Page 1: Some Improtant Notes

7/21/2019 Some Improtant Notes 1/2

Initial PRACH TX Power = Primary CPICH TX power - CPICH RSCP +Uplink Interference + Constant vale

!PCCH"Initial"power = !PCCH"Power"offset - CPICH"RSCP

Initial e#pecte$ open loop transmission power for Prac%= -&&'( $)mInitial e#pecte$ open loop transmission power for !PCCH= -**'$)m

Comparison of Softer an$ Soft H,

!rin softer %an$over. t%e plink sinalin are com/ine$

in 0o$e) /y maximum ratio combination. /t $rin

soft %an$over t%ey are com/ine$ in R0C /y selectioncombination'12rame Selection3

Compare to later one. t%e ma#imm ratio com/ination ive

more ain' So t%e performance of ma#imm ratiocom/ination is /etter'

Since softer %an$over is complete$ in 0o$e). it $oes not

consme a lot of transport resorce of I/'

Steps involve$ in Han$over4




Soft %an$over Com/ination4

Selection com/ination in plink

5a#imm com/ination in $ownlink

Softer %an$over Com/ination4

5a#imm com/ination in plink an$ $ownlink


Page 2: Some Improtant Notes

7/21/2019 Some Improtant Notes 2/2

*A4 $)7 1Reportin rane3 Time to trier 8&9ms

*)4 $) 1Removal Rane3 Time to trier :;9ms

What are the UMTS air interface logical channels?

)roa$cast Control C%annel 1)CCH3

Pain Control C%annel 1PCCH3

!e$icate$ Control C%annel 1!CCH3Common Control C%annel 1CCCH3

!e$icate$ Traffic C%annel 1!TCH3Common Traffic C%annel 1CTCH3

Which modulation scheme is being used in UMTS?

U5TS <C!5A mo$lation is a$ratre P%ase S%ift >eyin 1PS>3

wit% Root-raise$ cosine plse s%apin filters 1roll off = 9'&&3


T%e nm/er of c%ips se$ for eac% $ata /it is known as t%e spreadingfactor (SF)' Also. in t%e fre?ency $omain. S2 = < @ R. w%ere < =

)an$wi$t% of t%e sprea$ sinal HB an$ R = )an$wi$t% of /ase/an$ $ataHB'SmmariBin. in Time !omain4SF = Chip Rate / Data Rate coded channel (A1.1)An$ also. in 2re?ency !omain4SF = W / R

Calculation of target SIR can be done a!

SIRtaret + Dp = 6/@0o 4 Dp Is processin ain

"roceing gain! In a sprea$ spectrm system. t%e process ain 1or

Eprocessin ainE3 is t%e ratio of t%e sprea$ 1or R23 /an$wi$t% to t%ensprea$ 1or /ase/an$3 /an$wi$t%' It is sally e#presse$ in $eci/els


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