
TEAMENGINE CLIENT ROOMFOR CLIENT COLLABORATION THAT WORKSTeamEngine Client Room is an online workspace solution that simplifies your client relationships. On a single, shared online workspace, you and your client can gather your most recent project documentation and information. By gathering all information and documents in one place there is no need to send sensitive information via e-mail. In addition, you can be sure that you always have the latest version of a document since they are created and edited directly in the workspace. And you always know who did and said what in the process because everything that happens is logged.

COLLABORATE BETTER WITH CLIENTSSave time and keep costs down by having all information and documentation categorized and organized in one easily accessible place. You avoid wasting time searching for information in different places and databases. Administrative costs are kept low by the use of standardized templates and uniform procedures for all clients. You also achieve net cost reductions by using fewer paper copies and mailings.

SAVE TIME AND MONEYInstead of communicating by e-mail and risking that files are misdirected, sent unencrypted, or that the wrong version is used; now you and your fellow board members can access all information directly on a password-protected website. Decision-support and information-gathering capabilities make it easier for the board to reach decisions and discuss matters openly. In addition, discussions are automatically and immediately recorded on the spot.

”With TeamEngine we strengthen our member services portfolio and

improve everyday teamwork.”

Ulf Zetterström, Fastighetsägarna Stockholm

• Disseminate news with consistent, unified information.

• Archive documents, access viewing history and manage document versions.

• Schedule activities via the planner and calendar.• Create discussion forums that can be made

interactive. EASY TO USETeamEngine Client Room is a ready-to-go, simple and intuitive tool that you and your clients can be up and running with very quickly.

COMMUNICATE SECURELY AND EFFECTIVELYTeamEngine Client Room becomes the natural communication channel for your clients. They receive updated, reliable information directly from the site, and working procedures become open and transparent. The site automatically archives information and discussions, with accessible history and full traceability. Password-protected access and firewalls ensure secure and trustworthy communication. Now you can avoid e-mailing sensitive corporate documents and running the risk that they are misdirected or that work is done on the wrong version. GIVE YOURSELF THE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGEMake the collaboration workspace a part of your client services portfolio and create unique competitive advantages. TeamEngine Client Room is customizable, and you can easily change its appearance so that it fits your corporate identity.


TeamEngine Collaboration Software AB Oxenstiernsgatan 15A, 115 27 Stockholm Phone +46 8 723 80 90 E-mail [email protected]



STRUCTUREADAPTABLE TO ADDRESS YOUR NEEDSTeamEngine is a tool that makes it easier for you and your clients to work together. But all clients are different and have different needs. Therefore, there is not a single system that works just as well for everyone. We know this from experience and TeamEngine gives you the ability to easily customize your client room just like you - and your customers – want it. But of course we have installed a default look for you to work from, to make it as easy as possible to get started.

THE BOARD ROOM’S DESIGN Quick Guide TeamEngine (A quick guide to frequent tasks and actions) Admin Guide TeamEngine (A guide for administrating TeamEngine)

Internal Inbox (Manages incoming mail) Documents Discussions Activities

Shared information Official Documents Contact Directory Shared Documents Discussions Calendar

Project Reports Project One Project Two

Archives Archived Documents Closed Discussions Completed Activities

www.teamengine.comTeamEngine Collaboration Software AB Oxenstiernsgatan 15A, 115 27 Stockholm

Phone +46 8 723 80 90 E-mail [email protected]

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