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Page 2: Pipeline Field Joints - PaintSquare042-52)Pipeline11-14.pdf · Pipeline laying is a continuous process and any field joint ... proven the procedure, the machine can be pre-programmed

n conventional transmission pipeline construction, pipe

lengths are first coated in a plant and then shipped to

the onshore pipeline site (Fig. 1, p. 44) or, for offshore

installation, to either the dockside for loading onto a lay-

barge or to a spoolbase for assembly into a pipeline for

reel barge laying. Both ends of the pipe are left uncoat-

ed to a length of 150 mm (5.9 inches) to allow the indi-

vidual pipes to be welded together onsite to form the

pipeline. These uncoated areas — field joints — need to be pro-

tected from corrosion, heat loss and mechanical damage, and

there is a range of different technologies used to do it. To

ensure that the field joint is not a weak point in the protection

of the pipeline, the coating system selected must also be com-

patible with, and match as closely as possible, the properties of

the factory-applied mainline pipe coating.

Pipeline laying is a continuous process and any field joint

system must be able to be applied quickly so as not to slow

down progress. In addition to the various coating solutions

available, tailored application equipment is commonly used

to provide high speed and repeatable application of the field

joint materials. The automated equipment is designed to

reduce material waste and therefore, limit environmental

damage. Automated application methods minimize risk to the

health and safety of the operator by both reducing exposure

to harmful materials and mitigating the fatigue that can lead

to errors or accidents. This article takes a brief look at some

of the different field joint coating technologies available.

Fused Field Joint Coating or Heat-Assisted Tape WrapHeat-assisted helically wrapped tape, or fused field joint coat-

ing, can provide a totally compatible field joint coating sys-

tem for three-layer polyolefin coated pipelines. In the field,

the system uses existing equipment for abrasive blasting/

surface preparation, and for the application of a fusion bond-

ed epoxy (FBE) and chemically modified polypropylene (CMPP) / JPCL November 2014 43

IPipeline Field JointsExploring the Coating Technologies that Protect Against “Weak Links”

By Adam Wynne Hughes Pipeline Induction Heat Ltd, UK

Fig. 2: Automated MCL coating application. All photos courtesy of Pipeline Induction Heat Ltd.

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machines guarantees

that each field joint

will be coated consis-

tently, in accordance

with the requirements

of the specification.

FBE-coated field

joints offer superior

adhesion to the pipe

substrate, greater sta-

bility and resilience

against higher

pipeline operating

temperatures and

chemical contami-

nants in sub-soil or

sub-sea environ-

ments. Any holidays in the field-applied

coating can be easily detected and

repaired. There is no shielding of the

cathodic protection (CP) system, good

resistance to cathodic disbondment and

total compatibility with the factory-

applied FBE coating.

FBE can be applied as either a single

layer or dual layer, with the dual layer

offering greater mechanical abrasion

resistance. In single-layer systems, the

powder is applied to the pipe by an “

on-pipe” rotating machine, in a fixed

number of passes, to a thickness of up to

800 microns (.03 inches) and a bandwidth

of up to 750 mm (29.5 inches).

For dual-layer systems, the second

layer is applied during the gel time of the

first layer of FBE with the same on-pipe

rotating machine but via a different feed.

A permanent chemical bond is estab-

lished between the two layers of FBE,

offering the best possible field joint char-

acteristics. Typical thickness of the dual-

layer system is up to 1,000 microns (.04

inches) and the bandwidths are the same

as those for a single-layer system.

Particularly for offshore and spoolbase

applications (Fig. 3), closed-cycle abra-

44 JPCL November 2014 /


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or polyethylene (CMPE) dual-powder

base layers. Immediately following is the

machine-applied polypropylene (PP) or

polyethylene (PE) tape, involving a series

of heating processes. The use of heat

ensures that there is total integration

between factory and field joint coatings,

and thus comparable performance. In

other words, there is no “weak link.”

The fused field joint results from com-

plete fusion between both the individual

layers of helically wrapped tape to one

another and to the factory coating over-

lap so that there is no discernible inter-

face between the factory and field joint

coatings. This type of system has an

extensive track record of use on over-

land and offshore pipelines, as well as in


Fusion Bonded EpoxyFusion bonded epoxy (FBE) is a one-part,

heat-curing (thermosetting) powder. Its

use as a mainline pipe coating has been

established for many years, and the

application of a comparable FBE material

at the field joint area ensures compatible

anticorrosion protection for the entire

pipeline length. Using automatic

This webinar will describe thecommon methods of field surfacepreparation, as well as the quality control procedures andinstrumentation associated withsurface preparation inspection.The webinar also describes common methods of coating application in the field, alongwith the quality control procedures and instrumentationassociated with verifying theproper installation of protectivecoating materials.

November 19, 201411:00 a.m.-Noon, EST

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Pipeline Field Joints

Fig. 1: Onshore field joint coating

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/ric / JPCL November 2014 45

sive blasting and a vacuum recovery sys-

tem on the FBE application machines are

used to ensure a clean and healthy envi-

ronment in the vicinity of the coating


Multi-Component Liquid As a result of the need to produce

repeatable, high-quality and reliable field

joint coating systems, multi-component

liquid (MCL) coatings have become the

coating system of choice for multilayer

and fusion bonded epoxy-coated

pipelines in the international onshore

pipeline construction industry (Fig. 2,

p. 42). An MCL field joint coating system

offers compatibility with the factory-

applied coating, excellent adhesive bond

to the factory coating overlap areas and

consistent onsite application. The system

offers a short application cycle time (high

daily production rates) with fast cure


Another advantage of the liquid sys-

tem is that the CP system will not be

compromised, ensuring a continuous

flow of current to any defect. Many other

field joint coating systems “shield” the

CP system, and as a result, defects may

go undetected, leading to serious failure

in the anticorrosion coating system.

There are many different urethane-

and epoxy-based MCL coatings that offer

particular properties appropriate to the

pipeline parameters. Material selection is

based on a number of factors, including

parent coating type, climatic conditions,

operating temperature and pipeline han-

dling conditions during construction.

In order to make the most of the tech-

nical benefits of the MCL coatings that

are available in the market, there are spe-

cially designed and developed automatic

coating application machines. Not only

does the equipment meter the individual

liquid components to the spray head in

the correct ratio, but the on-pipe rotating

spray ring applies the material in a con-

sistently even and repeatable manner to

the specified thickness and band width.

Liquid coating consumption is reduced to

the absolute minimum since overspray

and waste is virtually eliminated, with

obvious HSE benefits.

The application thick-

ness is directly related

to the number of rota-

tions of the machine;

therefore, once prepro-

duction testing has

proven the procedure,

the machine can be pre-

programmed for the

project. It can then be

operated by supervised

local personnel, which

makes the use of MCL

field joint coating sys-

tems commercially

attractive. The equipment can also be

insulated and trace-heated to assist with

application in low ambient temperature


Injection Molded Polyurethane In order to provide an alternative, yet

compatible, field joint coating system for

Fig. 3: Spool base operations.

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three-layer polypropylene (3LPP) anti-

corrosion coated pipelines as well as a

versatile solution for multilayer

polypropylene (MPP) and syntactic

polyurethane (SPU) insulated pipelines,

specially developed and refined injection

molded polyurethane (IMPU) processes

are available (Fig. 4).

These field joint coating systems pro-

vide anticorrosion and where neces-

sary, thermal insulation similar to the

mainline factory coating, while allowing

routine application within the rapid pro-

duction cycle times demanded by

today’s pipeline construction industry.

Similar performance to that of the parent

coating can consistently be achieved

using state-of-the-art solid or SPU injec-

tion molded coatings. These combine a

low overall heat transfer coefficient

(OHTC) with the ability to perform at ele-

vated operating temperatures, while also

providing excellent stand-alone anticor-

rosion properties.

Portable containerized IMPU coating

modules which house purpose-built dis-

pensing equipment can easily be trans-

ported to the job site by conventional

shipping methods, facilitating rapid

setup and deployment alongside the

pipeline welded joints at site.

IMPU field joint systems are now

available offering total compatibility with

the following factory-applied coatings:

• Standard thin-film, typically 1.5- to 4.5-

mm thickness (.06- to .18-inch), three-

layer polypropylene or polyethylene

external anticorrosion coating


• Multilayer fusion bonded epoxy pow-

der (FBE)/solid polyurethane elastomer


• Solid or syntactic polyurethane sys-

tems for pipelines where a very low

OHTC (low “K” factor) is necessary.

Multilayer composite coatings incorpo-

rating an FBE base coat, copolymer

layer, a thick foamed polypropylene,

plus a solid polypropylene sleeve


In addition to offshore laybarge pro-

duction, the IMPU system is suited to

onshore spoolbase operations. The

IMPU field joint coating offers these ben-


• High compatibility with thin-film and

Pipeline Field Joints

Fig. 4: Injection molded polypropylene

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Call for Nominations

There are vibrant, talented youngpeople doing remarkable things inthe protective and marine coatingsindustry today. JPCL will recognizethe best and the brightest in our Annual Bonus Issue, coming in August.

Company leaders can nominate notable young workers whose accomplishments deem them worthy of consideration for inclusion in thishigh-profile issue.

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multilayer polypropylene or polyethylene

line pipe coatings.

• Incompressible polyurethane material

suitable for deep-water applications.

Comparable thermal performance to fac-

tory-applied insulation coating.

• Moderate preheat requirement used

only to accelerate the curing process.

Suitability for field joints, including J-Lay


• Little requirement for diameter-specific


• Fast application and cure times.

Injection Molded PolypropyleneNewer, deeper oil and gas fields produce

hydrocarbons at higher temperatures and

thermal insulation is installed to hydrocar-

bon transmission pipes in order to main-

tain the required flow rates, optimize pro-

ductivity and reduce processing costs.

This has led to the development of new

and innovative thermal insulation sys-

tems, which in addition to improved

thermal efficiencies, can lead to greater

energy savings and reduced environ-

mental impact.

An injection molded polypropylene

coating system (IMPP) has been devel-

oped based on proven technology, pro-

viding excellent thermal insulation val-

ues and offering the same overall U-

value as the factory coating. Following

the welding of thermally insulated pipes

at the project location, IMPP thermal

insulation is then applied to the welded

joint area in order to maintain the

integrity and thermal properties of the

pipe system. The IMPP system has been

designed to be fully compatible with the

Pipeline Field Joints

Fig. 5: Laying an offshore pipeline.

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line pipe coating and the injection mold-

ing process can be applied both in

spoolbase and offshore environments,

both in S-lay and J-lay configurations.

Polyurethane Foam Field Joint InfillInfilling the field joint void on concrete

weight-coated pipe has traditionally

been performed by pouring hot marine

mastic into a mold around the joint. The

mold is usually left in place when over-

boarded by the laybarge. The mastic

needs to be heated to melt it prior to

pouring — a process that consumes a

large amount of energy. Furthermore,

the mastic is poured hot, at approxi-

mately 200 C (392 F), and is therefore

hazardous to handle.

In response to this, an alternative PU-

based infill system is available, offering

improved HSE security as well as the fol-

lowing beneficial features:

• Rapid cycle times.

• Reusable or expendable/disposable

(metallic or plastic) mold systems.

• Compact, reliable application


• Compatibility with all conventional

anticorrosion field joint coating systems.

• Freedom from any ozone depleting

blowing agents.

• Air/water-purged equipment requiring

no solvents.

• Range of foam densities.

The custom-designed high-density

polyurethane foam (HDPF) has a typical

unsaturated molded density between

90 to 160 kg. per cubic meter (5.6 to 10

lbs. per cubic feet). Formulated specifi-

cally for pipeline field joint applica-

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tions, the HDPF system develops a

rigid, open-cell structure. Upon immer-

sion, the open cells absorb water,

thereby increasing in overall density to

approximately 1,025 kg. per cubic

meter (64 lbs. per cubic feet), similar to

seawater itself.

The low-viscosity product formula-

tion of the HDPF system allows “free-

flow” of chemicals to assure quick and

complete filling of the mold within the

cycle times demanded by today’s lay-

barge operators.

The infilling system can incorporate

reusable or permanent molds.

Reusable molding is used in conjunc-

tion with a cardboard fiber liner to cre-

ate a superior, high-strength composite

skin. This system will allow the

demolded field joint to pass over the

Pipeline Field Joints

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laybarge rollers and stinger without damage due to the

fiber liner becoming embedded in the surface of the foam,

creating a resilient outer skin to the joint.

Permanent plastic or metal molds can be used as

required by environmental and operational demands. The

application equipment is neat and compact, consisting of lit-

tle more than two holding tanks, small pumping equipment,

dispensing hoses and


Polypropylene Flame SprayIn order to provide a totally compatible field joint coating sys-

tem for 3LPP- or 3LPE-coated pipelines, PP or PE powder can

be applied by the flame-spray technique. Powder is carried in

a stream of air and is fed into the center of an annular com-

bustion flame where it is heated. A second outer annular noz-

zle feeds a stream of air around the powder stream that accel-

erates the spray particles toward the substrate and prevents

burning of the powder.

The system uses existing equipment for abrasive

blasting/surface preparation and application of fusion bonded

epoxy (FBE) plus chemically modified polypropylene or poly-

ethylene dual-powder base layers. The overall thickness

required is then achieved by applying powder via a flame-

spray gun.

The flame-spray field joint coating system provides a full

three-layer system, which is highly adjustable to field condi-

tions where coating thicknesses of up to 5 mm (.19 inches)

are required. While the flame-spray system can also provide a

useful service for tie-ins or as a back up for a polypropylene

or polyethylene fused field joint system, it is a thoroughbred

field joint coating system by itself.

The PP powder system has an extensive track record of use

on overland and offshore pipelines, as well as in spoolbases.

ConclusionThe common, high-performance field joint coating systems

covered here are by no means an exhaustive list. There are

also simple “tape-wrap” systems, such as PVC and petrola-

tum, heat-shrink tape systems and non-hardening visco elastic


Whether onshore or offshore in the world of pipeline con-

struction, no two operations are exactly the same. With this in

mind, specialist field joint coating contractors design cus-

tomized solutions that address every aspect of the field joint

coating requirements for each specific project. JPCL

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