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Page 1: Sun energy

Sun energySun energy

Page 2: Sun energy

Energy form the sun

• The sun is more than 100 times as big as the earth

• It takes 8 minutes for the light to go from the sun to the earth

• Earch secund 564,000,000 ton hydrogen is transformed into 560,000,000 ton helium. It makes 4,000,000 ton energy.

• The temperature at the sun is 16,000,0000C

• Each hour the earch recives more energy than we do use in a year

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• The sun makes the atoms move faster. This is how the temperatures is going up.

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• Some of the material from the sun hurles thousands og kilometers out into space. This picture showes enormeus tons of energi passing away from the sun.

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• Human people did use sun power for thousands of years.

• The entry to caves turned to the sun because of the hot light

• for more than 3000 years ago a royal palace was warmed by warter, warmed by the sun.

• About the year 100 the romans got dark wide floors, because it could keep the warm from the sun in the days until the night.

• This sun warter warmer catch a temperature at 880C

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this picture is printed in 1882. It showes a sun-driven printing press. it was used for printing the news paper called


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Sun cells• The first sun cells changing

energy from the sun into electricity was made in France about 1880.

• Not before 1953 two amercans improves it for use

• NASA found that sun cells are to prefere in space

• The first satelite who uses sun cells was send to the space in 1959

• In the 1970’s a chrisis in the energy sector forced more research. Sun cells was improved and the prices going down by 90%

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This man lives in Chinain the mountain with no electricity. He use sun cells to watch television.

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Sun energyis for free. Device for getting energy do not use energy, gives no popution and maintains is easy.

They are not beautful and the construction costs a big deal of energy.Sun energy is 1% of world energy.

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• The idea with sun chimneys is to warm up the air under a clear roof.

• The air will move up in the chimney driven a turbine wich makes electricity.

• Green plantes is growing up under the roof.

• The sun chimneys is not very efficient yet. Until it will be improved it will only be builded for tests.

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Sun catcher like this can’t warm the water very much, but it is ok for private houses in sunny countries.

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• A vacuum pipe-suncatcher can make temperatures on 3000C

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• A sun-cooker in Tibet. It is used instead of wood.

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these roofs in Israel got a lot of sun catchers

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Suncells changing sunlight into electricity. Most suncells is made by silicium, made by sand or quartz. They got two seperate layers each with electric charge. When the light shines at the sun cells the charge starts to move between the two layers. This makes a little electricity.On a sunny day this sun cells produces 100 W elektricity per m2.

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Sun cells is easy to move and use at any sunny place. They are specialy usefull in remoteness areas.

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Sun cells used for water pump in Afrika.

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This camel got a freeser with medicin through the dessert of Sahara. The freeser is driven by sun cells.

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Big sun power stations like this in California is getting more normale. They can produce very much energy.

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One day it might be possible to build an enormus sun power station in the space cycling around the earth. It should have millions of sus cells builded in space flight out with a space airplane.

Sunlight will be changed into energy (microwaves) and returned to the earth. Very big power stations could receave this energy at earth.

this will be expensive and difficult to build a sun-power-station like this, but maybe a day…

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California is in front in the question of replacing coal and oil with renewable energies. The state will not alowe coal and nuclear energy. In sted of this they uses sun- and wind power. The first and most expensive sun power station in the world (Solar One) did produce electricity since 1982.

Turbines is used in almost all sun-power-stations.

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Solar One is a energy tower.

1.818 mirrors is placed around a 78 meters high tower. The morrors sollect the sunlight in the top of the tower. When the sun moves through the heaven the mirrors is turning too.

In the tower the olie will be very hot, it is going through a pipelineto a power station. At the power station it will warm water to 3000C and produce steam. The steam is turning a turbine, wich drifts a generator, wich produce 10 kW elektricity.

Solar One was very expensive to buikd, but there must be more stations like this to replace a known power station. Maybe in the future it will not be more expensive to use energy from the sun, than use oil and coal. When there is less coal and oil it will become much more expensive.

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Odeilo Sol-ovnen.11,000 mirrors collects the sunlight at a big mirror. This big mirror casts the solar rays at an owen in the top of the tower. This way the solar rays from 11,000 mirrors will be collected at less than 1 m2. The temperature in the owen will be op to 3.300 0C.

The owen is used by scientific testsbecause the solar rays are very clean and will not influence the test like oil can do.

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The sun do not shine all the times when you need it most – at night and in the winter. This is the worst problem with sun power.

There are differents ways to keep sun energy. One is a sunpond, which they got in Israel at The Dead See.

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