  • 1 | Editorial 2 | News

    3 | ECSSA Conference

    10| Abstracts

    7 | Opinion

    19 | Endpoint

    ECSSA AGM and New Board of Directors

  • The 2011 ECSSA Conference was the second South African conferencedevoted to prehospital emergency care, but the first to be held under theauspices of ECSSA. It represented an important opportunity for localemergency care workers to update, discuss and reflect upon the currentstate of the profession, and the way forward.

  • "What is arguablyneeded today is a newguiding principle ordoctrine coupled with anew concept ofoperation that takes intoaccount demographicchange, aprofessionalised morecapable paramedicworkforce and the hardrealities of economics"

  • An Analysis Of ParamedicOutOfHospitalEndotracheal IntubationSuccess In Johannesburg,South Africa

    Intubation Using The MillerAnd AirtraqLaryngoscopes: APaediatric Manikin Study

  • The Relationship BetweenHead Injury And TheHaemodynamic ResponseTo Tracheal Intubation

    Extubation Force: AComparison Of AdhesiveTape, NonAdhesive TapeAnd A CommercialEndotracheal Tube Holder

    Spinal Cord Clearance:Current ParamedicPractices And PerceptionsIn South Africa

  • The Effect of Three BasicFluid Insulation Techniqueson the DeliveryTemperature of a WarmedIntravenous CrystalloidSolution Rapidly Infused ina Cold Environment

    The Accuracy Of ACommonly Used AgeBased Weight Formula OnChildren In Johannesburg

  • Determination Of APreferential MidazolamDosing Regime For DrugAssisted Intubation UsingThe Delphi Method

    The Prevalence Of BurnoutAmong Advanced LifeSupport Paramedics InJohannesburg, Gauteng

  • What Is The EmergencyCare Provider Role InDomestic ViolenceIntervention? Abstain OrAdvocate?

    An Evaluation Of TheCalibration And PhysicalCondition Of AneroidSphygmomanometers InThe Prehospital Setting

  • The Accuracy Of AneroidSphygmomanometersUsed By An EmergencyMedical Service InJohannesburg

    Knowledge AndApplication Of TheGlasgow Coma Scale ByEmergency CarePersonnel

  • Impact Of EmergencyCare Technicians OnAdvanced Life SupportProvision In SedibengDistrict, Gauteng

    Articulation Between TheEmergency CareTechnician AndEmergency Care DegreeProgrammes

  • Emergency MedicalPractitioners PerceptionsOf Advanced Life Suppddeort ParamedicProfessionalism InJohannesburg, GautengExposure Of University PreHospital Emergency CareStudents To PaediatricEmergency Cases AndClinical Skills

  • Paramedic StudentsCompliance With TaughtIndications Relating To TheNeed For EstablishingIntravenous Access

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