  • 8/18/2019 SOP for Material Inward_Inspection_Accounting


    SOP for Receipt of Material at Ambernath Factory

    Check points to be satised before gate entry Stamp is axed

    1) A delivery challan / Tax Invoice must accompany the material.2) The delivery challan / Tax Invoice should be addressed in the name

    of the company.3) Purchase rder !umber is mentioned on the challan / Tax Invoice.

    After the !ate entry stamp is a xed

    1) The "tamped #hallan / Tax Invoice / $xcise Invoice to be handed

    over to "tores %eeper.2) The store &eeper shall ensure the fol lo'in(

    • #onduct a physical chec& of the material received and tally the

    items received 'ith the documents accompanyin( the same for


    • In case material is received a(ainst an $xcise Invoice* ensure+uplicate copy for Transporter is available before (eneratin( a

    ,oods -eceived !ote.

    •  The aterial -eceipt -) is then to be punched in the 0aan if 

    the receipt is a(ainst a valid Purchase rder.

    • After the - is done in the system* the material is handed over

    to uality Inspection team for physical verication and uality

    inspection alon( 'ith a ,-! copy si(ned by the "tore %eeper.

    • n completion of physical verication and acceptance of the

    material the uality team shall put his remar&s on the ,-! so

    received from the "tore %eeper and do the necessary entry in

    0aan to conrm or re4ect the material received either partially

    or completely.

    • After ma& in( the ent ry i n 0aan the ua li ty team shal l

    re(enerate the ,-! 'hich shal l be the nal ,-! copy after

    receipt and Inspection is completed.

    •  This nal ,-! be printed in t'o copies and the same shall be

    countersi(ned by "tore %eeper and the uality In5 char(e.

    • ne copy to be retained by store5&eeper and the other copy to

    be attached 'ith the Tax Invoice and sent to Accounts Team for

    boo&in( the Tax invoice.

    • In cases 'here ,-! is not (enerated due to deciency indocumentation* the instances to be captured separately and

    reported to purchase team for corrective action.

    "# $ime lines for completion of acti%ity is as follo&s



    Acti%ity $ime )imit

    1. #reation of Initial ,-! by store


    +ay of -eceipt or

    next day.

  • 8/18/2019 SOP for Material Inward_Inspection_Accounting


    2. Physical 6eri cation 7ithin t'o 'or&in(

    days from the date

    of receipt.3. 8pdatin( ,-! in 0aan post

    uality Inspection

    +aily activity

    $veryday t'o

    hours to be

    allocated for

    updatin( the

    details in 0aan)

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