
Design your factory layout right the first time with ProModel® Optimization Suite integrated to Autodesk® Factory Assets, AutoCAD® & Inventor®

Quickly define a process using Autodesk Factory Design Assets, and simulate your model with the click of a button. ProModel for use with Autodesk software allows you to seamlessly create, run, and optimize simulation models that you can synchronize with Factory Design Utility Layouts in AutoCAD and or Inventor.

Product Summary

Autodesk® Edition

Create a model in ProModel Autodesk Edition using Autodesk Factory Assets from your desktop, Vault, or cloud libraries.

Press Simulate and watch your model run with animation.



ProModel 888.900.3090 [email protected]

Autodesk Factory Design Utility is required to allow syncing with AutoCAD and/or Inventor.

View dynamic model output metrics and run “What-If” scenarios. Compare and contrast your “What-If” scenarios in automatically generated reports that display the KPI’s that define an optimized system. 


Sync the optimized model back into AutoCAD or Inventor.4

ProModel Autodesk Edition is coming soon to the Autodesk App Store:

Apps.Autodesk.comSearch on “ProModel”

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