
Speed, Ice & Madness A biology teachers guide to the stimulants in 2006 Dr Edward Ogden PSM MA MBBS BMedSc GradCertMgt FRACGP FAChAM NIDAs mission is to bring the power of science to bear on drug abuse and addiction. Prevalence World wide use estimated 0.6% of population Australia has highest prevalence in the world! 9.1 % used at some stage 3.2% used the previous 12 months. Average age at first use 20.8 years. 6.6% of Australian teenagers have had experience with amphetamines 97% if IDUs have tried stimulants Why worry? Users little understanding of effects of drug High risk of HIV and STD High rate of conversion from oral to IV Unlikely to seek help Toxicity 25% of users are psychotic 20% of psychoses longer than 1 month A little neuropsychology! Addictions & the reward pathway Food Water Sex Nurturing The action of stimulants Amphetamine-type Stimulants Cocaine Positron Emission Tomography NormalOn Cocaine 1-2 Min Brain on Cocaine Cocaine binding A Brain After Cocaine Metabolic Activity Long-term Consequences Metabolic Activity The Memory of Drugs Nature Video Cocaine Video Amygdala not lit up Amygdala activated The good news is Drug Abuse is a preventable behavior and Drug Addiction is a treatable disease Is it worth the risk? For More Information NIDA Public Information Office: Or National Clearinghouse on Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI): Have you changed your mind?

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