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We bring to Him all are simple, but important tools, and we have received the gift of faith is not to hide it, but to spread it, so that it can illuminate the path of so many brothers. ADDRESS D EL SANTO PADRE FRANCISCO TO THE PARTICIPANTS IN THE PONTIFICAL MISSION

Patron: Fr James Norris.

“Take and receive O’ Lord, my memory,My understanding and my will.”

Born. 23 April 1923.Ordained. 27 July 1947.

Died. 6 Oct 2007.

Fr. James Norris-Mitigated St Ignatius rule-formation diary.

A confraternity

Mr Mark & Mrs Annette Baird

Saturday, April 08, 2023

The submission is for the development of an apostolic society that assists catechists come closer to God by study, prayer and works using the Fr. Jim Norris formation diaries.

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THE FR. NORRIS OPUS............................................................................................3

THE NEW EVANGELIZATION.................................................................................21

COMMITTEE STRUCTURE......................................................................................25

FINANCIALS FOR THE FIRST YEAR.....................................................................25

Starting in year…….per annum expenses …............................................................26


Contact email: for information and comments thank you- [email protected]

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Grace and peace be with you - in Christ Jesus.

In 1941 Fr. James Norris was ‘called’ by God to enter the Seminary in Essedon, Australia and after Ordination went to work in Japan until retirement, returning to Rotorua his hometown in 2004. After a few meetings to talk about the faith Fr Norris handed on his diary to Mark Baird in 2004 and after studying his dairy I decided to type up his notes and study his work because I believe it has great merit for the average person and the Catholic Church and it is our hope to eventually form a confraternity with the aim of serving the Church.

The Fr. James Norris mitigated diary titled [Opus in fides] caused an 1‘event,’ which occurred 8 years ago and I have reflected on its meaning and how this gift could best bear fruit for the Holy Catholic Church and the reflection on the need for a specific confraternity.

We believe this ‘event’ was a calling from the Holy Spirit and the tradition of Fr Norris’ ‘handing on’ of his diary is something that requires the use of our talents to benefit people who are looking for an understanding on reflective spiritual exercises.

There are three parts to the opus; submission (sequilla christii), diary (Opus in fides), and rule (catechetical directory). The praxis of the work needs a lot of discernment on how best to propagate this little branch of the faith while keeping the diary accurate to the words and desire of Fr Norris. The Fr. Norris opus is mitigated from the St Ignatius exercises making it a reflection catechesis used in reference to the ‘exercises’ it gives the catechist a study guide to their own reflection and that of both Fr. Norris and St Ignatius.

The New Evangelization is the same doctrine coming from the deposit of faith it must continue to be taught correctly without error and the Opus of Fr Norris is mitigated from the St Ignatius exercises. It is the deposit of the faith that remains unchanging only our understanding deepens in the meaning and abiding with 1Canon Law we have no desire to establish any ministry without the proper ecclesiastical authority.

The Fr. Norris Opus.Pope emeritus Benedict makes the important point about how a relationship with God plays a crucial part in faith.

2‘The first paragraph of Dues Caritas Est announces that being a Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty ideal but the encounter with an event, a person, who gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction. This event is guided by the Holy Spirit and fostered by the Sacraments and the teaching of the Magisterium.

1 Can. 299 §1. By means of a private agreement made among themselves, the Christian faithful are free to establish associations to pursue the purposes mentioned in ⇒ can. 298, §1, without prejudice to the prescript of ⇒ can. 301, §1. Can. 301§1 It is for the competent ecclesiastical authority alone to establish associations of Christ’s faithful which intend to impart Christian teaching in the name of the Church, or to promote public worship, or which are directed to other ends whose pursuit is of its nature reserved to the same ecclesiastical authority.

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Christianity is not an intellectual system, a collection of dogmas or a moralism. Christianity is a love story it is an event.’

The Fr Norris work is a guided catechesis aimed to deepen this love story, without being too academically dry and simpler than St Ignatius Spiritual Exercises.

3 "From the time the Gospel was first preached, the Church has known the process of encounter and engagement with cultures" (Fides et Ratio, 70), for "it is one of the properties of the human person that he can achieve true and full humanity only by means of culture" (Gaudium et Spes, 53).

A noticeably larger number of different cultures are present in our Church’s. 4“Culture, this particular way in which persons and peoples cultivate their relationship with nature and their brothers and sisters, with themselves and with God, so as to attain a fully human existence (Cf. Gaudium et Spes, 53).” I believe, because of our disabilities the Norris work is specific a group of parishioners within the Church. Our cultural mission is to use the work ‘Opus in

Fides’ (the Fr Norris diary) as a catechesis, it asks the questions prevalent to everyone. “What is our purpose in life? To praise reverence and serve God and to attain salvation. Who created me? The Holy Trinity –The Son and Holy Ghost all had me in mind from all eternity. I have loved thee with an everlasting love.” (Norris, James. ‘Opus in fides’ 1941. p 28)

By our own witness and vocation, our ministry attracts the ‘diversely able’ and in most cases the poor and disadvantaged have a shy nature and are often feel uncomfortable in traditional catechetical programs, often needing more support and encouragement than the average person. The primary goal is to bring the person into the ‘love story’ and this cannot be achieved without sacramental grace.

5 “In what does man’s wretchedness actually consist? Above all, in his insecurity; in the uncertainties with which he is burdened; in the limitations that oppress him; the lack of freedom that binds him; in the pain that makes life hateful to him. We can say, then, that the root of man’s wretchedness is loneliness is the absence of love.”

No person is free from suffering and the obvious social problems are many; secularism, our greatest threat to religious life and social injustice has eroded our image of God that shines over man and restoring this cannot be done by simply by pouring money into an organization or by hiring well qualified managers. By restoring this inner image of light true evangelization takes place, we must not expect perfection but look for the ‘event’. We want to create a space to work and are not really concerned with the ego or how we are perceived by others, God’s will is our primary concern.

When a person enters into the ‘love story’ it is not something easy but a mystery, often a word or an action causes metanoia and credit must go to the Holy Spirit who enlightens the soul to the truth about life. The heartache surrounding the uncertainties of life cause fear and this in turn leads to an absence of charity. The most common root of all mans problems is loneness.

6 ‘No one can escape from the fundamental questions: What must I do? How do I distinguish good from evil? The answer is only possible thanks to the splendour of the truth which shines forth deep within the human spirit, as the Psalmist bears witness:

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"There are many who say: 'O that we might see some good! Let the light of your face shine on us, O Lord”. (Ps 4:6).

In addition to the ‘Opus’ of the Fr Norris diary there exists a catechetical directory containing prayer, creed and Scripture notes that aid the pupil in formation. It has been asked; if we are popular, how big is our following, do we have the support of the parishioners? Well, God’s Will is a mystery and all we can do is what is pleases Him, as a child wants to please the Father we want to have the Fathers love and respect. The question is what to do with this gift of the Fr Norris diary? Is it meant for me alone or is it to be shared with others?

In the search for life’s answers, all people look for a suitable culture to ‘fit into’

7But what soil received the word of God? As then, so today too it can encounter closure and rejection, ways of thinking and living that are far from the search for God and for the truth. People of today are often confused and fail to find an answer to the many questions that torment the mind on the meaning of life, and to the queries that are lodged in the depths of their heart. Human beings cannot escape these questions that touch on the meaning of self and reality, they cannot live in one single dimension! Instead, they are often distanced from the search for the essential in life while an ephemeral happiness is proposed to them that is briefly satisfying but soon gives way to sadness and dissatisfaction.

Faith once received has to be developed into a life long way of living and if planted in good soil remains true to the faith. I personally received the boost in my faith from the Eucharist and need communio with the Body of Christ to remain centered on what the meaning of life is. The Exercises of St Ignatius have the fundamental principle of working on the interior life of the person first and this is true evangelization; it is a pilgrimage, by becoming witnesses, imperfect but looking for our Fathers approval we can find the meaning of life and our relationship to the Creator.

The diary of Fr Norris is a mitigated work from the St Ignatius exercises and has the same principle and is less complicated, more suited to the average layperson. The diary is a catechesis that helps the pupil study the meaning of life. “I came from God, I belong to God, I am destined for God. All things outside myself are creatures for my use, lent to me by God to help me attain my salvation, outside my soul. I must be detached from these creatures, not making a creature an end in itself. That is sin, an abuse of creation.” (Fr Norris. Opus in Fides. 1941. p 15). By starting at the beginning of our relationship with God and creation Fr Norris reflects on our duty and the goal of salvation.

The reason why ‘Opus in Fides’ is a society and that it provides a greater level of support is apparent by the level of study that is needed in formation. You cannot just spend 45 minutes at Mass and then go about doing something else, unrelated to the Gospel. We are called into the Church and then sent to proclaim the Good News.

8‘Base’ communities are not a new concept in times when simply faith was considered the answer to the Church’s formation theology. ‘The ease with which the word ‘base’ has, in the meantime insinuated itself into the vocabulary of high Church officials is one of the oddities in the development of the Church in recent years. The word implies a system of values that is far from self-evident. The structuring in terms of

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baird, 05/11/13,
Reference to canfraternities
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‘base’ is intended to give the oppressed an opportunity to speak for themselves and so finally to convert the heretofore false structure of society into a new sound one.’

A base is an essential part of formation a physical presence in the Church means the students can come and work together. With the Church doors locked and no one there it is hard to get any support. The Priest has so many jobs do to; the receptionist is always busy about administration, so what is the best solution? There are universities for the educated; formation programs, sacramental programs, schools, prayer groups and scripture study groups. An office is a presence, a quiet place for formation.

9‘On the threshold of the modern age, the Imitation of Christ voices a dramatic protest against the disintegration of faith into a theology that had become empty learning and the determined option for a Christianity of the unlearned; “Let it be our highest study to become absorbed in meditation on the life of Jesus Christ.” “Even if you knew by heart the whole Bible and sayings of all the philosophers what would it profit you without the love of God and His Grace”?

The whole philosophy of the Catholic doctrine sets the secular belief of; success, ability, expertise and qualifications up-side down. A child is greater than anyone; a traitor is an Apostle, the poor become rich, the sick are healed in a different way, the weak are made strong. We are recognized as a new and unknown entity and rightly so, therefore we ask the in this ‘Year of Faith’ we remember the primacy of grace and the need to develop confraternities to foster greater acts of faith.

It is not my will but the will of my Father that must be done; this is the way of Jesus our teacher who makes our way of living. This includes people in the work of developing virtue by; discovering what gives life, what might it be the ideal, and how to increase it. This really describes what is meant by ‘work’ this definition of the Gospel of work is something we want to witness. When the secular world encourages a turning away from Christian work and makes money an idol, we want the meditation of Jesus to be our work.

We need an office, it is necessary to develop our religious confraternity and development in necessary to ensure justice and order. The Catechetical directory is 68 pages long and a mirror of justice including parts of Scripture, Creed, prayers and rule. All the virtues lead to a happy life with the good of man being the highest state of pleasure and thus being continual and not a fleeting emotion. Whatever the part of the world, the leading spiritual masters have found that agape is goal of everyone. Aristotle in 347BC taught that happiness is being in a state that is achieved by virtue, since humans receive the highest form of fulfillment from good works. The state of happiness cannot be achieved by the purchase of objects or is it a possession, it is not a feeling, because this is temporary and happiness is fulfillment, a continuous state where even in moments of trail our heart is in a state of love and peace.

A spiritual journey is something that is often unseen and the smallest ripples in the pond can create a spiritual change in your life and those of your family. The grace that Jesus Christ gives us in return for loving him is unquestionable great, often unseen yet powerful and our lives are to learn to hear His voice the Holy Spirit and live like he teaches, “to love one another as I have loved you.”

10As a ‘base’, the credo creates its own ecumenism. The paradox of the situation lies in the fact that precisely this ecumenism of a unity experienced in terms of the creed

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is sceptical with regard to institutions – is in certain respects, even further removed from them than a base ecumenism with its predilection for action. Apart from occasional pronouncement it continues to be, far the most part silent, and consequently ineffective, if not actually useless. It is here, I think that both the problem and the hope of the situations appear most clearly. The unity of the centre of the credo, which reveals its binding force in the confrontation of the present. Those who discover it must have the courage to relinquish their distrust of institutions and to take advantage of the forms and possibilities that they offer and develop.

This base is of service as well as formation of religious prayer and reflection; we want to be in the Church to be a part of the Body of Christ, a somewhat different aspect to serving as a layperson because the formation is more concentrated nature requiring less secular distractions. To be ‘in’ the Church has a different aspect the being in the secular world and even though it is not entirely possible to separate the two, in the beginning of formation it is necessary to have a place of retreat to use for contemplation for the study of the Fr. Norris opus. Once the formation reaches a certain level moving into the secular world does not eradicate temptation to sin but means the Kingdom of Heaven is more present on our journey.

As Pope Benedict XVI explained, (2012) 11“Aggiornamento does not mean breaking with tradition; rather, it is an expression of that tradition's ongoing vitality. It does not mean reducing the faith, debasing it to the fashion of the times . . . Quite the contrary, just as the Council Fathers did, we must mould the 'today' in which we live to the measure of Christianity. We must bring the 'today' of our times into line with the 'today' of God. New methods and new forms of expression are needed to convey to the people of today the perennial truth of Jesus Christ, forever new and the source of all newness.”

The tradition is a fundamental Catholic principle and it is the history of the Church and the kingdom of God with Jesus Christ’s teaching is the pinnacle of our catechesis. It is the faith and ultimately, salvation that the Fr. Norris opus is developing an innovative way of catechumenal formation. Still using the correct doctrine deposited in faith by Jesus Christ through his ordained ministers. Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters] whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. 6 But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7 That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 8 Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.(James 2-8)

There are no easy answers to solving any of our human faults and weakness and we are not qualified except in our small sufferings to offer help to anyone and by the many efficacious Graces in the Sacraments and with prayer and thanksgiving, living witness to a holy desire. Abnegation and active charity are a part of our ‘rule’ by this virtue we hope to find joy in our hearts.

The reason why this opus of Fr. Norris is necessary is not because it is contemporary but because it is at a level the common layman can understand - it is a bridge. “May your initiatives be “bridges”, means of bringing others to Christ, so as to journey together with him”. (Pope Francis. Saint Peter's Square. Sixth Sunday of Easter, 5 May 2013).

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The Church’s Tradition is handed on and the Fr. Norris opus was handed on and the effects of Vatican II have meant that the laity has this duty, even if it is beyond them in education and or formation. 2“Jesus has called you to something higher. Answer the call then aim high, relying for your consolations and joys from Him.” After further discernment, prayer and consultation with Bishop Denis we have decided to write his book using his dairy notes. I believe his diary opus, his gift to us is Divine Providence, discerning and praying using his diary notes it may become a ‘mitigated rule’ for our apostolic ministry for the Holy Catholic Church. We humble ask for your opinion. The Fr Norris ‘mitigated rule’ that has developed over time is a theoretical catechesis and a gift to develop a person’s natural and grace given talents.

12“I wish to extend an invitation to solidarity to everyone, and I would like to encourage those in public office to make every effort to give new impetus to employment, this means caring for the dignity of the person, but above all I would say do not lose hope; St. Joseph also experienced moments of difficulty, but he never lost faith and was able to overcome them, in the certainty that God never abandons us.”

Of course there are difficulties to overcome and it is the hope that we are doing what is pleasing to God that will conquer the apathy that creeps in when things go wrong or are Our aim is to help the many people who are called into Holy Mother Church and sometimes they may feel intimidated and nervous about entering in the normal way. By being witnesses to the grace that exists in the Holy Sacraments, living in union with Jesus, by His suffering, we hope that the witnessing message is truly Gospel.

13 “Truth is not a product. It is not a subject to the legalism of consumerism and the approach to it is not, therefore, to be determined according to the ground rules of consumer advertising.’ 14“Such a life requires a continual exercise of faith, hope, and charity. Only by the light of faith and by meditation on the word of God can one always and everywhere recognize God in Whom "we live, and move, and have our being" ( Acts 17:28), seek His will in every event, see Christ in everyone whether he be a relative or a stranger, and make correct judgments about the true meaning and value of temporal things both in themselves and in their relation to man's final goal.” "For the charity of Christ impels us" (2 Cor. 5:14).

This sense of mission is why we need to form a confraternity, we are not a social group or support group. We want to use the Fr Norris diary as a guide to deepening the faith within the Church’s catechetical ministry. By relying on the grace in the Sacraments and the missionary spirit in the Fr Norris diary, we hope to develop a deeper faith.As for you, the anointing that you received from him remains in you, so that you do not need anyone to teach you. But his anointing teaches you about everything and is true and not false; just as it taught you, remain in him. (1 Jn 2:27)

Sooner or later the human body starts to degrade and ability diminishes, it is the length of time that acts as an enforced asceticism and if the person has the opportunity to faith and reason a certain level of catechesis links the nature of the human body to the glory of the Cross and the Resurrection. By Grace a person, imperfect but working towards redemption and aided by the Sacraments; we can try to live in union with Jesus on the Cross and on a journey to the light of the world .This is the light that will give revelation to the Gentiles.

2 Fr Norris spiritual/formation/catechetical dairy. (1941) p 185

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Listening to the word of God leads us first and foremost to value the need to live in accordance with this law “written on human hearts” (cf. Rom 2:15; 7:23).

The Fr Norris mitigated- St Ignatius rule that is written down is something that can last generations. It is not dependent on personality but sound theology. With the grace of God and faith we will develop an ‘office’ of prayer using the Fr Norris ‘rule’ and work in the context of the Gospel. An ‘office’ is a fundamental need of our petition without it catechetical formation will not develop past a level which does not bear the fruit in the Fr Norris spiritual formation diary That Congregationalist view of church is a danger we are very careful of. It is very difficult to discern the ‘will’ of God and understand the mystery of Christological events in a person’s life. What may be perceived as failure or foolishness can in fact be the will of our Father. What may prevent errors in theology and practical works can be limited by working on Church property under the watchful gaze of our Shepherds.

3‘By overcoming the alienation and filling in the trends that separate us, we shall be able to consider our difficulties in quiet a new light. If we stay close to one another, we shall also seek the best way to a tomorrow that will make possible the remedying of the past and restoration of the former beauty of the one undivided Church.’

15 ‘Today the difference between Thomist and Communio types is not a difference over official magisterial teaching. Both reach the same conclusions about the immorality of contraception, the impossibility of ordaining women and of marriage between persons of the same sex and the need for Sacerdotal hierarchy. However, they are different in the readings of the causes of contemporary theological crises, that is, different readings of where and how things went wrong. They therefore have different prescriptions for remedying the post-conciliar crisis. The Communio scholars are firmly of the view that the problem of secularization was fostered by the intellectual errors of the Church’s own scholars in particular by the two-tiered or extrinsicist accounts of the relationship between nature and grace which came to prominence after the Council of Trent (1545-1563) by extrinsicist accounts of the relationship between faith and reason fostered by Leonine and Neo- Thomists who muted the patristic heritage of the Thomism in order to defend the faith within the Kantian parameters and by extrinsicist accounts of the relationship between the world and the Church, sometimes called the distinction between the secular and sacred realms, fostered by Catholic scholars dedicated to a synthesis of the Liberal and Catholic traditions.’

Our gospel/work is to witness and live from the Fr Norris opus in fides which he wrote and we want to be a witness to the grace received from the Sacraments. It is Jesus Christ, the teacher who is our soul help and learning to listen to the Word is our work. Without the efficacious grace given to the Holy Catholic Church most secular work is empty and meaningless. This writing on human hearts is the only way to describe our ‘calling’ it is not knowledge of theology, or Piety but a mystery why we feel we have a ‘call’ to do this work. We do not know why we want this ‘work’, when it is easier to do something else and give some excuse for not answering the call, but it is the definition of Catholic caritas that is the basis of our life’s meaning.

3 Principles of Catholic Theology. Building Stones for a Fundamental Theology. Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger. St Ignatius Press. San Francisco (1989) 210

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This ‘call’ will continue to be a lifelong process of discernment and without Sacramental grace, faith is as nothing. Blessed are we for having faith. Humility is a very important virtue and it opens our eyes and ears to hearing God’s word and learning do be alter christus.There are many methods to help alleviate poverty and our ministry is all about reconciliation-rehabilitation. We are unable to do much to stop poverty however by working on developing relationships we can build a foundation that supports growth in faith.

4 ‘The ‘we are church’ movement suffers from a clearly inadequate awareness of the Church as a mystery of communion, especially in so far as they have not sufficiently integrated the concept of communion with the concepts of the ‘people of God’ and the Body of Christ and have not given due importance to the relationship between the Church as communion and the Church as Sacrament.’

We believe one of the effective means to developing faith is to improve communication by catechesis in prayer. Fr John Kelly OSCO wrote a simply booklet on developing contemplative prayer and this guide is what we want to use in our training. We do not aim to feed or clothe people but teach that Jesus loves every one of us and calls us to a greater unity with Him, through His Church. We cannot do this by claiming we are overly holy, pious or righteous before God but we can say that we are sinners but there is always room for one more in His Church. Our 4 aims are to: 1. Restore the Relationship with God.2. Build up the Relationship with self.3. Share our Relationship with others in the Church.4. Look after the Relationship with the rest of creation.

We do this by studying the Fr Norris diary, page by page, every day and praying. We would develop our own personal faith and develop a relationship with Jesus and promote the teaching of the Church by being witnesses to His saving grace. This is a gospel/work ethic that we would like to promote. An aim that welcomes people to ‘come as you are’ and develop in faith, primarily relying on efficacious and habitual grace and affective prayer, putting our hope and faith on the Holy Sacraments which transforms the person into an imperfect alter christus. Everything is directed at the Eucharist and the Sacraments working together at the right time and allowing the individual to participate in the ‘way,’ as used by St Paul, to develop their way to grow in the faith. “There is no act however trivial but has a train of consequences as there is no hair so small as casts a shadow”. St. Bernard.

Then the discovery of the ‘why’ begins and a supported environment providing interesting opportunities to think about these questions, a journey of self-discovery is left behind and grace enters into the life to bring metanoia. The Magisterium is asking us to ‘launch into the deep’ (Hamilton Diocese Pastoral plan.) and encouraging laypeople to take an active part in

4 Ibid 86. (Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on some ASPECTS OF THE Church as understood as Communion. Art 1.

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the Church discipleship and there are many faith programs that do this, however our job is to study the Fr Norris ‘rule’ and help people grow in love for our Lord and His Church.

The New Evangelization.16We must not ignore the fact that many, even generous Christians who are sensitive to the dramatic questions involved in the problem of liberation, in their wish to commit the Church to the liberation effort are frequently tempted to reduce her mission to the dimensions of a simply temporal project. They would reduce her aims to a man-centered goal; the salvation of which she is the messenger would be reduced to material well-being. Her activity, forgetful of all spiritual and religious preoccupation, would become initiatives of the political or social order. But if this were so, the Church would lose her fundamental meaning.

17 Who are we looking for?

4. The first disciples, who, perhaps still uncertain and doubtful, you begin to follow a new Rabbi , the Lord asks, "What do you seek? "( Jn 1:38). In this application we can read other radical questions: What does your heart? For what concerns you? Are you looking for yourself or are you seeking the Lord your God? Are you pursuing your desires or the desire of the One who made your heart and wants to accomplish as he knows and understands? Are you running after only passing things or seeking the One who does not pass? "In this world of dissimilarity, what should we be concerned, Lord God? 

5‘Here I am reminded of something Socrates said to Phaedo in there earlier conversations, many false philosophical opinions had been raised, and Socrates says: ‘It would be easily understandable if someone became so annoyed at all these false notions that for the rest of their life he despised and mocked all talk about being- but in this way he would be deprived of the Truth of existence and would suffer a great loss.’ We have an obligation to Our Lord to ask the Magisterium if this is a call from God and this leads us to ask for approval to work at establishing this apostolic work.It is with profound gratitude that we thank all those in the Magisterium that have taken our petition seriously.

Non nobis Domine, non nobis sed nomin, tuo do gloriam. (To us no glory, Lord to us no glory,But glory to thy name.)

Yours eternally in Christ;

Mr. Mark & Mrs. Annette Baird

5 Ibid p.173.

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Committee Structure.

The proposed initial committee structure is primarily spiritual because the work is Religious and faith building and if our ‘rule’ is approved an action committee will be formed to work on day to day issues. In ministry work we would only work in the Church and have a ministry that is under the direction of the Magisterium. We would like to develop our ‘rule’ and establish an apostolic ministry that can serve the Church truthfully and faithfully.

We must rely on the living spirit of Jesus Christ to head the work, so we can concentrate on prayerful development. Without being hasty in the judgments of others a person who is poor, uneducated or disabled is best suited to serve in vocational positions and does not have to be qualified in the traditional way and judging by different standards is important when a person is living with a disability. A committee member does not have do have any special qualifications or abilities and can just do their best to serve in whatever manner the abilities and talents interest them.

Development of the structure and day to day duties must be democratic and open to free will but Poverty, Chastity and Obedience, Canon Law, Catechesis, Moral theology and teaching from the Sermon on the Mount must be a big part of the rule and that is the work of every person in the committee.

Financials for the first year.

Mr. Mark & Mrs. Annette Baird are both on the Invalid Benefit (C.V.) and for over 25 years’ experience real conditions of poverty and receive a weekly benefit and can work up to 15 hours a week each in New Zealand. We have accumulated many skills over the years but this means very little the main consideration is faith! I was at the Good Shepherd College studying Theology when I was commissioned by Mahitahi. I then went to Kiunga, Papua New Guinea both of these events changed my faith. I returned to Auckland where I met my wife Annette and we were married at St Michael’s Church in Rotorua in 2010. Using the Fr Norris opus has remained the major objective in my life.

For the first 6 months of discernment we want only to sit and pray. It is important that evangelical poverty always remain the virtue that is seen in the public ministry and it would be advantageous if we trust in the providence of God to supply our needs for the first 6 months. After the first six months of obscurity and quiet reflection. We would like the Diocese to handle finances and any donations are directly paid in to a trust account and monthly budgets are submitted to the finance manager of the Diocesan Centre. However the very act of being in the employment of the Church requires a minimal amount of material support and paper work which we hope to leave up to Magisterium and the Finance committee and Combined Parish Councils. Footnotes: 1 Timothy 5:18 Deut. 25:4 1 Timothy 5:18 Luke 10:7

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Starting in year…….per annum expenses ….

Communications- Computers $5860Transport-11 seater people carrierPetrol/car maintenance $3580Building rental $ Unknown Building maintenance. $ UnknownAssisted equipment- lifting disabilities. $ UnknownFood-daily meals $ UnknownOffice furniture $650Tea/Coffee hospitality etc. $1480 MINIMUMPower $1820Total $ Unknown

1References.Additional documentation:Opus in fides ‘rule’Opus in fides spiritual opus of Fr Norris.

? ‘I observed that “being Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction … Since God has first loved us (cf. 1 Jn 4:10), love is now no longer a mere ‘command’; it is the response to the gift of love with which God draws near to us” Message of his holiness Benedict XVI for lent (2013).

2 Ibid 663 TOWARD A PASTORAL APPROACH TO CULTURE. Pontifical Council for Culture. Electronic Copyright © 1999 EWTN. All Rights

Reserved. Retrieved 15 May 2013. Ibid 5 Tracy Rowland. ‘Ratzinger’s Faith. The Theology of Pope Benedict XVI.’ Oxford Uni press (2008) p 52.6 Ioannes Paulus PP. II. Veritatis splendor.7 PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR PROMOTING THE NEW EVANGELIZATION ADDRESS OF THE HOLY FATHER BENEDICT XVI . New Synod Hall. Saturday, 15 October 2011. Retrieved 5/5/2013 from: Principles of Catholic Theology. Building Stones for a Fundamental Theology. Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger. St Ignatius Press. San9 Principles of Catholic Theology. Building Stones for a Fundamental Theology. Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger. St Ignatius Press. San Francisco (1989) Imitation of Christ I 1.3.10 Ibid 30311 Benedict XVI ordinary general assembly the new evangelization for the transmission of the Christian faith. Instrumentum laboris vatican city (2012)12 Principles of Catholic Theology. Building Stones for a Fundamental Theology. Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger. St Ignatius Press. San Francisco. (1989). p12314 APOSTOLICAM ACTUOSITATEM SOLEMNLY PROMULGATED BY HIS HOLINESS, POPE PAUL VION NOVEMBER 18, 196515 Tracy Rowland. ‘Ratzingers Faith. The Theology of Pope Benedict XVI.’ Oxford Uni press (2008) p2516 Evangelii nuntiandi apostolic exhortation of his holiness Pope Paul vi17 Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life. and societies of apostolic life service of authority and obedience. Downloaded 8 May 2013

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Page 14: Sequilla christii

At this early stage we are not expecting much and discerning God’s will but we are very grateful for the support and attitude of Bishop Denis and the all our Priests. We feel that the faith is promoted by active ministries and even if it is a small thing that we do, it may have far reaching consequences for the benefit of the Church. Re: ‘Empty hands’ Fr Norris interview.

6From this basic condition flow certain consequences on the practical level and in the behaviour among the staff of the Holy See — "the spirit of thrift," "a readiness always to take account of the real but limited financial possibilities of the Holy See and their source," "a profound trust in Providence." And, over and beyond all these qualities, "those who work for the Holy See must therefore have the profound conviction that their work above all entails an ecclesial responsibility to live in a spirit of authentic faith, and that the juridical-administrative aspects of their relationship with the Apostolic See stand in a particular light."4. The remuneration owed to the clerical and lay staff at the Holy See, according to their personal conditions of life, is regulated by the major principles of the social teachings of the Church, which have been made quite clear by the magisterium of the Popes from the time of the publication of Leo XIII’s Encyclical Letter Rerum novarum up to John Paul II’s Encyclicals Laborem exercens and Sollicitudo rei socialis.

We remain conscious of the continuing journey under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

6 APOSTOLIC CONSTITUTION PASTOR BONUS JOHN PAUL, Bishop servant of the servants of God for an everlasting memorial.

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