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Spiritual Formation for

Adults Fall 2016

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Fall 2016 Sunday Morning Programs for


September 11 The Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, Stated Clerk of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) Community Hall We are very fortunate to have Dr. Nelson preach at both worship services as well as speak during the 10:TEN education hour. Before being elected in June to the highest office of the PC(USA), Dr. Nelson served for over 10 years as the director of the Presbyterian Church’s Office of Public Witness in Washington, DC. These are turbulent times as political and racial unrest dominate the news, and Dr. Nelson is both equipped and empowered to address these issues from a Presbyterian perspective. Also during his 10:TEN presentation, Dr. Nelson will identify particular contemporary issues that actually originated in the 1960s and ‘70s. This presentation will set the stage for a three-week class beginning September 18 titled “The Age of Great Dreams: A Look at the 1960s” (please see the following class description). September 18, 25, and October 2 The Age of Great Dreams: A Look at the 1960s Classroom 6 Presenters: Don Beddie, Dick May, and Tom Stout This class will look at three major movements in the decade of the 60’s which still have effects in the current decade. The book, The Age of Great Dreams, would be good preparation.

September 18 – A brief overview of the decade, including some highlights from Westminster Church, as well as the increased involvement of the United States in Foreign Conflicts (The Age of Great Dreams, chapters 2, 6, 7). September 25 – A look at some of the major cultural movements of the 1960s (chapters 3, 8, 9). Also, a closer look at the Civil Rights movement. Remember things like “Flower Power”, Black Panthers, Haight-Asbury (chapters 4 and 5)? October 2 – Wrap up discussion about issues left hanging from earlier discussions.

September 18, 2016 – May 14, 2017 History of the Bible Classroom 3 Facilitator: Bob Cox Have you ever wondered where the Bible came from? Who wrote it? Why do some Christian Bibles have different books in them? Who decided which books would be included and how were they chosen? How has the Bible influenced technological changes? Join Bob Cox to explore these and other questions as we use video lectures, archeological discoveries, samples of key texts, and various classroom aids to follow the path of our sacred scriptures from pre-history to the digital age.

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September 18, 25, and October 2 POLO: Parents of Little Ones Classroom 5 Facilitator: Yvonne Nass This three-part series for parents of small children (birth through kindergarten) will cover the following:

September 18 – Understanding Your Child – We will explore how a child finds his or her place in the family. Topics will include birth order, family values, and family environment. September 25 – Building Your Child’s Self- Esteem – We will learn the stages of self-esteem development and how we can encourage our child towards feeling “Lovable and Capable.” October 2 – Building a Strong Relationship with Effective Communication Skills – We will cover how to listen and invite cooperation.

Ms. Nass is a certified Parent Educator and Consultant with over 35 years of professional experience. October 9, 16, and 23 Three Contemporary Christian Theologians Classroom 6 Presenter: Greg Jones Who are the contemporary theologians influencing Christian theology and spiritual practices today? We will look at a sample of the provocative writings of three leading figures: Richard Rohr, John Shelby Spong, and John Philip Newell.

October 9 – Richard Rohr – a Franciscan priest recognized as an ecumenical teacher who focuses on the connection between contemplation and action. For Rohr, contemplation leads to self-emptying, which leads to radical compassion, particularly for the socially marginalized. October 16 – John Shelby Spong – a retired American bishop of the Episcopal Church who calls for a fundamental rethinking of Christian belief away from theism and traditional doctrines. He believes the Christian Church must make major changes in its way of thinking about God, Jesus and the Church, or Christianity will die. October 23 – John Philip Newell – a minister in the Church of Scotland who presents a contemporary spirituality modeled on Celtic spirituality through the centuries. He places a heavy emphasis on the goodness of creation and that the image of God is more basic to who human beings are than our sinful nature.

Hopefully, participants will find one or two of these theologians intriguing and explore more of their writings on their own.

October 9 Silence: God's First Language Classroom 5 Presenter: Sister Barbara Jean Brown Join Sister B.J. in exploring the many ways we hear and speak to God and the many languages of spirituality. As individual and diverse as we are, there are some markers or languages of spiritual personality that fit us better or more comfortably than others. Being introverted or extroverted, image oriented or preferring a blank canvas for prayer, resonating with monastic practice or preferring social action, all contribute to our particular spiritual personality and our own unique relationship with God. Come to better understand your spiritual language or to “try on” another, less familiar one.

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October 16 Major League Sports: The Real American Idol? Classroom 5 Presenter: Margo Reign Can you imagine the United States without football? Or major league sports? There are some serious issues that continue to haunt major league sports: domestic violence, doping, long term physical damage, the excessive contracts some players receive, and cheating. What type of values do major league sports teach our children? Do dreams of major league contracts create unrealistic hopes? How do we reconcile our Christian values with these issues? Can we be passionate about sports while recognizing its shortcomings and working toward eliminating some of them? What should sports be teaching our young children? These are just a few of the issues that will be explored and discussed. Join Margo for a closer look at America’s favorite pastime.

October 23 Oils of the Bible: Ancient and Modern Use Classroom 5 Presenter: Judy Stoddard An essential oil is the life force and essence of a plant which carries nutrients throughout the plant and protects it from infection and diseases. Essential oils used for rituals, anointing, healing, perfumes, and culinary dishes date back more than 4,000 years. The class presentation will include the uses of essential oils in ancient cultures including scriptural references in both Old and New Testaments as well as modern day uses of oils with scientific validation of their healing properties. Judy is a Registered Nurse and Certified Healing Touch Practitioner who uses ancient healing oils in her practice. October 30 Home Performance with Energy Star®: An Interactive Presentation Community Hall Presenters: Lisa Locke, Director of DeIPL, and Guests from Energize Delaware Delaware Interfaith Power & Light will offer an interactive home energy education presentation featuring Energize Delaware’s Home Performance with Energy Star® program. Presenters will share tips, tools and financial resources to lower energy bills, reduce waste, increase home resale value, improve health and comfort…and care for Creation! All who participate in a $100 ENERGY STAR whole-house appraisal will receive up to $225 worth of free energy-saving products, including light bulbs, showerheads, faucet aerators, pipe insulation, and smart power strips. They will also qualify for up to $7,825 in direct rebates to make recommended home improvements affordable. Reduced audit costs of $50.00 and increased rebates of up to $9,100 are available for low-income residents. Let’s do this together!

November 6 The Syrian People's Tragedy and the Healing Ministry of the Church Community Hall Presenter: Dr. Mary Mikhael Dr. Mikhael was the first woman to be president of a seminary in the Middle East, serving as the head of the Near East School of Theology in Beirut, Lebanon. As her retirement coincided with the tragic events in Syria, she has become the liaison between the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon and partners in Europe and the US. In this role, she interprets the ministry of the Church among the displaced within Syria and with refugees in Lebanon. Her latest responsibility is to establish schools for illiterate children in refugee camps in Lebanon. Hear how WPC is having an impact via our support of this ministry.

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November 13 Food for Thought Presenter: Kali Kniel-Tolbert Classroom 6 Today’s food culture includes large-scale agricultural production of grains, meats, fruits, and vegetables as well as locally sourced and small-scale production of these products. So much of our food culture is driven by media lacking the science that is behind the production and processing of our food. Thinking forward to the 9 billion in the world by the year 2050 the needs are great for production of high quality, healthy foods that are also low in risk of foodborne illness. In the United States alone 48 million Americans become sick each year from food that appears healthy and safe. Food products can become contaminated anywhere along the farm to fork continuum and all food production systems are at risk from contamination. Consumers, food industry professionals, and government officials all play a role in food safety. If you have specific questions regarding food safety or food culture that you wish to have addressed during this session, please share with Susan Moseley at [email protected].

November 13 and 20 and December 4, 11, and 18 Sent: Delivering the Gift of Hope at Christmas (DVD and Book Study) Ruth Christie Room Facilitator: Sue Linderman In this five-week, small group program, we will embark on an Advent journey to discover how, where, and why we are sent. Dynamic pastor Jorge Acevedo and four young clergy will challenge us through story, art, and Bible study. Each session begins with a story about Advent or Christmas and is followed by a lively discussion among the presenters. Jesus’ birth was not a one-time occurrence. Every Christmas has the possibility of Jesus being born again in our lives and in our world. – Jorge Acevedo

November 20 Mission Celebration for All Adults Community Hall Dozens of creative, eye-catching, and informative displays will represent the many mission organizations supported by Westminster Church. Grab a cup of coffee and something to eat at the Holy Toast Café, and then take a stroll around Community Hall to engage in conversation about various mission partnerships that enable us to share our faith in action and make a difference in the lives of others and our own.

NOVEMBER 27 An Intergenerational Advent Celebration: Love Gives!

A joy-filled occasion in Community Hall that will engage everyone, at every age.

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December 4 and 11 Connecting, Networking, and a World of Relationships Classroom 6 Presenter: Bill Moore Presbyterians connect in countless ways, especially when it comes to doing mission and ministry. Presbyterian mission happens in real, face-to-face experiences as well as in the digital world and online media. This issue of Presbyterians Today takes a fascinating look at many of the approaches that individuals, congregations, presbyteries and synods, and other organizations take to work together and help transform the world in the name of Christ.

December 18 Megatrends of the Coming Decade Community Hall Presenter: Jim Lee, CFA, CMT, CFP® Professional futurist of Strategic Foresight Investments will share his insights on the coming decade. We will learn about:

The future of work and retirement Global growth and where to find it Urban centers and why they may be on the verge of a growth boom Demographics and the indicators of the next major expansion for the U.S. economy Emerging technologies to watch

Adult Education ProgramS Co-Sponsored with

COMMUNITY FOR INTEGRATIVE LEARNING (CIL) CIL builds understanding and community through an exchange of learning among diverse groups and individuals. See the upcoming events below and please register for each event at

Proof of Heaven: Science, Spirit and the Profound Mystery of Consciousness Keynote Address: Friday, October 28, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.

Cost: $30 ($25 for CIL members)

Awakening Consciousness: Feeding the Soul through Sound

Workshop: Saturday, October 29, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Cost: $50 ($45 for CIL members)

Cost for BOTH Friday and Saturday: $65 ($55 for CIL members)

continued on the next page…

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Join New York Times best-selling author Eben Alexander, M.D. and co-founder of Sacred Acoustics Karen Newell on an exploration of science, spirit and consciousness. In 2008, Dr. Alexander spent seven days in a coma due to severe bacterial meningitis. While in coma with his brain shut down, he experienced a spectacular odyssey to realms beyond our known physical universe – an ultra-real journey that ran counter to all conventional neuro-scientific views about brain, mind and consciousness. As detailed in his book, Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife, sound provided the crucial engine for traversing spiritual dimensions during his incredible experience. In fact, sound has been used for millennia to access expanded states of consciousness. Dr. Alexander will share stories about his inner journey then and now, essential lessons he has learned, and how science is finally expanding its boundaries to acknowledge the fundamental importance of consciousness in all that is, leading to a synthesis of science and spirituality. Ms. Newell will describe tools developed by Sacred Acoustics that each of us can use to explore our own connection to inner knowing and the deeper realities of our existence. She will lead the group on an experiential journey with sound to discover that the answers lie within us all. There will be time to process, ask questions and discuss how to integrate the insights from meditation into everyday living. A book signing follows both sessions. About Eben Alexander, M.D. and Karen Newell After decades as a physician and teacher at Harvard Medical School and elsewhere, renowned academic neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander thought he knew how the brain and mind worked. A transcendental Near-Death Experience (NDE), in which he was driven to the brink of death and spent a week deep in coma from an inexplicable brain infection, changed all of that – completely! Since that time, he has discovered that by probing deeply into our own consciousness, we transcend the limits of the human brain, and of the physical-material realm. ( Karen Newell is co-founder of Sacred AcousticsTM, a company that creates brain entrainment audio meditations combining digital frequencies, sacred instruments, sounds of nature and human vocals in order to access deep states of consciousness. Elements of ancient knowledge from sacred sites and structures, such as acoustic qualities, sacred geometry, and astronomical alignments, are incorporated into the meditations. As humans, when we interact with these energies, a natural alignment to our true nature occurs. (

Ten Week Study Group with Jungian Analyst Alden Josey The Inner World of Mythology: The Story of the Human Adventure

Through Character, Image, Drama and The Interpretation of Dreams

Begins Thursday, October 6, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Ruth Christie Room at Westminster

Limited enrollment; pre-registration is required.

Visit for more information.

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Sunday Morning Schedule September 11, 2016 – May 14, 2017

8:45 – 11:15 a.m. Nursery 9:00 a.m. Worship in the Sanctuary 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. Godly Care, Godly Play 1, and Sing-to-Praise 10:10 – 11:00 a.m. Preschool Sunday School, Joyful Noise, Godly Play 2, Middle Schoolers on the Move, Confirmation, and Adult Education Classes 11:15 a.m. Living Mosaics Worship in Rodney Chapel

The Holy Toast Café is open in Community Hall throughout the morning. Stop in for refreshments and fellowship!

Children’s Bulletins and Worship Bags Available at the entrances of each Sunday morning worship service. Children’s Bulletins (Ages 7 – 12) The children’s bulletins provide fun word games and activities that relate to the scripture passage for the day. Having a bulletin of their own, children can better focus their attention and feel connected to worship. Worship Bags The Westminster Worship Bags for children include dry erase boards with marker and eraser, paper and crayons, and bookmarks for Bible and Hymnbook. We also include a book related to worship, Bible stories, or Christian values. A special children’s bulletin for ages 3 – 6 is added to the Worship Bags each week.

The Rev. Dr. Gregory Knox Jones • The Rev. Sudie Niesen Thompson • The Rev. Jill Getty • The Rev. Thomas R. StoutWestminster Presbyterian Church • 1502 West 13th Street • Wilmington, DE 19806 • (302) 654-5214 •

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