
Tft tht» fwrly part of UIP reiflh °f Henry Vl»t About tlio y««r 14*10, » few uoMvtnuu •tut gimtlptiinti wvre ttUtut awing whu WU» Din rightful hell tu tho Kugtish crown. After A tituo Uwf fttliotmieil to thn 'IVmpto t?«rth»u*» thinking; thoy would t»i» uiorp frtm from interruption, Hoiirou-ly, Itowtmtr, hud they nrriviut, wliuu- thoy •rtw Hieliiinl I'lntitttgeuet itppnmohlng, Unwilling to oouttmte thu ouuvewntion In hi* prommeo, A pret»t itilenc© etifuttnl. Ho, huwovor, A«k«>\ thorn wimt thny hint hpen no AUftiotutlv talking about when hit

Iolnoit thein, Mul whether Uior oupounint hu OWUAO of hU imrty, or that of tho

n*Htriter. tteury, of Imiu'UAter* who hiut tllletf thy throno. A falno nud ubflUril polttetteM prevented their nmklng nny reply i ho AIMIHII "Hitico yuu rir© no ro< luotAUt to trll your opinion by word*, toll mo by nlfftiptf i*ml lot him tlmt In inl* h'Tont of tho Houno of York pull n white ronu, AH t tto," Thou »nhl tho Kurt, of Homeritet, "hot him who lmton Huttery, ftiul thtrtm to tUAiutulu our rightful king, ovou lu tho prtmimoo of las enemies, j»uU A nut rune, with in«t.M When Henry \ 11.. lUArrUnl KU/.rtbeth. of York, tho rival bourne wero bloiulotb ntitl tlio f*(Wc be* tinto tho emblem of hnglnmh

Ui tho reign of Muloolui I,, th the JMt 1olu, Heotlitntl WRM inviult »l by tho Dune*, wlio MAOUI ft (toHortit ou /ibonloouhhiro, hitetttUng to tuku by utorm HUuocntWlo, A fortrvAH of Importance, Tho still hour of mldnluht WHH wolootoil UH tho time of limiting tho uttaek* Whon ttll wns rtmtly, hint thoro wus it reAttouiiblu hope that tho liiiuntus of tho oaHtto Woro u»leep, thoy ootutuoiiooit their uiureh. Thoy uilvuucetl UHUtiously, taking till* their SIIOOH to pru* vont their stops boiug hoard, Thoy up* prottchctt tho loftv towor, thou hearts boating high hi joyful anticipation of victory,

Not A ttnmul 1A hoard from within, Thoy OAII simrooly rofrain from o&ehinitt* tlous of dolight, for thev havo but to swim Aoross too moat niuf phtcu tho soul-lug huhlcr*, and tho uuntlu is tholrsl Hut in AUoihor tuomout aory from thomsolvos Arouses tho inmate* to a sonso of tholr thttigcr, Thtt guards tly to their posts and luirsuo tho uow trombling Ratios, who (ly before thr»tn, Whence UIOHO this suddon oliAttgo of atTdirs V From a very slinplo OAUsot tt AOpoars that tho moitt, instead of being IUIIMI with wutvr, wa» lu roality drltulup And ovorgrowu with thlMtlos, which plerood tho utit>rotootod foot <»f the assailants, who, torturotl with pain, forgot thoir onutious silonoot and uttorml thoorvwhioh hud a lamod tho stooping Inmatos of tho oustlo, From that timu tho U\i*ttu Ims boon tho rinbloui of Hoot land,

Ou« tlay fit ffltrlok WA6 prau*1ilhff nt Tarn, Ho WAS anxious to oxplniu tho duo-trino of tho Holy Trinity. Tho pooido fullod to undoj-stand, Alulfofusod to W« lloto that thor« oouid bo thrvo oorsous and tot but oho (but, Tho holy man pAusod A tuomoitt) iibsorbod In thought^ ami souing A sham ruck tioopitig from tho groon turf, oHoluimod, ? i ) o you not sot? in this slmplo wild Itowor how throo loavos aro unitinl into otto stook)fM His aUilionoo utulorsbHul without diflloulty this slmplo, yotvory striking iKustratinii, to tho tiiPXprosMhlo dolight of Ht, l*nt-riok. From tlmt \\wy tho ahamruck bo* OAIUO tho national ombUm of Irutumb

Franco has for its nation U omblom tho Illy onllod tho •llowor-do louoo1'—in FrAnoo, four th Hi, Tho origin of this omblom. whether rfpiosontiug a lily or tho hoad of a lavobn, has boon disputed, Oortaln it Is, howovor, that thu tiguio was 4UH0 oarly ndoptod by tho kings of Franco; and titough of royal slgnilicanco, it is popularly usod by tho Fronch poo* plo, to tho oioluslou of imperial or rt»* (Mtblioau ii ugnla* Douaparto, whon orownod AS limporor, roplnooil tho lily by tho boo, but it uovor took tho popu­lar fancy, notwithstanding its historical associations with thoir groatost Hmporor, Charlomatigu* Hopublioau Frauoo novor adopted any emblem oxcept its tricolor Itiitf and its llborty-cap,

America ha* no natloual ftutdom, though soYoral of tho States huvo thoir popular insignia, Maino is tho "Film* troo IStato, and on its public soal is tho elllgv of a pine troo, Famous for its lumber, for its dorjsu And oxtousivo f<»rosts of this ttrubor, it has boon Woll ohosoiu Houth Carolina is called tho "I'AtinottoHtato,1' from tho troo whioh abounds so oxtousiviily thoro. tts seal, too, has A tlguro of this troo tqiou it, Ohio is tho "liuokojo Mtute" so called from tho buckoyo troo, onooso common, And so useful tu tlw |)luurcrs, In tho days of tho log^cabius, it w i s A Valuable timber for buudiug \ and for buokdogs

tu tho tiro plaoo there tioYof lias boon mown any wood equal to a green buck*

eye stick. One piooo bus served for n back log three days.

Cooing ii rutiingi Tin* following is an "order for (Mtp.

pbos" roeintly ioni tin Amorlous f ( i a ) grocer by a tlshing excursion party i

IHMM Hltlj- Myself Ami A Ooltplo of friends loavu this morning on A Hslilug Mcurslon, And yoti will nloaso send us, by bearer, ti»o fol* lowing Art i c l e wbtoh if you prefer it, ton ean charge to either Jack llrown or lion tiookett. Hither is tho safest;

Four pounds of salt ami A smalt emsk of whiskey,

Ono pound of ground bkok pepper Ami a demijohn of whiskey,

leu pounds of lard atef a largo Jug of whiskey,

Three good, stout Ashing lines nnd Ihree pocket ilasks of whiskey.

Ono paper of largo Limerick bookt And A gallon of whiskey In iinjr old tes-sol you don't uso about tho storo.

Also, send otto pound of wtdto su* gar and A small Jug of whiskey,

Hurriedly yours. Fun, CnoK. F, H, As W« ihall be gotm several days,

And tts snakes arc bad ou tho river at this MOAsoit, my physician has just topped in Ami suggested tlmt wo better take along A littlo whiskey. Hend it, ami enter t on your books With other items abovo,

4 nrtmitfii <<nt Felio, Vp In tho Lehigh Valley tliolo III A ho­

tel keeper who has a mountain about A quarter of a mile from bis house, nnd it occurred to him that it would bo A good idea if Ito could Hx things so that a mag* nllloent echo oould bol ioard from tho

LEGAL NOTICES. ASFOII HorrtoloV ftttuttt

^J O T U ' l • j T O r i l K I M I O H S . - - H ) ontcr of •I \\\t \. Ion•-!, L - i U i i ' , HutM'Kutt' «»f Ou' County

ui K»#vi, tiulluf ti Iter** y yivvti pur»Uttni n> the i tM UU> in m e l t cntt1 ititidis l»» *tl pfitutni tutviittf CIHIIU^ M a l i i i i A A t t O M U E Y N O L D H . latu <»! WUUbo-hius l i , l»» ""l^l cwuuljr, dt^cnuvd, t l is l thvy un* ri'uul-rv<l lu I ' thlblt lliu PHIUO WiiU \\w vuuoli«*ri tli*T»-of to ll if utulfMinncd nurvtvlhK AdmlnUlruiur , dtvn at h is rtHitduhc'v In Wl l l iboruugh uforvMld, on ur l»« fori' i h e Ut l i dny of Dwunibor t a i l . DnWd Miiy :*n, IH72.

104S .!Kt*HK A D A M H , Noli> Nurturing A<1mlntitftttor, A c , »-f w l d tlwi-uti'd.

A b t j . b i i i i t l t i*s K s t a l e .

NOTft'K T « f U H O I T P I l s — l l y orrtt»r of | l ; r H. t'..n.|, Iv^'iu.t , buo«-'ifi»l»- "I UK* Cuul.t)

ut K w i l , nol le* In tartly g iven pur»urtnt to tin* • lutu lu lit iut'h run' in«<!«', I" ttll ptr»o<i» IIAVIIIM c lu lmi s^sl i t t l A M h t A H H M l T H , Isle ul Hchrooii In •uld I 'o i ihty^t ' t ' fuwd, tliiti tlM'y '*rt' rtqiorod to vx-hlbll thi 'Miit it 'with thu voui'hvr* th t f to f to tm- tin-di>rtlt|iifd Ailf inti l i tntlnri , A c , of *utd d*'i-i«rt^«l.nt Um ntnr« of ilio undi-rilitio-d Hldin-y Kullor, in t o l -iMfiViev. t o cs i lvd , In Vvnrrun Cotinty, In Up* Hintf of Nnw Y u r i , tut or hi'fnri' the UUl day of January . , , , lH*HlJ«lyW..*YS.Ani.KHH.„AXE*(

\ m N 1 H N K Y K f b L K U , AJmlhUlntWrP, ^:c., "f s l i d dvtfi**ii-d.

C f P l t l t ^ l K S C ' n r i l T — c V ) t r » T Y ' c i k " R N 8 K X . ^ l>in« ti.fii.i, Fifitik K. i.'mikc i»ml . luhn H. trulK. IMnlnlllhi, rtHf%ht»*t Michael Urn«'i», Uid'Miidaiit.

T o the alMi%»' tiaiiii'd l»« tvndimt: You art' h*ru»iy NiiliiiitotUMt ami Hi'^uirud lo ah»Wfr Iho L}oiii|ilalnt of tin* |iialiillltii htTidii, a eo|»y of *rhloh i» hvn-io un-tit'i»'tl, nnd to *»'rvi» s copy of yuur nh*wt-r oil tin at otir ollh.'u Iti l*orl tk'tirv, KUPVX County , Nt*w York. Wrliltto twenty dn)§»f i»r t h f w r v l c v c l : thiPtfumiuoii*, vlCltmlvn t»r Oil' day ol #urvi"»'; If Vou full to tu an-•wur t s l d uomplalut , tin* plnlntilN will lukojudK-uiuiit against y o u lor seventy nlui! dollar* ami iwt-n-t)MM-(Mn, with iiitorcit thvrvoit from January 1, !*»««,

b , . u u . . l , , . ^ A t t K ) T ( ) | ) K y A n K ( . K W 1 . n | i

rialiiUlt'H' AUoriM-yli T l i e Oompls l t i t In l U i action SIKIVU rt«ri*rri'd to

Wal duly llU'd In Ihtt olUou of th*1 O h r k or U > Couii-ly (jf K i f f t , Ni*w York , at h u o l l l u u l n U i i / . i U l h . toWn, said i ouuty , on tin* VWh d«> of Jul \ , , 1»7;2.

W A t . l i U , T l ) H K V A l u a ' K W l T I I , lOftTwt IMainiats' Aitoriu-yi i

c*i r n r w r roritT -corNTr OK KNHKX, ^ . \ > n Y» HK U - . i . i t OI)«h«du.i', r ialnnrt , WK'HI 'litouian T. H«MnitiKtoh and Har.ih Aiuf l la his wilt1, OlflUt'lit Ht'iiilti|tluli, Wllhatn HIMIIIIIHIOII ami Caro­line A. hU Wlfv, Rdward lt«'tiilnijloti utnl KltEa It. Iilk wlfr, M.iry A . Htovklun an.t t \ A . H t o e i i o n lu>r hu«. hand, UutiurtN. Italv. Krautm A. Huiith, C h a r h s II. Kddy and ht>wl» rf. Kddy adminls irators of J a m e s VV. Kdil) deueast'd, and J W p h Hudson, 11« rendanis.

' l o ihv n»H)Vi» named P e f e i i d a m s : You are hereby heitiilr«ul lo answer the Complaint «»f the IMainUll l i m t l i , » eopy o l will h Is hereto a u n e i e d , and to • m i ' a copy of )our aimWer oil us at our otUcw lo Port l U m y , Kssi-t L'ouiH), N e w York, wi thin tw«h ty days nfler thu serVluu of th i s BUIIIIIIOIIS, e i c lusk \ e oT the day of survli'w, or the iMatntil! will apply to Uir Court fur the r*li« f demamled In the ennii'itkUiL

W A U H V i U U f c Y A H K l ' U W I T I I , r i a i n i i l l ' s AUuineys*

T h e Ooftiphilhl In tht l SCtlon abuvi' referred to wns duly tiled in thu utltau of the L'Urk "! the C o u i o y of K*P. «, N e w t urk, al Ids otlo e In Kli / . t lanhtown said O o s n t y , on the t s th day of J u l y . mi.

W A l . P u / t ' u U K Y A H K t J K W n i l , UMfwt IVtiuuil'M A t l o r n e y i .

ofniit^Mr rtii'ttT UOPNTY nr KNSKX. t ^ .N»ii V V M L .!••! M l lai i i l l ton, I'laiulill, ngatu«t l l io i ims T. Uemlimtun an<l Harah Amel ia his wif<-, tjtemetit Htini imton, Wi l l iam Itemlntfton nn«l Caro-Hue A ItH wife, KdwMid Hemiiu'toii and Khi t U. his Wife, Mary A. Hlorkton and 1'. A. Htoekton her hus-hand, Hubert 8 . tlnlv. KrniK'is A . Hmllh, Charles 11. Kddy and L e w U H. lv ldy adtuinlstrators of J a u o • W, Kild) th»eea*ed, and Joseph Hudsim, D e f e n d a n t .

T o thu rtbove intmed l>t f. ndants ; You are hirel .y rii't|ttirvd lo Answer the to l i ip la in t of the riaintitl hvrvlu, a copy of w h k h is l ie ie to anitet . .1, nnd to setve a ropy tif your answer on us at our otUee in Fori l lw iry . kssex i.'ounty. N u w York, within twen­ty dtt) s u t l e r the se iv lu i tof th is - i m t n . m s , i i t l i m i v e of the day of service, of the i'tiiihttll will apply to thu Court lor Ihe rvlh-f «H-imihdeil Iti the eolnpiamt.

S V A L U U , X I U I K Y A K K i . - K W l T I I , 1 ' la inul l 's At torneys .

'hfp Complalnl In this action above referred to was duly Ityd in lh« oillei' of tin C h r k t 1 the C o u n t y of Kssuji, N e w York, at h i s tdt i . - in KtUubvihtown said county , uii th'1 t v h

W A l . h U l l a f W l I ' laiutit l 's A t t o r n e y s .

day of J u l y , UU. )U,TUUKY A H K c U W l T n ,

••111*11 V U H I l ! • ! • » • I T « \ 11W

fU6,uOO and Invest the pro-k of the N e w York and Lun<

CTATM UK1 NRW YOItU CoUS i ^ h s ^ l . X , vV. In Uii- UM''- .« of tho app l i ea t ln i of a maJoiMy of tho l a i payers of 'he town of Wills-borough, In the County of Kssex, Htatu t»f N e w York, Who are t a l e d or assessed for propel t> (not Ihvhivll'nt thoftf tux* d fordttys or In^liwuy tax only i Upon the Hssessiiit-ltl rull of I t t lint of said town tor thu >ear 18tl { and w h o are asst ssed or taxed or rep-fvsent a majority Upon said assessment roil or tax list, by pet i t ion duly verified M>-UIII* fo i th tlmt t i n y dtttire Ihat Ihe said t o w n shall create And issue Its bonds l o tin* amount of cev»ls thereof lu the tto- k tttla Hall i ioad Company , £ v . ; . ,

Not lee is hereby *lvon, that the tltiderstitned.Coun-ty Jtolse hi utid for lli" C'»uuiy of Nsnejt ufoii'sald. has made his Until duturuitnation in suld mutter, and that it Jut, In (he laklntf < f proofs in said matter and by thu same, sal isf . ie lordy appear to the undersign-i*«l, t h e s i h l C o u n t ) J u U t ' , that tin* »;»id petltit rs and stieh tdber tax payers of xald t o w n ol WHtsbo* roU||h as th i l l and theru a p i s a r e d befuru t iu un lvr -•ttiliud nil I e i p r e s s e d a desire to Join At petit ioners in la id pelklioti, did and do rupri'tt lit A majority of the t a t payers o l said town as ahowu hy the la»t preced i i^ tax list or sssessuietit roll of said town of W I I U I H I M U M I I , And did and do represent a major-l«) of the taxable property upon said ii*l,or roli, and said adltidleatioll as eotitaitied III thi? uidKUHiit and record thereof is as fol low*:

N o w oil motion. &u„ "it is herebv So adjudged rthd il iteritiltifd, ami the utidersigiivd CoUntv Judije. in and lor the County of K*»* x, and a t t u e h Judttt . ' loes lierehy adjudge and dete i iu iue , that the alletfuilont In salt I pVtition are true, and that It does appear satin* ttvinriiy to lhi» undersigned, saul County J u - U e in Hid fttr Kssex County aforesauh that the said peti­t ioners do repie-*int a majority of the tax papers of the said t o w n of Wit i shorouyh its s h o w n by the I net prVcedituj t a t list of assessment roll, that is, of t in yimr 1*71, and do represent a majority ut the la\ . tulo property upoh said list ur roll. '

A n d l iotuu is further Klvuii that said pet i t ion Is Hied Wdh the C . e r l to! t i n - C o u n t y of K**ex as putt of tlie ludtfitK'Ut roll in t h u matter .

Ill W i l d e s t Whereof. 1 the said C o u n t y J u d g e , have hereunto set my hntid lo this nol iee putfU-Hlit to the statute In s u c h ease made and provh (led, this 1st day of A u g u s t . \*U.

lOitwu h \ I0)N* VOSl\ County J u d g e of the County of h«»e* .

f . M . I K ! T 1 0 3 f 5 i f l T i r i r , « « N o l l c » Is hereby gtv-h •)'..[ •Mount in ti.-. -".niute of this Htutt>, and of !c atilirXed ludiee of the Kecretnry of State , that a

Men* fni Kh'ctiun will be held In this C o u i d y o n the Tuesday succeeding the llrsl Monday in N o v e m b e r l iexl ; nt W h k h eleetloti tlie o l l b e r i mimed in the a n n e x e d notice will be elected.

C. I). f l C L M N . NhivtlT, S h e h f t ' s ni t lee , Cotitdy of Ksse t . A u g . U, 1B7-.

N T A T K OV N K W Y<»UK. / f j t lke of thw Heer»-lar% of Htato. \

A L B A N Y , A u g u s t 1. l » ta . T o lbs* HhvrlfT of the lh« Cuttiity id K s s e i :

N l t t Not lee is hereby given, that at tb»» (Jenerni Mix t ion to Is- held In this State on the T u e s d a y sue-eiH'ding the llrs> Monday ol NoVt mber n«'Xt, the fob lowing tdlleers ar« to la* idivlei l , to w i t :

A Ooveri ior ln t h e p i a e a of J u h u 'I*. ttoflmnrt. A Lkutuitatit t l oVtmor . In the piaeu of Alteli C.

fliiielt, A (mint! Commissioner,!!! tin* phtcu i f W tlllam W.

Wright. An bupwtof of Nlale l*rlsotis, lh thu plaet' of Por-

dyce I,. I,ilMlti. Ait whose it fins of oitlct' Will psplro on I be Inst

day of thHumber next. Thirty Itvo Kleetors of l*r«iiJeht And Vlee I'rrjtl.

tts.til of the t ' m l i d States. A He.ret* ntatlvu in thu Forty th i id Congress o f

the Htate at large. A Heprewutativi* In I tit* Fortv-thlrd Congress of

Hie I 'nib d f l u t e s , ftir the H i v e n b e l i t h Cotitfrestion-al iMstriet, eompotct l of thu Count ies of vYarien, Ksst l a n d Cl inton .

vot»rr o r l i c is t - Also to s i t t . i c t iD ros sun O o f S t v :

flSo Member nf A s s e m b l y , TWo H< bo*d Commission* rs, A County Cltrk, In thu t luce of Wi l l iam KV Calk-

Ills. A Motility J u d g e , In ihn plaoo of Hy mi) t W l . A l.'ouut) Trvasuiur, lit ihe place of Charles M.

Wiii i . tms, A SUIM Hntendwnt of t h e Voort tu HIP p la te of t ie

nalah T)-rr>h TWo .Tt i s lhesof Hesslotit, lit phtcv of W a s h l n g t o t itngtoh


UiountAlii by iwsot is who stood nt bis hottd itiid hiilfotul, Hu \w migANtd A boy to sooroto htmstdf tiidiiud A clump of tn»Pi, with ortb'rs to tv\m\% thu wonts of Atiy ono tAlkiliK on tht» roof of thu ho* tid, Afti<r prktottfintf to tnuko sttro, the lAttdtord iinuouticiHl ouu day his discoYo* ry of tlm indiu, nnd took up A lot of t-vo. iilo tti fiijoy It, Tli '7 OAIIIHI for tmlf itn luiur, but no «(*lio respond tub At hiNt, whon thu btudhiril hml booomn Drimson with ritffn nnd Wits itbout to HIYO in, thu uuho uitmu, but not lu tho sltApo otpoi t* rd, It snhl : MMia down to tho spring fof tnotliur, l ' im itwuy, T'm itll right now,1' Th* Kuvsts smtlutt, nnd miuo host Htidduuly itiMuppntrrd, It is dun*

ftorotis now lottd*

to intuition "rohu at tho

Hrst. Tho best modioinos in ilir wnrbt, mrrA

illloiont in tho ouro of di.-toAsu thiut nil tho pototiHoA of tho ohoinlMt's shop, mu wnrmth, rust, otonutitioss And puro ntr, Homo porsous muko It it virttto to hrnvo disotiHu, Mtt> koop tip" as long AS tlu\v OAII tuovo A foot or bond n tlugor, nnd it sotnotlmos suooods^ but in othors, tho powers of tlfn Aro thoroby so oomplutily uklmtistotl tlmt tlio system hits lout ittl nbilitv to rvHMipontto, nnd slow Atut ly. phohf fovor sots in, Ami onrrios tho pu« timit to n promnturo gntvo. Wlu-ti* ovur WAlkititf or work is mi ottort, A witrtn tiod nnd A oool room nro tho vtry Hrst iudisptutsnblo steps to it sure nnd spooi!y b*oovorory. Instiuot lomts ittl btMists nmt birds to tpiiotmto unit rosk tho very moment disonso or wounds HS. suit tho system.- How lfctt*t


Pf|illittri% - Tt Is tmr miotigh to lira In AH Attlo,

but n grtmud Moor is A basement. •" A t l r i n d V Oil t h o n l m m t s d l s f r H n t i n f f ChMnatigo eal ial i Xtelisum made by chapter

l . » , l I J l J . A i i r 1 , l J , K , 1 " l , n B « j drMdamT thirty o U h e l a w s o l i d g h t t H . i l bun but it swel l oil the SOA i t s i cken ing , ' evenly one W i u t n of twtmy thousam

- Tho ChinMr ptotura • f nmbitlott in A iftitmlAriii trying t«» oittoh A comet br putting suit upon its tail.

Chasu and fleorg« llruwrt On-- Coroner, Id tin* phtco of Wil l iam t t All whose tf i m s of ill icit wi l l e t p i r u on thu tns

itty of b f i e m b e r lie i t . Tin-atttMitiou or T o w n nnd Ci ty Klectlon Uonnts,

biPpee'ors of fctleelloii and i'oiiti lv Cunviisters, Is rt" spet•HtiOy direct* d to i haplers 7un and 767, I JIWS of l s t2 , hetvwith printed, a s to their dut ies under said acts,

CUAO. TOO, AN ACTtostippty deikdenilps In fortntr uppropM-

atiotis and to pay thu Ihdt btedness of thr Htate on •ucotlid nf the caiuils, Whleh «U llclfticles and ludebt* ttdiiuss have b»un ehttnged luio ItabiHtleN for IUIHII y imrtowed to p»y UUMII. ur I t i tocert i lUatesof imluld-edit-*« on which iht Htnte ts now paying i n t e n s t , And to pay the itoatllig Indebted to*** of the H u t c ithd Hie ustlmated liabilities tor the present lineal yt»af not y«t provided lor i«y law, and to raise rnon-ey thurefttr, tiy AII Isiiue of thu h>uids of thu Htntu, and ttt iirovhle far subml . t lng the t|ue.stlun tin ruun to the I'uoptu,

l'Aistt> May 16. l l tg ; thrtoy itfths MnR prrtont* Th* /'#•#>!*• ofth* 9tn'9 vf .NVIP Yot/t, reintttnUit

(n ttttmtt ttftii A$t'tn?>tyt Uv tnnct uifvtfv\tt ; H i d i o s I. To supply dutieii*nt let In former np-

prtipriattoun, aful to pay tho Indebtedness of theBtatc oil account ol thu canals, which dt tbdi" rU« and in­debtedness h a w t**eu changed Into llabb.ilen for uiou-t»y Imrrowed to pa> them, or in io ccrtll leates of in-d e h l i d n c s s oh whit h the Statu U now paying Inter est , utid to pay thu Ihmllng Indet tedness of tie' Htatu, and thu e>tkmatet| Ii ihlitties for the present ]Ni<»| yuaf md yet providud lor by law. Thu fol lowing a inotinls aru hikruby appropriated : T h * sum of l l f i y live thousand eight huudi sd and one dollars and nine­ty live cunts, to pa> for del lebuc e» unprovided for in full by noli chapter seven hundred ami s<tt\-uigliL of thu laws oft'ttbtvi'ii hundred and seventy. * TIIH HUIII of twti liuhdrcd and s m y - n t n e f io t i s tud two hundred and thirty four dollars and idghiydour vents, to pay lor dfltclMneles lu appropriat ion! under net chapter • a w n hundred ami s i s u . s e v e n of the laws of e ighteen hundred ami seventy . I'he sum ol one hundred and fort^fotir thousand thtee buiulr*»d nud llfty>titiic dob tars and Hfiy-st velt c e n t * lo p-v> for dt llelonetes in up-propriaOoi.ii under a e \ elmpter tituti hundred and thirty o f thu taws of e ighteen 'lundre*! ami auventy* one T h e sum id six* \ live thousand dullars, or s o mUili thereof as may trt'necessary to mi t»t and pay thS Interest on the motley taifruwed. or o r i l l l -atei id Int l eht tdms* Issued, to meet thu det i t lem lestMiumei • ated In tin* thru* fomgolng i tems of detlctenctet Thr s u m of three hundred and ninety -threv thousand Hev. en huddled and 11 My l ire dollars and cefHs, for outstanding eerul tea lesuf uwants ol canal dam ag» s made by aed ei f ie i i ses attending case* hoard bt -lore thu canal appraisers In the year e ighteen hun-drtd and seventy one now on interest, T n e sum ol tweiily II va thousand four hundred and t h l n y - o n * dol­lars and ninety nine w i n s , the amount of certificates on iulcrnst n-'W otitstamltng for Work done on the eas i ero divis ion of the Krle canal In e i ccsa of any ap­propriation therefor. T h e sum of sixty ui,e thousand s i t hundred and e leven dollars and thlriy-oii* cents , the a m o u n t of e irtkl let ies on interest now outstand­ing for work donw o n the Champlalu canal Impruvi-lllvht In s s u c p s o f any appropriation therefor. T h e s u m of t w o thousand live hundred and sl*t^ dol ars, VhP amount ot certificates on Interest now outstatab tng for work done on the lllack Klver canal lu e ic i -ss ol any AppropihUhm therefor. Tlio sum of one nun* d * l and twenty thousand dollars, or so much thereof

! AS may Iw liecesnary, to imy t h c a m u u t i t o f cerliHcMet on interest now otitstanding and for work done on i h e Uhftinugo C.UIAI ex tens ion In e teoM of any npproprt-

j Atlon t h e n for, a porl lou of w h b h was special ly ** . ceptt d from pay metit out of the approprlatum of mitdi

nine bun-tred and

d dollars, or so much thereof AS may h e m < • ssftry, and n-»w due and unpaid for work done and performed on the <h,H. dA lake canal, In e t c c s s of any aporoprmtlou therefor. T h e s u m id forty Uv»-tbousttnd dollars, or so much thereof as muy !*• necessar \ , to meet and rmy the In-


II tie printed or writ ton, or partly written and partly i i i lnted, one of the fullow.

twenty five thousand dol'srs, or so much thereof as may be in ccssary, lo pay the Interest on the last t w o foregoing Hems. T h e s u m of three hundred and 11 fly s i s thousand seven hundred »nd s l i t y - s l i dollars and st i ty live cents , lo supply the det l i iency In the canal debt sinking fund. to meet the requirement* of s i e t ion three, article seven of the constitution of the Htsle , for Interest on the canal debt, w h k h wus due Hep-lember thirt ieth, e ighteen hundred and seventy -ons T h e »um of live hundred und Hfty-seveii thousand one hundred dollars, to supply the canal dent sinking fund with means to pay Interest, on the thirtieth day of Heptt mht-r, eighteen hundred and seventy t w o , a t re-uutred by #ection t^n-e, article seven of the constitu­tion of the Htate. T h e sum of one hundred and twen­ty-four thousand four hundred and fifteen dollars, or •o much thereof as may be necessary, dur and to bo paid on final settlement of contracts for moneys here* tofore retained by the Blste t o secure the performance of contra**'*. T h e sum of four mill ion* tlfty-otio thou­sand one hundred and llfty-idue dollars for the pre*-etil acknowledged dellclency. and the est iuialed lia­bil it ies of tho general fund up to tin* thirtieth day of September, e ighteen huuda-u snd seventy- two, for the

fiuyment of which no A|ioroprlattoiis Ii4%e been msdo, >ut wl i ic l i s i ich indebtednens bus been incurrrd, and

such l labil i t i ts created, according to the report of the. late comptroller, transmitted to the legislature Janu­ary set otid. e ighteen hundred and seventy- two.

s 'J *l'o provide tlie means of puying the suld sppro-priatlon for the canals uudei tint provisions ot this Act. and to pay the floating indebtedness of the Htnte and the est imated liabilities for the present tise'al year A*»t ) t t provided by taw, a debt of this Statu is hereby authorised, which debt shall be for the t ingle o b h c of raising the money to pay the appropriation herein •al l ied.

$3 . T h e debt horeby Created shall not rxeeed the sum of six mil l ions six hundred thousund dollars und there »«liall tie tmpoNcd, le t led and asocssid upon the l a i a h l c property ot this Htate a direct auniml tax to pu) the Interest on said debt as such interest fulls due, which said direct annual tax shall be suillcieiit to pay such Interest as It falls due. A n d there thai! also bf imposed, levied and ui tesscd upou the taxable prop­erty of this Htate a direct annual tax to pay, and suf­ficient to pay lu the space of twe lve years from the t ime of the passage of this act, the whole of tlie debt created under snd by Ihe provisions of this act. (»' the debt to be created under and by virtue of the pro­vis ions of this art, the principal of one-'hlrd par the i fo f rduiH he pttl t in four year* from the passage of this act, the principal of one-third part thereof shall lie paid in elfcht ve ins from the passage of this act, ami the principal of one-third part thereof shall be ptid in twe lve y earn from the passage of this act.

\ 4 T o obtain the money necessary for the purposes contemplated by this act. the comptroller is authoriz­ed to Issue thu bonds of the Htato in such s u m s each as shall seem meet to him, with coupons thereto At tachtd , for the payment of thu interest on such bonds, at a rale not exceeding s ix per centum p*r annum* half yearly, on the first days of -Tuly and Januurv lu e t c h year until the principal Is payable, at such pUice in tin- city of N e w York as shall seem meet lo him. Due-third part of such bunds shall be payable in four jears fiom the passuge of this act, one third part of such bonds shall be payable tn eighty-ears ftotn the passage ot this act, one third part of such bonds i h i 1 he payable in twe lve years from the, passage of t l r s act. and the whole principal shall be pajuhtc in such place in N e w York ci ty HS tlie comptroller shall deem meet. Thu comptroller shall, before disponing of said bonds or any ot them, advertise the proposals for the smue, and shall open the proposals , and uward the same to thu highest bidder at u rate not less thuli par, which advertising and disposition shall be according to the provisions of law now egistlny-

16. T h i s act shall be submit ted to the people at the next general elect ion to be held In tills Htate. T h e inspectors ot e lec ' iou in the different election districts In the Htate shall provide, u l e a c h poll on said election day, a box In the usual form tor the reception of the ballots herein provided; ami each and every elector of this Htate muy present a ballot which shall he a paper t icket, on which shall tie r»

rig for m i namely : ''For the act to create u Htate debt to pay the citiul and general fund dcllcieticif«," ot 1 Against the act tu create a Htate debt to pay the ca­nal and general fund deficiencies." T h e »ald ballots shall be so folded us to conceal thu contents of tlie ballots, and shall be endorsed " A c t lu total km to ca* nal aud general fund dclictcncles."

5 0. After thiully closing the put's of Itich elect ion, the itippcrtors thereof shall Immediately and wi thout adjournment proceed tu count and canvnsa the ballots given in relation to the proposed uct. In the same man­ner AS they are by law r- quired tu canvass the hullots given for governor, and '.hereupon shall se t d o w n in writing and in words at full length, the whole numtwr ttf vo te s g iven "Kor llie act to en-ate u Htate d e b t ; " and the who le number of votes given " A g a i n s t the act to create a Htate debt ," and certify and subscribe the same, and cause the cupleg thereof to be made, certified ami de l ivered ,as prescribed by law In respect to the cativass of votes g iven at un election for gov­ernor; and all the provis ions of law in relation to e lect ions , other than for military and town ofliccrs, shall apply lo the submiss ion to ihe people herein prot hied for.

11. T h e seoretnry of BtatP shall , w i t h nil eoriVshlent dispatch, after this net shall receive the appioval or lite governor, cause the sunie lo be struck i fV and primed upon s l ips in such numbers a s shall be sufik-lent to supply tho d im rent ofileers of this Htate con* cerned tu notifying or In hohllng e lect ions , or in c a n . vanning the votes , aud shall transmit the s a m e to such ofuYe.s.

* 1 Hections five, t i t And seven of ibis act ihatt lake e d i c t immediate ly upon h s psssago , but the second, thtid and fourth sec t ions ihe ieof shall not become a taw until it ts rntiihd by tho people lu puriuaucc ot the const i tut ion and thu provisions thereof.

I P . T h i s act shall be chapter seven hundred of the taws uf e ighteen hundred and seventy - two .

C H A P . 767, A t f A C T to perfect an amendment to tho const i tu­

tion relative to the Court of Appea l s and for t b t extension of the services of tlie Commiss ioners of Appea l s .

l ' s s s n n May IT, 1M2, Uir>t-ttrt1.sbtfliuj pres?nt,

Whereas , the fol lowing amendment to the constl* Imbm of this Htate \v;t* agreed to by a majority of all the members elected toeiu h branch of lio- legislature tor the year one thousand e ight hundred and seventy-o n e ; and the said nmemlmet-t wns duly entered on the journals of each branch o f the legislature, with the yean und nays t«kcn thereon, and referred to thw legislature lo be ehoseii at t l ie next general e lect ion ol .Senators : and was duly publ ished for three months previous to the l ime of making such choice lu pursu­a n c e ot the thirteenth article of the const i iu i ion or this Hiate ; and whereas , said a m e n d m e n t w a s also agreed to by a majority of all the m n n h c r s e l i d e d to eat-h of i lmsu ld hianchfA of the Ifgdnlalure for t h e year one thousand e ight hundred and s e v e n t y t w o pursuant to the said thirteenth art ic le ; which said amendment ts lu thr words fol lowing, to w i t ; "Rela­tive to the court of appeals and for the extens ion of the term of service of the commiss ioners of appeals ." / O f o / r ^ d t tin* A s s e m b l y concur,) T h a t the s l i t h article or the const i tut ion of th i s Htste be amended, by adding thereto the fol lowing section :

"*'i*. T h e court of appeals umy order Atiy of the Cautes, not i lrtH-.Hng flv« huudt<-U In numher, prnd-iuv in that court at the t ime of the adoption of th i s provision, to be heard and determined by the com­missioners of appeals , nud the legislature muy extend i be term of se iv ice of the commiss ioners of appeuls , for a Period not exceeding t w o year*." N o w there­fore, tor the purpose ot submit t ing the said proposed amendment to the People of this Htate :

V'Ai Pttoptt of thu Stattof A 'n i York, riprUtnnUd in S-naln a n d A***mhtyt do vnact usjutfoies:

Hsct ioR 1, T h e inspectors at each poll in the sever al towns and wards oi this Htate at the general e l ec ­tion to be held in this Htate on the lltth day of N o ­vember, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy two, shall provide a box to ro-eelvu the ballots of the c i l U e n i of this Htate, In rela­tion to the said proposed a m e n d m e n t ; and each vo ter may present a ballot on which shall be wri t ten or prioted, or partly written and partly printed, one ot ihe fol lowing b u m s , n a m e l y : "For the proposed amendment relative to the court of a p p e a l s / 1 or "Agains t the proposed amendment relative to the court of appeal* " T h e said ballots shall bo Indorsed "Proposed A m e n d m e n t relative the Court of A p ­peals ," and shall be so folded as to conceal the con­tents of the ballot and exhibit, the indoiseniutit A n d all the i itixi'iis of ibis btute enti t led l o vote for mem­bers of Assembly in their respective districts shall be ent i t led to vole on the adoption of tho said proposed am* ndmeuts , during the day of elect ion, lu the sever­al election districts it. which they reside.

<iy After finally closing the poll of such elect ion, the hmpM lors theteot s ' a l l count and catmtss the ballots g i i e n rehitivu to tlie said proposed amendment , rt the same manner HB they are required hy law to GihVa** the ballots given for governor, and thereupon ••hull set d o w n In writing, ami In words at full length, • he who le numher ot votes given "For the proposed amendment relative lo the Court o f A p p e a l s / ' ano the whole number of votes given "Aga ins t l b s pro­posed amendment relative to Ihe Court of A p p e a l s , " aud shall certify and s u h s o n b e the same, and cause c 'pies thereof to be made and certified and delivered as preser lUd by law in respect lo the canvass of votes given at an election tor governor.

1 8 T h e vote so given shall he CAiivftissd by the board oj county canvassers , and s ta tements Ihereo' shall be made, eei tinVd and s igned, and recorded lo the m timer required by law, in respect to the can­vassing Ihe vines given *»t an election for governor and certified copies o! the said s ta tements And eeruti cates of the county canvassers nlmll be made, certified un I transmllted by the county clerks, respect ively. In the manner provided by law In rases of election (tir governor. T h o sabf certified c o p i e s transmu­ted by the county c h i k s shal l be canvassed b> ihe board of Htate canvassers , IA the like manner as provided by law, lu respect to the elect ion of fov -einur, and in l ike manner they shall make und lite a ce i l i f i -a l e of the result of sucli canvass , which shall b« entered of record by the secretary of state , and shall be publinhed by him in the Htate paper.

} 4. Thi« act shall take efl'eit Immediate ly . KespeettuMy yours , etc. ,

U. H I L T O N H O R l f i N K R , I M w t 3 l HecreUry of Htab?.


w Walker & Lafountain

r o i i .n ANXorxrK TO THK PCHI.IC, that they an- prepared l«» do all k inds of

Carpenter & Joiner's Work short t ioi i io . Will k e e p c o n s t a n t l v on baud K K A D V M A D K C u l ' T l N H , or make tlfem to order, P I C -T l ' K K KUAMKH.i i i ida l i kinds of L A T H K M'UHK and H I C P A U U N O promptly dune. A l so , a

New Washing Machine, invented by Walker, warranted tn give perfect satis taction, or the money refunded.

Htand at the Morse Nai l Co.'s old Carpenter s h o p , just north of the tan yard.

Keescvilli•, May i , 1*72. UV43

Counter ami Hanging S( UK, Important to All who Uso Scnlei!! .1 >-.(/<• (h-U** '*/fj/io /«/• / , und .S'ut'/J the Tro\tb\«

0 / H'ciyhiuy iJishet. Price |10-

Cireit'ars wi th c u t s and fult particulars free to e*e ry hotly. A g e n t s wanted in every county , ttkiiiio tit HKh'A SVALK ro.t 30 Cortlandt y t m d , N . T .

Please slutu where you saw this advert isement-

Dental N o t i o C F,» S T A C K S , ST 1 U . K O * U t f f l T t S T ,

S it still tncated In Hie vi l lage of Kssex. T e e t h • ' t t iac ted With the use of Ni trous Oxide . All work warranted to givo sa t i s fac t ion .

1HM C. K. B T A C K r t , L, T>. 8 .

V ^ V P R H i n n 1 I A I I V R 8 T M A M I l i r a i t Y

Kalttfny P i t c h i n g Apnitnt t t ta: C o m p l e t e Ht»ckf>r; Pulley for rdticlng t r a v e l ; Orupples for suspending Horse Corns. A g e n t s wanted . Hend for Circular o Paris C u r n n c e C c C l a y v i l l e , N . Y .

p O C K i l T A N D T A H L E C t T T . K n Y Ifi great I vane! v, for sale j y

it p. cLArr & co, .ttino 8, 1M71. lfiU6

CO A f i t -Th«» Bubsertbfr* nre proparcd to deliver Ht.ive and Ches tnut s i t e s of Coal, al lowest rush

prices. I). l ) , C L A P P A CO. Keesev i l l t , A u g . 15,1371, 1606m*2

- - T i l l * W f t « t f » M iilf»n i ) f l l A i m i i W H H IR Ifi j teres! on the last four Ion going Hems T h e sum of l l f Ittiltt t u n i t o i l t i n * l u l t f n n f utiss'ss i / r a v s l # u hundred and thirty-one thousand four hundred

Hllt l WhiAtU* t i l l "ArklMtt l t lrt T l U V P i n r , s u m of awards for d s m a g e s and e i trA compensat ion

- A gr^iit nurglcitl oprrntion- To tHko ilif» vhirkJtMttuf A young mini, mul tlio

made by the c.tnul h mnl In the year e ighteen hundred and seventy one T h e turn ol seventy oue thousand nib* hundred And s i n y four dollars and s l i t y - e l g h t

/ciii' out of A avultliiiif woHuiiL I **""•lu t1*)' *"**,l,,n u l *WATi[*for • l\«"•*«»,, *m | •'»• 4 , . B

# «•"»""• tfA ctm|»ensat lun »ud e i p e l t s e s attending the same, ss- A H i t OHCIt A A k m l ft pPAPIftltt % l l r l t made by the bonrd ot canal c o m m i s s i o n e r s In the

t f t r t l m l l t n f i i r m i K i i U t h o atVixt t lr . t lUrt o f i ^ ^ ' « » » « ^ t t humlred and seventy one T h e sum of f i ' « i<f . . t i i " . i " u y »h lusaml dollars, or so much thereof as may 1» l l l t» . I i l l I tut UIJT 0 W H bUfsiUQStM^ WRg necessary lo meet and pay the Interest on the cerllll-WnH t i l t 1 rt 'p1y« ' sa tes I II Hi9 last foregoing i t em m e n t i o n e d . I h e sum of

P \ T r * T luminal WKATUKU 8TRtr«-L'--tetul and economical , for sale by

H. 1». U L A P P A CO. D e e e m b e f 21, l « 7 t .

V i s i l l ^ O T A C K L K - O f • ! , k inds , for sabT^v I . A W . M O U L D A HON.

May 18, t 8 ? L 1693

rMnttAM/Vron^ *itwt,i(ttn...Tht ' i v i t in the world, for sale by

_ 4 n. v. CLAPP A co. HclobAt 5W, U 7 t , U 1 0

Y t f t s t W . — t f r m , lirasshnd Copper, and Wire Colli * v in variety, for sale by

n. i> CLAPP * co. .tune I §71. U96

B ttt/IlBfa--flak Tanned, ail iliei, and Lace Leather, for sale by

n. D. C L A P P *«co, _ .Tritie 16. !!<ti. ityt

PCWI*iir~Clst«»ni Pnmpt, four iHflVrcnt <iiT and Lead Pipe of all s izes .

Jftne 09, mi , n. D. CLAPP A CO,



VINEGAR BITTERS !go Person enn take t h e t c Bitters acenrd-

Inu to dircctLons. and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison ur other means and the vital organs waited beyond the puint

t l y H p f p H l r t ftr I r n t l f f e M l o t l * Headache, Pain ht ihe M i s u a r i s , Co-.t-l.s, Ti^luuv-i of the Chest, D u ­llness, Sour KructatiuUA of the Stoniacli, Had Ta«te in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Luims, I'.tin in die regions of the Kidneys, and a bundled other painful symptoms, sre the htTspiings of Dyspepsia. In these complaints it has no equal, nnd one bottle will prove a be'.ter guar­antee uf its meriti than a lengthy advertisement.

F o r F e m a l e C*nit i | i l t l l ikt«t in young or old, rn.uricd «>r MHijii-, at the d.twn ol womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Hitters display so decided an inilueuci that a marked improvement i i soon percep* tible. • *•• . • . «

Fov- Tnflnfitmrtfor^ ton! Clifonlc Ul ieu* i i u i t l s n i and CL-UI, Unions, Ktmitt^nt aud Inter* i n t u i t Fevers, Diseases of the IJlood, Liver, Kidneys and U adder, these Hitlers have no ttpial. Such Dis* t.ises are caused by Vitiated Wood, winch is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs.

T h e y l i r e t\ U c n t l e P u r g a f i v c n s w e l l Rt ft l o i O c , posstisinij a!»o the merit of acting at a pii\v-.-rl'iil agent in relieving Congcstiun or Inflam-mation of the Liver and ViKeral Orjjans, aud tu Diliuul Diseases.

F o r S k i l l Dl*iPftirAt r.rttpftons, Teller, S..H Vhttuti, Ul« xlics, Spots, I'imp'.cs, Pustules, Huns, Car-buiicli:^, RiiiK-worms, Staid-Head, Sore Kyts. Ery­sipelas, Itch, Scurfs. Discolorationsof the SUm, Iluinori and Diseases of the Skin, uf whatever name or nature, sre literally dug up and carried out of thtt system iu A thort time by the use of these Hitters

G r i i t e f u l T l i o u s n m l s proclaim \ INHGAfc HtT« TKK.-. the most uijsideitul(lnYi^;orant i lut evtr su^tauied the sinking system. ' ^ ^ ^ . * . ^ , ^ ^ J W A L K K H , Prop'r. it* tt- ^ t r t l O N A I J D & C O , , Dtuggtsis and Gen. Agts., S.m Francisco, Cal.,

AtuTcor. of Washington and Charlton Sts , New York* S O L D UY A L L I J K U U O I J S T S A N D D E A L E R S .



'I'hese TahitU present tho Aeul in Combl'-iitton w i t h other ellliMeiit reinedh*A. In it popular form, for t h e C u r - e o f a i r t H U H A T a i i d L O N O D i s e a s e s .

l l tLMtHKNKHH;!' d U L C K U A T U»N of the Throat arc l inmcdi:tt 'Iy rel ieved, ami s t a t e m e n t s itre con Bluntly titdijr sunt to the propr le toro f l e d e l m cases • f Thrnat ddllcuHli-M u( \ e t r s statidliiK P A H T i n i i Don't be dece ived »«y w o r t h l e s s Iml L H U I l U n .ittuin*. Oct only W c l U ' C u r b o l i e Tub lets . 1*1 ice 2r> Ctn pt-r box. _ *tdlw4 d o l l . N k} K K L L O t . O , IR Piat t H t , >f. Y . _

Bond for Hole A g e n t for the V. 8

d l # > S A A M O N T H ea»Uy m a d e with men* 9 s s £ O V r eil and K - \ C h t v k D o s Hec>ire Oiieuiar-i ' t u ' Ham p i e s , fret. Hrnttleboro, V t .

M, B P K N c K H , H98w4

A t K a day to Agents, selling O^mpattn TladgMt, for • • • ' L i d i c s mm Uen la a s li|«'Ust and seal f p i n s , Itold p U t e d , wi th photogrt tphs of Presbbmt'ul CRM. dtdates . Han pies mulled reo for 3Uc«u's . V C K A T 4 Co. , VI Cedar 81. , N e w York. m a * 4

nOHACK OHstKMJSY ASII FAWfl .V. Anob-gaut Kngraving, pe i l er t likem***, 'J"J*28

In. sent bv mail $1. A l s o , (.'ampaigt f l oods , I silk O r a m Hadgu and I p b i l f l '£»* Hample hit' si c y l e s W t - d l i n g c a r - t s N o t t s , A c , 2b •'. A . DKM A It KHT, K n g i a v e r , M B r o a d w a y , N . Y . 8e8w4

" ' n T m T N T f i t t A t . i . - K - n . ^ A*jonis W a n t e d for a remarkable, book. Trttn.

Stratitfe and alisorbimtly irtterestlng. Clergy n u n recommend It D,i #ui>tt uttti fnuke mmiy A d d r e s s C « » L U M I H A N IMOK CO , U a r t l o r d , Conn. 8U^v4

^rO TIIR " W O l l k i ^ O CT,AS«4, male or fe. 1 tt nlu. I'10 a week guarantei-d. Kesj e - tnble em-

p l o y m e n t ut h o m e , ilay or e t e i i l i g ; no capital re-q u i i e i t ; full in s truc t ions and fill liable p a t k i g e of t/ouds t.»«turt with sent Iroe t.y mail . Addn-s - . w h h 0 ceni return stttinp, M. YOC.NU A: CO , 1*3 ' 'otirt-landt Hi., N e w YoiH. MMw4

A n T I N T N M A ^ l P A f f i V IIAKD BOOK W A . N T K O i ANP I : I T I / . K N ^ M A M M I . ,

A f t H and n j u i p l e i e l ' c l i f e a l t ' o inoend . *'esigr»t'd for rotrrt of all par I it» Vr* sbl» ntial Candlda'es , Cabinet s , Oons i l iu tb in , t.'oiivi-ntlon^, l ' l a t f u i n s . Kleettuu te turns , Lidtt-ra of A c t c p t u r n f , t V n s u s , other HiiUlstieal 'L'ubit s Ac . IMce |t.ij;»; se l l s at s i g h t ; | l u to 120 per day eas i ly made * ' ' "* C. HLIcri A i ; o , l l a i t t o r d , Conn ,

Address F. 81* kv4

FHEE TO BOOR AfiKXTS, An Kiiuuntly U t i U N D C A N Y A ^ I N O HO»»lC f<»r the l-esl and d i e .»pesl Family Hible • \ c « publb*hed, wi l l Uf sent free of charge lo any hook intent. 1{

c o n t a i n s t ieai ly 5lM> line Kcrtpturn l l lustrai io i is , and ag'-ntM are "ni-fting with unprecedented success . Addre»H, s ta t ing e x p e r i e n c e , etc , and Wi« will tdiow yoti wh- t tnur anei t« are do ing . N A T I O N A L I'UB-L I H l l l N O CO. , I'l . l lttdelphla, Pa. «9Hw4

AGENTS TO YHETESCUE! ricaiter truths ainoriK tbe peopb*. H l t ' U A U D -

filO.VH I 'KHHONAL l I H T O K Y *>K U K A N P leila more truth about the man ilm-. all t h e papers in the w o n d . If y o u wind to know If Oraut U a thief, liar or drunkard read this book. A g e n t s can large w a g e s for the next few uumths se l l ing it, as it is w a n t e d , and w e g i v e ovt-nvhclmintf c o m m i s s i o n s . A d d r e s s , A M E R I C A N F U H L l H I U N O CO., Hart-fo ld , Ct . toSwi

BLOOD PURIFIER It ts not ii ptivsiu wh ich may yive tempoittry re­

lief lo the sutleiVr for the first few d o s e s , but w h i c h , from cont inued use bring* Fi les and kindred d i seas es to aid In w e a k e n i n g the inval id , nor is it a doc­tored Honor, w h i c h , under tl ie popular name of ' B i t t e r - ^ ts KO e x t e n s i v e l y pa lmed ol l 'ou the public MS sovere ign remedies , but It is a m o s t p o w e r f u l I 'oi i l i* m i l l A M e r n t l v e , p i o m .-tiiii •« «l »•»> i.v the te.idw g metiieal aui lMOii i ts of Ijondoii and i'ar^s, and lias been long used by the leading physb-ii ins of o tb r cotiuti lfH w i t b wouderlul remedia l results .

Dr. Wells' Extract of Jtirubtba retains alt the medic inal v irtues pecul iar to the p lant and intihl be titken as a permanent curat ive agent.

I N I h r r r w n t t t o f i t i l l o i t Ot y m t r l . l v e r a n d S | i i e e n 1 U n i t s * rHnvt-d al ouro, \\i>' blood becoiiit-K iiripuro l*y d e h l e r i o u s secre t ions , piodtic* log scrofulous or s s i i i 0 1 - e a s e s , b lob hes , felons, pus-t u b s , canker , p i m p l e s , A c , A c .

T a k e . f u m l x - l m to e leunse , ptlrify And restore the v t l ia l ed blood to hea l thv ac t ion .

H a v e | i » u o D y s p e p t i c N t o n i r t i It t VUIPBA dig- S'.ioii IH promptly aid.-d ill*- s y s ' e m *s 1» b ihta led wi th b»ss of vital force, poverty of the Bhiod, Drop­sical T e n d e n c y , Oeneral W e a k n e s s or Lassitude.

T a k e it to »MMI*I D i g e s i i o u w i t h o u t reaction, It will I m p i r t y o u t h f u l vigor to the weary suflrrer.

H a v e y o t i w e a k n e s s o f t h e I m e s i l t l f s ? Y o u arc in <:angfj- of l.'hr- nic D t a n ho- v o|- '.lo- '!n-ad-ful hill ininuitbiit of the Bowe l s .

T a k e it to al lay irritation and Wftrd oiTlundency to I n l l i m m a . l o n s

I b t v e y o u w e n t t i t e s s r»f t h e T i t r l n e o r 1 ' r l n i i r y O r f t a n s I Yon must procan- iii-taut re i» t or ,\ou an- liable to suffering worse than death.

T a k e It l o s trengthen orgunic wcakm.** t*r life be Comes a burden,

Final ly tt shou ld he frequetdly tftk«n t o kenp the s v s t e m in perfect hea l th or you aro otherwise in great danger uf malarial , miasmat ic or contagious 41-ease*.

J O H N q. K K L L O 0 0 , I S l M A U H l , N e w Ynik . Hole A g e n t for thu Uni ted Budcs ,

rf te>, | 1 p c r h o t l l o . Hend Tor Circular. »Mw4

^" CftRftlAGES. _ ^ ri A Ult I AWES ! t Alttt IAO LHl

Lynde, Isham & Co., IIAVK NOW I S TIIKIU nKroHironr





Q,nulHr *»f ttt« ^fottt, the t h o r n n u h t y He I tali I e < h i ta«i er af tlie W o r k ,

Hint Kfegotio« of Mtyle.

Lumber, Farm, Express & Baggage Wagous,

0 5 f t A X D A K n ntAHR TO OIIDTin*

Warranted of pi rfectiy spftsotied stock, nnd of the best workmtiush ip .

Wo htitf* made aFrafuoments hy which parties desiring to purchase

Eastern Made f arriaRes;©r Wagons, OAti obtain t h e m o f o f through Ms p r o m p t l y , And At prices w h i c h w o wi l l warrant to be lower lhau t h i s work can be obta ined e l s e w h e r e .

I . N Y D K , I8ITAM A CO. Hltttshttryh. s l n y S , lKT'i H80tr

Iron in the Blood The Pcrnvian Syrup

AN IRON TONIC, Mtttll/ps aud Knrlcbfi

(he itlood. Tcnes up tho System,

Builds up IHo Broken down.

Cures Dyspepsia, DetJillly &c r«tiHfi»,- Po snrc you

yi t 1 *Kin• vuK iSyrup. 1 'utn* | d i > t - free.

j , i«. biNSTiiiiiK, Proprietor, 3b D e y Street , N e w York.

Bold by Drug*,'UW geuerallj?

Head Quarters FOR

The undersigned con timu* to mukc nMU tlous to their

Stock of Goods, and will add fre*h Mippliea from time to time as tlie wants of the trade may require, and which they will di»po*e of to custom­ers as usual at a

SMALL ADVANCE FOR CASH. In the line of Dry Goods they would

make note of

Brown Sheeting. Prints, (in variety)

Alpacas, Merinos, Coburgs, Delaines,

Cloths, Cassimeres, &c, TO Which they would Invite especial at

teution, They also present a large stock of

Groceries and Provision*, Ready Made Clothing,

Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes,

Crockery and Glassware, Drus & Medicines, &c, &c.,

And YANKEE NOTIONS generally* Our stock of goods Is always open to ex­

amination, Please call und take a list of prices, and be satisfied that tho place to purchase goods Is with

WM. COVVIittECK&SON Ausable Forks, July 27, 1871. 16G0

Nebraska, The Garden of the West.


GRAIN AND GRAZING LAND, Offered lo net mil sett lers on ly, for * 1,3ft l»ermr« out-i l d f u f Utiilroud U n d O m u l L i m i t s ; or 12,&0 per Here inside o! mul l l imits , under t h e pre-emption hiw. Or

A Homes tead ol hi} ui'i'i * nipidf ur lUi iroud l imits , und ot \W acres outs ide , lor H S 0 0 all told.

A SOLDIER Of lfeOl can have 100 inside ol Kuilroitd l in -s , lot '2,00. all fees i n e l m h d . Pr«*-ompt»rs tn iM reside upon and euJtlvnte the Ininl »-ix m o n t h s lo «et n Deed from th« United Htntes. Homesteuders must n s h l e upon nnd eu l l i v i i t e lhe i r tnd llv« years to «et a Deed from tb« United .States.

SIX MILLION-Acres Railroad land, *ii,oO, to flO.W an acre, cash ,

oi on loiitf creillt at h»w Interest. I M r t t O V K l ) KAHMH nearly none lu market.

N . II. Nohody w i t h e s to leave Nehraska S Midi plains, Mmpiil waters , hrljfht s k h s HIMI vltul air.

COMMLSSIoXKlt* OF IMMMHATiOX. K. W . I I O U M A N , i ' r e s , I d n c t d n . N o b . I N* T A V l . t M t , Hi'c, C o l u m h u s , Nub . U. K. W A L T I I K H , A i i i f o , N e h . J . W . r K A H M A X , N u h m s k a O l l y . J . 11ATI1, Duiiish Consul . Omaha. loOS 'TUB

D O M E S T I C , " ^ —

The KIXO cd hoc a bureu

H K W I N O M A C ii i N K S , hasu-f l tu Up<-« rate, MOHI Du-ruble und Unli­able, Uivuli 'st

n i i i i ^ e of Work, Mont

l 'erleel Tc|»» sioim, Xeve i OhaiiKes whM> in Une, haM ;,j l 'o ln ls ol rftipe-

rioi ity over


Sewing Machines. WTERMS REASONABLE, Call un or AddrehB

51 . H f r i C O K , Af f r i i f . Cl III )I) .tltd l>"i 'X t , u U l i l U ' S t

Keciuvl l le or P.»ru. tkTft'ud t orCircuhu . Keeneville, N . Y., Maich 21, 1*72. lf.37

Spring and SummerSlyles.

1872. « . i - X — — > — — —

Grand Opening Of Spring Millinery Goods


Titrc HRRT A«SOHTMKXT OI MILLI* N K H V A N D tS'l'UAW OwODH < v« r h iought

into Kcesevi l lv , <onsi»llng iu

Hibboim, <KiMi«, ^sitftis Y< iv<t*> l'att< rn IIiitM and Iloiinrl^f

(tapes, Laces, Embroideries* White (rou'litf NrvJt Tirn^ Sashed) YANK HK NOTIONS of every kliul,

Pompadour Braids, Frenrli Twist, H I t H U * I> M \ i ; \ f

STRAW GOODS, IileaciUfd mul PrcuBwl, Oreal indueemruts oit'ered to our customers . Wi l l warrant Mttlsfnettnn in every respeei . • ^ H e i n e m h e r ttio phiee—Adirondack Block. Kecsev i l l e , Apri l 11, 1*72. 1040

REMOVAL, The Rubscribur, lmvltig removed to the

Cowlheek 8taiidt one door south of OurfleUl, would Announce to his customers nnd the public, that he will continue to furnish

First Class Work at the lowest possible Ca«h Prices,

He has on hand un

Assortment of Goods of the best Htyles and quality, whkh he will make lo order, or sell for Heady Pay,

Please call and make an examination. CHARLES MUHHW.

KecBeville, Oct, 27, 1809. M90

A Large Fire OK T K X I t M * * ) I N M U A M K I ' O M P A -

riu-, ;in> 1 th<_- Ksinio-rM ul t;ium>n and K»-i*I Count ies should r< inembi't lhat the A U I U C I ' I J T U -H A L I N H U K A N C l - : C o M l ' A N Y of W n t e r i o w n in-sureM nothiim but iitnn property, Biid rnnnot h s v e any large then, and therelore is snfi* nml sure, mid that it is thu on ly Coinpnny hi th i s Htnlu hut wlmt UiUos other prttperty. I t s rates ate as low or lower than any other Company in t h e Htnte, nnd thr stock t* worth more than any o ther C o m p a n y in the Htnte. Before you insure, it would pay y o u sen thu Auent for the Ai(riculturai lriHimnicc ( / o m p a n y . If you don't s ec h im. wri te h im. A d i l r m s

J O t i U m L. C O L T O X , At / tbt . K c c s e v i l k , Ks»ex Co. , N . V .

THE WATERTOWN TIRE INStJ-H . \ . N ( T ; t ' lJMI'A.NV take-* nuthsug inuti liu/.ar* *lou»* than detached vi l lage dwe l l ings , and is a safe unci sure Company , and those having dwel l ings lo in­sure cuti nate from 10 to 'JO per cent hy seeing its A-f;i-nt before insuring. If y o u can't sou h im, write ilm. Address

J O B K r i I L. C O L T O K , A g e n t . KeeyevJHe, Kssex Co. , S. Y ,

THE EMPIRE STATE LIFE INSU-I l A N l ' K t ' o M I ' A . N V allurdi* tuon- ad\ant.igei« t o the insured than miy other C o m p a n y , nnd is a g'K>d safe Company to tttstiro in.

J O H K r i l L. C O L T O N , A g e n t , lf>2SsrP0W Keehtvi l ie . Essex Co., N . T .

Auctioneering. J. E.BARNES, Auctioneer,

FOR ESSEX COUNTY. AH eidle In that !tac prnmptly attended

to, ami on reasonable terms, Wcstport, Feb. 29, 1872. 1(134

To W h o m it May Conce rn . TI I F . M H S « K I B K U H ^ l l l . r V l i l V K S

publh- and gen- i-.iL iniiu-e, that he has engaged in the buslr.rss of Kish Culture on Lot N o . 70, l t o i r lng I)rookTrni*i ( t o w n of Keene , KMS'-I (Jouiily, N . Y.< and that nil persons are forbidden to li'int or tl«di on said lot, and this notice is given s t r h t l y in mrord* nuee w i t h t h e reuu lrements of i h e st . l u t e - .

1 I A K V K V W I I I T K . Kppnr, Murrh 14,1*72. ^J!^f

Essex ^ f f l ; A 1 K M A I , F A 1 I 1 O L

i o u n t \ A . rn-uhuiai Hoeieij

Fair. II he held at

Prescott & Weston Have the largest stock of

FURNITURE In Northern New York.

Among othPTi, tliey make a specialty of


Chamber Setts in BLACK WALNUT,

ASH & CHESTNUT. Al«o, a largo Block of GRAINED SETTS,




Mirrors, Picture Frames &

Molding, Baby Carriages,

<fec. Also, u large assortment of

Window Shades, Sash, Doors and Blinds.

Building Material FUrtNTSllKI) TO ORDER.

All of which they will sell at price*

DEFYING COMPETITION. Kccseville, May 1, 1*71. 1591

8. ii, c m & co; Willsborough.

Essex County, N. Y#» Stone Cutters, and Denier** in all kinds of

Stone Trimmings For Huikling PurposeH,


Grave Stone Bases, Grave Yard Coping,

Gate and Fence Posts, Heavy Blocks

For Bridge und Lock Work. Al»o, a superior article of BUILDING

STONE, for all kinds of Masonry, A c , furnished to order, and at fair prices.

The Stone are a superior quality of Bluo Lime; also a fine quality of Bird** Eye Marble, for Ornamental and Monumental work,'susceptible of a very high polish, and adapted to the flnent carving purposes.

Bituute convenient for shipping by any Vessels on Lake Champlain, and through lincBto New York and intermediate places.

S. W. OLAltK, U H. OI.AHK,

March 25, 1869. 1481

HENRY E. HART, Watch Maker and Jeweler*

1XD pXJLKft ftf

Watches and Clocks, S I L V E R WA It E,


1 1 U I A I I A M ) M 1 0 K U S * J I A l ' M I M P K i ,

Sheet Music & Musical Instntmcntst


Yankee Notions A N J >

FANCY GOODS. R>.'t'ii('Viltcs Aui/nmt b, IS91. IbH

Carriages & Wagons FOR SALE,

At Keeseville. THE srnsrnmKn W I M , K R R P o<m.

f l M d l ) - e n liuijii, ui will lutiiinh I'd Miyil uullr^, all klttdHuf

Single Wagons, Double Carriages, And Farm and Road Wagon**

alt mnnufHctuii'U frum tho IMNI nuihrtrtl, mxi by f lnt* cln»* wurkmcii , m one of Uic mo«i rtltuMc i>»utitt^h* tiK'ntu in Nurtl ivrn N e w Vuik . AH wc»ik wturniiU'd.

H. C. HTKVKNtf. KtHiL'Vllk.July 27, U 7 i . loot

6 0 0 0 PIECES Paper Hangings,

Choice New Designs, In lut» to suit, for laic cheap, by

GEO. tt. POTTEK. _Kco*cvllle, May 25, 1*72. K.47_


Delicious Pickles, Just received and for sale by

OVA). 8. POTTER. TCccaevilte, May 25, 1872. 1047

Custom Work. TI R M U M U I H K R HAH K K M u V h f ) I l tH

Tiii iuriia Hu»nnt>i> Hi thr ItMcirK'ht of \Uc Adi* ruiiijiick, H fi-w f<*«t iot ln* rijflit »»f tin* (runt i»mru!)Cf to the H o U l , w l i i r c O K N K H A I , W d K K wil l U ftimU' up Ut ur<l«'F In ft WotkiJitiiil lkc MHUIKT.

( J P T I ' I N O (!(iiH'|M'«<iii:itiy for otti«*r« l o m a k e up, C h K A N I N U n i H l K K P A 1 U I N O Auuo w i th m u l -

t icim HIKJ i|«'«t>at<-h, KcH^cvlli*', l i u y 10,1172.

H. L K V K N T J 1 A I J / . 1419

Job Work, Executed Promptly, at tlu- Office of tlio

Essex County ReDubl ican. T E R >f S.—Cash on Delivery,

Butrick's Patterns. TH K M IIM iun i :n H A S T H K AOKIT»

ry fiir UJ'-M.1 rutl<-rrin, i»n«l v*u m»w «U|i|.'ly on utiorl in»U«:f nil ciilln for fcuy of them. Tl iey rmtp biwn ]>rci»«Ml by v%nor\vnci* t o be tho mo»t dviilriiMe i inuruver iwi iUof litu LiiiH'f. _ _

Mm. II. S. n A M \ Kee«cvftlct June 90,1*72. 1060

Sold ie rs W a r of 1812~"" WH O i l A V K K K I t V K W 0 0 I > A Y H , A * l >

hi»v<' (HM'IJ liorcriil)!) dif( liiirKt'O*,'tri'i'niill«»<l W a t" n t i u n o f |*p<'rmouUi(cuii)itj<'!)<. Hjtf February U t b ,

Cltt l im prompt ly nttcuded U) b y

1618 W . U. W A T B O X , JR . ,

K^fftcvillf, 79. V .

For Sale, TW O F T ^ A M I I H — O n o it I)AKTRf.*H *

M ; i { , IK'IIII) n.'W--»ri«l citiu m C Y l . l N D H l l P L A N K I t , iu good ordtf . For Mle etit'itji. Cu.i on or fttl<lrt'»iii

M I I M C O T T * W K H T O N . KgQUPTtlll', V«h ! t l H 7 2 . t a a o m j

F t , L B i » - T M f t Ik'tt*, <?ftll BfllP, n i n n e r IMtT, Huu*i> Ht'tiP, C o w IMIn, Hbcrp Ik'lls, and l ! o t t «

Mrlli in i iri i)«» and othcrwli ic . for •*!<» by H. D . C I . A 1 T * CO.


B M)ty lh. 1B71.

WA T I I I K R K R , to A**M» t o Intrwluco »rtl« en'n I hut H«'1I HI fVisry boil*'.'.

I . A T T A * CO,, Pl tUburi fh , P u . mi

W liif*«,—8ia*«'Wblpii, HuW) Whlrn, Udy'i Wi.i im, oud W h i p cvcrytliltitf, U>r •till- by

H. I) . C i / A ! * l ' 6c C O . Mrtv 26. 1171. l t^4


1 t ount.\ A .r i i -uhuiui H'.xicn will 1«- hcitl at Woatport . on Tui»«li»y, WediH-mfay nn<l Tliuriidiiy, KUO 17tU, 18lb, Rii'l U'tli uf Hi'pt"iiib-r, I« i2 .

1649 0 . K. B T K V K 5 H , Hec.


MA> 18, 1871. 16M

YA^KKi;"m.AnK HAY A FTRAW CUT. I KK |1M> article entirely for fannvra, U u « «

•tcfittii'l livery men, fur •»!<' by 11. D. CLAPP * CO,

Juno 8,1871. HW

T H E N E W DISCOVERY I MISS SAWYERS SALVE. l u Cl iUukal olid Medica l fccii***.


T)r. E. F. GATtriX'8


T AR i„oi/r,uixturu of A M - 'i H I : T \ V I : I - V I : TftluMbb' ttottve i>uii*:>i»u;» ».-i tliv- \ \». l K J . ' - ^ U ciuraWv* ttgrnt,

ri'srz T n r a rrA«, r V l - d r A L U U U\ CUUCIIH, C O U U , c a t a r r h .

A i l i n g UrouchiiiH, und comumptiuti. C T ' l ^ I ' M - W I T H O U T r * A T T j A ItiU.ll! fold ill t b l r c In •'i* I»I>U|H; iilui uN», by i U V I T A L I M N O , 1 T K I K Y I X O nnd HT1-M U L A T I N O rtr-ctH U|M>II t h ' generalh>'«4-tm (

u m n i i r k u b l y rffi»*<-iui« in «U I M M A S I S O F ' I ' l I C H I . O O I I .

tnr-li liJ.K >* i-itul.i i . i . i 1 n.i»:i«M^ - f J j . - ^ t n . llynix 1*14, HiiuiatMi <»f tlu* l.ivor ni:d Kline)«, lltutv UiMi-u»v, and (icucrul ixbihty.


Volati le Solution of Tar For I N H A L A T I O N , w i thout «u.iOi*'*tuoij of HKA'J'. A Mii t i ik i ib ly V A L U A B L E « l i * - u v e r y , ui* thr wh'jK' appiii iti iH can UM-HITICHI in OK* V»*HI lMKk»*t. r tadv ;tt imy tim** tor tlic»iii»mi e f fectuA »ii** iwiHiiivvly * uitt i ive u w i u A l l D U v r n t m o f l i t* ' ^ 0 « i % T H R O A T

u i u l I . I * < - * . T l l i - i i u M i u l . N D

Tar and Mandrake Pill. t r UH? In .ui .uwtioJi Viiili IM* 1,1,1 X l i : T A R , i» ft roiiibitiHtion "f t l io T W O luo*t vuluubls A I T K H A T I V K Medirfnp* k n o w n in t h e Tro . IVMUMI. ami rciiUei-» thin Pil l w i t h o u t c a p t i o n

i t K L r r i u S "r»SfCUMPOCNJ> B U X I B of

AR ill v i i l i u U t d o U l i Into i*V*'. Jfi'li*ti]> LlW>VU iU

r .n>i of

CHOLERA AND YELLOW FEVER. It in .i * p i u U ' ful t i ' -b «i,M..M4, and J*J."iil'i Ul kept in thu buuiwboldof i vi-ry Umilyi c^iiccmlly during tho«c mouth* iu which

CHOLERA AND YELLOW FEVER ur*'liiiUf lo pro ml. A •nuill ^u-iiitity U«k*n duily will puvcut cutitruvting thibc U n l U « ditiufevi.

ftoiutlon And Compouud Eliiir, |1.00 per Bottle Volatilo Solutiou for Iulmlfttioti. tS.OOjKT 13ox Tar and Mandiakt- TilU, Wkt» per 1K>X. Mid for Circular of P O M T I V i : ( I R r «

to your JJruggut, or la

L. F. H Y D E St CO., BOLE i.'UOVaikTORS,

110 E.22d St., New l'ork. vllle, N. Y., »nd by Druggist, generally.




W h r n f . O n l a , If. IIM>- Bftrlry, f ly«» l i l M - k M ' l i n i l . < i i « ^ . m : K l ,

111< 4« F l u x , A c .

THE HAND MACHINE Uow»froii) > W r lo Kiyhl Acr-.& j ci IIuui .1 a c o m m o n wnlkingtfui t , t h r o w i n i f o u l W h e a t a b o u t For ty Ki*ct Wld« .

THE HORSE-POWER MACHINE, A t tbf lifUiiJ WitlLjiiu \:.i\\ ot a buifcc, buwu iiviu Ttn to Ft/'Um Acrr* nor liov r.

IJy' chHtit{ing t h e 4i»<harger, t h i t mucbiDC aowa G u a n o , Piaster , \Amv, A c .

T h o bund iniivliliH*, «t a c o m m o n wa)klnir«t:tSt,*ow§ from lour to e ight aero* per hour. T h e nek uowledgcd superiori ty o t t b c a e m a e h i i i e a over all o ther* hat* a b ready p laeed t h e m in the front rank of labor-PHvitiff *Krtoulturul Implement*. A auvitig o f four-IHtlin ot t h e UtMtrand one-t lurd tho aeed uaed In hand wowing. U • fTet ted by tialng theae muchinen. A pcraou ent ire ly uniiKcdioKowtiiK by h a u d e a u unee l ther m a c h i n e w i t h perfect *ucee»*.

T h e y are warranted t o (fiv« perfect nat infact ion,and t o nave the ir cniit in lean t ime than a n y farm Imple­ment y e t introduced, T h e v are aubntautial ly bui l t , and w i t h o i d i n a r y care wil l lant many year*.

!>. 11. G O O D K L L . A CO. . S o l e Maijulaeturera, A n t r i m , N . Q*

M a c h i n e * on hand. Hand Machineii $10. Horae-power Maehine* $60.

P . I ) . . ^ I K H R I A n , o f W e a l p o t t , 1634 Aj'ht jut His*-* Cuuntg,

C t T r ' TIZ33 X3X3ST1


V«ttri}rtJ«« Circular* lorwtrdcd \>>

ORGANS! ORGANS! ORGANS! Ful Ui*. i'^ilui* cuuilii^ jSchiMtj itwl CltUi'wb. ** Ot'r=

U v e a ; 2 aet» i f l iueda t h r o u g h o u t , 6 Mop*. Only •I'^i. T h e lH»nt Oritan In t h e world for tho money.— W e eun nupply Uri{fitia mnuniK in price from fob t o $' VNi, fin<)«tiler tin- moat lilieral inducement* lo the i . aJe , Teacher*, Clergymen, and other*, w h o will act a t agi'nt* for the *ale of our inatrument*.

The "Parlor Gem" Piano, 7 Octave*, full Iron frame, overalruna* acate, round corner*, carvtd le^a: ttie Ane*t low-priced Piano maiiufietured. Fully warranted.

Violin Strings. \\'Q import d i i w t from I ta ly ,Ger in . tny and F i a n c e ,

the very ehon-e»»t *triiitf* that are m;*de; audcat i pup* ply the trade ;it k . w w l market prlet**. Hnmple *et o f rhulfM'Violin <>r Guitar airitiita mai led fivt- for $1 .— Htind Itmtrumiu<*, rtheet Mu»lc, M u i i c Uooka, and yu*K-;il merehaodfM of every doaci iprion.

WM, A. POND & CO., 5 1 7 B r o a d w a y , New York ,

Branch Store. 39 Union Sqnaro*

American Tool Chests. FO I t H O L I D A Y A M ) I t l R i i l D A V VHKH-

eul*. 1'iiUd U|» with A SQ, 1 quitlity of T o o l * adapted for

• 1 U V K N I L K 8 , from l i oY t f . "

Yurnig, « G K N ' T L K M K N , M

K A H W K U S A I ' L / i X T K U S . C A K r U - N T K H H , " Thir ty diftVirent varietiea, tho roo*t c o m p l e t e aaaort*

m e m ever ottered in the Uni ted Btate*. A l a o . a o ' e manufacturer of Hmtlh'a genu ine N e w

York Ci.rii HKATtf. C R O O U K T mud« in Maple , A p p l e , Itox and Hoaewood. T w e n t y difletcnt *tylea.

P f l l ^ r i A N fiWTTII, n i i i m f a c f n r c r .

Wttti iamve und bakaruoi i i , l l o iAikuavM .SjitkaT, ttawl063m3 N K W Y O R K .

lt lu*trated price CaUloiruoa o f my Tool Cb<*t*, and pneea of other KO«K1* of m y uumufacture , aent by mail on receipt of T e n Cent*.

SA W * . - Mill t*aw*, Cm*a«cut fjtawa, H a n d Paw*, W«,ii Hawa, Uack tilawa. and t h e <;arpenl« r'a

Kriend, for *ale by B . D . C L A I T A CO. J u n e 1 ,1871. J Oft 5

06 MOO

6.00 16.00 60.00


to M ( i tt t< it

$6.00 10.00 12.00 U6.00

126 00 226.00

HE R K y o u h a \ e .n K:I1V<» combin ing Mniil.i. ^ and bealii*K p r o p t i t i e * . w i th nodan^i-rout* Intrred-

i t t i . A r e m e d y at hand for the tunny paioH and ache*, w o u n d * aud brulae* t o w h i c h (U^h in h«-h*. I* m o r e ea*i ly appl ied than m a n y other renu dit H, never produc ing a bad eQeei , but alwa^n relit-\ ii.g pa in , h o w e v e r acvere .

I t I* prepared b y -Vi#« Satryer, w h o baa UMH! it Jn her o w n oxtenVive t r e a l i m n t o f the t ick, foi uearlv t w e n t v year*, w ith great nuccc**.

T h e principal diaeaava for w h i c h t h U naive I* ret-, o m m e j u b d are. ChilblainH, tfr\<umati»m, Pit*«, Scrofulas Oil UU+r*< Salt Mcum, fii,rui**.fiurti.«t

Fert'r Sow*. Vrton*, PhupUt, Eryuh#la*% Sort Ky<*%li<irl#r%* Ibh, J^fn***. Jioilt, lting>icortnKt

Corn*, fiitct of Injects, Cam*r»% Toothtnhs, Kar-*th<>t Sore AV/7^e#, Jiuldue**, Svolltn. Br<a*l*%

JUh< Scald Head, Tr*thiua, <haM#d Hand*, Sc<ild*t CM/* , /?rw**c«, Croupt C'radUU Lij *, and SortHon Mihbtn

I t never fail* t o c u r e R h e u m a t i s m if prc>perly nppl icd . R u b it on wel l wi th the hand thr**' tlmea a d a y . In aeveral ea*e* it ban eur*d pulidcd l imbs. F o r PiU* It ha* been d i s c o v e r e d to be a *ure .vm. e d \ \ Peraona that h a v e been afllicted f*ir yearn h a v e been rel ieved by a fe w appl icat ion*. For Kry-tipela* it work* w o n d e r * , a l lay ing the inflammation and quiet ing the pat ient . Kor <%h*pp*d //and* it produce* u cure f .mnedia tc ly . lA't thote wi th Salt /thrum obtain tbi* 8 a l v e , and apply it freely, and t h e y wi l l lb»d it inva luab le . I t Ii* go<»d iu ea*e« of Scrofula and Tumort, Vanv*r* have IHH*II cured with' it. T h e beat Halve ever invented for Swollen Brta*t and Sose KippUts. N o w a y injuriou*. but aure to afford relief. Sorr or Weak hyc* — Huh it on Uie lid« gent ly , once, or t w l e e a d a y . Cure* deaf* tiei-a bv p t n l i i g in tho ear* on a p iece o f e^ttou. Kor Fvlon* Ihi* la auper lor t o anyth ing k n o w n . For PtmpU* thl* act* l ike a charm. For Burn* und Scald** anp ly t h e fcsalve at o n c e and it g ives itn mediate relief, day.

For Old Sore; apply once a

FOR IIORKHR A N D C A T T L E . — For Sore* «r B i u i * c * o i i l lorao* ur Cattle thia Sa lve ia invaluable , and ha* aMoni*htng effect in cur ing ccratehe* on home* . T h U Halve liaa w o r k e d it* o w n w a y ttito notor iety , and i« a aafe aud *ure remedy for all the abovo ai lment*.

W e , tho unders igned , have been acquainted with Mi** Hawyer far m a n y year*, and be l i eve l a r tu be a Christ ian lady and a skilful nurse , ;ind having u*etl her aalvc Iti o u r famil ie*, it g ive* u* great plcaaurc in aaying it la tho I H > 1 general medic ina w e liavc ever u*i d :

John T. BMTT. Wm. II. TlUtxiils Mr * Clmrk't Know, Mrn. \WX. Know, Dr. K P. Chaw and wife. J Wnkt field tUMl wifr, SS'.n. lifattif and Mite, Jtcoti Miaw AIM! uilf, John S Caw uitd w«1«'. II. W. Wight and wile, W. O. FutTer mtd wile. Tlie<lii*f Colo »w a n d Vkir<% )>ea. lluu-y lit^rtthuiit and

wile, O. J- Ceiiant <Pmtt<ia«U-r it

R.H-klmid) mid wtt«*, ] K KiiidutU and wife, W IUIMIII MeUwu.

R<v. F.. F. Cuitfrr, Rev W (i il..iiiiaii. 1U v. Joaeph K*U<H1I, JUv. tivoTKi- FmU. l icn.J. F.Citley aialwif*, Ca|K. J. CrcK-ker and witv. Citpt- I)*vid Ainokaml wife, Win. WilKin aud wiK.-, F. R. Kn.*r, A. K. IHeo. („ , , . W. KimUll. Jr. tMayor

of Rmklandl and ai l v. J<»a<-it)t Farwel\ V H. M-llunl. Fphmitn lUrntt, I<cftiHt< r W«H'k*. lion. N. A. ltun>uc, Frauvii Cubb, TO TUX AFFLICTED.

I f your DrugttUv i* o u t o f the S a l v e , and negUi-;.* t o k e e p ftupplied, aeiid aevei i ty-f lve c e n U ah directed b e l o w , and receive a box by return m a l l .

C e n t s e a c h . Prepared and put up by I J . M>

P u t u p in B'^te* M 5 0 bv MIKV <V SAWYER. . . . r tOBBlNS. W h o l e s a l e a n d R e t a i l D r u g Bfibt, R o c k l a n d , M o . A Trial l i . .x a m i «r-e lTv mail «m re< i ipt uf aeveiity*livo *a.uU, by L . M. U d R l l l N S , Rockland. Me.

T H I S V A L U A B L E R A L V f i I S S O L D B Y A L L

D E A L E R S IN' S 1 K U 1 C 1 X E S .


I T U EH T H E W O R S T 1 » A 1 N S In from Ono to Twenty Minutes.

NOT ONE HOUR after iLKlii-L' this iitlwrliseiM'U :-ietl aOT 0D#


EVi , l \Y 1 Al^i. It w a t l h c fli^t audi*

T h e O n l y ^ a l n I X o m o c l y \\,\\\ i:^!a»tly el««t»N iho mort * xcruhiilii^ j-;»iii', aT.aTt

tnnarannuion*, and cure* Con£e*Uoii»«, whether of the ,utigs, Biomach, bowel*, or oUicr glabda or orgaai, by

one abitllcali' n. IN1 FROSl O N E TO TWEr.TY MINUTES,

ho matter )io\r violent or excniclating the pain thft R H L I M L A T I O , Bedridden, Iiiflrm, Crippled, Nervoua, Kvuralgic, or proalrated with dUea=>c may buffer,





Tl.eatipUcaiionofthc R e a d y R e l i e f to the part or jiart* where tho paia or Uiilicuity ^xisu will afford eaac and comfort.

Twenty drop* In half a tumbler of v a t or will In a few moment* enve CRAMPS, bPASMiN F o U U BTOMACH, «KARTBTTRN, 8UiK H E A P A C I I E . D I A R R H E A . DYSENTERY. C O T O , W I N D IN iUE ROWELS, and all I N T E R N A L P A I N S . t _ . .

Travt-icr* iduitild always carry a bottle ©f R n d w a y ' a R e a d y R e l i e f with them. A few drops in waU: wM i ;<-\»ut N U J K ^ or pains from change of water. I l U letter ihau French Riaudy or iitttcraaaaBtbiiulaut.

F E V E R A \ » A G I E . F E V E H AMJ A M ' E e;ji«.l for tiMy <t-i»t.*, Tb^re 1*

tiot ii remedial u^cnt iu thin world that will cure Fever a i d Ague, and all other Malarioua, Uillou*1_&caHrt. Tv phoid, Yellow, and other Fevers (a'.dod b v R A I i W A V S PILLS) so quick an RADWAY*K READY RELIEF. Fifty ceiita per bottle, bold hy DruggbU.

' HERLTH !"BEAUTY!! S T H n V . AND H U E PJ« 11 L L u u D - I N C H E A S E




Every Day an Increase In Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt.


E N T com n i un bate* through the HUKKI, Bweut, Urlm,t

and other fluid* aud Juice* of the ayatem the vigor of )i'<>. for it repairs the waati* of Ihe botiy with new and BOUTJ tnsterlaf. Scnd"« 'a, Svphilit*, Conaumptlon. Glattduiar dist'OM1, t*lceia in the Tbroat, Mouth, 1 uniors. Noden la the Gland* and other patta o( the *y*tem, bi»re Ryes, Stiuiuou* Dikchargt* from tlie Ear*, and the worrt form* nf Skin diaeaae*, Ei-uptivi*. Fever S'»res, Scn'd Ibad, Ring Worm, Salt Rheum. En**lpcla*, Acne,BLuk SpHtiL Worm* la the Fleaii, Tuniorn, Caiicer* In th* \v«n»h, nud ail wcnkeiiing und painful riiM-haiffeft, NigM SweatM, I/>KAof Snerm, und all waMtsof Ihe life Drincb pie, aro within Uie curative ranire of thU wonder of Moo-era ChcmlMry, and a few da>»' u*e will prove to an* }>ei '>n ui>ing it for either of Uie*e fwiiat of di*ca»c Hi potent power to cure them.

If Uie patient, daily bveominif reduced by the wntt • and di'CompoMiion that i* cotitit uaby proeret«iiiK, <• . • cceds iu urreKtiim these wa*tes, mil reiiairK U<c- NIIHV witU new material made from healthy blood—aud tbift th* BARSAPARILLI AN will und doe**ecure.

Not otilv doea the SAJUUPAKILMAN RRSOIVRXT e x « l all known remedial agent H in Uie cure of Chronic, 8cr*tfvi-l<»u», const it utioual, aad i>kiu d i e c ^ v i ; but it la Uieobiy positive cui« for

Klditry A, Ulnddcr Complaint*, H\>\>\nkM« of Water, Incontinence of Urine. Lrl^hl'ti Di -eaae, Aihumltniria, and In all c;4w»* where tbei«- »re bricl'.t du*t deiKwtis. or the water IK thick, eloudv, mixed with atlbKtance* like the white of an e^j:, or lhre;ulK liUc w l . i * ftlk. or there is a morbid, dark. biUou* aptiearanre, at: I vhite bone-dust deposits, and when there U a prick in >r,

l^irttlng aen*aiioii when pairing wa cr. an«l pain iu 11.4 feaiall of the Hack and along tbc Loin.s, Price, II.OQ.

W O R M S . — T l i e anly koowu and aure Remedy f, it.// u.t—j-tttt 2'ape, tie.

Tumor of 12 YcniV Clrowifi C:ured by Haduny*t% IICKOIK n«.

Ii*.\ H . n , Mi"*. , Jul} 1", i " >. I>*. R*nw*r :— T tiave h*>% <»\ari»n TUNKT in tlw fivnrivt n<A

bowcU. All lit* I>ocU»r« ui4 " tti« r* uru no Wl|> for it." I KV<I ev*ry tkht* Uist wa* r*comin*tnt« d ; t>«it wihivg hv)\*4 nir. I taw yoor IbwolrMit Mi* thought I would try i l : btit UaA no tilMi tn it, b*ca*ff I kad mflWrrd l«»r ew^lv^ j *ar». 1 UH4 tit: t*otll« a of th* R*Mlveut, aitd on* b >s of lUdwa/t Pill*, and two bot* UM ut your Resdv Rrlivf ; aod lh*n ii not a tign of tuim.t tv »-• asm or Wt, an4 1 M brit< , tniartrr, and iia|<|>i**r titan I hu « fortwclva y—rt. TU* wor t tumor wa* in Ui* hfi »i«h»of u.« txiwrht, ovrr th« gr»in. I wrtu thtt to joa for tke Unvfat «t ota«i». Vvu can tuUUh ii if i w* ckv<> .


DR. RADWAYS PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, purge, regulate, purify, ciean«e, an I strengthen. \{-,<\\ way1* Pills, for the cure of all disorder* or ibe Stoma, »i. Liver. Bowels, Kidnev*, llladder, Nervuu* 1>IW«». *,

Atlaclie, i'orthtlpation, Costivcue Indigesthtn' LI

I> »j>e -al*, TttllouKiKM**. Pillou* Fever, Inflammation « | thl Bowels. Plles^nd all Derangements of Uie Internal V ., oera. Warranted to effect a jKtsitivecure. Purclv Veg« t.. b**, containing no mercury, minerals, or deleterious dnit*.

f l f" Obmrve the following symptoms reMiiiin* frcm I)iw i d e n o f the Digestive O^atts:

Conttlpatlon, Inward Pile«. Fulinew of th* Blood In <U M-4 , Acidity of tbf Stomark, NSUKHI. IleartUirn, l>t»guu <>r V>««\x FvllnvM or WMght In th* Ptomach. ftour Kructalir n». StnLn.y . * FbHt*fingst tk« Pit of tk« fiiootarb, Kwttnaiinft <( i U Hra«t Harrta* and Diffl»vjli ltreathing, Fluttrrtagat tW ||*»rt, Cl.<.k(r.« er Rufffxisiing Benaali n* when In a Lvlng P««lur*, IMiriri.: .!f Vlituti, tKH* <>r Wtb» befor* the Sight,'F*v*r mnd Dull TU.B ia lb* H*ad, DfHriaarv of P<T*|»iratT«n, Y«-tlo»;.e«* of the KKI« sad Kv*«, P*ki in th* hUUt Cke*i, LutiU, aad iuJd«ii r uf «!<t*t, Burning la U»« Fl**h.

A f e w d o w o f R A D W A V 8 PILLft ^Mf^e the *v». tern from all the above imnod dlM.rdtr*. Price, Z\ vcr.ta

1 ox, SOLD HY HRUGU1STO. * J E A D " F A L S E A N D T R U E . " Bend one \K\PU

slampto RADWAY & CO.. No. 8; Maiden Lane. N e w York, liifotmatiou v,vrUi thouaunds will be acnt you,


l , I M < » > COCNTY

SAVINGS BANK TniKorportttcd M a y 5» 1ROO.

ST F K T , R L E I O I t A N D C U T T R R HIIOKS, and tikigtt tihov Blee 1—For sale by

B. X). C L A P P A CO. D*r*mber 21, 1171. u\2i

BR A ^ K K P T L K H — O f all alw»*. for*nh?by II. D. C L A P P A C O

May 11*1971. D » /

CiiA^nEi^fmj;T^K^rj^^i7"br" II. I). CLAP.? A CO.

Office In N o r t o n ^ l i lock* (Eaat E n d o f U i f t r i K * , )

n.ATT^Bl K€!II% N. Y.

Doposlts Rocelvod and Paid Dally.

Bank open da i ly from 10 t o I t o'c lock a. * . , » n d from 2 U) 4 o 'c lock t. a., ( B u n d a y * and H o l i d a y s e g . cep te i,) a n d , for rece iv ing depoa i ta , o n Haturday K v e u l n g * from 7 to *% o ' c lock .

OFFICERS: Z K P n A N I A T I O. P L A I T , PrfidtnL R I C H A R D O O i T R I L L , laf Vice PruidtnU MU8ti K. P L A ' I T . a d F^ce-Prcffident.

TRUSTEES: Z<»pbaniab C. P i a t t , R icbard Cot tril l . Moaa R . P i a t t , Cbrtfttopbcr F. N o r t o n , A n d r e w W i l l i a m * , Kbcnescr B. W l n a l o w . W i l l i a m P . Mooers ,

P a t e r 8 . Pa lmer .

S m i t h M W e e d , Bernard i J c K e c v e r . W i l l i a m R e e d , D a m i e n L u f o r c e , d o h n 11. Haoborti, W i l l i a m 8 . K e l c b u m , John P e r c y ,

T M n

Dumber 21, I»71. 1024

1) A I N T H , Ull* t U laas atad Vfiraisl .ee, for sale by B. IL C L A P P A CO.

J u n o 16. DT71. 1 f>97

Brilt>KN*» ID/RSK BIIOKH- For *ale by B. P. CLAPP A CO.

l>«ocmber 21, 1871. 16/4

A1TKS Of lh« ycry belt kind and quality, for *n; a j by |R. D. CLAPP A <;o !

December 21, 1171. 1024


T " R r N I ) R R S | « \ K D IS AGKNT P O l l JL the

Earth Closet Company, • f Uartlord, Corn.

Call at my office, or aetid, for % full iVtrHpiIro Cir* Ctilar. O. D . P E A B U D Y . . KeeattUlc, April 13,1871. Uttbre

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