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Let’s just say, if Person A has a friendly relationship

with Person B. Then, for some reason, Person A

decides to kill Person C. Somehow Person B finds out

about a committed murder and instead of reporting to

police, decides to continue daily friendly interactions

with Person A as if nothing has happened.

Later the police discover that Person A is a murderer

and Person B knew about it almost right from the very

beginning and did not report it. Possibly Person B will

somewhat be held responsible for upholding crucial

information by not reporting the crime to the police

with all related consequences.

Although the highlighted example is generally correct, it

does not apply to each and every situation especially when

it is related to issues of big politics. However, it is fair to

indicate that such exemption took place due to a silent

agreement of the majority and a certain group of people

have happily accepted it. Such endorsement created a

precedent and allowed corrupted individuals to continue

committing crimes against humanity.

I am not sure whether people's decision to keep quiet was

unintentional or due to indifference, but somehow the most

important point was completely left out of the picture. It

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should have been understood that "looking the other way"

paves the way for accelerated growth of hypocrisy. People

should have realised that accepting misinterpretation

creates a solid ground for a widespread confusion in term of

definitions of what is right and wrong.

This mess led to severe deterioration of people's ability to

see things clearly and made them very forgetful about

lessons that history has taught us. But the most dangerous

consequence of this process is that logic started to become


Therefore, today whoever dares to disclose information on

committed crimes against humanity are immediately

announced as “enemies of the nation”. In a blink of an eye,

officials will appear on TV to make lengthy and complicated

statements, heavily filled with patriotic words. However, if

we listen carefully, it would become obvious that despite

plenty of patriotism, these statements are not populated

with common sense.

When Snowden's story started to unfold, people were told

that information which was published by Wikileaks shall be

qualified as "unauthorised disclosure" and considered as a

breach. Therefore it shall be defined as a threat to the

national security. Since the majority is already confused,

most of the people could not understand whether it is true

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and accepted the official version of the events. It led to a

complete confusion and misunderstanding.

In my opinion, there is an element of doubt that qualification

of Snowden's actions is perfectly in line with the effective

legislation of the United States. The purpose of the

disclosure was not the receipt of material reward, neither it

was disclosed to a hostile nation with the intent to cause

damage to the national security. It does not seem to be

related to industrial espionage as well. However. based on

published materials, we may see that the information

contains substantial factual evidence of numerous crimes

against humanity. Therefore, it is viable to assume that

Snowden and others were reporting war crimes.

I also noticed one interesting detail. Immediately after first

publications, several officials made a statement illustrating

Snowden's action as treason. During countless interviews

that followed no factual evidence was provided to confirm

official line. I was constantly under impression that it is an

intentional attempt to confuse the public even more.

It appears that few questions remain unanswered. Why is

Snowden still hunted by the government? Is obligation of

every citizen to report a crime is actually the crime which

he is accused of committing? What classified information he

has disclosed, which does not contain evidence of the

crimes against humanity?

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The entire story is almost identical with action movies. The

main character discovers secrets of a criminal group and

has to run for his (her) life. Of course, evil people set off in

pursuit of the witness. The happy end of any action movie is,

more or less, the same. The main character manages to

survive because the law enforcement agency helps him (or

her). Thus, the truth surfaces and justice prevails.

Unfortunately, it is very different in the real life. Due to

completely twisted logic, many aspects of our life are

affected. The “wrong” suddenly became “right”. Timeless

values sustained substantial damage because political

correctness made the truth almost invisible. Unlike in the

movies, there is no law enforcement agency to call for help

as it is a part of the "criminal group" or is instructed by it.

People who are actual criminals are free and well.

Logically, those who committed crimes supposed to have no

rights to continue the pursuit of Snowden because they

clearly have a conflict of interest. Instead, courts should

have issued a restraining order immediately as it is required

to ensure the protection of the key witness. But in the world

where common sense is barely alive, it is very unlikely to


I believe that at one point we lost focus and misinterpreted

the meaning of democracy. We thought that democracy

requires freedom of expression. Therefore, due to

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inappropriate politeness, which is otherwise known as

“political correctness”, we decided to give a voice to


We grossly miscalculated that democracy for the sake of

democracy is useless. We forgot that by providing

extremists with the opportunity to express their views, we

legitimised perception making it a synonym to opinion. We

failed to understand that perception shall never stand next

to opinion. Arguments shall never be defined as

discussions, Freedom of expression should never be

interpreted as freedom of racism and chaos. Stupidity shall

never be equal to intelligence.

I suspect that intellectual regress is encouraged because of

the more “special needs” people represent the majority, the

easier it is to hunt thinking people. It also helps the real

criminals who started an illegal war, breached national and

international laws, caused the death of hundreds of

thousands of innocent people, to avoid punishment.

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