Page 1: St Peter the Apostle Catholic Church Inglewood NEWSLETTER … · 2017. 9. 16. · St Peter the Apostle Catholic Church Bedford -Inglewood NEWSLETTER Parish Office: No. 1976 + 5 Sun


Facebook: St Peter the Apostle Catholic Church—


Weekday Masses Tuesday - Friday 9:00am

Reconciliation Saturday 5:00pm - 5:30pm

Weekend Masses Saturday 6:00pm

Sunday 8:30am

Sunday 10:00am

Baptisms and Weddings (08) 6468 6643

E-mail [email protected]

Parish Secretary Lesley Lockwood

Parish (08) 6468 6643

Parish Office 98 Wood Street


E-mail [email protected]

Office Hours Tue & Thu 9:00am - 4:00pm

Sacrament Coordinator Chris Neville (School Term)

E-mail [email protected]

Sacrament Office Parish Hall

Office Hours Tue 8:15am - 4:30pm

Wed 8:15am - 3:30pm

Parish Priest Fr Jeronimo Flamenco Castillo

Presbytery (08) 9271 3289 / FAX

Presbytery House 93 Wood Street


E-mail [email protected]

The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

First Reading: Ezekiel 37: 12-14

The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

R: With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption.

1. Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord,

Lord, hear my voice!

O let your ears be attentive

to the voice of my pleading. R.

2. If you, O Lord, should mark our guilt,

Lord, who would survive?

But with you is found forgiveness:

for this we revere you. R.

3. My soul is waiting for the Lord,

I count on his word.

My soul is longing for the Lord

more than watchman for daybreak.

(Let the watchman count on daybreak

and Israel on the Lord.) R.

4. Because with the Lord there is mercy

and fullness of redemption,

Israel indeed he will redeem

from all its iniquity. R.

Responsorial Psalm: 129

Second Reading: Romans 8: 8-11

© The scriptural quotations are taken from the Jerusalem Bible, published and copyright 1966, 1967 and 1968 by Darton Longman and Todd Ltd and Doubleday & Co Inc, and used by permission of the publishers.

The English translation of the Psalm Responses, the Alleluia and Gospel Verses, and the Lenten Gospel Acclamations, and the Titles, Summaries, and Conclusion of the Readings, from the Lectionary for Mass © 1997, 1981, 1968, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved.

The Lord says this: I am now going to open your graves; I mean to raise you from your graves, my people, and lead you back to the soil of Israel. And you will know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and raise you from your graves, my people. And I shall put my spirit in you, and you will live, and I shall resettle you on your own soil; and you will know that I, the Lord, have said and done this – it is the Lord who speaks.

The sisters Martha and Mary sent this message to Jesus, ‘Lord, the man you love is ill.’ On receiving the message, Je-sus said, ‘This sickness will end not in death but in God’s glo-ry, and through it the Son of God will be glorified.’

Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus, yet when he heard that Lazarus was ill he stayed where he was for two more days before saying to the disciples, ‘Let us go to Ju-daea.’

On arriving, Jesus found that Lazarus had been in the tomb for four days already. When Martha heard that Jesus had come she went to meet him. Mary remained sitting in the house. Martha said to Jesus, ‘If you had been here, my brother would not have died, but I know that even now, whatever you ask of God, he will grant you.’ ‘Your brother’ said Jesus to her ‘will rise again.’ Martha said, ‘I know he will rise again at the res-urrection on the last day.’ Jesus said: ‘I am the resurrection and the life. If anyone believes in me, even though he dies he will live, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.

Do you believe this?’ ‘Yes, Lord,’ she said ‘I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, the one who was to come into this world.’ Jesus said in great distress, with a sigh that came straight from the heart, ‘Where have you put him?’ They said, ‘See how much he loved him!’ But there were some who remarked, ‘He opened the eyes of the blind man, could he not have prevented this man’s death?’ Still sighing, Jesus reached the tomb: it was a cave with a stone to close the opening. Je-sus said, ‘Take the stone away.’ Martha said to him, ‘Lord, by now he will smell; this is the fourth day.’ Jesus replied, ‘Have I not told you that if you believe you will see the glory of God?’ So they took away the stone.

(Continued on back page)……….

Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ!

I am the resurrection and the life, says the Lord;

whoever believes in me will not die for ever.

Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ!

Gospel: John 11: 25, 26 (Shortened version)

231 Grand Promenade


92297700 (all hours)

St Peter the Apostle Catholic Church

Bedford - Inglewood


No. 1976 + 5 Sun Lent Yr A + 2 April 2017

Parish Priest:

Fr Jeronimo Flamenco

93 Wood St

Parish Office:

98 Wood St

Tues & Thur 9am-4pm

People who are interested only in unspiritual things can never be pleasing to God. Your interests, however, are not in the unspiritual, but in the spiritual, since the Spirit of God has made his home in you. In fact, unless you possessed the Spirit of Christ you would not belong to him. Though your body may be dead it is because of sin, but if Christ is in you then your spirit is life itself be-cause you have been justified; and if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, then he who raised Jesus from the dead will give life to your

(Continued from front page)…………

Then Jesus lifted up his eyes and said: ‘Father, I thank you for hearing my prayer. I knew indeed that you always hear me, but I speak for the sake of all these who stand round me, so that they may believe it was you who sent me.’

When he had said this, he cried in a loud voice, ‘Lazarus, here! Come out!’ The dead man came out, his feet and hands bound with bands of stuff and a cloth round his face. Jesus said to them, ‘Unbind him, let him go free.’

Many of the Jews who had come to visit Mary and had seen what he did believed in him.

Page 2: St Peter the Apostle Catholic Church Inglewood NEWSLETTER … · 2017. 9. 16. · St Peter the Apostle Catholic Church Bedford -Inglewood NEWSLETTER Parish Office: No. 1976 + 5 Sun

Rosters of Ministries Sat 8 April 6:00pm Mass Reader C deSilva Comm L Lockwood EMHC J Tavelli, L Hackner, D Etherington, R Jurak Acolyte P Hawke Altar Servers D Fricker, F Hoe, J Baker Choir Electronic Recorded Sun 9 April 8:30am Mass Reader D Kirkaldy Comm A Canham EMHC A Tan, C Dopico, D Pinto Acolyte I Manuk Home Comm D Lockwood, G Abreu Altar Servers J O’Connor, C & D Hunter Choir Electronic Recorded 10:00am Mass Reader T Baldwin Comm J Harrington-Carter EMHC R Martins, A Koo, G & L Wyre Acolyte M Lamarque Altar Servers N Yap, G Del Casale, K Madaffari Children’s Lit. Volunteers Counters Group 4 Choir San Padro

Mass Times this week

9.00am Tue 4 April 5 week of Lent

9.00am Wed 5 April

9.00am Thur 6 April

9.00am Fri 7 April

Join Fr Leo Patalinghug for an Easter Mission

on 20-22 April at Kwinana, Applecross and


Further details on brochures at back of church.


On Friday, 31st March and 7 April

at 7.00pm in the Church.

REFLECTION by Fr Michael Tate

This Gospel tells us that Our Lord was moved with com-passion in an almost violent way, raging against the seeming finality of death. The raising of Lazarus was a demonstration of his power to rob death of its supposed supremacy.

But, Our Lord did not set Lazarus completely free! You may think that to be raised from the dead was not a bad start, but Lazarus was still shuffling: bound, constrained, constricted by the past. To those gathered around the tomb Jesus issued the command: ‘Set him free, unbind him.’ It was the collective effort of others which enabled Lazarus to walk as a liberated son of God.

You may find yourself commanded by the Lord to help unbind a person who has had a deadening experience which has drained them of life. We get the courage to respond because it is the command of the One who de-finitively conquered death.

We could pause for a moment to resolve to help liberate others already helped by the grace of Him whom we be-lieve to be the Resurrection and the Life.



Semiti grew up in an informal settlement in Fiji. He is now Director of the People’s Community Network

(PCN). PCN is increasing the resilience and dignity of the thousands of landless Fijians living in informal settlements. Communities are advocating together

successfully for better services, education and housing.

Please donate to Project Compassion 2017 and help vulnerable communities in Fiji to undertake training that will empower them to

work towards lasting change in their neighbourhoods.

You can donate through Parish boxes and envelopes, by visiting or phoning 1800 024 413.



Please note; There will be NO

adoration on Holy Thursday, 13 April, but will resume on following Thursdays

9.30am-6.30pm with Benediction at 6.30pm.



Palm Sunday 8th and 9th April Usual Mass times

Please wear something RED

Holy Thursday 13 April Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7.00pm

Please wear something WHITE

Good Friday 14 April

Stations of the Cross in the church 10.00am

The Lord’s Passion in the church 3.00pm

Please wear something RED

Easter Vigil 15 April in the church 7.00pm

Service of the Light Please wear something WHITE

Easter Sunday 16 April Usual Mass Times

Please wear something WHITE

Easter—Second Rite of Reconciliation

St Peter’s Thurs 6 April at 7.00pm. Infant Jesus Morley, on Wed 5

April at 7.30pm.

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe has this week reiterat-ed Pope Francis’ call to be humble and realistic, in the acknowledgement that the way we present our Chris-tian beliefs and treat others has helped contribute to the problematic situations today. Speaking about Pope Francis Apostolic Exhorta-tion, Amoris Laetitia at the Dawson Society of Philos-ophy and Culture’s Speakers Forum on Tuesday 28 March, the Archbishop highlighted the importance of uniting together as a whole community in the call to perfection, while also walking with those struggling to live their faith to the full.

He emphasises that as a Church, we are called to find a better way of assisting members who are strug-gling, for a whole host of reasons, to live the fullness of the Christian ideal.

“I am convinced that Pope Francis is calling the Church back to an approach of mercy which he dis-cerns, and many others would also discern, has been obscured in the life of the Church for too long. “Pope Francis expresses it this way: the Church, by which he means everyone and not just the clergy, must hold up the call to perfection and ask for a fuller response toward God, while at the same time accom-panying with attention and care the weakest of her children,” Archbishop Costelloe said.

Baptisms We recently welcomed

Norah Faivre, Emilia

Lupo and Emma Chee to God’s family.


Do you have a superseded laptop computer that you might be considering upgrading?

The parish is in urgent need of a new laptop.

Please contact our office if you are able to help.

Penance (First Reconciliation)

Our parent meeting was held on Wednesday 29 March for anyone with a child receiving First Reconciliation in St Pe-ter's parish this year. This includes children at St Peter's school and in our Parish RE Programme. All children receiv-ing a Sacrament must be enrolled in the parish, so if you missed this meeting and have not yet made contact with us, please email Chris Neville ([email protected]) with your contact details and child's name to ensure you receive further information.

Parish RE Programme (PREP)

Our final lesson for Term One is next Tuesday. We have been hard at work this term - in Confirmation our focus has been gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit and starting to think about a saint who inspires us. In Communion class we have revised Reconciliation and in Penance class we have been learning about Lent and Easter. In our last lesson for the term, we will reflect on Jesus' final journey to Calvary to sacrifice Himself for us on the cross, as we pray the Stations of the Cross.

Holy Week - altar servers needed

If you are able to assist at one or more of our many Holy Week services, please email Chris ([email protected]) and let me know your availability. Our Term Two roster is being prepared soon, so please advise if there is any change to your preferred Mass times or weekends when you are unavailable, including June long weekend.

The next Good Neighbours Healing Mass is on Wednesday, 12 April at 10am in the parish hall fol-lowed by morning tea. Anyone requiring transport please ring Marie 9275 6307.

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