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The days melt into the nights; the nights melt into the days. It’s just a medley of light and dark. The numbers on the calendar whizz past, each new number bringing a growing sense of doom. Some distant memory of a task to be completed fades in and out, unleashing little bouts of panic every time. It brings with it a type of knowledge, that the task has to be completed soon, knowledge which the brain refuses to work upon. The feeling of being stifled, out of breath, or even claustrophobic occurs, along with desperation. The brain procrastinates, something it knows quite well to do, and a feeling of melancholy sets in. What can be done to break free of this helpless, appalling situation? The answer isn’t anything new; in fact the mind knows it perfectly well. Work. Work hard to finish of the impending task. Don’t procrastinate any further. Don’t prolong this state of misery by feeling unnecessarily depressed. If the task was that arduous, it wouldn’t have been thrust upon you.

And so, with a renewed sense of determination, I picked up my textbooks and started studying for my Board Examinations.

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