
The Rotary Health Challenge


Get Healthy

Why did we want to do it?

Set an example for our children and grand children

Expand this program nationwide

- Humanity

Because we are Rotarians and we care about:

- Our children &

How do you benefit from the challenge?



Bone Density

Muscle Mass

Also reduce or eliminate

The need for medication

frequency of illness

allergic symptoms to food and/or environment






be a role model

Look Better

Feel better

The goal of this challenge is to Reduce

Resting Heart Rate

Blood Pressure


Body Fat

Body Mass Index or BMI

We will only measure the club’s overall percentage change

Resting Heart rate

Blood pressure

Body fat percentage

Body Mass Index


How did we plan to do this?

1. One Page Health Plan (due in two weeks)

2. Initial Evaluation

3. Exercise Program

4. Evaluation & Reporting

5. Rotary Health Party


Does house cleaning count as exercise?

I take brisk walks that’s enough exercise

Appropriate level of intensity is about 65% to 75% of maximal aerobic capacity. This means that there should be no pain or distress but breathing and sweating should be stimulated.

(Baker Heart Institute)

I do a lot of lifting at work,so I get enough exercise.

I do a lot of gardening for resistance training.Moderate amount of low resistance weight training will increase strength and lean body mass without undue risk.

(Baker Heart Institute)

There is convincing evidence that blood pressure is reduced when circuit training is combined with more aerobic training program.

Typically weight training involves 10-15 repetitions using a low resistance weight of 40-50% of maximum strength.

Different muscle groups are exercised at 8-10 different stations with 30-60 seconds resting time between each.

I take yoga lessons every Sunday

The idea of stretching has been recently endorsed by the American College of Sport Medicine and growing evidence seems to indicate that a proper stretching program can increase flexibility around the joints and also reduce frequency and intensity of injuries. (American College of Sports Medicine).

ACSM guidelines call for stretching 2-3 times a week.

I take this pill to control my blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, arthritis, heart rate, etc.. So I’m healthy now.

Side Effects?

Quality of Life?

Medication Cost (Expensive)

I’m too old for this.Dr. Kelli F. Koltyn found that

overall, women living independently were healthier, more active and reported a higher quality of life than those in assisted living. But regardless of where the women lived, those who were relatively more active gave higher ratings to their quality of life.

(University of Wisconsin-Madison )

Despite the positive benefits of regular physical activity, it has

been estimated that 70% of older adults do not engage in

regular physical activity

But I play a lot of golf.

With millions of 'baby boomers' passing the age of fifty, our increased numbers of mature Americans can be either a liability or an asset, depending on their levels of physical activity.

(Walter M. Bortz, II, MD, chairman of the board of directors of the Fifty-Plus Fitness Association and professor of medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine.)

I play tennis every week.

Have you heard of tennis elbow?

Knee & ankle injuries

Is that healthy?

Do professional tennis players only play tennis to stay fit?


Health is not

the absence of

serious illness

If you experience these symptoms regularly and you have to use medication to control them:

- Joint pain

These are the symptoms of

often overlooked health issues.

- Headaches

- Common Colds

- Lack of Energy

- Sleeplessness

I just need to loose my gut & I am on the X diet.

There are many underlying health problems, in most cases, body fat is just one of the symptoms of poor health.

To get rid of the gut, one must get healthy through proper nutrition and proper exercise.

Let’s define Addiction:

Drug addiction and drug abuse:

chronic or habitual use of any chemical substance

to alter states of body or mind for other than

medically warranted purposes.


Side effects of addiction

1. hard to stop because it feels good.

2. Health risks

3. Personal relationship troubles

4. Social Stigma

5. Social Cost

Tell me if these products are any different from drugs that cause addiction?

But grease is what make the

food taste good

But I only eat ½ a bucket a day

I have to have my

coffee and donut every


Hey I drink milk with it

Popcorn with butter, red

vines , coke & a movie, it’s a


I know I just had a

chocolate bar after lunch

but this is different, we

have to have desert after


I love cookies I can’t

stop myself

Cookies are made out

of wheat, milk, eggs,

butter, sugar, salt

Well that cover all my

food groups.

I love Pasta,

I was raised with it

I have to have white

bread with my meals

Ooooooh ----

that look good

I have to have desert,

a meal is just not complete

without it.

This is so good I have to

have seconds

I am on Atkin diet


There are no short cuts

The good news is …

The Six Pillars of Health






Mind and Spirit

So what is wrong with

this meal?

You mean we can’t do

anything else with this fish

other than fry it or douse it

with butter?

What is wrong with

whole grain, fruits and


Any doubt about the health

benefits of these?

Please eat me



just once a


Back to the Rotary Health Challenge

It is easy

It only takes 45 minutes a day

And we are all in it together

Just follow the workout chart

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