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Chlorogenic acid is found in a number of plants. This natural compound provides a variety of antimicrobial properties. It is a natural antioxidant that is found in high concentrations in regular coffee beans. Some studies have shown chlorogenic acid to be a tumor inhibitor, and more recent reports it has been proven to also be very effective in fat loss.

Some research has revealed that chlorogenic acid can neutralize several carcinogenic compounds before they have a opportunity to damage DNA. This prevents mutations from occurring, which could have some impact in cancer prevention, but much more study is required to state this definitively. Chlorogenic acid can inhibit the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, which may help in reducing the chance of heart disease.

Many studies have shown that coffee drinkers who ingest at least five cups of coffee every day are much less likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Glucose is stored in the body’s liver in glycogen. This is a long chain of glucose molecules that are insoluble. During glycogenolysis, glucose is released into the bloodstream and is circulated to various organs. When the process of glycogenolysis is inhibited, your body can gain energy from fat cells, which will reduce blood sugar levels and minimize the chance of diabetes. Naturally, decreasing the degree of fat that is stored in the body will also aid in fat loss.

Evidence reveals that chlorogenic acids can inhibit glucose-6-phosphatase, which is required for glycogenolysis to occur. The consequences of chlorogenic acid on weight loss have led to its being marketed in many areas of Europe as a fat reduction aid. Chlorogenic acid is obtained from green coffee beans. Green coffee beans are those that are harvested but not yet roasted. The extract from those beans is used to produce supplements that have impressive weight reduction results in pilot clinical tests.

Chlorogenic acid can be beneficial to use as a supplement, even though the doses that are found naturally in foods are most likely not potent enough. For this reason the compounds are sold in supplemental form. Chlorogenic acid can be found in small amounts in espresso and coffee. It is also thought that this could be among the compounds found in prunes that may provide a laxative effect.

It also has a weak psychostimulatory effect. Actually, it is less than a third the strength of caffeine, which is also found in coffee. Although originally it was thought that chlorogenic acid along with caffeic acid was an anti-thaminases or a compound that could induce a vitamin B1 deficiency, numerous studies have proven that this is not true. The acid is a type of carb blocker and works well with most oral

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hypoglycemic. It can hinder the absorption of zinc and iron minimizing the uptake of dietary carbohydrates.

Studies have shown that benefits of supplemental chlorogenic acid normally result with oral intake of about 120 to 300 mg. Higher doses may also offer benefits however, there have been no real tests done on higher doses.

The investigation on chlorogenic acid is fairly new. Studies have shown however that the acids can help to neutralize free radicals in the body and regenerate vitamin E. This helps to lower the plasma rate and boost blood flow.

Chlorogenic acid supplements are becoming ever more popular for assorted purposes. As a weight reduction aid, green coffee bean extract is gaining mass popularity. Because it helps the body to burn body fat as fuel, chlorogenic acid is quickly becoming just about the most popular fat loss aids on the market. Some critics believe, however, that too much of these compounds however, may be harmful.

Most doctors simply warn their patients that green coffee contains caffeine. Those who should avoid caffeine may want to speak with their doctor prior to taking chlorogenic acid. Consuming large amounts might cause headache and other mild unwanted effects but research has not yet shown any serious effects from taking the compounds.

Most doctors warn about the caffeine side of the green coffee bean. The majority of the warnings and side effects listed online also talk about the caffeine side and that green coffee beans, where chlorogenic acids are found, also contain caffeine. Those with a strong dislike to caffeine should use sparingly. But, some green coffee supplements contain only trace quantities of caffeine. So reading product labels carefully is advised.

Researchers believe that green coffee beans containing chlorogenic acid appear to be safe based on the research that has been done, up to now. No negative effects have been reported from clinical research findings although there are a number of benefits that have been reported from these findings. Apart from weight loss, chlorogenic acid future potential to aid in fighting diabetes, heart disease and a number of serious health conditions.

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