  • 1. Introduction My complete name is Jose Francisco Hernandez Delgado , I born in Cuernavaca Morelos on October 10 of 1997. Im studying at tec de Monterrey, on second semester of highschool. I like to play many sports, but i like more to play soccer, I think that it is the most complete sport and the funniest too. I practice in the school team all the days, and we have match with other school on fridays. My favorite food is the pizza, and my favorite soda is Coca Cola. I have three pets, two dogs and one turtle, the dogs have 5 years and I like to play with them.

2. What do you think about the english? In my opinion, I think that english is the most important language, and the most spoken language around the world, is necessary to understand it, and more if you are going to visit other country. It isnt hard to know the basic rules and pronunciated it, you have to use it for all, if you use the computer or your cellphone you will see that many things are in english. 3. General description In this presentation I will explain you some subjects, and mi opinions. Passive voice- How to use the passive voice day and day Innovate- What instrument can I innovate My future- What I want to be in the future 4. Passive voice The Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action. To change an active sentence to passive you consider the following points: The object of the active sentence becomes passive subject. The main by the auxiliary verb "to be" is replaced at the same time along the main verb participle. The subject of the main clause complement agent becomes passive. If we mention in the prayer of the subject performs the action (agent subject), this will normally be preceded by the preposition "by". For example A letter was written 5. Innovate If I have the opportunity of innovate something I would choose a car, because the car is one of the most important things that we use daily. I will make a car that can fly, because in the air wouldnt exist the traffic, its a big space where the cars can go fast and without waiting for the traffic. If you want you can put the automatic driver and you will only have to wait to get to your destination. Also it would help the environment, because this car will not use gasoline and avoid smoke, . I think that this thing will help all the people, and we can make it real. 6. What I want to be in the future In the future I want to be a doctor, because I like to help the sick people. I think that it is hard, and you need to study hard, but if you real want it, its going to be easy. In the actually there are many doctors, but only a few doctors that really love his profesion. 7. Learning Opinion In this semester I learned a lot of things in english class, one of the most important is that I ampliatted my vocabulary, now I know new ways to make sentences, new ways to speak english, in general I learn a lot. I like too the activities that we do in our class, all the presentations were interesting, and the important was that in hat presentations we learn new things 8. Self evaluation In my opinion I think that in this english semester I worked good, I tried to have a good grade, I do all the classworkd and all the homeworkd. I do it trying to have good grade on it, and also I studied very hard to the exam. I learned many things for example the passive voice and the subject agrement verbs. I get problems in the use of the future and other topics but I solved them asking the teacher all my doubts. I think that in the future the english would be easiest to me if I continue practicing a lot.

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