7 easy steps for manifesting money fast

7 Easy Steps For Manifesting Money Fast A practical guide for manifesting money or anything your heart desires, quickly! By Donn Preister http://betterwaytoearn.com/manifest-money

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A practical guide for manifesting money or anything your heart desires, quickly!


Page 1: 7 Easy Steps for Manifesting Money Fast

7 Easy Steps For

Manifesting Money Fast A practical guide for manifesting money or anything your heart desires, quickly!

By Donn Preister


Page 2: 7 Easy Steps for Manifesting Money Fast

A few years ago, I was struggling (I use that word intentionally) to earn enough

money to pay our bills, put food on our table, and build a business at the same

time. I had such anxiety around the whole idea of money…because I didn’t have


I was desperate to bring in some new dough into our home that I tried nearly

everything…I even had 3 jobs at one time.

Since I could never pay my landlady on time, I would try to sneak into our

apartment building late at night, hoping that we wouldn’t cross paths. Whenever

we did see each other, I would always promise to pay her in a few days and she

would always pretend to believe me.

I was always tired, always on edge. The mere mention of money would set me off.

While in the midst of all of this “stuff”, I was reading about how to manifest

money in prosperity books by Catherine Ponder, Bob Proctor, Abraham Hicks, Joe

Vitale…you name it, Ive read it.

One thing that I noticed about all of those books is that they all talk about money

as being “energy”.

As Bob Proctor has often said, “energy can be neither created nor destroyed. It

just is…”

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The Nature Of Money

One thing I know about manifesting your desires, is that you must be in

vibrational harmony with whatever you want. You only attract what you are…

Having more money would’ve made me happy right?

So, would I manifest money if I’m anxious every time I think about not having


Of course not!

That’s not a vibrational match.

I learned that if I wanted to manifest more money in my life, I had to celebrate

money and all of the good that it could bring. This also meant celebrating the

wealth of that rich jerk who cut in front of me at Starbucks (celebrate his ability to

generate wealth by providing value for others..not his behavior).

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I had to feel good about money no matter what.

Funny thing, I started to find money on the street. I would literally find $10, $20,

$50, $100 bills in the strangest of places…

It was like magic!

Once I was able to feel good about money, I was then able to manifest it with

ease and effortlessness.

One other very important aspect of manifesting money is that you must be playful

around the idea of money.

Yes, you expect it to manifest in your life, but you don’t do it with the “need” to

have money. I know this sounds crazy but its proven to be true in my life.

Please note that I’m not endorsing the lottery mentally, nor am I suggesting that

piles of money will magically appear at your doorstep.

I’m merely helping you understand that you only attract what you are…

If you’re an angry, unhappy person, then life will bring you more things to be

upset about. If you’re happy, then you’ll attract all of the things that will continue

to make you happy…including money.

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How To Manifest Money

1. Gratitude

Be grateful for all that you do have. This doesn’t have to be related to money. You

can be grateful for your job, your home, your lunch, your children, etc.

Remember: money is energy so it doesn’t matter what you focus on to feel

gratitude and contentment, it will still make you more attractive to money.

2. Celebrate Wealth

Celebrate it wherever you are. If you see a guy in a tacky new lime-green

Mercedes, don’t get pissed off and talk about how rich people do stupid things.

Instead, celebrate the fact that this guy provides enough value for enough people

and intern he earns enough to have his dream car painted the color of his dreams.

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3. Be Specific

Once you feel good about money, you can begin to ask for the exact amount that

you desire. Just asking for more money is not enough. You have to be specific in

your asking.

4. Feel The Wish Fulfilled

When you know how much you want, then its time to feel it. Ask yourself: “How

would I feel if I had $10,000 in the bank right now”. Get into the feeling…be

emotional (happily). Do this with childlike joy and optimism.

5. Act As If It’s Done

After you’ve felt what it would feel like to have your desired dollar amount…as if

it were happening at this very moment, you must convince yourself that its done.

6. Live In Expectation

You must now live your life with extreme expectancy. Again, this is not some “pie

in the sky” way of being. Totally think, act, and be the person who has $10,000 in

the bank. Never address any form of lack or limitation. Focus only on the desire

without anxiety.

7. Be Open

Be completely open to any and all possibilities. Don’t focus on your “good”

coming from a specific source. Don’t try to control the outcome, instead allow the

unfolding to happen however it happens. Be on the lookout for opportunities that

will catapult you to the income you desire. It may come in the form of a raise, a

new job, money making idea, a business opportunity, etc.

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When you know what you want, then the only thing left to do is receive it. Keep

your eyes, heart, and hands open.

This is one of many techniques for manifesting money. I actually use several

techniques that involve the senses which increase your level of magnetism to

money. For more tips, visit me here: http://betterwaytoearn.com/manifest-

money Submit your BEST email address and you’ll learn how to increase your

magnetism to money.


Donn Preister

“The Lifestyle Builder”



Copyright 2013, Donn Preister, www.betterwaytoearn.com