Page 1: The 8 Elements Feng Shui for YOU! 1 · 2020. 8. 31. · The 8 Elements Feng Shui for YOU! 3 Element Hard Wood is represented in nature by the “Shocking Thunder”.The shockwave

The 8 Elements Feng Shui for YOU! �1

Personal Energy Guide Hard Wood © 2020 Dara Eden

Page 2: The 8 Elements Feng Shui for YOU! 1 · 2020. 8. 31. · The 8 Elements Feng Shui for YOU! 3 Element Hard Wood is represented in nature by the “Shocking Thunder”.The shockwave

The 8 Elements Feng Shui for YOU! �2

Hard Wood In Balance You embody shocking thunder, the voice that births ideas into being and speaks the words that become flesh.  You have the strength and stability of a mature tree, the beauty of wildflowers and the sweetness of tree ripened fruits. Not unlike a tree that reaches up to the sky while staying firmly rooted in the soil below, you work slowly and steadily towards your goals.  Just as deciduous trees blossom and bear fruit, you change your colors with the seasons.  Community oriented, and in an effort to make a difference in people’s lives, you lend a helping hand by planning, scheduling and organizing things and bringing people together. Outgoing and energetic, you are a perfectionist who seeks out the best things in life and likes to come in first.  You feed the world and make the Earth beautiful.

Out of Balance You can become nervous, upset and emotionally unstable.  Easily frustrated, you may become impatient and exasperated, especially by perceived obstacles or anything that seems unfair.  Self-righteous, you can be narrow-minded and judgmental.  Just as a tree in a forest competes for sun, water and nutrients, you may become competitive with family, friends and colleagues. Embarrassed and unable to graciously receive a compliment, you may suffer from low self-esteem and humiliation or become jealous of others and try to hide behind self-deprecating remarks.  Indecisive, you may not be able to make choices or stick to your decisions.  Insensitive to other people’s feelings, you can become dismissive of their preferences and intolerant of their opinions.  As your default setting is to whine and complain, you try to avoid this by controlling and criticizing others. 

Feng Shui is about creating balance and harmony in your environments. Feng Shui for YOU! allows you to bring yourself into balance and honor your personal energy.

Feng Shui for YOU!

Element: Wood

Energy: Yang

House Group: East

Human Expression: Emotional

Stage of Development: Birth, Infancy & Early Childhood

Number: 3

Life Center: Health & Family

Colors: Green

Direction: East

Personal Energy Guide Hard Wood © 2020 Dara Eden

Page 3: The 8 Elements Feng Shui for YOU! 1 · 2020. 8. 31. · The 8 Elements Feng Shui for YOU! 3 Element Hard Wood is represented in nature by the “Shocking Thunder”.The shockwave

The 8 Elements Feng Shui for YOU! �3


Hard Wood is represented in nature by the “Shocking Thunder”. The shockwave that serves as an unexpected wakeup call and necessary call to action. The long, low rumble that stirs hearts and rouses people from their ambivalence. The sonic boom of explosive energy that instigates people’s desire for change and improvement, growth and development, advancement and progress. The sharp crack of electrodynamic energy that grabs people’s attention, focuses their concentration, and initiates their collaborative efforts to take massive action as a collective. The loud clap of powerful energy that brings people together in a spirit of cooperation and community. Hard Wood is also represented by almost all living green things on the Earth, as deciduous nut and fruit bearing trees and all vegetation from plants and bushes to grasses and grains, fruits and vegetables to culinary and medicinal herbs.

Feng Shui for YOU!

To honor your personal energy, live in natural environments, with gardens, orchards, woods and lots of green spaces and in the Eastern parts of states, territories, countries or continents or in areas with stormy weather. Surround yourself with plants and trees, flowers and herbs. Feature Wood elements, colors and shapes in your living and working environments.

Wood Elements: All forms of living plant life: trees, bushes, plants, flowers, leaves, vines, etc. Hard Wood is especially associated with leaves of deciduous trees and nuts.

Wood Shapes: Vertical Rectangle, Column, Cylinder

Wood Lines: Vertical

The Five Element Dynamics

As a Wood element, you need the Water element to produce your energy. Fire to reduce it. Metal cuts your energy. Earth makes you feel powerful. Wood resonates with your Wood element.

Wood Element: provides comfort, affinity effect

Water Element: produces energy, supportive effect

Fire Element: reduces energy, calming effect

Earth Element: provides power, empowering effect

Metal Element: provides transformation, enlightening effect

Personal Energy Guide Hard Wood © 2020 Dara Eden

Page 4: The 8 Elements Feng Shui for YOU! 1 · 2020. 8. 31. · The 8 Elements Feng Shui for YOU! 3 Element Hard Wood is represented in nature by the “Shocking Thunder”.The shockwave

The 8 Elements Feng Shui for YOU! �4

Feng Shui for YOU!

To balance your personal energy, be aware of the effect the Five Element Dynamics have on your energy. Have Wood, Water and Fire people and elements in your life. Avoid too much Metal. Be conscious of the dominating effect Wood has on Earth.


Hard Wood is a Yang energy element. Yang energy is active, positive, expanding and ascending. Masculine, it is giving, productive, initiative, outwardly focused and aggressive. It is light, hot and bright. Lifting upward and moving outward. It is represented by the front side, right side and high side.

Feng Shui for YOU!

To honor your personal energy, stay active and positive to keep your energy up. Exercise. Move! Be productive in your work and home life. Find ways to give. Initiate conversations and activities with others. Spend time outside in the sunlight. Be with people.

To balance your personal energy, create space for yin energy activities. Find calm, quiet and darker places to sleep, rest, meditate, journal, read, bathe and listen to music. Cultivate the feminine qualities of being receptive, creative, responsive, inwardly focused, peaceful and gentle. Spend time alone.

House Group

Hard Wood is one of four East House elements. East House elements experience life in a linear manner. You are very conscious of the past and the future and where you are now on that timeline. You live in the past or for the future, not in the present. You keep the future in mind and take time to reflect on where you’ve been. You tend to not be present or live in the Now moment. Instead, you revisit and learn from your past or fantasize and plan for your future.

Personal Energy Guide Hard Wood © 2020 Dara Eden

Page 5: The 8 Elements Feng Shui for YOU! 1 · 2020. 8. 31. · The 8 Elements Feng Shui for YOU! 3 Element Hard Wood is represented in nature by the “Shocking Thunder”.The shockwave

The 8 Elements Feng Shui for YOU! �5

Feng Shui for YOU!

To honor your personal energy, live in a Hard Wood House (East sitting). Or live in an East House (S, N, SE & E sitting). Or occupy the East House rooms (S, N, SE & E) of your home or office. Cohabitate with East House (Fire, Water, Hard Wood and Soft Wood) people.

To balance your personal energy, spend time with West House (Mountain Earth, Mother Earth, Hard Metal and Soft Metal) people.

Human Expression

Hard Wood is one of two Emotional Energy elements.  You are aware of your emotional state of being.  You are connected to the emotional aspects of yourself, others and life as a human being. Your emotions are the predominate theme in your life.  You may seek out emotional connections with family, friends, and especially lovers.  In fact, the way you relate with people is to try to make connections with them on an emotional level.  You need to emote and be with other people who are able and willing to engage with you emotionally. You may enjoy taking emotional rides and expressing your emotions, reading books about feelings or emotional health and have a desire to feel the wide variety and degrees of emotions.  Your emotions are your guide.  You know how unique emotions are to being human and delight in experiencing all the glorious colors of your emotional world.  You resonate the most with feeling. 


Feng Shui for YOU!

To honor your personal energy, make your emotional health and well-being of primary importance. Check in with how you feel about yourself, your life, your work and your relationships. Master expressing your emotions in a healthy way.

To balance your personal energy, be conscious of the spiritual, mental and physical aspects of being human. Devote some time daily to spiritual practices like meditation or add some spiritual disciplines like yoga, qigong or tai chi to your daily workout routine. Read, research, study and think critically. Make sure to take care of the health and physical well-being of your body. Eat healthy and move your body daily.

Personal Energy Guide Hard Wood © 2020 Dara Eden

Page 6: The 8 Elements Feng Shui for YOU! 1 · 2020. 8. 31. · The 8 Elements Feng Shui for YOU! 3 Element Hard Wood is represented in nature by the “Shocking Thunder”.The shockwave

The 8 Elements Feng Shui for YOU! �6

Stage of Development

The stage of development associated with the Hard Wood personal element is Birth, Infancy & Early Childhood. It is represented by the ages between 0-6. Energetically, you have the innocence and nescience of a very young child. You are learning how to express your feelings and how to use your words to communicate. You need a lot of help and guidance, and at the same time, require a lot of freedom and liberty to develop yourself into the person you are becoming.

Feng Shui for YOU!

To honor your personal energy, embody the miracle that is life. Feel the excitement and marvel at the beauty of new life budding, blossoming and blooming before your very eyes. Recognize the importance of the work and rapid and enormous growth that happens during this vital stage of development. And yet don't take it too seriously. Laugh at your mistakes. Rejoice in all life has to offer. And love the people close to you.

To balance your personal energy, have the exuberance and optimism of youth, the excitement and challenges of being an adult, the maturity and mellowness of middle age and the wisdom and tranquility of old age.


The number associated with the Hard Wood personal element is 3. As a completion number, it represents yourself and 2 other people.

As an emotional element, your people must provide the emotional support that loving parents do. They must be able and willing to support you and provide for your needs, physical, emotional and financial.

Relationship Dynamic: Family

Threes need their family to complete their trio. For most Hard Wood elements, your number is completed by two parents, a spouse and a child or two children.  Other

Personal Energy Guide Hard Wood © 2020 Dara Eden

Page 7: The 8 Elements Feng Shui for YOU! 1 · 2020. 8. 31. · The 8 Elements Feng Shui for YOU! 3 Element Hard Wood is represented in nature by the “Shocking Thunder”.The shockwave

The 8 Elements Feng Shui for YOU! �7

common family dynamics are created when working for couples or living with two roommates. If you don't have a family, you will adopt close friends and make them your family.

Feng Shui for YOU!

To honor your personal energy, find your people. Create a family with your immediate or extended family, work situations or friendships.

To balance your personal energy, create partnerships with the people in your life. Spend one on one time with the people you care about without needing that third wheel. Learn to enjoy your own company. And find ways to work in bigger, less intimate groups of people.

Life Center

The Life Center associated with the Hard Wood personal element is Health & Family.

You are the most fulfilled and happy when you are feeling healthy and spending time with your family. You resonate with a healthy lifestyle that involves cohabitation of family and friends, co-dependent relationships, collaboration with colleagues and co-creation within your community. You are health conscious and work towards being healthy. You are a family oriented person. You look forward to family get togethers. Health and Family is your main focus in life and tends to be what you center your life and work around.

Feng Shui for YOU!

To honor your personal energy, focus on your health. Make feeling good and having perfect health a top priority. Make sure you look at the emotional aspects of any health challenges so you can heal the root of the problem. Spend as much time as you can with your family. Live and work with them.

To balance your personal energy, have friendships outside of your immediate family nucleus. Don't limit your relationships to family only. Also, give some of your attention to your spiritual life and mental health. Don't focus solely on how you feel emotionally and physically.

Personal Energy Guide Hard Wood © 2020 Dara Eden

Page 8: The 8 Elements Feng Shui for YOU! 1 · 2020. 8. 31. · The 8 Elements Feng Shui for YOU! 3 Element Hard Wood is represented in nature by the “Shocking Thunder”.The shockwave

The 8 Elements Feng Shui for YOU! �8


The Hard Wood element is associated with Green. Hard Wood's Happy color is Orange.

The Five Element Dynamics

Element Colors: Green (all shades)

Support Colors: Watercolors (black, dark blue, deep purple)

Peace Colors: Red spectrum colors (red, orange, purple, fuchsia, rose, mauve, peach)

Power Colors: Earth Tones (yellow & brown – espresso to sand)

Control Colors: White, Gray & Metallics

Happy Color: Orange

Feng Shui for YOU!

To honor your personal energy, wear or surround yourself with your Element and Happy colors. Any shade of green will make you feel comfortable in your skin. And any shade of orange from pink grapefruit to coral will make you feel happy.

To balance your personal energy, wear your personal Support, Peace, Power and Control colors. When you want to feel comfortable, wear your Element Colors. When you need support, wear your Support Colors. When you need to rest, relax or sleep, wear your Peace Colors. When you need energy, wear your Power Colors. When you feel out of control, wear your Control Colors.


The Hard Wood element is represented by the East. This is the most important direction for you to honor, especially when you are sleeping or resting. In feng shui, your Peace/Sleep direction is called the “headboard” direction. Position your headboard on the E wall for peaceful, restorative sleep.

Personal Energy Guide Hard Wood © 2020 Dara Eden

Page 9: The 8 Elements Feng Shui for YOU! 1 · 2020. 8. 31. · The 8 Elements Feng Shui for YOU! 3 Element Hard Wood is represented in nature by the “Shocking Thunder”.The shockwave

The 8 Elements Feng Shui for YOU! �9

Hard Wood Best Directions

S PROMOTIONS Wealth & Success

N PROSPERITY Health & Wellbeing

SE PARTNERSHIPS Relationship Harmony

E PEACE Self-Knowledge & Wisdom

Feng Shui for YOU!

To honor your personal energy, position yourself to face your best directions. Face S when you are working or studying. Face N when you are eating or exercising. Face SE when you are talking or spending time with a love or family member, friend or colleague. Sleep headed E for peaceful, restorative sleep and rejuvenating rest and relaxation.

For more in depth guidance on honoring, enhancing and activating your personal element’s four Best Directions, request your personal element’s FREE Feng Shui Guide at The 8 Elements.

Honoring YOU!

Only YOU know how to your honor your unique needs and values, strengths and desires. May the choices you make each day balance and honor your energy, and provide the support you need to live your best life!

To learn about how the current annual energy may be affecting your personal energy, order your Annual Personal Energy Guide at The 8 Elements.

To book a personal energy or relationship dynamics coaching session, based on your personal feng shui element, contact me.


The 8 Elements is Dara Eden’s application of feng shui principles to personal energy. She is the creator of the Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs and forthcoming books and online courses. Her personal energy and relationship dynamics coaching is based on the personal feng shui elements. 

Personal Energy Guide Hard Wood © 2020 Dara Eden

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