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  • 8/18/2019 Syllabus Soft Copy



    This booklet gives a general description about the curriculum of the Post GraduateDiploma Course in Management – Marketing, conducted by Xavier nstitute of !ocial


    The focus of this course is to develop future managers #ith the right combination of 

    kno#ledge, skills and practical orientation in order to e$uip themselves #ith the right

    vision of a #orld class manager" !ince its inception the focus of the PGDM course is

    the use of pedagogy that is oriented to#ards decision making" The integrated learning

    takes place through case study analysis, pro%ects & assignments and presentations,

    company internship, classroom lectures and class discussion"

    The department lays emphasis on case based teaching pedagogy" The case method is

    the foundation of the department's dynamic curriculum and the primary #ay to bring

    comple( realities of business into the classroom" The department believes that the

    students, immersed in this active hands)on learning environment gain kno#ledge and

    e(perience, #hich they may never other#ise obtain in a typical lecture type setting"


    The t#o)year Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Management prepares a student

    for a career in industry and services" The programme facilitates learning of theory and

     practice in different functional areas of Management and to e$uip the students #ith an

    integrated approach to management function and managerial skills"

    The courses are designed to develop ) *i+ the analytical, problem solving and decision

    making abilities, *ii+ the a#areness of the socio)economic environment, and *iii+ the

     personality #ith socially desirable values and attitudes" To#ards these ob%ectives and

    to suit the contents of each course, a variety of teaching methodologies, such as case

    studies, role)play, problem solving e(ercises, group discussion, computer simulation

    games, audio)visuals, are used in the programme"

    The primary ob%ective of the course is to impart kno#ledge and skills and, %ust as

    important, to transmit certain values" The institute proposes to make the students

    a#are of the occupational mobility and voluntary compliance to ethics, la# and socialresponsibilities"

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    n this conte(t, not only the imparting of kno#ledge and skills is of vital importance,

     but even more crucial is the purpose for #hich the kno#ledge and skills are utilied"

    This #ill greatly depend on the values that students carry #ith them once they

    graduate from the institute"

    The programme helps the students to e$uip themselves #ith the kno#ledge, skills and

    values" This is by #ay of-

    + .c$uainting the students #ith the problems of today's business

    environment that has become very dynamic and competitive" This is done

     by broadening of horions by making available information in the form of 

     books, business magaines and research reports"

    + Developing decision making skills, analytical skills and logical

    reasoning through case study analysis, presentations, live pro%ects, company

    internship, interactive class room lectures and discussions"

    + Developing the communication and interpersonal skills of the students

    so that they can e(press themselves clearly and #ith confidence in order to

    influence others" !tudents are also trained to be good listeners #ho are

    sensitied to the e(pectations of others so that they can play an effective

    role in group situations" This is done through the communication labs"

    /+ Making !ummer Pro%ect & nternship an integral part of the course

    curriculum" The summer internship programme is for a period of si( to

    eight #eeks that can be undertaken in any industry at the end of the third


    /+   0rganiing of rural camps in rural areas thereby imparting an

    understanding of the deeper aspirations of the common people for %ustice

    and #ho should see their training as a preparation for true service to the

    society" The perfect blending of humanity and professionalism, the

    amalgamation of management, leadership and social service is an activeingredient of this esteemed institution that creates, 1Professionals #ith a



    Duration:  Two years full time


    The course curriculum is uncompromisingly rigorous and intensive" The course isspread over si( trimesters"

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    i+   The first three trimesters contain papers related to foundation and

    integration areas of management" 3asic conceptual kno#ledge is provided

    that inculcates attitudes and skills necessary for managerial effectiveness"

    ii+   .t the end of the third trimester students are re$uired to undertake a

     pro%ect in any organiation for a period of si( to eight #eeks as an integral

     part of the course curriculum"

    iii+   n the fourth, fifth and si(th trimester the students take up courses #hich

    are compulsory and elective courses #hich can be chosen from a pool of

    courses and #hich may be very specific or specialied or supportive to the


    t is thus e(pected that the course instructors as #ell as the students #ill pay attention

    to every trimester to the integration of the sub%ect #ith the ob%ective of the curriculum"


    The course is divided into t#o parts as given belo#-

      Trimester ) 4une to !eptember  

      Trimester ) !eptember to December  

    5ear –

    Trimester ) 4anuary to March


    !ummer Training .pril to May


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    Trimester ) / 4une to !eptember  


    5ear – Trimester ) / !eptember to December  


    Trimester ) / 4anuary to March


    Summer interns"i# is man$atory for e%ery stu$ent as it is an in inte&ral #art of

    t"e 'ourse 'urri'ulum

    The department reserves the right to modify, update or delete a subject or a part of 

    the subject in order to maintain the relevancy of the course. All modifications are

    subject to the approval of the academic council of the Institute.

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    Trimester(wise Pa#er Details ) Total *ar+s Allo'ation for Ea'" Pa#er:

    Trimester , I

    C-!- Course Title F*

    MM 678 3usiness !tatistics – 877

    MM 679 .ccounting :or Managers – 877

    MM 676 3usiness ;nvironment 877

    MM 67< ;ssentials of Management 877

    MM 67= 3usiness Communication 877

    MM 67> Marketing Management– 877

    MM 67? T !kills for Managers 877

    MM 67@ 0rganiational 3ehaviour – 877

    MM 67A Communication Bab 877

    MM 687 /iva /oce =7

    0verall .ssessment 877

      TOTA. /010

    Trimester , II

    C-!- Course Title F*

    MM 688 esearch Methodology 877

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    MM 689 .ccounting for Managers – 877

    MM 686 :inancial Management – 877

    MM 68< Managerial ;conomics – 877

    MM 68= Marketing Management – 877

    MM 68> uman esource Management 877

    MM 68? 0rganiational 3ehaviour – 877

    MM 68@ 0peration esearch 877

    MM 68A !oft !kill Development =7

    MM 697 /iva)/oce =7

    0verall .ssessment 877

      TOTA. /000

    Trimester , III

    C-!- Course Title F*

    MM 698 :inancial Markets E !ervices 877

    MM 699 0rganiational 3ehaviour ) 877

    MM 696 3usiness !tatistics ) 877

    MM 69< ;ntrepreneurship Mgmt - Planning E ;(ecution 877

    MM 69= Managerial ;conomics ) 877

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    MM 69> Management nformation !ystem 877

    MM 69? Cost E Management .ccounting 877

    MM 69@ Bogistics E !upply Chain Mgt" 877

    MM 69A !oft !kill Development =7

    MM 667 /iva)/oce =7

    0verall .ssessment 877

      TOTA. /000

    Trimester , IV

    C-!- Course Title F*

    MM 668 3usiness ;thics E Corporate !ocial esponsibility 877

    MM 669 TFM 877

    MM 666 Product E 3rand Management 877

    MM 66< Customer elationship Management 877

    MM 66= Consumer 3ehaviour 877

    MM 66> 3anking and nsurance 877

    MM 66? !oft !kill Development =7

    MM 66@ /iva)/oce =7

    ;lective Papers * .ny one of the follo#ing + 877

    MM 66A !ervices Marketing

    MM 6

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      TOTA. 200

    Trimester , V

    C-!- Course Title F*

    MM 6

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    C-!- Course Title F*

    MM 6=8 3usiness Policy E !trategic Mgt" 877

    MM 6=9 Marketing in Practice 877

    MM 6=6 !ummer Training ;valuation 877

    MM 6=< /iva)/oce =7

    ;lective Papers * .ny one of the follo#ing + 877

    MM 6== nternational Marketing

    MM 6=> 3usiness to 3usiness Marketing

    0verall .ssessment



      TOTA. 110



    The ob%ective of the course is to make the students familiar #ith basic statistics" The

    course assumes no prior kno#ledge of statistics but it re$uires that the students have a

    suitable kno#ledge of mathematics *H9 levels+"

    Sl- To#i' Area Class 4ours

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    8" ntroduction to !tatistics

    Ihat is !tatisticsJ s !tatistics a scienceJ Ksage of statistics in 3usiness,

    Commerce, .griculture, !ciences etc"


    9" Collection and Presentation of Data

    ntroduction to Data, Primary Data and !econdary Data, Collection of 

    Data, !crutiny of data, :re$uency and non)fre$uency data, Te(tual and

    Tabular presentation of data, Diagrammatic epresentation of Data


    6" :re$uency Distribution

    !ummariation of Data, .ttribute and /ariable, :re$uency distribution of 

    an attribute & variable, Discrete and continuous variables, Graphical

    representation of fre$uency distribution, 0give


    " Correlation and !imple egression

    3ivariate Data, !catter Diagram, Correlation, Properties of Correlation

    Coefficient, ank Correlation, !imple egression, :itting of egression

    Bines, Ihy t#o lines of regression, elation bet#een regression and



    ?" ;lements of Probability Theory

    Meaning of probability, notations, definitions of probability, Theorems

    on probability, Conditional Probability, ndependence of events, andom

    /ariables – ;(pectation and /ariance, Ba# of Barge numbers


    @" Knivariate Theoretical Distribution –

    The 3inomial Distribution, The Poisson Distribution, Properties of the

    distribution, elation bet#een the distributions


    A" Knivariate Theoretical Distribution –

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    The Lormal Distribution, Lormal Distribution as a Bimiting form of 

    3inomial and Poisson Distribution, mportance of Lormal Distribution,

    Ksing the Lormal tables

    Total Class ours 6<

    Basi' Referen'es:

    • Gun, ." M" Gupta, M" " E Dasgupta, 3" *8AA@+" Fundamentals of Statistics

    *8AA@ ed"+" /ol" " olkata - The Iorld Press Private Bimited

    • !harma, 4" " *9786+" Business Statistics *9nd ed"+" Loida - Pearsons ;ducation


    • !harma, 4" " *978

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    ecording in !ubsidiary 3ooks, Bedger Posting E 3alancing of 

    .ccounting The Trial 3alance"

    6" The .ccounting Cycle – !ome mportant ssues- .ccounting for :i(ed


    .ccounting !tandard > Determination of Cost, Cost .llocation – 

    Depreciation, Methods of Depreciation- !traight Bine Method, Iritten

    Do#n /alue Method Changes in Methods of Charging Depreciation and

    Disposal of :i(ed .ssets


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    The ob%ective of this course is to make the student understand and appreciate the

    fundamental concepts of business environment" The basic ob%ective of this course is to

    let the students understand ho# the environment affects an organiation and ho# the

    analysis of environmental factors can change future of the organiation" .n effort #ill

     be made to take live e(amples from the industry&business to make clear the concepts"

    Sl- To#i' Area Class 4ours

    8" ntroduction, Types of ;nvironment) nternal and ;(ternal, Micro and

    Macro ;nvironment, !trategic Management and ;nvironmental



    9" ;conomic, Political, Latural, Technological and Demographic



    6" !ocietal ;nvironment – 3usiness and !ociety, 3usiness ;thics, 3usiness

    and Culture, !ocial and Cultural :actors, Technological Development

    and !ocial Change" Consumerism"


    " :inancial Market) Money and Capital Market) Meaning, Lature and

    nstruments, :unctions


    ?" Derivatives – Meaning, Definition, :or#ards, :utures, 0ptions 6

    @" Credit ating 9

    A" :oreign investment E Collaborations, :D E Developing countries" 6

    Case Discussion E Presentation 3ased on sessions by Group 6

    Total Class ours 68

    Basi' Referen'es:

    • .s#athappa, " *977A+" Essentials of Business Environment  *89th ed"+" Mumbai

    - imalaya Publishing ouse

    • Cherunilam, :" *9776+"  Business Environment – Text & Cases *99nd  ed"+"

    Mumbai - imalaya Publishing ouse

    !aleem, !" *9787+" Business Environment *9


     ed"+" Delhi - Pearson

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    • !hukla, M"3" *9789+" Fundamentals of Business Environment*8st ed"+" Delhi -

    Ta(mann's Publication

    ** 306 ESSE!TIA.S OF *A!AE*E!T


    The ob%ective of the course is to provide an understanding of basic concepts,

     principles and practices of management and inculcate the ability to apply

    multifunctional approach to organiational ob%ective"

    Sl- To#i' Area Class


    8 Lature of Management- ) Different Management Thoughts over time-

    ) Management Process ECoordination- ) :unction of Management,

     Lature of Management :unction, Managers and ;nvironment"


    9 :undamentals of Planning, 0b%ective, Process and 3enefits of M30,

    Concepts and :eatures Policy and strategy, Concept of :orecasting,

    Planning E :orecasting, :orecasting Techni$ues, Planning Premises"


    6 Decision Making- ) !trategic and Tactical Decisions, Decision – 

    Making Process, ;ffective Decision, ationality in Decision Making,

    Bimits in ationality, Creativity and Decision Making, !tages in

    Creative Process, Decision Making Conditions,


    < 0rganiation Concept, Design of 0rganiation !tructure,

    Departmentation, !pan of Management, Concept and !ources of 

    .uthority, esponsibility, .ccountability, Delegation, Centraliation

    .nd Decentraliation, Concept of Bine .nd !taff relationship,


    = :undamentals of !taffing- ecruitment and !election- ) !ources of 

    Manpo#er !upply, !election Process, Training and Development,

    Performance .ppraisal-


    > :undamentals of Directing, Motivation- Theories of Motivation,

    Beadership- ) Beadership Theories, Beadership !tyles,


    ? Control !ystem and Process, Control Techni$ues 3udget and 3udgetary

    Control, 3reak);ven .nalysis


    @ Case !tudies form ndian Companies =

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    Total Class ours 67

    Basi' Referen'es:

    • oont, " *9787+"  Essentials of Management   *@th  ed"+" Le# Delhi- Tata

    McGra#)ill ;ducation

    • Daft, " *977@+" T!e "e# Era of Management   *87th ed"+" Le# Delhi- Cenage

    Bearning ;M;.

    • ao, /"!"P" *977A+"  Management$ Text and Cases  *8st ed"+" Le# Delhi- ;(cel

    3ooks ndia

    • Prasad, B"M" *977?+"  Principles and Practice of Management   *?th  ed"+" Le#

    Delhi- ! Chand Publications

    • !toner, 4ames ., Gilbert, Daniel " *9776+"  Management  *>th ed"+" Le# Delhi-

    Pearson ;ducation

    ** 301 BUSI!ESS CO**U!ICATIO!

    The ob%ective of the course is to enable students to become a#are of their communication skills and sensitie them to their potential to become successful


    To help them ac$uire some of the necessary skills to handle day)to)day managerial

    responsibilities, such as one)to)one communication, enriching group activities and

     processes, #riting letters, memos, minutes, and reports and maintaining one's poise in

     private and in public"

    Sl- To#i' Area Class 4ours

    8" ntroduction to business communication -ole of communication,

    defining and classifying communication, purpose of communication,

     process of communication, characteristics of successful communication,

    importance of communication in management, communication structure

    in organiation, communication in crisis"


    9" /erbal Communication -Ihat is verbal communication, principles of

  • 8/18/2019 Syllabus Soft Copy


    successful verbal communication, barriers to communication, #hat is

    conversation control, reflection and empathy- t#o sides of effective

    verbal communication, effective listening

    6" Principles of nonverbal communication -3ody language >

    " 3usiness and social eti$uette 9

    Total Class ours 67

    Basi' Referen'es: 

    • 3ovee and Thill *9787+"  Business Communication Today" Le# Delhi- Tata

    McGra# ill"

    • aul, .sha *977A+"  Effective Business Communication" Le# Delhi- P

    Bearning Private Bimited"• Mitra, 3arun " *9788+" Personality %evelopment and Soft Sills" Le# Delhi-

    0(ford Kniversity Press"

    • Mc Grath, ;"", !"4 *9788+"  Basic Managerial Sills for All , *Ath  ed"+" Le#

    Delhi- P Bearning Private Bimited"

    • aman, Meenakshi and !ingh, Prakash, *977>+" Business Communication" Le#

    Delhi- 0(ford Kniversity Press"

    ** 307 *AR8ETI! *A!AE*E!T ( I

    The 0b%ective is to enable the students to understand and appreciate the concept of 

    marketing both in theory and in practice and to have an understanding of the

    concept of marketing strategy formulation and implementation"

    Sl- To#i' Area Class 4ours

    8" ntroduction to Marketing 6

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    9" Lature E !cope of Marketing 9

    6" The Marketing ;nvironment and ;nvironment !canning 9

    " Market !egmentation 6

    ?" The Marketing Mi( 6

    @" Le# Product Development !trategy 6

    A" Developing Marketing !trategies and Plans <

    87" Marketing Planning <

    88" Case Discussion E Presentation 9

    Total Class ours 69

    Basi' Referen'es: 

    otler, Phillip E .rmstrong, G" *9789+"  Mareting an 'ntroduction, *>


      ed"+" Le# Delhi- Pearson ;ducation"

    • otler, Phillip" eller, evin Bane" oshy, .braham and 4ha, Mithilesh#ar"

    *977A+" Mareting Management( A sout! Asian Perspective, *86th  ed"+" Le#

    Delhi- Pearson ;ducation"

    • 3ains, Paul" :ill, Chris" Page, elly and !inha, Piyush " *9786+"  Mareting ,

    *.sian ;dition+" Le# Delhi- 0(ford Kniversity Press"

    • !a(ena, a%an" *9787+"  Mareting Management , *

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    8" Ms Po#erPoint

    M! Po#erPoint, Creating the !lides, !lides #ith Clipart, Different Types

    of Presentation using style sheet


    9" M! ;XC;B

    Creating !imple Iorksheets, ;diting and .bsolute cells in Iorksheet,

    :ormatting Iorksheets, Copying and Moving Cells, Data !orting, Chart

    *graph creation+, :iltration, Data /alidation, Custom Bist, Protection,

    Data :reee, elationship in ;(cel, :unctions

    *!tatistical, :inancial, Bogical, Database, Te(t+


    6" .dvanced M! ;XC;B

    Data Consolidation, !olver, Data Table, Pivot Table, Goal !eek,

    !cenario, Macro,

    /lookup and lookup .pplication in ;(cel,


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    .t the end of the 03 course you should have a basic understanding and appreciation

    of the topics outlined in the course content" .n understanding of the behavior of 

    individuals inside organiations should further enhance your skills in understanding

    and appreciating individuals, interpersonal, for increased effectiveness both #ithin and

    outside of organiations"

    Sl- To#i' Area Class 4ours

    8" 03- .n overvie# E Bearning 9

    9" /alues and .ttitudes 9

    6" Personality E Personality .ttributes 9

    " ;motions E ;" 9

    ?" Concept of .ssertiveness- Components of .ssertive behavior 9

    @" 3enefits of .ssertiveness 9

    A" Measuring .ssertiveness 9

    87" .ssertiveness Goals 9

    88" ational)emotive .ssertiveness Training 9

    89" andling :ear 9

    86" andling .nger 9

    8" T. and !elf .#areness 9

    8?" T. .pplications in Motivation 8

    8@" T. in Counseling 8

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    Total Class hours 6<

      Basi' Referen'es:

    • Buthans, :red" *977@+" *rgani+ational Be!avior  " !ingapore - McGra# ill

    •  Le#strom, I" 4ohn, *977@+" *rgani+ational Be!aviour) ,uman -e!aviour at 

    #or  *89th ed"+"Le# Delhi - Tata McGra# ill ;ducation Private Bimited"

    • Pareek Kdai and hanna !ushama, *9788+" .nderstanding *rgani+ational 

     Be!avior  *6rd  ed"+" Le# Delhi - 0(ford Kniversity Press

    • Prasad, B"M" *977?+" *rgani+ational Be!aviour   *8st ed"+" Le# Delhi - !ultan

    Chand E !ons

    • obbins, P" !tephen, 4udge, ." Timothy and /ohra Leharika, *9788+"

    *rgani+ational Be!avior  *8

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