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Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church - A Missionaries of the Holy Spirit Community

SETON Sunday News

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church - A Missionaries of the Holy Spirit Community

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sept. 22, 2019 Year

C Volume 5

Number 43

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How to reach us:

Phone: (425) 481-0303 Fax: (425) 485-8510

2316 180th St S.E., Bothell, WA 98012 P.O.Box 12429, Mill Creek, WA 98082

Web Site: [email protected]

FAITH FORMATION OFFICE Phone: 425-481-9358

Hours Monday thru Friday:

9am - 5pm And during all Session Times

Stephanie Moran Faith Formation Director

Roberto Pérez Youth Ministry Coordinator

Eduardo Cardona Bilingual Administrative Assistant


Fr. Gerardo Alberto, M.Sp.S., Pastor

Fr. Jose Ugalde, M.Sp.S., Vicar

Fr. Jesus Sanchez, M.Sp.S., Vicar

Br. Jorge Haro, M.Sp.S.

Shannon Everist, Administrator

Veronica Mendez, Parish Secretary


Amazing Parish 9

Calendar of Events 4

Daily Readings 2

Directory 11

Happening 10

Ignite Youth Groups 8

Pastor’s Reflection 3

Around the Archdiocese 5

Sección en Español 4 y 6

Vocation Awareness 7


MyParish app @easbothell

Welcome, Visitors! If you are a visitor to St.

Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, we want you to know how welcome you are—whether you have come from another part of the country, from across the world, or simply from another parish. For more information about the parish, or to register, visit our Office, call us at 425-481-0303 or visit our website for Online Parish Registration at


Office Hours:

Mon. Wed, Thu, and Fri. 8:30 am - 5:30 pm

Closed on Tuesdays

Mass Times:

Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri and Sat. 9 am

Tuesday: Service of the Word with

Holy Communion - 9am

Saturday vigil - 5:00 pm

Sunday: 9 am, 11 am,

1 pm (Spanish) & 5 pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation:

Saturday - 3:30 - 4:30

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:

Mon — Fri, 10 am — 9 pm

The Readings this week:

Sun., Sep 22: Am 8: 4-7; 1 Tm 2: 1-8; Lk 16: 1-13

Mon., Sep 23: St. Pius of Pietrelcina Ezr 1: 1-6; Lk 8: 16-18 Tue., Sep 24: Ezr 6: 7-8, 12B, 14-20; Lk 8: 19-21 Wed., Sep 25: Ezr 9: 5-9; Lk 9: 1-6 Thu., Sep 26: Hg 1: 1-8; Lk 9: 7-9 Fri., Sep 27: St. Vincent de Paul Hg 2: 1-9; Lk 9: 18-22 Sat., Sep 28: Zec 2: 5-9, 14-15A; Lk 9: 43B-45 Sun, Sep 29: Am 6: 1A, 4-7; 1 Tm 6: 11-16; Lk 16: 19-31

Online at

Vision Statement

Be Engaged!

Be Empowered!

Be Extraordinary!

Be Holy!


Be a faith community that is inviting to all!

Officers and Councils

The Pastoral Council Gerry Apin, Rolfson Augustine, Paul

Gallagher, Francis Irudayaraj, Laura Keegan, Jim Krieger, Marco Olivares, Amy Walsh

The Finance Council Richard Carlson, Bill Dunnigan, Bill Santos, Shannon Everist, Fr. Gerardo

Alberto, Fr. Jose Ugalde

Seton Sunday News Bulletin Fr. Gerardo Alberto, MSpS, publisher Marcia Gimenez, associate publisher

Eduardo Cardona, associate publisher

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P A S T O R ’ S R e f l e c t i o n

B reaking Open the Word of God:

Dear brothers and sisters, this Sunday's readings present us the choice of who will we will serve during our lives. They remind us that we cannot

serve the world and God at the same time. As Christians, we are always indebted to our Lord for opening the doors of the Kingdom of God and for giving us the possibility of salvation.

The first reading from the book of Amos speaks against greed. The Israelites looked forward to the end of the holy days and sabbaths in order to continue their dishonest practices. In this specific case, they were celebrating the Festival of the new moon. This celebration of the first day of the new moon, as it fell on the sabbath, was a day of rest. During these celebrations, without exception, no business was allowed.

The Festival of the first day of the new moon came to an end around the first century. We find a record of this celebration in Paul's Letter to the Colossians where he says: "Therefore, do not let anyone condemn you in matters of food and drink or of observing festivals, new moons or Sabbaths." There were a couple of things that the Israelites were doing that incurred God’s disapproval. First, while doing business, merchants used a dishonest measure to deceive and take advantage of the poor. The law prohibited them from using dishonest means of measures. The dishonest Israelites were guilty of selling what should have been thrown away, such as what was cleaned of wheat, or they mixed good and bad grains when selling them.

In the second reading from Paul's first letter to Timothy, we are reminded of our spiritual obligations according to the universal salvation that the Heavenly Father planned for humanity. When St. Paul wrote: "I ask that supplications, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving be made for all." His emphasis was on the Christian's obligation to pray for all people without exception. In our daily moments of prayer, we must all be grateful to God for all that he has given us.

In the Gospel of Luke, we hear the parable of the dishonest administrator. For many, this is one of the most difficult parables. It seems as if Jesus is suggesting that he approves of those who obtain dishonest riches. First, let's start from the beginning. The parable refers to a rich man and an administrator. In those days, as a general rule, the administrator was a slave who was born in the house. The rich man gave the slave great freedom and full responsibility regarding the administration of his personal property. The parable tells us that the rich man had discovered that his administrator was wasting his property. There came a time when the rich man asked the slave about the management of his wealth. He asked the slave to give him an account of the wealth his master had entrusted to him. In other words, to present a detailed financial statement of the investments. This put the slave in a very bad position. What could he do to stop his master from discovering the outrageous interest rates he was charging? Cunningly he devises a plan, I will give

everyone a credit so they only owe the original loan plus a small reasonable interest rate. He who owes a hundred jugs of olive oil should only owe fifty. By the way, one hundred bottles of oil represent 900 gallons, this being the production of about 146 olive trees. When the rich man learned what the manager had done, he congratulated him for acting cunningly. The rich man did not praise the administrator for being dishonest. He praised him for having taken the appropriate measures at a time of crisis to cancel the excessive interest he was demanding for his personal benefit.

Upon finishing telling the parable, Jesus said: "For the children of this time are more astute in dealing with their own generation than the children of light." The children of the light are baptized Christians who do not care for material wealth, they are less concerned with "fixing things" than the children of the world. Unfortunately, the world believes that those who seek personal gain are more astute than those who seek spiritual gain. The words of Jesus could be written as follows: "And I tell you to become friends through worldly wealth so that when you are retired, you can receive them in your homes." Dishonest wealth can only come from worldly wealth. Honest wealth consists of spiritual wealth, it is the treasures that accumulate in Heaven through acts of charity.

W alking together as brothers and sisters:

Dear brothers and sisters, I invite you throughout this week, to reflect on what we own, such as our money, our time and possessions

that are precious resources and gifts from God. We can jealously protect them only for ourselves or allow the love of the Lord to guide us to make good use of them for the benefit of others, especially those in need. Ask the Lord to fill our hearts with a spirit of generosity and joy. That we can all share happily what we have with others; asking God to pour out his infinite grace on all mankind so that everyone has the right disposition to inherit the eternal Kingdom of God.

Fr. Jose Gerardo Alberto, MSpS

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Monday, September 23

Estudio de Biblia 7pm SH 1

Tuesday, September 24

Women’s Fellowship 10am Hall

Rosary for Life 12pm Church

Adult Bible Study 7pm Hall

Wednesday, September 25

Rosary Work Shop 10am Hall

Alpha 6:30 Hall

Paz Financiera 7pm SH. 1

Catechist orientation 7pm SH. 5

Thursday, September 26

Staff Meeting 10am Office

Vincentian Rosary 6pm Church

SVP Invitation to Serve 7pm Hall

Luz y Vida Gpo de Oración 7pm Seton House

Friday, September 27

Saturday, September 28

Sacramentors 8am St. 6

Liturgical Ministries 9am Hall

Sunday, September 29

RCIA 9am St. 4

RICA 11am St. 7

Life Teen 6pm Hall

Edge 6pm Hall

HS Confirmation 6pm Stations

RISE Young Adults 6pm Seton House

Última Oportunidad

El último día para inscribir a los niños para el Catecismo es el 9 de octubre de 2019.

Rincón de Raquel

Sanando el dolor del aborto “No importa que tan frágil se sienta en cuanto a su relación con Dios. Todo es posible. Dios tomó mi vida hecha añicos, y me recreó con el fuego de Su amor.” - Testimonio ¿Desde el día en el que tuvo su aborto provocado, ha sentido que su vida se ha hecho añicos? Vaya con nosotros a un Retiro del Viñedo de Raquel™ y permítale a Dios, con Su amor misericordioso, volver a recrear los añicos de su vida para que se sienta completa nuevamente.

¡Regístrate ya para los retiros de otoño! Español: (206) 450-7814 (deje un mensaje confidencial) Correo electrónico [email protected], o visita ¡Con amor eterno te he amado!

El Programa de RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos) es para Adultos (de al menos 18 años de edad) que necesitan alguno de los sacramentos de iniciación (Bautismo, Primera Comunión y/o Confirmación). Este programa se

llevará a cabo los domingos de 11am a 12:45 y ya comienza el 22 de septiembre. Si necesitas uno de estos sacramentos o conoces a alguien que los necesite comunicarse con Eduardo Cardona al 425-481-9358 ext 314, o por correo a [email protected].

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Want to be a better


Don’t miss the 2019 Cornerstone Catholic Conference: “United for Life and Justice,” taking place at the Tacoma Convention Center, October 18-19. Prices increase October 1st, so register now: or 206-301-0556 –scholarships available.

The 2019 Cornerstone Conference will feature three great keynote speakers: Bishop Frank Caggiano, Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT, and Sr. Norma Pimentel, MJ. If you are concerned about the challenges facing our world today, don’t miss this opportunity to learn how our Catholic faith can positively impact all of our lives. There will be six practical workshops on mental illness, essential life principles, racism, family prayer, the environment, and the PREPARES ministry. Register today!

"Come, Follow Me"

Vocation Rally 2019!

Everett Serra Club invites you to their Vocation Rally 2019:

"Come, Follow Me"!

October 12th, 2019 5:00 PM Mass celebrated by Bishop Elizondo,

followed by rally with priests, seminarians, religious, and YOU!

St. Mary Magdalen Parish Hall 8517 7th Ave SE, Everett 98208 Tickets: $15 (dinner included). For information call Debbie at (425) 499-6560. Sponsored by Everett Serra Club.

Annual Catholic Men's Retreat Coming October 11-13!

Join other catholic men from around the Archdiocese for this exciting retreat designed specifically for men! This 3-day event (Friday evening through early Sunday afternoon) will explore the challenge men face of authentically living their faith in the world today. Retreat Master, Dr. Tom Curran and Pastor Fr. Ed White, will guide us through a rich encounter with Christ. These along with engaging worship and fellowship will make this a weekend to remember! Join us October 11-13 at Black Diamond Camps! Cost is $125. Early-bird registration fee (until Sept 22) is only $100 and is now open at

Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller, MSpS, from San Antonio presided a Mass in Thanksgiving for the Beatification of Blessed Concepcion Cabrera (Conchita) last September 14 at the Benedictine Abbey in Mount Angel, OR. Also present were the Archbishop of Portland, Alex Sample, Archbishop Emeritus John Vlazny, and Auxiliary Bishop of Seattle Eusebio Elizondo, MSpS. Several priests from the Archdiocese of Portland, clergy on staff at the Mt Angel Seminary, and Missionaries of the Holy Spirit concelebrated the Eucharistic Celebration. Members of the Apostleship of the Cross from Oregon and Washington also gathered to celebrate.

Blessed Concepcion, Pray for us!

A R O U N D t h e A r c h d i o c e s e

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R E F L E X I O N d e l P á r r o c o

M editando la

Palabra de Dios

Queridos hermanos y hermanas, las lecturas de este domingo presentan un ambiente que nos ayuda a elegir a quién serviremos durante nuestra vida. Nos recuerdan que no podemos servir al mundo y a Dios al mismo tiempo. Como cristianos, estamos siempre en deuda con nuestro

Señor por abrirnos las puertas del Reino de Dios y por adquirirnos la salvación.

La primera lectura del libro de Amós habla en contra de la avaricia. Los israelitas esperaban con impaciencia el final de los días santos y los sábados para poder continuar con sus prácticas deshonestas. En este caso específico, estaban celebrando la fiesta de la luna nueva. Esta celebración del primer día de la luna nueva, como lo era el sábado, eran días de descanso. Durante estas celebraciones, sin excepción, no se permitía tramitar ningún negocio.

La celebración del primer día de la luna nueva llegó a su fin alrededor del primer siglo. Encontramos un registro de su celebración en la Carta de Pablo a los Colosenses donde dice: “Por lo tanto, no dejen que nadie los condene en asuntos de comida y bebida o de observar festivales, nuevas lunas o días de reposo”. Había un par de cosas que los israelitas estaban haciendo que atraía la condena Dios. En primer lugar, durante sus negocios, los comerciantes utilizaban una medida deshonesta para engañar y oprimir a los pobres. La ley les prohibió usar medios deshonestos de medidas. Los israelitas deshonestos eran culpables de vender lo que debería haberse tirado, como lo que se limpiaba del trigo, o también mezclaban granos buenos y malos al venderlos.

En la segunda lectura de la primera carta de Pablo a Timoteo, se nos recuerda nuestras obligaciones espirituales de acuerdo con la salvación universal que el Padre Celestial planeó para la humanidad. Cuando San Pablo escribió: “Pido a que se hagan súplicas, oraciones, intercesiones y acciones de gracias para todos”. su énfasis estaba en la obligación del cristiano de orar por todas las personas sin excepción. Todos en nuestros momentos diarios de oración, debemos estar agradecidos con Dios por todo lo que nos ha dado.

En el Evangelio de Lucas, escuchamos la parábola del administrador deshonesto. Para muchos, esta es una de las parábolas más difíciles. Parece como si Jesús estuviera sugiriendo que aprueba a aquellos que obtienen riquezas deshonestas. En primer lugar, comencemos desde el principio. La parábola se refiere a un hombre rico y a un administrador. En aquellos días, como regla general, el administrador era un esclavo que había nacido en la casa. El hombre rico le dio al esclavo gran libertad y plena responsabilidad con respecto a la administración de su

propiedad personal. La parábola nos dice que el hombre rico había descubierto que su administrador estaba desperdiciando sus bienes. Llegó un momento en que el hombre rico le preguntó al esclavo sobre el manejo de su riqueza. Le pidió al esclavo que le diera cuenta de la riqueza que le había confiado su amo. En otras palabras, que le presentara un estado financiero detallado de sus inversiones. Esto puso al esclavo en una muy mala posición. ¿Qué podría hacer para que su amo no descubriera las tasas de interés escandalosas que se estaba cobrando? Astutamente piensa, les daré un crédito a todos para que sólo deban el préstamo original más una pequeña tasa de interés razonable. El que debe cien jarras de aceite de oliva sólo deberá cincuenta. Por cierto, cien frascos de aceite representan 900 galones, siendo esta la producción de unos 146 árboles de olivo. Cuando el hombre rico se enteró de lo que había hecho el gerente, lo felicitó por actuar con astucia. El hombre rico no elogió al administrador por ser deshonesto. Lo elogió por haber tomado las medidas adecuadas en un momento de crisis para cancelar el interés excesivo que estaba exigiendo para su beneficio personal.

Al completar la parábola, Jesús dijo: “Porque los hijos de este tiempo son más astutos al tratar con su propia generación que los hijos de la luz”. Los hijos de la luz son los cristianos bautizados que no disfrutan de la riqueza material, están menos preocupados por “arreglar las cosas” que los hijos del mundo. Lamentablemente podría pensarse que aquellos que buscan ganancia personal son más astutos que quienes buscan ganancia espiritual. Las palabras de Jesús podrían redactarse de la siguiente manera: “Y les digo que se hagan amigos por medio de la riqueza mundana para que cuando sean retirados, puedan recibirlos en sus hogares”. La riqueza deshonesta sólo puede provenir de la riqueza mundana. La riqueza honesta consiste en la riqueza espiritual, son los tesoros que se acumulan en el Cielo a través de actos de caridad.

C aminando juntos como hermanos:

Estimados hermanos y hermanas, los invito a lo largo de esta semana, a que reflexionemos en lo

que poseemos, como puede ser nuestro dinero, nuestro tiempo y posesiones que son recursos preciosos y regalos de Dios. Podemos protegerlos celosamente sólo para nosotros mismos o permitir que el amor del Señor nos guíe para hacer un buen uso de ellos en beneficio de los demás, especialmente de los necesitados. Pídanle al Señor que llene nuestros corazones con un espíritu de generosidad y alegría. Que todos podamos compartir lo que poseemos con los demás alegremente; pidiéndole a Dios que derrame su gracia infinita sobre toda la humanidad para que todos tengan la disposición correcta para heredar el Reino eterno de Dios.

P. Gerardo Alberto, MSpS

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Fr. Brian Bashista, vocation director of the Diocese of Arlington, Virginia, underscores that vocation is less about personal choice and more about discovery.

A vocation is not so much a choice as it is an invitation and response. A person offers himself or herself to the other. Vocations are always ‘other –directed.’ They are about love. Love is not so much chosen; it is discovered and then responded to. Even in marriage, a man does not really choose his wife or

vice versa. He extends an invitation to her to enter into this vocation and she responds. Every vocation takes two yeses.

As you seek to say yes to God and to discover the vocations in which God wants you to flourish, I

recommend this prayer to you. Say it every day, more then once.

Dear God, I want to want what you want.

Even if I don’t want it right now;

Even if I am afraid right now,

I want to want it.

Help me to want to be what you want me to be, Amen.

From the Book “To Save a Thousand Souls”

Fr. Brett A. Brannen

A WAITING HARVEST Vocation Awareness

Seek and You will Find… and Flourish Part II

O Jesus, Our Eternal Pastor, Deign to look with merciful eyes Upon this part of your loving flock.

Lord, we need a large number of priests, and men and women consecrated to the religious life. Multiply vocations, And sanctify more and more our priests, And those consecrated in the religious life.

We ask you all this through the Immaculate Virgin Mary of Guadalupe, your sweet and holy Mother.

Jesus give us priests according to your heart.

Jesus, savior of all people, save them, save them!

For information on becoming a Religious Priest Missionary of the Holy Spirit or a Diocesan Priest contact one of the following people:

Serra Club: Arthur Adams

Priests: Fr. Gerardo Alberto, M.Sp.S. Fr. Jesus Sanchez , M.Sp.S.

Fr. Jose Ugalde, M.Sp.S.

This week please pray for Bro. Oscar Rodriguez.

M.Sp.S. Oscar is from Jerome, ID. He is taking Pre-Theology

Classes at Mt. Angel Seminary

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“Life Changing”

- Y O U T H G R O U P S -

High School Youth Group Meets Every Sunday at 6pm

Middle School Youth Group Meets Every Sunday at 6pm

- C O N F I R M A T I O N -

-All young adults between the ages of 18-30 are invited to join our new group, RISE! -Please come and join us at the 5pm Sunday Mass, then we will meet directly after in Seton House from 6:30-8:00pm. -There will be lots of food, fun activities, social gatherings, prayer, and more! -Monthly events: Movie nights, bowling, hiking, sports tournaments, game nights, outdoor adventures, and more! Find us on Social Media: Facebook: Questions? Contact Kianna at 425-481-9358

High School classes meet Every Sunday at 6pm & Middle School classes meet Every Monday at 6pm

Registration for the Confirmation Program is now CLOSED

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With the Heart of Jesus an

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

In the Eucharist we find all the good of the Church. In it we have the certainty that God is faithful to His promise and stays with us until the end of time. In our visits and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, we experience the closeness of the good shepherd, the tenderness of His love, the presence of a

faithful friend. We all experience this large support in our lives provided by faith and our personal and intimate dialogue with the Lord in the Eucharist.

Come Adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament Monday through Friday from 10am to 9pm.

Come pray the Rosary for Life with fellow parishioners. All are welcome. We meet by the image of the Immaculate Conception every Tuesday, at noon.

Have you or someone you know been missing something in your life? Looking for something more? How about a weekly evening for food, film, fellowship and fun discussions?

It is not too late to join…

Every Wednesday at 6:30 in the Fellowship hall

Give it a try! Come and see what it’s all about. We’ll see you there! If you’d like to watch the videos we already watched, email [email protected]

Women's Fellowship: On Tuesday September 24th, we will start Session 1 of our Fall Bible Study "WISDOM, God's Vision for Life" Session 1 Introduction to the series "If any of you lacks Wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all men generously and without reproaching, and it will be given him." James 1:5-Come join us and find out how to live your life with God's Wisdom and not the earthly wisdom we rely on. We meet at 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall and child care is available. For more information contact call 425-481-9358 Adult Bible Study: Adult Bible Study Begins! The Bible Timeline: The Story of Salvation gives us order in understanding how the many books of the Bible fit together in the story of God’s loving plan for us. All adults are invited to participate in actually reading the Bible, discussing in a small group, and viewing a video presentation by a Catholic Bible expert, Jeff Cavins. Workbooks will be available to purchase or order. Please come to the Fellowship Hall on Tuesday, Sept. 24, 7:00 pm and be enlightened! For further information call 425-481-9358

In honor of St. Francis of Assisi’s love for all creatures.

Blessing of the Animals

Saturday Oct 5 / 10am

All animals are welcome! Be a witness to God’s love, care, and concern for all


Come pray the Rosary to our Blessed Mother

October 4 / 6:30pm (followed by First

Friday Mass at 7pm) October 11, 18, 25 /


Saturday October 5, 7pm

Finding Support after the Death of a Loved One

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton is offering a Bereavement Support Group for all persons grieving the death of a loved one. This program offers the opportunity to learn about the grief process, to support one another, and to share your thoughts and feelings.

The program consists of seven weekly sessions beginning Wednesday, October 9th.

These sessions will be held in the Fellowship Hall from 1-2:30pm. If you are interested in attending or need more information, please contact Arlene Sullivan at 425-225-6966 or Susan Tavenner at 425-429-1917.

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Rachel’s Corner

Hope and Healing After Abortion “It is exactly what I needed, even though I didn’t know it. I experienced God’s loving touch and grace on weekend of healing. I am very grateful.”

- Retreat testimonial If the thoughts and feelings you have carried inside since the day of your participation in an abortion decision have burdened you with regret and remorse, join others women and men for a weekend of healing and forgiveness. Now registering for Fall Retreats! November 8-10, Seabeck (English) Call for a compassionate, confidential conversation. English: (206) 920-6413 Email [email protected]. Visit us at or

Project Rachel is a program of Catholic Community Services. You are loved with an everlasting Love!

Eucharist to the Homebound

Are you or a family member or friend hungry to be nourished by the Body of Christ but unable to attend Mass on a regular basis? Our parish has specially trained volunteers eager to visit you on a weekly basis, bring Communion to you, to pray with you and share their faith with you. If you are interested in having a visitor, contact the parish office at 425.481.0303 and arrangements can be made.

BULLETIN ARTICLE DEADLINE / DÍA DE PLAZO PARA EL BOLETÍN Parish groups/Grupos parroquiales: Submit your articles/requests to [email protected], two weeks prior to the Sunday desired.

Dirijan sus peticiones a [email protected]. dos semanas antes del domingo que desean publicarlo.

The Archdiocese of Seattle has a Confidential telephone hotline and website for parish staff and parishioners to anonymously raise concerns about suspected unethical behavior by church personnel. You can find more information about this hotline on a poster and in brochures located in the back of the church of by going to:

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Would like to invite YOU to join us in our

mission of service to the poor and needy in

our local community.

Inspired by Gospel values for more than

180 years, the Society of St. Vincent de

Paul, a Catholic lay organization, has led men and women

to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-

person service to the needy and suffering in the tradition

of its founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, and patron, St.

Vincent de Paul.

If you feel the Holy Spirit calling you to grow in holiness

through service to those less fortunate, come and learn

more about the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and our

ministry here in St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish at our

Informational Meeting on Thursday, September 26,

2019 at 7:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall.

Tickets on sale after every Mass

starting 28 Sept.

Or contact: Steve Mueller


[email protected]

For alternate ticket sales arrangements.


Do you have an extra CATHOLIC Bible and/or Catechism of the Catholic Church that you would like to donate for a good cause?

These books will be used, along with a DVD series, to bring the Story of Salvation, Jesus' life/teachings and fundamentals of the Catholic Church to the inmates at Monroe Prison.

Help these men grow closer to our Father, develop/enhance their relationship with Jesus and deepen their understanding of the Catholic faith.

Please drop off your donation in the box labeled, "Catholic Bible/Catechism of the Catholic Church Donation" which is located by the TV in the Fellowship Hall. Donations appreciated by October 1st. Any questions, please email: [email protected]

Faith Formation and Youth Ministry update

Deadline for registration for Youth Confirmation Preparation was September 16, registration is now closed.

Deadline for registration for Elementary Faith Formation (grades 1-5), including First Communion Preparation is Wednesday, October 9.

Registration will remain open for Early Childhood Faith Formation, the Edge (Middle School Youth Group) and Life Teen (High School Youth Group).

Page 11: SETON Sunday News · 2 | SETON Sunday News | Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 9/22/2019 SCAN ME FOR MORE INFORMATION How to reach us: Phone: (425) 481-0303 Fax: (425) 485-8510

Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 9/22/2019 | SETON Sunday News | 11


Alpha, Roger Ditto and Lisa Nelson

Altar Servers, Jane Baer and Veronica Cardona

Apostleship of the Cross, Marcia Gimenez

Beta, Dave Duclos and Jim Krieger Catholic Social Teachings Min, Jane Smoke/Karyn Sullivan

Coffee & Donuts, Kelly Cooley

EMEs, Ana May Apin and Cuquita Cardona

Encuentro Matrimonial, Raquel y Antonio Ramírez

Eucharistic Adoration, Kimie Mori

Faith Formation for Adults, Julie Jones

Funeral Committee, Marianne Iwamoto

Good Samaritans, in transition

Guadalupe Committee, Marco Olivares

Homebound Ministers, Marianne Iwamoto

Hospitality Team, Tony Fletcher

Lectors, Niki Gagner and Elvira Hernandez

Linens, Marcia Gimenez

“Luz y Vida” Prayer Group, Jose & Angelica Velazquez

Music Coordinator, Kathy Egashira

Pastoral Council, Paul Gallagher/Gerry Apin

Prayer Shawl Ministry, Joan Kluck

Prayer Team, Rolf Augustine

Pro-Life Ministry, Karen Salvati

Sacramentors, Scott Occhiuto

Simbang Gabi, Gerry Apin

Stavros, Jim Krieger and Marcia Gimenez

Velankanni Community, Johnson Andrews & Benson Babu

Women’s Fellowship, Mary Christie


Cascade Serra Club, Ken Christie

Catholic Daughters, Kathy Taylor

Knights of Columbus, Frank Celli

St. Vincent de Paul 425-355-3504


Staff and Clergy

Alberto, Fr. Gerardo [email protected] 425-481-0303 x306

Cardona, Eduardo [email protected] 425-481-9358 x314

Egashira, Kathy [email protected] 206-214-5884

Everist, Shannon [email protected] 425-481-0303 x303

Haro, Br. Jorge [email protected] 425-481-0303 x313

Mejia, Oscar [email protected] 425-481-0303 x302

Mendez, Veronica [email protected] 425-481-0303 x301

Moran, Stephanie [email protected] 425-481-9358 x311

Perez, Roberto [email protected] 425-481-9358 x312

Sanchez, Fr. Jesus [email protected] 425-481-0303 x305

Ugalde, Fr. Jose [email protected] 425-481-0303 x304

Liturgy Coordinator

Gimenez, Marcia [email protected] 425-481-0303 x308

May the Father bless you, the Son heal you and the Holy Spirit comfort you. Amen.

Salvador Andrada

Tom Bender

Jane Bentley

Shawna Boger

Tyler Brown

Sharyl Buehler

Cindy Burby

Duffy Burns

Rick Burns

Tom Burns

Ian Bridges

Ruth Carpizo

Claire Carter

Eulalia Castillo

Ed Crull

Gary Darnell

Sharyl Davis

Mary Deering

Alex De Leon Diaz

Saul Diaz

Billie Dougherty

Anna Epps

Fran Fielden

Ricardo Garcia

Annie Gillen

Lupita Gonzalez

Tom Gresczyk

Richard Gross

Armando Herrera -


Virginia Guzman

Dee Holiday-


Louise Hundertmark

David Hurtado

Rosemary Jesmer

Helen Johnston

Alfredo Lazaga

Arcely Lazaga

Christopher Leon

Jennie Leyva

Maurilio Martínez

Omara Martínez

Elisa Mogollan

Jim Moran

Yolanda Noblezada

Teresa Paris

Elamar Perez

Margaret Quigley

Michael Quigley

Ritzy Rafer

Consuelo Ramirez

Teresita Ramos

Dennis Raske

Arnold Rivera

Joyce Rosas

Florentine Ruhland

Jesus Sanchez Sr.

Herb Schafer

Gladdis Schafer

Sharon Schafer

Ninfa Short

Jim Sloane

Judy Sloane

Leticia Solorzano

Fran Sphung

Harry St Nicholas

Adrienne Steuer

Francis Sullivan

James Sullivan

Michael Trupiano

Peter Valdez

Alexa Vazquez

Evelio Villalobos

Vladimir Vozar

Rosemary Wentz

Barb West

Tami Wyatt

Beatrice Zorzi

Please keep the sick among us in your prayers, especially:


Counseling 425-257-2111 or 888-240-8572

Patty’s Eggnest Bothell

Our bulletin is published at no cost to the parish as it is supported by the ads on the back. Please consider using

their services and tell them you saw their ad in our bulletin.

To add/remove someone on this list, please contact Eduardo Cardona (425) 481-9358 ext 314 or email: [email protected] Si quisiera añadir/remover a alguien a esta lista, comuníquese a la oficina parroquial.

A Call to Share…

Contact for all ministries [email protected] Mention the ministry in the subject line.

Thank you... Average Weekly Offerings of $30,000

are needed to run the parish

Week of September 7-8

Mid Week $ 977.25

Gift $ 2,093.00 Holy Day $ .00 Split $ .00 Faith Formation $ 450.00 Total Offering $21,570.25

Sat. 5pm $4,339.00 9am $5,025.00

11am $3,017.00 1pm $2,333.00 5pm $3,336.00

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