Page 1: The Knightly News - Knights Of Columbus Council 13240 · Frank Regiacorte 352 - 429 - 2025 407 - 538 - 6490 Squires Circle Larry Barber 407 - 694 - 6014

Knights of Columbus Blessed Sacrament Clermont, Florida | JANUARY 2014 NEWSLETTER 1

Worthy Brothers,

HAPPY NEW YEAR! May Almighty

God Bless you and your families with

health, peace, and joy for all of 2014

and beyond!

As we begin this new chapter in our lives, and the life of the Council,

let us renew our commitment to Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and

Patriotism. In renewing our commitment, let us remember the

seriousness of our pledge and how much the Council depends on our

sincerity and dedication. Do not overextend yourself, but if you take

on a task, do it to the best of your ability, ask for help if needed, and

live up to your obligation. Attend whatever meetings are required,

report your progress timely, we are depending on you!

Our Annual Christmas Social epitomized our dedication to Unity and

Fraternity as evidenced by the pictures in this month’s newsletter. A

great time was had by all and those who were unable to attend were

sincerely missed. Special thanks to the coordinators, Fred and Lucille

Costello, and all the brothers and sisters who gave their time to set

up, decorate, cook, and clean up.

January will be a busy month (as usual), with two major reports to be

completed, the Council meeting January 2; for Sir Knights, the

Assembly meeting January 9; continuation of the Archbishop Sheen

series January 10; Men’s retreat January 18, and a first Degree

scheduled for January 26th.

The Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity is the report of the world

wide Councils on their activity devoted to the four pillars upon which

the Knights are based. Last year the combined efforts of the Knights

of Columbus produced $168,000,000 in charitable donations and

70,000,000 hours of service.

Elsewhere in this newsletter is a copy of the email regarding the

survey of your Fraternal Activity participation. Please review it and

return your response quickly so we can submit the report timely. Any

questions, please contact me at 352 243 3292. Just hit reply on your

email, put the numbers next to each category, print your name, and

email it back.

Our Annual Charity Golf Classic is our major fund raising

event of the year. Through your efforts we are able to support our

local charities, our Parish, and our Order. Sponsorships, especially


sponsors, ensure the continued success of the program, so please

answer the Chairman’s call when he issues it.

Brother Joe Nowicki has asked to take a sabbatical for a short period.

After several years of most successfully coordinating our

participation and partnership with Special Olympics, he (and Sister

Audrey) are entitled to a little relaxation.

Joe is willing to train his replacement, but we need someone who has

a passion for Special Olympics to step forward. There are three

scheduled Special Olympics functions which require coordinated

efforts, golf, bowling, and flag football. If you wish to take on this

important activity, let me know. The Knight who takes on this effort

will work on this exclusively and will not be asked to take on any

other tasks.

Recruitment AND Retention are still major priorities. Every Catholic

man should be invited to share in the benefits of membership in the

Knights of Columbus. We stand at 60% of our quota, however, we

will be suspending a number of brothers either by their own request

or lack of response to our efforts to contact them. Between now and

June, we need at least sixteen new members. Now every Catholic

adult male of Blessed Sacrament Community should be invited and

every young man should be invited to join the Squires.

Annual “Tootsie Roll” drive has a few more slots to fill, so please see

Program Coordinator Frank Germonto and sign up. Those brother’s

whose circumstances continue to prohibit them from active

participation, a couple of hours of your time is the opportunity to

assist your Council and give of yourself. Contact Frank Germonto at

[email protected] or 407 925 1154.

May God Bless you and your families this year and deploy his Holy

Angels to keep you from all harm. May He defend you by His power

and may every thought, word, and deed be in accordance with His



Laria, Grand Knight

The Knightly News

Blessed Sacrament Council #13240 Clermont Florida January 2014

A Message From Our Grand Knight….

The Knightly News

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Knights of Columbus Blessed Sacrament Clermont, Florida | JANUARY 2014 NEWSLETTER 2


For questions or information regarding Council business, or if you would like to help in any way please call Grand Knight Jim Laria 407-435-2325 [email protected] Membership or dues Information, pocket name badge or Council license plates Frank Costello



[email protected] For questions on Fraternal Benefits and Insurance: Call Field Agent Jim Bernacki 813-929-3487 [email protected] Deputy Grand Knight Frank Regiacorte



[email protected] Chancellor- Steve Cruz 352-432-5675 352-552-1958 [email protected] Treasurer - Tony Giamboi 352-241-7671 [email protected] Advocate – James Venezio 352-343-1553 352-552-7480 [email protected] Recorder Steven Mc Robbie [email protected] Warden Larry Barber


[email protected] Lecturer Peter Connelly



[email protected]

Inside Guard Serjohn Barber Outside Guard Ramon Aviles

407-656-2167 773-490-5041

Chaplain Fr. Robert Webster 352-394-3562, [email protected] Trustee Elliot Ogden


[email protected] Trustee Peter Capece



[email protected] Trustee William Overbay 321-439-6893 [email protected] Membership Director- Admissions Committee Steve Cruz 352-432-5675 352-552-1958 [email protected] Youth Directo Frank Regiacorte 352-429-2025 407-538-6490 [email protected] Squires Circle Larry Barber


[email protected] Family Director Larry Barber 407-694-6014 [email protected] Community Director Jack Wallace


[email protected]

Church Director Joe Cruz 407-342-8243, [email protected] Pro-Life Director Peter Stauder [email protected] Health Services Chair Robert Gonzalez 352-243-3751 [email protected] Donut Sunday Chair Serjohn Barber 352-508-4339 Ladies Auxiliary Phyllis Capece 352-243-0393 772-538-3882 [email protected] To order Council shirts see Brothers Ed Oliveira


[email protected] John Granucci



[email protected] Assembly #3025 Faithful Navigator Peter Capece



[email protected] District Deputy Robert Britten Newsletter Editor Robert Berardi 321-230-3953 [email protected]

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Christmas Party 2013 Christmas Party 2013

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Knights of Columbus Blessed Sacrament Clermont, Florida | JANUARY 2014 NEWSLETTER 4

The Council needs your immediate attention. Our Annual

report of our Fraternal Activity must be in Supreme by

January 31st.

If you are aware of any members who are not receiving email,

please give him a copy or advise the Grand Knight.

Listed below are the categories of activity. Please estimate to

the best of your ability the total hours you devoted to each

category for the year.

Send the results to the Financial Secretary at:

[email protected] or call him at 352 243 9515

Keep in mind you are being asked to ESTIMATE your hours.

The categories are:

1. # of visits to sick; # of visits to bereaved

2. # of blood donations

3. Habitat for humanity

4. Church Service (Lector, EMHC, Ministry, etc); Note,

Sick Ministry should be under # of visits to the sick

5. # of hours of Community Service; (Note- many

Knights participate as volunteers in the community

outside of Blessed Sacrament and that is what we

need here

6. # of hours in youth activities, (Squires, Boy Scouts,

Blessed Sacrament youth, Little league, etc.)

7. Habitat for Humanity

8. Miscellaneous (any volunteer activity not covered


9. Assistance/visits to sick/disabled members and their


Tootsie Role Campaign Saturday, February 1, 2014

Volunteers are still needed for multiple locations and time slots. You can register to provide support at the Council or Assembly

meetings in December and January. You can also register by contacting Frank Germonto

at [email protected] or by calling 407-925-1154.

Knight of the Month

Jorge Oliveras

In Service to One. In Service to All.

Family of the Month

Fred and Lucille Costello

Urgent Action Required

Survey of Fraternal Activity:

The Barometer of Our Success

Next Council Meeting Thursday, January 2, 2014 at 7:00 pm

Next Officer’s Meeting Thursday, January 30, 2014 at 7:00 pm

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Knights of Columbus Blessed Sacrament Clermont, Florida | JANUARY 2014 NEWSLETTER 5

“Hopes of Supreme Knight Carl Anderson”

Brother Knights,

As New Year 2014 begins, let us consider these words from

Supreme Knight Carl Anderson for our continued, active

involvement in the Knights of Columbus, along with more

than 1.8 million Brothers:

“We are striving in our Knights of Columbus programs to

place renewed emphasis on strengthening family life and on

bringing to others the lessons of charity, unity, and fraternity.

If these efforts are to succeed, we have to be able to count on

your collaboration.

Membership in the Order also includes, at no additional cost, a

series of fraternal benefits of great value to our members in

good standing, their wives, and families. ONE of these, the

Member/Spouse Fraternal Benefit Program, provides an

automatic 24 hour-a-day accidental death benefit for the

member and his wife, with the benefit maximizing at $2,500

for each in the fourth year of continuous membership in the


I sincerely hope that you will remain an active member of our

fraternal Order. We need you and we would like to think that

you need the Knights of Columbus.”

Remember, if you have a change of address, a new phone

number, or a new e-mail address, please send an e-mail to me;

[email protected] or write a note and hand it to me at any

Council meeting or event. Please print clearly. Thank you!

Happy, Blessed New Year!

Fred Costello Financial Secretary

Cell: (407) 312-4109




By Fred Costello

Also, I would like to discuss Pope Francis’ first Apostolic

Exhortation, issued in November, called Evangelii Gaudium

(Joy of the Gospel). It has been discussed in the media by people

of various philosophical views. Just what did Pope Francis


Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words!

In the issues to come, we’ll take a look at the challenges he gives

us to evangelize our Catholic faith.

And remember Knights, as does our Holy Father, spread

our joy of the Gospel by example!




Peter Connelly

We are going to have a Men’s Retreat sponsored jointly by the

Knight of Columbus and Men’s Club of Blessed Sacrament on

Saturday, Jan 18, 2014 from 9 am and will conclude with the 4

pm Mass. It will be held in the Ministry Building and John

Bosco Hall.

So what is this all about? Caring too much can hurt.When

caregivers focus on others without practicing self-care,

destructive behaviors can surface. Apathy, isolation, bottled up

emotions and substance abuse head a long list of symptoms

associated with the secondary traumatic stress disorder now

labeled: Compassion Fatigue

Please contact me to purchase your ticket or for more

information at 352-242-5167.

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Knights of Columbus Blessed Sacrament Clermont, Florida | JANUARY 2014 NEWSLETTER 6

How The Little

Things Become

BIG Things

Taken from the Building Blocks Ministry Press Releases


Occasionally, we come across one of life’s little known

secrets, which, if only more widely known would be a catalyst

to change the world we all live in.

Through our media releases and social media posts, many of

you have been introduced to our Green Light Fire Bag team

member Eric. Eric is an adult living in our community who

suffers from a developmental disability. This developmental

disability is indeed inhibiting to many of the little things we all

enjoy in our daily lives, and without workplace

accommodations, many of the tasks we often take for granted

who prove to be far to daunting for Eric.

As a manufacturer we utilize 1,000’s of boxes and bags each

and every month, which are all hand amassed. When Eric first

came to Green Light Fire Bag, he was excited at the prospect

of taping boxes. However, what has become a very routine

task for other employees, was quite difficult for Eric. Yet,

with encouragement, modification and practice Eric has

become the very best at taping boxes, and truly takes pride and

enjoyment in his duties.

What appears to be a “little thing” taping and assembling

boxes, is truly a BIG thing when it comes to our

manufacturing process. Bar none, having boxes assembled

correctly and ready for the assembly line is a must, and Eric

has become integral to the manufacturing process. More

importantly, Eric has employment, an occupation, and the

same sense of pride we all get from performing our very best

at our job.

With that, we were fortunate to witness how the little things in

life can have a domino effect, and can truly make a big

difference. Yesterday while in our manufacturing facility

Building Blocks Ministries director Paula Whetro stopped by

to check on Eric and introduce us to “Craig”. Craig like Eric,

suffers from a developmental disability, and Craig had come

to watch some of the job skills that Eric has learned at Green

Light Fire Bag in hopes

of one day to finding a

place where he can

become employed.

Craig watched very

curiously as Eric

opened boxes, taped

very willfully,

assiduously and then stacked them alongside the assembly

line. Craig’s eyes gazed wide as he watched Eric whom

comfortably and assuredly completed his work.

As I watched Craig, I could see in his eyes a wonderment for

Eric, and as I watched Eric, I saw tenacity that had not been

there weeks ago. We asked Craig if he would like to try to

tape a box, and with a fervent “yes” Craig took a few steps to

where Eric was working.

What happened next was nothing short of inspiring, we all

watched on as Eric began to mentor Craig and teach him how

to tape the box. For those who know or love someone with a

developmental disability you will understand the depth and

breath of this experience. For us, to watch on as Eric

mentored Craig, meant more to our company than you can


So as we make business plans for the upcoming year we are

stopping to enjoy this moment, and the success that cannot be

measured by financial data, but rather the impact being felt

within our community by building a legacy, not just a


Our Grand Knight mentioned the following article at

our last Council meeting. Building Blocks Ministry is

a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that builds lives

by encouraging others to dream, empowering them to

believe in themselves and engaging them in the

community to achieve their dreams.

If you’d like more information on Building Blocks

Ministry please visit their website:

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Knights of Columbus Blessed Sacrament Clermont, Florida | JANUARY 2014 NEWSLETTER 7

The Prolife Corner:

Well it’s the start of a new year and we still have a lot of the

“old” issues on our plate.

However, progress may be happening on the issue right of

conscience and the rules under the Affordable Care Act,

commonly referred to as Obamacare. The Supreme court has

agreed to hear two cases dealing with the right of a for profit

company to not provide or fund employee insurance that

violates the company owners conscience ,as well as the

Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993. We expect to see

a ruling in the June 2014 time frame. The two companies are

Hobby Lobby, Oklahoma based, and Conestoga Wood

Specialties, a Pennsylvania company. There are still cases

going forward in the courts on the issue of the HHS ruling

involving religious employers facing the possibility of third

parties providing the contraceptive coverage to their

employees. Keep the prayers going that the courts support the

Constitutional right of Freedom of Religion and the

application of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Upcoming in the Month of Jan. 2014:

• Jan. 4th, 2014 the Helpers of God’s Precious Infants

Mass and Rosary Procession. Starts with 8 AM Mass at

Annunciation Catholic Church and then a procession to the All

Women’s Health Center, 431 Maitland Ave, Altamont

Springs. We will say the Rosary at the clinic and Bishop

Noonan will attend. Knights should wear their shirts, insignia,

hat’s, etc.

• Jan 18th, 2014- March For Life- St. Augustine FL.

Mass starts at 9 AM at Prince of Peace Church Mission

Nombre de Dios and there will be a procession down St.

George Street to the Public Plaza and Downtown Gazebo

about 11 AM. See the Diocese web site for more info on the

keynote speaker and a spaghetti dinner.

Once again-a quote from the beloved Pope John Paul II---“

America you are beautiful…and blessed…the ultimate test of

your greatness is the way you treat every human being, but

especially the weakest and defenseless. If you want equal

justice for all and true freedom and lasting peace, then

America, defend life”.


The Prolife



Pete Stauder

The Epiphany of the Lord

Feast of the Magi

January 6th

As we celebrate Christmas and the Feast of the Epiphany, we

too must be mindful of our duty to adore our Lord through

prayer, worship and self-sacrificing good works. St. Gregory

Nazianzen (d. 389) preached, "Let us remain on in adoration;

and to Him, who, in order to save us, humbled Himself to such

a degree of poverty as to receive our body, let us offer not only

incense, gold and myrrh..., but also spiritual gifts, more sublime

than those which can be seen with the eyes"

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Knights of Columbus Blessed Sacrament Clermont, Florida | JANUARY 2014 NEWSLETTER 8

Don't assume you can't afford Disability

Income Insurance

One of the biggest mistakes you can make regarding

disability insurance is to assume you can't afford it or

you won't qualify. Before you make that assumption, do

some basic research and apply for coverage through the

Knights of Columbus. The Order’s Income Armor

product gives you options that can help you fit this

critical protection into your risk management budget.

We guarantee the cash value in your whole life policies

will be there.

For example, here are two ways you can reduce

your premium:

1. Choose a two-year or five-year maximum benefit


Depending on your age, the best option is probably

a policy that pays benefits until you reach age 67. But a

two-year or five-year maximum benefit period would

cover many types of partial or total disabilities you

might encounter in your working life.

2. Choose a longer elimination period.

An elimination period is the number of days a total

disability must exist before benefits begin to accrue.

Typical elimination periods are 30, 90, or 180 days.

Choosing a longer elimination period lowers the policy’s

premium. But be sure you have enough set aside in

your business's contingency fund to account for the

longer gap.

As your professional insurance agent, running a

small business and the challenges of risk management

are two of my specialties. Let’s talk about how to

protect your business income, your retirement needs,

and your family's financial future

Jim Bernacki Field Agent

(813) 929-3487

Notes from your

Fraternal Benefits


Jim Bernacki

K of C Insurance Facts: Did you know?

Since 1882, we have been committed to

protecting the financial futures of our Knights and

their families. We do this by paying claims and

dividends to our insured members. In 2012, we paid

well over $487 million in death claims and other

benefits, and more than $349 million in dividends to

our policyholders. Even more impressive is the fact

that in the past decade, the Knights of Columbus paid

more than $3.4 billion in dividends to insured


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Knights of Columbus Blessed Sacrament Clermont, Florida | JANUARY 2014 NEWSLETTER 9

Hi Ladies,

This is to inform everyone that our January meeting will be held on January 9,

2014 at 7:00 pm in Classroom 2

Have a very Holy & Healthy New Year!

God Bless,

Phyllis Capece

Prayer List for January 2014

Brothers please keep the following members and

their families in your prayers.

Alexis Bentinganan (Diabetes), daughter of Jim

Ken Tanke (Hospitalized)

Rafael Oliveras (Assisted Living), brother of Jorge

Eda Gilligan (Stroke), sister of Joe Pangia

Mark Mayles (Cancer)

Pete Connelly

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Seminar / Retreat “Burn Brightly Without Burning Out”

Sponsored by the

Knights of Columbus Council 13240 & Men’s Club of Blessed Sacrament

Contact Pete Connelly for information


“Come to me, all you who labor and are

burdened, and I will give you rest….For

my yoke is easy, and my burden light”

Matthew 11:28-30


The Ladies are planning the January Social Night. Details will be announced at the Council Meeting on January 2nd


January Birthday List

01-03 Manuel Colon

01-05 James Loesch

01-05 Christopher Godbold

01-07 Paul Wood

01-08 Eric Palmer

01-29 Joseph Pivacco

01-29 Jaries Ellis

01-29 Michael Ogden

01-31 Donald Wheelhouse

01-12 Fred Rosenthal

01-13 Kevin Vanscoyk

01-14 Joseph Roesch

01-17 Rick Kleinschmidt

01-18 Joseph Nowicki

01-21 Cory Cleek

01-23 John Berko

01-25 Joseph Mitchell

01-28 John Wallace

01-29 John Hansen

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Knights of Columbus Blessed Sacrament Clermont, Florida | JANUARY 2014 NEWSLETTER 10




CALLED TO ORDER: At 7:00pm by GK Jim Laria

OPENING PRAYER : Was led by Deacon Rafael


ROLL CALL: DGK Frank Regiacorte, Steve Cruz, Jim Venezio, Ramon Aviles, Fr. Bob were excused.


THE MINUTES: The December Minutes are posted on the web site and distributed to members for their review.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Worthy Treasure was excused. Report was circulated among members with a 30 November 2013

Reconciled Balance of:

Council Donation - $ 2947.08

Council Administrative - $ 3619.03

Squires - $ 706.79

Building Fund – $ 1459.70

FINANCIAL SECRETARY REPORT: Vouchers were read by Worthy Financial Secretary Fred Costello. Applications were read.

Readmission application of John Levitt and John Levitt II was read. With a vote of 40 to 2 the application of readmission was rejected.


Informed Council of distribution of Donation funds to:

Outward Sign - $200.00

Phillipine Relief Fund - $200.00

Military Chaplains Fund - $250.00

Voted to order By-Laws Books 40 to 2 for ordering books


Accepted Minutes by Council

PROLIFE: State March for Prolife at St. Augustine will be on Jan. 18, 2014

FORTH DEGREE: SK Pete Capece stated we have 6 new Sir Knights

FINANCIAL BENEFITS ADVISOR : Advisor Jim Bernacki stated our Insurance is at a record high.

DISTRICT DEPUTY: DD Bob Britten congratulated the Color Guard at the 4th

Degree Exemplification

GOOD OF THE ORDER: Members, Families and Friends were named and remembered in our prayers

CLOSING PRAYER: Was led by Deacon Rafael

SK Steve McRobbie

Worthy Recorder

Text Box
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Knights of Columbus Blessed Sacrament Clermont, Florida | JANUARY 2014 NEWSLETTER 11

Brother Sir Knights,

The Assembly dues for 2014

will be due this month at our

January 9th meeting. The dues

are $25.00 please make your

check payable to our BS

Assembly #3025 and see our

Comptroller at the meeting.

We have reached the half year mark of our current

Assembly’s administration. In a couple of months we

will be opening up nominations for our Assembly

Officer positions. Please consider running for one of

our officer positions…..especially if t you have never

served, this would be a good time to start. I will be

appointing a nomination committee at our January


The 4th Degree exemplification was held November

30th at the Rosen Plaza Hotel, in Orlando. Our new Sir

Knights are: Charles Miller, Kenneth Fetta, Victor

Rivera, Robert Richey, Joseph O’Regan and Matthew

Sulsenti. May I extend a warm welcome to our newest

Sir Knights and I look forward to your participation in

our Blessed Sacrament Assembly. Welcome


Brothers who plan on participating in the Color Corps at

any of our upcoming events should contact the

Assembly Commander for particulars. Brother Stauder

can be reached via his e-mail [email protected] or

calling him at 352-989-5138, 407-375-1592.

As we begin a new year I pray and hope that this coming

year will bring us all together while we work within our

“Order” in reaching the public regarding the sanctity of

the unborn. There will be a “Walk for Life” on Saturday

Jan.18th in St. Augustine. DD Bob Britten & PFN Pete

Stauder will be attending …..if you wish to join them

contact Pete, his numbers are listed in the previous


Phyllis and I wish all our Brother Sir Knights and their

families a very “Holy & Healthy New Year”.

Vivat Jesus,

Peter P. Capece Faithful Navigator

Blessed Sacrament Assembly #3025 Clermont Florida January 2014

Next Assembly Meeting Thursday, January 9, 2014 at 7:00 pm

The Communicator The Communicator

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