
Issue # 56


I also believe that God has a plan for each and every one of our lives that is greater than anything we can imagine on our own. As Professor Amy-Jill Levine of Vanderbilt University Divinity School said in a television interview, "The human spirit is remarkable if people simply put their mind to accomplishing what they feel God calls them to do." That may sound like God's plan supersedes our personal role in creating our own reality, but I think we'll find the two ideas work hand in hand.

Let's begin with God's grand plan for each one of us. Assume it is magnificent, because it is...but it is not

automatic. That should be obvious, otherwise we would be seven billion people, harmoniously living in one gigantic garden of Eden, surrounded by plants and animals exhibiting nothing but beauty and love. That doesn't mean the plan doesn't exist, it does. What prevents its universal manifestation is this thing we call 'free will.'

The simplest example of God's gift of free will is in the earliest part of the book of Genesis. In that parable, God put Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and told them they were free to eat the fruit of any tree but the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Exercising their right of free will

T hrough the years the one lesson I have had to learn for myself, and now the lesson I most want to share with others is that I create my own reality (we all do). That is - whatever events, challenges, achievements, celebrations or embarrassments I encounter, I have created them myself. I can take credit for my accomplishments and my ability to work through the hurdles that get in the way (Yeah), but I also have to take responsibility for my shortcomings, poor choices and stumbles as well (Ugh).

It's easy to see this 'truth' observing other people's lives and circumstances, but the observation has been a little cloudy when I examined my own life. How is it that I create my reality? Is there one thing above others that provides the key? The answers to those questions is what we will explore in this Upward Bound lesson.

If we all create our own reality, there must be a common reason; there must be metaphysical laws and principles that apply to everyone that account for this universal truth. And, of course, there are. The law of cause and effect; the law of mind-action and the gift of free will are the 'rules of the game,' but the choices we make every single day provide the key.

Li t t l e Ch o i c es - B i g I mp a c t

they ate the fruit of the forbidden tree anyway and then suffered the consequences, thus demonstrating not only their independence (free will exercised), but the law of Cause and Effect as well (see Genesis 2:15 through 3:24 for a more detailed picture). More on Cause and Effect shortly.

God's love for all people, everywhere on this planet, is without limitation or exception; it's universal. Within that love is a plan of good, so complete, so complex and so individualized that it is open to everyone. The plan is so beautiful that each person's Divine plan works harmoniously with all the other Divine plans, or even completely independently, so that it makes no difference when another individual awakens to and chooses to accept their Divine plan, or not. Your plan is yours and mine is mine. It's simply a matter of 'choose it or loose it.'

The law of Cause and Effect is pretty well understood as the result one gets for some particular action. Every action has a related reaction. If you're carrying a ripe tomato across the kitchen and drop it, it will hit the tile floor and create a mess. The cause is dropping the tomato and the effect is the mess it creates on the floor. Following your passion for music and spending years perfecting your skill as a concert pianist is the cause that creates the effect of an invitation to play in Carnegie Hall as a virtuoso at the peak of your career.

Cause and Effect applies to all things, positive and negative. The law applies to relationships, money management and opportunities as well as yielding to debilitating temptations such as drugs, alcohol or gambling. The law of Cause and Effect goes hand in hand with Free Will, whether it relates to your education, your career or the use of your talents and skills. In every case Free Will is the Cause and your choices Effect the result.

Way back in high school, I remember one of my buddies offering to let me have a job he had applied for but decided not to pursue. I chose to accept his offer; the job was as a copy-boy in the news room of the Seattle Times daily newspaper. Thanks to his offer and my choice to accept it, I had the best exposure to the field of Journalism I could get and it, in turn,

became the driving force behind choosing my major at the University of Washington. In addition, since I continued to work there through four years of college, it also paid for most of my education. That simple choice created the reality of my career direction and literally helped steer the course of the first 25 years of my adult life.

Was the Journalism path part of God's plan for my life? Even though I didn't see it as such way back then, it certainly turned out to be years later. The experience and skills learned during those formative career years were exactly what I needed to qualify for the job as Editorial Director at Unity, which just happened to be the only door open to me to enter and pay for Ministerial School. And becoming a minister was definitely the culmination of God's plan, and the most fulfilling achievement of my life.

You have probably heard me say 'what we experience in life is not the result of what happens to us, rather it is the result of everything that happens through us.' With some possible exceptions, we are not victims, we manifest virtually every one of our experiences as the result of our thoughts and feelings, but perhaps even more because of the choices we make.

Faced with a problem, we have three choices; run away from it, deal with it and overcome it, or do nothing and hope it will go away. A great many people in the United States today have just such a dilemma, they are 'underwater' on their home mortgages. They can 'run away' by moving out and sending the keys to the bank; they can assume the bank will not bother to foreclose and do nothing; or they can jump through all the hoops necessary to negotiate a refinance and a lower balance. Given individual circumstances, there might be good reason to choose any one of the three options, but one thing is certain, their lives will change regardless of the choice they make, because that's what our choices create; life changing directions.

My high school friend had suggested that we go to dental school together and make our fortune up in Alaska. When I chose the job at the Seattle Times I let go of the idea of Dental School, but he didn't. Forty-

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five years later he sold his practice in Seattle and he and his wife retired and dropped in on one of my last Sunday services in Naples. Our life paths differed greatly, but our friendship is as close today as it ever was. We made life altering choices as teen-agers without ever realizing just how powerful those seemingly insignificant conversations were at the time.

Jesus provides a number of lessons that indicate the power of making the right choice. The classic is the story of the Prodigal Son. The younger son asked his father for his share of the inheritance in order that he might get away from the responsibilities of the family farm and have a carefree adventure. Soon after leaving, his money was gone, spent on loose living, and he had no other choice but to go to work for another farmer, feeding his pigs. Not a healthy job for a Jewish boy. Realizing his mistake he decided to return home, even though it might mean that he would be treated as a hired servant. When he saw his father, he asked forgiveness, which his father happily granted, restoring him to his former position in celebration. His older brother, however, was outraged at the reward his wayward brother received. The father replied with one of the most famous statements in the New Testament: "Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. It was fitting to make merry and be glad, for your brother was dead, and is alive; he was lost, and now is found." (Luke 15:11).

The choices we make, sometimes on a whim, can have far reaching consequences, altering our life path, and in many cases making it impossible to go back to what life was before.

In the Gospel of Mark (Mk 5:25-34), there is a great example in the story of the woman who had been hemorrhaging for twelve years; she heard that Jesus was coming, and was filled with complete faith that she could be healed if she could touch his garment. As soon as she did, she felt in her body that she was healed of her disease. Jesus felt the release of His energy, turned and said to her, "Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace and be healed of your disease."

Even though she was afraid that she was overstepping her right, she made the choice to reach out and make physical contact with the great healer. With the combination of her faith in Jesus' healing power and her own willingness to rise above her fear of propriety she took a chance and the result transformed her life.

We are all guided by our beliefs; in some cases choosing to hold back from acting on our desires, and other cases, using the strength of our beliefs to take the action others might fear. So, as we consider the power of our choices to change the direction of our life, we must acknowledge the strength of our beliefs to either restrict or embolden our decisions to act or not. The idea that our beliefs influence the choices we make is not new; the example I want to share goes back some 1700 years...and we're still feeling the effects today.

In the year 312 CE, Roman Emperor, Constantine, was facing a battle with a rival emperor for solo control of the entire Roman Empire. Shortly before the battle Constantine had a dream that included a vision of the cross and the words, "by this, conquer." He sought a dream interpreter to find the symbolic meaning. This was still a time when the Empire was trying to eliminate the new Christian sect, so the image was certainly relevant to the time. The interpreter reminded Constantine of the crosses' connection to Jesus and concluded the dream was a message to embrace the Christians. Constantine decided to use the symbol of the cross on the shields of his army, and made a promise that if he was victorious he would convert to the New Faith.

Even though his army was outnumbered four to one, he was victorious and he kept his promise. A year later, in 313, he legalized Christianity, and in fact, made them the favored religion, granting them many parcels of property on which to build their own places of worship. His two choices (to use the cross as a symbol on the shields of his soldiers, and granting legal acceptance of the Christians within the Roman Empire), were greatly influenced by his growing beliefs that inclusion would be more profitable to the Empire than further attempts at eradication. Those choices ultimately led to Christianity becoming the dominant religion throughout


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Europe and the principal faith of the Western Civilization. Talk about the power of cause and effect!

So two of Constantine's choices changed the entire picture in the establishment and growth of Christianity. Another one of his choices changed the basic nature of Christianity and ultimately brought about the deaths of thousands of people, for the simple act of holding religious views that disagreed with the church.

In the beginning of Christianity there was no difference between orthodoxy and heresy, there were simply many different views of Jesus' life and teachings, but by the time of Emperor Constantine there was a lot of bickering among the various church leaders. As a result, in 325, Constantine decided to convene as many of the church leaders as possible in the town of Nicaea, the location of his summer palace. It is believed that he didn't care what their decision was as long as it unified his empire; just determine whether Jesus was truly the son of God or merely a very wise man. The council of Nicaea could best be described as a squabbling committee. But, their arguments eventually resulted in agreement by a majority. From that majority point of view came the Nicene Creed (defining the concept of the Trinity) and choosing the scriptural ideas that they considered acceptable (orthodox) and rejecting those they considered heretical.

As the strength of the orthodox faction grew, the penalty for holding opposing (heretical) views grew with it. Coincidentally, at the same time the church was growing the Roman Empire was crumbling, resulting in the 'Church' gaining even more power, the power to have heretics put to death. Through the next thousand years more than 35,000 people were executed for disagreeing with the doctrine of the church. The choice to have a committee choose inclusive and exclusive church dogma seemed like a simple and logical one in 325, but the ripple effect that came as a result became a Tsunami years later. I can’t help but wonder, if that one choice that would have been better if it had been left alone? Where would Christianity be today if Constantine had chosen to do nothing and let those issues simply evolve?

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But the choice to determine orthodoxy and heresy did provide a very important lesson for our country's founders. Looking back on the choices made in Christianity's formative years, we need to thank our own founding fathers for choosing to write our Constitution granting freedom of religious beliefs to all people and for recognizing the need for the separation of church and state.

Some choices are simple, easy to make and seem to have little effect on the world around us, like choosing to take the job offered by a friend. Other choices may seem simple enough, but can exercise huge influence on many people for a millennium, like Emperor Constantine's choice to convene the Council of Nicaea. The important thing to get out of this lesson is that all our choices have a cause and effect result; something changes or is influenced by the simple act of choosing. And so the lesson here is to become aware of the choices we make and try to consider in advance the cause and effect our choice could create.

With a New Year upon us it's tempting to begin with some new resolutions. I considered that option and decided not to; instead I simply want to become aware of the choices I face and contemplate the effect each of my options will open up. As an example, instead of resolving to follow a new weight loss diet, I want to observe the options I face at each meal and simple make a conscious choice to pick the healthy alternatives.

We all have choices to make every day, simple, moderate and far reaching. Some choices are easy, some require deep thought and consideration and some are a challenge that may require outside help. There is only one choice that I can think of that I want to make in advance and remain steadfast throughout the year. That choice is to be as 'open minded' as I can possibly be and always come from love.

God bless you,

Art Holt

In these quiet moments I remember that whatever question I take with me into this sacred time and space, the answer can come at any time, now or even later, when I least expect it. But I know that the answer always comes and with it comes a knowing that it is the right answer. Often times the answer comes before I can finish asking the question. Sometimes it comes as the Still Small Voice and sometimes it’s just a simple knowing or an idea of something I need to do, a person I need to talk with, or a place for me to go. It all depends on the question itself.

I have learned from experience that it is just fine for me to talk with the Lord God of my being about whatever my question may be, but most importantly I need to spend half my time listening. Unless I listen I have not given Spirit its due.

At last the answer I have been seeking is mine. I know that I know and I am ready to do my part. The time to return to my daily world is at hand, but first I recognize the blessings I have received and I pause now to give thanks.

My world is filled with goodness; I am blessed at every turn. Going into the silence never fails to both enlighten me with Divinely guided answers and lift my spirits. I am filled with enthusiasm and excitement; eager to do what is mine to do. I give thanks that I have already received the good for which I looked to God to find in the Silence. My cup runneth over and I am filled with thanksgiving.

With one more deep and refreshing breath, I return to the world about me...and I simply say: “Thank You, God.”

And so it is… Amen

It is perfectly natural and normal for life to give us a variety of challenges, for it is working through them that we learn our lessons, gain in wisdom and become stronger. Some of our challenges seem beyond our capacity to deal with, especially alone. At times like this we are filled with questions; ‘what to do,’ ‘where to go for help’ or ‘how to find the answers we seek.’

Jesus gave us the best advice when he said: “seek ye first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well.”

Because we live in a material centered country we tend to think that the things Jesus referred to are material, possessions such as a house, a car, new appliances or a winning lottery ticket. But those are not the ‘things’ he was suggesting at all. The things that really matter are ‘ideas’ and ‘answers’ to any of our concerns.

Whatever our challenge we need to remember one simple thought, ‘the answer lies within.’ As much as I want to share with you my thoughts and advice on how to find the right treatment for your illness, or where your child should go to college, or which new hybrid car you should buy, or whether you should refinance your mortgage or not, I am not your best resource. Your answers lie within your own self, in the silence, and are yours for the asking. Perhaps you’d like to go there now.

I relax and sit comfortably in my chair; I take a deep breath, hold it momentarily, and as I let it out again, I feel the presence of Spirit assisting me. Spirit is harmonious and peaceful, and I give my consciousness to that quiet state now.

Peace, be still… I let go of all tenseness in my mind and body and open myself to the Christ presence flowing freely throughout my being. All my muscles are at rest and outside distractions are released. Peace, be still…

My mind is now free of chattering thoughts and I hold a simple idea; I AM One with the source of all life, light and wisdom. My mind is a magnet for goodness and I attract the answers that yield the highest and best solutions for everyone concerned.

I am open and receptive to the living Spirit of truth and I rest in quiet contemplation and expectation. The answers I seek are seeking me. I rest now, in the silence.



Upward Bound of Unity, Inc. 10870 SW 71st Circle

Ocala, FL 34476 Phone (352) 861 - 5518

Email: [email protected] Upward Bound Journal is a Unity publishing ministry based on Biblical teachings and dedicated to writing and presenting spiritual, inspirational, and metaphysical principles which empower people to enrich and transform their lives. For more information about Upward Bound email us at: [email protected] or go to our website: Issue # 56 - “Little Choices—Big Impact” Upward Bound Journal is © of Upward Bound of Unity, Inc. 2011

Member: Association of Unity Churches International, SunCoast Unity Ministers Association, and affiliated with: Unity Institute and Silent Unity, publishers of Daily Word. Upward Bound of Unity, Inc. is a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3), charitable corporation sustained entirely by your tax deductible gifts.

(Cover photo by Art Holt - Biltmore Estate Garden , Asheville, NC)


WORDS WE LIVE BY Our thoughts and words create our reality. We acknowledge another word that

will impact our lives in wonderful ways. This time the word is… Choices .

In this issue’s lesson we explored the cause and effect of the choices we make, using examples from my own life experiences and a historical look at the early days of the development of Christianity. Now it’s your turn. I’d love to hear from you about some of the choices you have made, or may be ready to make now, that resulted in something new in your life.

You can email your story to: [email protected], or send a written note via regular mail to: Upward Bound Journal, 10870 SW 71st Circle, Ocala, FL 34476. Be sure to let me know if I have permission to share your story with other Upward Bound readers in an upcoming issue.

Perhaps your story is about a choice you made that resulted in meeting the person you would marry or the event that launched your career. Perhaps it will recount the moment you decided to kick an addiction or start a business venture. Little choices - Big impact. As I look back on my own life I can think of many turns and changes that would never have happened without a choice I made shortly before. I’m sure you have just as many and probably more.

I’ll never forget that Sunday morning that I made a last minute choice to go to the Unity Church on the Plaza in Kansas City. Hadn’t planned to, didn’t want to, but I chose to go anyway. Who did I meet that morning? Dottie. And the moment I saw her I heard myself saying, “that’s the girl I’ve been looking for the last seven years.” Ah, but that’s my story; what’s yours? Let’s chat.

“Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony” Colossians 3:14,

Art & Dottie “You will decide on a matter, and it will be established for you, and

light will shine on your ways” Job 22:28.

Rev. Arthur Holt Unity Minister

Dottie Holt Licensed Unity Teacher

Let’s chat...

Stepping stone path by Carolee Carter

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Ocala, FL 34476

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Thank you and let’s keep in touch.


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What a wonderful blessing you are... Thank you, Art & Dottie Holt

Purple Daisy Unfolding - photo by Art Holt

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