  • 8/19/2019 Syllabus Fall 2014 (1)


    LB-300 Business Communication in the Digital Age (3 Credit


    Extensive practical application of diverse forms of written and oral

     business communication with the aid of technology. Topics include

    writing memos, reports, email messages; using multimedia

    PowerPoint slides in presentations; facilitating business meetings;

    creating electronic resumes; using online discussion groups; and

    handling the challenges of international and cross-cultural


    LB 300 Blended

    College of Business

    Instructor:.............................................Michael herry

    !ffice".....................................................#t. harles

    !ffice $ours"..........................................M-% &-'

    !ffice phone"..........................................()'.(*+.''+


    Reuired !e"t#oo$ ................................ Excellence in Business Communication ))th ed/ by

    ................................................................0ohn 1. Thill and ourtland 2. 3ovee. Pearson, 4)'.

    ................................................................5#36" &7(4)*7)&48&

    !e"t#oo$ %nline Resources&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'ee te"t#oo$ 

    A#out this Course !eaching Aroach

    This class will use a variety of teaching9learning methods with considerable emphasis on class interaction and

    discussion. 2ectures will be supplemented by discussion and an exchange of information to encourage the

    development and expression of analytical s:ills. Therefore, students must be prepared.

    5n addition, being prepared for class will help students develop analytical s:ills, formulate ideas, and improve

    their communication s:ills. eading the text, and other material will provide students the foundation for

    discussing important mar:eting topics and evaluating current mar:eting methods and strategies.

    The highly accelerated pace of this course reou will note the reduced use of traditional lecture presentations, and in its place a

    continuing emphasis on individual integration of concepts and on group9team activities and discussion as alearning tool. 5n preparation for each wor:shop, students are expected to complete a minimum of )'-4 hours

     per wee: of study, homewor: assignments and9or group pro?ects.

    Course *rame+or$ 

    The text, Excellent in Business Communication ))th ed./, is divided into five substantive areas which will serve

    as the underlying framewor: of this course"

    Part ) @ Anderstanding the %oundation of 3usiness communication

    Part @ Bpplying the Three-#tep =riting Process

    Part * @ rafting 3usiness Messages

    Part 8 @ Preparing eports and !ral Presentations

    Part ' @ =riting Employment Messages and 5nterviewing for 0obs

    23-*44 3usiness ommunication in the Cigital Bge Bugust, ) 4)8 Page )

  • 8/19/2019 Syllabus Fall 2014 (1)


    This course provides students with a context for learning the basic principles of business communication,

    understanding important communication issues, and discovering the latest technological impacts on business

    communication. #tudents will explore how business communication wor:s in the world, understand concepts

     behind effective communication while developing and refining their own written and oral business

    communication s:ills.

    The assigned wor:shop activities include critical thin:ing

  • 8/19/2019 Syllabus Fall 2014 (1)


    rading Criteria

    Grade B, B- e

  • 8/19/2019 Syllabus Fall 2014 (1)



    Potential Grading ubric for =ritten Bssignments

    !he 'e5en C6s of Communication

    3ased on" 3aird, 0. I #tull, 0. )&(*/. Business communication: Strategies and solutions. 6ew >or:" McGraw

    $ill.2evels of Bchievement

    riteria Exemplary ompetent Ceveloping

     Mechanics of Business Writing 

    orrect" Message must

    include proper spelling,

    grammar, punctuation, and


    * Points

    %ew if any errors.


    #everal, minor errors

    ) Points

    Anacceptable, ma?or 


    lear" Message needs to beclear to be effective. * PointsExcellent larity


    B ma?ority of theassignment was clear 

    ) PointsPoor clarity.

    oncise" Message needs to

     be brief if it is to be read by busy people.

    * Points

    oncise yetinformative


    #ome elements of 

    redundancy and Jnice to

    :now but not criticalJinformation ! lac:ing

    too much information

    overly concise/

    ) Points

    Cid not adhere to



    %ormat" 5nformation

    formatted appropriately for type of documents.

    * PointsExcellent formatting


    %ormat was mostlycorrect w9 minor errors.

    ) Points

     6ot formattedcorrectly.

     Reasoning in Business Writing 

    oncrete" Message needs

    concrete specific/ terms for 

    accuracy and credibility.

    * Points

    Excellent accuracy

    and credibility


    #pecifics were hit and


    ) Points

    Message lac:ed

    specifics and left it

    up to the reader to

    Jfigure out.J

    oherent" Message needs to

    hang together so that ideas

    flow from one to the next

    through smooth transitions.

    * Points

    #eamless transitions

    and logical



    The document

    contained elements of 

    strong organiDation

    ) PointsCocument was

     poorly organiDed.

    omplete" Message needs to

    include enough relevant and

    useful information.

    * Points

    Thorough and



    #ome elements were not

    thoroughly explored.

    ) Points

    2ittle relevant and

    useful information.

    Social Conventions in Business Writing 

    23-*44 3usiness ommunication in the Cigital Bge Bugust, ) 4)8 Page 8

  • 8/19/2019 Syllabus Fall 2014 (1)


    !he 'e5en C6s of Communication

    3ased on" 3aird, 0. I #tull, 0. )&(*/. Business communication: Strategies and solutions. 6ew >or:" McGraw


    2evels of Bchievement

    ourteous" Message should be positive to build

    goodwill, and focus on the


    * Points


    superior Jaudiencecentered



    #ome elementsexhibited audience


    communication others

    did not.

    ) Points

    Cid not consider theaudience

    Total KEach >es L * point,

    maximum L 8 points

    2ate Bssignments"

     Late assignments are not accepted & 5n-class assignments must be completed in class on the day they are

    assigned. 5f you miss the class, you miss the assignments and the points allowed.

    .articiation7'u#stanti5e .ostings (Discussion Board rading)

    The collaborative learning model re

  • 8/19/2019 Syllabus Fall 2014 (1)


    Potential Grading ubric for Participation !n 2ine

    Points Fuantity Fuality


    Posting in the threaded discussion topics on a

    minimum of three */ separate days per wee:.

    Excellent @ deep use of ) a-f 

    Bverage @ fair use of ) a-f 

    Poor @ little, if any use of ) a-f 

    '-( Posting in the threaded discussion topics on two/ separate days per wee:. Excellent @ deep use of ) a-f Bverage @ fair use of ) a-f 

    Poor @ little, if any use of ) a-f 


    Posting in the threaded discussion topics on one

    )/ day per wee:.

    Excellent @ deep use of ) a-f 

    Bverage @ fair use of ) a-f 

    Poor @ little, if any use of ) a-f 

    4 Cid not participate Cid not participate


    #tudents will be expected to ma:e verbal presentations. To assess these presentations the following rubric will

     be employed. Potential ubric follows"

    1 3 --,eets the 3 le5el





    O Organizationalpattern isminimallyobservable ornot observable

    O Organizationalpattern isclearlyobservable

    O Organizationalpattern isclearly andconsistentlyobservable andis skillful

    O Content of thepresentation



    O Languagechoices areunclear andeitherminimallysupport or donot support theeectiveness of thepresentation

    O Language is

    not appropriateto audience

    O Languagechoicesthoughtful

    O Languagechoicesgenerallysupport theeectivenessof thepresentation

    O Language is

    appropriate toaudience

    O Languagechoices areimaginative,memorable,and compelling

    O Languagechoicesenhanceeectiveness

    Deli5er8 O Deliverytechniquesdetract fromtheunderstandability of thepresentation

    O Speaker

    O Deliverytechniquesmake thepresentationunderstandable andinteresting

    O Speaker

    O Deliverytechniquesmake thepresentationcompelling

    O Speakerappearspolished and

    23-*44 3usiness ommunication in the Cigital Bge Bugust, ) 4)8 Page +

  • 8/19/2019 Syllabus Fall 2014 (1)







    O !nsu"cient ornon#e$istingsupportingmaterials

    O %ither non#

    e$istingreferences orthe referenceto informationor analysisminimallysupports thepresentation orestablishescredibility

    O Supportingmaterialssu"cient

    O&eference toinformation oranalysis thatgenerallysupports thepresentationor establishescredibility

    O Supportingmaterials morethan su"cient

    O ' variety oftypes of

    supportingmaterials usedO &eference to

    information oranalysis thatsignicantlysupports thepresentation orestablishescredibility



    O%ither non#e$isting centralmessage or thecentralmessage is note$plicitlystated, but canbe deduced

    O Centralmessage

    basically clearandunderstandable

    O Centralmessageconsistent(ithsupportingmaterial

    O Central

    message iscompelling

    O Centralmessagestronglyenhanced bysupportingmaterial

    %5erall 'core:


    #ometimes during class discussions, students will offer information from their place of employment. This may

    include polices, practices, strategies, and future initiatives. =ith respect for the other members in the class, we

    will treat all discussions as !6%5CE6T5B2 @ that is, as information that will not leave the classroom.

    Academic Honest89 Comuter thics9 and Co8right La+s

    5n the classroom, as in business, plagiarism and cheating are serious offenses. !ffenders may receive a grade of

    Dero on the exam, paper or pro?ect; or even failure in the course; or expulsion from the Aniversity. %or more

    information, refer to the Academic Honest, Computer Ethics, and Copright La!s policies in the Aniversity


    Bdditionally, all 2ewis students must abide by the 2ewis Aniversity "nformation Services Accepta#le $se

     %olic& This is an agreement between members of the 2ewis community and 2ewis Aniversity regarding use of

    the 5nternet, on-campus networ:, =eb Page, ourse Management #ystems, #tudent 5nformation #ystem, and all

    electronic systems. #ee" http"99www.lewisu.edu9welcome9offices9infoservices9BllBcceptableAsePolicy.htm

    %ther eneral .olicies and .rocedures

    ). Aniversity policiesefer to current course schedule boo:let for policies concerning"

    a. =eather related closure of university and9or !ff-campus sites.

    23-*44 3usiness ommunication in the Cigital Bge Bugust, ) 4)8 Page 7

  • 8/19/2019 Syllabus Fall 2014 (1)


     b. Personal decision not to attend class due to weather.

    . ollege of 3usiness policies and procedures

    efer to ollege of 3usiness Bcademic Policies section of the current university catalogue about"

    a. lass attendance

     b. 5ncomplete grades

    c. Bcademic honesty

    d. Grade appeal

  • 8/19/2019 Syllabus Fall 2014 (1)


    found" http" %or more about how to use 3lac:board visit"


    =or$sho Adatations

    5f you need wor:shop adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, if you have emergency medical

    information to share with the instructor, or if you need special arrangements in case the building must beevacuated, please contact the instructor.

    'u#mitting Assignments

    Bll wor:shop wor: is re

  • 8/19/2019 Syllabus Fall 2014 (1)


    ,iscellaneous ,aterials

    The Mission #tatement of 2ewis Aniversity

    2ewis Aniversity, guided by its atholic and 2asallian heritage, provides to a diverse student population

     programs for a liberal and professional education grounded in the interaction of :nowledge and fidelity in the

    search for truth.

    2ewis promotes the development of the complete person through the pursuit of wisdom and ?ustice.

    %undamental to its mission is a spirit of association which fosters community in all teaching, learning and

    service. These distinctive values guide the Aniversity in fulfilling its mission"

    • >no+ledge

    The result of a lifelong pursuit of learning fostered through creative and

    critical interaction in a community of learners.

    • *idelit8The spirit which recogniDes God as ultimate reality, unifying the diverse

    forms of :nowledge in the pursuit of fullness of truth, while recogniDing the

    diversity of human experience.

    • =isdom

    The result of the integration of reflection and action developed through

    higher learning throughout all of life.

    • ?ustice

    The affirmation of the e

  • 8/19/2019 Syllabus Fall 2014 (1)



    Date Assignment

    To be

    completed prior 

    to =or:shop )

    !30ET51E#). Explain why effective communication is important to organiDations and how it can

    help you succeed in business

    . Ciscuss four changes in the wor:place that are intensifying the need tocommunicate effectively

    *. Cescribe the five characteristics of effective business communication

    8. 2ist strategies for using communication technology successfully

    '. 5dentify and briefly discuss types of communication barriers

    +. Ciscuss four guidelines for overcoming communication barriers

    7. $ighlight the advantages and disadvantages of wor:ing in teams

    (. 5dentify the characteristics of effective teams

    &. larify the importance of nonverbal communication

    )4. Explain how you can improve meeting productivity through preparation,

    leadership, and participation

    EBC• hapter )" Bchieving #uccess Through Effective 3usiness ommunication

    • hapter " Mastering Team #:ills and 5nterpersonal ommunication

    B#E PEPBBT5!6

    #olving ommunication Cilemmas at Toyota h. )/

    • 3e prepared to discuss case !A 6!=2ECGE FAE#T5!6#9EUE5#E# be prepared to discuss/

     Appl +our ,no!ledge

    • Fuestions ) I * h. )/

    • Fuestions I * h. /


    • Fuestions I )* h. )/

    • Fuestions )4 I )* h. /

    %!MB2 !MMA65BT5!6" #E2%-56T!CAT5!6 8 points/

    • =rite a one-page memorandum introducing yourself to your instructor.

    • #elf-5ntroduction 3ac:ground" =here did you grow upV =hat have you done in

    terms of school, extracurricular activities, ?obs and family lifeV 5nterests" =hat are

    you interested inV =hat do you li:e to doV =hat do you li:e to thin: about and tal: 

    aboutV Bchievements" =hat achievements have given you the greatest personal

    satisfactionV 2ist at least three. 5nclude things that gave you a real sense of

    accomplishment and pride, whether or not theyOre the sort of thing youOd list on a

    23-*44 3usiness ommunication in the Cigital Bge Bugust, ) 4)8 Page ))

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    rWsumW. 5nclude a picture if you feel comfortable

    PBT55PBT5!6 56 2B## ) points/

    23-*44 3usiness ommunication in the Cigital Bge Bugust, ) 4)8 Page )

  • 8/19/2019 Syllabus Fall 2014 (1)


    Date Assignment


    will sign

    up for a


    =ee: )




    for the




    AE6T E1E6T BT52E #AMMB>

    • %ind an article in the $arvard 3usiness eview $3/ that relates to 3usiness


    • >ou can use the online 2ibrary databases to research articles.

    5f you have not used the online databases follow these steps to find the $3.

    ). Go to

    . #croll over Bcademics

    *. lic: on 2ibrary

    8. lic: on #earch E-0ournals

    '. >ou will probably need passwords here. hec: 3lac:board for current password

    +. Type in $arvard 3usiness eview

    7. !pen 3usiness #ource omplete

    (. lic: on #earch within this publication

    &. $appy huntingN


    • !ne paragraph summary of article content and relate the article content to course concepts


    • %ollow -uidelines for Written Assignment 


    pages maximum

    23-*44 3usiness ommunication in the Cigital Bge Bugust, ) 4)8 Page )*

  • 8/19/2019 Syllabus Fall 2014 (1)


    CE251E> 8 points/

    • Bll students will submit their memo via 3b Bssignment function.

    • !6G!A6C =EE#" #tudents will be re

  • 8/19/2019 Syllabus Fall 2014 (1)


    Date Assignment

    To be completed

     prior to


    !30ET51E#). Ciscuss the opportunities and challenges of intercultural communication

    . Explain the importance of recogniDing cultural differences; delineate the

    differences between high- and low-context cultures, and list categories of culturaldifferences

    *. Explain why studying other cultures helps you communicate more effectively

    8. Cescribe the three-step writing process

    '. Explain why itJs important to define your purpose

    +. 0ustify the importance of analyDing your audience profile

    7. 2ist factors to consider when choosing the most appropriate channel and medium

    for your message

    (. #ummariDe the process for organiDing business messages effectively


    • hapter *" ommunicating in a =orld of Civersity

    •hapter 8" Planning 3usiness Messages

    • Bppendix B" %ormat and 2ayout of 3usiness Cocuments

    B#E PEPBBT5!6

    #olving ommunication Cilemmas at E> h. */

    • 3e prepared to discuss the case !A 6!=2ECGE FAE#T5!6#9EUE5#E# be prepared to discuss/ Appl +our ,no!ledge

    • Fuestions ) I h. */

    • Fuestions ) I * h. 8/


    • Fuestions 8 I )) h. */

    • Fuestions ' I ) h. 8/

    FA5Q 8 points/

    • omplete FuiD )

    PBT55PBT5!6 56 2B## ) points/

    23-*44 3usiness ommunication in the Cigital Bge Bugust, ) 4)8 Page )'

  • 8/19/2019 Syllabus Fall 2014 (1)


    Date Assignment

    To be completed

     prior to =or:shop




    ). Explain the importance of adapting your messages to the needs and expectationsof your audience

    . Ciscuss ways of achieving a tone that is businessli:e and a style that is clear and

    concise*. Cescribe how to select words that are not only correct but also effective8. Ciscuss factors that increase paragraph readability

    '. Explain why revision is important in business and discuss when revision is


    +. 2ist tips for ma:ing your writing clear


    • hapter '" =riting 3usiness Messages

    • hapter +" ompleting 3usiness Messages

    B#E PEPBBT5!6 8 points/

    #olving ommunication Cilemmas at #he Ta:es on the =orld h. '/• 3e prepared to discuss the case .uestions )-8.

    #olving ommunication Cilemmas at 0efferson abb =eb Cesign h. +/

    • 3e prepared to discuss the case >!A 6!=2ECGE FAE#T5!6#9EUE5#E# be prepared to discuss/

     Appl +our ,no!ledge

    • Fuestions ) I h. '/

    • Fuestions ) I * h. +/


    Fuestions 8 I + h. '/

    • Fuestions 7 I )' h. +/

    FA5Q 8 points/

    • omplete FuiD

    =5TTE6 $!ME=! B##5G6ME6T 8 points/

    • #tudents will interview a person from a culture different than their own and

    describe communication cultural differences noted by the interviewee. %indings

    should be presented in a one-page memo format.

    23-*44 3usiness ommunication in the Cigital Bge Bugust, ) 4)8 Page )+

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    Date Assignment

    To be completed

     prior to =or:shop



    ). ompare the strengths and wea:nesses of the print and electronic mediaavailable for short messages

    . Cescribe the role of blogging in business communication today

    *. Bpply the three step writing process to routine and positive messages8. Ciscuss the differences among types of routine reouTube, 3logs, %aceboo:, 2in:ed5n, Podcasts, >elp, Google, !ther

    Kyou chooseN.

    • Cescribe the technology9tool =hat is itV/

    • =hat are the positives and negatives of this technology9toolV

    • =hat is the value of this technology9tool in a business environmentV

    • =hy would you or would you not/ recommend the adoption of this

    23-*44 3usiness ommunication in the Cigital Bge Bugust, ) 4)8 Page )7

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    technology9tool in your current wor:place9organiDationV

    • *-pages maximum

    • 3e prepared to present your material in class.

    PBT55PBT5!6 56 2B## ) points/

    23-*44 3usiness ommunication in the Cigital Bge Bugust, ) 4)8 Page )(

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    Date Assignment

    To be completed

     prior to =or:shop




    ). Explain the differences between the direct and indirect approaches to negativemessages, including when itOs appropriate to use each one

    . 5dentify the ris:s of using the indirect approach and explain how to avoid such

     problems*. Cescribe the B5CB plan for persuasive messages8. Cistinguish between promotional and logical approach and discuss how to

     balanced them

    '. Cistinguish between emotional and logical appeals and discuss how to balance



    • hapter &" =riting 6egative Messages

    • hapter )4" =riting Persuasive Messages

    B#E PEPBBT5!6 8 points/

    #olving ommunication Cilemmas at hargify h. &/.• 3e prepared to discuss the case .uestions )-8.

    #olving ommunication Cilemmas at afeMom h. )4/

    • 3e prepared to discuss the case .uestions )-8.

    BPP2> >!A 6!=2ECGE FAE#T5!6#9EUE5#E# be prepared to discuss/

     Appl +our ,no!ledge

    • Fuestions ) I * h. &/

    • Fuestions ) I h. )4/


    Fuestions 8 I 7 h. &/

    • Fuestions 8 I & h. )4/

    FA5Q 8 points/

    • omplete FuiD 8

    23-*44 3usiness ommunication in the Cigital Bge Bugust, ) 4)8 Page )&

  • 8/19/2019 Syllabus Fall 2014 (1)


    Date Assignment

    To be completed

     prior to =or:shop



    ). #tructure of informational reports. #tructure of analytical reports

    *. Cistinguish informational reports, analytical business reports, and proposals

    8. Explain the difference between drafting a summary, drawing a conclusion anddeveloping a recommendation

    '. 6ame characteristics of effective report content

    +. Cescribe the communication power that visuals add to your writing

    7. 2ist topics commonly covered in a proposalOs introduction, body, and closing

    (. Ciscuss principles of graphic design that can improve the

  • 8/19/2019 Syllabus Fall 2014 (1)


    Date Assignment

    To be completed

     prior to =or:shop7



    • Explain the importance of oral presentations in your career success

    • Ciscuss the three functions of an effective introduction

    • 5dentify ways to :eep your audienceOs attention during your presentation

    • Explain how visuals enhance oral presentations and list several popular types ofvisuals


    • hapter )*" ompleting eports and Proposals

    • hapter )8" Cesigning and Celivering !ral and !nline Presentations

    B#E PEPBBT5!6 8 points/

    #olving ommunication Cilemmas at Garage Technology 1entures h. )*/

    • 3e prepared to discuss the case .uestions )-8.

    #olving ommunication Cilemmas at Principato->oung Entertainment h. )8/

    3e prepared to discuss the case .uestions )-8.

    BPP2> >!A 6!=2ECGE FAE#T5!6#9EUE5#E# be prepared to discuss/

     Appl +our ,no!ledge

    • Fuestions ) I h. )*/

    • Fuestions ) I h. )8/


    • Fuestions 8 I ( h. )*/

    • Fuestions )4 I ) h. )8/

    FA5Q 8 points/

    • omplete FuiD +

    =5TTE6 $!ME=! B##5G6ME6T 8 points/

    • omplete the collaborative short report. !nly one copy per group needs to be


    • #ee text pages 8)'-8( for needed sections will be defined by professor/

    • +-( pages content/ on the topic of your choice.

    • ollaboration on this assignment will be conducted through Group %unction or

    Ciscussion 3oards.

    23-*44 3usiness ommunication in the Cigital Bge Bugust, ) 4)8 Page )

  • 8/19/2019 Syllabus Fall 2014 (1)


    .otential .eer 5aluation

    Team 6ame" Cate"

    This appraisal form is to be used to evaluate your teammatesO participation. Please be as ob?ective as possible.

    $ow involved were your teammates in the pro?ectV Ase the chart below to help determine your answer. ircle

    the number that you thin: best describes the value of your contributions. !ne sheet per group per assignment.

    #howed involvement in the group discussions

    =as open-minded and listened to the comments of others

    Bs:ed pertinent

  • 8/19/2019 Syllabus Fall 2014 (1)


    Date Assignment

    To be completed

     prior to =or:shop


    !30ET51E#). Cefine the purpose of application letters and explain how to apply the B5CB

    organiDational approach

    . Explain the stages of a successful employment interview*. 5dentify the most common employment messages that follow an interview8. Cemonstrate your s:ill in ma:ing a persuasive oral presentation


    • hapter )'" 3uilding areers and =riting WsumWs

    • hapter )+" Bpplying and 5nterviewing for Employment

    B#E PEPBBT5!6

    #olving ommunication Cilemmas at BT h. )'/

    • 3e prepared to discuss the case .uestions )-8.

    #olving ommunication Cilemmas at Qappos h. )+/

    • 3e prepared to discuss the case .uestions )-8.

    BPP2> >!A 6!=2ECGE FAE#T5!6#9EUE5#E# be prepared to discuss/

     Appl +our ,no!ledge

    • Fuestions I * h. )'/

    • Fuestions ) I h. )+/


    • Fuestions ' I + h. )'/

    • Fuestions 8 I ( h. )+/

    FA5Q 8 points/

    • omplete FuiD 7

    #PEE$ PEPBBT5!6 ' points/

    • Cevelop a brief speech outline and prepare a 7-)4 minute persuasive speech to

    your business communication class. 5ncorporate oral presentation techni

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