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The Future Collider((Futurist Primer and Nine Collision Events of the Future))

Josh Davis, Aperio Insights

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What is [Innovation]?

[email protected]

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What is the relationship between [Innovation] and the


[email protected]

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EXERCISE 1: Intro to Amazing

[email protected]

Step 1: Working in small groups; list three

{game changers} of the past five years.

These could be technologies, events or organizations of significant impact.

(These game changers should be something surprising, something that only a few people saw beforehand.)

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EXERCISE 1: Intro to Amazing

[email protected]

Step 2: In those same groups, list one or two

{amazing futures}It could be a new Social, Technological, Environmental, Economic or Political reality.

It might be some new and incredible technology, experience, development, etc. Try to think just past the capabilities of today’s reality. Be creative and aspirational!

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[email protected]

You are now a Level 1: [ Futurist ]!

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Do you mean Commodities?

[email protected]

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Do you mean Science Fiction?

[email protected]

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So what is a Futurist?

As a Foresight Analyst, it is my task to assess an

organization’s (foresight capabilities) and recommend

to the client how they can be more [Future Ready…]

[email protected]

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While helpful, trends can be limiting, giving

us only an

abbreviated picture

of a few data sets tracked up to now.

Trends are more about the present than they are the future. The future is not less than trends.


[email protected]

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The VUCA EnvironmentVolatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity

Not only…

… is the future a dice game. (volatile)


… we don’t know how many dice we have. (uncertain)

… how many sides on each

die. (complexity)

…. or what a winning roll looks like. (ambiguity)

[email protected]

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• Trends tell us about the present, while emerging realities give potential to the present.

Emerging Realities vs. Trends

• Trends are directional, while emerging realities are dimensional.

• Trends fire through emerging realities and are very difficult to track into the future. Emerging realities absorb and create new trends. They are the “stuff” that seeds future consumer demands.

• Trends are what customers are doing (or have recently done) while Emerging Realities are the ideas of what consumers will do.

[email protected]

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Emerging Realities Rapid Fire

[email protected]

Welcome to the [ Future Collider ]!

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Nine Collision Events

[email protected]

from fifty-three [ Emerging Realities ]

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Event 1: The Personal Consumer

[email protected]

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Accelerating Serendipity

Passion Based Life Personalized Entertainment

The process of finding something good or useful made faster and automated.

Social Media

Growth of various media tools/technologies encourage P2P interaction

The MMORPG effect: the consumer’s desire to have a fully unique effect

Living life where less may be more; having less allows for a more fulfilling life.

Event 1: The Personal Consumer

Simultaneous Identities

Social media users develop multiple discreet profiles with various levels of openness, a form of riskless play.


Authenticity redefined (especially in light of living simultaneous identities)

[email protected]

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Event 2: Connected to Everything

[email protected]

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The Internet of Things The Interconnected World

Products are shipped intentionally unfinished, then updated through reiteration.

Smart Cities Multimodal Interaction

Cities become more effective at connecting the people, devices, and other cities.

Interfacing with technology using voice, touch, gesture, or telekinesis. Death of the keyboard

The move to global ubiquitous access to information and knowledge. Network of networks. Not just one internet but many.

Devices, products, services, and other items connect with each other and with users in a nearly seamless environment.

Mobile Computing Revolution

Future generations will not be tethered to land lines as most computing goes mobile.

Event 2: Connected to Everything

[email protected]

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Event 3: Local Power and New Scale

[email protected]

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Social Innovation

Power of the Crowd

Addressing the world’s problems through entrepreneurship and business.

Social technology that affords crowds more “democratic power” than any previous generation.


Consumers becoming much more invested in the area where they live.

Gamification for Good

Gamified activities used to drive social consciousness or solve big problems (i.e. hackers gamed the HIV nucleus and 3D mapped it).


A premium cost to high-value customers allows a less rich experience to more for free.

Event 3: Local Power and New Scale

[email protected]

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Event 4: New Age of Sharing

[email protected]

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Redefining Digital Ownership Collaborative Consumption

Consumers increasingly prefer renting to buying.

Valued Hacking

Access over Assets

Harnessing the power of hacker groups and hacker culture.

Consumer preference for subscription-based services rather than an asset purchase.

Use of sharing services allow assets like cars or bicycles to be more fully utilized

Digital media re-sell sites force the question: “who owns media that is digitally downloaded?”

Event 4: New Age of Sharing

[email protected]

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Event 5: Disruptive Invention

[email protected]

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Self-Driving Cars Apps Replace People

Advanced robots with the ability to write news as linguistically complex and nuanced as a human author.

Innovating Energy Storage 3D Printing

Energy storage that responds to growing global energy demands with small high-capacity components.

Printing tools components, machinery, in color using desktop 3D printers. Future will have multi-media and organic 3D printers.

Apps (i.e. Apple’s Siri) that have complex and intuitive software to augment various daily tasks.

Google cars have traveled more than 300K miles without an accident (twice as safe as the average car on the road).

Alternative Energy

Growing alternative energy markets including wind, solar, kinetic, bio-fuel, geo-thermal

Event 5: Disruptive Invention

[email protected]

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Event 6: Super-Smart Computers

[email protected]

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Passive Computing

Software and devices that anticipate consumer needs and map preferences

Geospatial Predictive Analysis

Overlaying mined data with map data to forecast items such as crime hotspots, traffic jams, demographic shifts, etc.

Computers and devices speaking to each other, assessing their user’s needs and performing actions on their behalf in the background.

Speech Recognition

Beyond Voice-to-Text and Siri, new voice technologies will distinguish relevant data in conversational style language.

Event 6: Super-Smart Computers

[email protected]

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Event 7: My Technology Knows Me

[email protected]

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Screen Time

Quantified Self

The advent of the digitally-native generation and the comparative amount of “screen time.”

Mood Based Marketing

Mood detection software that affects how devices interact with the user.

Sensors embedded in clothing, toothbrushes, pedometers, even ingestible devices to capture “big human data” and provide lifestyle diagnostics.


The Attention Economy

A host of options due to just-in-time production and customer demand for individual experience

Competing for the attention of the potential consumer (i.e.: multi-sensory advertising, direct marketing, interactive commercials)

Event 7: My Technology Knows Me

[email protected]

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Event 8: Open and Organic Internet

[email protected]

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Plug and Play Modular Open SourceBig Data

Innovation acceleration drives a modular approach to system construction, allowing for ease of repair and upgrade.

Cloud Computing Monetizing the Internet

Creatively leveraging online content among a consumer base to monetize curated or generated content.

Accessing data, information, and processes without the constraints of maintaining local storage.

Massive amounts of data manipulated by complex algorithms to provide unique or fresh insight.

Loosening the reins on Internet content, platforms and IP

Democratized Distribution

Content will be accessed through an array of cheap or free distribution channels: wireless, fiber, white space TV spectrum, radio, satellite and others.

Event 8: Open and Organic Internet

[email protected]

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Event 9: Awesome Experiences

[email protected]

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Real Life Story Immersion

Location-Based Stories

Experiential and participative entertainment consumption by going to a place and role-playing an experience.

Immersive Gaming

Adventure Tourism

Immersive Travel

Tourism becoming more about experience than holiday, some adventure is even found locally by exploring a city’s abandoned buildings.

Transmedia approach to gaming media consumption (i.e. movies with “second screen” function via tablet that force participation and collaborative story-telling).

Rather than going to a theme park, consumers choose immersive experiences like living off of $5/day while traveling through France.

Stories or history told to the user through an augmented reality interface while traveling with a smart device.


Making life a game with rewards for accomplishments, games that drive a richer, more social experience (i.e. Foursquare).

Event 9: Awesome Experiences

[email protected]

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Augmented Reality Integrated HMI

Holographic Performances

Integrated HMI (i.e. Google Glasses) overlays digital information through the use of wearable or otherwise integrated electronics.

Not just rich 3D video, but also intuitive and learning software, which can allow a holograph to move and speak like an actual person.

Applying an overlay to real life that adds to the experience with more information or gamification.

Adult Playgrounds

Experiences and services for adult play.

Event 9: Awesome Experiences

[email protected]

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EXERCISE 2: Collision Course

[email protected]

Step 1: Let’s put this to {action} Refer to your

group’s deck of emerging realities.

As a group, select any three of the

[Nine Collisions] to form the inputs for your Collision Story.

Make snap judgments; pick quickly! Fill in your group’s selections into section one of your collision report.

(Keywords: asymmetrical , non-linear , meshing , collision , etc.)

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EXERCISE 2: Collision Course

[email protected]

Step 2: Ask the question, “what is {happening} here?”

Spend ten minutes thinking about what this collision might

cause. How might your EVENT be used?

What new products result or how will your event

[affect] things like mobile technology? family structures? government regulation? travel or leisure?

What (if any) new communications tools, patterns, or modes/media are there as a result of your event?

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EXERCISE 2: Collision Course

[email protected]

Step 3: In order to add definition to the event, plan a short story that

discusses your Collision Event. Refer to section three of your worksheet.

Fill out all subsections: • the hero’s profile - who did you meet in this future?

• a brief[story] tagline - what is the conflict or theme of this story?

• future {artifact} - what did you find worth bringing back? Step 4: As time permits, give a brief report on your future artifact

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Collision Report

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