
Problem of Styrene Butadiene Rubber:

•SBR must be specially compounded to provide resistance to sunlight, and heat.

Justification Of The Problem:

•SBR used in mancfacturing of any material to enhence the property of the final product.

•This product must have resistance to heat , To aviod this product from burnning.

•This product also must have resistance to sunlight, To aviod the product from degradation.

The Hypothesis:

•To avoid this problem we must add some additives & modifiers.

Like phenolic, amine antioxidants, or PVC.

The Methods And Procedure Used By The Authors To Test The Hypothesis:

To solve the Problem Of Heat:

•We must add PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride) to the material to increase the degree of temperature that the polymers will be decompose.

Flame retardants work in one of two ways:1. Some scavenge the free radicals, tying them up

harmlessly and so retarding or snuffing out the combustion reaction. These are usually compounds containing chlorine or bromine; they, too, to give free radicals Cl· and Br· that attach themselves to the hydrocarbon radical, removing it from the reaction.

2. Others work by creating a protective layer of water vapor between the solid polymer and the gaseous decomposition products, limiting heat transfer, cooling it. Typical among these are additions of Mg(OH)2; that decompose at about 300°C, releasing H2O and leaving inert MgO.

To Avoid The Problem of Sunlight :• Hindered Phenol: A phenol consists of a benzene ring coupled with a hydroxyl group. When adjacent carbon atoms have their bonded hydrogen replaced with heavier elements, the result is a hindered phenol compound, which prevents oxidative degradation of polymers such as rubber.• Antioxidants: Secondary amines that include aromatic hydrocarbons, such as benzene, in their composition can serve as antioxidants that protect polymers from oxidative deterioration. However, they are also reactive with acids, leaving them vulnerable to acid corrosion.

The results:

Because we added flame retardents to the final product:

•We reduced the rate of flammability.

•And improved the heat resistance.

Because we added some additives to reduce degradation, the product will have the design even it expose to ultra violet rays but for not long time.

The conclusions :

The product will be have resistance from burnning and degradation.

Derivative Research Question

Discuss the disadvantages of SBR ? And How to avoid it?

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