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Stratistic is a leading edge digital media agency specialising in taking online advertising to the next level. We partner with advertisers to create and deliver interactive brand messages with dynamic real-time social media content.

…immersive interactive solutions for online and mobile devices

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About Stratistic

Online display and mobile advertising play important roles within your digital media marketing portfolio, our services include the following capabilities:

…immersive interactive solutions for online and mobile devices

• Online display • Retargeting • Mobile

• Reporting • Creative

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Bring your ads to life

We can incorporate your brand’s social media content into campaigns to engage audiences and deliver a rich website-like experience from within the ad unit itself.

Stratosphere makes it easy to serve and optimise real-time social media content including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, RSS feeds and more. You can even view and post to social media from within the ad!

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Bespoke vs Stratistic process

Our development cycle takes days not weeks to produce multiple ad units.

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Advanced analytics

Industry-leading analytics provide deep insight into campaign performance, all from a central online dashboard.

Detailed, comprehensive analytics report on interactions by specific content type as well as provide overall interaction and click-through rates.

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MobileWe can create highly customised mobile web apps for iOS and Android devices. Combine your branding and Stratistic interactive elements, creating a mobile partner to your online display ad unit. Customised splash screens and assets using HTML/CSS, offer a polished, professional look and feel.

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Creative servicesHere at Stratistic, we offer clients access to our full range of creative services. Whether coming up with the big ideas or dealing with the smallest details we're happy to get hands on and help deliver the perfect designs to match your marketing ambitions.

We can handle the entire process, be it working within your own guidelines, creating new ones or partnering with your own in-house team to ease the whole project along.

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