcel ria)le and ermaine Dieterlen. rom 1931 to 19F

    a %!ole +eneration t!e t%o lived and %orked %it! t!ese (eo(le, looked at and

    listened to ever&t!in+, %rote do%n all t!e& co)ld 'nd o)t, even dre% dia+rams o#

    t!e evocative arc!itect)re o# t!e Do+on villa+e, %!ic! is (atterned a#ter t!e #orm o#

    t!e !)man /od&. ria)le and Dieterlen sank t!eir roots into t!e (eo(le so dee( t!at

    t!e& /ecame Do+on. T!e& %ere initiated into t!e tri/e. ria)le /ecame so loved and

    tr)sted t!at, %!en !e died, 7)arter o# a million A#riacns t)rned )( at !is #)neral.

    And &et, in s(ite o# t!is intimac&, t!e& to (ass t!ro)+! sta+e a#ter sta+e o# iniation

    /e#ore t!e Do+on allo%ed t!em to enter t!e inner sanct)m o# t!eir most secret

    kno%led+e. T!eir ed)cation lasted lon+er t!an t!e American st)dents (assa+e #rom

    !i+! sc!ool to !.D. 5ot )ntil t!e si;teent! &ear, as Adams tells )s, did t!e Do+on

    call to+et!er a con#erence to reveal to t!e *)ro(eans t!e 'rst level in an ei+!tlevel

    sta+e o# t!eir kno%led+e.

    Amon+ t!e revelations t!at emer+ed at t!is sta+e %as t!e Do+ons intimate

    kno%led+e o#, and concern %it!, a start %it!in t!e Siri)s star s&stem. T!e& !ad a

    ceremon& to Siri)s ever& si;t& &ears, %!en t!e or/its o# )(iter and Sat)rn

    conver+e. B)t t!e odd t!in+ a/o)t it %as t!at, alt!o)+! Siri)s is t!e /ri+!test star in

    t!e sk&, t!e ceremon& %as not to Siri)s /)t to its com(anion, Siri)s B, a star so

    small, so dense, so diJc)lt to (erceive, it is tr& ama=in+ t!at an& medieval science%as a%are it /)t sa% it as t!e /asis o# t!at star s&stem %!ile Siri)s A, t!e /i+ /ri+!t

    star %e kno% so %ell, %as sim(l& t!e (oint aro)nd %!ic! t!is )n)s)al little star

    or/ited. to t!e Do+on t!is d%ar# %as t!e most im(ortant star in t!e sk&.

    T!e Do+on kne% t!at t!is star, alt!o)+! invisi/le to t!e naked e&e, !ad an elli(tical

    or/it aro)nd Siri)s A t!at took 0 &ears to com(lete. Modern science con'rm t!is

    or/it. T!e Do+on dre% a dia+ram s!o%in+ t!e co)rse and tra-ector& o# t!is star )(

    to t!e &ear 1990. Modern astronomical (redictions are identical %it! t!is.

    To (rivide s)c! detail a/o)t some!tin+ t!at onl& t!e most advanced o/servatories

    can detect toda& and to do in advnace o# t!em, !as send, as Adams ()t it,

    6s!ock%aves t!ro)+! t!e scienti'c %orld.6 Adams cites a n)m/er res(onses #romsc!olars %!ic! reveal t!e (ro#o)nd contem(t #or A#rican scienti'c ca(a/ilities %!ic!

    still dominates sc!olars!i(.

    Gennet! Brec!er o# t!e Massac!)setts Instit)te o# Tec!nolo+&, #or e;am(le, said

    7)ite /l)ntl& in an aritcle 6T!e& [t!e Do+on !ave kno% /)siness kno%in+ an& o#

    t!is.6 Brec!er s)++ests t!at (er!a(s a es)it (riest told t!em a/o)t it. Eo/ert

    Tem(le, a mem/er o# t!e Eo&al Astronomical Societ& o# reat Britain, in a !i+!l&

    acclaimed /ook, T!e Siri)s M&ster&, s(ec)lates t!at s(ace/ein+s #rom t!e Siri)s

  • 7/23/2019 The Lost Sciences of Africa an Overview


    star s&stem m)st !ave /ro)+!t t!is marvelo)s kno%led+e do%n to t!e A#ricans.

    4)m/led /& evidence o# t!e scienti'c advances o# t!e *+&(tians and t!e

    S)merians, %!om !e links %it! t!e later Do+on, Tem(le arro+antl& claims:

    62ivili=ation as %e kno% it %as an im(oration #rom anot!er star in t!e 'rst

    (lace....T!e linked c)lt))re o# *+&(t and S)mer in t!e Mediterranean areas sim(le

    came o)t o# no%!ere.6 2arl Sa+an, s)(erstar o# t!e TV serio)s 2osmos, +oes one

    ste( #)t!er. 4is sol)tion to t!e m&ster& is t!at some clever *)ro(ean traveller %!o

    a((eared amon+ t!e Do+on /e#ore t!e ant!ro(olo+ists came to st)d& t!em. T!is

    scien'call& literate *)ro(ean, (ro(oses Sa+an, e;c!an+ed !is so(!isticated

    kno%led+e o# t!e stars in ret)rn #or t!e sava+es sim(le lore. !en ria)le and

    Dieterlen cmae, t!e /lack merel& (la&ed /ack %!at t!e& !ad !eard in a (arrotlike

    #as!ion. Sa+an !ad not even sto((ed to consider t!at no scienti'call& literate

    *)ro(ean, even toda&, m)c! less /e#ore 1931, can s(eak %it! t!e certaint& o# t!e

    Do+on elders o# t!e one &ear or/it o# Siri)s B on its o%n a;is. 5or !as it occ)red to

    !im t!at t!is o/session %it! t!e stars&stem e;(ressed itsel# in ceremonies amon+

    t!e Do+on cent)ries a+o nor t!a!t t!e tradition t!e& %ere s)((osed to !ave

    im/i/ed #rom an itenerant %!ite +eni)s and re+)r+itated to t!e ant!ro(oli+ists like

    (arrots, never s)r#aced )ntil a#ter 1F &ears o# contin)o)s (ro/in+.


    T!e tendenc& to den& an A#rican astronomical science is d)e to t!e #act t!at s)c!

    acc)rate o/servations over lon+ (eriods involve t!e most (recise recordkee(in+, a

    ca(acit& to meas)re com(le; distances and times, to calc)late or/its and a=im)t!s,

    and conver+ences. T!e calls #or a mat!ematics and not -)st t!e sim(le !andco)nt o#

    one, t%o, man&. Ver& #e% ant!ro(olo+ical %orks !ave ever mentioned a

    mat!ematical s&stem in A#rica. At t!e moment onl& one sin+le /ook e;ists A#rica

    2o)nts: 5)m/er and attern in A#riacn 2)lt)re /& 2la)dia Kaslavsk& %!ic!attem(ts to deal %it! mat!ematics so)t! o# t!e Sa!ara.

    !& is mat!ematics so rarel& mentioned in t!e st)d& o# t!e A#ricanL $ne reason, o#

    co)rse, is t!e ass)m(tion t!at t!e A#rican %as inca(a/le o# develo(in+ a/stract

    t!o)+!t. Anot!er is t!e #act t!at ant!rolo(olo+& !as a love a

  • 7/23/2019 The Lost Sciences of Africa an Overview


    crimes #or t!e S(anis! In7)isition inicted deat! %as t!e (oassession o# Ara/ic

    man)scri(ts and t!e st)d& o# mat!ematics. As late as t!e 1Ct! cent)r&, t!e time o#

    t!e (ersec)tion o# alileo, 6mat!ematics %as looked )(on %it! #ear in *)ro(e

    /eca)se o# t!e ma+ical )se o# n)m/ers.6

    Amon+ t!e earliest evidence o# t!e )se o# n)m/ers is a 'nd in A#rica in t!e 2on+o

    >Kaire?. T!ese are markin+s a notation co)nt on a /one 8,000 &ears old. It iskno%n as t!e Is!on+o /one since it %as #o)nd near an ancient 's!in+ site o# t!at

    name. T!e discoveror, Dr. de 4ein=elin, sa&s it is a n)meration s&stem. Dr.

    Mars!ack, %!o !as e;amined t!e notc!es on t!e /one, sa&s its a l)nar calendar. or

    %!atever ()r(ose t!e s&stem %as )sed, it is t!e 'rst %e kno% o# in A#rica and

    amon+ t!e 'rst in t!e %orld.

    Mat!ematics develo(es accordin+ to a need. I# a sit)ation calls #or a sim(le co)nt o#

    o/-ects a (eo(le %ill develo( a sim(le set o# n)m/ers. I# t!eir c)lt)ral demands are

    more com(le;, a more com(le; mat!ematics s&stem %ill evolve. T!)s s&stems o#

    n)meration ma& ran+e in A#rica #rom a #e% n)mer %ords amon+ t!e San (eo(le,

    %!o !ave /een ()s!ed into t!e least !os(ita/le areas o# t!e continent, to t!e

    e;tensive n)mero)s voca/)lar& o# A#rican nations !avin+ a !istor& o# cent)ries o#


    $ne s)c! nation is t!e Nor)/a and t!e related (eo(le o# t!e cit& o# Benin in 5i+eria,

    %!o /een )r/ani=ed #armers and traders #or cent)ries. T!e& !ave a com(le;

    n)m/er s&stem /ased on t%ent&. B)t a mat!ematical s&stem is not al%a&s

    recovera/le, is not al%a&s /lessed %it! !istorical contin)it& like t!at #o)nd amon+

    t!e Nor)/a and a n)m/er o# lar+e A#rican somm)nities. It ma& /e !idden in

    arc!itec!t)ral desi+n or in a/stract (atterns or in meas)rin+ s&stems or in +ames.

    Arc!itect)re and *n+ineerin+

    Mat!ematics is also needed #or +reat en+ineerin+ (ro-ects, t!e constr)ction o#

    enormo)s (alaces or c!)rc!es or ceremonial centers. Most (eo(le t!ink t!at t!is

    kind o# /)ildin+ ma& onl& /e #o)nd in t!e nort! o# A#rica and t!at m)d and stra%

    and vines is t!e limit o# material )sed /& t!e traditional A#rican. eo(le )se %!at

    materials are availa/le to t!em and %!ere stone %as availa/le to A#ricans t!e& /)ilt

    in stone. !en less st)rd& materials %ere at !and, t!e& A#rican %as still a/le to

    (lace t!e stam( o# tec!nolo+ical in+en)it& )(on t!ose materials. A Britis! en+ineer

    !as /ited s)s(ension /rid+es /)ilt %it! vines /& t!e Gik)&) %!ic! e7)alled in

    en+ineerin+ skill and (otential d)ra/ilit& an& com(ara/le /rid+es o# %!ood !e !ad

    seen in !is o%n co)ntr&. So)t! o# t!e Sa!ara lie several arc!itect)ral %onders. $ne

    o# t!ese is reat Kim/a/%e, t!e most immense constr)ction site #o)nd in A#rica

    o)tside t!e (&ramids o# ancient *+&(t and S)dan.

    reat Kim/a/%e is a massive stone com(le; (er!a(s %e s!o)ld call it a stone cit&

    #o)nd seventeen miles so)t! o# 5&anda, a cit& in toda&s Kim/a/%e. It is more

    t!an 800 &ears old /)t %as onl& t%o &ears a+o, %!en Kim/a/%e re+ained !er

    inde(endencet!at an& A#rican sc!olars vent)red to t!e site to st)d& i# closel&. Mole'

  • 7/23/2019 The Lost Sciences of Africa an Overview


    Asante and !is %i#e, Gariam& Asante, /ot! )l/ri+!t sc!olars, !ave done t!e most

    recent st)d& o# t!is remarak/le r)in.

    T!e ancient (lan o# t!is cit& is in t%o (arts. T!e kin+s (art, t!e Eo&al *nclos)re, is

    on t!e to( o# t!e !ill. t!e ot!er /)ildin+ nine se(arate stone sites are do%n in a

    valle&. Amon+ t!e /)ildin+s in t!e valle& is t!e reat *nclos)re %!ere t!e kin+ reall&

    lived alt!o)+! !e s(ent a lot o# time )( on t!e !ill. rom t!at !ill !e co)ld t!ecomin+ and +oin+ o# traders and %arriers alon+ t!at valle& #or a distance o# a/o)t

    30 miles.

    T!e Eo&al *nclos)re on t!e !ill is a #ascinatin+ and m&sterio)s (lace. Secret %indin+

    (assa+e%a&s and stone ste(s a((roac! it #rom t!e so)t! and %it!in+ t!e !illto(

    castle t!ere are vast rooms, amon+ t!ese one #or rit)al, one #or smeltin+, one #or

    ironkee(in+. T!e kin+ ke(t !is ironsmit!s and co((er cra#tsmen t!ere. T!ere %as

    also a ro&al treas)re cove made /& a !)+e +ranite rock.

    Do%n in t!e valle&, %!ere t!e rest o# t!e ancient cit& lies, is t!e lar+est o# all t!e

    /)ildin+s, t!e reat *nclos)re. T!e %all aro)nd t!is (alace is @0 meters lin+. It is

    com(osed o# 1,000,000 tons o# +ranite /locks. It is estimated t!at 10,000 (eo(lelived in t!at cit&, makin+ it one o# t!e lar+est cities o# its da&.

    B)t it %as not an isolated ac!ievement at all. T!e Asantes (oint to t!e #act t!at in

    t!at areas t!ere more t!an @00 stone villa+es. T!e& are scattered over Kim/a/%e

    and Mo=am/i7)e. T!e site, reat Kim/a/%e, %as t!e seat o# a civili=ation in t!e

    So)t!. T!e same t&(e o# str)ct)ral conce(t %as s(read over a ver& lar+e area

    occ)(ied /& native A#ricans. T!e en+ineerin+ skill o# t!ese A#ricans %as not con'ned

    to arc!itect)re. *ven /e#ore reat Kim/a/%e /ecame a seat o# civil=iation, A#riacns

    in t!e so)t!ern (art o# t!e continent !ad d)+ t!e most ancient mines #o)nd in t!e

    %orld. Several s)c! ancient mine %orks and rare minerals %ere discovered /& t!e

    erman treas)re seeker, Garl Ma)c!, not #ar #rom +reat Kim/a/%e itsel#.

    Net %!en t!is +reat stone cit& %as #o)nd, *)ro(eans not onl& /e+an to steal t!e

    treas)re /)t even t!e ri+!t o# t!e natrive A#ricans to la& claim to t!eir o%n

    civil=iation. Man& /ooks !ave /een %ritten, tr&in+ to (rove t!at t!is arc!tect)ral

    site, %!ic! is ri+!t in t!e !eartland o# A#rica, !al# a t!o)sand miles a%a& #rom an&

    seacoast, %as /)ilt /& erians, !oenicians, ort)+)ese, Ara/s, or 2!inese. T!e #act

    t!at t!ere are no (rotot&(es #or Kim/a/%ean arc!itect)re and art and rit)al amon+

    an& o# t!ese #orei+n (eo(les does not seem to /ot!er t!e con-ect)ral !istorians.

    4ad t!e& sto((ed at stealin+ t!e claim, t!at %o)ld /e eno)+!. B)t t!e& stole

    ever&t!in+ t!e& co)ld ()t t!eir !ands on. 5ot -)st t!e #aience and +lass and celadon

    %!ic! t!e A#ricans im(orted in t!e overseas trade /)t enormo)s cac!es o# ivor& and

    +old, co((er rin+s and necklaces and /an+els and /racelets, /ells and +on+s,

    sacred /irds o# soa(stone, divination /o%ls and dis!es, even rit)al (!alli. T!e

    Asantes catalo+)e t!e t!e#ts, (art o# t!e massive movement ancient A#rican

    treas)res #rom t!eir (lace o# man)#act)re to t!e m)se)ems o# t!e est. In 18C1 a

    erman (ros(ector even carted a%a& stone (osts and con'scated a /ea)ti#)l

    (latter %!ic! !e sold to 2ecil E!odes, a#ter %!om t!at area %as solemnl& named

    E!odesia. As i# t!at %ere not eno)+!, t!e *n+lis! Eo&al 4orse+)ards attacked t!e

  • 7/23/2019 The Lost Sciences of Africa an Overview


    reat *nclos)re in 189@, +)ttin+ t!e inside o# t!e /)ildin+, takin+ ever&t!in+ t!at

    co)ld /e removed.

    reat Kim/a/%e rose in si+ni'cance #rom t!e 1@t! cent)r& and o)ris!ed as t!e

    ca(ital o# an A#rican em(ire, kno%n as Monomota(a, #or 300 &ears. T!e +reat stone

    cit& !o)sed t!e em(eror, !is #amil&, oJcials o# t!e co)rt, servants, and later,

    traders. It %as t!e S!ona (eo(le %!o /)ilt t!is center, seat o# (o%er #or t!eso)t!eastern interior o# A#rica. "ike t!e earlier (&ramids o# *+&(t, t!is str)ct)re not

    onl& 6s&m/oli=ed t!e (o%er, (ermanence, and a)t!orit& o# t!e r)ler6 /)t it also

    cr&stalli=ed t!e science and tec!nolo+& o# t!at (eo(le, (lace, and time.


    A#rican en+ineerin+ skill ma& also /e seen in t!e skill#)l constr)ction o# /oats. T!e

    ima+e o# -)n+le canoes (romoted /& Tar=an movies !as created t!e (o()lar

    im(ression o# a #ra+ile and easil& ca(si=a/le d)+o)t as t!e !allmark o# A#rican

    %atercra#t. T!e d)+o)t, in #act, is -)st a /)ildin+ /lock, 6a tem(late,6 asoceano+ra(!er Ste%art Mallo& !as s!o%n, 6#or e;tension and e;(ansion tec!ni7)es

    )sed %orld%ide to make a /oat sea%ort!&.6 A#ricans in est and 2entral A#rica

    develo(ed a variet& o# /oats. T!e& !ad a marine !i+!%a&, @,F00 mile lon+, and on

    t!at !i+!%a& t!e 5i+er once co)ld 'nd reed /oats %it! sails, like t!e reed /oats

    o# ancient *+&(t and *t!io(iaO lo+ ra#ts las!ed to+et!erO enormo)s d)+o)ts as %ide

    /ert!ed, lon+, and st)rd& as Vikin+ s!i(sO do)/le canoes connected catamaran

    #as!ion like t!e ol&nesianO lateenri++es d!o%s as )sed /) t!e Ar/as and t!e

    A#rican maritime (easantson t!e Indian $ceanO ro(e se%n (lank vessels %it!

    cookin+ #acilities in t!e !old and -ointed /oats 'tted o)t %it! stra% ca/ins.

    Mallo& !as taken a ne% look at t!e %atercra#t o# est and 2entral A#rica, a re+ion

    %!ic! once #ormed (art o# a +reat interlockin+ trade net%ork r)nnin+ #rom t!eMediterranean to t!e )l# o# )inea and t!e #rom t!e est 2oast to "ake 2!ad.

    estern A#rica crisscrossed %it! a net%ork o# trade ro)tes leadin+ to t!e interior.

    T!ese trade links /et%een t!e est 2oast and t!e 5i+er Eiver e;isted #or man&

    cent)ries /e#ore t!e comin+ o# t!e *)ro(ean. T!e na)tical skills on t!e Atlantic

    coasts o# A#rica, %!ic! I note in m& /ook T!e& 2ame Be#ore 2ol)m/)s, ori+inated

    lar+el&, accordin+ to Mallo&, /e&ond t!e coast, (artic)larl& on t!e 5i+er and in t!e

    nei+!/or!ood o# enne and Tim/)cktoo, %!ic! %ere ma-or cities in t!e Mali and

    Son+!a& em(ires.

    !en Mali and Son+!a& #eel and Tim/)cktoo %as destro&ed, t!e trade ro)tes

    leadin+ to t!e interior o# A#rica lost m)c! o# t!eir im(ortance. T!e 5i+er, it

    tri/)taries, and t!e Sene+am/ia re+ion no lon+er en-o&ed t!e vast vol)mes o#

    traJc and interco)rse. As a res)lt 6t!ere %as a sta+nation in innovative /oat

    /)ildin+.6 Be#ore t!is tec!nolo+& deteriorated, some travellers re(orted +lim(ses o#

    t!e varied t&(es o# cra#t )sed on A#rican rivers and seacoasts.

    T!e -o)rne& across t!e Sa!ara is t%ice as lon+ and t%ice as !a=ardo)s as a -o)rne&

    acorss t!e o(en Atlantic.

  • 7/23/2019 The Lost Sciences of Africa an Overview


    A+ric)lt)ral Science

    Several (lants in t!e S)danic a+ric)lt)ral com(le;t t!e /ottle +o)rd, a s(ecies o#

    -ack/ean and o# &am, a stain o# c)ltivated cotton !ave /een discovered in (re

    2ol)m/ian strata in Middle and So)t! America. T!e t!ree main c)rrents o< t!ecoast o# A#rica %!ic! s)c! ever&t!in+ t!at remains aoat #rom A#rica to America,

    can e;(lain an )nmanned dri#t vo&a+e /e#ore 2ol)m/)s o# t!e /ottle +o)rd. T!e

    ot!er (lants, !o%ever, co)ld !ave come to t!is continent %it!o)t t!e !el( o# man.

    T!is !as /een clearl& esta/lis!ed /& /otanists. T!e& %o)ld !ave eit!er s)/mer+ed

    /elo% and event)all& sank or, i# !eld )( /& dri#t%ood, %o)ld !ave /een )na/le to

    (reserve t!eir (otenc& d)rin+ a lon+ dri#t.

    T!e (otential #or (lant di

  • 7/23/2019 The Lost Sciences of Africa an Overview


    /rand Gao(ectate. 5i+erian doctors !ave develo(ed an !er/al (re(aration to treat

    skin in#ections %!ic! rivals t!e /est in t!e modern %orld. It %as s)/-ected to tests

    /& esterntrained doctors in 19F9 and #o)nd to !ave (o%er#)l /acteriocidal

    activit& a+ainst +ram(ositive /acteria, t!e ver& or+anisms t!at ca)se skin


    S)r+er& also seems to /e an area in %!ic! A#rican doctors 6attained a level o# skillcom(ara/le %it!, and in some res(ects s)(erior to, t!at o# estern s)r+eons )(

    )nto t!e @0t! cent)r&. inc! cites traction met!ods #or #ract)red lim/s amon+ t!e

    Mano o# "i/eria, ind)cin+ (artial colla(se o# t!e l)n+ to treat (le)ric& amon+ t!e

    Masai, removin+ a /)llet /& t!e )se o# sti< ele(!ant !ars in t!e con+o, and t!e

    almost mirac)lo)s re(lacement o# t!e intestines into an a/dominal cavit& ri((ed

    o(en /& an ele(!ant in 5i+eria. T!ese are -)st a #e% o# t!e o(erations %itnessed /&

    esterners and re(orted )(on.

    T!e most im(ressive o# t!ese is a 2aesarean o(eration (er#ormed /& Ban&oro

    s)r+eons in *ast A#rica. It %as %itnessed and sketc!ed /& Dr. elkin in 18C9, at a

    time %!en o(erations %ere rare in *)ro(e. T!e skilll demonstrated in t!is o(eration

    startled readers o# t!e *din/)r+! Medical o)rnal %!ere it %as re(orted. T!e

    A#ricans %ere not onl& #o)nd to /e )sin+ antisce(tic s)r+er&, %!ic! "ister (ioneered

    t%o &ears earlier t!an t!is event, and t!e )niversal a((lication o# !is met!ods %ere

    still &ears a%a&. 5ot onl& did t!e A#rican s!o% an )nderstandin+ o# t!e so(!isticated

    conce(ts o# anaest!esia and antisce(sis, sa&s Dr. inc!, /)t !e demonstrated

    advanced s)r+ical tec!ni7)e, es(eciall& in !is ca)tio)s )se o# t!e ca)ter& iron,

    %!ic! %it!o)t +reat skill can ca)se serio)s tiss)e dama+e.

    As one commentator !as said: 6T!is %as a skillled lon+(racticed s)r+ical team at

    %ork cond)ctin+ a %elltired and #amiliar o(eration %it! smoot! eJcienc& and

    )n!)rried skill....."isters team in "ondon co)ld !ardl& !ave (er#ormed %it! +reater


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