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ITTO for PMP Exam Based on PMBOK Guide Fourth Edition Prepared by

PMP Study Material from PMChamp.comLegend Process Name Based on PMBOK Guide Fourth Edition

InputsTools & Techniques URL:

Initiating Planning Executing Monitoring & Controlling ClosingDevelop Project Charter Develop Project Management Plan Direct and Manage Project Execution Monitor and Control Project Work Close Project or Phase

Project Statement of Work Project Charter Project Management Plan Project Management Plan Project Management PlanBusiness Case Planning Outputs Approved Change Requests Performance Reports Accepted DeliverablesContract EEF & OPA EEF & OPA EEF & OPA EEF & OPAEEF & OPAExpert Judgement Expert Judgement Expert Judgement Expert Judgement Expert Judgement

Information SystemsProject Charter Project Management Plan Deliverables Change Requests Final product or service transition

Work Performance Information Project Management Plan updates OPA updatesChange Requests Project Document UpdatesProject Management Plan updates

Project Document UpdatesPerform Integrated Change Control

Project Management PlanWork Performance InformationChange RequestsEEF & OPAExpert JudgementChange Control MeetingsChange Request status updatesProject Management Plan updates

Project Document UpdatesCollect Requirements Verify Scope

Project Charter Project Management PlanStakeholder Register Requirements Documentation

Requirements Traceability MatrixValidated deliverables

Interviews InspectionFocus GroupsFacilitated workshopsGroup Creativity techniquesGroup decision making techniquesQuestionnaires and SurveysObservationsPrototypesRequirements Documentation Accepted DeliverablesRequirements Management Plan Change RequestsRequirements Traceability Matrix Project document updates

Define Scope Control ScopeProject Charter Project Management PlanRequirements Documentation Requirements DocumentationOPA Requirements Traceability Matrix

Work Performance InformationOPA

Expert Judgement Variance AnalysisProduct AnalysisAlternatives identificationFacilitated Workshops

Project Scope Statement Work performance measurementsProject Document updates OPA updates

Change RequestsProject Management Plan updates

Project Integration Management

Project Scope Management

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ITTO for PMP Exam Based on PMBOK Guide Fourth Edition Prepared by

PMP Study Material from PMChamp.comLegend Process Name Based on PMBOK Guide Fourth Edition

InputsTools & Techniques URL:

Initiating Planning Executing Monitoring & Controlling ClosingProject document updates

Create WBSProject Scope StatementRequirements DocumentationOPADecompositionWBSWBS Dictionary Scope BaselineProject Document updates

Define Activities Control ScheduleScope Baseline Project Management PlanEEF & OPA Project Schedule

Work Performance informationOPA

Decomposition Performance reviewsRolling wave planning Variance analysisTemplates Project Management SoftwareExpert Judgement Resource Levelling

What-if scenarioAdjusting leads and lagsSchedule compressionScheduling tool

Activity List Work Performance measurementsActivity attributes OPA updatesMilestone List Change Requests

Project Management Plan updatesProject document updates

Sequence ActivitiesActivity ListActivity attributesMilestone ListProject Scope StatementOPAPrecedence Diagramming (PDM)Dependency determinationApplying leads and lagsSchedule network templates

Project Schedule network diagramsProject document updates

Estimate Activity ResourcesActivity ListActivity attributesResource calendarsEEF & OPAExpert Judgement Alternative AnalysisPublished estimating dataBottom-up estimatingProject Management SoftwareActivity Resource requirementsResource breakdown structureProject document updates

Project Scope Management

Project Time Management

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ITTO for PMP Exam Based on PMBOK Guide Fourth Edition Prepared by

PMP Study Material from PMChamp.comLegend Process Name Based on PMBOK Guide Fourth Edition

InputsTools & Techniques URL:

Initiating Planning Executing Monitoring & Controlling ClosingEstimate Activity durations

Activity ListActivity attributesActivity Resource requirementsResource calendarsProject Scope StatementEEF & OPAExpert Judgement Analogous estimatingParametric estimatingThree-point estimates (PERT)Reserve AnalysisActivity duration estimatesProject document updates

Develop ScheduleActivity ListActivity attributesResource calendarsProject Scope StatementProject Schedule network diagramsActivity Resources requirementsActivity duration estimatesEEF & OPASchedule network analysisCritical path methodCritical chain methodResource levelling What-if scenario analysisApplying leads and lagsSchedule compressionScheduling tool

Project scheduleSchedule baselineSchedule dataProject document updates

Estimate Costs Control CostsScope Baseline Project Management PlanProject Schedule Project funding requirementsHuman Resource plan Work performance informationRisk register OPAEEF & OPAExpert Judgement Earned Value Management (EVM)Analogous estimating ForecastingParametric estimating To-complete performance index Bottom-up estimating Performance reviewsThree-point estimates Variance analysisReserve analysis Project Management softwareCost of qualityEstimating softwareVendor bid analysisActivity cost estimates Work performance measurementsBasis of estimates Budget forecastsProject document updates OPA updates

Project Time Management

Project Cost Management

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ITTO for PMP Exam Based on PMBOK Guide Fourth Edition Prepared by

PMP Study Material from PMChamp.comLegend Process Name Based on PMBOK Guide Fourth Edition

InputsTools & Techniques URL:

Initiating Planning Executing Monitoring & Controlling ClosingChange requestsProject management plan updates

Project document updatesDetermine Budget

Activity cost estimatesBasis of estimatesScope BaselineProject scheduleResource calendarsContractsOPACost aggregationReserve analysisExpert JudgementHistorical relationshipsFunding limit reconciliationCost performance baselineProject funding requirements

Project document updates

Plan Quality Perform Quality Assurance Perform Quality ControlScope Baseline Project Management plan Project Management planStakeholder register Quality metrics Quality metricsCost performance baseline Work performance information Quality checklistsSchedule baseline Quality control measurements Work performance measurementsRisk register Approved change requestsEEF & OPA Deliverables

OPACost-benefit analysis Plan quality T&T Cause and effect diagramsCost of quality Perform quality control T&T Control chartsControl charts Quality audits FlowchartingBenchmarking Process analysis HistogramDesign of experiments Pareto chartStatistical sampling Run chartFlowcharting Scatter diagramPropreitary QM methodologies Statistical samplingAdditional quality planning tools Inspection

Approved change requests reviewQuality management plan OPA updates Quality control measurementsQuality metrics Change requests Validated changesQuality checklists Project Management plan updates Validated deliverablesProcess improvement plan Project document updates OPA updatesProject document updates Change requests

Project Management plan updatesProject document updates

Develop Human Resource Plan Acquire Project TeamActivity resource requirements Project Management planEEF & OPA EEF & OPAOrganization charts Pre-assignment

Project Cost Management

Project Quality Management

Project Human Resources Management

Page 5: PMP-ITTO

Page 5

ITTO for PMP Exam Based on PMBOK Guide Fourth Edition Prepared by

PMP Study Material from PMChamp.comLegend Process Name Based on PMBOK Guide Fourth Edition

InputsTools & Techniques URL:

Initiating Planning Executing Monitoring & Controlling ClosingPosition descriptions NegotiationNetworking AcquisitionOrganization theory Virtual teamsHuman Resource plan Project staff assignments

Resource calendarsProject Management plan updates

Develop Project TeamProject staff assignmentsProject Management planResource calendarsInterpersonal skillsTrainingTeam building activitiesGround rulesCo-locationRecognition and rewardTeam performance assessmentsEEF updates

Manage Project TeamProject staff assignmentsProject management plan Team performance assessmentsPerformance reportsOPAObservation and conversationProject performance appraisalsConflict Management Issue logInterpersonal skillsOPA & EEF updatesChange requestsProject management plan updates

Identify Stakeholders Plan Communications Distribute Information Report PerformanceProject charter Stakeholder register Project Management plan Project Management planProcurement documents Stakeholder Management strategy Performance reports Work performance informationEEF & OPA EEF & OPA OPA Work performance measurements

Budget forecastsOPA

Stakeholder Analysis Communication reqments analysis Communication methods Variance analysisExpert judgement Communication technology Information distribution tools Forecasting methods

Communication models Communication methodsCommunication methods Reporting systems

Stakeholder Register Communication management plan OPA updates Performance reportsStakeholder Management strategy Project document updates OPA updates

Change requestsManage Stakeholder Expectations

Stakeholder registerStakeholder Management strategyProject Management planIssue logChange logOPACommunication methods

Project Human Resources Management

Project Communications Management

Page 6: PMP-ITTO

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ITTO for PMP Exam Based on PMBOK Guide Fourth Edition Prepared by

PMP Study Material from PMChamp.comLegend Process Name Based on PMBOK Guide Fourth Edition

InputsTools & Techniques URL:

Initiating Planning Executing Monitoring & Controlling ClosingInterpersonal skillsManagement skillsOPA updatesChange requestsProject Management plan updates

Project document updatesPlan Risk Management Monitor and Control Risks

Project scope statement Risk registerCost Management plan Project Management planSchedule Management plan Work performance informationCommunication management plan Performance reportsEEF & OPAPlanning meetings and analysis Risk re-assessment

Risk auditsVariance and trend analysisTechnical performnce measuremntReserve analysisStatus meetings

Risk Management plan Risk register updatesOPA updatesChange requestsProject Management plan updates

Project document updatesIdentify Risks

Risk Management planActivity cost estimatesActivity duration estimatesScope baselineStakeholder registerCost Management plan Schedule Management plan Quality management plan Project documents EEF & OPADocumentation reviewsInformation gathering techniquesChecklist analysisAssumptions analysisDiagramming techniquesSWOT analysisExpert judgement

Risk registerPerform Qualitative Risk Analysis

Risk RegisterRisk Management planProject Scope statementOPARisk probability and impact assessmentsProbability and Impact matrixRisk data quality assessmentsRisk categorizationRisk urgency assessment

Project Communications Management

Project Risk Management

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Page 7

ITTO for PMP Exam Based on PMBOK Guide Fourth Edition Prepared by

PMP Study Material from PMChamp.comLegend Process Name Based on PMBOK Guide Fourth Edition

InputsTools & Techniques URL:

Initiating Planning Executing Monitoring & Controlling ClosingExpert judgement

Risk register updates

Perform Quantitative Risk AnalysisRisk registerRisk Management planCost Management plan Schedule Management planOPA

Expert judgementRisk register updates

Plan Risk ResponsesRisk registerRisk Management planStrategies for negative risksStrategies for positive risksContingent response strategiesExpert judgementRisk register updatesRisk related contract decisionsProject Management plan updatesProject document updates

Plan Procurements Conduct Procurement Administer Procurements Close ProcurementScope baseline Project Management plan Procurement documents Project Management planRequirements documentation Procurement documents Project Management plan Procurement documentationTeaming agreements Source selection criteria ContractRisk register Qualified seller list Performance reportsRisk related contract decisions Seller proposals Approved change requestsActivity resource requirements Project documents Work performance informationProject schedule Make-or-buy decisionActivity cost estimates Teaming agreementsCost performance baseline OPAEEF & OPAMake or buy analysis Bidder conferences Contract change control system Procurement auditsExpert judgement Proposal evaluation techniques Procurement performance reviews Negotiated settlementsContract types Independent estimates Inspection and audits Records Management system

Expert judgement Performance reportingAdvertising Payment systemsInternet search Claims administrationProcurement negotiations Records Management system

Procurement management plan Selected sellers Procurement documentation Closed procurementProcurement statement of work Procurement contract award OPA updates OPA updatesMake-or-buy decision Resource calendars Change requestsProcurement documents Change requests Project Management plan updatesSource Selection criteria Project Management plan updates

Change requests Project document updates

Project Risk Management

Data gathering and representation techniques

Quantitative risk analysis and modeling techniques

Project Procurement Management

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