


HOUKEHOI,n ~On.ll.

Pureo ofChealnut.e.- l ' u t )'ou r eli.'.nut. tlO Lo boil In oold. ..It ,uter I boil

~t~:W :i~:tlo'~~°!Ln~:. D:~ al:h~~ro~,~~

~~:~t:~ ~~~~. t ; :::"I:liI1~..rto:nd~~~~~~; IAh~ ::~I I~:m.I~~:~~~~I: :I~::~':;Mrvlk) wilh m ut to u c luJIl".

T_..loo. Ort1am.-l'ut two t"bl.' I)ooQ·lu ll of t' IIIOI'a to Iluak 10 cold waler : NIIIun th", ,to,..: lo ll, .. be n thorou"hl,lll ""oh.t l, " o u r III _ tluu t 01 milk,WIU'n Ihl" l)(lMIM 10 Loll , Itlr 10 ILti

~:;~~I~~~:~ t'~~he:t'tlllllli~:::I~ : :N:IJ:~S:fl UJ,~~~,'e1i:~',~ f~o ::' tbt~I~ :~~'~I:,.~~to ta,te.

1I_1I.ln Cako. - A ult'tI ~nk. wit h

~1~~~:;"k l:~i~~:~ I h::ultJ~II~ "~:J~t.ft:~ ~~~wook" . la' le"lt , I,. lUatollo 1roll1 thl .. r.o'~ :~:I'::ua:~)I~~ 1~~\~·: 'e~~Il~); I~':£t u~ '~k~ t~r~l' Up btl..pinK tull of oho pp..' ....f"lb• • lwu

~,:::~~~u~~III~'I " ~~lr~"da~~~7:b ::~mpg. l l u t th e Lu tltlr. IUK..r , willi ·1......nO((stl nml tb e mil k WlCt'lht'r .lbon "Ur 'betlour and ra i"in l in .

01:1~:~~~':~~Ave"~:)~lC~;I~iik~) tll~al;l n~CluJ"nlor aUl(ar , c ue "'I.uart) of n"k.r '"oLoeul11ttl (I'Dounce }, tin.k Ilu) ~1I1.t1o .,

~I;I'~:~'t:: ·~\){.r ~:~tl~~le :"I~~il" t~: &~,:~~:lllhl. an.I aJd Iwo "ble. poool ut. 01 Ihe~1~I~ro~ l~lll~:I:l~~r~ tB:;i~~t f~~:~. X~II;ou r ", h ot I1ro unlillunooth a" ,1 Kit'... " ,

:~ill~~I:' ~:i::~~'~\:~f::: II ~~ It u~~III.Ill Ult. "e l" Une. tilntln into a li n bulb..nil 1",1.1 the rem ..llllJor 01 th o lIu .,.,.P lal'o Ih l ba..ln In a r.all ul 10ft••ler an,1

~~~ttt~~~",..lj~" ~il~l n~IU: I'::.Fi:~~.,t,lI ~on~"llun " '1111 mhotl lurll Into ti le moltl .Wb oll har tl , IMJl\'tl with wltl .lllell urtlallllIea-pOtI. ro ll od •C ll1~ohlte Blan e Mau Re. - O nll tlU.,t 01

:~: J~~~Il~~~I~~U~:,~~:tn:t, : 1Iur~~ :~~~~l~~:l Cb~I~~.t~IO:J~b:lt ::'pll:l'I\7~~rm:~~~~jn I~;~:"::~~;:, t~I~1I~::::O:f ~~~a~o~::i" tahluMIIoonlul 01 vlUlihn : hl'llt the "ll1k

:~I :k l ~~~UJIf~t~~ Otllllr~ui~ Ilrl .I~~i ,,"o~:~tli~'d t~&~It u l( lI t tu th n 1}I )ll w lI yolk". U llI l .lIr lill itItt "mooth ; t ll)..t t h" llhoc'u ' uw into Ih ill,I\ud llti r III 1\ " Ior)ollfu l lit n time or tbe"1 ~lllil hIM milk UpOIl Iho Ullsluru . re tnr Dto ti m inn nr IlIlUOlJ l' l1U IUlII heat "eI1U,ll1 lIt I\luw"l' Loll " j romu'" frow tho ,ho aD,1tur n in to ~ bowl , 111(10 bl'l\' ill lig htlyI'lui llu ickly th o h~nt..oJn whitcl, lhon pour{niH th u mo illot . wh ich IIHI"I hIt wut illl'otll ...,. tor , uUII tM>t I1WI\,)' tu cool.

t~ll,~~II:':~ t~~':I ~~IJ';;~~' lith ::,tI ~~~~o;'I :~

~::~ OIill t ;I ~''' ; l~mln J'~~~~ , I~~ill\a"i::;.':~ll:'i u~rb:~~~" 1\ ':~~I' I:I I:~III')llurlroor:: :

l~'I~:llr:)~ul:.~,I:fo~~~ a~jOO~~;'r't: , ~~~.\.otl t it bolllliowly aOll rc Ulovo cMrul u ll r.

~~tfo;;~IOt~I~~I:~ I~~i:~,~ciJ"'ut l ~~~or tlnet) h t'l1llM flf coler,. In MI~I water,wiLh .. ll nn ch ul . ..n et harb" a011 100 mwholo liCl' l'0 r , 1111,1 lIa'l to tt~"' i wheothorouA'bI1Ilun~ r.... them thro u Kh a

~a;in ::":~el ...n~ :f1 "aLa~~I".;~~IO::~h~t~~tl~ ~ ~ll'" l ~ , Ihu,nt~t;I;~~e ~tI~~~f'IIlt,~~)wllh 1111n,br ... &lun ; ., iLma~ bo MnJ~I::~ : Ir.lrl~il ~h~e , oJ'Il~~ " I:" t~lrOWlI Ullua r , he. I'd tk elD aall reM".e aUtho IIllu or . Moll I plecft of hutte r In •aallOGpllD, I~hla Uttl e dOllr, Iho o, attlrliqu or a0 11 "no llgh Plilk ttl wako ... la uch.eueo lUI III WIlDt.olJ . PUI In a bl ..lo of;~oa::Dd"~h~l tl:-~ . ~:I\ t\'::(!;~::t t~o f ". , onno. I..A-I Ih e ....uco OOlQft t? aboll , 1l.IIJ the oy" lo r", "nil U lOOn .. tho,.ar o flul to ho~ relUO,.o the maoo . Dd 1.,~~LMI~:~~ lT~~~: ~t:t:iltf~ebllJI:nIQS:~oy llle r", " n,1 th oy may he e ltl n lo lo u rpIece. a ller bollll1' pa rboiled .

fo~~ltii~K~~:~O'lt-;T:i~ ~:t~~~ at~'J~ir8VIrnn; ;:~nl:1ib ~\:..tI~f 1:~I:j o~~;~~tu rkny on thOlkl, l oll pl l.Ud w ore .I~on Lop 01 It . P ut in Iwo oarro ", antltwo onloDIi ou t into 1111001, IUItl "W",horba.llal'ftlol , b a, loaf, a cion olgar1l0;~lItl ",1101. IIOPIHlr, antl ..I' to lu"',molale n wiUlllOmoltook andlberr" La,~~~~:'\t~: 1~1~~~:i~ra\I:;':n ~ll~~.~t;fire lor aLaut fOllr bour, the o "rYe witb

~i::~:-'.:dC!h~::Q{roHO:um~~I~~~~~bQ·IIl~a:~ 1:i::~ro14~ boai:D~':: :=:with .. hand fa ll of oorlaad . r Ned. and.(.'Ouplo of La)' I..,.. . . Wh enthl . iJt uNrl, d.ooe dral o oftIh o wa....r &nil rGIDO'" the Inner . )d a

i~II~~~e:~Il~ 'eo~~~e·et::'lio:.~..::u'ern a turn on tho Ire 10 • _Doe...,U,eo pat In oa. pooDd 01 \be ebea bl a "(bo iled ••d PMIUd) ••,\ b.ll. pouDd 01Irnft!ee, both ea ' all lato mod . ..... al-.d

1~7:~u:tr.i!:d:~t:b;:l~ ~~NI~{~':~~ ~:·ft~~ a~\lt:r~ =~r 'l~::rl. form 01 atuftlPI eaa be IUd. b7omltU D8 lb. 'rutK.. Cb.laDt Htaftlq- 'Boil th. eh"touw ... lobo ,.. . Wb.

d:~n!l:~o::1I::a.;:~:r .lli~r:p~:~kl. ...I'b VOI'I'"' MI, ...4 .p'-. ...• taft' lb. turb" {uerU•••ho. ao tIoi_"b.U • po ua cl of ha U-red (or"" tt)

~1ft::.= ~":i".i.d1::::..:;r0


H OUlhlrk Dt'.. Duck.-Dncb. t.o be guotl ,DIUIt be ooo ketl rare I for Ibl. r.uoD It IIbNt Dot to atmft'. If. bOl.. I,..r. lOU do

h~u,,~ ~t~:;,.bot~beT::b:II~:e:~~,l..-:cUt . D onl oD In '''0, aad I)U' Into tboboc11of tb . b lnt , IlleD ImM, . Dt! dredge

=~::I~n=rlo~Dt1 ~l:~'e:.~:ii:' Il~'h. 0.,.. , Lblny mfDu.... Ken. wltben rraat J. Il)' alit! IIUoe ..ade t he 111118 ..for lU,N1.

IJerllllpa thore , ,, nu IW Il"atioll fll) lH,,·Iwarw ning or 110 IIt"norRlI l lu ij' to thomOllta l anll I'h , " I"n l "yllllllU " It homu." i d l DUIIII, H II' not noeOltliur.\· thut f1UIIIIho u ld htl ill I.lorelgn IlIn ti in ur_ler 100111tlrllll1l.'0 I1w ItHllllltin n. I II f" el llllUm",. IlttIlnt h Oluu III 11111 Anllilu& Il""l'rlu r Rlnoos 111 0 ru ln Ho r HIU,IOuc . It I" tl ltl

~'11Ii~h~f: ~r~:1~~~,olt: ' 1I ~h~C) ~1~~rOt~::~t~~1;ruth or tll"n rOlUo" n) frolU flllll il lau- IkJcnc ltnad factl.. 'fhe IlIlte~ imlt no fll~ I II' c tluI' IlerKlln lli II wor.., oftc.lll Ml h~elt th oilliu t bl1ll Ihe hu ",' , '1"ilO kh)H' 011th oth rono ~ ll tTu", . porh;'1'8, h UIII illt flu"lm 8willHa ho rUUl cluh tlrtt th o lut lo.\"1J1l tI".."""huforo Iho ;la relt o r Hh,ttt hc ICj' A'1111ro,1hit u ; lilt}poo r hou"e lt1uan t. lDay llltll a" I~ kuu in " )'caroiDK fur Ih. IIOIUtl IIIIUllilol lue \'cr knuwn, whldl 11Il" 110vor tl. IIlIt·11

~C;:a h;~w tbl~ l. l~t~~lJo rcihll' : he ll~a~~efl.JorODO h il i m Olllunllt of 1llluttAlrllllluIIAln ",hlln Ib e ree-II . I' ll' I IlH&rlh~tonowhere tllo omber" havtl tH.tlU A"h tl" lor

:h~fr~~~'~111~ ~f,~ ~~~~. ~l~t~te~~;':~ :il~ :1::111to,.01 tbo ir aLreuRlh an ti their I,r iluu,_ heD Lllo " world wlUI ..1I helur n t1ltlWwberu w chooltO." when "Ut'co"" wila11011M) lI.allur eJ, or I..nurt' Dot ItO cer taln - Iho_I.,." "han c hUtimn bUbg abu~1 th tllrkn"",. , tbe ,I.Uy aUl lutll'A en ultl

~~~I~~:i:i:~ckl\,~Jert:~I: . ~~~:1 ~~the lillla Ir iltla ""Licit 1~lullgt....1 lb e

tb~r:,:~ b~~tJ~i."~::~{II,)'lo:o~h~b~a~..o:::at de.r tllMd 1I1t.D(la, " tho -ouD11 or a,.oleo Lh..t i .. aWl ." 'fo-a.y ltIlema allen.nll "unle"1Ito Iho bornell ok hoart wb toh

~Yr:~ll~e~~~rt'::~:,r~:rth ~rJ I:~I,.~fu~~Oll~~"m itt. Tho ,.OUUM . Ioke ll lor what Ih"lut nre may brlDg-for the IlI.mtl Ibat I".a lo ng 10 eominS j fur th e rooog ilil ion ,tbo bapIJino... the romancoII Ilro ml.... .The lODging, baAlotl feeling_blob hauau,ua wheDlOme , 1lOI1 thai b.. l.loon (Iro m·llOtl or p Aid. Ie ~uan(h.,.)CI or with·beld II a lor m 01 the dlatlAAe f. mlllar tomalt of n" wbl ab oome.. to ua IIpo n lOwetra in of mu.lo wh loh " lbelnoeulle 01 IholOl'aneat Bower tb.t. blow." tnal rovivo.Wh o b.. Dot boeD tou oltftt1 lIy It In r ovili'lUng ~enol ll Llo t wtlr o OD(18 a JI..r t of our

:l~:a::'I~o~';:::le:l~tt:~o~~~i.~::fwboro we lourned tllU I wolllo e,. o f ato lonfrUit , tb tl oburob whe,. w. r.poatetl onrli tll e I' ra,. e r. , Ih e *, hool bOllad wbero . e

;'l.:I;lJr:l:a~~t.J::eK.'j~~ ~~:t~I~I:re·:I~

lb~:~~':;'n~r:,~~"i"~ea~'.:':~I'~hie tha n the fominillo to thla Nnhment01 hom..lok.o.... Ma n i. o ften muter ofthe Illnation. II bi. ()(,ud IUODalIi1p lMIMthim, he 1,l1li Ibe llOwor to r. ·. rra088tbem- to gin the kai eld o.oope of HIe .n­olber tor o . II tL. "matldlnl:' orowd"ol!ebdl blm , be ('an pack. hi. ".H.. an,\go 00. raDob . wbere "Ihe !tOu nll of Iboch urob·golng bon the ".ne,.••ntl rachbeYer heard ," . utl If l b. oonotr, Ufe, row. d iataale lol. he W.)' ..ek bl. lor ·LUD' abr a.d. . aDd lIIedleloe homelickue..wllb tb e IDftohe ....nel)' of tbe un lYer...

-;-;;.-h ma, I nLehiotl ,....<1,'" to ll no "", lb &llbl 'lo....4. nl II , • • 11, " r"Ulllll4 on ', " -one of111000. ln e.oll call :. 011. IIONltlm_ IG.l La

jbl.':r':.r:tll ~~'lD':~~~".~ :.t~~~:'ro 1::1I':..11~~ou, ' ""1_ - 111',,,.,', Your, "eoltt• .

~oe~~i~ii:: :~tl,"~~:n l~~I'II~~~r~l~d Oing a D Uly I..., hlrUull" ? , .... , lA, It,on reme mber" al all l '

" fiho amll ecl; .. If mol h" r. ('ou M fur.

:.e:I)~~::e \:'~' ~)lr~~\or:~ur1~h.~I~~",er!. ["". loot oa W8 lutu her faou•

• , WIUI c lollrl ng ou t th i.. room , Iurn­Illg Il into u bed -room ro r nny "lr l\l"" ohelor, l lt l le LJll nkluR' tho Uu' wOIIMhe 1 0u, IUtlhll rll j but I dl_1 tllink01you,IInll. to ttlll )'011 Ibe Iru lh, I W"'lhlukl ll~

~ l::: ~: :: I :~",.:~~ n~:::I~~11(JU OUCC) til•• 'And yo u ..~1 , uvnr l i l ln. Uuw

fl~u~:~) lt~~l::[r~lj~I~;'tr.~·~id?tlIJ c~;o~I~~~A Ullnli~ . " ' I'heu I lo ltl llttr tho whole"tory.

1t :~~~~il:L~i{o~~i~I~~~:~! tt~y t::li.:~t~:l~~k ~~ I~~~~~ ~::;"t~rll)~)~" ~ft~l~tl:il~~{hol1'8l.1Io ""(J IU t' , 1\1 luotl luU III'Vtlrkn ow bow or whun IIOUIII wo rll .. Ill ilioir.

m~'f·:~'i ~:::,Ir.."'~~dD.,J~~:,.~~ii·l j I ,,141111

;~:: I~:w.nlltl:n lil~~~~olih~~; w':; L:C\to An,,'ral'a , end 1"'Ran u"l1tn in th eMWQ WU1, MUll 1111'1. Il. new ""y- nu_ 10cue IhinK, ut lUMl. tllftt on eve ry HUIlJ"yor my lit e I wru toU bnmo to U\1 rnutlll' r.AUII whou .1 Iltll,th I 01101 11 hunle. tooIete for t ree, 101• . I h01l0rJ::Jt quilt) too

~:: t: t buotri~:uius; tlu aI~' ~:I~~It.10 h • Uncle U jt·k ,"_Iur hn 11...1 heo n

III ROOtI a. a filib er 10 IOWO 01 1I1I -lW'ntUll 10 .chool aud to colll'go. an d, wbalwe Ukotl " I{1'06t dllal ll.ltor , taken u.ftl bin M' Itoad"lloo tlng, a lltl l(h e u u . lu n ofall "orta.

"80 boy.," 1161&1 ~o . mtll ng aLou r J "m ·onl tta lio nll 0 1 ..a ooUOIlIt- tuul y l'!1 helIk ud to Lo lovN , " ' 0 aru Il n.r(J I)r III"t -

:'1::a~i."e A~~leli:~~r1~1:1: :;il~k ,:;: ....:::Methor a ,.Ulia n l ove n tbou gh I tnk., lillala""r' lIgrape. ?'


--=-- ----=:=-- :=--==- ----


W. T .



nwtu.LI1l1 UI E~91l.TI.'"

Seattle, W.T,

VOl•. S•

DuJen 10 Watch.., Clockl ,J••e1r, andHII.,. r• .,e o f Ih. bNt qUl lily.

Allllln'" of work 10 Ib e line or re~l ....

:f'-~~r~'':~O:::r~~~J·::IZ~~en\l''. 0:'~rI~:~Cd[.I°r~l~e°:' ~11r.:1a.:.:J_lIIf,. 700,..1"•.~ OD~Qt ~ ~D~" 1\,..w.,..,

L. P. 8MITH A. eON,


:lui. O ONNJIIU.

Cu ... . II . J .AJR Ul U.

...."1. w. ....

If. R. ANIII Elf" ,

A '1"1'0 liN I': Y A 'J' I, A W,

AHor",, ) 1 and Couu.elon al 1.ow.


PUa L 14U&D I:vaar SATURD AY

• •A CO !ll" . n ••• T .

O~he 011 t ilt. ('nrnr ro r "'r ont an J Cftlmu .blll. 'r.~I", lip "tai "•.

In~~'l~ ~: J(.~~lt~~~~' nil lhu ,"our'~ or W.d l-

The Puget Sound l\lall.

...... . ..... ·r .

Ju. )f " SAIIM" I , . : . P. }'.rrr . J. r. M,'Sau,(1ll

McNaught, r t rr y and MoHu gh' .

A'M't)n:U: \' li ASh COU NRP.I.OH8 ·AT ·I. AW.

II. O. "Tau" l , J . c. n .


hT Ru n :. IIAlN t:B " LlIoKl" ,


... .. .. T.... ..

J "WrA ro W. R, PROPRtftOR.

W. II. "UI1I.


..... I•• W .T.

Will .H e\lll IIII' t.rmlnr Ih e mltrlct (.'our1(or Wh lh:om , 'oUll ly.


A pplH Pea " 1 Plo ml , Ch e"l.. and nea l'lE.A rly Fl\lal~ Peac h. IL II a lway I ripefrom lb. middle of AUlul t to Ih. tin' orH.p,.wber, Till. Ir•• II hardy a nd yar,.

pr~l l ft':.:oll,cUoD of b l N r ~r.nolal Ba r·d. r ~Iowel"l t. ". rr choh.'O. Flower Heeth,BOMIand olhar Oroame oLa' Trees IPl,I

Mlu ullbe,.,.. ..••••••••..-r,

Wba tcom. Wbatcooa eo.. W, T.

Will pn.elh-e III all Ille CQuru 01 \Vuh.h lr lon T" rrh <.t ry.

Mr .l...ry h It. NoLllrY tllllblle ."dco m.1111...10"" Il.t'tl.. fur Urt'.con an d(,..II("rnl• .



" Iq_lr.·. 41 ... ....1• • W . T .


J Oli N n":SNETT, It~prluto r.

1be uml,,.I,,neli ~ir;,.. for .al. a ver ycha lco cull.etlou at

111"".'."10. 11.&"''' I~IDI·r1u·:{bl~..~.~~~o:.·:.:::=:::::·. :::;:::::.:·.:·.::·.·r :


«t:::~~:: ~ ~t.~~f':~:r~t~~~~.~.'.~.~: :: ::::: : : :: ~ ' ~1A lit.. ", rHuctt 0 0 to ,.,ut., .ll••rU. .....


O. ) 1. Hun.. A . W. E)fflL • .


AttorneY' and Coun..lon .t Law ,

~ "'•••••. "'.T.Monel loan ed rr al Mlale bou, bt aDd

aol\.l. f.'lu . 10 1.,...,,"'Olh(Uonl wade,conu yaneln", et c..

....._--~---~ ....."""'!"!!""!"!!!"!""!---""'!'!"~--- .........................~~.....!""!""~~.",.".....---!!""""''!!''!!'':'''''!!!!'''..............-----------~----,

,,' 1.


...' I


, ,




W .\ T . , .




J',"EW ADVE IlT I HEl!EJ',"'rS:


Lullg DlJIeaoe l ,Throat DlIeal •••

Bre athlns Troubl•••

It D1UV E5 fNT O ,be 1,.1• • our l th'o".01.a n d h..Unl med lcl nftl,It ORA. WK .· BO H lh . df'C'eaMd r ULe

Ih ., poW,O. lb.' cau.. 4eub. T iloulll a d.T " tU1 to It. \ ' rtuN.



C .U .L "' :\1> IlX .U II :\'E. nc

hlllll 'OYCIl F l 'lI IJeOIl I II IllI llge

T b. F~'~idt ~~J~b~II::cf'~"c!'~:~~ .Ra DJI .

O ur U••e rf p t h_ IlIud,...t"t P r le.r .b l . N"o . IIlU, or U r, UUN " . P' fO •• "w I ll be­1__II.d . bolll J I. reh I tt• •1 . 1. 1' ,,10• •q luH• •1 In :oio. 1Il1t "In tilln" ln . ood . nltlthai 1I.1• . HfO nd U_ f tl u l" " . m e • • "1 , roroo" ,or Jof u • • U. Ft• • "'a.. , ..dd"• • • •

, I UN'TUO U E IlY WAHn a cu.,. " , A a . v "'.bu b AYe •• C h l o• • o .IU.

Ord....,. JloUcll • .,). Still. rac tlo n a ua n a tfll d.

WADD EL L.\ MI LES .8 tnllle , W. T.

p ' ~ ~ [ 1-' S .

!I'oll l'!pc, il l 'l\ ~" OOllds, k c.

:~ .\ Q"ell h for th o u le hr nte\lhU J' r:ItI UIt STOYES, t~o b o. 1 t~ n tiii tl')I t.\ un t lu.. l Jnci th CaDet .

~AIl plat u wC\frnnt.d not toCl"t\cL: h~' fire . f h e LatJk. WRrrllo te llto hUl l fh" ) 'u n ,

COlll tRn lll o n blind , wh ic h ",·il lh 8 ..olt l to l' u dtolUer• • t tbe 10,"',, 'pdf~"Il,

:l-S-- Lo tM uf fif t)' d ollan ~ u ,I u l' ~" IUtl tl l..'1 iYOI'~1 1 III th l: l '"lIf'L1 d llleC rO!4 ins flti c of Cl l llo l'g O.

Don '. d ro lp nlr nnut , OU ban t ried tb ls~n"lble. F.a.l1y AI~'lIrd a nd ltadl cally

~~~f;c:,u a~%I~~d~~c. I ~~d.o? ~~~I~:l'.~

IKentl fu r , ,,t1mllnl dl I ud ou r boot

"1.·b~e 1111I1(1D• • YeAr. " Sen t tree .T ilE " ONI.Y" LU:l/O PAD ()O.

WUllamIUloek,D' lr olt, X lcb •

BROCERIES a. PROVISIONI'I J.:At fro m tlrMt h"mle in r or Ua nll

ntlll SAX F HAXCISC O for CaHh,andwm8811 1t14 Cheou p atf t btt Clte ftpOlt .

'1'1) I'a l"l ie" from n rliMtRD U' ] wil lt:'iTe "ph'iI, l t tirnl &tb l\t will 1)1\1 themfur coml n",.

I enrry Do full 1104 of 0.11 gooth. ,tlltnn ll .,· kt'p t i n a F ir ltt-cl u a Coun tr )"S tore .

T o all \\ ho h l\fo mon'l t o IIp@n tl] "'oulll .t tl •., :-PlflRtlf g in us " cnll •Rntl 1 I{uarn llt('t, t lmt ) 'OU will lelu e..ntild lcll wlt U YOIII' IJnrgninH.


0,. ntl !JIIIII of $Gnutl ul,warlill ill'Lh " "bon li u. of KOot1s 1 " ill tnk a '

10 l t f'l r c .... , Oil' Cor (;UllI h.

I lin"" JII., n cel' .:l1, lIre cl


Dy ~h.. Idnho ," Burk Tmu O'!lbMller) I \' 1' .\ 1.1. A ND W INTER




S . B AXT ER & CO.,SoaLlle, W. T.


PATENTSand how \0 ob&alll ,heaL V&mpbltll..... upon ........ o r ......p tor JKMIto'.... .A.d4reN-

QILMO... 811lTR II 00•-,,­... ................... .. ..

J Cl'n 7, 18110 .



A. Valua bl e Farm fo r Sale.160 Ac r e ·farm l si s: miles fr oOl

" ' bn tcow and aLout o ne m ilo IrornLbe mou th ot t ho Nookllaok U.h erwill bo Hold very cheap for cn ab:Tbia tor m co m ]>n _f1l1 lin orchard 01Barno 800 t ruit t rou . with nu r Keryga rde n. "Iso 70 acro a mnr l h meadowo ntl tlve acres of g a rde n. ~l'b o pub-­110 rond frOID " ' hateoUJ to F ern da loanti 8 0mia bm oo r une by tho lurm 'nl80 p, Doti gobl. I lough to tb ~pre miso l .

ApplI 10 Mr, A. W : F..,glo , o f LnCou uer , o r 0 0 t ho p remi lea La

F . F . LANE .

Solo .\ , onlb for tho

l"or " 'hl ch" e pny Ihl!'hi llhee t Cu h .f' r lrtlf

(l i eu ., l en ll rorl'rlu LI. t.

1>eal e" ill a ud E1.IlOrtur" ot


}·.UIl OAKS Ol. D DOURllONW Hl SK k:Y.

All o f \yhi e h Wit a fte r ' 0 ' h . ' r ~u1e

At San F r ancloco Price• .



::;. H A XTEH & CO,

}:U:CTA S . t~oCT" pLahl Ua ,TI :

WILLIAU ) · \fF.J . ll cfcn l.IAnl.

O f l :Lu\'m~t~ I~ : t:w~:~t,r \~' = ::li ~~~~~\~~~~ 'r il E L .JI Jl I ~ 1j' O It E.~ Il:~i rr~ r h,~,II'II~~I:. ,~r l~;U~I\/·l\l n<:~th,: r :;l t !It AI th e 'no ,1I1I o t tL, Xuo~ l&tk RIver .Elf."Ch.. t'l. !-·11Ul . ftli'llin I \\" lIlulII \'11.1 (,1,

j! :II~{'I II:\~~·I'~~Jt, ~hi, lt \~: i::I;::: rl~ ~t) :: ;~\i l t ;:~ B , DI c D O N O U O H, Proprietor ·rl;:lIl , tlt1., " lid IUI l..'rr.t or t ilt: 10\\11 ' '' llI lnmYIlI..lI, In and In t hllt f 'c r h l n IUN Itr~ l1 r cd Ilt IIlr:d. IIIhullU, 1)·ln g IIlul l:e l"~ III II n!l l\ JltTl;a ,,"u tI ch o ice . " or h n eDt of

1~~III~\rl~f~:::I~~~n~lirl:[:.;'~i~ :t!ti n~1 J~Ji :,'~.~: G E:\Eh AL ~l EnCll j\XDIHgII'W\ I:

Lot ~" . o nt (1 ) fl f !ilt','lInn 11£1"l'n n '~ 1 In

7;'f:\j;~II\~~II~:~ IY~~~ II\" 1 :\\l i l~I·~~,\~llll~ I ~~·~~~':W ttlll l l ll llt un T f' rr lt o r)' .

Xutlt'c lot Iltrll h \' 1.1:1 \"(' 11 Ih lll on .\I' lnd a 'the 2,.,111d n t' ti l f' d' rullr)' , 11., II., I ~~ I. utUIl I' u 'c1u,.\ I n I h , ' IIf l.rllllun , nr tl 1('Clln r t huu",' 1I" nf III t llu 11Iwn ll f 1.,\Cun nt'r , WII" tc-ullI 101\1I1y Il rOl rl!~ ,,1 1 I, 1

~1 11~ 1 :~: ~ 'l l~\" l i li' :II,~ I '~:'I ,~ I: l t, l~r lt~ ~ ~~l r[.l, nl ;;~ WADDELL & 11111£81I11) \' f! ,ll'IH'r lhll! I lilli, '\ n ,1 p n 'llIl.l ·M lit - I

11l11' lIu 'IUCllun Iu Iht! h lU: Ul'Jlt Lhld{' r ur n lJ u1 t'1IonI t" n l H1 n lll ~. lJ " "" ltl l '''',1,hh ,t4 fo r I 'lllll , ",uM (.;ulu, I 1M

J ,, :tt· ,\ UY ~'U, 1 ~"I1.

.J.\m:~ lI · I.O l:fllll . l ~ . R ~ 'l ~ £ S. CO I ,J HOdl;:I..ATltlOSI OV EI~llcr llr ', 1 WIUl k um ("UUlll ) ·, W. T , ·)"I " • •• :I: ' u ll · (I .tIL ~l n r h l l'll " ·IU' • •

W, It. A:HJ:n. \\I , AlBI)' ' ur l'hl lntUr,


Con lfistinu In \Jorl of li tA(llo a lKltOnno, l>ry O OOtl " of nil k ind,,:~1 t! Il ' II nud UOJ' tt' c...: lotluug nudO eA l l(' F ur nish ,n ll G oo d l i Men '.11Iitt Uop ' Pu re H ul lber Boote, Hub.he r CUI' tit I\ I It..l Oll Huitt. ; Ai lio Hoot..Hhoelt 01111 S1i\lperM uf all kind.. . oJ-------------1Hizolt j .: IJt iu ll.t of 1111 k lndHj H uro .'fn r~ nnd Gu UfJ ry j Ir on n ntl Null" ~U I IUtM'·1lol'8 and O rocktllY ; lhug.. andP ,l lu li L ~l e<1 ic i ll fs ,

='\ntl t: tJ IIH ' I-uhll ~,, " nn ,

U. l:'! , l...A.:"' u 0 ....,,'1t.AT () l,f)II · IA . '''' , 'r ,.lJ " t ' t lln l.i t!f :l 3 . I~O.

~ u tl (, 11 III h l'h 'hy ~ lVl' 1) thllt th o tullo""·Inte" 11I\1I) CI\ ~1I 1., h,p, 111,,_1 IIlIt l(:I' u( h i MInl ullUuu til 11I"k. h 'wl Il III ..up pnrtu f b l8 \' Inhu lind f1"C Uh' t:. llul l'ulry t hu l'o f,IHlIl l ll1. t Uw ll lluuf \\ 111 lit! UI1 \(l fllJ~ fll r l ' lh ll

J lul " \' , flr In hi, ••b"'·n( ·... t ill' l ' lc fk ur IhoI Ut-t r lc,t CulHI at hi t o IUI'f' at l .I' Cnnn l'r .\\' , '1'.. u n .' lllmllly. t h. j Ill dn )' .,rlo'clJr Ullrv . A. It t 'j jl :

,I A)H. .. 1. . : .\111 lin "" lI ul1l" "I:I(1 nr r 11 r nlilln

~::\ :ll ~tW ' '~~f 1-:, ~~'\ W ~ I~ S\\ ~p~~ X ~~;~'I' ll . 3.' ~, It . , dl 01111 11111111' . (Ill'l'IIIIowl " l{ "" h i .. wltn\' '' ~ iI'l In 'I"I \'I' h\!lt:tl l1t l llUHlIl rt hl . nl' l"lIl' tl ll Ilntl l uh h htiolltl f ..III U'n' l . ylz : I :. ~I hlc)·. ~ . \ \' '' " I.n.n . W" UlfOlI und '\1,;111 . (Jrtlr , 11.11 o r l··lt l ftljf' "Whllieum Cuunl)' . 'Q,' . T

.1. T, llI toW~ , UeR I II ~r.

....'nt IIUltU C: I\1L!lo Jun. I , ~ I.

!WoU C". fu r I tnbli cll Uon ,

U, ~. I , .\:fO Ovrk'R AT O I. net·IA. W, T "1) .' C tHlI~· r ~J . ItlSO,

~••t jce II h " rr hy «" eu I h ll l ' h ll f",lIn w_' nv-rUlIlINl 1C!,,1~'r lUI" nl.J nU4. \C. uf hi.In l"l lll un lo U1 lloke lIulll Ilrun f In " tl' l)o'r t

~~ tllll~I:~II~::il l ll;~lrl:7.;II~ I :~nt~fl~)::J.t :::r~;t~~I htl ,Ju,llI., It t In kit "~l'n t'f' .l hfO (.1t'rk urt he 1)1 trlet CU\ln l\I hi. utlt ce A' I..., l\ln·"r r, ''t., T .. u ll W.tlnc .11'y Ih u 2'-' tJny ofl'·t.lh JUM)'. 11.. n . 1 ~" I :~ .\"n': I , WrrMlS'. l llUnl"lI r nll tlftpl lr " t llin"tI. ~1.lU tur loO t" 3 IlUl\-' nn.l Ihe S l':~ IIr

til t, ~"'i "ol l l:u' ~ t:. fl f I h ~ . ' Wi l,f!-lI'C , Itt.T il, :10 S , It . :I ..: : 11 11 " II ftUWI' l ilt' fulltl wlllK

~:~~~t:n;t~ t I:I\UI~l· ,:~tfr~'I~ I~ t~~~I~~f~~ ~II '~~\ltiI t llcl . \' h, : ~ I. l · . 1I&k{' r , U lur llfl (,'nlll l..III' .e h rl 11"," ,I lh lt \' r • •\ 1I ' <"t~ ~I ' 1 1 U ln 'U1 nllo t t ·('rn ,l " r. , W lu ll' l,rll ( 'Utlllt ." , W. 'r,

.I, T , 11!to W=-: , Ih':llt t l'r,,,'lr ~1 11I1~ l cnc lo n J'd, I, I ~ ':I I

!\'o tle.. or .4.'I)II c:"Uon t o '''llr .C IUb f' ' I' an t h e r I ,liuul ,

~utl c e hu' I-II 1111 1.:1' II UII . ,

C. So. {. ,\ rw Orr i n : A1· Or,U ll' U , W, Tot1l'·' ·" lu l", r :J ~ , I~O ,

Nnllcl' II hu eh,. ~I t'l'n IlInt Ill, (" III1\\' ·Ina lIt1mrd II1'1I1"t 11 11 tllutl nn ll ct! l,If IJlllInl t!lll lun 10 mnkc linnl prout III IIl1l' lltlrtfir h it 11"lI n nll t1 ." (~Utt' ,In ,,1"1l1 r)' t lu..' rl'o ',nlH\ Ili lit IIfl, hl prou t will hI, 11"'11 0 hcf or lJIho t:lt'rk ut tll(l Il ll t r ic t Cou r l. A t hhl,lIk n In J.1I ClI nnl' r , W, 1' . , un 'l'lIl'.dll)'t ht I t li lly o f 1·'l'b'·l ll tr r . A, II " l ll~ l :

1J '- :"I ~1 1 STuIIII'f, I' rc· lIll1p(\UII O , ~ . Su8:11 1 1111' tll t' ~ . 111 :q o ( :-!o l'{~ , :l l , 'I'p , IIIS" It :J E, : nUll II l1ltW. t ho loll'lId ll li I\."h t. WIt Ill 't1 l'lI III p llW. hh ('tJn ll n uu u 1rt,,,lllt:l1t' " UWlli ,&11\1 t' ult l" l\l hn nf 1t~ 1 1 1t r"e l, \ Il : \\ 1I1l'llll W ill i" , W ,~ . •'IO t 'l ,II. A. Wrl ~ h t IUl ll Ill'n';" O~ :;"O IIl)! , 16 11~~' , 'i~~U U Ilt Ve rn on , Whl\tc o.> lII C....UIII)' ,

J, T , llHOWS. Ih·l[hllr r.1"1...1 l'u blll' :,Uult J lln. I , t ,,~ 1.

I ,EO.\J, ;NOTreES.

~utlc . fu r I tll h tlCll tl tJn .

r . 9, l.U Ll Orri CK .\ T 01. f)I Pr .\ , W . T "I)l.'cr lllh f." r :t! , IMS?

nn~~ll\t':t!~ ~ll~~rl~~' Ifl~~1 1:1 ~':: I~~t :~; :~~I 'I'~'I~~~tlnn tn Ul.lko rtn fll proof In npl"m of h idahn ROt! I'l..'f' lI h' Il n Rl cn u )' t let uf, ernlIII ~ t ~hl I'to<lf will he ' lltHIl..' IJr(urc tilt'J u .,)ltfO, lOr In hl l IIb-"nce the elnk ot Ill",Il l ~ t r l cl (" OUf!. w. t Ln Conner, nn \\'N'n\' I ­II." Ihl12 J dav uf !,' el lfl! lI " 10., n . 1 ~ l :

1 11 :~ I 'N~~'~ I~;i:: : ;~ i~: 'tj I,J;t~l..'t l~~ ,~~I}I~I~ 'au X. It. 'J t:: lI U1l IlAl1lul hl' (onu\\' l n ~ Mh l4 wn ne ....t'II tn pto \e h i. l'o ntl nu tJlI' I I." I·llellcu tlpu ll lln,l t'uh l\'nthlO ur ..l\lc..I ltlH I,\' t,, : l h 'o r ll " (' lln' rl' lIr , Clld, lIRIl J, Ih k r tlIlI l l \\'lI l1ltnl .\ . Uu er, 11 11 o f I·...r nl l.' h·.\ \' h" hlUlIl ( 'UlIllty , um! .luhn ~t u ll ru , otL um ml , Wh",t ('nlll l ''' lI lIly , W, '1'

J . ' I'. IIluJ ' YX. u ('c lt1t r ,rirt t pUlJ1 lCllll ull J nn, I , I~ I ,


I t 'O ll .' ·...~ :W O TI C I:.

N u tl e u fur ( - u hllc:uU d n .

U.8. I#AS D O I' I'IC r; AT OI.Y~I'IA . W . T . ,Jun11" ry J.I, I~~ I .

:-;otlce h- 11. rchy p;IHn Ih llot tLI.! (oll u"' .In g n i lUM scU It:r 11 11 f1lcl.lnol1ce f ,t hi"hH\'nll nn If) lIlake fin,,1 pr oo f In ,uprutl

:~S lt~ ~~Il~:lllt~~~e{u~i'I:~lb~1 ~~~k r~~~ t~~~t he J udStf'. u r In ii i. ab tc nl'(O Iht: Clerk firIh e () i. t r lc l Coml. fll li l.. o l1lee In LII Co n­n. 'r . W. T . , o n Wed ou lJs)' I lle 2:JJ dal o f..·. lJrtIRry. A. u , IMI :

A I..JI!!:U1· C L' WIlW, 1I0Ill t IU l' a ppllc Rtl lln~o . :li81JrOt Ill e S . u r ~Wl o r SI'C• .'I; :-aa0' S Wl ami SW! Clr ~J;l fir .' c. 8, T l' .4Q N, It " l :; a nll f1" m l' Ih ~ (u ll""" ln ll' Mlila w h ile lie :, to IlfO\·e hit cu nll nuousrC1t h1clt: ('f~ Ur t)n nntl culth'nt!lln 0 ' Illdt r tlct , \' Iz : Oil ytor T ilt on , J" hn Kclle,rn. uueu 1-~(J1ml aln flOfl Wlllliln n. \' 111;Hur f!'n, all o t N'ooku ck. W lll lt COlU ('oun lt,W. T ,

,J. T , nnowx, H('g llt er .I~ i ,.,,, pu blleatlun J an . '.n.

~ ().. ('C Cur . '1Ihll (' u 1l 0 n .C. B, L A:SLl Or n eR .\ T Ot,\')I['I.\, W . T"

Junll nry H .l t' '' ••N",lk~ I ~ I:t'relo,. i h 'c n Itllll lh c tolln• •

Inl{ IIl'1 n1'III n lli c r h ll" n lhl !lull c.· ot hi llIn t"IIt1 t1n 10 IIIHkff Iln 'll proof th ·urltl,tllJf bit c lnl m Iltul It 'CUt.. Ilnnl ('nl r ' UH' (IL'o ll\1l d I h \ t uld vroJn t Will I ll) tn 'I, 1t lJ" (O I"t'l Ie ,Judgp, IIr III IIIIt abltl' nCtt Ihe:CI'.!rk IIfth, ! 1J1 ~' ,l c t C OIHI , a, h i" olllec III 1. 1\ CUll.IIt'r, \\" T.• lin Wt:d llClldllYIbe '2;1,1dar ut1"l'h rtUrr , -" t. , 1 ~ 8 1 : ~

O' ,'\'I:U TI I,ToJ:t . fl um cIIIl"'! njl ll l l,. .\111l1l~I) . 272 1 t o r lll tl 'S'\' ! fi t S\\'! ot ~et.', -I;E+ of :oil';! lUll! :-OWl lIt t' Ej ut :-:l'.'. ,'i . '1'1'.~ o S, If: .. 1-: ; nnd U lillI e r. t lif' tflll ol ",lll ~ II ~

h l 'l wll l1l h \' " l oJ PI'U\ 't' h i t! (:Hllllnll. I\ I "rt· ~ ld~" ce upo n nntl c lIlIh ltlinn fl f A.. ll lImc" , v lln Altll'rt C UDll n l!', Henr y C .l': h lt:t lO , Rt:u ll r n Founl ili n lIn d "'1II1110' n.\' 11 11H ll r ..n, nil o f ~UoJk' llC ", W h ltol Col\Icu unls , W, T .

.J, T , nnow:-;, n <." i!£ b tc r ,f"lra t publi calion Ja n . :.!'J,

T i IlI TO'" nv W .uIIlSUTON, )COli Ill)' ti t Wh l t r u ut , i

1, ,Ifllln A, 'fl' nnnnt , J ud i e I n ll f'x ·ofllcl n('I N k 0 ' 111 (' " ro llnlc (' m ltl u f W iutt n lll \(' fl ll oty. W. T " cerUry t llnl th e . b I\'t' I.

~ ,I~~~nC:j~ nO ~ r,~I:I I~I;~:3~ 1~1.11;':,atn l l clllt: rc\l

W ll n e·~ In,. tuuut And lIe,,1 u f I l, lt! cour ll li e II",)' IIIH ) ! t' " r IlLove "'rlU "n ,

[ ••:,\ 1.. ) JoH s A . '1'F::S S ,\ ~T.

Jlltlg c Ulut ex 'o lUclu cl urk P ru LI' le l.'tlur t.F lr. II Hlbllcnll on J An. 1,)

& CO.,


;2,907,210 Ac re. ,303,1i211, GOO ..100. OO ~ . nj tJ

ii2 . :.!28,100nO.Dn,a60j 1,;37 ,GOO61,0 6l,6l0ll ,7DG.160

• • 0

D ULI Ii I I :.

A lt A C O a T E8,

(Fi~.lgo b lond. ) W . T.

I10W~I A N


A. T. IU OB Y.ATTO R N E Y·A 'l'·LA w .

IUIIT em, W. TWill praeUoe be rore lb . Dt.\rid ec..r.

nr W a.. lC'OIA eooa lT.



~o.. c~ .. for '-ublle" lIo n .U. R, LAND O rrrCK AT Or,Ul N A, W, T "

l le c'l mlJer ~:J , 1i !:lO.No tice I. hnebl I I. en th At rLla ,,.11 0W' _

log nflmf'c\ .culu lin. IU..~ hotl t''' o r h i.lnltn tlnn t .... InSKe tl n" I I' rnof In I Up port

~~ ~I It"h~~Il~nili~~o~;u~ilr l~~ f!l~~,rel~~;~~~tbe n~,bl L'r 6nll R. ceh·er o f I l1e LaudORleo Al Olylllpla , W. 1.'., UII T hu udBI ,tbe IOl!l day of l'~l!b ru "r)' , A, II " 1881:

O. e,\!\ (JuunWJN, Pre~IIl 11 l l ll ll n. 8 , No.

;~~~\v'l~ :'~~~. ' ,l~ ~~;~3NN: :~' 7rl~ : 1 a':(tn llnl' I' t h o (oll u w i n g ttl h i. wllll esa ,. f1 Iu

~~I'I~~: 1~1I~o=~I~ur3' 1 ~:~~~~II~~ fJ;~~~' IA~Dnuan, ~r. f1Ihall K l"a r mlce, J ohn W..ruhl u un . nd Alb. rt M"rllhaU. I IIof )l lmntVor non, Wh atc:o tn Cuu nt v, W . T ,

J . T. UROWS. Itl'gill er .Vln t (lu b ll Cl1lln n J.n , 8. 1I;l8 l .

:\'01l c:.., fu r Ituhll c allun .C. H, LA.:SLl U r lo'l n : AT O I.T)II'U" W . T.,

J)ccelll Lt r za, I PJSO.S ullce I h(lrt'b y &:Ivcn tbll t th e fIIUm,­

Inll nam ('l!. n tl h:r 111.. Aiel!. n t}lil' d ttt h lllok llllnn to m" ke rt'Jlll pro o f In tl\l(lponlo f iii _ cl aim 1lnt.I . ecy rC'lio ul ('ntry lIll'r..o f,ond Iha t tho .ald p rou f will bo nllll .l. h..r" rn Ibe n . gl Il!'f lin d Hec(O t" t:r o f th e U.. SI.a nd Ortlce . t Olr mr1a, W. T" on Thun ,day , th e 10th day",r "·(lbru" ry . A, D. • 1't81 :

Mu!(110£ K l'AnW I ,t: r. . l ' re ,elU(lliun U. ~ .No. <lUtl.; ror the J~ot t. lq of ~ t-: l or 8eC"13. Tit , &, S . I t 7 1': ; ItoDd nam(' 1 th o tul­lu wln .c ftl h i. wh ne" . to l)ttJYe 111 .. co n­L1nunu . rCl ldeoc:e up oo lint! euh lyat lCl Il u fanltl t r lLel , .,Il: : O tcArOoull'Tlo , . ·r "nk A,l)4.lg.clm . Johu W. J .unu c n nnd AlbeIt~buh l ll . an of 3l oun1 VNnon , \ \' b lllcoRtcouOly, W. T .

J . T , nnows, R(I, lsl tr.t"ln t publication J u , 8. l U I.

.'o l h· t:~ "or .'ubll c u II UIt ,t:. ::3 . I. A:"f D Orrin: 4T O L1U I'U. W.1'. •

.' Gnu. IY U , 1';' ~ \.

Xolico II hert'b., Riven tlm\ ' hl' roll .... " ·InR n alUf d . eUln li n ftlf'tl po lk " (If Ill.

!,;t ~i: '~),~, :~ ~~~r :e~.~ll~~ A)I~~il~ 1I11~ V '11~1;~~I~ ~And tblt t ;thl pro"C w ill ue D",~lt' ber"r"the .I tld ~l' , o r In 11 111 a \J. t:acc t hO! l:ll"rk o rIhe n h tr lct ( 'UUIl , 1\' hi .. un it:. In t."(' onn r. W . T. • un '''('lint'''' '''" I ll . ~Jd.1,, \- 01 Februa r\', _,. n. I I : •

W II.I.IA,N P . '-.,sIIt' RES , lI ome~ t t':ld ar·

Jrll~~·..11~·* .~r ·~~I~;:~~l:{ ~~~l~ \~~~ '/ui~:~; I~j~

;u~~:n~~II~·:n~~ ~~l~i.\i~,~~ : ,~:"~f~~i, t.......................--- - - ....--.. 1tfllet , \'b: : O liver T lll ,," , .\lI u~rt Cumin,:,

Ht'ubt n 1'\ m nt" l n all (\ J uhn 1\1·11.\' , 1111 ufS oo k t :u k , \ \ ' b a t C1J1ll cHu n h ' , W. 1' ,

J . T . nnoWx, n t'i:lt tt r.F lul publicAtio n ,liIn. ~2.

LE O AL ~01'lCES .~-~-=-~-=..::-.

~ o ..c" f U I ' ( tn bll c nU o n .C, s. ..... !'I'D O r FI CIi: .\ T (H .nII'U, W . T"

J) t cc m lJcr :.!;I, 16&0,•· ot lcc I~ lJe:'cby jtl \'I 'n that the r",lIn "' .

ilJlf nllouull l lteUler Ill'" tile d null ce or hlAIn tHl lll n to m nke ti nnl p roor I II I UN0rtuf h ll c1 1~lm IIml .ccu rl! lin n\ (lotr y t h' 1:co flUl l Ih llt llBhl rrollf wil l Lo malic hd tlfc(bp l: l:! I& I ~ It'r unll It l' f~ r h'c r tl f rho lA nd

~:II~l l~lt J~~: I: : JI!;:e h~~I'n ;~ , ' A~nD:,r ~I~~i~ llr ,J ullS W. ',I,HHW'~ ' l' n " cnll iliun n, M,

~CI . 411,li til:" Ule f: l uf S Wi ,\n,1 W; otHo t:1 ti t ~t'c . 10, 1')1 # :l~ , :-:, It. j } : : Ii n tlnnlUca lli o to:lowl u); 1.111 1,1 h Itltl' .. .. .. ll t ..(lro , o h !. co nt! lluu uj r• • ill<."u ct: 1I11"n a mIc ul rl \' all on or u hl U nci . "'l1.. Cfa ll ~ A ,f) lJllP;'UI. ~ 1 " nrotJ f:.: , I'nrml e~ , OJcIIor H ood·win a nf!. ( '\.lnr lt'li Ih rUlUll, a ll o r ~l u u lI I

Vt:rno n , WblltC:OR\ Cflu n lv, \Y, T ,J . " . BHQ\VS.. lt ei 1n . r.

""Int pu lJllcn.t1ol1 J IIII, 1;, J ~ I .

, .... A. 'frrc... 6:2 As1J1RI1\t a"enuo t

'fo letlo, Ohi o, IIa.ys: ~ly wifo i.. no\"

il~Bl~ ~:~:~n~t~ i r:::I~: d~:rtorOlLa~I~~:~of tb o E :<ce lsio r I\:hl uey l ' ad . "·0cn n hea l'lil,)' rEcoD1 w eud it to a lll.: it.lney trou lJlet.l per tiOD ti. fX.a Rtl ­vcrt i ~vm cnt .

Acr e age of the P a cific " lo p e .Arizo nl\ h ll tl . , ••

Aln81l1\ "" . ,CRUfor ni l\ II •• , .

I tlRhoO U I;0 11~eYaun

Utoh .. ..'\~nsb i D C' to n h 1\8 ,



" DO"''''l'U':.' }~A I l\ " 111 "ullpau'd Ih,.t hn) 'ort lanJ Te leg r nm] to 13 \" do i re re dt ho foll o .... ing feHcit o u l re mnrk" tot ho N'o\·ml.. 1". g i" la ttlro 0 11 h iMr<t­ce nt electio n to th u Unit ed Hta tu~ena'o : HOe n tlcnu!Il of th o ~evatll1

I " Kidalu re -ln l' u MUlanu ut tholJurgn ill wbl eb we mnd e before ha nd ,in whi ch yo u "'al to (:f1t th e mo nlfYu ud I " Aa to Got tue office, ,"OU lu\\ 'olJub ly perfo rrned you r pnt t , I thau kl 'u tl fo r t he hono r J'on hnvn aho wu

c:: l~l~ n~~i'~ ~I~ :ltI~ b~:~I~rlot:I Of~lt~I~~!.but th at a(tflr I hnd bou ght .you undp ni ll t he II~ o n e'y , :..o~ I tOOlt 11J' IJIOth rouJ.fh thi ck nnd th in . A.ny furtherr O\\"l1rtl l ll th e wU/' of officill l l il.vo rH\vh ioh I nl l\ ,)' Le n )119 to cri lJ la'OUl nco rr upt HOJlull icnn l\d milliat nl t iouo t "'n ~h i nA" ou 1 wilt R' 111t1l~ Rivo tot hon who h l~"lt Leen my moAt fnit h.l ui tullo 't'I' OrA, [tlJRlIk )' 0 11 fur th erl or th e G r~l t ho nor J'on bu o U~

Hto"o\1 on U\ C~ I " mon wbo cor rup tlyb u)' t heir WIl.J into Sonl\lo rinl H(jRtl!ld o Dol goncral J)' h u o much o f t honrticlo iuhe1'cllt in th om . YOti hn\'oth e cot" wh ich 10U h(lthlCII, Bnd 1) II\ VO the houor whleh I lackod . Alli . Hore u.... noel tho D emocntio K OOI O

hf loftll." SUIIJoDde el in tb o Doua nzn

8 t.t• ." ;::::;==;;:::;:::=-:==J", n uoo k called II E utroJlia " n

ralhe r Rrousi ng llbli ncti on il d ra wnLelwtlou the infido lit y o f th e L atin:rRCO Rud tba l of th c Teutonic. O ft ho French , Itali au or ti pnnish iot\·.d ol ta" write r h e II gatherod III'.Lis fai tb in 00(' harHI like ft Hicl.:lyt ree. rml! ..d th tbe o t her cutMit d o woGn d clu ll it Ir om h im . • • • 110ta ka. t 'J I U im UiorAl li fo to la') · tb eBtroD8'th o f his ewan cipl\tioll. • • •T be cro wd of Int in inlld ols u IDintl8ono I t ra ng 01,· o f th o t wine iu to wh ichth o legiol1o f d " iit, an tl:f retl . Th o)'n eve r IItor.rMHl r u na iog 0 11 th oirco ura e un til drowni ng e nd , tl thoirm ad ca roer." Of th o Te utonic,nthei! llie lUi,. ,: II ,110 lets tho tr o6oft tGlid . He th at JHckl up OtlO root ,lteUberltell e SBmUl('1I it , nnll grum,·pUh i t a li cia 1\'lI l\ nu iuoco. H o thenlokoRnaother an tt .nother , .. • •Ull ti! the uee of it " o w n ncco rd,a nd hil mind itl }lrOpnrol1 lor GO"nmou nt of ltS'st.enlM tbnt l'n n hue vah etl froOl tb e d l; ' lb o f hUtllnllco n"ciou tnc, ,,. J[., II' Il:efc r l1Iu' n"y .

;'0;on~ II ~'bntr~lt:en~~:n[lI ~e :ro~r: chi:h app ine". i n boor, " moke and

lU(lt(lp lJ~·8~i=" .=. =..====='1'111: ~dW Y or k Hnu of JUI~, 0 , IUlYR

tllmt II t iDeo t b e for umtio n o f th o"y utlic llte , whicll, i t ill Hllld , ill tofurn ieh U O,OOO,OOO nud t\H muohIllor o nl may lJo n e e Ds . al,. to l ocn roth o co m \, let io u o f th" .sor thern P RociUe ItBi ro ad, t he eomp au)' Illn d o­t e rauhJflll W l un b the wo rk , an d ha M

j>romi. otl to bayo the wlwl o li ne 0POIIor Imffio b! ~,"y , 1881. All t ~ o

Juen who have be e1\ to work g rauingAnd I Ry l n~ t ie .. du ri n.: the p rOAsntl ell..o n Will he I.:0llt omplor etl ftt5OIDothing else Ihroug b t he co ldwinter month II, 80 al topro\'eat lhoirg oing A'uy. anti ft'I AOO U &It Hprin~opena .. lar ge atlilitioual tur co ofla borerl will be rutLa worle. Th e"bolo lo ng l~ 0 t ~ . ro.~ will beabou l 2,000 mileo.

1'UB a pf ortioDwon t Lill 6xel th en umbe r 0 reprOMentnti n ft in Con..

V:il~·w~t: 80~1:b:mB:P8,rt~,~~~~:: ~~Cali forni a. 0, Co lo llltlo 1, C O D II9C li ..

out oIt Delowore 1, Geo rg ill D. Illin..oil 10 . Intlianll. 12, l a wn 10 . 1\.8 0 18110, K en tu cky 10 , Lo ui.ian n 6. ~I a. i llo4, Maryland 0, 1\[ 0 1 neh ulloUs 11,Mich i" an 10. ~liunelo tA G, )f i lll i l ·Rlp pi 7 , Mill!lou ri la, Nobm.allfl 3,Nundll. 1 , New H aw llll, h ir e 2, No.,JeTtloy 7, New Yor k 31. Nl>rtll Cn ro·liun 8, O~lo l D, Or. sqn I , IIho~.

I .IRnd 2, P en nsyhnuih. 26. 80 uthUar oli n&0, Tennollea 0, TeIB! 10 ,Vormont 2, Yirgi uin 0, \ \"illco ntlin 8,' V(lI LVirgini a.4. As cOlup aro u withthe p r080n t nu mb or of melUUOfY,tll il biIJ woko" t ho tol1o,, 11I1( 10888sAud g aius : Ark&1I8R8, CRli io rnlR,lawn, Mich igan j Mi8lliu ippi, BOdt hOarolin a au d '\""eat Vir gi nia g ilinone er.wh, ! \ QnI UI ga iull Lb rco, TUI\Itou r an d U IOOo80 ta t wo.


J ODK BH&RU4l'f . four yl'Rrw Sooro­tory of the Tron luf)' u nd or Prc. i ~

d onL D RyOS, hili 1..1"'0 olfJch Hl U. B,84Jnator fro m Oh io , H o hu al roR,],.••netl thr.e terma, or o lght60 0)'eAu, .. SenaLor.

• AXOTBIR V 4CA"OY.- TLe \loath ofMr. A.. J . Bonta. ProlleculiDg Al ­torDe,. lor th , P i.tnd Cour t ofW hitml n COUDty. In the finl J ud ic:i11D i.trict II AUDouDced . Hi. 'U1ceOI­lO r will b OTR to be apl'ointe~ byGon ruor Newell .

0.. TIl. t.rmiaal tb . Ta comaIAdger .,..: At DOtlm t.twit hin th"PMl b.. eo lDaDl build lDiliben projeotecl in N..... Ta eortl" a. at.pnMa', aod it i. u te to ., th atwilh. fl .... da,.. 0' fair weather adose. or 1D0re would be commeDoed.Tla_ ... ao a"PI1 d w,lIIu g ~ou..a110 towa aad l b, d ' lDlIIld for tbom 10I a.doily. All tha ooa lrooturo!1ft....,.. aad -., 'OarpIa tar oom­yo to towa oblalu IlDaaodlole OlD-

....'" . ~"...<W-."..

L !

:\'OT I~ ' : .


_ L _

C. 1l0XU\' AS.Trl' fIl UHer fir ''' IIIIo I('(lIn I'vunly, W. ·r.Wn "T' " tl ~ l , W. T ., Jn n . h t, 1 ~1.

Su ite made to ord er trom- th e fIlO.••n iceaLle I ntl It,.lI .h good.. & mplbl at gooul. wit h dinetiolll falelf·IDeuuremenL. lIenL to ab1 addrfOu on application .

II A11 a l. o on brand an elull'lh'.a",or tm ent of read, mac'. cloUI1• •I Dd O. ull F urnl.blull Oood •.

All at ,..d.r. ... I"raee..

~u (ullnll will ),u ' ,IM"11 In ke l'p lng"u llIlln \\ 1'11 1' 001 "hll ~hc I fCI1ut . t l(JR or Ihohlfu'. M onllU r Ihe q ull'LUl nntl Ill..t kt'plhold. In tho I'f'rrltor y.

:\'fll.lql'OIlH .01.0.

1: " u )' l li ln.; nral And dUll I\bollt thn

I J tk~:.II~ cI~ ;c 1~I :f: I.~ I:~~i':t~ :I~~~ ~hflmL:~~ I.,111(: IIU' tkllt CII" ,,'Torti, alld to lU!a

tl ltll Ih lJ (\lllll III cOf,kct.l fIln t'"crVI'11 llc('oml to lIo'nlh ur

hOlll o In lh a ' ·rorrlhlry . A lrtrKe rU lfl,,"rilOlll hr Ihe t!l'COlllI110dll ll l)n u r yueal.,

JO liN 1IcO I, INN . I'r opri .lor.

8TEAMER J. B. (lBBEY,t' ,\ I ·T. -rUO M. nnA ~S()~ , )h tn.

fJ.t.III'''U·O Till: V . N, ' .......M

:001': \1' All\' (·:l lTI HI·:m·::OOTH.

,I. '" Q . OACm:!!.

~I.Ulr), .l xn 11 01 SE,LA CONNER , W . T .

~O"'JC I: 0 1' IUIl: U ••· . · ,. Mol . ...: .

T ho publio art!! Iaerobr informoclof tho (oliowlllK r"rm hOrll l'lfj..RDtliru l' lc l.H.·lIhf to 1.10 . ...1.1 in fr ont oftilt! eou r l· h ollAn clour. tat 1 o 'clock ,J Rllllnr". ~ 1 , 18tH , " i7. : Ii IJ", bortlel ,with h"rtl Ohl4j 1 wllit o houc j 1 ll l\tuw"llon; 1 Scotch h"rro ,,, ; 1 10 inc b11l61l1r.inu Jllow•

T CrI.I K of tiul" , R'a lel COlO, Lut 'n­rnll~l}IUfJlI l.tI C411 lJo lund a wit h th oIII11h...."'ig noll . uri C ha lf cnllh AUt! 0118IIn lf o n timo by ,,..h iul; I\JlllrOYod'lIecu li l ~· .

SUflt'f ' Inr 1-lIhllf~ ,\"n.. .

t: :-& . 1. ,\:00; 0 OI T H V.AT 01.1' \0 '1\ , W . T ..1J.~ t"rmhn 2:1, I H-n.

:\" III'c r1 he r,'h y Jeh'I ' t1 lIult 1111' lu llll ,,"'11lj.( 1II1I1ll'11 "t lt ll' r Im'l filet l .."III·e IIr hi li11I1I·ltlln u In lUnk (lll u r~1 " r ll il r III .111JJ'll rl lIrIii.. t'lnlill IIflll H'I 'UII' I:1I111 1"lllry Ihcu 'ur ,

~1~;I . I : IIIII~I,~ I I ~'llr I:~ 'i: , ~ ~~I!~' I~ll~U IW:~I ~ ' 1It:~ tu;,r111t· tl lI,lrll l C\ U1 r l , Itl h l~ u nlet! II I ( ,n CUll 'l\I'r, W. '1'. , un .\ I I.ll II IlY tllll 71h ti n)' orI"'br unr)' . A, II . 1"'1:11 :

l'l 1l ,\ II U " It W ' UIH : S , Hlllllc' ll!llIl AI'I,II.l' ulltlll S Ol . ~ I H f" r 111f' r. ut _ \l,:I. ·l ,u ll.l 1lur l'OI'l' . Ill, '1'1" :n :o: , n . ~ I': ; nlltl J\llIUl'K1111.' rllll tl \\ ln i; 111 '1 Id ~ "' IItH ·..· l·AIII p rO'I' h i..

:;'; I~~tl' ~I:::I~1 ~ '~i~.I:" I I I:~ ~I:~~Ir~ r~ I~ :;~~I~I;;~Il~:~W W , \\' IIIIAIII AlI lwl Ilu,1 I . W . JIMIe, nil1,( 1··hllllg:lJ. Yt'hllll 'ulIl ( '01101\' , W . 'f.

.1. T. BIUJWS , It r l lAler .I' lr'" JlIII /li cal l" ll . ' 1111, I , I kli l.

~n"('e I'ur I · u b ll (' ,, " o • .

e. :;. 1•.\!'ClJ O .....' CK ' T Ch.Y)fI' I' , W. T .,1J1'1't·m1Jc r Zl ,lijlojQ.

~ul lel' I.. IIf'r fOby KI..en Ih t III" fo lio.., •I/ll: unnl!!11 . ,·Ulu 11tI" fUell n oli eG o f hi"IUlen !lu lI I II Ill . l ,· fln,,1 rrm,r Iu lIul11lOr&:; :ll~llti ,:;~l l~ l :1,; 1;I,~\:";' I~il ~ nb~ 1',~~~fJl,t l l":'r:~:;Iltt .rlllll/'l" .. r III iii . fll,. " nre Ihe CIN k 0 'till' r' I. ,lI n ( 'UtllI , 11 \ l. i1( ·tlnnr r. 'W'. T .•flll \\',,111( •.Iny IIlc :.!,t lll'y ur lo'elJru&r)' ,A " II .. 1" '11.

CIl IlI OlTl "\ :It I. B"'IlIOI. II ftm U h 'I\II . p pll 'I"ul i lln XII. ',nut) fur Ihe !lil a uf 1'I~1' . I tl.Til. 311 S, It. :\ I:; alhl l1 l\rlln tlt t' f(lllo""1111: II" 111 , ,, h llt·'Oll·.. ln I'w"(O hill cOnllnu.011" rcal.Jrll('" 111"111 IIllI c"ultl"lItlotl fJr ."ltlIr :lI' t . \· I I. ~ 1'I'"11 uel \\"11.1'111 . AI1Jl'rl ~I u r ll .nUll . T I'r r )' (lr"l~l\ n allll ll <oor"e Cnlllrl'lll',0\ 11 u, l'u llI l l1l.., Whnlt:ulli ( 'IIUIII )' , W. '1'.

J .1'. IIItU ft· S . n....,; lI te r •1 ' l t ~ 1 rm 1JIIC::lI l11nJII(1 l , l tt'i t,

Nolle. I. hor. b,· glu" l1,. t tb.Delinlluln t 'r nJ t~iHt. ot ," ' hat oomco u ut y rur th o ]'enr 1880 I, no " int lJu IlItn (I. of tbft unt lorwhtnoll Hl1uf ft'uf uhJ county tor colllo Uon . &0'"lion 114 o f tho ".i,tln" Re1'ouu ffLaw r eq uires th" Sh erif!' to H eo l leeetho enme hy ellltrn int and Milt of tbeponlOnal p rope rty of tb . pontOn.wbceu taul nru uellnqu.a ~ on hhtIII, t . wherever tho Inwo be fou nd Inth u '.1"rritorl' hut La uJuaLfir.l bJak uth o enle of tbo p e rHolJBI propert,1 01enid )l 0l'1l0n . in the county in whic hth e tn l. Wt\1 10vltltl, U an " CA n hetou ud ." The enlo of reul rtMtn to fa ttlcll lllluoot tnxes ",ill 1111.:0 pla oe ot.ti lt! th lr tl ~Iond"y i n l\[l\rch , 1881,nfte r threo wO(lk '. publicAHoD 0'1J 0 t i (~ f'J 'ho reof.

DA'UIl .Jno . ~~ I 1881.JA MJo:H O 'LOU<UIU"",

HhorilTor ' Vh llo tCOD1 count)·, 'V.'to

Ttl Jr Ol.l ll : n ll o r WUUf"o:w Cou:n rW.\ IIIlA ~ T' :

.\ 11 Wllnfco ln county .... "'runU Il rawn

:~I.~:~:.u l _~g.llw llllY' ~~d~:~1 ~~ , (?;~'f'n1~~f:~~Su Intuft·..t \l 1l1 .lIl.'1'4111 .rllr . 'ebru tW1",, 1 ~"'11.

, In : ••• ~Q.·IJ~T T ... :'I' 1I0TI()E.


W · T .

• ·(lmll:It PIl It~ .

1'Y, I' l'c r:n1:3 00 II (}II10 (II . j tilI'J till 7 flOIlJ hlJ Q :iI'

,it k : :t!l !.!2ic I ~ ' c




3 0tl J' n (lnn" 1 001 Bo:t.:; 'JI\I' , :':U IJllr!t , . G5

~ :t: 7:i,~ ;~r-;lt:!ll~'lI; .~ t.".r~ ~ , : : : :: ~~I l' f . L Il li ;': !.' ,g It ullhl'r BtJu t" " li U1pr . :ih urt l, '):.t' H'I" Lul' 1J0 ot il 3 1)1)

I (.'n ll Cui! Oil , .I) Onll oIlM... 1 jj'jJ ilr . W1lr . WltitH 1I111 11I:Ctll .. :, liU0 00,1 l, t'ath" r Huott• .. . . . . , ·t (JUfru m t~ to tau.


Cil ,\ CIlE S,




L . L . ANDREWS. L .. Oonner, W T .

I.A OOS S lm , W. T .


S~W AIjn:llTltjl·:m:ST~.

J E N N I N G S.

,,· ..O •• J:H..... J : ... :\,11 Il ET.... L


1-4 e!n. 1'~" Heattle on }·rilln,. , for IJBConnor. ond woy flortH, r*,turning onBntun l. ,,.,

I .CIl1' OIi HORtt lo }londRy' lor LaCo nner , Hebowe and w.'1101'tl , a UlIreturn,

.!~~rfla h t (l r 1'.... ,. appr, ora bft" _


--0 t :o:t 0-- HEATT LE, W . T .




.J •


' \ ' 0 I lt~ rehl Hi.. uoti ce th" t. froln And Atln th iK d nte

:r'....- W e Will Extend No Mor" Credit .!JUT (H'n:lI

C H F:.i\.P 1" 0 H CASH

I )( )1 E X S E S 'I' () (; K 0.' (l 0 0 n s !


;\ U \1

C 01 ...~ 'I.' ·A LK S ,AlllJ W 1J0l;~

O O U :K T H 'y :P H O D U O E

C01U lEROIAL STIIEET . 2 doo n below tb. ~.w EOlll.a,1 Hot.l.




='===-~-=~~====---=== '~======= I '===========


nn IInnd 8nlt I" (~un..ln n. ft u '"lt" h y 1I1"u... . r,l·ON~ I MTINO 01'

i) 1 '~' (Iuutl ~, C l u t h l ll ~, Buuts 111111 Sho e.s, IIlml WIII'(' ,Crccltery, T obacco, G l8,lIwar.J G rocer1••,

Provhion J , f as he'J Doorol P al Dh,011. Tlnw"ro ..nd

A Cn O ' LTI B .AT.. J::\ l.l:' .L T!:~tE~TS--tflt--

G ] {OC E H IES .

TIIlH'() Will he Xo Hcrlutloll 1'1'0 111 th e AhH\,(~ PI'h'es.

·w· 'H ~: ?B EGAnm W I' !lUY F OR C.... S Il .

B Ee .\ t' :';I: .\r.r. (H iH (iOOJ)S ." Ttl': S Jo: r. )~t:Tr. [) 11,- ou r o n n n ll1orH.BEC;\ US I": () 1I1'Sll ll·l: 1'1thn Hri4t - .h'lo r tl ·11 M il! eIH~nIH'.t 1111 tfl t'> HlI u ru l.

Ul: C;\ USE Bu,yinU rllr l.'a ..h P ilei St' c ll dn~ Orttll ISlIl'J,:n i IHiI\\' 0 ' !IU I u U\ Hll tu tl h lll" I ll u P II,n t . i t\1 (I llr Cu.tum eu .

.\~ I> Don't Hull, Oil l' (j ood" 11 Hh:h Prl l: ~ "T " ~ll1k (l Yo u l' n rill' Unll lJ I'Lh .

·_--tllt--"" • •I . 1L1,'VU"l I- JtU IH :( r: " .l U I: .\ 1'\' 1 : ~ C : II ' ~ (J t: I'on 6.:0U U N,

AIIII "II ot ller J;uolh, iu proporti on .

- - :0 :--

r·u luu m 1'1tl1'f:.11I:I :I "("r.U.

~1 . n · 1II t'lUlll mt'u f!1I 11 • . • . • ·!U coo t l .l lll! I.\rrnll f) "rrl' fl;l,11'l . • • • • •.\ (. n ·. .. " " I" lJlI I~ ttl J ~lcll ' .. " ... ..) 1t'D·. to " " 1'1 110 II Otl .'I,·u'. IIr ny.v t'o.~ I " " "" ,)ltofl 'll CtlJi~ l tll f'lt· P oin t ' . . . . t'l uo II UC) .' If!Q·1l .. • • • • . ,~( t' lI 'Ii " .. • • • • j :'1I) r, .'~o l .ud'~" Drl'M" ( ,hUIII ..~1 " tl 'll .. .. ... . .. OJ '2 ttlJ .. ., • • •• • • • •

I am Now Oaorln r: A ll I{ln d . .. t GR E AT L Y R educed R tlhll.


1 Bnr ' l Bellt XXX l'uluih Flo u r . f. '; i i; IHU'KCld il o rllin Helln ed ·Hu:.;nr . . 1 OtlIIj ~IL lI BU"l C.. I1",.b. . .. . .• ... .. . 1 W)

J :-;nl·k Ollt :\l enl. lOl"04 f1~ k II S 11.. k C Uri l ~ lf' f1 I , IOILH aHc'I S.lek Buch whl'n l, HHL!L li ~ ll'II CaH lot O.\·lttf'l ·$l . ..• . . . , . . . . . • 1 00 Ir. I;n ll .. 'I' u uutO*,H. . . .. ... . .. I IIU~ ~tlJ ~ F ilH~ lI t ~nt'l I .r ,Jnpnll '1'.' /1 I 00

::...~ Huita. o f Clu: ldll g

ll CRli t illU' the I muu uu Athnn t ll~I " RC' ('ruing alik e to LoUI UUJ'er 0.\ Hollertll l'Uuilh thl lUetUUni lIr

8 n JH, P illo C, H lI~n r tI 00 I 1 1I,H; Thoma.. C. " ". Honp , ' 2 001)& n'lI. G . n. Coff etl 1 00 3:) n'H. hf'l" llIl. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 UOI .Bllrrcl lI e.t Fl our fi 7fl 1 0, IJ fl",t J nl "UI ·FI'II.. • flO1 Hnck Corn ~lclll . fill 11 ' 11 .. , J 1i0 :l n J II Hihn ( Ho. " Slur-II . . . :uJ1 H 10 nHt . . . -i0 1 rt, 00011 'J'obn('l'o . . . ... . . 701 Knok Onl ~renl , 10 nJM. . . . G5 1 kl'g' (JIJlrlon Sy r u p . . . . . . 4 fiGI Bilek bnekwhf!ll t fiour , lflf b Gli 1 1.0tl S'·IJUntlllti Spade . . . . 1 001 hUI NOU p, ~O bAr" , . . . . .. 71) 1 ' I Hbo'el , • . , 1 on

noons " III bo fwlcl nt t lin nll o , ., Ilr ic.Hi f') ~ I.T tor CRllh o r O oud~ Iorchn lltllbl (l l 'l' ll4Iu cl' . \\ ' ill PA)' h ighcHt IUlul,,~t )lri co ro r Hid clII , I"uu,nlul Orahl in CJllhMU GO for (.Iou,h,


o un


I' lJ ~( l' n It E Y,u.w.DOOKSELLER

~( l l' lI "' l : :;- r:;;'~:::' lJ l'c :i i d ( ' ll t.\ lltl ul'ltu U IlIu, Ul'I"llIll:;l·d f iJi ' l\ f:UlIrM(Ju i JOC\ III'II" 1, 1 IIU! Uuh' orhih' "hhl (t ht-~Rod tn "tluh ot llfll ,i 1111 I lI ll \' ·ch ou..u tot ll' fl \' t hUltl , C)n llUIUU; <'Ici lll Inwti m ' , l" ('rr~,' will tll· lin, r rOUI , ,J llflg'cJ,c \\'i!t twn , ,l u ll;JI' lI u l'l.: t \\f ' , ,I . C .jll~ i ll l'a t wu 111,11 I I. (i . S t lll ' U I\\ u .,J'hl l-:o J IH:c, IJ!t Will cl <l lb cl' 1I 1,.' \ I ~ l "u lIl'durl' 'l 0 11 c.·Ollht itutitJlta ll ll .\ . Th oH ~ r ~ f"'" ,~· itl IH!Ilil! n.r. /In l·lUI)· Iiny .LIiI\· e r M tt ~· Ilfd l WIt! l it! u,"od flU' l h u rd l:lln·1\' ll iid 11l'lll'illll . - :'k utt l ll( II t l ' l l i~ (': l l co r .




h u l l' ul 1" " ·" UIl ;:I' l'rU lwrl " .

T he trl w ill b~ I ,m illi e ~ " Iu nl Ih .. rc..l.

~~::~~ ;'\~, ,1 ~ I~ ;i:~'~',~~r~rr' , ~: :: !~~I,:: :I)I I~~i .: r.~filii d"y u f .' Jurc·h. Ihl'Il. ,,1!U II·«.'!Ul"k A. ' I .•fir tin' ru lluwhl¥ !' fu fl"rl y : Oil it h ur •• ·• Uyl' tlU 11M ; In " a ) "t' IU ulll rl,l l1,,: _"' \l' UelUU ; 20 1I<' lu1u ( ) lIUIIK (·" ul o rr " lll IIIIl'10 (ou r Y"n r~ 1,ld ; 3', .1/lIB)" ti l Lc~. ; hlJ lI "l~

fur u h uf tl ; I t'IJuk "1" \"1'; "1I 11l~ 1'llfpC tlh r1" ,, 1_: HOt) puu lllI.. lIr 111111>(11)' ""cll, h, .uftflm roul ~" 1' 11 : "'11 u tl ll ' r Ihl lll:" lu ounlll"rll Ullu Illrn,I'III.

A ll . um. flVl 'r r..." Ilull "lr.. \\ 111 J:tl 1 1 1II~t il l 11Il' I t IIr S U\'t!UlIII't , 10;"'1, It)· tl h "l u j(111111' wh ll J:IIII" lucurlh , n iH) I f lI u t l'nloJwht:n due, In ln e t ", III Ill' nddl'd fr '. lJ\

~:I~~.u r: ii\1: Il; ' ~·II~~ :llI~~J:J llll ~ ~:IU ' ,~ lll.:~.\ 11 " ti m.. II r ri \'l' ,l"llilu u r IJnll (lr IlI U \ Lc11I. lt l ll t t llO(,uf .. h~.

Wc lllUOI L..d l tlul all 'NC llIro fIl lJOul 10m OYtl a\Y U) ' ,

C' . •1. 1.'11I I. nr.II (l .I' If'U'Inn t Uhl~e , (l. " (,'ull llt.'r . ) W, T .

.JAN, 2Q, 1 8~L .

KJ:PT O~ . ' vea:·I· HOV :\' IJ .

Co ll eg o Caur.e, 8tJientitlc CoyneNor maJ Coupo• • ud CowUJ(treit,t '


HEA'l'1'I,E , W. 1' .

1-:. O . '1'. 01:.

Tba UnlYfr.llr y r llt co o f lh ru le nn"brllnnlo ' lln lb . fir.t Wtlduu ll.ya o f

IEPTlMIER, IDECEM8ER AND MARCH.P'or O"hlolo,ull addrl'&e

A J .ANO£R 80N . A• •\1., Pn... lvllllfT,IlEA TTLE , W. T .

Alden ACld.. my.EDIT OR M ,UL : -A ll Al d eu Aond olll\'

il n lind hiAtit 1ltluu in on r mitl .t. '11.1 0" 0 uu doub t thnt. InRIIY01 )'ou rrtlRllon nnd our IlIlfrol1J4 wc uld bo"llul to ku ow ,u)JI,oclJiUIl o r h. "hU Hau ,I .·(lI-{UIAtiou l .

'I'hu Jlr"t nim uf hOi tgachon ill tobe lIIOIUUUh- Lllli..' i lig th i" to bothe key to nil futu ro eu C' f,ll' i'... OurUUI-tn~ ,u i .. 10 (ultl l llh fnit hru l t u rh •ur.., (h ,t!Jllr h.hru lt cl in ou r echool ,becau -e t boir hom e... no wuh ue..\notll l!f aim 18 to IU)' I\ f.totltl fv\wuf\­11011 ror future atntl)· uud n llr4ctlcnllil ll.

Au fnMitli tio l\ "cokin;.: to nccomp­li llh " uc l! (J U,IN cuuu ot he l,tS IJI'ctOllto lllnl l(l l'" lI\IOI. it hu t uut at buevrac whut Hul, cd II}' wc.·11 eonalderec lreRultll iotl" . l :" ch telal'he r iHoxpec t~e,l to 1'8 \'ipw Iii.. Ill· 111'1' u lnljlt nl tb oul'Hillnill H 0; ~ ll c h \Hw l, 0 11 th o 8tud ·il'" of th u l'H/\·io u 't ",(wk. ,U th ocl ulle ot (ll\uh lUuuth Olltl d lly if! Hp~n tin n. wr itt (lll " xulDillnt ioll Ilf tb oHlul1ios of ll ln l 1II01ltll . 1' I'OIU th CloI' n I' I'L'1IR l'opod ill 1Il11 ,I (l or Ih o " tu,lIll·lll lf o f M oh PUl,il nlHI th llt h lleu t11 0 1111', LUIII IllkO flOlthHl up ill thtlHc hool 1'001n AO thut nIl lilA)' _ou nt nHIRIICO tll o Ittll lll llflU or tl\ch .

Uultilh ·" tho ... t> rl !llltll'cl1lonl" wolmHl u r'HV "tIHUlin" Iul u!f, tli ree tl llUth u llupnrt llHJllt ur th u Jlupil lt uf thi N1\('llIlulII.'·, "il :

1. ,\ 11 1'1I1'illlll wh f'tlu: r thuir p" r­un lit r (' )fi d ~ in t!lifll 1,1.lCtt 01'e!..owllel·o, ll he "likl', Muhj oct l u l bu I I\ w lI urth l".. i U'tti t ll ti o ll,

:!. l:'cl,r t liill:; io th e tl l'(' orllU tJut"1111 IinbltH or , tlhlt,lll" whicu "' illin tl'rrcr o with t ho lt lH1HlHt 1II0ll tn iAlIlI mo rnl tltlVelo)Jtllnllut I,. p ruh ibit .lI\l ; 1I0 t o lllJ l' rof llll it)·. ,"ull-{nrit:.·,lIu ln \\r ul U.I IIIIl'l, th o u ~ e u f tol Jl\('co ,Ol' iut oxicll t lllJ.I tlr i llk , b Ul ul"o n t.t OIl,I"o ('., n t l& lI f.(' ll t h t ri ll l:1t wh c.'ro un­rCII...o nn Llu h01l1"1I OUt oun ·n cll.

3. E vc l )' Hh d t'u t i" I xpllctP.lI toho ill h :" o . hf'I' phew d Uri ng ~tu d)'b Otlr MUIIIf''' 1l OXClh t>d; nnl1 to ..howl:On r tHI'l)' to roll ow "ltil len ttl, R IH t du ure"l lcc t to i1u,lr uc torrt.

.t. Th o h our.. fruru H to 12 A. .... . 1to ·1 1\1ul i to U I' . u . " Lull L*, Ht Ulh'hunrK. ­

0; . E n . ..:.' Htullout i... cXJl (!Cttlll tul\UI' llll hahlJu th 801·\·itl·8 ill t h ilt JllactJ11111,. 8 '1 fIIX CU'Ull1.

li . .\ II~· l'!ttltlCllt wh o~1} co n nce t io nwit h tIll' ncuIIl!lIl.)· hH It·"'" Il'l l ll IlI' I"O tit ./lb lo tn hi ru...d( o l' ih j tllhHHt tt) uthu l"~ ,III O~' lHJ t l i H ll1i ot H~l l o r t.tX lI\l I1l"d , nHtlit)Iintur o or 111 (, 1"'P' Q 1U1l:-" H"lu iru h." l\"oto o r t he Inc lIl l)· .

Thtlt P a rody on L ..wy.....

TilE 8 illtor.' lo ho ol ..t BoAttie op eneltwith 25 Icbol..r.. 'l'be numher "illl,,. b. doub l.d beloro tb. t.r..clollo". Four Hi.le" Are at. prneu t.engaged In th e .chool.

COAl. to tb e Rmount 0: 188,497ton ll wa.. Kbi Jlpo d from Seattlu durinR'1880 , Duriog lho ten yure trom1871 to 1880 inelllliyo tho ahiplnenlll~Ulollntofl to 72U.136 Lon" aKH'reA'n.L­mg In VI I ue IlL t hat. l )ort. 10 about13,000,000 / "n el .bout al Dlueb 1II0r." ben lauded M &n FuuoilfCo.

H...AIlI.J:T~:-;F. 1t ~~d~wrif\ iH1fI .port od to pr o' nll 10 ou I\lurmillG' u"~h m t t h rou~ hnnl £lugot Soun d nndOr"K(lI\ nmoll" t hu ch ilt II'O;l . Ap h)'tli('iuu ur P ur tl fllltl r ocouth' 8ta tedIII ouo or th o locnl pa llorft t hat. tho' tXCtlIl IlOIIMeH nlHl ind ulge lJCt'ft or th ohoihili)" I" ..IWI\\'M n frultrul Monrcoof 8io kn oKil "m o;JU cLittll·on.

. 'rH~ .t('~ul1~ eomwnnd01 Cnp t. Lowo, oJ.ce"J lecl Rny pfoyi­011' fJrturt In tho nll. igatioll o( thoNu, t ln r Jast weok, in rell oh­ing tho I-olyodon jilin

'rill: Tl\~iIl I" turni.hiu~ tb lN . P . Rnllrod europan)' fin imruonllenmo u n t o r lu mbor, lIupJl)yiug on ..lIingl o ord"r 760 ,000 (ut. 'l' lto com.~;'itil LluJc1iug 250 cer. with a pCl.rt

:\In . HOOTE, of th o HrnttJ o bnrr ol(Ild orJ , ha M mn(lc nonlljtl'lftelJtII toE;'ct. hoo!, and hur n.'l flln vu mot oril\lfroUl tho 1'\ouklloc.L: ."h er, A 1nrl1e~n! l ~ or. llIen will ho flUlpl oreu i nth lfl b iliUll e h 8, n ll , l tll u ..he for lilt,t'n.ml1 itt c1u"., to til." J,,:'"luJlln juw .''It IWJlf\ the work wllllulI g COlltl UUOIn " n lIIutu nll.)· "d\'unt llU'0u H 10 tll ia1!l1torp ailiiuJ,l CO'U!, llU,)' 8Ull tl l tl fl l!l~Iu rA u f th o S OUt.HIlCk.

UI·. Chen owet h, th o author o f 'bofollowing 1'0 In I pr opuaed to bOIKl rthe 3.1.'11. '\'111& i tA pub llclltion n Iewtln.\'I RU'0, lnu ou r Ilte m r)' 'tli!lcrim­tn ouc u Leing "t at nko we l'l'f ul e ,1.Hu Ih(J1l»ent it. t fJ thu S~l\ t tllt Intel ­lIJ,ftHlcl.!f iu whioh pupe r it nppenre' )1 1I ~ t 1"lid,,)·. Wtt n ow p uLh_h the1'01'111 with t ho foll o, ,,i ll", cl'iticitm.uiter epereed betw eeu th o "e ra,," :

I . '"n tt" 11 /1 A Jaw)'l'r.

A~tl~~·::' ~~ ::U\I~I c:a :;"~~~~t:~~I~ lJ ,T I~nl.~:~ ~I t~~I~~~:l:r.~l~~~~I : I",

"'II tl!ur l'lutII",ul h rlglll,r wllllltl m,ke Ihe.wll nt If wine",A UlIlJro wlJl.~ lI l 11 "1 And III" ht.

'fbi" ill tolct"ALl)' rnla' P0(ltl·~·, Lutth u I'lml'olli llg iii tldoctho lince it..'oultl he n hlijh l)' il IC1xl'lHliun t t\ndhnznn..l ouM h ll llln Olt " tn ulItlcrt,\ku th ~IJw w. lllmtiuH o f WlllllJllltlllf Luth till)'Uo IHI uluht . Th u UIl Ul·t yw ulll u(JNI11 01110 little li me rur l"ol l'<l Hlw lou l",t1urlll U whiuh i llttl l'vul th ll wit uC"1tulH' h t l\ H&IU llU th u o O'tlUlfh 'u iu th elIlo.ltc t· o f lJl·O\\·.1Jc" t1ll:l ,

Il1 l!v ~ r ", llllM 110 Wtl\r v,Sll ru ,'!'t 1111\'0 I' rr ll t :

T hilLun 1lUll ti llY Il l" 1lI 0trtH" ,1I\l'11 rll ll' l llll III)' he llli g'~ t1 r ;

1I1111llr!! wl1111 11 111c IIlH,Htll lld ln (l' In t111~ ,h lllj.j:!!·. Ol I~ I I I ,

I ,,"uul d enll h llll Ih h"" anll IIJr,.\ lJu u hun lIu 3o' I\lh l nlJihl .

'I'lIi" \'01'. 0 ill ,Ior t'c th·f' in th o ('8'&O lIti lll p uiu l or In cl . :\' 0 """ thiur8 11,1 11 111 .. n t"u 0111lro brlou8 ('(litLe~"

U('fl ' r tol nrntod or ullo n cd in cour t I

l1u,1 th ll I('gal hllu inAQ' joIO oll'undi liH",\,Iuld ho incontio(JlltlJ' Ih u: tl rur.. co u te mpt " nlld in nil probllLili t'·rflcto i,'o It. 'ltl\'o ro llrubbiuJ,{ from thoo u t rllgul l \f i t UUH li lt " 00 11 n il huolll or /olcd (IOIU tlie (·ourt -r uol11. A fIluur JriCIHl J ud ijo J flcob!l '4"oulurU llu~r l.: , ""0 IUllch ror thllt ."

I k nllw 1'111 "'(' I' k, an oj Infu l,Jlut J llll. t·. \\ 111 fur .clv(.' ,

} ' llr tnoln)' I lu ll' 1.I""yl '11I,Jl lI " U IlI'uJ I .. Ill: tv lI,c ;

I )~~~ t" i ::f l~~ (l~:::\I\II ~ I ~:" :~ ~,I ' I I ,(} I oju tlut _lIlrN all ':III. II ,

1·i1 l:..ll t h" rca. ulI wily :

Th 'llliU1o vr IJig I" wnr:l hl\\ 'o to.. Jill to Ii,·o " i" U 1 1I ~ 'j ' iiLl') ( 'II thu1t" ~GI pl"u.fu l'l ,,~oll 1I0t \\ Uu·ulllt·d by~~~ J: fJCl! O lICCU. u , ~u wu ch rUI"

Tn r. l ndinul o f tlto Hwiuom illhrOllon utiou hl\'l tlot about l1)'k iugth llir IIInl'8b luno , of wh ich th ..)'1I"vo RIRrgo traot . Tbo uncertain tyor th eir tonure of lJO lIBe. lIion hll8 tbuslar d a tur red th om tr om i mp roving"oll cultl vnliu R thi s trllct . Dut itftpp UrK tb n)' now iDttlnt!. to ",0 towork rual take t l,o clIfLftce at "CellI"in " a titlo to the laud in th o fu tu rc jall u f wh ich i1•• good idf' G.

TUE cOl bl in tho !lod ne)' CU lt"mount to ' 010 . ·10, wbieh am ountwill l>e refund"ll to th o co unty b.)'t lle Territory. Had he boon ftCllu lU.ed, bowever. th e county would uavet o .lIIad the CO.tlf . lIe WI" .ontoncedto olghteen month" in tbe TorritorialprilOu At Santeo.

M.......- A-:-.- ''''y-.""I'-Dll-Io- . Dd W. n.A nd rewa nro llb ffut froRl our li tll eu ity aU.otHol( to lognl bu.iu08" bo­taro th e ~el\ttlc co un.

S""& COU:l:TY Henl. tok on nt pur io1""""01 01 sub. cril' tloa to Lbo ,u 41L.

lOCAL NEWS AND COMMENTS,~-=-'--.=.-- ==

S"".iC"'Th o ~IA IL laR A eutered ll1IU ar­tl\ n~1Il0 ntli wHh th o HII II F runclsecCUIIONICLJ: wh ereby eubsc ribe r.. Ill ll.' ·

nbt uiu both pl\l'ur ll (or one yenr lor$3 .60 . '1'l1fl H, r' . Chrouicl.· h:II.nolIu/lorlo\, i ll o.hUiIJ or eut l.'rpr i.'uf i llth It co un try outMhlo or X. Y . Ci ty .

.. 0 ,.,"" , A\·<.l.. .. . . · ;-.::. ~rh"'. i .R cermln " fre ta old pnl'ly I,, · th eIIRm a o f G eu crn t Av fOgO wh o ill

ou r opi nio n hR~ oUlli " t:~ l hi li u'le fu l.111'1 "8. 110 ie nu l'l:llctl llg uld nutocr utwho hl\\'(·h on tho IliSh 11 01\14 R II II

levle.. trl bute 011 t he eou .i~ Il .' f'" uf\ 'f: IUl( tl .. lIH'e t i ng with ue cid en te uf11Il ~' Ill'r t . Oen r.rnl A,'u ngo h llppttU .HI to IlO a hont) t hf.' 1I1NUllllli ip Un.k otlt 111 ",1 \\" It'k WllClU Mho I' rllk tl b ur"Iwlt IIllft bntl 10 lIe toweu Lack toHnn Fr nllcl"co, IIntl ,,"lmt lluc't I h i~o lll lHu t .v tlo lHlt RI4 JOtHUl lhe c()tJ~i glll! o ltfIl ix per nu t . a ll 11I toi.. i n'· lJ i cc ~ . Th e('111'0'0 wn" 1I0t llu mllgl' ll in nu\ ' ro·tlJltoCl , IUltlwi!:.' t lu- cU!I"iHIlI.1CH"'llOUhlbo IlItItCi HlIl' ll MIX )IN' ellut rol' th o 01 ·pl! nflO o r to"ill l{ t!16 "Olllilli l uv~ k tul lOl t ill , lit ti ll! I U lI g ll ur~o o r n Ull­dl'Cfln-, It one of th Oflll thhlU' '' which110 rul lo w ca n nod 0 111," QuI! pnrt ic lI­lady tlOell thfJ ufTnir Uppt"lU' unoUlAt.OUI Aontlun ( l'JUfIl Olltlh lo whf'u th o '·.hnlclWAil Olily l lal" tl Mll~' ll hu~hlcl l , Ilfl\·i oJ.fth e llll O ot Oll tJ whcul, which \\'oul,1h R\'e tllll\lllvcl h el ' to udul'u 10 P0l" tin cOlllpl\mtl,·o t' l\ r(J t~'- nol oul,Yt lii. , but Iho ullIHllt tali ce \"'1If\ r Ofld (' rtt duy 0 110 or t he cOlDlJun)"" 0"'11 .\ tentl l ­Ut", returni lll( to ruu t i ll tlJo M mttcHreet ioll . 'Cho ~1.ur. i.. hnpclledto t'lI tl' r th ilt lJro t f'ltt nSl\i n8 t 0111•• Ocnernl A\'"em;.;o " uot 0111) ' o n b..­IHllt of th e 1I10rcl.Hlllt H ur Ptl g~ tHo un ll who hacl large in" uicelt o fg o o lll1 al"mr ll t he l>llk ot a, but inIlur o wn LohuU , hM·ing had lOo \·ont.rdolla r'" worth or Ilrin t ing malui" l."hiflllhi UI a ll t hat olocnllioll.- - - - -

T ill; letlent rvcommcnu'ltion of th og rnnd jur,,· mlllt h 'o to re'p,liriuJ(' tllo0 111 j 'll l Il t W hatcorn, 10 wh ich to

~1;· ~\: : I~c' il:I?~~nul;r~ I~:nt~.I.i~ C~~ ~lt~'~' i~(tlouLlrnl P1Ilf!llIenc \·. ' '1'111' IJ:lltlllUen tor tlJe 0111 cou rt h uuMo nt Wh ntcolll ­lIullN th u Aud itl)r' t4 ofU ('o wh ero lhuI Cl'o n h n r e kl'p t-iu lI u t n 'ntit nlolop ll\cu 10 la~ o 1J !' d "0IlV1 , Rwl il i~ uwaltrr or llu uhthll \\ butu Ul 10 !'IJl t' Uti }'I:L::: ~~:V~lllbl~,"~"l:~\·;~~~;d,pu hllc ru utlll i ll lrupro \'int: it ( ' lI" .\ I IU\\ III1 I" '1I 111.\' fllrl'hl'lltl,1hut IJllI 'I' tHU\ . 'flu' l i m o ill hot ( rn .\ I,r ld \\11111/1 III." Iml" \;ll i.otln!l t w l wl1 t il t' t'o ll n t " ('o l o fll i 'l 'ti ' I IJ- A n d 1111'11 ta ' urt · Ihu JUIIJ.r. til.

l'l' :i lI:n.\· ~h.t! m it Illl' i•.lnl1Iu t n hul ill I 1~ ':l ~tlt,~~~~~~tl;II :III1I:I I)~I~ : I I •••H IlOW J I ~lI --n AU!J..t ll lll l ~ d 111,1I(·ld w lI!'If' I 'll /il.7IHI I, hu dUf Iun: l:i 11'1.- ill ,,1 111'11 t il lump 1110 1'lI otl)lhl"1I IJ( , J,lt ho C'o tl ll ly ill llt" 1lI1 llt "'UII,li n tr Ii lCl ll \ \ I' l'AIlI lIIt II/Ifl Whllt t :oll",ul ,~t i Cl II itto P OI' l 'low II ,it. 11.1 l~ !o i lt III I Jl' o ~ (;lIt ~\( . ult l 1111Cut· ~I r . Ch ou.... r,·otll tu IHI\ he Jlrnctict' j lUll (ll rlnu \\{.I 11/\\'0 ' III 11t·1l with I IJ ~ ~ 1,w~' urH , f'XI~I · p t p!m­110 l ll i lolUli111'HnLI'rlHllml , illl,1 11m." IJOI " I I IIY' 111C HlIt IHtl IC II 'I.1I (Ir lIi1'lJl llJUh .,\u l l. n,\· fo r nil itll ttttluil tl Je ul{lh IIr J Udg l' (J ICCIH! ui lli 1>h h h!t r\ 110 1" 11")'t illlO. W IIIII1 t hl!" ,w t nuout build••~ 1I 1 ' 11 luI' ! h.nt !"(' llUul I'," cl ""UhU!.!II ­

' iUIl n new j\ l iI th lJ~· will prol>nLI". Iv . t iOIi. , Uut J llltt Ihill k, uf tho ill('t\ o rcnlo It li t ..n (' onn llr cou \'oIJil'u t t u t lw ..tUlltl." . •J ullt;fl lll'fo!H ItJ I:o iug toth o J) illt l'ic t Court At) nit to fl,\'OilJ tht! hell ! I' N ldl tlio t hou~h '. ! I n Ih i",(Jx p o n lte o r IlRuHng la i!-lOn o h rlOm \ "n~ , " b'l), w.e! ohtl(.'n' ,tJ I U ' : I~" ,u r t ho(JIlO ~ f1 d o f t l10 CO ll Ot y to thu u:h~ l' P° f! t It t1orl.·clI,·u lu t{lc . 1 h lu k urIlt (lolU'l t imo. A~ to huiltliu go & !lOW wh ·, t 8hor t. wOl'k Iho Ibme~ or llOllj llll it cnn not 110 Inwfull\' tlo lle until wuult.! ma lHt o r tll o nlUinhlu Chullo,th o el1unt)· i M out of ,luLt nUtl "otL'M " uri.d ." X ut o lil)· t llo " riuthll\' (1 fuu d .. nt i"'l ,liftpollo:& 1 fur th a t hut tlUt "fllno oour t r l'('onh w,)uJd(lurl'0 ftu, unles. th o, !lu bUlit t ho (luCII' 1'!l\"e !Jut 1\ \' 0 1')" hr hd llx iftl tlUCO t he !'(' .t iull o f U HpCld nl t a~ to II '"otc 0 th o ~ o (loot , wit h ~ l1gar:~ ru r Il lI! " lIt f!l'Im lp eCll'ltl. Utlt " ' II d ou u l " hutL ~r Ihe h t1l1' i !'l I)f th llJH", \\'oulll In)" t holillOI'l l! would npl'ro\'o of u " peei ul tnx Jo;CC llll o t ..nell ICUtel UXI.l uih. in 11l'1l.(or n ntJw jnil nt l' rclte nl . lIor np' . ~ - -- _ . .pr o \u or lop:'irinB t he u l ~ 1 tl lIO wh en l"i CIJOOI. J v,~ n ,A I' I'f.l "T I,~~au:sT.- 1 het htHe ill rCldh' IJOno to rUJl:lir , , ,:t;.. fI,;, hnl,1 "~ptlllut4:n dl.'ll t H,"lu ut ,.. U ~ to~opt tb e bluomon t of th e ol d br ick g lYOnotlcc t lint t llo ¥ch uo l rlliid CQnbUIIt1i1i1l "IICU fu r count"." fllllce","nIl I ~ot uo 1..;:,,1,1,\' BPJlo l~ti o n (! t..1 u utilrecor d tt. llnnirNl tI." th o )Jl"0l'0r Sept l'm l~r. 1 11061'11011I0nuu..'ut,whe npill co for n I'MiI iH " hel" \Jri !lO rl tl r~ ma tlo WIll Lo ouout thrl.'o t)OIlUIII lJ

IIJU. t lw prol ue~d Biu l IH./ ll in cu". IiIch olar.totl~· . 'r he .·o ilt DO tluclt pin eo ntI." Con ne r OIcopt tho ho te ht ; t bouu bt he COUllt)' COlUIUhuliu u " r li lUillht iiIlip G tern!' or nry ntruir COIn'c nlcnt tot he cour t. Rt l~ a C Onl le r thnt wou ltl..~r\"tJ nil practicnl pnq~,o a lor \'car cOllie lit nbuut wlmt it woultf ('OIiLtu hnpro\'o tbe " 0 111 jail. "

I . o Tai or tl~Ol\' ngniu "f}atorJA\",wnld u", th htquite n p ro l fnc·lc..d wintertlOlu on , th ou g h not lfo ealu 01' HO\'er onl that of IUIII)'clir. Sa u ro OIJOUl1h ,howtlvor. (or nll prn oticnll)lu·pOaieK.'t'h e elitna to o f thi ll rcgio u or co untryia cl lIUJUluU (or tilt! worHo, lind if itkllt'I'" o n fr OID y' llr to )·"na' ourwintcrH will cu mpurtt rnvnrn hl)' withtho HeYllrh,. ur thllt of t ho Atlu llliot1onboard.




, ,

- ',


, .





lloMe I ;>lU....

A:"'U 1I1':.\I .f.I I" I S

C. · Carson,

or ..t1kind". Altlo In

"\1'10 01, Hi d es, Elc .


Commission Merchants



Paintors' Materials.Ord . r. ' nu o Lll ..~~ -:' 1, I f('l'f'lv' lltom

lu ..l ("nrfl(u l ..U ./l tl u ti .U ,l.IIIKOOMI '''C''t'URY I

.1& ••..u lI ,;IoiIr•• I . At "" .IILl.r'. ' &III.lId I·UI\T'." NU. I'I\.:UUN .

Chlnoo~ Jargon Dlclluna~!


\.~ 1I~~. ~: ::'I'~. ~i~: ,: ,:p it (,t i'i:-~dl 1:~::. u' ~rh~~::.

fr::,~;i~\H;~'~~~~~,:'t::r:t.:;:t;~~ .:I:oh~:II~~i~iir~~~~~;.::I lv.., ..", 1 L'l1ft. ' t I ll'll""'" , .", 1·. .....1. " 1...,,_ _i~!~ '~:~t Mi~t ~~~::~~~I,l i;..·:,I; ~~lt~.r1lt;::. I'~.~~I:':i·!.: ,~\:,.'"'a 'I" " ~I IO ·.. loo l h,· t>... 1 II I" ,.. , • •.. .. llhor. 11 1.l ll.. .. .. ly~~~::,~ ,:""::!~I~~.~'':.~. ;..IWI '~I::I~ZC~~ ", I","

I ·" .. " .I.. "y L)" I . OII L.I I I h , 1 " I""1" ,111. , 1....._lbo , IU~I!I 11' '' 111.'10' '1, I , y ll.

.. 1I.·'''·AUN V,ft,.. n. U...·h ... I' r .)lW . "

",.• on~, Lo .1 1l1l I r. l. r ll ' " 1" '<1...111 Urll,\ (u.lolo ,Rl~ Clh I II

Cl'n <' ft t(~~: ... nvn ... ..".· .. t .·l l1t" ,1 '''nl'u.•• nn11' ....

( ~h un cl t·II "'.·.. .. ..nnt,·rnllll.

COAL OIL OJ' ALL ORADES ," lr:II :;,<O: lItl.,~~il~~It)' I~·I'tr (~::f.. :~I,'~~I:':~~I:ir:r ~,r ll

OHRIS·rMAS PRESENTS ,You wil l O" VII 1~,LI. ~~:::t~l~rr,;n . f' r l l. e 1.11.1.. . " ,

Sa!'h, Doors, Blinds,FRAMES. MOULOINOS, 8RACKErs.Elo.

flI':AIIUN Ir..) rl:r¥I". . ..: U ' .' ·M Ut.L1CullllhUtt l)' "" h"lI ,l .

1""... ...'" 0Paints, Oils, Glass, Brushes,

ANII A "·m . l . J.IN t: 0 . '

103 rl'Out ,t,..t · " .Or.1I1: .' L V,I\.. IN'

Doors• .Sub.



W. II. "M DHo lla

CHEMICALS. Pai8::~ ,Perfumery, GluR,

Tollfl Ar tlclr't

Soaps.Sponge • •

Rubber Good• .

p~~g:::r ~rte:<I·.IJ'0.

.....UAnd. u , .....11


~ordU .. ARdru ", t'roprl t totli.

Occidental Hotel,

II ll c>orl . ,. d l". Olf"Ol IllIlIIl to:.. l. O lthr.l' roU\v ll)' nllt...t.

Cln: I'ToN TilE F.t!HO I'I-:AN 1' 1.",:: ).

"1'.' Cu ac b I/) an d rruw U . II l,Iu, . ,JanlT 1m

MUSIO OHART ~:':b:~;'~':'.to ,..' ' ' .od,.r.....·'l~

""U A III tlft«llD. lIODt'" IUAlII llr w lll l &11Lb. k. ,.. 1JWd ID mot

~:'d~~ L1I:~r :l: 1~r::~'~1

rRO N" A N"n . S T E E L ,

U'ncl!smllb8' Tools.

'Vngou l"IntBl·lnl.


Cor. First and Morrison Streets,

P 'I" _ _ " ~ ~ . o..

J. B. KNAPP.Uoullublll!OU l\Im'chl\ut

AND PURCHASINU AOENT.All f~onc1.. on C n n u u l ...'nn .

WOOl. , aH04 I .V. OA IR)" PHODlf,"rs AN"' R Ur Ta .It •.,"IWIA I.Tr.

Al(I"Tlt I...r P.r roU'1 l'IlWDt l).ltILI,t roe.

2t17 Plrl t. 8 t1~rlh, nu, Uro/otoll .We ... , .. r"r ...~ . hu ,, "aIH r 0' "" "1..11.

........ _I w loh'lo r '''II' 10.....WIh ..I..'"''''''"\'. r.

lIlIO. (II y",,';.plU&lO"III:.~rI'hoe. Inl.

JOHN A. CHILD, Druggist,Cora•• 1I0.rucua ... aooo.4 .tr......

D'A Le . I "


A:JTUtl~lCl'" A:I i.... w.

DUOK.-.'!W'U:R"-. - - --

t ' \.IIK .... l ·r'T'O!lf_ . l h•• 1 ,. ~t nd ln ....,. l~.

A III••ntS ,\ ", '!l lI .. ' I ... Ilo ll1n 1", '1 000:1 10) 011..... no 111 111 .... ·..Iy. p ru nll't a U. n Il Ql\. ntlk.. :"'o. :2IW .., h lnI IOl!l" U ... I .

Porlland Bnsinoss Diroclory!

- -JlUU-KNAJlIU-;:r Ar lullliclii-- - ­d . K . OIU~i::'l 'Il " '" HI... lI . Au Imolt'lI'"

l'Ulll.!lr IOlU. 1lI or ' ·. I. ..lI nHi l Ul l ' l'O·.,I ,... I. .... nd,.OII , <>I'<1"",, nOl"'.

TI ... Or. I.......' no•• , .

ol~I:~rO~~II~I::'I~II~ali~:~ ~~~1 1ro~f:~~Jt,0{~\~~~1'Iru uIl at o nce Intu dOl'Nved POI,ul.,lty.

b~~. i4~~~~~~~ t. ~ . ~~~~loonra/:lo~~r.n~~rover Or('lIon who "III bo euee 10 put ro·nle e th e hOlul ou b illaccount . aud "enl illW.II. And,u" III alwl y.on lmndto lookliner tho eo m ro ft or t ho Ilnho ll. or t il .

~I~dldkel~~t:: · ll~~e~o IIk~'~: "1\ 1I1~~~~r. lT~~;'r ho OCl"ltle n la t II "ellt 0 11 tit " Eur llpoollplan lUld 1\1)l& h on p. YII onl y (or what h I''l Ui " . ThurOOfllll., o RlIuel&t lu ",1 c1elllll,lIlh l t ho hOlu u I. MO tu rn l.l uHI Ihllot It IIIa,It',,ir ,,blo IItOllJll llK IIIIe".---------• • • " ••• ,. r ...r ....u••••••

I n upl)' LU Ih . II"n, Inllulrl.' Wh loh w.~:~·i~7~~~~::.:~~~r:'1; !i~~~,t~:Cu,. I. pUll' In III na tll, •••mel. nt In II. ' (1'linn flt..1 ('" ", In In n. , uull... w.. ". ...In rol'd ti l "em" ' I'mlr. able cu , . " wb lch ItII "" ..m'ot l'd . Ru li be ll 1I\' & \I)., a , .. prl' lo Llv,o f d l. fo ll. I U I_ Ullfq lll l' ll. Yo, d.l h' '' L4 Il'ldlula ,l .af'fl bl ' lt lIl.a II II l u va l u . bl• • a nd Illipu,.. u l . la hl. 11111 1111.. oomml od II \0 IheIVUI . u li u • • OI .11.

:..:.,...~.'ii.7":u.,..·. -'..::-:-. :::••"'r."-Wa"'III'. Mu. io 1I0uM, VJ Mou l.on . t reel

h~II~I~~I~::'~~:: !:O::~::~I~~~· P~I~:': ' ·7. ll~~~~. tllCk Qr . h....t Inu. ie. Wolk•• JlllnfJII, 1IlIII Icai mor·('bano.l l... lotan,l I D.I on:h..Lro lIIu. i" . hU1' liDhan.1. .\f , . WalTC'h bU'Ie\'",Lbhll.lI~rrolnE..tern bOu.... l no.l twn . lIoN .... Mil ('11"1'"lbl D .ny .to,. In Ornon. tMnll tor N Lalo,u.

rr You "{ ant SI& Udt&cUon ~k e your old.." wl ul( IIIRchln ell to J . U. (J,lrrllKlu 'lIl1eW­IlIflC much lno . to ,o, Idi Thl,d IIlrt·e t I'ort·Iltllll Ur. .lfo Ita... em ploye ,1 Oll"l of ti lt'ht'Kt IltlJlll tMlI nn ll lIewl u ll lIIacultlo lun a o ll iho COtul l." goll re.ulo n Abl ~,

" " work war ra llhHI ror olle yell' .

I til'" nn IIIUI"O .Ifl u b, n r u ,. blo. ft. I_1 . rrH'fa 1 -:::-'-":':"-~~0ii~Q;;;=------'o r W",O" " "'.f.. K ld Ul1 IIn<l 1.111' 1" ( )lIr ooILl. DI h a v e I b all h . U. n . . . .. r lv,r flmrllu lu lo&-~~ I' . J . E. haukln . U. 0 .

:t~!~;!:.~ 1'i:'F~S;';\:irE:';:::~1i~ ~:E" , ,, ) ••1, • • • • ".,._u...

'Ih••et ••""........u . .....In an othor co lumn wo pullllih tll o "tI.

vertl 8emou t 01'h e k leu ti lic h1yetlt lad o r.

~o~~r.e:lI~r!rl~~'I~I:~I~\I,~'r~rl.:r~~,~ tI ~::~~r~~be with out . It hM bee n IItllrhtd but •I(lW month" Hut II... m..ko n 'lIlIuknblepfOl,rt'M. It I_ edlted with "btl" )', a lUl l,v l~o rou. IUhl outlillOke n In Ih uewe,~('III I (or a IIRlIIl'l e CO()y .

lintCHH."" W OIDU..... EXIIIlHTI02t . -ANow York unl lortaker h68 CA ught th or l'8 ft lor lA,hleuu "how wh ulowli now ex­IIUng in thut ('ltl

l.and III hili Ah o,," CB il lt

~~~~llrt~r:O:~~J'i~'~i~ot~~~~'Q I~Y.. ':J1~On with I' IloU ln it. wh Ue R g rotlJl 01doll " io w Qurnlo r cOl t u moa ,""0 Ilrrangcdabol1t tho v.-:o,,;lIl:,o:::lo;,:,====ta i~l~t:~ ~~~l~rbi:r.i~Wli~~~nti;.,i t IA"~~~1'1\ltMlnger Aot "Ill bu IllUU'UlI wit bo utlUuch ttl. l3ullilon .

. '( U ~t";I;;;.l;;;i.,::A'-lI-·I,.,i·,.,c"'o".iI"'JlI""EIl(·1AL.

1. - -

. "amll,lIl.

Tbe eun , it 10U will cpeu YOl1r be uee

~~ b:,~~t~; RO~·~~:: f:':~::~~:tl~o :~~who will send In no bUl.. Ml nl 'l eD,.ASO HI.-. w.. AQU)l tblnQ'01a 1ulur1 . \)Ulnow we can Lt.11 b,nG gQOt] ' l lzed wiadowli.

:~~ t\'1~'r~tll ~~ :~::~"ftorm:t.k~~ :'°olrt~

~:f l~:~l~I}I~r:~~~. :~~o'~o:':tl:~~ ~::ccn .aln ou ly narro", gllwI)ae. 01 th eb~.utilul ou te r world.

I eui .ul1lolootl, acq u ainted with thecon.en Rthe oharac te r of Ulan,. couot ry

~~~)~ll1c1l0~~:I~l~~ .~~~~e~~~:r~: rl°~~~~I ment ion bGl "I Ollowl . Neurth ele...bay wlntlo.... l&ru 1\ n00tI t hing . 'r heir

i:~~,~: ·~ i~~u:,~a.~ I~::t A., t~~~g\th~'Vi~IIko tlmt, lor it IIIDothlo, b ut rabtturd ity11011 wh.'k odDGtlI to ul&rkon lIuob windowI

~~\~ ra'~'t~~~~~I~~ r~;B:l.~~a;:I~·Cli~nti~.....'o~~ ,r;~" ab\:~~b~t1~~°td~:u°i!c~bll~:ieL;claoiug two ordlnar y l hod wind ow. alue

H~o 1I1~~~t:~I;o~ 1I:~~eo~o~~~ol)~::tll~ Ollgo atA room with .. wlnllow liCe till e CAn not

1..11 to btl ohuory. uul lt. oRoot In .. Hitn ·

~'~or~OI~t'11k8~,:"il)titH(~~~~r ti~"}~~t~~:tIt II lelll ospoIllll IllI," th~ ll llep buy WiD·lloYo' to outur ho"t ~ntl ooltl .

I n n kit eluJU or l& oblltl '8 bOllr oom. orIn un att lo whoro tho " all . aro low. two

::I!U~'~u~o~~. ~~:I~~ \)fil:ll~~.aU:l=if:IJrockl , gen erou l llgLt , an u fJ~VO an apl&rt ·ment lIo prelt1 "ntil) lo~ulng ru l .

Let the huilder ol)(lo.. \'or to t....vo ..nroom. III t1aUy UIWJ.'l1>oolally bedr oomaao u l iUlDi rooml, woll lig hted ul tbelu n. " To 11ee p Oll un lunaotl be~15 Inunl un notl chl&mbora nnll to work 111\,)'Ill tor day ia ulil u nncl\ roomll, ill the uu ·ropunt Otl tlin o f h.lI tbo natlou ." aftiruuA p rom ineDt wri ter . Dut th l. I"ou ltlDot bo . flld 01 tbnt port 01 ~ho naUon 11 ..•i0r. In tho countr ,.. lar from the tbe tow·

:~ b~~~:'o~~k:~b,;~:~ca~~r; ~h:ehd~~pr otilling 111000.. mllny live. mOl'Jt

~i~hl":r~{I OI~O .kr~~· tl~:':b;~:~n tl~

~~e::o ~l fllll~~~ t~' tbnun~or~hfu: liil~:~Inatl oul lc t theu) be tho p" rl or Ind theIparo cll.llwLC"r .- { F..rUl n owel.

A IMhlonnbJe ,.oung man h.. acquiredeOQllitlera bio I"me ItI R mUlllca l LOI'S on

:~: b~o~i:~ou~~:on:~~: b~ II ::iQ~o':~le~kl lHI tor II. violl u and tt r..w a low ofUoelho veu 'lI iw mor tAl .Y H1pbon h~1I uu t 01it . lLII It woro, 'f o bl. a DIi\Zvmout . U tho811 uUemou IHPl'lenl volunteered to go lorthe !lihUe. alld up to tl ..t.o no uo of thelahnvo got bac k .. li b It . ' olli ad Iba problem by Ih o for.e lblo un nex et lon of t h o T rnn. ynnl In1877. 'rho Boere ha vo wMit ol! t.he ire ppcrtuuh y , end wbon t ho Ha,utoA,n I)o""er ful tr lbo, revclted, ow ln" toth e determtaertcn of rb e go vernmentto d isarm th em, thuy roee In ro'ollend docl ar ou th olr lnde pc udc nee," ittl th e c ld Pr otor lan ld odo I t III Inmint! o r re c.u ,LIiB hl og lila very. T horu.ult 18 JUM t .Ain tho COtO 0 1 th 0S outhern ShUcll-thotio wb o , ouit b tt o uph old 1\ tty.tom OUnl r l\rr. to \l luprosrutl. lve ul vlllza tl o Q o f t 10 u " o.

Mlopl4 reapl':-

There " f9 10DIO p. ople In t b tl worM

:d:~tLl~~f:::c\~i;,ut~ogl~~n001~~t tt~i~oulllrt. lnmo Dt , A\" par\1 or chu rch

j~~~~ ' i~o~ 1~~~~~o 'b;h~r:o:'~I:~I~lo~l~aQ'N'elll lo o r uot . M tb u lunoy . t rlkclIth elll . DOlt walt tor 8OlUO ono to comealontl'I\lhl l\lD uau th om. If tho cOUJ JI"nyl,rolWut hnve otho r 1'11&01 l or t hclr 0\"8'nillg 'lIonJoy ru(O nt tlulAO pocpl o n0 110010

~~~~~~~~~:~\,:~th~1 '"h~~~ il~~:l~:~C~,tlJ~~: I:i::~' lorlorn poop 1o novur tbln ktlmt If livery ono in 1\ gatbering lollowclit llei r oxam~. parti oK, I)lcn lol . /lnd 10'

::~~I~~~~tl 'r b~rl&~::~rl~~l~:n~ooo~ub~~~m~~hT~F~~eiult:p u':~~tlt°~:lir 0~:1~ 1~~tr y to iWll6rt IlllPI)frae"" to o tberl , 'l 'hecommobl:llloCOlltt 0 Intl t; who 141kllobo u t

~l:~~::~til~:{~b':; l~:r.ibe:~~Ube~~~I~Rod ofte n nl0re linol, cult ured Uum the

:}:::l~:~:n~~::::nw~~ui,'t1::;u~dUul con 'Vll nation l&nu WilD,. a tlelllhUulIr lonllltblllllno gr own a nt 01 oomm on­placol on tb o " Mth er . It I. olwn tortLIJ n ry re",ou tbat IIho will not talk.m o11 talk tbu t tho wi. o youo" lall, 1l1ud,lit in tho corDer 0011 be toll Ilt Ulo"II tLo eluuln g, wh\!n Ib o might bo

~:~,la~0~~r::~~.}8be;l\~11:1~1\::d ·i~~~r~01 hind. riug IIOO lab ih t, . 'f lail

~~~U~~l:U~~I~ll::~=~ ~e~he~ut~t~;tb oir . 1Ik9re. 1I0woyor. I we11 rOPlornlHlrthlt IIbO<lk. ( ODce OI(H)riooocJ from B Vf)r ,ltri. ' co o\'e rtAtion with ono 01 thelo 101&10mllicootentil. I l.uul n oll ced h ill melnn·

l~:'fn 't~,~::ai~~~ ~~ded~a'~~'n~l~eh":iZ:;th1l.t ( might Ileip to br ighton it , I hal1IUked rul b ro th er to IntroJt1C6 me to Mr .E . Uo d hl .0; but befure I Lad tim o tol,lODUneot on the "brilHancy at the l1lI 'I.wbl'tl UGUl llany ." Mr. E .• wit h ...mOllt

;~~~~~t~Oe~~io~~~I~~ :th?J:I~~~it~lr::;10 the IUlmortalily .1 th e MO ul 1" S o w,I l tanoy few poophJ would h llvo l)(1fnHret tly rOloKlured by tblll l tArUing beg lu·ol uH'. A. (or mo . no~ tooli o8' oquIlI to Athooloy lc,,1 tlhuJtul4lou wit h ono 110 ftl"

~"~:~~ ,~ 'I~l::~t~~~~w~ot ~~~I~i~ ,r~ ~ r~momen t·" l.lllllltation , bowell Ilnu waUIod

flw;Io'", Inuob bolLer tlLlm thl" 'Wn.. the n .amilio of a Httl~ Iri eud of min e, wh ol olaapill lllAlUJI'IUou mako" ull ~lail aboutbor. L ulu 'l 'aUlor amI motllor Ii ,~ on D

farm . .. utl t ho little girl baa D O compan·loce 01 hor OW" utl t). ConlOfl 'll.entl, .whe u IIh . KilIla iouollomo .t,o lit iu th oLaMt of nl llking IitUe ca ll a ul'0n l Ulloo ly ooor n flghbor. A wo ml&n 01 .foO. withno tlhlhl re n. Thoday whon Lulu ..r·Mv.. 1 M" . Bote. ' \' AII TorJ un. , with hur

tl:::':~i'~:~~15' :::III~~?~e~l~t~Uhf1~enr~b",\ tLu.t . l&.t wlillat ait 10 Hut k lLl·hell Ilnltlook on whllo flhe worked. "fhe cb ilu.1I0ta yoan old ,et . sat dowo IU ahe wau

~~i~tuM"~~c::~::l~o~~'~~r:",ur~~~Lul n N t qu ito d ill. 'Wolohing L~r d artto and fro from the kitcben, putting in

::~dii:Qi:~ 11~: t;t, t5~~1n~\& tDo c:~:;lon g bre ath , til . ahild ex:clahneJ . in "

:h:~ ~be:r::~tl:1°:I:u~o~~.:;ri;A~~i·t:i o'W.a oblltl with .ooh a ula llOtlltlou Mth•• b.. u.. fonn elation of Do character

::Jo~e~~Ott;l:l~.ha\~~noid ~rt:;Il:'~

:ii'~,~:~~i~.~·Y&:.'=:~J:~~;:'PbY-r erlot . In Mu.le.

Fin\ period, 370to 1400 . Ambro lWJ

l:;~t=::~c.:~; o(~) ~~~.dotb:~{Ita;~ba:dor~d~d tbiou~~o,;U;:I~-:''fh oDCIUDO BnchOOlll. of 'fouruay, (93:1) .wlto In trod aced .. IOrt 01 harmoay wblcbmUI' bo n reNtDbled th e 1I1b.tare l top 01tb. orp o . Ouid o (10'.10)• • 1 Arez.r:o,

:::e~rt~:' tl~~fi:,Ic:e~o~~~~l det:a~~:oa.atue menlurabm. , or dl"i .lon io taban, ..nd &1I1u1l1 Iharp• • together 'WI th&beInTelltion 01 tb, monoohonl . In theNO.nd portod, 1400 to 1600, wo hanJ~uin dOl Prel in &Igham and pat,II'trlna ltal" antI tbe rilo of • truo 818tom

of :t':I~I\tl&>a: i~~.':,~e~~:et~:~~~lbe true OOll:1", tho major aad minorteale, In whl oh we find tfJe uniform llr~

::::::o~~t'.:ii:;':::::~a~:~~'V:::i:~1710. WbeD lbllmomeot.lU'ri..d U,e bUll

~b:3~:~d::l::~ :::,~loE~t'~a=C'~~li~,;':~~I~~::h ~ w~~ :,Io::~

~2::rlf~:~i~~ w~PI~u~~~lr:dt~:~lib lbe bnn\ 01 Oreek 10111p tu f'O or

~~lanJf~lc:f~;:"~~d;~Mtb:n1oaf::;tbe ..m1lOtt of tbe ahurch touchedtbe bean of th e world. Olariulml dietlIn 1872: be 'W" tile tTl"' of the tun.IUon,.rtod. n. mhrb' b........n Pal oelrioa ,ud be lind tobeu Oorelli . 10 Oorel1l·.UI. Ume \be ._rm of .'er, 1,,. le 01..a.aio al•• knowa eroM . He witnMMd.&he'l~ aohoo11 of Napl_ in tho

:0:.. n~::~&ho: :~:D'ct==l::I~h:b =~temo ID Rom• • &ho troar-- of hulru·::'D~;i:~O. lbAiil~J~~~~~~b;b~.... OIIltU'1. ull 'Woare .truck wilb.0IN'IaI•••• WhOA we romamber \bat monaN aMl1 a1!ye(l BttOlwbo miL h.,e Ii ...te_ '" 1I0l10ri dleol 17\11 ••d "".".........llb lbe ..D.,.W. "du (tllftd1801).-[Good Word• .

A.••rr ....u .'r be r. II muob'l;ter ..~ auaob lng

to tll . CIUld And oircum.tanucaor \b. rebellio n 01 t bo Doons, InAfr ica ; " ble b th e Rog llab go yorn ·meot b" / Ult euceeede d In quolling.'l' b. , ,,vo t or \ be Boe ee, 10 acmer"'pooll , rH omble. t be loconlon otIh, Soulb,ro fll.l.. of the Uoloo,11008 t ho te rmer, llk4 t bo lauer, h d(o r ltl pr imary object t ho pr t lCl rYlL 't loa o f ,h ,.ory, t hou g h otbe r talUeIontered into tho Aunc:'J:atlon of th eireo ua l" to Oroa t Br itain .

'f h, Durcu ..Iabll, bod Iholr 0" 1•ou lornoa tl In So utb Arrle~ 81!1 IODgal a as 1662. 'l'LIO co lo0 1 continu edlO IIrow , lu"ly bUI . Ioodlly ulIIII1790, whlln It waAIn vaded an d Don­'lu or~d lIy th o llrit illh. I n 1803, Ill.t ho poa ue of Am lclD l , It. wu giyeo u pto H olland ; bu t , to keop ' It. fromf. l\log 11Il. Iho buod. of Ih••'ro nobund or Bonapart o, It. WOol aga in oo cu_" I,d by 8rll l.h Irool>8 111 180U. '1'hl.ucoupatlon WAI tullowoti by the lIu·m lKrutlon of a largo uumbor 01 Brlt .hlh .)001'10, I,r adura aDd ol,bors, whowe ro huted by tho Hool1l booa uso ofthe ir oppOfIhlon to slavory . 'f bolioufl wor l) atla ' oboldora. a nd c ruu lolJo. at tbat. 'l ' ho Trj61J1lt, 10 g l"' luga hlewry of till. pl3oplo, aho wil I,hut"I . oon WItho tr untlfor Was lIIad o thoJ h.IU I lUulI U'OfIh d u dill pos it ion to 01·npo fro m E o"U lb r ule , u. inl' th o a r .IU UleDt tbat, PI tb e Jo:ng hlh did not.Ilk. ,I.yerl ant.! they did , t boy bAdlh o rillbl 10 KO boyolld Iho IImlla orY.r,v".b ruh,' , eatabUlb 1& colony oftb ulr o wn ADd rOetln lo a i n t.he lr peeu·III,r IOlt lt u tlon. 'f he l-:ogli,h At. dr a tl oug b t to prnoDt t holr ml g rutloD,LUHI In 183 tl t ho r ight wu iove.t(·".tod by tho Auorney .(i eoerul att ho colony , who dec ided t but , wh iletbv olti Hu toh luw l pre vont cd I,b emfro m ero.- ing t ho lw rd er of tho col­001, thoy could no t prevent thumI'ronl " "okl og t belr for tunel in othorla nd. . But a lU ll Ih'on~or mot ivourl od thom on, for in 1834 a luw w..p"lu d to e wuDolpl\lo all tbo I luvo.10 \ho colon y, lobe Iu.w to tu.ko e lruotlu 1838 . 'f b i. thron toncd to ovor­t hro w lho ont iro do mea t io Inat llut lOli1 or th" HeorA, for t h uy woro·foubde d upo n 11. "ery au d rmly Andcomp lete ly a ll t ho institutionl of ouro wn Southern StA\e l pr ior to t ho R o­ltolh oD. 'rho emlluui potio n lo\ y tio·cld od t.bern to "0, and th o ex od u.Clo mm on ccd a buu t th e year 183 0.Whon th ey tlut wade tbeir WRy io toth u co U1ll.ry I,bllt II now u lleu the'l' vllnl . t hey WorO 0 0 th olr wayto N..lIl l. \Vhila pur.u lng th ulroo uru IUlrOI& ",blat Is UOW cullod t hoFre e 8 tal,0 t.hoy oncountoroti a fOl·m ·Id'bl" Zulu ohf ef, wh o Doarl1 ox.tor _auloat.ed tholr advanoo guard. WltbrelDtorcomenll, howoY er, they Bue­ctied.d in dr iv ing him olf, and aeUl edla N.tal. 81..0.y w.. J bytbo Uoers, IUllt I,hen c a Dl t an ardortram tho Uov ern or of th o Cl\l?u Co l.:~~r ~C~~~I"lD~ Urll,l lIh MAi lllrntce

Und" r tb e loa do l'lbip of A ndreall )r"tor lu., a lJlo.L uncomprom lli0M'D Ulch Jlurhun. And a man 01 grelltooura,o aod ability, 1\ r" lIolll on waaIn. tl late d .,alolt Eog ll.b luthorlty,

~~:to:{~~~:t.~~::~~fd lt:; ~~~~rOii~ :Ing . outh of Iba Vaal rl• • r. In 184 0tb, Uo" rnor IBlUed a pr ocla matlood'OyJDI 'belr r ight "0 form an Inde ·pendent Ilav.bolding co m m unit y be .yonll o'on Dr lt t.b bou ndarlu . 1' ho.truggl o wh lob onued laltod for."nu Dr e lghlol.0an w ltb va ryingIUOCeaA, and eD od In tb e d,foa.L.rtb. Boon a.' tbe deoi. lve baLtl e orBoom Plaata. Protorlu 8 Ood DorOiIlb' Vaal wltb .ome of hil follow er'll,anLl..ubli.bed .. aort of prodlal'''yfOpobllo,lo "blob Ih... " •• Ibo mOILperfH' rre odom for the whlto Dutoh .man, but, .. e"nta prayed, DODe forlb. blaok The t:olll.h ra.l·lied ' bo ulOl..aoHA of follo wingtbe", further, for if 'h ey wero at­t&oked thoro, a()rQM tbe Vaal, tb oywGald only moy. furl-her north, antioontlnue mOl' ing "It.b eaob frHh at­lack 1111 Iboy wor. boyood Ibo oq••tor or up loto tbe Great. Do.orlo h ·..If. Aoco.dlogly Ihoy alrealyIn J862 roaolnlsing "be Ao.oalled roopobllo . 'fbi. oool.lnod Iwopro"lslonl of Ipoolal Inl,eroet. 1,'h.lI..l prohlbhod .I ••ory Ip lb. oowrepubllo, .. nd ,o(lond doularod"bat., 10 oonlidora'ion of tbl. 000001 'lion, t.b. Drltllb would make no ai­llaDoe wlLb "ho nGUvOt nortb ofVaal. 'rho Orat olau.. WN inll.&ntl,

:::olJ'~~ndlh~o~~I~'::~bai~~o~hn~&r1 ." 'boir meroy .0 loog u tbuDriliah oboe"od lh ••groomaollhoy~ Diad.. ~'he ay'leal of ala,..ry.... r..lud. Tb. Boo.. nldud opoo'b. D aod "Iud men and "0""0, uolDI "h'lD Loalav • . Whell ...... .-ooQDLln took place bo""oen

:'~ia~h.:.prl;:= w:b::l~bt~ h~~:.blld.... or bOll.. rehallod..., tb. 'a\eoaioD of the Bo.r

r:,=iLL::rra~I~:::-D:p:a~~:b.en d .. a1&l'OI.. llI'aaonll.raaCM..... I ID.

Tb. Pretoria. polio,. ......rrled.., '" lb. I.., dOC-. and Ib_ ..ho_Id .0' be ....Ia.ed "0" oro.lly

=~:.:d::~~la::~to"d~~~• u...... In "blob Il bad..110... A' I.." aAor....-Mdno- l ...· .lllab,_01.. ..a1I, lbo ....r • .

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