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social media (tv/newspapers/magazines)influences a lot of people nowadays especially the young generations. Do u agree or disagree that social media changed people's opinions...discuss. Social media is one of the latest kind of media that had emerged over the last decade. One of the renowned things about social media is that it is accessible through several convenient means including TV, newspaper, radio and magazines. Though there are several advantages of social media but there are some potential threats of being exploited if not taken care.

Social media have potential benefits such as access to information. People nowadays can watch the news anywhere and at any time they like. It is due to the reason that nowadays there are several different type of which broadcast news and information 24/7. For some people, its the best way to remain updated. Also these sources are full of entertainment as people can watch their role models and favorite celebrates doing different activities.

On the other hand, there are several negative aspects associated with social media. Usually, in the media the content is published in which celebrities undergo several operations and then even Photoshop skills are applied. However, the audience is not really aware of these facts and they try to copy them by following strict diets and other dangerous pills. Also, the marketing departments will only show the positive sides of the products which are being published and does not inform its audience about the real scenario. For instance, Pepsi and Coca-Cola demonstrate their drinks with chilled backgrounds, however, they never state how much sugar and fat it contains which is actually deceptive. Also, it had been proved that several news sources available on media are biased and therefore does represent the actual picture to the public due to which some people also become bias and start opposing things without any true justifications. In conclusion, from the above discussion, it is evident that there exist both advantages and disadvantages associated with the social media. It should be the responsibility of the government to educate the nation and also monitor and regulate social media on all channels so that the audience is not deprived of the true facts.

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